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The Essex Antiquarian
■ /
Volume IX
W^t (St^^tt iainttqttattan
Answers, 88, 143; 216, 47; 293, 48; 306, 95;
307, 95; 314, 95; 4251 191 ; 438, 191; 442,
Bank, The Land, 135.
Bay View Cemetery, Gloucester, Inscrip-
tions IN, 68.
Berry Notes, 25, 86.
Bisco, Elizabeth, 108.
Bishop Notes, 113.
Blanchard Genealogies, 26, 71.
Blaney Genealogy, 32.
Blasdell Genealogy, 49.
Blunt Genealogy, 110.
Blyth Genealogy, 112.
Boardman Genealogy, 145.
Bodwell Genealogy, 171.
Bond Genealogy, 177.
Bridge, The Old, 161.
Browne, Richard, Will of, 160.
Essex County Men at Martha's Vineyard
before 1700, 134.
Gloucester Inscriptions :
Ancient Burying Ground, i.
Bay View Cemetery, 68.
Old Cemetery at Lanesville, 106.
Ancient Cemetery, West Gloucester, 152.
Hymns, The Old, 142.
Inscriptions. See Gloucester Inscriptions.
Ipswich Court Records and Files, 43, 124.
Ipswich Town, 87.
Jarrat, John, Will of, 36.
Jewett, Mrs. Ann, Will of, 159.
Jewett, Joseph, Will of, 113.
Lambert, Francis, Will of, 36.
Lambert, Jane, Will of, 67.
Land Bank, The, 135.
Lanesville, Gloucester, Inscriptions in
Old Cemetery at, 106.
Martha's Vineyard, Essex County Men at,
before 1700, 134.
New Publications, 48, 95, 143, 192.
Norfolk County Records, Old, 137.
Old Norfolk County Records, 137.
Parrot, Francis, Will of, 66.
Peabody, Rev. Oliver, 23.
Peasley, Joseph, Will of, 123.
Perkins, John, Will of, 45.
Pike, John, sr., Will of, 64.
Piscataqua Pioneers, 191.
Queries, 442-444, 47; 445-448, 95; 449> 45°,
143; 451,452, 191.
RoGEus, Rev. Ezekiel, Will of, 104.
Rogers Rev. Nathaniel, Will of, 65.
Salem Court Records and Files, 61, 154.
Salem in 1700, No. 18, 37.
Salem in 1700, No. 19, 72.
Salem in 1700, No. 20, 114.
Salem in 1700, No. 21, 162.
Smith, James, Will of, 161.
Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution,
Suffolk County Deeds, 97.
*' Arise ye Dead," 3.
Babbidge, Christopher, House, Salem, 77.
Staircase in, 76.
Bank Bill, Ipswich, 97.
Beside the River in Ipswich, 49.
Bill, Ipswich Bank, 97.
English, Phillip, House, Salem, 145.
Houses in Salem :
Christopher Babbidge, 77.
Philip English, 145.
Ipswich Bank Bill, 97.
Ipswich, Beside the River in, 49.
Map of Part of Salem in 1700, No. 18, 38.
Map of Part of Salem in 1700, No. 19, 75.
Map of Part of Salem in 1700, No. 20, 117.
Map OF Part of Salem in 1700, No. 21, 164.
Peabody, Rev. Oliver, Portrait of, i.
River in Ipswich, Beside the, 49.
Salem in 1700, Map of Part of, No. 18, 38.
Salem in 1700, Map of Part of. No. 19, 75.
Salem in 1700, Map of Part of. No. 20, 117.
Salem in 1700, Map of Part of. No. 21. 164.
Staircase in Christopher Babbidge House,
Salem, 76.
The Essex Antiquarian.
Vol. IX.
Salem, Mass., January, 1905.
The ancient burial-place in Gloucester,
situated near the railroad station, was
used very early. The oldest gravestone
now standing and decipherable bears date
of 1 71 1. The following are all the in-
scriptions to be found there bearing dates
prior to 1800.
ye 22D 1728.
Here Lyeth Buried y® Body
of M^ Ebenezer Allen
who departed this Life
AGED 20 YEARS 2 M« & -^^^
DEC^ AUG'^ Y« — »
Y«^ 6 1724
DEC» AUG'^ Y« 28'*^
Here Lies Buried
The Body of
Joseph Allen Esq^
who Departed this Life
April y® 6*^ 1750.
In the 69*^ Year
of his Age.
Joseph Allen
SON OF m""
Nathaniel & m"*^
Mary Allen
March 4*^
7 52.
Joseph Allen
SON OF m'^
Nathaniel & m""^
Mary Allen
March 30*^
7 5 2.
OF Joshua Allen
SON OF m'^ Nathaniel
& m""^ Mary Allen
died april 18**"
I 7 5 *
DAU^ OF m'' Nathaniel
Allen & Mary his wife
aged 4 MONTHS &
15 DAYS died august
Mary Allen
daughter of m^
Mary Allen
WAS born march
THE 29th & DIED
APRIL Ye 5th
Here lies Buried
the Body of M"
Mary Allen
the wife of M'^
Nathaniel Allen
Died June the 4*^
1753. Aged 29
Year and 9 Days.
Here lies the Body of
M'^^ Mary Allen wife
of M^ Benjamin Allen
who Departed this Life
Here lyes the Body of
m'" Mary Allen, the
Vertuous & amiable Wife
of Deacon David Allen;
She departed this Life
Aug* ye 29. 1765. in the
43 Year of Her Age.
The memory of y« Juft is Bleffed.
Here lyeth Buried y® Body
of M^" Sarah Allen
the wife of M'^ Ebenezer
Allen who departed this
Life Feb'^y 10^^ 1765.
the 27"
of her Age.
Here lies the Remains of
M^^" Sarah Allen
the Vertuous and agreeable
Confort of Cap* Jacob Allen
who Died June 9*^ 1772
in the 38*^ Year of her Age
My Body feels Death conquering hand
Is summoned to the Grave
My breath Refigns at thy command
And Christ my Life will Save.
Here lies Interr'd the
Remains of
M' .Zerubbable Allen
who departed this Life
February y® 4*^ i749
In y® 47*^ Year of his Age.
In Memory of
Anne Maria Babbit
Dau^^ of Doc*^ Thomas
& M^^ Mary I. Babbit,
Born June 10*^ 1788
died Ocr 16**^
yE'' 4 Months.
Here lies the Body of
Son of Cap* JAMES &
Departed this Life
A u g«* 1778
d 4
Here lyes y® Body of
m'" Hannah Babson
Widow to Cap*
James Babson;
Who Departed this Life
November the 26*^ i759,
Aged 43 Years.
to the Memory of
Cap* James Babson
who departed this Life
Oct^ lo*^ i790>
M^ 49
Here lies the Body of
Dau'^ of Cap* JAMES &
Departed this Life
O c t"^ 1774
Aged 4 Years
Here lies Interred
the Body of
Miles Barnes of Bojton^
Mafter of the Ship Induftry,
who departed ^this Life
Together with all said
Ships company which was
wreck'd on Salt Island in a
Storm on the 1 1 of January
In the 54 Year
Of his age.
Remember man you are but duft.
Here Lyeth
Buryed the Body
of Ro ch Be
of lu'^e AD
' 8**" y"^ of her
i«' 1724/5
Here Lies
Buried the Body of
M" Mary Bennet
the Wife of M'^
Stephen Bennet f he
Died June
1788 in the
year of her
ry V®
8*^ 1738,
In Memory of
wife of
Died May 21"
in the 38*^ Year
of her Age.
to the Memory of the
Rev. Samuel Chandler,
Pastor of the first Church
in Gloucester,
who died April 16
1775. M. 62.
The memory of the just is
Memory of
Mrs. Sarah Burnham
And her Children
Samuel Betsy Samuel Davis
Aaron and Moses.
Mrs. Aaron Burnham
Endured an agonizing sickness
without a murmur, and closed a
well spent life April 25, 18 14;
JEt. 59.
Remembrance shall her story tell,
Affection of her virtues speak ^
With beaming eye and burning cheek;
Each action word and look recall ^
The last the lovliest of all.
When on the lap of death she lay
Serenely smiled her Soul away^
And left surviving friendships breast
Warm with the sunset of her rest.
Samuel died Aug. 29, 1788;
Aged 21 days.
Betsy died May 30, 1 792 ;
Aged 8 months & 5 days.
Samuel Davis died Dec. 14, 1795;
Ag&di 5 months & 20 days.
Aaron died at sea Dec. 8, 1805;
Aged 23 years
All more than common Menaces an end
A blaze betokens brevity of life.
Moses died at Plymouth England
Oct. 181 2; Aged 26 years.
Death oppressed thee far from home;
An helpless stranger no familiar voice ,
No pitying eye, cheered thy last pangs.
to the Memory of
Mifs Betsey Coffin
Youngef t Dau*^
of the Hon^^® Peter Coffin Efq'^
who departed this Life
Ocf^ 27*^ 1793
Aged 29 Years.
Be it Remembred
that here lies the Body
Of the Hon»'^« Peter Coffin Efq'"
who died Feb^^ 14*^
Aged 72 Years.
He was a true Patriot a Pacific Magiftrate
An Examplarey Chriltian and a Friend to
Here lies Y® Body of
m" Hannah Coit
the wife of Cap'
Nathaniel Coit
Aged 89 Years
y« 10*^ 174 2/3
to the Memory of
M^* Polly Collins
the amiable confort of
CoP Daniel Collins,
who departed this Life
March the 19"^ ^793
In the 40*^ Year of her age
Here lyes y® Body of
m'"^ Rebecca Collins
Confort of Cap*^
James Collins,
Who departed this life
Feby y® 17'^ 1770 Aged
44 Years i Month 29! D*
MON*^« & 23 DAYS DEC^
I 7
tThis number is uncertain.
DIED DEC^ Y« 21* A. D.
Sacred to the
who departed
July 21" 1793.
year of
memory of
this Life
In the 74'^
his age.
In Memory of
the virtuous and
Agreeable Confort of
who Departed this Life
Nov'^ the 8*^ 1778
Aged 28 Years
In Memory of
Diedjan'-y 12*^ 1779
Aged 2 Years & 17 Days
I 7 4 I.
DEC^ AUG^ Y« 20
I 7 3
IN Y« 52
DEC*^ JULY Y« 28 1732,
IN Y« 38*^ YEAR
&9 MO
I 7 3 I
AUG ST 28'*^
m'^ Ezekiel
Day Y® third
* Broken.
EzEKiEL Day Jun''
IN Y« 48*^ YEAR
In memory of
Petsey Amealy Dexter
dautr of Mr. William
& Mrs Betsey Dexter
died Septr 12 1798
^tat I year
She is gone; the suffering angel's fled
In tomb'd, her ashes with the silent dead
But O the joyfuU day will suetly come
When we shall meet again & meet at home
Then part no more but there supreamly bleft
Live & enjoy eternal peace & reft.
this turf lies Buried
the mortal remains of
William Henry DoUiver
Son of William &
Elizabeth DoUiver
who died Nov'^ 5 i794
Aged 16 Months
Short was his life to Heaven his spirit s fiown
Rests with its God, ^^ finds a peaceful home
& M"
& 3 D«
DIED JULY io«^ 1743
AGED 37 YEARS & 5 M«
D E C^ F E B«Y
I 7 3
I 3
Here Lyes y® Body of
m" Mary Ellery,
Wife to M'^
John Stevens Ellery,
Who departed this Life
JSfov^r ye 25tl> 1770
Aged 21 Years.
Here lies Buried the
Body of Cap*
Nathaniel Ellery
who Departed this Life
May the 30*^ 1761
In the 78*^ Year
of his Age.
Here Lies Buried y® Body
of m'^^ Rachel Ellery
the Virtuous and amiable
Confort of m'^ Nathaniel
Ellery jun^ who Departed
this Life july the i
1750. In the 19
Year of her Age.
The Memory of ye Just is Blefsed.
Here lyes Buried
the Body of
Cap* WiLUAM Ellery;
Who departed this Life
Sepr the 20*^ 1 77 1
Aged 78 Years.
DECi^MAYy« 14*^^ 1737
Here Lyes Buried
the Body of Cap*
Elias Elwell;
Who Departed this Life
May the 14*^ AnnoDom''*
1752. Aged 43 Years.
tender Remembrance
Consort of
who died July 27*^ 1784 :
Aged 52.
Her faultless heart receives
the High reward of an unblemished
This stone is to perpetuate
the memory of
Cap* William Fuller
died at sea 1777.
his virtuous consort
M'^" Mary Fuller
died Aug^* 16*^ 1804,
JE. 62.
m'" Sarah
Here lies
Buried the Body of
Daniel Gibbs Esq*
who Departed this Life
March the 21'*
Aged 60
Here lies Interred
the Body of
m" Mary Gibbs
Widow of
Daniel Gibbs
who departed this Life
January 27*^ 1769
Aged 60 Years
In Memory of
Eliza Gorham
Dau' of M'' SOLOM° &
m' Sarah Gorham
died Aug^'^ 29*^
1774 Aged 10 M**
To perpetuate the
memory of
Capt Frederick Oilman
who on a Journey
for the recovery of his health
died at Reading
on the 19 of may 1798
j^tat. 33
His mortal remains were thence remov'd
to his deserted dome and
on the next day
were in solemn Procefsion
attended by
the artillery company of this Town
of which he was
their much refpected commander
the Officers of the 3d Regiment
and by a numerous train of
sympathizing Friends & Citizens
the tender huf band affectionat Parent
the Benefactor of the poor
the Generous friend & patriotic citizen
were confpicuous traits
in his character
as he lived Beloved so he died
greatly Lamented
Memento Mori.
Here lies the Body of
Deacon EL^^ GROVER;
who departed this Life
Dec' 25*^ 1795,
in the 86*^ Year of his Age.
As he lived the Chriftian,
fo he died in the Chriftian faith
in a good old Age. full of Days
and fatiffied with Life.
Hear what the Voice from Heaven proclaims
For all the pios Dead;
Sweet is the Savor of their Names ^
And f oft their fleeping Bed.
In Memory of
Mr. Solomon Gorham
who died Dec"^
/Etat 47.
Daniel Grover
I 7 6 I*
Here lies the Remains of
M'"' Mary Grover
Late wife to M'^ Samuel
Stevens, which Departed
this Life June the i"' 1758
In the 82^ Year
of her Age.
Here lies Buried
the Body of
the very Agreeable &
virtuous wife of
who Departed this Life
May 1 8*^ 1786.
Aged 73 Years.
Y« 6*^ 1732/3
IN Y« 20*^ YEAR
Here lyes buried in the duft of death
not to rife until the Heavens be no more
the Body of
Cap* William Hales,
who departed this Life
on the V'^ of June mdccxc
Y® 12 1724
To'»» 172*
OF *
In Memory of
who departed this Life,
May 12*^ 1792.
Aged 46 Years.
Death, thou haft conquer'd me,
I with thy Dart am flain,
But Chrijt has conquer'd thee,
And I fhall rife again.
Here lies tm^ Body
OF m'^ Hannah Hodgkin
WIFE TO M. Samuel
Hodgkin Aged 64
Years & 4 Months
died Sept^ 1 6***
Here lies Buried
the Body of
Cap* Robert Honners
who departed this
Life September y
Aged 53 Years.
e Mtb
th IN
Here lies
the mortal Remains
Of Mrs Elizabeth Hough ^
Confort of
Mr Benjamin K. Hough,
& Second Dau*'^ of Mr. David Pluaier
who died July 19
Aged JO Years.
The greateft Purity
Attain'd on Earth I would deny;
Nor Good confefs, in name or thing
But Chrift my Lord my Life my King.
Memory of
Mr Richard Foster Hough
who died June 8
jEtat 19
In Memory of
Wife of
who died Feb'^y 3*
In the 53** Year
of her Age.
In Memory of
who died Jan'^ 13***
in the 73^ Year
of his Age.
Here lies buried
the Body of
Wife to M'
Joseph Jackson Jun'^
who departed this Life
July Y® 12'^ 1766,
Aged 22 Years.
TTiis stone is etectedy to
ferpetuate the memory of
Cap* Job Knights who was
lost at Sea iy86. JSt. jg
&* his virtuos consort
M^* Abigail Knights,
who died Feb, j, 1803. Mt, j^,
The memory of the just, is blefsed.
Here lies buried
The Remains of
Wife of
who departed this Life
April 8*^ 1777 in the
^^rd Year of her age
To the memory of
Mrs Martha Locke
Confort of
Mr Joseph Locke ;
who departed this Life
Nov"^ 17. 1796.
Aged 23 Years & 6 months.
For earth too pure the pilgrim Angel flies
To bllfs congenial in her native skies.
Of life though Youth a flattering picture drew
She sigh'd and bade a worthlefs world Adieu. |
Torn from her arms her Cherub Infant lies
Like a fallen flower and withering fades & dies|
By angels borne it speeds to Heaven, & there
It blooms forever fresh forever fair,
Celestial Saint one parting tear forgive
While not for You, but for ourselves we grieve
Alfo Martha Locke their dautr
Died Janry 22 1797. M- 8 mons
In Memory of
Confort of
of Bofton, who departed
this Life April 4'^ 1 789,
in the 81"* Year
of her Age.
In Memory of
Cornelius Low
son of M' Nath^
& M" Eliz*h Low
Died Sep' Y« f^
1767 Aged
4 Months & I D^^
In Memory of
Eliza Daughter of
David & Eliza Low
who died March 20.
1794 aged 3 years
8 ms. & 22 days.
In Memory
Died Dec'
Years 2
M« &
Here lies Interr'd the Remains of
m'^ Elizabeth Low the Virtuous
& Amiable Confort of m'^ Nathaniel
Low who died Auq^^ ii*^ i77o«
in Y® 31" Year of her Age.
While fhe lived was univerfally
refpected & her Death much lamented
Blefsed are the Dead
who die in the Lord.
HERE lies the BODY OF
m'^^ Mary Low wife of
deacon John Low
died may y® 3*^ 1748
■ St
IN THE 41'
Favour is deceitful & beauty is
Vain but a woman that f eareth
the Lord she shall be praised.
In Memory of
Ifaac Low, Son of
David & Eliza
Low. he died
Sep* 12, 1788
aged 12. days.
John Low Efq'
died suddenly
Nov"^ 3. 1796
JStat 68.
While pafsing through life he filled several
Important offices both in church & state
The duties of which he dischar'd with
Punctuality exhibiting the true Chnftian the
Warm patriot & benevolent Friend.
Swift was his flighty <Sr» short his road
He closed his eyes <Sr* saw his GoD.
Here Lies the Mortal Remains
of M' JOHN LOW Jun'
& Eldeft daughter
who departed this life
February 7*^ 1793.
in the 33*^ Year
of her Age.
The fweet Remembrance of the Juft
Shall flourif h when They Ueep in Duft
This Stone is erected
repetuate the memories
of Mrs Sarah Low the agreable
and virtuous confort
of John Low Efq"^
and their amiable Dau*'
Mifs Mary Low
the former died
Ocr 7 1775
JEtat. 49.
the latter Ocf 5 the same year
jEtat 18
and were Interd on the same day
in on Grave.
So sleep the saints and ceafe to groan
When sin (Sr» death have done their worst
Chrift hath a glory like his own
Which waits to clothe their waking duft
1767 in Y*
to the memory of
Mrs. Lydia Mason
Consort of Mr. Thomas Mason
who died May 27, 1791.
M\. 32.
Fled from the cares and toils of life ^
No more a mother y no viore a tender wife^
Snatch"^ d in eternity s unbounded space
Sinking redeeming love and matchless grace.
to the Memory of
widow Hannah M^Kean
'I who died
July 23, 1791 :
JE. 71.
Here lies buried
the Body of
m" Abigail Parsons
Wife of M'^
Solomon Parsons
who died Feb'^y 15*^ 1741
In the 35*^ Year
of her Age.
Here lyes Buried
the Body of Eider
Ebenezer Parsons
Who departed this Life
DecemT Y'' 19
Aged 82
Here lies buried
the Body of Deacon
Isaac Parsons
Who Departed this Life
July y* 5*^ 1767
In the 54**^ Year
of his Age
MARCH Y« 11*^ 1732/3
IN Y® 79*^ YEAR
here lies buried
the body of m^*
Jemima Parsons
Ebenezer Parsons
dec° April 25*^
1752 IN Y® 66*^ YEAR
OF her AGE
OF JuDETH Parsons
DEACON William Parsons
Nov^ 20*^ 1753.
Here lies Buried
the Body of
Lucy Parsons
au' of m'^ Solomon
GAIL Parsons
* *^ 1750
DEC^^ OCBR Y« 2^
Mary Parsons wife of
Deacon William Parsons
WHO departed this life
aged 45 years.
the memory of the Just is Blefsed.
Here lies Buried
the Body of
Meriam Parsons
Dau'^ of M^ Solomon
& M'^" Abigail Parsons
died April 25*^ 1742
Aged 10 Months
ye 20th 1 722
IN Ye 47th YEAR
Nathaniel Parsons
I 7 f
THE 31
Here lies buried
the Remains of M" SARAH PARSONS
the agreeable and virtuous Confort
She died with the small pox
the 29*^ day of Jan'^ 1779
the 65*^ Year of her Age.
The Righteous hath hope in their Death
And their expectation Ihall not be cut of.
Here lies buried
the Remains of that Sincere Christian,
who zealoully supporting the character
of a difciple of Jefus Chrilt through the
series of Life departed in peace
on the 24th of March 1779 with the
animating profpect of future Glory,
JE. 74
Be ye followers of them who through faith
and patience inherit the promifes for
saith the spirit, they reft from their
labor and their works follow them
here lies buried
the body of deacon
William Parsons
who departed this life
July y® 10^^ i755»
the memory of the Just is Blefsed.
Here lies buried
the Body of
M"^* Abigail Pearce
who departed this Life
July V"" 1766
in the 83 "^ Year
of her Age.
Memory of
died June 19*^ 1792.
in the 53** Year
of her age.
In Memory of
Son of DAVID
died Febry loth 1799,
Aged 4 Years.
Peace to thy dusty Bed, thou lovly sleeping Clay,
There rest thy weary Head till the great rising Day
Then quit thy dark abode a Cherub blooming bright
To love and serve thy Ood In Beatific Light,
In Memory of
Dau'^ of DAVID &
died June 6**^ 1778
Aged 10 Months
In Memory of
died Sep* 21^* 1798
Aged 18 Months.
Peace to thy dusty Bed^ thou lovly sleeping Clay^
There rest thy weary Head till the great ridng Day
Then quit thy dark abode a C herul blooming bright^
To love and serve Thy God in beatific Light.
In Memory of
Daughter of JAMES &
who diedFebryiSthi 796
Aged 15 Months.
Here lie fweet babes, and
Then rife unchanged and
In Memory of
Daughter of JAMES &
who diedjuly 27th 1784
Aged 8 months.
wait th' Almighty's will
be young Angels f till.
Here lies Buried
the Body of
Wife of Cap*
Died 11*^ Sep* 1777.
Aged 32 Years.
Elizabeth Plumer
DAU^ OF Doct^
SaM^ & M'^*
Eliz*^^ Plumer
DIED march 29*^
In Memory of
Confort of
who departed this Life
22*^ Sep* in the Year
of our Lord 1788,
Aged 43 Years.
Blefsed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Here lyes Inter'd
The Remains of
Cap* James Pearson ;
who departed this Life
March 24*^ 1789 .
in the 77*^ Year
of His Age
To die to Live how happy such a death
To die to live in Blifs surpafsing thought
To live in Blifs to all Eternity.
Here lies Buried y® Body of
M*^' Elizabeth Plumer
the Virtuous & amiable Confort
of Docf Samuel Plumer
whio departed this Life
July y® 14*^ 1760
Aged 30 Years.
To the Memory of
Major James Pearson
who died October 14**^
AD 1793
^tat. 4 1 .
Beneath this turf clad Mound,
a Fathom deep,
Sunk is the Bark of this once
Ventrous Seaman,
While joyous, to the Port of Heaven
has Sail'd,
Spirit conveye'd by Cherubic legions
Here lyes y® Body of
y® Widow Mary Perkins,
y® Amiable Confort of Capt.
Benjamin Perkins ;
who Departed this life
March y® 21"
1759, iny
^ Year of Her Age.
Here lies the Body of
Wife of
who departed this Life
the 11*^ Sep* 1 78 1
Aged 40 Years & 6 M**
M^® Hannah Plumer
Samuell Plumer
DIED Aug"** I** 1752.
Here lies the Body of
M'' Judith Plumer
wife to M^
David Plumer
who Departed this Life
March the 10*^ 1762
Aged 24 Years.
M^ Mary Plumer
Samuel Plumer
DIED oct^ 15*^ 1749.
Mary Plumer
dau^ of doct^
SaM^ & M"
Mary Plumer
2» I
7 I 7/18
I 3
Here lies buried
the Body of
M"^* Lydia Porter
the Virtuous Wife of
M' James Porter
who Departed this Life
4 N o v'^ 1773.
Aged 31 Years.
Here lyes y® Body of
m"^^ Abigail Prince Wife
to Cap* John Prince
Who departed this
Life, Dec^"^ 4*^ A. D. 1744
Aged 64 Years & 9 M°
Here lies Buried
the Body of
Cap* John Prince
who Departed this
Life the 19*^ of April
I 7 6 .7
In the 92^ Year
of his Age.
♦Buried in the ground.
here lies y^ body of
m" Abigail Ray
the wife of doct^
Caleb Ray who
DIED sep"^ y® 2^
Ye 3
I St
DECEMBER Y« 4*^ 1730
Obedient Son & Free From Strife
At GODs Command Resigns his Life
1736 IN Y« 47*^
Ye i6th 1711
1743. IN THE 58*^
Here lyes the Body of
^ lEL Rogers, Son
NIEL & M'^
Eliza * Rogers
Who died De *
1768. Aged I Year
5 Months & 8 Days
Here lyes the Body of
M^* Elizabeth Rogers,
the virtuous & amiable Confort
of M^ Daniel Rogers,
Who departed this Life
March the 14*^ 1769.
Aged 29 Years.
In Memory of
George Rogers Son of
Daniel Rogers Efq"^
who was drowned
July 4 1792
Aged 6 Years & 2 mon^
In memory of
Pastor of the J^^ Church in
Gloucester ;
who died very suddenly
Oct. 4, 1782 :
^t. 63.
*' The memory of the just is blessed.**
Here lyes y^ Body of
M'" Lucy Rogers the
Virtuous & & Amiable Confort
of m' Timothy Rogers
Who Departed this Life
April 28*^ Anno Domi 1759, ^ y*
Year of Her Age.
Memory of
Nancy Rogers
Dau' of Mr. John Rogers
who died March 29
jEtat s Years.
In Memory of
Rachel Rogers Dau*'
of m'^ Daniel & m'^"
Rachel Rogers who
died Aug. 19" 1771. Aged
7 Months & 5 Days.
In Memory of
Rachel Rogers,
Dau*'' of m' Daniel &
m'^ Rachel Rogers
who died Oct. y® ii*'^
1773- Aged i Year
8 Months & 20 Days.
Beneath this Turf
lies Buried
All that was once mortal
Of the amiable
Mtfs Susan Rogers
who died Jan'^y 16 :
JEtat 21 Years.
Thus early by her Heavenly Father was
She recall' d from this World of Woe with
Him to receive the reward of ye Virtuous.
A Blefsed Immortality.
^Friends murmur noty what ever is is right
Blefsed with her GOD she dwells in endlefs light.
lyes Buried y® Body of
Susanna Rogers,
y Virtuous & Amiable Confort
of the Rev*^ m"^ John
Rogers ; Who Departed
this Life April 20^"^ Anno Dom^^ 1746
in y® 23* Year of Her Age.
In Chrift my Life lies hid & when he who is my life Ihall
appear then Ihall I appear with him in Glory.
Here lyes y® Body
of Sufanna Rogers
Daug*"^ of f Rev* M"^
John Rogers & M"
Sufanna his Wife ;
Who Died May 5*^
1746 Aged 17 Days
Here lyes Buried
the Body of Cap*
Timothy Rogers ;
Who departed this
Life June 22^ 1766.
Aged 45 Years.
•ffn /lftemoci3 of
Hannah Rowe,
Daughter of John
& Esther Rowe :
who departed this Life
Auguft 25*^ A, D. 1794,
Aged 19 Months & 15 Days.
Let this be the parental consolation^
as her Soul was spotlefs as purity;
its flight was
* Saunders
ife to
HOMAS Saunders,
ho Departed this Life
February Y® 12'^ 1767.
in the 90*^ Year
of her Age.
THE 17*^ 1742,
Here lyes y® Body
of Jofeph Sanders
fon of M' Thomas
& M" Judeth Sanders
Died April
Aged 25
Here lies Buried
the Body of
Cap* Joseph Sanders
who departed this Life
December y« 23* 77(5/
Aged 25 Years.
Here lies buried
M" Judith Saunders
the Wife to
Cap* Thomas Saunders
who departed this Life
Auguft Y® 30**^ 1770
in the 60 Year
of her Age
Beneath this sod
Is deposited all that was mortal
Of Mrs Lucy Saunders
wife of
The Hon^^® Thomas Saunders. Efq'^
Eldeft Dau*' of Rev^ D'^ Thomas Smith
of Portland
She died June 5*^
In the 48 year of her age
1742. IN THE 67*^
Here lies buried
the Body of
who Departed this Life
Oct^ 24*^ 1774
Aged 70 Years.
♦Broken. "Abigail Saunders" is the name
on the footstone.
Here lies Buried
the Body of the Hon'^^®
Thomas Saunders Efq'^
Who departed this Life
January the 10*^^ i774
in the 45*^ Year of his Age
In Memory of
who died Dec'^ 18*^ 178 1
in her 67*^ Year
of her Age.
ye 27**^ 1747
1724 IN Y« 65
In Memory of
Nathaniel fon of Cap*
Nathaniel Sargent & M^
Abigail his wife who died
April 5*** 1786 Aged 5 years
1724 IN Y® 44
Y« iST 1746.
LIFE JULY Y« 16*^ 1746
allfo Deborah Sawyer Daur of Mr
James & Mrs Deborah Sawyer Aged
4Years & 8 mo Died July ye 1 7th 1 846.
DEC^ APRIL Y« 11**^ 1741
JULY Y« I 3*^ I 7 3 4
She was to Us i' th' Days of her sweet Life
A tender Mother and a golden Wife;
But now She's gone unto a Place of Rest :
God's Will in Life or Death is always best.
Us left in Time for her to mourn and cry
God grant that wee may all get good thereby
Here lyes Buried
The Body of Elder
James Sayword
who Died February
the 13*^ 1736/7
In the 68**» Year
of His Age.
Here lies the Body of
M"^ Daniei, Smith
who departed this Life
years 9
In Memory of
that Wvorihv good man
who deceased Jan^ 9***
1789. in the 67*^ Year
of his age.
The fvveet Remembrance of the Juf t
Shall flourifh when they f leep in duf t
DEC» OCT» Y® 3^^
Here lyes y® Body of
m" Mary Smith y® Amiable
Confort of M^ Alexander
Smith ; Who Departed this
life Sepr 12**^ 1759, ill t
24**^ Year of Her Age.
In Memory of
died 23d Sept
Aged 5 Weeks
Here lay f weet babes &
Then rife unchang'd &
In Memory of
died nth June 1782.
Aged 1 2 Months
& 21 Days.
wait the almighty's will
be young Angels still.
In memory of
Mifs Sally Smith
the very amiable virtuous
and only Dau*'^
of Cap* John Smith J"^
who departed this Life
Feb''y 20 1795
MXzX 19.
Here lies Buried
the Body of
late of Falmouth
who Died at Gloucester
on the 10*^ Day of Feb'^
^tatis 40.
Man at his beft eftate is altogether Vanity,
Abi vive Deo.
I 7 3 I
M" ElIZ*>^
In Memory of
m'^ Polly Somes, Confort
of m'^ John Somes ;
who departed this Life
Sep^ the i8*»^ 1778.
Aged 25 Years.
In memory of
Cap* Samuel Somes
who departed this Life
March 27 1797
Aged 41 Years.
In Memory of
Wife of
who died Feb'^y jq*^
Aged 55 Years.
Here lyes y® Body of
M" Elizabe**^ Stacey
Wife to M' John
Stacey Who Died
Octob' 25*^ 1733
Aged 61 Years
Here lies the Body of
m'^^ Elizabeth Stacy ;
Wife of Deacon
Nymphas Stacy
Who departed this Life
Sep^ the 9*^ 1768
Aged 39 Years.
Here lyes y® Body of
M^^' Hannah Stacy
Wife to Dea*'^" Nymphas
Stacy, Who Died
May y® i" 1761 in y®
59**^ Year of Her Age.
In Memory of
Mrs. Hannah Stagey
Relict of
Mr. John Stacey,
who died July 8*^ 1771
^t. 39.
declined beneath this humble Turf
Sacred the dear Remains we trust
Till the great Refurrection trump
Reanimate and raise the just.
Here lyes Buried
y« Body of M'^
John Sta ge y;
Who Died Feb^'y
22^ 1732, in y® 67*^
Year of His Age.
In Memory of
Betsey Stevens
Dau^ ofW Zaghariah
& M'^^ Betsy Stevens
who died June 12, 1795
Aged I Year & 9 M**
Here lies buried
the Body of
Wife of
Died Aug«* 18**^ 1778
in the 65*^ Year
of her Age.
Here lies Buried the Body
of m'^ John Stacy
who Departed this Life
July 13
6 Months
Universally respected while Living
And his Death as much Lamented.
Here lies y® Body of
John Stacy
son of M' John &
M^^ Hannah Stacy
Died Dec'' J7«* 1768
Aged 1 1 Years & 4 M^
Lies the Mortal Remains
of M^^s ELIZABETH STEVENS, who was
firff married to Coll JOHN GORHAM 1732
and after his deceafe 1751, was married
to Coll JOHN STEVENS 1755 and died
on the 25th Day of Decemt)er 1786,
in the 73 Year of her Age.
She Supported this Life the Chriftian Character,
and moved in the Various Circles
of Domeftic Life with Honour & Dignity.
The Affectionate Wife
The Tender Mother
The Exemplary Widow
And the Pious Friend.
Write, Blefsed are the dead who die in the Lord .
In Memory of
Mary Stacy Dau*'
of M'^ Nymphas &
M" Hannah Stacy
Who Died Feb"- 21"
1760 Aged 19 Years.
In Memory of
Deac^ Nymphas Stacy.
who died Nov'' 14*^
Aged 75 Years.
Here lyes y® Body of
Philemon Stacy Son
of M*^ Nymphas &
M'^ Hannah Stacy
Who Died Octo^'^ 4*^
1742 Aged lo Years
Lies the Mortal Remains
who died April 13th 1779,
Aged 72 Years,
In whofe Character was united
The Firm Patriot
The Ufeful Citizen
The Exemplary Chriftian
The Affectionate Hufband
The Tender Parent. Social Friend
And Honeft Man.
In memory of
Mrs. Mary Stevens
who died March 27*^
♦Buried in the ground.
Here lies Buried
the Body of M"
Rachel Stevens
the wife of M"^
John Stevens
Died July the 22*^
1753. in the 42**
Year of her Age.
Here lies the Remains of
M"^ Samuel Stevens
who Departed this Life
November the 16*^ 1756
In the 92^ Year
of his Age.
In Memory of
John Tucker firfi son of
cap* loHN & Mrs Elizabeth Tucker
he died Ocr i«*
^tat 3 Years.
alfo of lohn their second son
who on the 29*^ oi Sep^ 1796
In Latitude 35 & Longitude d^
made his watery grave.
In the 16 year of his age
On his homeward pafsage
from the west Indies.
May they now toil ^^ danger* d^er
Caft anchor on the Heavenly shore
Here lies Interr'd the Remains of
M' William Stevens Jun'
the amiable Son of William
Stevens Esq"^ & Elizabeth his wife
who departed this Life Septem"^ 271*^
1763, In the 26*^ Year of his Age.
Univerfally refpected while Living and
his Death as much Lamented.
Here lie the Remains of
M^^ Jeremiah Vass ;
Who departed this life
Octob'' the ii*° 1770 in Y®
61" Year of His Age.
Here lyes Buried
the Remains of
William Stevens Efq'
Who departed this Life
May 10*** 1767, in y®
55**» Yearof His Age.
Here lies Buried
the Body of
m" Abigail Tarbox
Widdow of
M' Joseph Tarbox
who Departed this Life
Aug"* jst lyyi^
Aged 68 Years.
William Tucker
IN ye 3 3D YEAR
Sacred to the Memory
of Bofton Merch* youngeft son of
on a Vifit here for the Recovery of his
Health he departed this Life May 27 ;
1781 ^«3i.
He was a Gentleman of moft engaging
Manners of strict integrity & undifcembled
Virtue. A tender Hulband, an affectionate
Parent & sincere Friend. He lived much
beloved & died greatly lamented.
In the midft of life we are in Death
Boaft not thyfelf of tomorrow for thou
knowef t not what a Day may bring forth.
BORN AUGT 3D 1735.
DIED SEPtr ye 4th
DEC^ ocr» Y«
I 7 3
To the Memory
the virtuous & amiable Coniort
who departed this Life
December ii**^ 1784.
Aged 77 Years.
DEC^MAY THE 6*^ 1741
Betcy West
dieJ July 30*^
Aged 2 Months
Within this s^ave here lies a babe
The object of is parents love
When struck by cruel death it made
Their souls the senfe of sorrow prove
Here lyes buried the
Body of m'^^ Abigail
White the late pious
confort of the Rev^ m""
John White who died
Y« 10*^ of Dec' 1748.
in the 71^''' Year of
Her Age.
Here lies buried the Body
of M'^
Philemon Warner Jun'
who departed this Life
June Y«4*^ 1766
in the 39**^ Year
of his Age.
Here reft in hope of a glorious Refurrection,
the Remains of Elder PHILEMON WARNER,
who for many Years difcharged with Fidelity
to the Public & Reputation to himfelf , Several
important Offices, both in Church & State.
Induftry & Fidelity in his Calling, Honefty
& Integrity in his Dealings, Sincerity in his
Profefsion, & Humility in his Deportment, were
the Ornaments of his Life; & the Doctrines
of^the Gofpel which he firmly believed, & on
which alone his Hope was founded were his
Support in Death. He was born Jany 7th 1698.
& died April 14th 1778. ^s 81.
In faith he lived, in Duft he lies;
But faith forefees that Duft fhall rife,
When Jefus with almighty Word
Calls his Dead Saints to meet their Lord
Here lies the Remains of the
zealous, faithful and excellent DIVINE
the Rev. Mr. JOHN WHITE, who died
* Jan. 16, 1760, in the 83^^ year of
his Age & 58*^ of his Ministry.
To Zhn Xpietoe To Oxnein Kepaoe*
Here lyes
Y« Body
Who departed
at Sea in his
of Cap*
Warner ;
this Life
return from
Cape Breton Nov*''^ 5**^ Anno
Doni'^^ 1745 Aged 45 Years.
In Memory of
George Whittemore
• Son of m' Samuel
and m'^^ Margaret
Whittemore ; who died
March 17*^ 1771- Aged
24 Years & 4 Months.
Here lies the Body of
m" Margaret Whittemore
the Virtuous & amiable Confort
this Life
1773, in y®
Her Age.
of m'^ Samuel
Who departed
Feb^'y the 25,
Year of
The memory of the Juft is Blefsed.
In Memory of
Samuel Whittemore
an Infant, Son of
M'^ Samuel & m^^
Margaret Whittemore
who ^xt^June 18*^ 1758.
* *• The to live Christ, the to die gain." — Phil.
1 : 21.
Sarah Winflow
Daugh*"^ of
Jofeph & Sarah
Winflow, Dec**
jly 9*^ 1723, Aged
about I Year.
Here Lyes Buried the
Body of M'^*
Abigail Witham
The Wife of m^ THOMAS
WITHAM Dyed February
the 25**^ 1744/5-
In y® 73^ Year of her Age.
In Memory o
M"^ Moses Witham
who died april 18
Aged 20 Years
& 7 M««
Here Lyes Buried
The BODY of M«
Aged 69 Years 10 M«
Dec^ Aug* Y« 18*
17 3 6.
In Memory of
Cap* Zebulon Witham
who died June 22
Aged 86 Years
& 5 months.
Here lies buried the Body of
M" Elizabeth Woodward
the Pious & Virtuous Confort of
Deacon Ezekiel Wood-ward
who departed this Life
Octo. the 1 8* 1766
Aged 64 Years.
who departed this Life
Jan^y y« 16*^ 1743/4
Here lies buried the Body
of M"^
Ezekiel Woodward Jun'
who departed this Life
Sep* the 2^ iy66
Aged 35 Years.
Here lies Buried
the Body of Deacon
Ezekiel Woodward ;
Who departed this Life
September y ® 4*^ 1 7 7 1 ,
In Memory of
M'^ JOHN WOODWARD ; the amiable
& virtuous Son of
& M" AB *
1718 & IN Y«
yeare of
2 1718 IN Y«
& IN Y«
*^ 1717-18
Mehitable Berry published to Thomas
Touthwell March 25, 1792.
Sarah Berry (born in Middleton) pub-
lished to Moses Preston Nov. 4, 1785.
— Danve7's town records.
In 1646, the general court passed an
act to encourage attempts to win the
Indians within the territory of the colony
to Christianity. Rev. John Eliot, then
pastor of the church in Roxbury, entered
heartily into the matter, and became im-
mediately a missionary to the aborigines.
He was then forty-one years of age.
He preached to the Indians first at
Nonantum, a part of Newton, but he
soon found the place too near the white
men, some of whom exerted a pernicious
influence upon them.
In 1650, with the sanction of the gen-
eral court, Mr. Eliot secured a grant of
six thousand acres of land from the town
of Dedham to the praying Indians, as
they were called, and the next year the
grantees removed to the new location,
which subsequently became the town of
Natick, the place occupied by the
Indians being what is now South Natick.
One public building was constructed for
a schoolhouse, meeting-house, etc., and
an apartment for Mr. Eliot.
He learned the language of the natives,
and translated the entire Bible into their
tongue. The New Testament was pub-
lished in 1 66 1, and the Old Testament
subsequently. He has ever since been
known as " The Apostle to the Indians."
He died in 1690, at the age of eighty-
'' Since the death of Paul," said Ed-
ward Everett, " a nobler, truer, and
warmer spirit than John Eliot never
lived. And taking the state of the coun-
try, the narrowness of the means, the
rudeness of the age, into consideration,
the history of the Christian church does
not contain an example of resolute, un-
tiring, successful labor, superior to that of
translating the entire scriptures into the
language of the native tribes of Massa-
The severe treatment of the Indians by
the colonial authorities, especially during
King Philip's war, caused them to distrust
the white men, though their faith in Eliot
never waned.
The successor of Mr. Eliot as pastor
was one of themselves, Daniel Tahawam-
pait; but a white man's leadership and
example were lacking, and the church
grew smaller and smaller until its organi-
zation failed.
The Board of Commissioners for Prop-
agating the Gospel in New England was
anxious to revive the work that under the
ministrations of Eliot had been productive
of so much good. But it was difficult to
secure a person fit to undertake the task.
Eleven candidates had declined the mis-
sion. The reason was that the French
were stirring up the Indians to commence
hostilities against the English, and a war
was imminent. The twelfth man, Oliver
Peabody, of Boxford, accepted.
He was son of William and Hannah
(Hale) Peabody, and was born in Box-
ford May 7, 1698. The house in which
he was born stood a few yards from the
present residence of Rev. Albert B. Pea-
body in the eastern part of the town.
His father died when Oliver was less than
two years old, he being the youngest of
eight children. His mother reared him
righteously, and he grew up pure minded
and zealous to be a man of worth and to
accomplish something. But his know-
ledge of the world was meagre ; and in
the forest around his early home, with the
companionship of a true and devoted
mother and excellent elder brothers and
sisters, he grew into a thoughtful, earnest
young man. What suggestions of strength
and opportunity are found, what longings
are discovered and developed among the
hills, streams and forests !
Oliver's uncle, John Peabody, was the
first schoolmaster of the town, and the
succeeding masters lived in the neighbor-
hood. From his mother and these teach-
ers he must have received the instruction
sufficient to enable him to enter Harvard
college, from which he graduated in
1 7 2 1 , six years having elapsed apparent-
ly between his matriculation and gradu-
ation. He was the first college graduate
of the Peabody family and the town of
He accepted the invitation of the
Board of Commissioners for Propagating
the Gospel in New England to become a
missionary among the aborigines, not
knowing to how dangerous a place nor
how far he would be sent. His field was
the wilderness. He was ordained a mis-
sionary to the Indians, and was immedi-
ately sent to Natick to revive the work of
Eliot that had so deteriorated since his
death. He preached at Natick for the
first time Aug. 6, 1721, when there were
but two white families in the town.
After preaching there for eight years,
in 1729, a church was gathered, consist-
ing of three Indians and five whites, and
he was formally ordained its pastor.
Twenty- two persons were added to the
church the first year.
He not only preached the gospel, but
led the Indians to abandon savage modes
of living, to make improvements in hus-
bandry, to turn from drunkenness to so-
briety, to cultivate good manners, and to
read and write as well as to speak and
understand the English language. He
lived to see many of the aboriginal fam-
ilies enjoying comfortable homes, culti-
vated fields and flourishing orchards. He
ever sought their best good.
Though naturally of a slender and del-
icate constitution, he went on a mission
to the Mohegan tribe of Indians, but the
fatigues he endured so impaired his health
that it was never fully restored. He lived
several years after, but at length fell into
a decline.
During his ministry one hundred and
ninety-one Indians and four hundred and
twenty- two English were baptized. Thir-
ty-five Indians and one hundred and
thirty whites were admitted to his
In his last sickness the Indians ex-
pressed great anxiety for his health and
happiness, and tendered him every ser-
vice within their power. After his death
sweetest memories of him remained in
their minds, and they mourned for him as
for a father. He fell asleep in the faith
of Christ, on Sunday, Feb. 2, 1752, at
the age of fifty-three, immediately after
repeating the words, "I have fought a
good fight, I have finished my course, I
have kept the faith ; henceforth there is
laid up for me a crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous judge, will
give me in that day."*
A monument, erected to the memory
of Mr. Peabody at South Natick, bears a
Latin inscription, an English translation
of which is as follows : —
** Here are deposited the remains of the rever-
end Oliver Peabody, a man venerable for the
faculties of his mind and for all needful learning.
He delighted much in theological investigations.
He discharged the pastoral office with great re-
nown for thirty years ; — ministering to the people
of Natick, especially to the aborigines, in the
cause of sacred learning. He was a model in
social life. In benevolence and universality, he
was pre-eminent. In the firm expectation of a
future retribution, he was called from his minis-
try on the 2d of February, A. D. 1752, aged 54
years. "
Two printed sermons of Mr. Peabody
are extant, one being " An Artillery
Election Sermon," and the other entitled,
"The Foundations, Effects, and distin-
guishing Properties of a good and bad
hope of Salvation, with Motives to excite
all to labor and pray, that they may ob-
tain a well-grounded hope, and some
directions how to obtain it. Considered
in a sermon, the substance of which was
delivered at the evening lecture at the
new North Church in Boston on Tues-
day June 8, 1742."
Mr. Peabody married Hannah, daugh-
ter of Rev. Joseph Baxter of Medfield, a
lady distinguished for her piety and good
sense. She married, after Mr. Peabody's
death, Dea. John Eliot of Boston Nov. 2,
1769. The children of Mr. and Mrs.
Peabody were as follows : i. Catharine,
born Feb. 27, 1723-4; died, unmarried,
in Boxford Sept. 17, 1802 ; 2. Oliver,
born Jan. 15, 1725-6 ; graduated at Har-
vard college in 1745 ; ordained pastor
of the First church in Roxbury Nov. 7,
1750; and died, unmarried, May 29,
1752, at the age of twenty-six; 3. Wil-
liam, born Feb. 20, 1727-8 ; died, unmar-
*II Timothy iv: 7, 8.
ried, Jan. 13, 1767 ; 4. Rebecca, born
June 13, 1730; married Dr. William
Deming of Needham Dec. 20, i759^
and died Jan. 18, 1822, at the age of
ninety one ; 5. Mercy, born July 24,
1732 ; died, unmarried, Nov. 20, 1804 ;
6. Joseph, born Sept. 19, i734; died,
unmarried, at Newbury, N. C. ; 7. Han-
nah, born March 12, 1736 ; married Rev.
Elizur Holyoke of Boxford Nov. 13,
1760 ; and died Dec. 20, 1808, at the
age of seventy- two ; 8. Susanna, born
Sept. 6, 1739 ; died March 20, 1740 ; 9.
Susanna, born March lO, 1740; died
March 28, 1741 ; 10. Elizabeth, born
April 6, 1742 ; died April 24, 1742 ; 11.
Thomas, born Dec. 27, 17435 di^^ J^°-
15, 1744; 12. Sarah, born Sept. 23,
1745; married, first, Joseph Eliot of
Boston ; and, second, William Brown of
Boston ; and died April 5, 1808.
Several of the children lived in Boxford
with their sister, Mrs. Holyoke, at the
ancient Holyoke house, which was built
in 1759 by Mr. Holyoke's father, a
wealthy merchant of Boston, brother of
Edward Holyoke, president of Harvard
college. Here Rev. Mr. Holyoke passed
his happy pastorate of nearly half a cen-
tury. This is one of the oldest and largest
and the most interesting of the houses of
Boxford. When Mr. French bought the
estate, nearly forty years ago, the house
was greatly out of repair, and Mrs. M.
L. Emerson wrote of it shortly after that
time, as follows : —
' Neath sheltering elms the ancient dwelling
Where several highways socially clasp hands;
Its general air speaks of the *auld lang syne,'
And years have left their marks in many a line.
The moss-grown shingles, broken and decayed ;
The loosened clapboards, where the winds have
played ;
The shattered window-panes, the door-stone low, —
All tell the story of the long ago.
Within, what tales those mouldering walls could
If they could break their silence' mighty spell, —
Of childhood, age, of happiness and tears,
Of life and death through all these hundred years !
Old sunken floors, by many footsteps worn ;
Paper once gay, but mildewed now and torn;
The embellished doorways, and the panelled hall,
The generations of the past recall.
Two antique portraits, older than we know, —
Perchance were old a century ago, —
Hang in the upper hall ; faint shadows they
Of faces long since passed from earth away.
One of the ancient portraits men-
tioned in the above lines is that of an oil
painting of Rev. Oliver Peabody, having
been painted about 1730. The picture
is about a yard square. It descended with
the title of the house from Mrs. Holyoke to
her daughter Hannah, who lived here and
died, unmarried,in 1865. The portrait con-
tinued to hang in the upper hall, and when
the estate passed to Mr. French the paint-
ing was permitted to remain. There it
hangs today as it has hung for nearly a
century and a half.
The painting is valuable aside from be-
ing the portrait of Rev. Oliver Peabody.
It is the picture of the earliest Peabody
-and the earliest Boxford person that
exists to-day ; and reveals in a pleasing
manner the character, culture and at-
tractiveness of the man. It also shows
the style of dress of that period better
and more completely than any old paint-
ing known to the writer.
The frontispiece of this number of the
Antiquarian is from a photograph of the
— - • —
Joseph Berry married Hannah Millet
July—, 1791 (published July 9, 1791)-
— Gloucester town records.
Onan Berry, mariner, lived in Glouces-
ter, 1 786-1 797, and in Newburyport,
1 798-1 799; married Lydia Stanwood
Jan. 29, 1786, in Gloucester; and she
was his wife in 1799. Children: Lydia
born in Gloucester Sept. 6, 1789; Sally
Crowell, born in Gloucester Aug. 19,
1791 ; Onan, born in Gloucester Aug. 3,
1793 ; Jennett, born in Newburyport Oct.
^^ 1799. — Registry of deeds, Gloucester
town records and Newburyport town
Thomas Blanchard*, the ancestor of
the principal Blanchard family in New
England, probably came from Andover,
England. He sailed in the ship Jonathan
of London, from London to Boston, in
1639, with his children, his wife, and her
mother and the latter's niece. His chil-
dren and his wife and her mother were
sick on the voyage, and his wife died on
the ship. Her mother lived until the
ship came to anchor in Boston harbor,
when she died. The following deposi-
tion Is very interesting in this con-
nection : —
The teftimonie of vs Inhabitants now of New-
burie whofe names are here vnder written, who
about thirteen yeares palt came ouer in a f hip called
the Jonathan of london with Thomas Blanchard
now of Charleftowne, at what time his wife dyed
in the f hip hee was conceiued to be very poore and
in greate neceffity by reafon of his wiues and his
childrens fickneffe, that the paffengers made a
gathering for him in the f hippe to helpe to put his
child to nurfe his wiues mother alfo being ficke all
the while wee were at fea and wee knew no other
man that looked to her but Thomas Blanchard,
but there was a maide which was her neece tend-
ed her
ffurther I Anthony Somerby teftifyes that about
the time the f hip came to Anchor in Bofton Har-
bor the woman his mother in law dyed, And
Thomas Blanchard procured to cary her to fhore
to be buryed, I know no other man that was
about it but hee
ffurther Nicholas llnoyesll teftifyes that old
Goody Bent came vp from Andeuor to London in
a waggon with the carryers, And Thomas Blanch-
ard tooke care of her and her goods ffrom Ande-
uor to the fhip and fhe was with Thomas Blanch-
ards family about a month at London, and that
there was a gathering among chriftians in eng-
land to help him ouer.
nicholas noyes
/ Anthony Somerby
taken vpon Oath in the court held at Ipfwich
the 28th of (7) 1652.*
Mr. Blanchard lived first in Charles-
town, then, from 1646 to 1650, in Brain-
tree, and subsequently in Maiden. He
married, first, ; and, second,
widow Agnes (Bent) Barnes. She died
on the voyage to America in 1639. He
married, third, Mary ; and died May
21,1654. His wife Mary survived him, and
♦Essex County Court Files, book 2, leaf 32.
was living on Noddle's Island in 1663.
She died, his widow, before 3 (4) 1676,
when her will was proved.
Children :— *
2 I. George^, born in 1622; lived in Med-
ford; m., first, Hills; and, sec-
ond, Mary ; he d. March 18,
1699-1700, having had a large fam-
3_ii. Thomas'-', b. in 1625; m. Ann[Rolfe?];
he d. 12 mo: 1650; and she m., sec-
ondly, Richard Gardner of Wobum
Oct. 18, 165 1.
4 — III. Samuel'^, b. Aug. 6, i629.t See be-
low (^).
5 — IV. Nathaniel^, b. in 1636; lived in
Weymouth; m. Susanna Bates 16:
10: 1658; he d. in 167-; and she
m., secondly, Thomas Bass in 1680.
6 — V. Joseph'', t b. 1639; probably d. on
the voyage to America.
Samuel Blanchard^, born in England
Aug. 6, 1629. He was a husbandman,
and lived in Charlestown until about 1683,
when he removed to Andover, where he
afterward lived. He owned land in An-
dover as early as 1662. He was a con-
stable in Charlestown in 1657, and a
selectman in Andover. He married, first,
Mary Sweetser 3 (n), 1654-5, who was
born about 1637 ; and she was living in
1665. He married, second, HanHah
Doggett June 23, 1673 ; and died in An-
dover April 22, 1707, at the age of seven-
ty-seven. His wife Hannah survived him,
and died July 10, 1725, at the age of
seventy-nine. In his will he mentions
"my daughter Dorithy Storer which is
my grandchild,"
Children : —
7 — I. Samuel^, d. of small pox in 1677-8.
8 — n. Joshua^, b. about 1661; eldest son in
1 704 ; housewright ; lived in Charles-
town; m. first, Elizabeth ,
who d. July 15, 1688; and, second,
Mehitable , who d. in Maiden
Jan. 10, 1742, aged seventy-six;
and he d. July 15, 17 16, aged fifty -
*Dea. John Blanchard of Dunstable is stated to
be a son of Thomas Blanchard in the History of
tMiss Charlotte H. Abbott gives the date of
Samuel's birth and the name of Joseph.
9 — III. Jonathan^, b. about 1664. See be-
loiv (9).
10 — IV. 8(dau.), m. Stratton be-
fore 1704.
II — V. Thomas-', b. April 28, 1674. See be-
low {/^).
12 — VI. JoHN^, b. July 3, 1677; lived in Bil-
lerica; m. Mary Crosby Aug. 7,
I70i;shed. May 7, 1748; he d.
April 10, 1750; and they had
twelve children.
13 — VII. Samuel^, b. June 4, 1680. See be-
low (ij)-
14 — VIII. Hannah^, bapt. 2:8 mo: 1681, in
Charlestown; m. Stephen Osgood
May 24, 1699.
Jonathan Blanchard3, bom in Charles-
town about 1664. He was a yeoman,
and lived in Andover. He married Anne
Lovejoy of Andover May 26, 1685 ;
and she died Feb. 29, 1 723-4, in her
sixty-fifth year. He married, second,
Hannah, widow of Timothy Wyman of
Woburn Feb. i, 1725 ; and died Oct. 19,
1 742, aged seventy-eight.
Children, born in Andover : —
15 — I. Jonathan'*, b. Feb. 28, 1685-6; yeo-
man, bricklayer and housewright ;
lived in Andover, except in 1 732,
when he is called of Woburn ; m.
Sarah Paine Nov. 1 1 , 1 708 ; he d.
Feb. 21, 1748-9; his wife Sarah
survived him, and probably m.,
secondly, Capt. William Lovejoy
Nov. 28, 1749. She d. Oct. 9,
1772, aged eighty- four. Mr.
Blanchard probably had no children.
16 — II. David*, b. June 8, 1687; weaver;
lived in Andover; m. Rebecca Frost
Aug. 10, 1725; he d. in Andover
Oct. 13, 1732, aged forty-five; his
estate was appraised at ^^705, 8^.,
Sd. ; his wife Rebecca survived him,
and m., secondly, Isaac Gray of
Tewksbur)' Nov. 20, 1733. Mr.
Blanchard had no children.
17 — III. Jacob'', b. Feb. 19, 1689; mason;
lived in Boston; m. Abigail ;
and d. in or before 1732, leaving a
18 — IV. Anne'*, b. April 6, 1691; m. Timothy
Mooar May 12, 1712; and d. Dec.
25, 1729.
19 — V. Benjamin"*, b. Feb. 14, 1693. See
below (/9).
20 — VI. MarV*, b. Dec. 2, 1696; probably m.
Thomas Phelps July 4, 1722; and
d. before 1732.
21— VII. Stephen*, b. Jan. 8, 1730-2. See
below (^/).
Thomas Blanchard3, born in Charles-
lestown, April 28, 1674. He was a yeo-
man and cordwainer, and lived in Ando-
dover. He married, first. Rose Holmes
of Marshfield March 22, 1698-9; and
she died in Andover Aug. 26, 17 14, aged
forty. He married, second, widow Han-
nah Gowing of Lynn Sept. 21, 1715 ; and
she died July 10, 1725, aged seventy-
nine. He married, third, Judith, widow
of Zachary Hills, of Maiden Feb. 21,
1725-6 ; and died March 17, 1759, aged
eighty-four. His wife Judith survived
him, and died Dec. i, 1767, at the age of
ninety. The estate of Mr. Blanchard was
valued at ;^299, 15J"., 2d.
Children, born in Andover : —
22—1. Thomas*, b. Jan. 15, 1700. See be-
low {22).
23 — II. Joseph", b. Feb. 19, 1 701. See below
24— III. Isaac*, b. Sept. 20, 1702; d. Jan. 25,
1722, aged nineteen.
25 — IV. JosiAH^ b. Aug. 16, 1704. See be-
low (^5).
26 — V. Elizabeths b. March 25, 1705-6;
m. William Chandler Nov. 22,
1725; she d. July 15, 1735; and he
d. April 15, 1 741.
27— VI. Hannah\ b. May 6, 1708; living in
1756, perhaps a nurse in Boston.
28— vii. RoseS b. Jan. 12, 1709-10; d. Nov.
22, 1724.
29_viii. Deborah'*, b. April 18, 1712 ; m.
Joseph Abbott Aug 12. 1731; she
d. July 21, 1773; and he d. in Wil-
ton, N. H., Aug. 23, 1787.
30— IX. LydiaS b. Aug. 22, 1 714; probably
m. Jonathan Holt Feb. 10, 1735.
31— X. MehitableS b. Oct. 3, 1716; living
in 1756.
32— XI. Nathaniels b. Feb. 2, 171 8-9; liv-
ing in 1756, when he was the
youngest son.
33— XII. Isaac*, b. Oct. 9, 1723; probably d.
before 1756.
Samuel Blanchard3, born in Charles-
town June 4, 1680. He was a husband-
man, and lived in Andover. He married
Sarah Johnson March 31, 1709 ; and died
in Andover June 17, i754, aged seventy-
three. She survived him, and died, his
willow, in Andover Aug. lo, 1769, aged
Children, born in Andover: —
34—1. Sarah\ b. May 9, 1712; m. Josiah
Blanchard (25) Dec. 23, 1730.
35—11. Phebe*, b. May 29, 1715; m. James
Brown of No. 2, N. H., yeoman,
Dec. 5, 1734 ; and they were living
at No. 2 in 1754.
36 — III. Samuel*, b. Jan. 14, 1 716-7. See
beluw {36).
37— IV. Hannah*, b. Oct. 7, 1719; unmar-
ried in 1754; probably m. Isaac Fox
Oct. I, 1755.
Benjamin Blanchard4, born in Ando-
ver Feb. 14, 1693. He was a husband-
man, and Hved in Andover until about
1743, when he removed to Dunstable.
He married Mary Abbott Dec. 29, 1718 ;
and she was his wife in 1743.
Children, born in Andover : —
38 — I. Mary^ b. Dec. — , 17 19; probably
m. Edward Taylor Jan. ii, 1743.
39 — II. Benjamin*, b. March 13, 1 720-1.
40 — III. * (dau.), b. Nov. 22, 1722.
41 — IV. Jacob", b. May 11, 1723-4.
42— V. Joshua*, b. May 28, 1726.
43 — VI. JoNATHAN^ b. Feb. 7, 1727-8; d.
Oct. 16, 1739.
44 — VII. Dorcas*, b. March 28, 1729-30; d.
Oct. 13, 1739.
45— vni. David*, b. Feb. 14, 1731-2; d. Oct.
I9» 1739.
46 — IX. Elizabeth*, b. May 17, 1733-4.
47— X. Abiel* (son), b. Sept. 25, 1737; d.
Oct. 15, 1739.
48— XI. David*, b. Feb. 19, 1739-40 ; d.
April 10, 1740.
49— XII. Abiel* (son), b. Oct. 20, 1741; d.
Jan. 28, 1743.
Stephen Blanchard4, born at Ando-
ver Jan. 8, 1702-3. He was a yeoman,
and lived in the West parish of Andover.
He married Deborah Phelps Aug. 10,
1724 ; and died in Andover Jan. 2, 1769,
aged sixty-six. The inventory of his es-
tate amounted to ^486, i6j., ii^., 2/.
She survived him, and died, his widow, in
1777, her will, dated Dec. 20, 1775, be-
ing proved May 6, 1777.
Children, born in Andover : —
50 — I. Deborah*, b. March 26, 1724-5; m.
Zebediah Chandler, jr., of Andover
June 19, 1750; he d. July 30,
1775; and she d. May — , 1799,
aged seventy-four.
51— II. Stephen*, b. Aug. 9, 1726. See be-
low (5/).
52— HI. Mary*, b. June 4, 1728; m. Jacob
Barker Nov. 16, 1749; and d. be-
fore 1766.
S3— IV. Nathan^ b. March 30, 1729-30.
See below (jj) .
54— V. Dinah*, b. Dec. 28, 1731; m. Joseph
Blanchard (70) Sept. — , 1753.
55— VI. James*, b. Dec. 5, 1733. -^^^ ^^^^^
56— VH. Annis*, b. June 26, 1736 ; d. Oct. 15,
57— vni. Jonathan*, b. March 8, 1737-8; liv-
ing in 1775.
58— IX. David*, b. April 10, 1740. See below
59— X. Jacob", b. March 28, 1743; d. Nov.
27, 1752.
Thomas Blanchard4, born in Andover
Jan. 15, 1700. He was a husbandman
and cordwainer, and lived in Andover.
He married Elizabeth Johnson Oct. 7,
1731; and died in Andover Nov. 25,
1779, aged seventy-nine. His wife Eliz-
abeth survived him, and died in Andover
April 22, 1783, at the age of seventy-
Children, born in Andover : —
6a— I. Elizabeth*, b. July 20, 1733; ^'
Oct, 8, 1733.
Thomas", b. Jan. 20, 1734-5; lived
in Andover; m. Priscilla Russ
Nov. 17, 1757; and d. at Lake
George Oct. 9, 1758, at the age of
twenty-three, childless; she m., sec-
ondly, Ebenezer Kand Jan. 10,
Timothy*, b. Sept. 26, 1737.
Aaron*, b. July 27, 1740. See below
Susanna*, b. March 19, 1742.
Isaac*, b. Feb. 18, 1744-5; d- Dec.
8, 1749.
Lydia*, b. Jan. 30, 1747-8; d. Nov.
28, 1749.
Joseph Blanchard4, born in Andover
Feb. 19, 1 70 1. He was a yeoman, house-
carpenter and wheelwright, and lived in
Andover until about 1759, when he re-
moved to Tewksbury, where he was liv-
61 — II.
61 — III.
63— IV.
64 — V.
65— VI.
66 — VII.
ing in 1 77 1. In 1772, he lived in Wil-
mington, being then a yeoman. He mar-
ried, first, Sarah Abbott April 4, 1722;
and she died in Andover Nov. 11, 1757,
at the age of fifty-five. He married, sec-
ond, widow Mary Frost of Tewksbury
(published May — , 1758).
Children, born in Andover : —
67—1. Sarah^ b. July 25, 1723; d. April
15, 1729.
68 — II. Elizabeth% b. July 17, 1726; d.
March 29, 1728.
69 — III. Hannah", b. Oct. 8, 1728; m.
Stephen Blanchard (51) May 19,
70 — IV. Joseph*, b. Feb. 9, 1 730-1. See be-
low (70).
71 — V. Jeremiah^, b. June — , 1733. *^^^
d/ow (7/).
72 — VI. Daniel*, b. July 15, 1735. See be-
low {72).
73 — VII. John*, b. July 19, 1737; carpenter?
lived in Dunstable, and removed to
Concord; m., first, Elenor Stevens
Feb. 5, 1761; and, second, widow
Hannah Page of Dunstable; he d.
in 1823, aged eighty-six.
74 — VIII. Phebe*, b. Nov. 3, 1741 ; d. Sept.
29, 1749, aged seven.
JosiAH Blanchard4, bom in Andover
Aug. 16, 1704. He was a husbandman
and wheelwright, and lived in Andover.
He married Sarah Blanchard (34) Dec.
23, 1730; and she was his wife in 1754.
He died April 10, 1783, aged seventy-
Children, born in Andover : —
75 — L Sarah*, b. Feb. 27, 1 731-2.
76—11. Abigail*, b. Sept. 23, 1734; n). Sam-
uel Holt Feb. 14, 1760; lived in
Watertown, Newton and Andover;
and died in 1814, aged eighty.
77 — III. Elizabeth*, b. April 3, 1738; d.
Apiil 13, 1752.
78 — IV. Josiah", b. Oct. 10, 1740. See below
79 — V. Eunice*, b. Oct. 30, 1742; perhaps
m. Peter Johnson Aug. 26, 1773.
80 — VI. Joshua*, b. Nov. 13, 1746; moved to
Wilton, N H., in 1769; m. Eliza-
beth Keyesin 1770; and was living
in 1782. His children returned to
Andover. He was ancestor of Rev.
Amos Blanchard.
81 — VII. Benjamin*, b. July 3, 1750; lived in
Wilton, N. H.,; and d. Nov. 28,
1828, aged seventy-eight.
82— VIII. Samuel-^ b. in 1754; lived in Billeri-
ca; and d. Feb. 28, 18 12, aged
fifty-seven. (From records of Mrs.
Clara Kimball of Billerica.)
Samuel Blanchard4, born in Andover
Jan. 14, 1716-7. He was a husbandman,
and lived in Andover. He married Ruth
Tenney of Newbury May 25, 1748.
Children, born in Andover : —
83—1. Ruth*, b. Aug. 18, 1751; m. Benja-
min Tenney of HoUis, N. H., Jan.
28, 1772.
84 — II. Samuel^, b. Nov. 7, 1753. See below
85 — III. Eunice", b. Aug. 12, 1755.
86 — IV. Solomon*, b. Feb. 26, 1756-7; d.
Jan. 21, 1759-
87 — V. Caleb*, b. March 18, 1760; lived in
Dracut, Mass., and Antrim, N. H. ;
m. Lucy Gould of Chelmsford May
— , 1787.
88 — VI. Mary*, b. Feb. 4, 1762.
89 — VII. Solomon", b. Feb. 2, 1765; d. Dec.
23, 1765.
90 — VIII. Joshua*, b. July 25, 1769; probably
settled in Antrim, N. H.
Stephen BlanchardS, born in Andover
Aug. 9, 1726. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Andover. He married Hannah
Blanchard (69) May 19, 1748; and lived
in Andover as late as 1767.
Children, born in Andover : —
91 — I. Stephen^, b. Jan. 4, 1748-9.
92 — II. Phineas^ b. June 21, 1750.
93 — III. Hannah^, b. July 20, 1752.
94 — IV. Sarah'*, b. Feb. 27, 1754-5.
95 — V. Jacob^, b. June 22, 1758.
96 — VI. Mary^, b. Aug. 9, 1760.
97 — vn. Phebe^, b. Dec. 15, 1762.
98 — VIII. John®, b. Feb. 16, 1767.
Nathan BlanchardS, born in Andover
March 30, 1729-30. He lived in Ando-
ver until 1763, when he removed to Wil-
ton, N. H. He married Bathsheba
Abbot July 2, 1752 ; and she died Dec.
— , 1784.
Children: —
99 — I. Bathsheba^, b. April 20, 1754, in
100 — II. Moses", b. in Wilton, N. H.
loi — III. Stephkn®, b. in Wilton.
102 — IV. Lucy®, b. in 1776, in Wilton.
James BlanchardS, born in Andover
Dec. 5, 1733. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Andover. He married, first,
Elizabeth Pierce May 16, 1758; and,
second, Abigail Smith March 9, 1762.
He died in Andover March 11, 1769, at
the age of thirty-five. His estate was
valued at ;^ 5 10, 15^. His wife Abigail
survived him, and married, secondly,
Joseph Phelps (published Oct. — , 1772).
Mr. Phelps died in Wilton, N. H., Oct.
— , 1778.
Children, born in Andover :
103— I. JAMES^ b. Feb. 6, 1758-9; d. March
I, 1759-
104 — II. Elizabeth*', b. March 21, 1760; liv-
ing in 1 774.
105 — III. James^ b. March 16, 1763; living in
106— IV. Abner^, b. May 23, 1764; d. Feb.
9, 1765.
107— V. Abigail^, b. April 7, 1766; living in
1 781.
108— VI. ANNA^ b. June 28, 1768; d. Jan. 26,
David BlanchardS, born in Andover
April 10, 1740. He was a husbandman,
and lived in Andover as late as 1782. He
was living in Wilton, N. H., in 1789. He
married Margaret Doliver (of Marble-
head?) Nov. II, 1760.
Children, born in Andover : —
109— I. DAVID^ b. March 19, 1762.
no— II. Nathan*, bapt. Sept. 12, 1763; d.
Aug. 7, 1770.
Ill— III. Peter Dolliver», bapt. June 16,
112— IV. Annis«, bapt. May 2, 1767; m. Rev.
T. Rideout Sept. 28, 1784; and
lived in Bradford, N. H.
113— V. Deborah*, bapt. May 30, 1769.
114— VI. Nathan*, bapt. June 30, 1772; prob-
ably drowned in Connecticut river
at Henniker, N. H.,Sept. 24,1806.
IIS— VII. Nehemiah*, bapt. Oct. 18, 1774.
116— vni. Chloe*, bapt. Oct. 17, 1776.
117— IX. Ralph*, bapt. July 6, 1780; d. Nov.
21, 1782.
Aaron BlanchardS, born in Andover
July 27, 1740. He was a blacksmith,
and lived in Andover as late as 1793. He
married, first, Nellie Holt Jan. 5,
1762; and she died May 5, 1788,'
aged forty-four. He married, second,
Mehitable (Mooar), widow of Emery
Chase, Sept. 21, 1789; and she was his
wife in 1793.
Children, born in Andover : —
118 — I. Thomas*, b. Nov. 11, 1762; yeoman
and blacksmith; lived in Andover
until about 1 793, when he removed
to Danville, Vt. ; m. Lois Burt
March 12, 1782; and he d. Feb»
II, 1836.
119— II. Mary*, b. Sept. 2, 1764; d. May 15,
1786, aged twenty-one.
120 — III. Aaron*, b. Aug. 12, 1766.
121— IV. Susanna*, b. May 23, 1768; d. Sept.
4, 1 775, aged seven.
122— V. Nelly*, b. April 20, 1770; d. Sept.
26, 1775, aged five.
123— VI. John*, b. June i, 1772.
124— vii. Lucy*, b. Feb. 12, 1774; d. Sept. 3,
125— vni. Elinor*, bapt. June 7, 1 776 ; m. Sam-
uel Danforth of L}Tinfield Aug. 21,
126— IX. Amos*, b. Sept. i, 1777; pub. to
Alice Foster of Tewksbury July — ,
127— X. Lucy*, b. June 10, 1780.
128— XI. Susanna*, b. June 18, 1782; d. Aug.
20, 1783.
129— XII. Susanna*, b. March 20, 1784.
130— XIII. Mary*, b. March 17, 1786.
Joseph BlanceiardS, born in Andover
Feb. 9, 1730-1. He was a house-carpenter
and yeoman, and lived in Andover. He
married Dinah Blanchard (54) Sept. — ,
1 753 ; and died before May 6, 1776, when
administration was granted on his estate.
She survived him, and married, secondly^
Reuben Abbot of Concord, N. H., Jan.
12, 1786. She died March 11, 1826,
aged ninety-four.
Children, born in Andover : —
131— I. Joseph*, b. May 20, 1754; d. Dec.
3, 1758, aged four.
132— II. Joseph*, b. April 10, 1765; probably
settled in Lewiston, Me.; served in
Revolution, enlisting in 1780 for
three years; m. Hannah Mooar
Feb. 27, 1786.
133— III. John*, b. Feb. 20, 1768; living in
Jeremiah BlanchardS, born in Ando-
ver June — , 1733. He was a soldier in
the French war, being taken prisoner and
escaping; and, also, in the war of
the Revolution. He lived in Andover,
except from 1761 to 1766 and in 1781,
when he lived in Wilton, N. H. He
married, first, Dorothy Smith of Andover
May 17, 1759; and, second, Susannah
Martin (published Aug. — , 1769).
Children : —
134— I. Jeremiah^, b. Oct. 10, 1759, in An-
135 — II. Peter^, b. Aug. 12, 1767, in Ando-
136 — III. Eber^ (son), b. Jan. 14, 1769, in
137 — IV. Henry^ b. July 25, 1773; d. before
1 781.
138 — V. Sarah^, b. Nov. 13, 1774.
139 — VI. Dorothy^, b. Nov. 3, 1776.
140— VII. Judith^ b. June 2, 1779.
141 — VIII. HENRY^ b. Nov. 30, 1 781, in Wilton,
N. H.
142 — IX. JoHN^, b. Nov. 24, 1782.
143 — X. Hannah^ b. March 27, 1785.
144 — XI. William^, b. Feb. 10, 1 788; settled in
Canton, N. Y.
145 — XII. Aaron^, b. July 20, 1791.
Daniel Blanchard^, born in Andover
July 15, 1735. He was a member of the
Crown Point expedition, enlisting Nov.
17, 1755 ; and also a member of the com-
pany of Capt. Joshua Holt, when he
marched to the Battle of Lexington April
19? 1775* He was a yeoman, and lived
in Andover. He married Jerusha Eaton
of Reading Sept. 29, 1757; and was
living in Andover in 1772. A family
record says that he died in the army of
the Revolution in 1776.
Children, born in Andover : —
146 — I. Daniel^, b. Sept. 20, 1759; a soldier
of the Revolution.
147 — II. Jerusha^ b. June 24, 1761.
148 — III. IsAAC^ b. Sept. 14, 1763; a soldier
of the Revolution.
149 — IV. Amos^ bapt. Feb. 2, 1766; school-
master in Lynn ; fine penman, and
taught penmanship in Exeter and
Andover Phillips academies; also,
musician; d. in^Lynn May 25, 1842.
150 — V. Rebecca^, bapt. May 15, 1768.
151 — VI. LucY^ bapt. Jan. 20, 1771.
152 — VII. Abiel^, bapt. March 28, 1773; lived
in Wilton, N. H., m. Hannah
JosiAH BlanchardS, bom in Andover
Oct. 10, 1740. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Andover. He married Lydia
Jenkins (published Sept. — , 1765) ; and
died April 30, 1790. His estate was in-
solvent. She survived him, and married,
secondly, Obadiah Wood ; and, thirdly,
Luther Bailey. She died in Andover
May 21, 18 19, aged seventy-two.
Children, born in Andover : —
153— I. Lydia^ b. Aug. 3, 1766; probably
m. Benjamin Shed of Tewksbury
Feb. 23, 1796; and removed to
MUford, N. H.
154 — II. Hannah^, b. Oct. 19, 1769; probably
m. Samuel Oilman Woodbridge
May 29, 1794.
155 — III. JosiAH^ bapt. Sept. 8, 1771; aged
eighteen in 1790.
156 — IV. IsAAC^, bapt. Dec. 7, 1770; d. young,
157 — V. IsAAC^ bapt. in 1779; d. young.
158 — VI. ISAAC^, b. in 1781 ; aged nine in 1790.
159 — VII. Molly''", bapt. Feb. 6, 1783; aged
seven in 1790.
160 — VIII. Samuel Jenkins^, b. in 1786; living
in 1790.
Samuel BlanchardS, born in Andover
Nov. 7, 1753. He was a yeoman and
shipwright, and lived in Andover until
1797, when he removed to Haverhill. He
married Lucy Ballard (published June — ,
1775) ; and he was drowned in Haver-
hill May 24, 1807. She survived him.
Children : —
161 — I. Frederick^ b. Dec. 14, 1775, in
162 — II. LuCY^, b. June 6, 1777, in Andover.
163 — III. Samuel^, b. May 11, 1779, in Ando-
164 — IV. William^ b. July 8, 1781, in An-
165 — V. Jedediah^ b. Dec. 7, 1783, in An-
dover; lived in Boston, housewright,
in 1807.
166 — VI. Charlotte®, b. Oct. 9, 1785, in An-
167 — VII. JOHN^ b. March 17, 1787, in Ando-
168 — VIII. Joshua®, b. March i, 1789, in Ando-
169— IX. Solomon®, b. April 23, 1791, in
Andover; d. April 12, 1796.
170— X. Hannah®, b. April 19, 1793, in An-
171— XI. Mary Ballard®, b. Dec. 14, I794»
in Andover.
172— XII. Timothy^, b. Nov. 17, 1795, in An-
173 — XIII. Solomon^, b. Dec. 4, 1798, in Hav-
erhill; d. Sept. 23, 1799.
174 — XIV. Leonard^, b. Sept. 5, 1800, in Hav-
erhill; d. Sept. 6, 1800.
The name of Blaney is also spelled in
the early records of Essex county Blaner^
Blano and Blany. The head of the fam-
ily here was
John Blaney', born about 1630. He
was a planter, and lived in Silera as early
as 1659. He married, first. Miss Hannah
King of Lynn alias Salem (being that
part of Lynn which is now Swampscott)
July 11: 1660; and she probably died
about 1676. He married, second, Eliza-
beth, widow of Thomas Purchase of Lynn
Nov. — , 1678; and she died before
1696. He was living as late as 1709.
Children, born in Salem : —
2 — I. John', b. May 5, 1 66 1. Seebeliw{2).
Danikl', b. 3: 6 mo: 1664.
Henry', b. 15: 6: 1666.
Hannah', b. Nov. 11, 1667; m.
Robert Devereux of Marblehead,
cordwainer, before 1701. He was
called a yeoman in 1725.
Joseph', b. Oct. 2, 1670. See be-
low (6).
Elizabeth', b. 17: 6: 1673; m->
first, Jonathan Felt of Salem, an-
chorsmith, before 1701; he d. in
1702; and she m., second, John
Taylor of Salem, fisherman (pub.
July 15, 1710).
Sarah', m. Robert Buffum Dec. 20,
4— III
5— IV,
7— VI.
8— VII.
John Blaney^ born in Salem May 5,
1 66 1 . He was a yeoman and cordwainer,
and lived in " Salem," probably in that
part of Lynn which is now Swampscott.
He was a Quaker, and married Elizabeth
Purchase Dec. 20, 1683, in Marblehead.
He died between Dec. 29, 1723, and
Dec. 29, 1726.
Children, born in " Salem " :
9—1. DANIEL^ b. 8: 30: 1684; d. young.
10 — n. John', b. 6 mo: i: 1686; eldest son
in 1723; husbandman, slaughterer,
cordwainer, fisherman, mariner and
innholder (1732); lived in Salem;
^ m. Katherine Walker of Salem
Nov. 20, 1 7 12; and was living in
II — III. Thomas^, b. 3: 30: 1689. See be-
low {//).
12 — IV. Sarah^, m. Benjamin Pecks (or, Pix)
of Marblehead, cordwainer, before
1723; and she was his wife in 1729.
13 — V. Elizabeth^, b. 10: 25: 1692; m.
Walter Phillips, jr., of Lynn Jan.
— , 1 713-4; and she was his wife in
14 — VL Hannah^, b. i: 31: 1694-5: m.
John Reed of Marblehead, shore-
man, June 13, 1721; and lived
there in 1728.
15 — viL Henry', b. 6: 20: 1698. See below
16 — VIII. David8, b. 5 mo: 6: 1701. See be-
low {/6),
17— IX. Penelope^, m. John Dampney Oct.
31, 1728, in Marblehead.
Joseph Blaney^, born in Salem Oct. 2,
1670. He was a shipwright, and lived in
Hingham until 1697, when he settled in
Lynn. He married Abigail Andrews of
Hingham Jan. 16, 1693-4. She was
born in Hingham Jan. 6, 1669-70. He
died Jan. 16, 1726-7, at the age of fifty-
six. In his will he gave to the poor of
the First parish in Lynn twenty pounds
to be distributed by the deacons. His
wife, Abigail, survived him, and died, his
widow, Dec. 10, 1765, at the age of nine-
ty-five years.
Children : —
18— I. Joseph^, b. March 4, 1694-5, ^
Hingham. See below {18).
19—11. Hannah^, b. Sept. 17, 1696, in
Hingham; m. Benjamin James of
Marblehead (pub. March 7,1718-9).
Benjamin^, b. Nov. 14, 1699, in
Lynn. See below {20).
Jedediah3, b. Nov. 21, 1701, in
Lynn. See below (2/).
Jonathan-', b. Jan. 6, 1703-4, in
Lynn. See below {■22).
23— VI. Ambrose^,* b. April 7, 1707; cord-
wainer; lived in Lynn; m. Judith
*The record of his birth gives his name "An-
drews," and the name was corrupted to "Am-
20 — III.
21 — IV.
22 — V.
Curtis June 12, 1729, in Lynn; he
was living in Lynn in 1741; she
was his widow in 1760, and was
then living in Roxbury.
24 — VII. Nehkmiah^, aged upwards of four-
teen in 1726-7, being a minor;
physician; lived in Salem; bought
Thomas Roby's drug store, etc., in
Salem in 1729; and d. before Oct.
4» I733> when administration was
granted upon his estate.
25 — VIII. Abigail^, b. in 1715; aged twelve in
1726-7; probably m. Ralph Lind-
sey (pub. Jan. 5, 1734-5)-
Thomas Blaney3, born in " Salem " 3 :
30: 1689. Quaker. He was a yeoman,
shoreman, mariner, fisherman, shoemaker
and cordwainer, and lived in Salem. He
married, first. Miss Desire Dean Dec. 8,
1720; and she died Nov. 29, 1739. He
married, second, Alice Peasley of Haver-
hill before 1763. He died in the winter
of 1766-7, as his will, dated July 25,
1766, was proved Jan. 5, 1767. His es-
tate was appraised at ^£7^^, is., lod.
His wife Alice survived him, and died,
his widow, Jan. 16, 1783.
Children : —
26 — I. Thomas^, lived in Salem; m. Mary
Estes of Salem Jan. 25, 1753; he
probably d., childless, before 1792;
and she d., his widow, between
1796 and June 24, 1799, the latter
being the date of the probate of her
27 — II. Abigail"*, m. John White, jr., of Sa-
lem June 4, 1 745 ; and d. between
1766 and 1793.
28 — III. Alice*, m. James Needham in 1770.
29 — IV. Robert*, living in 1766.
Henry Blaney3, born in Salem 6: 20:
1698. He was a husbandman, cord-
wainer, tanner, fisherman, and from 1735
to 1747 an innholder. He lived in Salem ;
and married, first, Lois Ivory of Lynn
(published Oct. 15, 1727). She was his
wife in 1733; and he married, second,
Hannah (Rand) Graves of Lynn Sept. 8,
1748. He died before July 15, 1756,
when administration was granted upon
his estate, which was valued at ;£4o8, 9J.,
6d. His wife Hannah survived him, and
was his widow, of Lynn, in 1782.
Children : —
30 — I. Ivory*. See below {30).
31 — II. *, d. between 1756 and 1761.
32 — III. Lydia*, b. about 1755; m. Jacob
Collins, jr. (pub. Aug. 15, 1772).
David Blaney3, born in Salem 5 mo:
6: 1 701. He was a husbandman and
tanner, and lived in Salem. He married
Martha Mansfield of Lynn (published
Aug. 2, 1724); and died in 1764, hiswill, \
dated Jan. 26, 1762, being proved July
14, 1764. His estate was valued at about
;^5oo. His wife Martha survived him.
Child :—
33 — I. Mary*, m. Henry Trevett of Marble-
head Dec. 24, 1 747.
Col. Joseph Blaney,3 born in Hing-
ham March 4, 1694-5. He was a tanner
and esquire, and lived in Marblehead.
He married Miss Elizabeth Cogswell of
Chebacco parish, Ipswich (published 20 :
8 : 1717) ; and she was his wife in 1757.
He was living in 1757, and administration
was granted on his estate July 29, 1762.
Children, born in Marblehead : —
34 — I. Elizabeth*, b. Jan. 14, 1 720-1; d.
March 30, 1729.
35 — II. Hannah*, b. May 14, 1723; d. April
I, 1729.
36 — III. Abigail*, b. Dec. 5, 1724; d. Jan. i,
37 — IV. Abigail*, b. Jan. 11, 1725-6; m.
Robert Hooper Aug. 21, 1755; and
she lived in Windham, Me., his
widow, in 1783.
38— V. Joseph*, b. May 24, 1728; d. April
22, 1729.
39 — VI. Joseph*, b. Feb. 12, 1729-30; lived in
Salem, except from 1779 to 1783s
when he lived in Windham, Me.;
esquire, merchant and selectman,
m. Abigail Brown of Salem May
19, 1757; she d. Dec. 24, 1776;
and administration was granted on
his estate Oct. 2, 1786. Amount
of inventory, £A9\^i ^T^'^ 4^-» 3/-
The estate was insolvent. Mr.
Blaney had shares in the Social lib-
rary and Philosophical library, both
in Salem, and owned land in
Salem, Marblehead, Lynn, Plimp-
ton and Charlton, Mass., in Ray-
mond, Bridgton, Bakerstown and
Windham, Me., and Whitefield,
Pelham, Peircy, Chichester, Barn-
stead and Canterbury, N. H.
40 — VII. Benjamin*, b. Dec. 16, 1731. See
below {40).
41 — VIII. Nehemiah*, b. Nov. 3, 1733.
42— IX. Elizabeths b. July 2, 1735.
43— X. Susannahs b. June 13, 1737; d. Jan.
3, 1737-8.
44— XI. William*, b. March 30, 1739.
Capt. Benjamin Blaney3, born in
Lynn Nov. 14, 1699. He was a tanner,
and lived in Maiden, where he was select-
man and assessor in 1744 and 1746. He
married Abigail Bucknam Oct. 13, 1725,
in Maiden ; and died in Maiden. " About
seven of the clock in the evening, he was
taken up dead near Daniel Newhall's dore,
and it was thought by the jury that he
fell of his horse and that was a means of
his death his soul by his temple was beat
in," Feb. 8, 1 750-1. His age was fifty-
one. His wife survived him, and died,
his widow, Dec. 15, 1767, aged sixty-five.
Children born in Maiden : —
45 — I. Abigail*, b. June 21, 1730; m. Jireh
Willis of Dartmouth Oct. 22, 1756,
46 — II. HuLDAH*, b. Oct. 15, 1733; m.
Joseph Wilson of Boston Sept. 20,
47 — in. Nehemiah*, b. Oct. 9, 1735; lived
in Maiden; m. Chloe Green of
Maiden May 29, 1760; and d. Oct.
16, 1761.
48 — IV. Benjamin*, b. July 24, 1738; captain;
lived in Maiden ; representative to
the general court, 1778, 1779, 1780,
1783, 1787; town treasurer, 1779,
1780, 1781 ; and selectman and
assessor, 1 772-1 778; a revolution-
ary soldier ; m. Hannah Osgood of
Billerica Nov. 24, 1765; and d. in
Chester, Vt., Jan. — , 1820.
49 — v. Elizabeths b. June 18, 1740; m.
William Wayte of Maiden July 20,
50— VI. AndrewsS b. Nov. 28, 1742. See
below (50).
Jedediah Blaney3, born in Lynn Nov.
21, 1 701. He was a house wright, and
lived in Marblehead. He married Beth-
iah Cogswell Jan. 15, 1729-30; and she
was his wife in 178 1. He was living in
1 781; and died before Sept. i, 1783^
when administration was granted upon his
estate, which was appraised at;^482, 19^-.,
Children, baptized in Marblehead, ex-
cept the first : —
51 — I. Jedediah*, bapt. June 2d Sabbath,
1 73 1, in Boxford; d. before 1788.
52 — II. HannahS bapt. April 15, 1733; m.
Ronald Bruce Oct. 28, 1756; and
was his wife in 1787.
53 — HI. Jonathan*, bapt. Jan. 11, 1736;
probably d. young.
54 — IV. RuthS bapt. Jan. i, 1738; d. young.
55 — V. Ruth*, bapt. March 9, 1740; m. John
Tarday Nov. 21, 1756; and was his
wife in 1788. In 1796, he had been
absent more than fifteen years.
56 — VI. Stephen*, bapt. Oct. 3, 1742. See
below (56).
57 — VII. William*, bapt. Dec. 30, 1744. See
below (j7).
58 — VIII. Elizabeth*, bapt. Aug. 24, 1746;
m. Richard Nick (or, Necks) Aug.
15, 1765; and was his wife in 1789.
59 — IX. Sarah*, bapt. Nov. 6, 1748; d.
60 — X. Sarah*, bapt. Feb. 4, 1750; m. Jef-
frey Marston July 20, 1769.
61 — XI. Eunice*, bapt. Dec. 29, 1751; prob-
ably d. young.
Jonathan Blaney3, born in Lynn Jan.
6, 1703-4. He was a yeoman, and lived
in Lynn. He married Hannah Gray of
Lynn (published Oct. 7, 1736) ; and died
Sept. 8, 1757, at the age of fifty-three.
His estate was appraised at £6^6^ "js.,
Children : —
62 — I. Joseph*. See below (62).
63 — II. Mary*, between fourteen and twenty-
one years of age in 1758.
64 — III. Abigail*, m., first, Nathaniel Lewis
Sept. 22, 1757; and, second,
Watts between 1 769 and 1 798.
65 — IV. Hannah*, between fourteen and
twenty-one years of age in 1758.
Ivory Blaney+, was a husbandman,
and lived in Salem. He married Mary
Browne of Lynn Oct. 25, 1753 ; and was
living in 1 7 7 1 .
Children, baptized in Marblehead : —
66 — I. Sarah^, bapt. April i, 1770; proba-
bly m. Daniel Bird Dec. 12, 1789.
67 — II. Asa', bapt. in 1779. See below {63)^
Benjamin Blaney4, born in Marble-
head Dec. 16, 1 731. He was a tanner,
and lived in Lynn from 1754 to about
1762, when he removed to Marblehead.
He married Sarah Tuttle of Lynn May 15,
1754; and died before Feb. 12, 1768,
when administration was granted upon his
estate, which was insolvent. He owned a
tanyard in Lynn at his death. His wife
Sarah was his widow in 1788.
Children, born in Lynn : —
68 — I. Elizabeth*, b. Feb. 10, 1755.
69 — II. Joseph*, b. March 11, 1759.
70 — III. Benjamin*, b. Aug. 14, 1763; d. in
1 8x6, aged fifty-three; and his
grave is on the coast of Carolina.
Andrews Blaney4, born in Maiden
Nov. 28, 1742. He was a tanner, and
lived in Marblehead. He married Miss
Lydia Sargent of Chelsea Dec. 2, 1770;
and died in Maiden June 2, 1772, at the
age of twenty-nine. His estate was ap-
praised at ;£"445> 6j., \\d. She survived
Children : —
71 — I. Abigail*, aged under seven years in
1776. *« Abigail Blaney of Chelsea
published to Nehemiah Breed, jr.,
of Lynn April 14, 1793." — Lynn
town records,
72 — II. Andrews*, aged under seven years in
1776. *' Andrew Blaney of Chel-
sea married Mary Seccomb of Sa-
lem April 23, 1799." — Salem town
Stephen Blaney4, baptized in Marble-
head Oct. 3, 1742. He was a mariner,
and lived in Marblehead. He married
Mary Chapell Dec. 12, 1765.
Children, born in Marblehead : —
73—1. Stephen*, bapt. Aug. 24, 1766; m.
Mary Pedrick Oct. 21, 1787; and
she was of Marblehead, his widow,
in 1798.
74—11. MaryS bapt. Jan. 24, 1768; d. young.
75 — III. Mary*, bapt. June 24, 1770.
76— IV. Jonathan*, bapt. Sept. 13, 1772; d.
77— V. William*, bapt. Dec. 11, 1774.
78— VI. Jonathan*, bapt. Feb. 17, 1788, at
the age of eleven years.
William Blaney4, baptized in Marble-
head Dec. 30, 1744. He was a yeoman
and mariner, and lived in Marblehead un-
til about 1 7 7 7, when he removed to Lynde-
borough, N. H. After his death, his fam-
ily returned to Marblehead. He married
Ruth Besome Sept. 19, 1771 ; and died
about 1805. She was his widow, and of
Marblehead, in 1806.
Children : —
79 — I. William*, bapt. April 18, 1773, i^
Marblehead. See below (79).
80 — II. Christopher*, bapt. Jan. 21, 1776,
in Marblehead.
81;— III. Stephen*, b. about 1786; aged twen-
ty in 1806.
82 — IV. Bethiah*, b. about 1788; aged sev-
enteen in 1806.
83 — V. Susanna*, b. about 1790; aged six-
teen in 1806.
84 — VI. Grace*, b. about 1794; aged twelve
in 1806.
Joseph Blaney4, was of age in 1765.
He was a yeoman, and lived in Lynn. He
married, first, Anne Cox of Salem Nov.
24, 1763 ; and she was his wife in 1782.
He married, second, Hannah Hanford of
Salem (published Nov. 12, 1797); and
she was his wife in 1806. He died
March — , 1826, in Lynn.
Children : —
85 — I. Jonathan*. See below [8^).
86 — II. Martha*, m. John Ingalls before
1809; and they were living in 1826.
87 — III. Anne*, m. Samuel Ireson of Lynn
(pub. Jan. I, 1797); and d. before
88 — IV. Joseph*, living in 1809.
Asa BlaneyS, baptized in Marblehead
in 1779. He was a cooper, and lived in
Marblehead. He married, first, Joanna
Pearce June 27, 1789; and, second, Em-
ma Steward June 30, 1799.
Children, born in Marblehead : —
89 — I. Joanna^, bapt. April 11, 1790; d.
90 — II. AsA^bapt. May 31, 1793.
91 — III. Sarah Gould^, bapt. Feb. 2, 1795.
92 — IV. Mary', bapt. March 12, 1797.
93 — V. David*, bapt. March 13, 1800.
94 — VI. Joanna^, bapt. Oct. 31, 1802.
gj — VII. Thomas^, bapt. Fpb. 26, 1804.
96 — VIII. Henry^, bapt. Jan. 5, 1806.
William BlaneyS, baptized in Marble-
head April 18, 1773. He lived in Lynde-
borough, N. H., until his marriage, when
he returned to Marblehead. He married
Nancy Williston Jan 26, i797'
Children, baptized in Marblehead : —
97—1. Nancy", bapt. Feb. 11, 1798.
98—11, Elizabeth Williston^, bapt. Jan.
5, 1800; d. young.
99— III. Elizabeth Williston^, bapt. Jan.
31, 1808.
100 — IV. Jane*, bapt. Jan. 31, 1808.
loi — V. Ruth*, bapt. Jan. 31, 1808.
102 — VI. William*, bapt. Jan. 31, 1808.
Jonathan Blaney^, lived in Lynn, and
was a mariner. He married Betsey In-
galls of Lynn April 12, 1796; and died
before 1809.
Children, born in Lynn : —
103 — I. Jonathan*, b. Nov. 3, 1796; living
in 1809.
104 — II. Joseph*, b. March 3, 1799; living in
The will of Francis Lambert of Rowley
was proved in the court held at Ipswich
28: I : 1648. The following copy was
made from the original on file in the pro-
bate office at Salem.
The laft will of ffrancis Lambertt of
Rowley e made upon the 20*^ day of fep-
tember: 1647 :
Ip' I giue my foule and bodye to the
allmightye god :
tt I giue vnto my wife my houfe ; and
land ioyneinge therevnto with fix acers of
land lately bought of Jofeph Juitt : as al-
foe all the meadows and gates which doth
belonge vnto the fayd houfe ; all which I
giue vnto hir dureing hir naturall life
tt I giue vnto my eldeft fonne all the
aforefayd houfe and land with gates and
meadowes after the death of Jane my wife :
provided that my eldeft fonn John doe
pay vnto Ann Lambert Jonathan and
Gerfome Lambert (all beinge my Chil-
deren) fine pounds to bee equally pvided
amongeft them
tt : It is my will that Jane my wife and
Thomas Barker fhalbe the executers of
the reft of my eftate as before to haue the
ordering and difpofeinge of my childeren :
except my lonn Thomas which I freely
giue vnto my Brother Thomas Barker to
order and difpofe of
tt I giue vnto my daughter Ann for-
tye fhillings to be payed by my executers
ether att marriage or when fhee is att
eighteene yeeres of age :
tt : In Cafe my fonne John fhould dye
before the time come wherein he fhould
be poffeffed of my houfe and land then
it is my will : that my fonne Jonathan
fhall haue it ; but if by providence it be
foe ordered that my fonne Jonathan
be brought vp att fchoole and foe pceed
to be a fcholler then my houfe and land
with gates and meadowes fhall be my
fonne Gerfomes
wittneCfee : [No signature.]
Edwarde Carlton :
Thomas Barker
The will of John Jarrat of Rowley was
proved in the court held at Ipswich 27 :
7 : 1648. The following copy was made
from the original instrument on file in the
probate office at Salem.
Rowley 11**^ 11 1647
I John Jarrat ficke in body but of per-
fect memory (prayfed be God) doe or-
daine and make this my laft will and Tef-
tament : ffirft I comit my foule vnto God
through Jefus Chrift : As concerning my
outward eftate my will and minde is that
ffirft all my debts being difcharged and
paide I giue vnto my Dauyter Elifabeth
ten pounds out of my Goods and Lande
and in Cafe my wife marry againe I giue
my Daughter three pounds fix fhillings
eight pence more Ite if my wife Sufan-
na Jarrat be now with Child I giue vnto
my Child ten pounds but in cafe my wife
marry againe three pounds fix fhillings
eight pence more Ite all the reft of my
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 1 8.
Lande Goods and Cattel I giue vnto my
wife Sufanna Jarrat whom I make execu-
trix of this my laft will and teftament da-
ted the eleuenth day of the ii month
In prefence of vs his hande
Humfrey Reyner Johnyb^w Jarrat
Thomas mighell.
SALEM IN J700. NO. J8.
The map on page 38 represents that
part of Salem which is bounded by Es-
sex street, Washington Square West, For-
rester street or Washington Square, and
Washington Square East. It is based on
actual surveys and title deeds, and is
drawn on a scale of two hundred feet to
an inch. It shows the location of all
houses that were standing there in 1700.
Essex street was called the common or
highway in 1669; ye highway or street,
1675 ; ye high or main street, 1695 ; ye
main street, 1699 ; Salem main street,
1706 : and Essex street, 1794.
Washington Square West was reserved
for a way in or before 1673, and was
called a way in 1734. It was for many
years called Newbury street. For a few
years past it has been known as Wash-
ington Square West.
Forrester street was laid out before
1787, when its location was called " the
common or a way." It was named by
vote of the selectmen Bath street July 5,
1802 ; and Forrester street in 1856.
Washington Square East was an old
way into the swamp from the main street.
It was called Thomas Beadle's lane in
1700; Ives lane, 1753; Pleasant street,
1800; and for several years has been
known as Washington Square East.
Washington Square has always been
public land. For many years in the early
settlement of the town this was the pen,
or common pen, where the cows of the
neighborhood were gathered preparatory
to the cowherd taking them to the neck
for the day. At a meeting of the pro-
prietors of lands lying in common within
the town of Salem, Nov. 16, 17 13, it was
"Voated That the Comon Lands
where the Trainings are Generally Kept
In the Town nigh and before M"^ Na-
thaniell Higginfons Dwelling bee and re-
maines as Itt now layes to Continue for
Euer for A Training feild for the vfe of
said Town of Salem
"Voated That all the Highways and
Burying Places and Comon Lands lying
within the Town Bridge and the Block
houfes be And Remain e for Euer for the
vfe of the Town of Salem."*
This remained a training field during
the rest of that century. It was ye com-
mon land called ye pen in 1669 ; ye com-
mon land, 1676; the Salem common,
1699; ye common, 1701 ; Salem com-
mon or training field, 1724; the town
common or training field, 1727; the
training field, 1754; and the common
training field, 1791.
A large part of this area was swamp
land with ponds and hills ; on the map
the shape and location of two of the ponds
are given as found on an old map, but
the exact location and size of the three
small ponds is unknown. In 1802, by
private subscription, the hills were lev-
elled, the gravel being used in filling the
ponds and swamps, substantially as it is
at present. It was named Washington
Square by vote of the selectmen July 5,
1802 ; and has since been so called.
The range of house lots shown on the
map was a part of the common until they
were granted to various parties herein-
after named, between the years 1660 and
In the sketches that follow, after 1700,
titles and deeds referred to pertain to the
houses and land adjoining and not always
to the whole lot, the design being, after
that date, to give the history of the houses
then standing principally.
/okn Higginson House. This lot was
granted to John Higginson at a meeting
of the town held Dec. 4, 1673, the record
being as follows : " vpon Jn° Higginsons
Jun^s Request to the towne to sell him a
*Commoners' Records, page 3.
Oea"lc. ZO 0 ft. =1 Jne}».
PART OF SALEM IN 1700. NO. 18.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 1 8.
peece of Land next to goodman Rum-
ball : It is voated that Leaving the way
four Rod wide att the ffront and soe wide
In the Reare as the ground will give
Leaving for him ther 3 Rods In Breadth :
that he Shal have It home to goodman
Rumballs fence he payeng for It after
the same Rate or proportion that other
men have paid for their Lots further
downward and that the Select men are to
Lay It out.'' Mr. Higginson immediately
erected a dwelling house upon the lot,
which has ever since been precisely the
same lot as that now occupied by the
Franklin building. Colonel Higginson
lived in this house, which was elegant for
the time ; and died possessed of it March
23, 1719-20, at the age of seventy-three.
In his will, he devised the estate to his
son Nathaniel Higginson for his life, and
then to go to Nathaniel's children. Na-
thaniel died in 1720, leaving three chil-
dren, Mary, wife of Capt. Nathaniel An-
drew of Salem, mariner, Hannah Higgin-
son, and Elizabeth, wife of Obadiah Mors
of Boston, goldsmith. Hannah Higginson
lived in Salem, and, for one hundred and
sixty pounds, conveyed her interest in the
estate to her brother-in-law Captain
Andrew May 7, 1734.* Mrs. Mors and her
husband, for one hundred and sixty
pounds, conveyed her interest in the estate
to Captain Andrew Oct. 14, 1735.! Cap-
tain Andrew died Feb. 4, 1762, having
devised the house " I now dwell in " and
barn to his son John Andrew. The
estate was then valued at five hundred
and thirty-three pounds, six shillings and
eight pence. In the house were then
mentioned the western lower room, kitch-
en, kitchen chamber, western chamber,
easternmost chamber best room, garret,
cellar, tront closet, and '* bofet closet."
John Andrew was a goldsmith, and lived
in this house until Dec. 4, 1784, when, for
three hundred pounds, he conveyed the
estate to John Gardner of Salem, mer-
chant. J Mr. Gardner removed to Danvers,
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 62, leaf 180.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 68, leaf 217.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 143, leaf i.
and, for seven thousand, seven hundred and
eighty-five dollars, conveyed " the old man-
sion house" and all other old buildings and
the lot to Samuel Archer, 3d, of Salem
May 22, 1809.* Mr. Archer immediate-
ly removed the old house and erected on
its site the first Franklin building, which
he built of brick.
John Rogers House. This lot was
granted by the town to Daniel Rumball
of Salem, blacksmith, in consideration of
his conveying to the use of Rev. John
Higginson a lot on the north side of the
common near what is now Williams street.
This was the first lot granted in this row
of house lots. At a town meeting, held
April 30, 1660, it was "voted that Good-
man Rumble shalle haue a peec of
ground In the penn wheare it may be
Leaft prediudife to the towne in Lew of
the ground hee spared to build vppon a
a houfe for mr Higgeffon : foot for foot :
to be Layed owt by the select men."
For thirty pounds, he conveyed the lot to
John Rogers of Salem, glazier, Oct. 30,
1675.1 Mr. Rogers built a house upon
the lot probably immediately after his
purchase, and conveyed both house and
lot, being his homestead, to his niece Re-
becca Putnam, providing that she should
live with him as a nurse to him, Aug. 16,
1 7 15. 1 Mr. Rogers' wife had died the
year previous, and he died Nov. 30, 1715,
aged sixty eight. Miss Putnam married
Rev. Daniel Putnam of Reading in 1719 ;
and, for one hundred and ten pounds,
they conveyed the house and land around
it to Jonathan Very of Salem, cordwainer,
June 23, i724.§ Deacon Very Hved in
the house, and died possessed of it in 1 768,
his will, dated March 24, 1764, being
proved Jan. 2, 1769. He devised his
real estate to his children, J(mathan Very,
Abigail Very, Mary Symonds, Elizabeth
Cheever, Martha Pitman, and Bethiah
Archer, and grand children, Joseph Pratt,
Susannah Pratt and William Cook. The
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 187, leaf 170.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 31.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 27, leaf 218.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaf 128.
house, barn and land around them were
then appraised at two hundred and fifty-
three pounds, six shillings, and eight
pence. Joseph Pratt, mariner, and
widow Susannah Pratt, both of Salem, for
thirty-three pounds, conveyed their in-
terest in the mansion house and land of
their grandfather Jonathan Very to George
Peele of Salem, trader, Dec. 23, 1791.*
John Pitman, jr., and Thomas Pitman,
both of Salem, mariners, two of the grand-
children of Jonathan Very, and the guar-
dian of William Pitman, another grandson,
for twelve pounds and twelve shillings,
conveyed their interest to Mr. Peele Dec.
23, 1791.1 Jonathan Very of Salem,
truckman, the son of the deceased, for
thirty pounds, conveyed his interest in
the estate to Mr. Peele July 2, 1793. J
Joshua Pitman, house wright, Benjamin
Reed, mariner, and wife Martha in her
right, Jonathan Morong, mariner, and
wife Mary, in her right, all of Salem,
grandchildren of Jonathan Very, for ten
pounds and sixteen shillings, conveyed
their interest in the estate to William
Ball of Salem, cordwainer, Sept. 17,1 787. §
William Cook, mariner, and Mary Cheev-
er, spinster, both of Salem, grandchildren
of Jonathan Very, for twenty pounds, con-
veyed their interest to Mr. Ball Sept. 22,
1787.11 James Archer, cordwainer, and
wife Elizabeth, in her right, Elisha Gun-
nison, mariner, and wife Mary, in her
right, all of Salem, grandchildren of Jona-
than Very, for eight pounds and twelve
shillings, conveyed their interest to Mr.
Ball March 27, i788.f Daniel Need-
ham of Salem, mariner, and wife Mary,
in her right, granddaughter of Jonathan
Very, for four pounds and nmeteen shil-
lings, conveyed her interest to Mr. Ball
Sept. 4, 1792.** Joseph Symonds, house-
wright, James Symonds, fisherman, Mar-
• Essex
t Essex
t Essex
§ Essex
II Essex
H Essex
** Essex
Registry of Deeds, book 154, leaf 113.
Registry of Deeds, book 154, leaf 114.
Registry of Deeds, book 155, leaf 274.
Registry of Deeds, book 147, leaf 119.
Registry of Deeds, book 148, leaf no.
Registry of Deeds, book 147, leaf 208.
Registry of Deeds, book 155, leaf 214.
garet Symonds, spinster, and Jonathan
Archer, husbandman, all of Salem, grand-
children of Jonathan Very, for seventeen
pounds, five shillings and eight pence,
conveyed their interest to Mr. Ball March
30, 1793.* Bethiah Archer of Salem,
spinster, and William Millet, mariner,
and wife Sarah, in her right, grandchil-
dren of Jonathan Very, for fifty dollars,
conveyed their interest in the estate to
Mr. Ball Feb. 25, 1796.* A partition of
the estate was made in court Nov. 27,
1793, between George Peele and William
Ball, and the house and land around it
were assigned to Mr. Ball;t and he ap-
parently removed the old house before
Robert Woodberry Lot. This lot was
granted by the town to Manasseh Mar-
ston of Salem, blacksmith, in town meet-
ing, 7: 8 mo: 1665; and the record
reads as follows : "voated that manasses
maston shall haue the same quantitie
of land at the eft end of Goodman
Rumbls lott in the pen : paying as others
did for thires in the same Rang : once in
two yeares." Mr. Marston conveyed the
lot to Robert Wilkes of Salem, ship car-
penter, July 29, 1669.]: Mr. Wilkes died
in the autumn of 1677, having devised
the lot with a shop upon it to his nephew
Robert Woodberry, then only five
years of age. The lot was valued at
thirty pounds. Mr. Woodberry lived in
Beverly, being a mariner, and owned the
shop and lot until 1707.
John Lander House. This lot was
granted by the selectmen of Salem to
John Lander April 5, 1672. The record
of the grant is as follows : "Jn** Lander
Nich"* Maning for his Sone in law Joseph
Grey James Symonds Nath Silfby &
petter Cheeuers haue Each of them a
houfe Lott Granted them, according to
the Same pportion w^^ Manafses Marfton
had, and they are Each of them to pay
fine pounds for Each lott, in Some Good
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 160, leaf 177.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 158, leaf 98.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 67.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 1 8.
pay to the Select mens Content, and
w***in one year after this Grant, and
they are Each of them Injoyned to Build
a houfe on ther lotts w'^^in two years
time after this Grante or the S** lotts to
returne to the Towne Againe, and Each
man is Injoyn'd to Carry the watter
through his land towMs y® Sea John
Launder is to haue the next lott towM
Manafses Marftons Nich° Maning the 2^
James Symonds the third Nath Selfby the
fowerth & petter Cheeuers the fift
Lay'd out by the Select men, to Seu'^all
Persons A houfe lott a pece in the
Swampy Grownd in the Common, for
v/^^ they are to pay fine pownds a pece
Each man for his lott,'' etc. Mr. Lander
built a house upon the lot and lived in it
until his death, which occurred before
Feb. 29, 1743, when his real estate was
divided. The house and land around it
were assigned to his daughter Sarah
Johnson. She was a widow Aug. 15,
1765, when she mortgaged ^'my mansion
house heretofore of my father John Lan-
der, deceased," and land under and
around it, to John Bray of Salem, cord-
wainer;* and she conveyed it to Mr.
Bray Aug. 25, 1768.! Mr. Bray re-
moved the old house before 1790,
probably soon after 1768.
James and Deborah Holgate and Ben-
jamin Gray House. This lot was
granted by the selectmen of Salem to
Nicholas Manning for his son Joseph
Gray April 5, 1672. Mr. Gray lived here,
being a gunsmith, and died in 1690, hav-
ing devised to his wife Deborah "my dwell-
ing house," etc., for her life, and then to
his children equally. The dwelling house,
shop and land were then appraised at
eighty pounds. Joseph Gray, the eldest
son of the deceased, for five pounds, con-
veyed his interest in the estate to his
stepfather Dr. James Holgate of Salem
May 4, 1 697. J Mrs. Holgate died, and
Doctor Holgate, for four pounds, con-
veyed his interest in the house and lot to
her son Benjamin Gray of Salem, turner,
April 25, 17 1 2.* Mr. Gray died in the
winter of 1 716-7, having devised his
estate to his son Benjamin Gray of Salem,
chairmaker. The estate was then valued
at ninety pounds. Mr. Gray removed the
house before his death which occurred in
the winter of 17 60-1.
James Symonds Lot. This lot was
granted by the selectmen of Salem to
James Symonds of Salem, a joiner, April
5, -1672 ; and he continued to own it until
his decease in 1714, when the lot was
valued at thirty pounds.
Nathaniel Silsbee House. This lot was
granted by the selectmen of Salem to Na-
thaniel Silsbee of Salem April 5, 1672.
He erected a house upon the lot, and died
possessed of the estate about 17 18, ad-
ministration being granted on his estate
July 3, 1724. The estate remained un-
divided until Jan. 23, 1755, when a di-
vision took place. The house and lot
were then valued at four hundred pounds.
The estate was assigned to the eldest son
Nathaniel Silsbee of Salem, housewright.
Mr." Silsbee owned the property until his
death Jan. 2, 1769, having devised it to
his son William Silsbee. The house was
gone before 1778, while the lot was
owned by WilHam Silsbee.
Sarah Manning House. This lot was
granted to Thomas Beadle by the town
on or before April 1 5, 1 67 2 .f Mr. Beadle
was of Salem, mariner, and proceeded,
sometime after the date of the grant, to
erect a house upon the lot ; but before he
had completed the house, for thirty-four
pounds sterling, he conveyed to Robert
Stone of Salem, seaman, " the frame of a
dwelling house, soe far as the carpenters
work was now done to it, as it stands,
raised, with all ye clabords, boards &
shingles that belongs to it, & now lyes
in place at or neere the said frame, with
six windowes to be sett up, according to
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 124, leaf 170.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 163, leaf 215.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 15, leaf 121.
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 24, leaf 197.
tSee records of the selectmen of Salem of that
my first agreement with the carpenter,
alsoe y® ground y® sd frame stands upon
& is there adjoining, that belonges
thereto," etc. being this lot, April 12,
1676.* Mr. Stone died before June 24,
1690, when the inventory of his estate
was taken, possessed of the house in
which his daughter Sarah and her hus-
band Jacob Manning then lived. The
house, shop and lot were appraised at
fifty pounds. Mrs. Manning apparently
became the sole owner of the house and
lot; and died before Oct. 25, 1756, when
administration was granted upon her es-
tate. The house was then called "an old
house " and together with the land, was
appraised at fifty three pounds, six
shillings and eight pence. The
estate was divided Dec. 31, 1756, among
the children of the deceased, Katherine
Berr>', Mary Booth and Sarah Manning
being assigned the western half of the
house and lot, and Samuel Manning and
Benjamin Manning the eastern half. John
Booth of Salem, laborer, and wife Mary,
and Sarah Manning of Salem, spinster,
for seventeen pounds, fifteen shillings and
six pence, conveyed their interest to their
sister Katharine Berry of Salem, widow,
Jan. I, i757.t Mrs. Berry, for twenty-
six pounds, thirteen shillings and three
pence, conveyed the interest she then pos-
sessed to her brother Benjamin Manning
of Salem, mariner, Oct. 20, 1757.I
Samuel Manning of Oxford, gunsmith,
for five pounds, six shillings and eight
pence, conveyed his fifth interest in the
house and lot to Benjamin Manning Oct.
2 7> i756.§ Benjamin removed the old
house before 1768, when he died.
Mary Cheever House, and Samuel
Cheever and Samuel Hayward Lots.
These lots comprised the lot of land
which was granted by the selectmen of
Salem to Peter Cheever of Salem, glover,
April 5, 1672. He conveyed, for eighteen
pounds and one shilling, the southwestern
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 134.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 104, leaf 60.
TEssex Registry of Deeds, book 106, leaf 75.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 104, leaf 155.
portion (within the dashes) of the Samu-
el Hayward lot with a shop thereon, to
Nathaniel Beadle, 3d, of Salem, cord-
wainer, March 31, 1699.* Mr. Beadle,
for nineteen pounds and sixteen shillings,
conveyed the same property to Samuel
Hayward of Salem, cooper, Aug. 26,
1699.* Mr. Cheever died possessed of
the remainder of this entire lot in the
summer of 1699, having in his will de-
vised the remainder of the Samuel Hay-
ward lot to his son Peter Cheever.
Peter, who also lived in Salem, glover,
for seven pounds, conveyed it to Samuel
Hayward Nov. 22, 1699 ;t ^iid Mr. Hay-
ward owned the whole of his lot for several
years after 1700.
Mr. Cheever devised the lot marked
"Samuel Cheever," and the butcher's
shop thereon, to his son Samuel Cheever
of Salem, seaman, who conveyed the
property, for fourteen pounds and five
shillings, to Thomas Medcalf of Ipswich,
husbandman, Jan. 3, 1699- 1700. J
Mr. Cheever devised the remainder of
his lot and the house to his wife Mary
Cheever, the house and the portion of
the lot he then possessed being valued at
one hundred and ten pounds. Mrs.
Cheever, for eighty- five pounds, conveyed
the house called " a small old house," and
ten rods of land around it to James Cheev-
er of Salem, turner, March 7, 1727-8. §
Mr. Cheever removed the house before
1763, when his death occurred.
Richard Prince House. This lot was
granted by the town in town meeting
7 : I mo : 1669-70, to Richard Prince, jr.,
the records being as follows : " Graunted
that Rich Prince Jun shall purchafe a
houfe lott of the fame quantity in the
Range of land next to Daniell Rumbals ;"
and the selectmen, at a meeting Sept. 25,
167 1, " Laid out to m^ Richard Prince A
houfe lott downe in the Common Right
ouer Against Michel Chaplmans houfe,
and he is to pay the Towne fine pownds
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 196.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 14, leaf 43.
J Essex Registry of Deeds, book 18, leaf 4.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 46, leaf 167.
for it; for w«^ is debito'* to the Towne
Still, it Containes in Length running
North and South, about Seauen rodd &
fower foote and in breadth fewer redd &
halfe." Mr. Prince died in September,
1702, having in his will devised the estate
to his three sons Richard, Joseph and
John equally. Joseph died in 1703, and
John soon afterward. Richard was his
brothers' heir. He lived here, and took
down the house, building a new one in its
place, some years before his death, which
occurred in or before 1753.
Continued from volume VIII^ Po^g^ J 12.
Court, 26 : I : 1650.
" John Endecot Efquire Gov^"
Judges : Mr. Symon Broadstreet, Mr.
Samuell Symonds and Capt. Robert
Jury of trials : Willm Bartholmew,
Mathy Boyce, Symon Tomson, Christo-
pher Ossgood, John Wiate, John Prock-
ter, Willm Goodhue, John Sanders,
Abraham Tappan, George Little, Jeames
Barker and John Tod ; and Jacob Barney
in room of Mr. Bartholmew for one action.
Will of Robert Johnson of Rowley
proved. Inventory filed.
Will of Mr. Thomas Nelson proved.
Inventory filed.
John Ward v. Mr. John Clarke. Tried
at Salem in 1648.
Richard Shattswell v. Zacheous Goold.
About a stray mare. In the margin ap-
pear the names of Richard Longhorne,
Richard Homes and Robert Swan.
Mr. William Payne v. Mr. John Tom-
son. Verdict that all fish made by Mr.
Stephen Sergent's three boats at his stage
at Stare Island, with houses, salt stages,
etc., seized by defendant, be returned to
Edmond Farington v. Mr. Adam Win-
trop attorney of Capt. Stephen Wintrop.
John Ward v. Mr. John Clarke. For
bringing his estate out of England, and
for use of his money since 9th month,
Robert Starkeweathr v. Thomas White.
Mr. William Payne v. Mr. Robert Sal-
Mr. Robert Saltingstall v. Mr. William
["m^ Paine affermed to mee, that
many of thofe comodities, w^^ my broth-
e*^ Rob""' reed of him were for the ufe of
my fath"^^ eftate upon w*'^ I relying did
receive fatiffaction in cattle out of my
fath" eftate, w*^*^ being given in upon ac-
count hee accepted for ought I know.
" Richrd Saltonfall."
— Filesr^
Thomas Varnye, son of William Varnye,
being bound unto WiUiam Bartholomew of
Ipswich for fourteen years, is now assigned
to Mr. Henry Bartholmew of Salem.
John Coolye, being aged, and having
fits, whereby he falls, is freed from train-
John Perkins, sr., being above sixty
years old, is freed from ordinary train-
Thomas Leigh, aged above seventy
years, is freed from ordinary training.
Joseph Medcalfe, in regard of his lame-
ness in one arm and deafness on one side
of his head, is freed from ordinary train-
Thomas Rolinson, Mr. Samuell Apple-
ton, Philip Fowlar and Steph. Jordon, on
account of age, etc., are freed from ordi-
nary training.
Henry Bartholmew of Salem appointed
administrator of the estate of Robert
Norington who was drowned near Marble-
Frances Jordon appointed to execute
corporal punishment.
John Perry e of Newbury, for abusive
carriages to his wife, bound to good
behavior, and to sit one hour in stocks at
Anthonye Mose fined five pounds for
digging a pit and not filling it up whereby
a child was drowned.
Joseph Withe committed to Georg Git-
tens. Edward Gillman claims a right to
Joseph Langton and Willm Rayner
fined for excessive drinking.
Tho : Fiske and Tho : White said that
Joseph Langton said that John Baker
owed him two or three quarts of wine.
Thomas Scott to learn Mr. Norton's
catechism or pay a fine.
John Bucke fined for stealing wheat,
and to pay his dame costs of court.
John Broadstreet whipped for lying.
Roger Langton and Joseph Laughton
bound for appearance of the latter at next
Mr. Hubard ordered to repair highway
to Wennam pond.
Town of Ipswich to repair highway.
Town of Ipswich acquitted for not lay-
ing out highway to Gloster, as it is done.
Court, 24 : 7 : 1650.
Judges : Mr. John Endecott, deputy
gov"", Mr. Symon Broadstreet, Mr. Sam-
uell Symonds and Capt. Robert Bridges.
Grand jury : Mr. Willm Bartholmew,
Tho : Rolinson, sr., Daniell Warner,
Tho : Howlett, Mark Symonds, Tho Bish-
op, Willm Inglish, Willm Moodye, Arche-
las Woodman, John Merill, Tho : Mighell,
John Remington, Willm Assye, Hugh
Smith and Rich : Barker.
Jury of trials : George Gittens, Thomas
Smith, Thomas Tre dwell, John Perkins,
jr., Joseph Reding, Maxemilion Jewet,
Willm Jackson, Rich: Longhorne, John
Person, Thom : Milard (also, Mylard),
Benjamin Swett and John Knight.
Court adjourned a fortnight.
Tho : Clarke v. Anthony Potter. Tres-
Made freemen: Tho: Milard, John
Knight and Ben : Swet of Newbury and
Tho : Smith of Ipswich.
Edmond Farington v. Willm Flint.
Trespass for taking away hay.
George Gittens and Joseph Reding,
jurymen, fined for not appearing.
Willm Mouer (also, Moore) v. Isack
Hugh Sherrat v. Tristram Coffin, Dan-
iel Perce and John Chator.
Mr. Symon Broadstreet v. William Rob-
Larence Turner v. Henry Lenord and
wife Mary. Defamation.
Larence Turner v. John Hard man.
John Bond v. John Hardman (also,
Herdman). Slander.
John West v. Marke Symonds Edward
Browne and John Knolton. De.famation.
Mr. Jeames Noyce v. John Tillieson.
For killing a mare.
Erasmus Jeames and wife Jane v. Peeter
Pittford and Edward Pittford. Slander,
for calling her a witch.
Mr. William Payne v. Edmond Green-
leife and Stephen Kent.
Henry Lenord v. Larence Turner and
wife. Battery.
Captain Brigham v. Edward Gofe.
About the sale of the ship Zebulon.
Rich : Longhorne swore to service.
Abraham Tappan and Richard Browne
V. Tho : Tresslar.
Will of Mr. William Belingham of Row-
ley proved.
Henry Somersbye, being chosen by the
town of Newbury, is licensed to keep
an ordinary when Mr. Greenlife gives
Joseph Armentage attached Mr. Samuell
Winsloe, but did not enter the action.
Mary Bidgood, being required to ap-
pear for not repairing to her husband in
England, neighbors testified that he
could not maintain her, nor required her
to come to him, and by his letters had
left her to herself and her friends here.
She is permitted to remain for the pres-
Humphrey Broadstreet and John Broad-
street hath their bond of good behavior
Jo : Tilleson, Mr. John Spencer,
Nicolas Noice, Richard Browne, Tho
D and Robt Lovitt — for saying that
the elders would transgress for a morsel of
John Herdman and Henry Lenord
bound for the former's appearance at the
next court.
Larence Turner attached Henry Len-
ord, but did not enter the writ.
Anthony Mose had been fined.
John Tillison fined for his many offen-
ces, and bound to good behavior. Tho ;
Colman and Willm Tittman sureties.
Mr. Henrye Sevvall fined and to make
humble acknowledgment in the chuich
of Rowley in one month and to pay
twelve shillings to Mathy Boyce. [Henry
Sewell, sr., of Rowley was presented,
lo : 8 mo: 1650, for disturbance in
the time of the public ordinances.
Witnesses : Ezekiel Rogers and Lt.
Remington. Also presented for doing
violence upon the son of William Acey of
Rowley and drawing blood. Witnesses :
The mother and sister of the child.
— Files.']
John and Larance Turner bound to
bring in Sarah Turner.
Sarah Turner to be whipped for her
many offences.
John Bond to sit in the stock half an
hour for his misdemeanor.
John Wiate freed from ordinary train-
ing, paying five shillings to the use of
the company per annum.
Mr. Hubard is given more time on Mr.
John Whitingham's inventory.
Jafery Sknelling to be whipped for
divers lies and bound to good behavior
for suspicion of filthiness.
[Goodwife Symons and Willm Symons
deposed, in court, 11 (8) 1650, that Jcff-
ry Snelling said that he saw Goodwife
Morse stealing peas. — Files.']
Elizabeth, daughter of Willm Symons,
to be whipped for filthiness.
John Sparke bound to his brother-in-
law Obadiah Wood for five years.
The court consents that Samuell Sparke
be bound apprentice to William Inglish
for seven years, " only reserving to have
the consent of his Brother for the last
Walter Roper, being summoned, al-
lowed costs.
Constables paid for keeping "pris-
Five shillings, sixpences allowed to the
house and one shilling where Mr. Broad-
street lay.
Thomas Scott did not come to make
known that he had learned Mr. Norton's
To be continued.
The will of John Perkins of Ipswich
was proved in the Ipswich court 26:7:
1654. The following copy was taken from
the original instrument on file in the pro-
bate office in Salem
28th of firft m° called March 1654
I John Perkines the Elder of Ipfwich
being at this tyme fick and weake in body
yet through the mercy and goodnes of
the Lord retaining my vnderftanding
and memory : Do thus Difpofe of and be-
queath my Temporale eftate as ffoUoweh
firft I Doe giue and bequeath vnto my
Eldeft fonn John Perkines a foale of
my young mare being new with foale
if it pleafe the Lord fhee foale it
well alfo I give and bequeath to my fonn
Johns two fonnes John and Abraham to
each of them one of my yearleing heyfers :
alfo I give and bequeath to my fonn
Thomas Perkines one cow and one hey-
fer alfo I give & bequeath to his fonn
John Perkines one ewe to be delivered
for her vfe at the next f hearing tyne alfo
I doe give and bequeath to my Daughter
Elizabeth Sarieant one cow and an heyfer
to be to her and her children after her
Deceafe as it may pleafe ye Lord they
may increafe the proffits or increafe to be
equelly Devided amongft the fayde chil-
dren alfo I Doe give to my Daughter
mary Bradery one cow and one heyfer or
a young fteer to remaine to her & to her
children in theyr increafe or proffits it
fhall pleafe the Lord to bleff them and to
be equaly Devided to the children : alfo
I Doe give and bequeath to my Daughter
Lidia Bennitt one cow and one heyfer or
fteere to be equaly Devided to her chil-
dren in theyr increafe or proffits after her
Deceafe : I Doe alfo give vnto my Grand-
childe Thomas Bradbery one ewe to be
fett apart for his vfe at ye next fhearing
tyne : alfo I Doe give and bequeath vnto
my fonn Jacob Perkines my Dwelling
houfe together with all the outhowfeing,
and all my landes of one kinde and other
together with all improvements therevpon
to be his in full pofeffion according to a
former covenant, after the deceafe of my
wyfe and nott before and fo to remaine
to him and to his heires forever : all the
reft of my eftate of one kinde and other
I Doe wholy leave to my Deare wife Ju-
deth Perkines apointing and ordaining my
fayde wyfe the fole Executrix of this my
Laft will and Teitament Defiring my fayde
wife to Difpofe of the cattell aboue men-
tioned according to her difcrefion as they
fhall ^lo/per fteeref or heyfers as alfo to
Difpoie of fome of the mcxeafe or fome of
the increafe of the fheep to ||the|| chil-
dren of my fonn Thomas and of my three
Daughters at the Difcrefion of my fayde
wife and this I Doe ordaine as my Laft
will and Teftament fubfcribed with mine
owne hand this twenty eighth Day of y^
firft month 1654
figned in pre fence of John fj Perkines
William Bartholmew his ^ mark
Thomas Harris
Margaret Berry of Manchester married
Asa Adams of Hamilton Oct. 10, 1796.
— Hamilton town records.
Meriam Berry married James McAdams
Nov. 3, 1790.
Widow Jane Berry of Haverhill mar-
ried Valentine Hickey, " a transient per-
son,'| July 19, 1789.
Alice Berry married Stephen Knight
May 17, 1795.
Abigail Berry married Stephen Web-
ster, jr., Feb. 21, 1722-3.
John Berry married Jenny Frink ; chil-
dren : Meriam, born Aug. 16, 1772 ; Elias,
born Aug. 8, 1774 ; John, born March 12,
1777 ; Caleb, born Oct. 25, 1779.
Zebediah Johnson, son ol the widow
Jenny Berry, born May 9, 1785.
— Haverhill town records,
Thomas Berry of Ipswich died before
May II, 1693, when administration was
granted on his estate to Agnes, wife of
Giles Cowes of Ipswich. His daughter
Agnes married Gyles Cowes Feb. 27,
1672, in Ipswich. Three pounds of Mr.
Berry's estate was in the hands of widow
Berry. — Probate records and county rec-
Capt. Thomas Berry' of Boston married
Margaret Rogers (daughter of John Rog-
ers, president of Harvard college) of Ip-
swich Dec. 28, 1686; lived in Boston,
where he died about 1696; she married,
secondly, John Leverett, president of
Harvard college, Nov. 25, 1697; and
died June 7, 1720, at the age of fifty- four.
Children of Thomas and Margaret Berry :
1. Margaret,^ born in Boston June 25,
1692. 2. Elizabeth,^ born in Ipswich
Sept. 20, 1693 ; married Daniel Appleton
of Ipswich June 8, 17 15; she died at
Cambridge Nov. 28, 1773, being known
as " Madam Elizabeth Appleton." 3.
Thomas,^ born in Boston March 19, 1694-
5 ; graduated at Harvard college, 1 7 1 2 ;
lived in Ipswich ; was colonel, representa-
tive, justice of the court of common pleas,
judge of the probate court for the county
of Essex, of the governor's council, 1735-
1751, and an eminent physician; mar-
ried, first, Martha Rogers (daughter of
Rev. John Rogers) of Ipswich (published
24 : 6 : 1717) ; she died Aug. 25, 1727,
at the age of thirty-three ; he married, sec-
ond, EHzabeth Turner of Salem May 2,
1728; he died Aug. 10, 1756, at the age
of sixty-one; in his will be gave fifty
pounds to the South church in Ipswich,
with which to procure a piece of plate ;
his wife, known as *' Madam Elizabeth
Berry," died in 1775 ; administration on
her estate being granted Aug. i, 1775 ;
his children, born in Ipswich, were as fol-
lows : I . Thomas,3 baptized July 20, 1 7 1 8 ;
2. Elizabeth,3 born Feb. 28, 1 730-1;
died Dec. 19, 1735; 3. Thomas,3 born
Sept. 17, 1732; died Nov. 17, 1736; 4.
Mary,3 baptized Aug. 11, 1734 ; died, an
infant, Dec. 12, 1735 ; 5. Elizabeth,3 bap-
tized Nov. 9, 1737 ; married Joseph How
(published Dec. 9, 1758) ; and died be-
fore 1768: 6. Thomas,3 born July 29,
1740; 7. John,3 born Feb. 26, 1742;
lived in Ipswich ; yeoman and merchant ;
married Abigail Wise (published July 3,
1762) ; he died in Ipswich Feb. 21, 1774;
she married, secondly, John Harris , 4th
(published Jan. 18, 1776]; and was liv-
ing in Ipswich in 1781 ; children of John
and Abigail Berry, born in Ipswich :
Elizabeth,4 born June 24, 1763; Thomas4,
baptized Dec. 9, 1764; Abigail,^ baptized
Jan. 14, 1770 j married Moses Lord, jr.,
Sept. 15, 1794; and Mary,4 born Feb. 23,
1772 ; married William Rust of Amherst,
N. H., Nov. 29, 1792. — Records,
Peter Berry married Susannah Dooke
(published Dec. 23, 1710) ; and he died
Feb. 3, 1758. Children: Susannah, bap-
tized 20 : 5 : 1712 ; married Ezekiel Hunt
(published April 15, 1715) ; Sarah, bap-
tized April 4, 1 7 14; published to Mich-
ael Holland Nov. 30, 1735 j Peter, bap-
tized 22 : 7 : 1717 ; Elizabeth, baptized
13: 10: 1719; married Daniel Lakeman
(published Dec. 11, 1742); Dorothy,
baptized Aug. 4, 1723 : and John, bap-
tized June 25, 1727.
Joseph Berry published to Sarah Spiller
29 : 7 : 1716.
Sarah Berry published to William Lake-
man Nov. 20, 1724.
— Ipswich town records.
Children of Thomas and Elizabeth Ber-
ry : Thomas, born March 14, 1694-5;
died April 4, 1695 ; Samuel, born June
25, 1697.
William Berry married Anna Wayt May
i3> 1752.
— Lynn town records,
Hannah Berry married Cyrus Stiles
Oct. 29, 1789. — Middle ton town records.
Queries are inserted for one cent a word.
Answers are solicited.
442. Wanted, ancestries of (i) James
Nourse and (2) Elizabeth Mansfield,
married at Lynn, 1785; (3) Jacob In-
galls and (4) Mary Tucker, married at
Lynn, 1737; (5) John Farrington and
(6) Abigail Fuller, married at Lynn,
1720; and (7) Sarah Farrington who
married Joseph Breed at Lynn, 1683;
also (8) maiden name and ancestry of
Mary (wife of Hugh) Alley, who died,
1674; and (9) name and ancestry of
wife of Allen Breed who died, 1692.
New York, N. Y. j. d. l.
443. Wanted, ancestry of John Goss
who married, July 30, 1728, at Bradford,
Mass., Mehitable Bailey, daughter of
James3 and Hannah (Wood) Bailey.
Manchester, N, H. a. r. w. l.
444. Wanted, ancestry of Nathaniel
Stacy, born Ipswich, Sept. 16, 1752, of
Samuel Stacy and Hannah Ayres, pub-
lished June 21, 1746. c. E. s.
New Haven, Conn,
216. Leader Nelson's father, Joseph
Nelson, was son of Matthew Nelson of
Portsmouth, N. H. The latter was in
Portsmouth's tithing men's list in 1678;
and his first recorded deeds of land were
in Newington on the river, in 1679,
nearly opposite where Charles Nelson
had bought land on the eastern shore in
1675. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary
states that in 1684 he had a wife Jane
(Rawlings?), and that in 1690 he was
solicitor for Massachusetts. He had a
second wife Agnes (Hunking?). He
lived later in Portsmouth town, and last
on " Walford's Plantation " at the head
of Sagamore Creek, in Portsmouth, which
he bought in 1697. He died before
April II, 1 713. His children were as
follows : , who married Nathaniel
Tuckerman in 1708 ; John, who died, un-
married, about 1720; Matthew, who mar-
ried Mary Cotton in June, 1715 ; Joseph,
whose wife was Ann (Leader?) ; Mark,
who married widow Elizabeth Man, a
daughter of John and Elizabeth Kennard,
Dec. 2Z, 1732. There were very proba-
bly the following named children, also :
James, who was in the " expedition east-
ward " about 1 7 10; Abigail, who married
Josiah Moses Nov. 12, 1719; William,
who married Margaret Swaine Dec. 29,
1726 ; and Elizabeth, who married Benja-
min Cowell Nov. 27, 1729. Many of
the descendants of Matthew, Joseph and
Mark have been traced. John, of Exeter,
was son of Matthew. Leader's son Sam-
uel probably settled in Barnstead, N. H.,
but further information about that is
desired.— /^^«^. Moses, Strafford, N.H.
293. Elizabeth, wife, first of John
Kingsbury of Rowley and Haverhill, and,
second, in 1672, of Peter Green, was
probably daughter of Elizabeth Button of
Haverhill, as Elizabeth Batten of Haver-
hill conveyed to her " son-in-law " Peter
Green land in Haverhill Dec. 7, 1673, by
deed recorded in Old Norfolk County
Deeds, book 3, leaf 75. The witnesses
to the deed were Henry Kinsberry and
Joseph Kinsberry. — Ed.
A Chase Chart. Mr. Francis Nelson
Chase of Lowell, Mass., has published
his ancestral chart mounted upon cloth.
It gives his descent in its many lines, and
is illustrated with autographs, coats- of-
arms, and a drawing of the old Chase
homestead at Corliss hill in Haverhill.
On the Formation of Local Collec-
tions. By John Robinson. Salem, 1904.
This is an important paper read at the
field meeting of the Andover Natural His-
tory Society at the Alderbrook farm, July
20, 1904, by Mr. Robinson of the Pea-
body Academy of Science in Salem.
Paper; nineteen duodecimo pages.
Ezekiel Cheever, Schoolmaster. By
Elizabeth Porter Gould. Boston, 1904.
This little cloth bound book of ninety-
four pages, is a fine addition to similar
monographs. The introduction is by Ed-
ward Everett Hale, D. D., and in his ac-
customed style. The larger portion of
the volume is, of course, devoted to the
biography of Master Cheever, who *was
bom in London Jan. 25, 16 14. He
taught school in New Haven, Conn.,
1639-1650, in Ipswich, Mass., 1650-1661,
in Charlestown, 1661-1670; and in Bos-
ton, being master of the Latin School,
1671-1708. He taught up to his last ill-
ness, dying Sept. 12, 1708, when ninety-
three years of age. Among the illustra-
tions is a half-tone cut of the tablet to
Master Cheever's memory in the Boston
Latin School.
Chipmans of America. By Alberto
Lee Chipman. Poland, Me., 1904. Be-
ginning with John Chipman, born at
Bryan s- Piddle, near Dorchester, England,
who was the first and only one of the
name to seek a home in America, the
book contains a complete genealogy of
the Chipman family as descended from
him, down to the eighth generation.
The volume contains 232 pages, but has
no index. It is well printed in clear
type on good paper. It is illustrated by
half-tone cuts of the author and Rev.
Richard Manning Chipman of Harwinton,
Torrington, Chattam and East Granby,
Conn., and Athol, Mass., and a colored
print of the English arms of Chipman.
Price, $4. Address Ye Chipman Printery,
Poland, Me.
CuMMiNGS Genealogy : Isaac Cum-
mings, 1 601- 1677, of Ipswich in 1638;
and some of his Descendants. By Albert
Oren Cummins. Montpelier, Vt, 1904.
Mr. Cummins has completed his exten-
sive work upon the history and genealogy
of the American Cummings family. The
volume is bound in cloth, and contains
643 octavo pages, fifty- seven of which
comprise the index. The book contains
considerable biographical matter, and
much genealogy of the families of the
daughters. It appears to be quite com-
plete ; and is well printed on fine paper
with plain and tasteful type. There are
many plates in the volume, mostly por-
traits, the frontispiece being an excellent
likeness of the author. Mr. Cummins
can congratulate himself upon the com-
pletion of his task, which he has so faith
fully and successfully performed. He has
pubhshed the volume himself. His address
is Montpelier, Vt. ; and the price of the
book is five dollars.
►— *
t— t
The Essex Antiquarian.
Vol. IX.
Salem, Mass., April, 1905.
No. 2.
T9E surname of Blasdell is also
spelled in early records in Essex county
Blaisdell, Blaisdill^ Biasdale, Blasdel^
Bias dill ^ Blase dill, B lass dell, Blazdale,
Blazdel, Blazdell diwd Blesdale.
The American ancestor of this family
Ralph Blasdell', a tailor. He lived
in Salisbury as early as 1640, having come
from York, Me. He married Elizabeth
; and died between 1648 and
1650. His wife Elizabeth survived him ;
and died in Salisbury, his widow, " about
ye middle of August, 1667."
Children : —
2 — I. Henry,'' b. about 1632. See below {2).
3 — n. Sarah,^ d. 17: II : 1646, in Salisbury.
4 — III. Mary,'^ b. 5: I mo: 1641; m., first,
Joseph Stowers before 1667; lived
in Charlestown, where he d. in
1672; she m., second, William
Starling Dec. 19, 1676, and lived
in Haverhill, where she d. May 29,
Henry Blasdell^, born about 1632.
He was a planter or husbandman and
tailor, and lived in that part of Salisbury
that was set off as Amesbury in 1666. He
married, first, Mary Haddon before 1657 ;
and she died in Amesbury Dec. 12, 1691.
He married, second, Elizabeth
before 1702 ; and he died between 1705
and 1707.
Children : —
5 — I. Ebenezer,^ b. 17: 8 : 1657, in Salis-
bury. See below (j).
6 — II. Mary,^ b. May 29, 1660, in Salis-
bury. D. W. Hoyt states that she
married Robert Rawlins.
7 — in. Henry,=* b. April 28, 1663, in Salis-
bury. See below (7).
8— IV.
9— V.
10 — VI.
12 — VIII.
13— IX.
Elizabeth,' b. about 1665. This
child is given by D. W. Hoyt, who
says she probably m. John-Hunting-
Ralph,=^ b. about 1667; laborer;
lived in Amesbury; d. Jan. 11,
1691, probably unmarried.
John,' b. May 27, 1668 (D. W.
Hoyt). See below (lo).
Sarah,' b. Nov. II, 1671; m. Ste-
phen Flanders June 20, 1706,
in Amesbury.
Jonathan,' b. Oct. 11, 1676. See
below {12).
Samuel,' "6th son"; d. in Amesbury
Oct. 3, 1683.
Ebenezer Blasdell3, born in Salisbury
17: 8: 1657. He was a husbandman
and cooper, and lived in Amesbury. He
married Sarah Colby about 1680; and
died Aug. 10, 17 10, in Amesbury. She
survived him, and died in Amesbury, his
widow, March 14, 1711.
Children, born in Amesbuiy : —
14 — I. Ephraim,* b. about 1682. See below
15— n. Thomas,* d. before 1712 (D. W.
16 — III. Ebenezer/ b. Dec. 29, 1686; cooper;
lived in Amesbury until 171 2 when
he settled in York, Me. ; pub. to
Sarah Chase of Newbury Feb. 5,
1708-9; m. Abigail (Ingerson), wid-
ow of Joseph Jenkins of York
about 1 71 2. He had a large family.
17 — IV. Eleanor,* b. Nov. 30, 1688; d. Jan.
19, 1688-9.
18 — V. Mary," d. young (D. W. Hoyt).
19 — VI. Ralph,* b. April 21, 1692. See be-
low (/9).
20— VII. Sarah/ b. July 27, 1694; unmarried
in 1713.
Henry Blasdell3, born in Salisbury
April 28, 1663. He was a husbandman
and tailor, and lived in Amesbury. He
married, first, Mary in or before
1686 ; and she was his wife in 1690. He
married, second, Hannah (Rowell), widow
of Thomas Colby of Amesbury about
1691 ; and she died in Amesbury Aug. 9,
1707. He married, third, Dorothy
Martin Oct. 27, 1707. He died before
March 11, 1707-8, when administration
was granted upon his estate ; and his wife
Dorothy survived him. He had " a garri-
son house," valued at one pound, inven-
toried with his other estate. His
widow Dorothy married, secondly, Thomas
Ayers of Haverhill, widower, March 7,
Children : —
21—1. Henry.'* See below {21).
22 — II. Mary/ m. Samuel Clough, jr., of
Amesbury, husbandman, Dec. 12,
1706; and she was his wife in
23—111. John,* b. Feb. 4, 1686-7, m Ames-
bury; "2d son." See below {2j).
Lt. John Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
May 27, 1668. He was a husbandman,
and lived in Amesbury. He married
Elizabeth (Challis), widow of John Hoyt,
Jan. 6, 1692-3 ; and died May — , 1733,
administration being granted on his estate
June 25, 1733. She survived him, and
was living in 1744. His estate was
appraised at ^753, iij-., 3^.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
24 — I. Mary,* b. Nov. 3, 1693; m. Abner
Hoyt Nov. 14, 1 71 7.
25 — II. Elizabeth,* b. Nov. 24, 1695; m.
David Clough of Amesbury, laborer,
Nov. 25, 1 7 18; and she was living
in 1755.
26 — III. Ralph,* b. April 10, 1698. See be-
low {^26).
27 — IV. Philip,* b. Aug. 9, 1700; "second
son." See below {27).
28 — v. Jacob,* b. Feb. 9, 1703; mariner;
lived in Amesbury; m. Jemima
Hook Sept. 30, 1727; she d. Nov.
13, 1740, aged thirty-six; and he
d. between 1755 and 1760, ad-
ministration being granted on his
estate April 14, 1760. His estate
was insolvent. No children known.
Jonathan Blasdel3, born in Amesbury
Oct. II, 1676. He was a blacksmith,
and lived in Amesbury. He had a privi-
lege in the stream for mills at Trickling
falls. He married Hannah Gimson
(Jameson) about 1698; and died before
Nov. 28, 1748, when administration was
granted on his estate, which was ap-
praised at £6$!, IS., 2d. His wife
Hannah was living in 1748, but probably
died before June 5, 1748.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
29 — I. Mary,* b. Nov. 21, 1699; m. Gideon
Lowell Jan. 3, 1722-3.
30—11. Daniel,* b. March 5, 1 701-2. See
below {30).
31— HI. Anne,* b. Oct. 23, 1704; m. Philip
Quinby Dec. 19, 1729.
32— IV. Elijah,* b. Nov. 19,1706. See be-
low {32).
33 — V. Jonathan,* b. Aug. 15, 1709; black-
smith; lived in Kingston, N. H. ;
m. Hannah Jones Aug. 5, 1731;
built iron works in East Kingston,
at Trickling falls; his will, dated
May II, 1781 ; was proved Jan. 29,
1 782. They had eleven children.
34— VI. David,* b. Feb. 5, 1711-2. See be-
low {34).
35 — VII. Enoch,* b. July 9, 1714. See below
36— VIII. Samuel,,* "youngest son," 1750.
See below (36).
37 — IX. Hannah,* b. June 8, 1720; m. Gid-
eon Challis Nov. 23, 1738.
38 — X. Elizabeth,* "youngest, daughter,"
1750; m. Abraham Colby March
23, 1741-2.
39 — XI. Henry,* b. April 12, 1726; d. May
3, 1730, aged four years.
Ephraim Blasdell4, born in Amesbury
about 1682. He was a cooper, and lived
in Amesbury. He married Deborah
Bartlett (published July 9, 1703). He
died ini 728, administration being granted
on his estate Aug. 5 , 1728. The inventory
of his estate amounted to ;^2 26, is. His
wife Deborah survived him, and married,
secondly, George Worthen, widower, Oct.
24, 1732.
Children, bom in Amesbury : —
40 — I. Samuel,* b. June 24, 1704. See be-
low (40).
41 — II. Abner,^ b. Feb. 25, 1705-6. See
below {41).
42 — III. Sarah,' b. April 19, 1708; m. John
Stevens, jr., of Haverhill, black-
smith, Dec. I, 1726; and was living
in 1735-
43 — IV. Eleanor,* b. Feb. 7, 1709-10; m.
David Merrill Jan. 15, 1729-30;
and was living in 1754-
44 — V. Dinah, = b. Jan. 23, 171 1-2; probably
d. before 1731.
45 — VI. Ephraim,^ b. July 2, 1714; d. young.
46 — VII. Abigail,"^ b. about 1716; m. John
Parsons of York, Me., March 16,
47 — VIII. Ephraim,^ b. June 14, 17 19. See be-
low {47).
Ralph Blasdell4, born in Amesbury
April 21, 1692. He was a cooper and
lived in Amesbury until after 1730, when
he removed to Kingston, N. H. He
married Mary Davis about 17 10.
Children, born in Amesbury (except
Dorothy) : —
48 — I. Ebenezer,* b. Aug. 14, 1 711; m.
Sarah Stockman Nov. 29, 1739;
lived in Kingston, N. H. They
had six children.
49 — II. Timothy,* b. July 16, 1713; d. Sept.
—y 1713-
50 — III. Humphrey,'' b. Sept. 4, 17 14; d.
July 19, 1726.
51 — IV. RoDOLPHUS* (son), b. Jan. 6, 171 7-8;
d. young.
52 — V. Timothy,* b. May 8, 1720; cooper;
lived in Kingston.
53 — VI. John,' b. March 5, 1725-6; d. Aug.
10, 1735-
54 — VII. Sarah, -^ b. July 17, 1730; d. July 14,
55 — viii. Dorothy,^ bapt. April 22, 1744, in
East Kingston; m. Stephen Tonga
of Kingston Nov. 14, 1752.
Dr. Henry Blasdell4, first a cord-
wainer until 17 13, after which he was a
" doctor of physic." He lived in Ames-
bury until about 17 15, when he removed
to Chelmsford. He married, first, Martha
Bartlett of Haverhill (published May 7,
1709) ; and, second, Lydia Parker before
1720. He died in the winter of 1735-6,
his will dated Jan. 7, 1735-6, being proved
March 18, 1735-6. His wife Lydia sur-
vived him, and married, secondly,
Spalding before 1739.
Children : —
56—1. Henry,^ b, April 11, 1710, in Ames-
bury; shipwright and caulker; lived
in Boston.
57— n. MARTHA,^ b. Sept. 22, 1713, in
Amesbury; d. young.
58— III. Mary.^ b. Aug. 27, 1720, in Chelms-
ford ; m. Dr. Jonathan Stedman of
59— IV. Lydia,^ b. May 7, 1723, in Chelms-
ford; m. Henry Gould of Concord,
Mass., May 12, 1748.
60— V. Anna,^ b. April 7, 1725, in Chelms-
ford; m. John Ball.
61— VI. Ann,^ b. March 3, 1727, in Chelms-
ford; m. Oliver Hildreth of Ando-
62 — vii. Sarah,* b. March 23, 1729-30, in
Chelmsford; m. Joseph Haywood
Oct. 30, 1745.
63— vni. JoHN,*b. Nov, 23, 1732, in Chelms-
ford. See below {6j).
64 — IX. William,* b. June 6, 1735, in
Chelmsford; lived in Chelmsford.
Had wife Sarah and children.
John Blasdell4, born in Amesbury
Feb. 4, 1686-7. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Amesbury. He married Ebenezer
Stevens Jan. n, 1710-1. He was a repre-
sentative to the general court, and also a
commissioner to settle the boundary line
between Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
etc. He died in 1753; l^is will, dated
April 10, 1753, being proved May 21,
1753. His wife Ebenezer survived him.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
65 — I. Hannah,* b. Feb. 20, 171 1-2; m.
Jonathan Kelley, jr. , May 22. 1 733 ;
and was living in 1 753.
66 — II. Ezra,* b. Aug. 19, 1713. See below
67 — in. Mary,' b. March 22, 1714-5; m.
Daniel Webster of Amesbury Nov.
26, 1 741; and was living in 1753.
68— IV. John,* b. May 23, 171 7. See below
69 — v. Henry,* b. April 28, 1718. See below
70 — VI. Nathaniel,* b. April 6, 1720; wheel-
wright; removed to Chester, N. H. ;.
m. Mary Blay of Newbury Jan. 14,,
1744-5; andd. Dec. 22, 1786.
71 — vii. Stephen,' b. Feb. 9, 1722-3. See
below {71).
72 — VIII.
Martha,* b. Nov. i6, 1724; m. Na-
than Webster of Amesbury Feb. 10,
Abigail,* b. Sept. 28, 1726; m.
Enoch Colby.
Ebenezer** (dau.), b. March 14,
1729; probably d. before 1753.
Ralph Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
73— IX.
74— X.
April 10, 1698.
Nichols April 10,
Kingston, N. H.,
Children : —
He married Mary
1 7 18; and lived in
where he died about
77— III.
78 — IV.
79— V.
80 — VI.
81— VII.
Moses,* b, July 17, 1720, in Ames-
bury ; lived in East Kingston, N.
H.; m. Mary Prescott July 16,
1746; and had nine children.
Elizabeth,* b. about 1722.
Mary,* b. Feb. 4, 1724-5. in Kings-
ton; tn. Timothy Eastman Jan. 16,
Thomas,' m. Dorothy Clough Oct.
25, 1750.
Daniel,* ummarried; lived in East
John,* b. about 1733; m. Judith
Shepard May 10, 1759; lived in
East Kingston; and d. in Gilford,
N. H., about 1799. He had six
Miriam,* m. Jonathan Blasdell (son
of Jonathan, No. 33) Sept. 23,
1762; lived in South Weare, N. H.
Philip Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
Aug. 9, 1 700. He was a husbandman,
and lived in Amesbury. He married
Elizabeth Goodwin July 13, 1727; and
died in 1756, administration being granted
on his estate April 12, 1756. She sur-
vived him.
Children, bom in Amesbury : —
82 — I. RuTH,''b. about 1728; m. first, Isaac
Whittier March 28, 1751; and,
second, Matthias Hoyt April 3,
83—11. Sarah,* b. about 1 730; m. Ezekiel
Eastman Feb. 27, 1 755 ; and lived
in Salisbury.
84— in. Jacob,* b. July 23, 1735. See below
Daniel Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
March 5, 1 701 -2. He lived in Amesbury
until about 1730, when he removed to
East Kingston, N. H. He married Naomi
Tukesbury (published Sept. 2, 1721);
and died Dec. 20, 1732. She survived
him, and returning to Amesbury, married,
secondly, Israel Morrill of Salisbury
(published Oct. 4, i735-)
Children : —
Christopher,* b. March 22, 172 1-2,
in Amesbury. See below {8f).
Daniel,* b. April 10, 1724, in Ames-
bury. See below {86).
Jacob,* b. about 1726, in Amesbury.
See below (Sj).
Moses,* b. Sept. 28, 1728, in Ames-
bury; joiner; lived in Nottingham,
N. H., and Hampden, Me.; m.
Anna Sanborn of Epping (pub.
Oct. 27, 1750).
Phebe,* b. about 1730; d. Oct. 23,
89— V.
90 — VI.
Elijah Blasdell4, born in Amesbury
Nov. 19, 1 706. He was an iron bloomer,
and lived in the West parish of Rowley,
now Georgetown. He married Mary
Holmes of Rowley March 13, 1728-9:
and died Feb. 14, 1738-9, at the age of
thirty-two. She survived him, and was
his widow in 1752.
Children, born in Rowley : —
John,* b. Sept. 8, 1729; d. Sept.
6(7 — graveslone)^ 1736, aged six
years *
Hannah,* b. Aug. 13, 1731; d. Sept.
16, 1736, aged five years.*
Mehitable,* b. Oct. 17, 1732; d.
Sept. 26, 1736, aged three years.*
Mary,* bapt. Aug. 25, 1734; ^•
Sept. 9, 1736, aged two years.*
Jane,* bapt. March 14, 1735-6; d.
Sept. 20 (19 — gravestone), 1736,
aged six months.*
John,* b. Sept. 4, 1737; lived in
Goffstown, now Manchester, N.H.;
m. Susanna Mirick of Haverhill in
1757; and had children.
Hannah,* b. Dec. 21, 1738; m., when
of Bradford, Timothy Colby of
Amesbury Oct. 20, 1757; and
lived in the West parish of Ames-
bury, now Merrimac, on the river.
*These five children, all that Mr. and Mrs.
Blasdell then had, died of the throat distemper,
within three weeks' time .
91— I.
92 — II.
93— in.
94— IV.
95— V.
96 — VI.
97— VII.
David Blasdell4, born in Amesbury
Feb. 5, 1 71 1-2. He was a clockmaker,
and lived in Amesbury. He married
Abigail Colby Nov. 16, 1733; and died,
probably while a soldier in the French
and Indian War, as he made his will at
Fort William Henry, at Lake George,
being very sick, Aug. 10, 1756. The will
was proved May 9, 1757. His wife
Abigail survived him, and was his widow
in 1772.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
98—1. David*, b. Dec. 8, 1734; ^^P*- Nov.
15, 1734; <3. young.
99—11. David*, b. Feb. 21, 1735-6. See
below (99).
100 — III. Isaac*, b. March 27, 1738. See be-
low (100).
lOi — IV. Molly*, b. May 16, 1739; m., first,
Lewis Lowell Jan. 4, 1 757-8 ; second,
Joseph Hart; and, third,
102 — V. Nicholas*, b. July i, 1740; d. young.
103 — VI. Jonathan*, b. Oct. 11, 1741; <!•
104 — VII. Nicholas*, b. Aug. 27, 1743. See
below {104).
105 — viii. Dolly*, b, Jan. 26, 1744-5; m.
Thomas Bartlett, 3d, of Newbury
June 19, 1760; and lived in Deer-
ing, N. H.
106 — IX. Jonathan*, b. Oct. 17, 1748. See
below {106).
107 — X. SvENCER*, b. May 12, 1751. See
below {joy).
108 — XI. Obadiah*, b. April 30, 1753; d.
109 — XII. Obadiah', b. Feb. 28, 1755; d.
Enoch Blasdell4, born in Amesbury
July 9, 1 7 14. He married Mary Satterly
Feb. 6, 1735-6; and lived in Amesbury
until about 1 761, when they removed to
Warner, N. H.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
110 — I. Susanna*, b. Sept. 4, 1737.
Ill — II. Elijah*, b. Sept. 5, 1739; d. Jan.
22, 1739-40.
112 — III. Elijah*, b. Dec. 31, 1740. See
below {112).
113 — IV. Judith*, b. March 17, 1742-3; m.
Pasky Pressey of Amesbury Dec. 2,
1762; and settled in Warner, N. H.
114 — V, Betty*, b. Aug. 6, 1746; m. Joshua
Mitchell Sept. 26, 1772.
115 — VI. Mary*, b. July 19, 1751.
116 — VII. Jacob*, b. April 8, 1754; "*• ^^^^
Morse of Brentwood March 26,
117 — VIII. Enoch*, b. Oct. 16, 1759; d. Oct.
30, 1759-
Samuel Blasdell4, born in Amesbury
about 1 717. He was a joiner, and lived
in Amesbury. He married, first, Dorothy
Barnard (published Dec. 22, 1735); and
she died in 1756. He married, second,
Judith (Osgood), widow of Nehemiah
French of South Hampton, N. H., Jan.
25 J 1758-9. He died in 1769, adminis-
tration being granted on his estate May
29, 1769.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
118— L Oliver^ b. April 15, 1736. See
below (118).
119 — II. Dorothy*, b. Jan. 8, 1738; d. young.
120 — III. Samuel*, b. May 14, 1743* -5"''
below {120).
121 — IV. Ruth*, b. May 3, 1747; d. young.
122 — V. Dorothy*, b. Jan. 20, 1749.
123 — VI. Ruth*, b. Feb. 23, 1752; probably
m. Jacob Currier Feb. — , 1776.
124— viL Meriam*, b. Sept. 3, 1754 ; d. young.
125 — viii. Meriam*, b. June 25, 1756.
Samuel BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
June 24, 1704. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Amesbury. He married Hannah
Tuxbury June 3, 1729 ; and died in 1749,
administration being granted on his
estate Nov. 20, 1749. His wife Hannah
survived him, and was his widow in 1758.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
126 — I. Stephen^, b. Jan. 13, 1730-1. See
below {126).
127 — IL Samuel'*, b. Oct. 20, 1733; m. Mary
; and lived in Lyndeboro,
now Greenfield, N. H.
128 — III. Hannah^ b. May 2, 1736.
129 — IV. Ephraim^, b. June 15, 1740. See
below {i2g).
Abner BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
Feb. 25, 1705 6. He was a mason, and
lived in Amesbury. He married Mary
Clement of Haverhill about 1728; and
died in 1 742, administration being granted
on his estate Oct. 18, 1742. His wife
Mary survived him, and married, secondly,
Joseph Gould, jr., May 17, 1744.
Children : —
130 — I. William^, b. Jan. 26, 1728-9, in
Haverhill; d. Aug. 4, 1730.
131 — II. Mary^, b. Oct. 10, 1 730, in Haverhill.
132 — III. Mehitable^, b. Nov. 13, 1732, in
133 — IV. Abigail**, b. June 20, 1734.
134 — V. William^, b. Oct. 25, 1735; ship-
wright; lived in Hampton, N. H.,
in 1757.
13s— VI. Anna«, b. Aug. 31, 1737-
136 — VII. JOHN^, b. March 3, 1740; d. Nov. 2,
137 — VIII. DiNAH^, b. June 28, 1742.
Ephraim BlasdellS, bom in Amesbury
June 14, 1 7 19. He was a yeoman and
bricklayer, and lived in Amesbury. He
married, first, Anna Trafton of York, Me.,
April I, 1742 ; and she died in 1752. He
married, second, Dorothy Bartlett Aug.
30, 1753. His wife Dorothy died Jan. 16,
1804; and he died Oct. 12, 1806.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
138— I. Abner^, b. April 16, 1743. See be-
low {138).
139— II. ANNA^ b. March 13, 1745; m.
Daniel Bagley April 8, 1767.
140— III. Dolly (or Dorothy)^ b. April 6,
1747; m. Eli Gale, blacksmith; and
lived in Amesbury.
141— IV. LYDIA^ b. Sept. 12, 1749; probably
d. before 1807.
142— V. OLIVE^ b. Nov. 30, 1752; m. John
Hook; and lived in Amesbury.
143— VI. JoHN«, b. April 9, 1754. See below
144— VII. ABIGAIL^ b. April 16, 1756 ; m. Jacob
Barnard of Amesbury July i , 1 784.
145— VIII. Hannah^, b. Jan. 9, 1759; probably
d. before 1807.
146— IX. Mary«, b. July 25, 1766; m. Nathan
Long of Amesbury Jan. 7, 1788;
and d. before 1807.
John BlasdellS, born in Chelmsford
Nov. 23, 1732. He married Mary
Sawyer of Newbury Aug. 5, 1756; and
died in the « Army of the Havannah."
She survived him, and married, secondly,
Benjamin Wallingford of the West parish
of Rowley now Georgetown, Aug. 13,
1777- Mr. Wallingford died in 1790;
and she afterwards lived in Boxford, where
she died in 1819.
Child, born in Chelmsford : —
147 — I. John Sawyer^, b. Nov. 3, 1757. See
below {147)'
Ezra BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
Aug. 19, 1713. He was a yeoman and
cordwainer, and lived in Amesbury. He
married Sarah Harvey Jan. 4', 1737-8;
and died Dec. 22, 1798.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
148— L JOHN^, b. July 18, 1738.
149 — II. Harvey^, bapt. Jan. 4, 1 740-1. See
below {i4g).
150 — III. Anna^ b. Oct. 20, 1742; m. Moses
Moulton Jan. 5, 1772; and lived in
Loudon, N. H.
151 — IV. Oliver^, b. June 16, 1744. See be-
low (fji).
152 — V. Sarah**, b. Aug. 6, 1745; m.
Leavitt of Chichester, N. H.
153 — VI. Ezra**, bapt. Feb. 14, 1747-8; d.
154 — VII. Ebenezer^, bapt. Jan. 28, 1749-50;
d. young.
155 — VIII. Meriam^, b. Dec. 17, 1751; d. in
Amesbury, unmarried.
156 — IX. Abigail^ b. Aug. 16, 1753; m.
Thomas Sargent of Loudon, N. H.,
April 14, 1772.
157 — X. Ebenezar^ (dau.), b. March 20,
158— XI. EzRA^, b. Feb. 20, 1757; lived in
Loudon, N. H., and Woodstock,
John BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
May 23, 1 71 7. He married Dorothy
Rovell April 8, 1741 ; and died Nov. 15,
1742, at the age of twenty-five.
Child, born in Amesbury : —
159— I. Sarah^, b. Feb. 11, 1741-2; was liv-
ing in 1753.
Henry BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
April 28, 1 718. He married Miriam
Wells Feb. 7, 1739-40 ; and lived in the
West parish of Amesbury.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
160 — I. Henry,^ b. Dec. 30, 1740. See
below {160).
161 — II. Miriam^, bapt. Oct. 20, 1745.
164 — V.
165— VI.
166 — VII.
162 — III. Mary^, b. Nov. 29, 1747.
163 — IV. Miriam^, b. May 21, 1750.
Wells*^, b. Sept. 28, 1751; d. on a
privateer at sea.
John®, b. March 19, 1757; served in
Revolutionary war, and probably d.
Hezekiah®, b. July 30, 1759; lived
in New Hampshire; m. Anne Sar-
gent May 17, 1 78 1.
Stephen BlasdellS, born in Amesbnry
Feb. 9, 1722-3. He was a husbandman
and inn holder. He married Rebecca
Rogers Nov. 8, 1744; and lived in the
West parish of Amesbury until 1750,
when he removed to Haverhill.
Administration was granted upon his es-
tate April 8, 1754. She survived him,
and married, secondly, Thomas Sargent
April 15, 1756.
Children, born in Amesbury : — *
167 — I. Ruth®, b. April 30, 1745.
168 — II. Stephen®, b. Oct. 11, 1747.
169 — III. Dorothy®, b. July 8, 1750.
170 — IV. Rebecca®, b. April 3, 1753.
Lt. Jacob Blasdell^, born in
bury July 23, 1735. He was a
and lived in Amesbury until about 1764,
when he removed to Epping, N. H. He
was a lieutenant in the Revolution. He
married, first, Lydia Morrill June 4, 1761 ;
and, second, widow Elizabeth Sanborn of
Hampton Falls Jan. 10, 1785.
Child, born in Amesbury : —
171 — I. Philip®, b. March 16, 1762.
Christopher BlasdellS, born in Ames-
bury March 22, 172 1-2. He lived in
the West parish of Amesbury and in
Georgetown, Me. He married, first,
Sarah Nichols Nov. 23, 1742; and,
second, Frances .
Children, baptized in Amesbury : —
172 — I. Judith®, bapt. June 10, 1744.
173 — II. Jonathan®, bapt. Nov. 17, 1745.
174— III Sarah®, bapt. July 12, 1747.
175 — IV. Christopher®, bapt. Sept. 10, 1749.
176 — V. Mary®, bapt. Dec. 24, 1752.
177 — VI. Mary®, bapt. April — , 1755.
178 — VII. Daniel®, bapt. Oct. 16, 1757.
179 — viH. Hannah®, bapt. Aug. 12, 1759.
*One child died between 1754 and 1756.
Daniel BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
April 10,1724. He was a yeoman and joiner
and lived in Salisbury at the Point. He
married Rachel Edwards June 13, 1747 ;
and died in Salisbury April 8, 1793. She
survived him, and died, his widow, Nov.
7, 1 813, aged ninety-two.
Children, born in Salisbury : —
180 — I. Daniel®, b. May 22, 1749; house-
wright; and lived in Georgetown,
Me., in 1798.
181 — II. Rachel®, b. July 21, 1751; m. John
Coster; and lived in Boscawen,
N. H., in 1793.
182— III. Rhoda®, b. Oct. 15, 1753; ™«
George Hoyt of Henniker, N. H.,
Oct. 31, 1771; and was living in
183 — IV. Ruth®, b. April 28, 1756 ; m. David
Coster (or Corser) of '* Bossquine "
March 17, 1776; and was living in
184 — V. Naomi®, b. Aug. 22, 1758; m.
Edward Wadleigh July 5, 1779;
and was living in 1793.
185 — VI. Hannah®, b. Feb. 17, I76i;m. Asa
Day of Boscawen, N. H., yeoman,
Jan. 15, 1788.
186 — VII. Betsey®, b. March 13, 1763; d. Jan.
25, 1770.
187 — VIII. Molly®, b. Nov. 15, 1764; m. Timothy
Currier, jr., of Amesbury Nov.
17, 1785.
188 — IX. Dolly (or Dorothy)®, b. Sept. i,
1767; m. Ebenezer Colby of Ames-
bury Jan. 15, 1788.
Jacob BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
about 1726. He married Mary ;
and lived at Salisbury Point. He died of
the small pox Nov. 21, 1760; and his
wife Mary also died of the small pox Dec.
10, 1760.
Children, born in Salisbury : —
189 — I. John®, d. Nov. 25, 1754.
190 — II. Jacob®, b. May 28, 1749; d. Nov.
28, 1754.
191 — III. Judith®, d. Dec. i, 1754.
192 — IV. Jacob®, b. March 23, 1756.
193 — V. Hannah®, b. July 25, 1757; m,
Elijah Dow May 20, 1781.
David BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
Feb. 21, 1735-6. He was a blacksmith
and clockmaker, and lived in Amesbury.
He married, first, Judith Jewell of South
Hampton, N. H., Dec. 24, 1755; and
she died Jan. 17, 1786, aged forty-nine.
He married, second, Sarah (Currier),
widow of Valentine Bagley of Newbury
(published Nov. 13, 1790). Administra-
tion was granted on his estate Feb. 24,
1794. The inventory of his estate
amounted to £300, 15J., 2^. His wife
Sarah survived him, and died, his widow,
Dec. 7, 1 82 1, aged seventy-seven.
Children, born in Amesbury: —
194 — I. Abigail,^ b. April 18, 1756.
195 — "• David^, b Aug. 14, 1758; probably
d. in Revolution Jan. 4, 1776.
196 — III. Betsey^ b. Dec. 26, 1760; m.
Joseph Jones, jr., of South Hamp-
ton, N. H., March 27, 1780.
197 — IV. Anne^ b. Dec. 10, 1762; m. John
March of Salisbury May 25, 1783.
198 — V. Richard^, b. about 1763; m. Nabby
Cram of Salisbury March 27,
1790; and d. in 1838.
199 — ^'i- LBWIS^ b. March 15, 1765. See below
200 — VII. EzEKiEL^ b. Aug. 13, 1767.
201— VIII. Joseph^ b. Feb. 22, 1770. See be-
low {201).
202 — IX. Judith^, b. March 6, 1773; probably
pub. to Moses Webster of Salisbury
March 7, 1792. »
203— X. Spencer^, b. March 21, 1776; living
in 1794; d. young.
204— XI. DANIEL^ b. April 9, 1778; d. April
10, 1778.
Isaac BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
March 27, 1738. He lived in Amesbury
until about 1762, when he removed to
Chester, N. H., and subsequently served
in the Revolutionary war. He married
Mary Currier March 16, 1758; and died
Oct. 9, 1791. She survived him, and
married, secondly, Jonathan Swain of
Raymond about 1795. She died Dec. 6,
Children : —
205—1. HANNAH^ b. Aug. 6, 1758, in
Amesbury, m. Dea. Amos Morse
in 1780; and d. Feb. 6, 1795.
206—11. ISAAC^b. June 2, 1760, in Ames-
bury ; lived in Salisbury, N. H.
207— III. RiCHARD«, b, Nov. — , 1762 ; d., un-
married, July 26, 1790, having
lived at home.
208— IV. Molly', b. in 1765; m. William
Wadleigh of Amesbury (pub.
March 10, 1786); and lived in Can-
209 — V. David^ b. May 19, 1767; lived in
Peacham, Vt. ; m. Hannah Frye.
210 — VI. Anna ^ b. July 13, 1769; m. B. P.
Chase Oct. 7, 1792; and d. Feb.
22, 1808.
211 — VII. Abner^ b. April 18, 1771; m. Jemi-
ma Melcher; cabinet maker; lived
in Chester, N. H. ; enlisted in 181 3,
went to Canada frontier, and never
2X2 — VIII. Lydia^, b. July 5, 1773; n^- Josiah
Chase; and d. April i, 1857.
213 — IX. Abigail*', b. in 1775; d., unmarried,
in Chester May 19, 1803.
214 — X. Ebenezer6, b. in 1778; clockmaker;
lived in Chester; m. Nancy Noyes;
d. on his way to the army at the
frontier in Acworth, N. H., April
.12, 1813.
Nicholas BlasdellS, born in Ames-
bury Aug. 27, 1743. He was a black-
smith, and lived in Amesbury until about
1766, when he removed to Newmarket,
N. H., and subsequently to Portland,
Me. He served in the Revolution. He
married Susanna Marriner Jan. 22,
1761 ; and died about 1800.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
215 — I. Rhoda^ b. Aug. 3, 1 76 1.
216 — II. Dolly®, b. June 8, 1764.
Jonathan BlasdellS, born in Ames-
bury Oct. 17, 1748. He was a black-
smith, and lived in Amesbury at the
Ferry. He married Hannah ; and
served as armorer in the Revolution
at Cambridge in 1775. Administration
upon his estate, which was insolvent,
was granted Nov. 20, 1781.
Children, born in Amesbury: —
217— I. DoLLY^, b. June 23, 1769.
218— II. David®, b. Oct. 9, 1771.
Spencer BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
May 12, 1 75 1. He was a blacksmith,
and lived in Amesbury. He married
Hannah Bartlett. He died after 1775;
and she married, secondly, Nathan Bart-
lett, and removed to Deerfield.
Child, born in Amesbury : —
219 — I. Sarah^ b. April 6, 1773.
Elijah BlasdellS, born in Amesbury
Dec. 31, 1740. He was a soldier of the
Revolution, and lived in the West parish
of Amesbury, now Meirimac, and Warner,
N. H. He married Mary Sargent March
i4> 1759 j ^^^ died in the war.
Children : —
220 — I. Parrot®, bapt. March 30, 1760, in
Amesbury; m. Ruth Ball; soldier
of the Revolution ; and lived in
221 — II. Daniel®, b. Jan. 29, 1762; served in
the Revolution; lived in Canaan,
N. H. ; lawyer; member of con-
gress ; secretary of state ; m. Sarah
Springer of Haverhill Jan. 29,
1782; he d. in 1833; and she d., his
widow, June 10, 1839, aged seven-
ty-seven. Ihey had twelve chil-
Oliver Blasdell5, born in Amesbury
April 15, 1736. He was a shipwright,
and lived in Amesbury .He married, first,
Miriam Bagley April 20, 1757 ; and, sec-
ond, widow Judith Elliot of Newton (pub-
lished Oct. 4, 1776). Administration
was granted on his estate March 9, 1803.
His wife Judith survived him, and died,
his widow, Dec. 17, 1805, in Amesbury.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
222 — I. Levi®, b. Sept. 20, 1757; a soldier of
the Revolution ; and was living in
223 — II. Miriam®, b. Sept. io,i759;m. Joseph
Waldron ; and lived in Greenfield,
N. Y.
224 — III. Joseph®, b. June 15, 1761; d. Aug.
20, 1762.
225— IV. Joseph®, b. June 19, 1766; living in
226 — V. Dolly (or Dorothy)®, b. Feb. 17,
1768; m. David Bagley Feb. 21,
227 — VI. Judith®, b. Nov. 11, 1769; m. Sylva-
nus Wait of Amesbury Sept. 4,
228 — VII. Ruth®, b. Jan. 12, 1772; probably
d. before 1804.
229 — VIII. Samuel®, b. Feb. 25, 1777. See
belon) {'22g).
230 — IX. Hannah®, b. Oct. 9, 1780; m. Rich-
ard Thomas.
Samuel Blasdell,5 born in Amesbury
May 14, 1743. He married Mary Thom-
son Feb. 17, 1762 : and lived in Salisbury.
He was probably drowned on Newbury
bar in 1768 or 1769.
Children, born in Salisbury : —
231 — I. Sarah®, b. Oct. 29, 1762.
232 — II. Samuel®, b. Jan. 10, 1765.
233 — III. William®, b. Feb. 10, 1767.
234 — IV. Benjamin®, b. March 27, 1768.
Stephen Blasdell*', born in Amesbury
Jan. 13, 1 7 30- 1. He was a shipwright,
and lived in Amesbury. He married, first,
Sarah Lowell May 17, 1753 ; and she was
his wife in 1770. He married, second,
Hannah Currier Nov. 13, 1787 ; and died
July I, 1803. His widow Hannah survived
him, and died, his widow, Feb. 7, 1806.
Childreo, born in Amesbury : —
235 — I. Sarah^, b. Jan. 20, 1754; m. The-
ophilus Foot; and was living in 1806.
236 — II. Samuel'', b. Jan. 11, 1756. See be-
low {236),
237 — III. John', b. Feb. 16, 1758; d. Jan. 3,
238 — IV. Mary'', b. Aug. 17, 1760; m. Capt.
Samuel Fowler Feb. i, 1784; and
was living in 1806.
239 — V. Stephen', b. Sept. 3, 1762; d. Sept.
20, 1780.
240 — VI. Lowell', b. Aug. 17, i764;d. before
Ephraim Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
June 15, 1740. He was a yeoman, and
lived at Amesbury Ferry. He married
Susanna Barnard Dec. 14, 1762; and
died March 9, 1814, in Amesbury.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
241 — I. Daniel', b. Aug. 14, 1766.
242 — II. Hannah', b. Oct. 4, 1769; d. young.
243 — III. Hannah', b. Oct. 2, 1774-
244— IV. Ephraim', b. Sept. 7, 1779; mason;
lived in Amesbury and Newbury-
port; m., first, Dolly Edwards of
Salisbury Aug. 14, 1801; second,
widow Morrill.
Abner Blasdell^ born in Amesbury
April 16, 1743. He was a bricklayer, and
lived in Amesbury until 1771, when he
removed to Portsmouth, N. H. He
married Mary ; and was a trader Id
Portsmouth in 1788.
Children born in Amesbury: —
245 — I. William^, b. June 12, 1766.
246 — II. Ephraim'', b. Aug. 22, 1768.
247 — III. Abner', b. Sept. 19, 1770.
Lt. John Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
April 9, 1754. He was a bricklayer, and
lived at Amesbury Ferry. He was a sol-
dier of the Revolution ; and married
Molly Bailey Feb. 4, 1786. She died in
Amesbury Jan. 20, 1826, at the age of
sixty-seven; and he died there Aug. 21,
Children, born in Amesbury : —
248 — I. John', b. March 11, 1789; m. Doro-
thy Bagley March 12, 1812; mason;
lived in Amesbury; she d. Jan. 17,
1824; he d. April 16, 1831; and
they had several children.
249 — II. Daniel', b. Oct. 10, 1793; ^^^^^ ^^
Amesbury, merchant, in 1839; m.
S. L. Lurvey.
250 — III. James', b. May 24, 1796; mason;
lived at Amesbury Ferry; m. Anna
Patten in 1818.
John Sawyer Blasdell^, born in
Chelmsford Nov. 3, 1757. He lived in
Newbury, Rowley and Boxford ; and was
affected with a mental disturbance during
the latter part of his life. He married
Jane Adams of Rowley Dec. 13, 1781 ;
and she died a few years later. He then
lived with his mother ; and finally died
accidentally in Boxford Jan. 7, 1832.*
Children : —
251— I.
252 — II.
— ' (dau.), b. in 1782; d. March -,
1782, "lived but a little while."
■' (dau.), b. in 1783; d. April — ,
1783, about a fortnight old.
Harvey Blasdell% baptized in Ames-
bury Jan. 4, T 740-1. He lived in the
West parish of Amesbury, now Merrimac.
He married Elizabeth Sargent Jan. 22,
1767 ; and probably removed from Ames-
bury after 1772.
*See The Essex Antiquarian^ volume VIII,
page 150.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
253 — I. Eunice', b. March 6, 1768.
254 — II. John', b. Nov. 20, 1769.
255 — III. Anne', b. Jan. 5, 1772.
Oliver Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
June 16, 1744. He lived in Amesbury
until about 1774, when he removed to
Loudon, N. H. He married Catharine
Sargent Dec. 26, 1770; and died in 1796.
Children : —
256 — I. Levi', b. June 3, 1772, in Amesbury;
probably d. young.
257 — II. Joseph'.
258 — III. Oliver'.
259 — IV. Miriam'.
260 — V. Sally'.
261 — VI. Nancy'.
Henry Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
Dec. 30, 1740. He was a yeoman and
lived in Amesbury until after 1788, sub-
sequently living in East Kingston and
Goffstown, N. H. He was a Revolution-
ary soldier with General Stark, and had
one of his ears shot off in the battle of
Bennington. He married, first, Eliza-
beth Sargent April 21, 1762; and, sec-
ond, Sally Foster Sept. 15, 1803. He died
Oct. II, 1831 : and his wife Sally died,
his widow, Jan. 15, 1849, ^g^^ eighty
Children, born in Amesbury : —
262 — L Merriam', b. Jan. 28, 1765.
263 — II. Stephen', b. May 10, 1766.
264— III. Sarah', bapt. Oct. 18, 1767.
Lewis Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
March 15, 1765. He was a blacksmith,
and lived in Amesbury. He married Sal-
ly Flanders Feb. 16, 1792 ; and died Jan.
14, 18 1 5. She survived him, and died
Dec. 29, 1838, his widow.
Children : —
265 — I. John', b. Aug. 27, 1792, in Ames-
bury; d. April 7, 1823.
266 — II. Sally', b. July 16, 1795, i^i Ames-
bury; m. Tappan Emery; lived in
Amesbury; and d. Sept. 20, 1872.
267 — III. Lewis', b. May 21, 1797; m. Sally
268 — IV. David', b. Dec. 31, 1800; d. in 1875
or 1876.
269 — V. Lydia', b. May 21, 1806; d. April 9,
Joseph Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
Feb. 22, 1770. He was a blacksmith,
and lived at Amesbury Ferry. He mar-
ried Anna Stevens of Salisbury June 6,
1791 ; and she died Oct. 2, 1846, at the
age of seventy- three. He died Feb. 28,
Children, born in Amesbury : —
270 — I. David^, b. Sept. 17, 1 791; m. Nancy
Hackett of Salisbury Jan. 11, 1816.
271 — II. Nicholas', b. July 11, 1793; ""•
Ruth Choate of Newburyport Aug.
16, 1815.
272 — III. Elizabeth'', b. July 4, 1800; d. June
-, 1802.
273 — IV. Elizabeth', b. June 29, 1803; m.
Jeremiah Flanders of South Hamp-
ton Dec. 4, 1820.
274 — V. Charles' (twin), b. Nov. 5, 1808;
m. Batchelder.
275— VI. Anna' (twin), b. Nov. 5, 1808; m.
Parker Flanders of South Hampton.
Samuel Blasdell^, born in Amesbury
Feb. 25, 1777. He was a mariner, and
lived in Amesbury. He married Abigail
Downs June 27, 1796; and died in or be-
fore 1803.
Children : —
276—1. Ruth', b. about 1797; living in 1803.
277—11. Charlotte', b. about 1799 ; living in
Serg. Samuel Blasdell", born in Ames-
bury Jan. 11,1756. He was a ship-carpen-
ter, and lived in Amesbury until about 17 98,
when he removed to Newburyport. He
was a soldier of the Revolution. He
married Ruth, widow of Enoch Page, Oct.
19, 1780; and was deceased in 1804.
Children, born in Amesbury : —
278—1. Stephen^, b. in 1781; lived in Ames-
bury; and d. Sept. i, 1810.
279 — n. Samuel^, b. June 10, 1784; lived in
Bristol, Me., in 1809.
280— III. William^ b. Feb. 5, 1786; lived in
Boscawen, N. H., in 1809; and
went west.
281— IV. Henry^, b. May 7, 1788; probably d.
282— V. RuthS b. Nov. 25, 1790; m. Matthias
283— VI. DoROTHY^ b. Feb. 18, 1793; m.
Samuel Stevens Jan. 11, 1815.
284— VII. Hannah', b. Feb. 14, 1795; living
in 1804.
285— VIII. ELIZABETH^ b. June 2r, 1797; m.
Boston, Monday, May 22.
''Friday laft failed for London, the
Brig Laft Attempt, Capt. Lyde, in whom
went Paffengers " Mr. John Gooll, mer-
chant, of Salem, and others.
SALEM, May 23.
" At a Town-Meeting, Laft Wednelday,
Capt. Richard Derby, jun. and Mr. John
Pickering, jun. were chofen, by a great
Majority, to reprefent this Town in the en-
fuing General Affembly.
" The Meeting was adjourned to the
27 th Inft. in order to agree upon Inftruc-
tions to be prelented to the above two
Gentlemen that they may be fully ac-
quainted with the Senfe of the Town at
this critical Period."
" The following is the Subftance of a
Memorial of Mr. Jacob Parfons, a Deputy
Sheriff for the County of Effex, prefented
to the Governor and Council laft Week.
TH A T on the 15 th day of May cur-
rent at Gloucefter, your memorialift,
as one of the deputy- fheriffs of the county
aforefaid, by virtue of a due process of
law, had duly taken and legally held in
cuftody, the body of one Joiiah Merrill,
as a prifoner. That, while your memori-
alift, was then and there, in the due exe-
cution of his office aforefaid, one Samuel
Fellows, a commander of one of his Ma-
jesty's armed cutters, then riding in the
harbour of Cape-Anne, with four of his
men, with firearms, cutlaffes and other
weapons of death, came, from on board
faid cutter, with a boat on fhore, and the
faid Fellows immediately accofted the
faid Merrill, by afking him - - - *' What he
did there?" Upon which faid Merrill
replied, that — " an officer had taken him-
and had him in cuftody for debt;"--,
" that in confequence of this reply, faid
Fellows, in an authoritative voice, com-
manded faid Merrill to come away to him,
and that he would protect faid Merrill ;
That, on this encouragement, faid
Merrill broke away from your memorial-
ift, and run towards faid Fellows ; That
your memoriaHft inftantly commanded, in
his Majefty's name, feveral perfons, who
ftood near, to affift in feizing and ftopping
his faid prifoner; That in obedience to
this command from your memorialift, in
his capacity aforefaid, feveral of his Majef-
ty's liege fubjects,with your memorialift,
feized and held faid prifoner ; That
faid Fellows, who while this paffed, was
within four rods from your memorialift
and his prifoner, instantly on faid Mer-
rill's being seized and held, as laft-men-
tioned, ordered his faid four men to fire;
— That on this order two of faid Fellow's
men leaped upon the beach, and run
towards your memorialift and his faid af-
fiftants, till they got within two rods,
when they prefented their arms directly at
your memorialift and his affiftanls, and
fired; the fhot and ball fcarcely miffed
us, and entered a ftore within a very few
inches of where we ftood; — Tiiat the faid
prifoner taking advantage of the furprize
and confternation your memorialift and
his faid affiftants were then in, and of the
protection offered by one of his Majefty's
officers, immediately broke away and run
towards the faid Fellows's boat ; That,
during the whole of this time, faid Fel-
lows and his men, altho' they were re-
peatedly told, that your memorialist was
the King's officer, kept a conftant round
of oaths and imprecations upon your me-
morialift, and his affiftants ; damning the
King's officer and all who belonged to
him ; f wearing that they would blow the
brains out, of the firft man, who offered to
touch faid Merrill, or come towards the
boat. That they would take better
fight next time, and the like; That as
faid Merrill came nearer to the boat, faid
Fellows and his men kept firing at your
memorialift and his affiftants, till faid
Fellows commanded his men not to fire
any more yet ; but to keep a referve, for
any who fhould attempt a retaking of faid
Merrill; — And that after faid Fellows and
his men had 6 or 7 times, by which your
memorialift and his affiftants were in the
moft imminent hazard of their lives, the
faid Fellows and his men ftill defending
faid Merrill, retired on board the boat, and
ftill kept firing, as they left the fhore ; and
your memorialift has never fince been
able to retake his faid prifoner, or bring
faid Fellows to juftice."
To be sold at the store lately improved
by Samuel Gardner, esq., deceased, Eng-
lish goods, 200 hogsheads of Lisbon and
Cadiz salt,lignumvitae and Brazeletto; also
a well-built schooner,burthen about sixty
tons, with a half-deck, which takes in the
main-mast and pumps.
Samuel Cottnam, in Salem, advertised
for sale Indian corn, pitch, tar, turpen-
tine, hog's fat, English goods, Bengalis,
chints, striped ginghams, red and white
striped Holland for men's waistcoats,
flowered and striped gauze for aprons,
black and other colored Persians, wide
and narrow, etc.
John Andrew, goldsmith and jeweller,
at the Sign of the Gold Cup, in Salem,
near the Long- Wharf-Lane (so called),
— Essex Gazette^ May 16-23, 1769.
Thomas Berry of Rumney Marsh in
Boston, yeoman, 1730; had "father Di-
van;" wife Elizabeth, 1731-2; and son
Divan Berry, husbandman, who lived in
Lynn, 1 7 25- 1 7 30; married Bethiah Bur-
riage Nov. 18, 1725; children, born in
Lynn: Daniel, born Oct. 3, 1726;
Thomas, born July 7, 1728; Elizabeth,
born May 5, 1730.
Thomas Berry (probably son of above-
named Thomas Berry) ; husbandman ;
lived in Boston in 1729, and removed to
Lynn in 1731 ; was called "junior" in
1734 and 1739; his father was deceased,
testate, in 1739 ; married Rebecca Bal-
lard of Lynn Jan. 27, 1729-30; they were
living in Lynn in 1739, ^^^ probably re-
moved to Wallingford, Conn. ; children,
born in Lynn : Thomas, born May 30,
1734 ; Martha, born Dec. 9, 1736 ; Eliza-
beth, born March 30, 1738-9.
Ephraim Berry married Mary (Sarah —
publishment) Johnson, both of Lynn, Dec.
17, 1729; and they probably lived in
Chelsea in 1742.
— Records.
Continued from volume VIII^ pa^e //j.
Court, 24 : 4 : 1656.
John Gatchell sworn constable of Mar-
Phineas Rider sworn constable of Glou-
Bray Wilkins and Thomas Chadwell
sworn constables of Lynn.
Francis B jrrill sworn clerk of the mar-
ket at Lynn.
John Pickworth sworn constable of
Present : Mr. Simon Brodstreete, Dan :
Denison, maj.-gen., Capt. Rob* Bridges
and Mr. Rich : Dummer.
Jury of trials : Mr. Henry Barthol-
mew, Lt. Tho : Lothrop, Nicholas Potter,
John Neale, Rich : Leech and Samuel
Corning of Salem ; Sam^^ Kent of Gloster ;
John ffisk of Wenham ; Hen : Collins,
Allen Breade, Rich : Johnson and Jona-
than Hutson of Lynn ; and Jo : Sibley
and Ben : ffelton in room of Nicho : Potter
and Mr. Bartholraew in Grayes case.
William Blanton v. Richard Hutcheson.
Joseph Bond v. John Hathorne.
Mr. William Browne v. Marke Pitman
alias Hicks.
Abraham Whithare v. Jo" Norman.
Phihp Nelson v. Mr. Richard Dummer,
executor of Tho : Nelson, father of plain-
tiff. For not giving full account of the
estate which the defendant has enjoyed
for seven years.
Abraham Whithare v. Robert Gray.
For leaving the plaintiffs son John Whit-
hare in Virginia. Verdict, that he be
brought back to New England by the last
of next April. John Whithare was a ser-
vant of the defendant.
Maj. William Hathorne and Mr. Amos
Richardson, assignees to John Giifard v.
John Dimon.
Same v. Nicholas Pynion. [Writ:
Same v. Nicholas Pinion ; dated 3 (4)
1656 ; by the court, Jonath : Negus. The
defendant, Nicholas Pinyon, gave bond
(his R mark) ; surety : Edward
Hutchinson. Writ served by Mathew
Farington, constable of Lynn. — Files.l
Same v. Richard Smith. [Writ : dated
3 (4) 1656; by the court, Jonath: Ne-
gus. Served by Mathew Farington, con-
stable of Lynn. Bond : sureties : William
Curiis and mark L. H. of Henry Lenerd.
— Files^
Same v. Joseph Jenckes, sr.
Same v. Joseph James. [Writ : dated
3 (4) 1656; by the court, Jonath Ne-
gus. Bond (signed by I mark) ; surety:
Roger Tyler. Served by Mathew Far-
ington, constable of Lynn. — Files^ The
defendant confessed judgment.
Same v. Mr. Henry Webb.
Same v. John Vinton.
Same v. Richard Hood. [Writ: dated
3 (4) 1656 ; by the court, Jonath Negus.
Bond of defendant. Served by Mathew
Farington, constable of Lynn. — Files.']
Josuah Turland confessed judgment to
Mr. Edmond Batter.
Will. Curtis v. John Shaw. For striking
plaintiff in the street.
Lt. Thomas Marshall confirmed lieuten-
ant and Garrard Spencer ensign of ye
military company at Lynn. [Andrew
Mansfeild certified to the court that
Thomas Marshall was formerly lieutenant
of the train band of Reddin and has been
chosen lieutenant of the train band of
Lynn, and that Jarrerd Spenser of Lynn
has been chosen an ensign of said com-
pany.— Files.]
Joseph Armytage, assignee of Henry
Tucker v. Mr. John Beckes & company
and their agent, Mr. John Giffard. Also
another case for labor at the Iron works.
Joseph Armytage, attorney to ffrancis
Perry v. Mr. John Beckes & company
and their agent, Mr. John Giffard. For
work done at the Iron works.
Dan^ Salmon, administrator of Joseph
Boony v. Mr. John Beckes & company
and their agent, Mr. John Giffard.
William Elliott confessed judgment in
favor of Mr. Henry Barthollmew.
Joseph Arraytage, assignee of Mr.
Sam^^ Bennett v. Mr. John Beckes &
company and their agent, Mr. John Gif-
Joseph Jencke?, sr. v. George Halsie.
WilHam Canterbury v. John Rouden
and wife Mary. For great abuse of Can-
terbury's wife. Rouden's wife having
given her several blows.
Richard Hood v. Mr. John Beckes &
company and their agent, Mr. John Gif-
ford. For work done at the Iron works.
[Georg Keser deposed that before Mr.
Jefford went away from the Iron works
the deponent went to Richard Hode
several times to get him to do some saw-
ing work, etc. Sworn in court 27 : 4 : 1656.
Joseph James deposed that Richard Hood
sawed the timber for the furnace in 1653,
viz : ye arms, wheel, etc., half-inch boards
for coal Waynes, etc. Sworn in court
26 : 4 : 1656. — Files ?^
Mr. Holliock to be paid for funeral
charges of Joseph Booney by Dan^ Sall-
mon, administrator of J. B.'s estate, in
merchantable wheat.
Mr. Robert Payne is chosen treasurer
for the county of Essex.
Mr. Will. Browne and Mr. Batter
brought in will of John Jackson, sr. The
executor refused to serve, and adminis-
tration was granted to said Browne and
Batter. [The original will is on file, be-
ing duly proved. It is printed in full in
The Antiquarian y volume VI, page 165.
The inventory of the goods belonging to
the deceased was taken 10: i mo :
1655-6, by James Inderwood (his I N
mark) and Thomas Smith. Amount,
;£2o, 6 J. — Files. ']
Mr. George Corwine to bring in inven-
tory of estate of John Bridgman. Amount,
;^44, 14-f., 9Ya^' ''The child" is men-
Will of Thomas Wickes of Salem proved
by Tho : Cromwell and Anna Cromwell.
[The original will is on file. It is printed
in full in The Antiquarian, volume VI,
page 165. Inventory of the estate of
Thomas Weeke, lately deceased, taken by
Hilliard Veren and Thomas Cromwell.
Amount, ^192, 10s.; real, ^57, house,
shop, barn and land; personal, ^135,
loi". Due from the estate, ^42, 10s
— Files.'\
Ezekiell Wathen, apprentice to Thomas
Avery, discharged, being twenty years
Thomas Watson of Salem had his fine
for not training partly remitted.
Francis Nurse of Salem discharged
from training.
Tho : Dorman of Topsfield discharged
from training.
John Row of Gloster fined and to con-
fess for saying that if his wife was of his
mind he would set his house on fire and
run away by ye light and ye Devil should
take ye farm ; and that he would live no
longer among such a company of hell
Edmond Nicholson and ffrancis Simson
of Marblehead fined for bloodshed.
Widow Florence Hart of Marblehead
appointed administratrix of the estate of
her deceased husband. Elias Stileman is
to allow claims against the estate, etc.
[Inventory of the estate of John Hart of
Marblehead taken 14: i: 1655-6, by
Moses Mavericke and Johanne Bartoll.
Amount,^74, jos., (id.\ real,^46, ioj. ;
personal, ^28, os.^ 6d. Due to Mr. Cor-
win, Mr. Browne, Sam Archard and Mr.
Elzey, ;^63, 6s., in all. — Files.']
The general court referred to this court
the ordering of the house of cor-
rection. Referred to ye worshipful Mr.
Simons and Maj. Dennison to agree with
Mr. Wilson or Mr. Browne to be master
of said house.
Servants of ye house to have five shill-
Lt. Thomas Marshall, Mr. Thomas
Layton and James Axie of Lynn sworn
commissioners for Lynn to end small
Court, 25 : 9 : 1656.
Thomas White of Wenham confessed
judgment in favor of Tho : Robbins,
assignee of Willm Walbridg.
Richard Kemball of Wenham sworn
constable of that town.
Isaac Comings of Ipswich prosecuted
Zerubable PhiUips for breaking his house.
Phillips did not appear.
Mr. Nathaniell Rogers, Humphrey Grif-
fin, Jo° ffuller, John Caldwell, John Com-
ings and Wm Smith bound for his appear-
ance to the treasurer of the county. Bond
Maj. Willm Hathorne, Mr. William
Browne and Mr. Edmond Batter sworn
commissioners to end small causes in
Present : Mr. Simon Brodstreet, Dan-
iell Denison, maj.-gen., Mr. Rich Dumer,
assist' and Mr. Hubbert, assist^
Grand jury : Jeffrey Massy, Jo" Por-
ter, sr., Rich : Brockenbery, Samuell
Aborne and Thomas Watson of Salem ;
Lt. Thomas Marshall, James Axie, ffrancis
Ingalls and Nathaniell Hanford of Lynn ;
James Moulton of Wenham; John Sibly
of Manchester ; John Bartoll of Marble-
head ; and George Blake of Gloster.
Trial jury : Mr. Walter Price, Ens.
Willm Dixie, Willm fflynt. Rich : Bishop,
ffran : Skerry, [and] Michaell Shaflin [of
Salem?], Willm Dodge, Andrew Mans-
field, John Mansfield, [and] Mathew
ffarrington [of Lynn?], Thomas ffiske
and Thomas Prince.
John Rodes v. Allexsander Gold. For
shooting and killing his dog.
Same v. Same. Slander, for saying that
plaintiff was a cheating rogue and knave.
Edward Woolland v. William Pitt. For
not delivering goods in Newfoundland.
Thomas Robbins, assignee of William
Walbridge v. Tho : White.
Richard Kemball v. Richard Shatchwell
and his wife Rebecca. Slander, spoken
by said Rebecca.
Zacheus Gould v. Thomas Cutler. For
not paying to Mr. Henry Barthollmew for
said Gole.
Mr. Richard Dumer, executor of Mr.
Thom Nelson v. Phillip Nelson. Review.
Elias Stileman, attorney of Mr. John
Holgrave v. Thomas Davis and Robert
Edward Pitford v. William Beale. For"
work done at ye mill.
Mr. Nicholas Davison v. Robert Gutch.
Plaintiff has possession of the house given
him by Mr. Willm Norton, to whom it
was mortgaged.
John Putnam v. Joseph Gardner. Mr.
Tho : Gardner appeared for the defend-
Roger Haskall v. Giles Corey. Debt.
Mr. ffran Johnson, Mr. Moses Mavereck
and Mr. John Bartholl sworn commission-
ers to end small causes at Marblehead.
George ffraill of Lynn freed from train-
Macklin Huckstable of Marblehead,
dying interstate about five months since,
administration is granted to Mr. Edm :
Batter and Mr. ffran Johnson. Inventory,
^29, 9J-., ()d. Insolvent.
26 : 9 : 1656.
Capt. Wm Gerrish sworn commissioner,
etc., in Newbury.
Will of Mr. James Noies of Newbury
proved by Capt. Wm Gerrish and Nicho-
lass Noeis. Also, inventory. [The will
of James Noyes was sworn to by Robert
Long Nov. 21, 1656, before Edward
Woodman and Nicholas Noyes, commis-
sioners for Newbury. The will was proved
in this court by Capt. Will Geerish and
Nicholas Noice. The original will is on
file, and was printed in The Antiquarian^
volume VII, page 17. Inventory of the
estate of Mr. James Noyes, teacher of
Newbury, "who deceafed the 21*^ of
October," 1656, taken by Richard Knight
and Anthony Somerby. Amount, jQ^S^y
\\s., 4^.; real, ^310; personal, ;^347>
1 1 J., 4//. Due from the estate in England
and Boston, ;^56, loj. Sworn to by
Sarah Noyes, widow of the deceased, Nov.
21, 1656. — Files. ']
Isaac Cozens sued Thomas Treadwell.
Defendant has fees.
John Williams arrested Job Hilliard.
Defendant has fees.
Matter about son of Abraham Whithare
and Robert Gray. To pay 13^. instead
of 20^".
James Paw, presented for absence from
his wife. He had gone out of the country
a good space.
Contract of marriage between Thomas
Nelson of Rowley and Joane Dumer,
dated 15 : 12 : 1641. This is printed in
full in The Antiquarian^ volume I, page
Henry Muddle presented for absence
from his wife divers years. Gone out
of the country.
28 : 9 : 1656.
Anis Chubb and Elizabeth Vinsent of
Manchester presented for railing speeches,
foul language and fighting. Witnesses :
Alice Leech and Peter Whithare. Con-
Anis Chubb with her daughter Deliver-
ance Chubb and Elizabeth, daughter of
Abraham Whithare, presented for abusing
and beating the daughter of John Nor-
man, said Chubb calling for an ax, saying
she would kill her. Both fined.
John Pollen of Wenham and wife
Bethiah fined for fornication before mar-
Elizabeth, wife of John Legg of Marble-
head, presented for perniciously belying
the wife of Jo° Cleements in the matter of
the birth and death of a child of hers, be-
cause she called none to its birth or
death. Stocks. Witnesses : Mary Cauly,
Mary Trevis and Goody Clemonts.
Edward Pitford of Marblehead fined
for being disguised by strong liquors or
wine. Witnesses: Henry Stacie and
Tho : Bowen.
Henry Cooke of Salem and his son
Isaac presented for beating and kicking
Sam Abourn and Moses Aborne, sons of
Sam Abourn, on ye Lord's day. Dis-
William Lord, jr., of Salem fined for
cruel and much beating of James Abbott,
servant to Mr. Edmond Batter, with a
wabiut cudgell, saying he would kill the
rogue, when help came to the res-
William Everton presented for drinking
tobacco near a barn without door. He is
at sea.
Bettres, wife of Willm Canterbury
fined for provoking speeches to the wife
of John Rouden, calling her lousie slut
and saying she had but one shift, and giv-
ing strong suspicion of assaulting her per-
son. Witness : John Leech. Paid fine.
John Cantlebery fined for lying in wait
and beating the wife of John Rouden,
coming from behind a bush when his
mother and Rouden's wife were in com-
bustion. His mother went away, and
Benjamin Wojdrow, being near, heard
Mrs. Rouden cry out, on Lord's day.
His father engaged to pay the fine.
Benjamin Woodrow to sit in the stocks
for perjury in the above complaint.
John Rouden's wife, of Salem, fined for
fighting with and beating the wife of W™
Canterbery on ye Lord's day. Phill :
Cromwell promised to pay the fine.
John Long, clerk of Gloster, presented
for long absence from his wife. Out of
the country.
Five shillings to the servants of the
To be continued.
The will of John Pike, sr., of Salisbury
was proved in the Hampton court 3 :
8 mo : 1654. In volume V of The Anti-
quarian, page 156, this will was printed
as it was recorded in the old Norfolk
Deeds. Since it was printed the original
will has been found in the probate office
at Salem, and a copy of the original is
given below, though it varies but slightly
from the record copy.
In the name of god Amen
The laft will & teftament of John
Pike fenior being fick and Weake in
body but of pfect memory, maye 24.
firft. I will & bequeath my foule vnto
god In the lord Jefus Chrift & my body
to be buried in Convenient burieinge
place & a my worldly goods to bee
beftowed as followeth.
firft I giue my howfe & lande at the
old towne at Newbery boath vplande &
meddow with my privellidge of Comon
II at Newberyll vnto my gran Child John
Pike the fon of my eld eft fon John Pike
w*^ that parcell of my lande at the little
River. & In Cafe the faide John Pike doe
die without Ifsue & before he is twenty
one yeare old then the faide lande fhall
paff to his Brother & fifters by equall
portions & If they faile then it fhall paff
to the next of kinn.
Allfoe I giue that portion of my lande
at the new towne Caled by the name of
the pitt boath vplande & meddow vnto
my grand Child John Pike the fon of my
fon Robert Pike & In cafe the faide John
Pike die without Ifsue ||or before the age
of twenty one|| the faid land fhall paff to
his fifters & if they faile then it fhall
paff to the next of kinn
Allfoe I giue vnto my Daughter Doro-
thy twenty pounde to be equally devided
betwixt her & her Children by equall
Allfoe I giue to my daughter ann twen-
ty pounde to be devided betwixt her &
her Children by equall portions.
AlKoe I giue to my daughter Ifraell
twenty pounde to be devided betwixt
her & her Children by equall portions
Allfoe I give to my daughter in law
mary the wife of my fon John fowrty
fhillings & I giue to her Children Jofeph
hanna mary & ruth each of ||them||
fowrty fhillings
Allfoe I give vnto my daughter in law
fara the wife of my fon Robert fowrty
fhillings & I giue to her Children fara
Dorathye mary & Elizabeth ||each of
them II fowrty fhillings. allfoe I giue
vnto my tenant famuell more the bed-
fteed that he hath of mine.
Allfoe I doe. appoynte my two fons
John & Robert to bee my executors to fee
my will pformed & my debts & all
Charges paide Hfoe farr as my eftate will
reach II & the remainder of my eftate
within doare & without doare fhall be
devided betwixt my two faid executors
my fons John Pike & Robert Pike by
equall portions all debts & Charges being
firft difcharged & paide
furthermore my will is that in Cafe my
fons John Pike & Robert Pike f hould re-
moue out of the Cuntry with theire fami-
leyes after my deceafe before my faide
grande Children are of the age of twenty
one yeare that then it fhall be in the
power of my faid fons John & Robert
to difpofe in the waye of fale or other-
wife of the faide lande for the benefitt of
my faide grand Children refpectiuely that
is to faye my fon w^^ is, the father fhall
difpofe of that lande w^^ is by me given
to his owne Childe & foe boath refpect-
Henry Mondey John Pike
the mark of R John Raff e
The nuncupative will of Rev. Nathan-
iel Rogers of Ipswich was proved in the
court at Ipswich 25 : 7 : 1655. The fol-
lowing is a copy of the original paper on
file in the probate office in Salem.
The laft will and teftament of M"^ Na-
thaniel Rogers Paftour of the Church of
Chrift at Ipfwich, as was taken from his
owne mouth July 3. Anno Dom : 1655.
Concerning my outward eftate. To
one of the brethren I have left a peculiar
charge, which he fhall have power in him-
felfe to doe, and not to fufpend.
The fumme of my eftate both in Old
England, and New, feemes to amount to
about y® value of twelve hundred pound ;
of which fume, foure hundred pound is
expected from my father M"^ Robert Crane
in England.
To my fonne John, to prevent expecta-
tion of a double portion, I have not fo
bequeathed ; he hath never beene by any
labour ferviceable to to his brethren, but
hath beene upheld by their labour, &
paine, while he hath beene determining
his way. Therefore I give and bequeath
to him an equall portion with his other
brethren, viz, y® fume of one hundred
pound of my eftate in New England.
To my fonne Nathaniel I give and be-
queath y® fume of one hundred pound
out of my eftate in Old England ; & one
hundred pound out of my eftate in New
To my fonne Samuel I give & be-
queath y® fume of one hundred pound
out of my eftate in Old England ; & one
hundred pound out of my eftate in New
To my fonne Timothy I give & be-
queath y® fume of one hundred pound
out of my eftate in Old England ; & one
hundred pound out of my eftate in New
To my fonne Ezekiel I give & bequeath
the fume of twenty pound, which he
fhall have liberty to take in my bookes, if
he pleafe.
To my daughter I have already given
her at leaft two hundred pound.
The time of y® childrens receiving
their portions either in part, or whole, fhall
be according to y® mutuall advice of my
Executours, with thefe godly friends
named, viz, my Coufin M"^ Ezekiel Rog-
ers, Mathew Boyes, Ezekiel Che ever, who
are entreated to advife & counfell in this,
& any other cafe as need fhall require.
To my three grandchildren, John, Na-
thaniel, Margaret Hubbard, I give & be-
queath to each of them y® fume of fourtie
To my Coufin John Rogers I give &
bequeath the fume of five pound, which is
in y® hands of Enfigne Howlett.
To the children of my Coufin John
Harris of Rowley, viz, Elizabeth, Nathan-
iel, John, Mary, I give & bequeath to
each y® fume of twenty fhillings.
To Mary Quilter my maidfervant I give
y® sum of three pound.
To Sarah ffiUybrowne my other maid-
fervant I give y® fume of ten fhiJJings.
To Harbert CoUedge in Cambridge I
give & bequeath y® fume of five pounds.
To y® poore I give the fume of three
The remaining part of my eftate not
yet difpofed of, I give & bequeath to my
deare wife M" Margaret Rogers during
her life, & after her deceafe to be
equally diftributed among my children,
by y® advice of the friends above named.
I do ordaine & conftitute my deare &
beloved wife M" Margaret Rogers, and
my trufty & welbeloved friends M*" Rob-
ert Paine, and John Whipple to be Ex-
ecutours of this my laft will, & teftament.
pued in Court held at Ipswich the 25**^
of the 7*^ mo : 1655 to be the last will &
Testament of m*^ Nathaniell Rogers by
the oaths of llm*"]! Ezekell Cheuer & dea-
con John Whipple taken from his mouth
being in pfect memory
p me Robert Lord cleric
The will of Francis Parrot of Rowley
was proved in the Ipswich court Sept.
30, 1656. The following is a copy of
the original instrument on file in the pro-
bate office at Salem.
I ffrancis Parrat of Rowley intending
to take a Journey to England defire as
fensible of the frailty of this mortall life to
fet my houfe in order & doe therfore
conftitute and appoint this as my laft will
and teftament in maner & forme as
foUoweth. Impf I giue & bequeath my
foule to God that gaue it & my body to
be interred as the wife hand of God fees
meete whether by fea or land in comforta-
ble hopes of a happy refurrectio at that
day. Ite my will is that my debts be
firft payd Ite I giue to my Loueing wife
Elizabeth Parrat one hundred pounds to
take it wher fhee pleafes in land goods
& Cattle I alfo giue to her my houfe and
houfe lott for her life and after her death
my will is that it fhall be equally diuided
amonge my Children. Ite the reft of my
lands goods & Chatties I giue to my Sk
daughters to be equally diuided amongft
them and each of them to haue their
equall fhare paid vnto them at the age of
twenty one yeares or the d&y of their
mariage w**^ fliall firft be And I conftitute
my wife as my fole executrix of this my
laft will and Teftament And I appoint
my Loueing brethren maxmilian Jewet &
Ezekiell Northend as ouerfeers of this my
laft will and teftament in witnes hereof
I haue herevnto fet my hand this 18'^
day of Nouember 1655.
In the prefence
of vs
Ezekiel northend ffrancis Parrot
John palmer
The will of Jane Lambert of Rowley
was proved in the Ipswich court 27:7:
1659. The following copy is taken from
the original on file in the probate office at
The laft will and Teftament of Jaine
Lambert widow may the 24 : 1559
I Jaine lambert beeing fick in body
but of perfect Memory doe make this my
laft will and Teftament in form folowing
Imprimous I giue all my land madowes
comans and whatfoeuer belongeth to my
houf and lot/ by any right with the faid
houfe barnes and what pertaines therto
I fay all my lands excepting the land in
the vilege vnto my eldeft fon John
It I giue vnto him one fether bed with
all that belongeth vnto it
It I giue vnto my fonn Jonathan Lam-
bert forty pounds
It I giue vnto my fonn Gerfhom Lam-
bert forty pounds
It I giue vnto him one fether bed with
all that belongeth ther vnto
It I giue vnto my fonn Thomas Lambert
one pewther plater and one linen fheet
and one filuer fpoone
It I giue vnto my Daughter Anne
Lambert one great Chif t and all that is in
it and one trunke and all that is in it one
litl box and all that is in it the fether
beding which I ly one with all ther be-
longes vnto it and all my pewther with all
my brafs and potts and ketls and when
thes things is prifed, I will that they fhall
be made vp to the value of fixty pounds
provided that if all this eftat : the land
giuen to John excepted Doe not Amoneitt
to thef fumes thus giuen out as aboue-
mentioned I will that they fhall all abatte
It I make ordaine and Conftitute my
eldeft Sonn John Lambert to be executor
of This my will and teftament and doe
defier and intreat M"^ Ezekill Rogers and
M"^ Jofeph Jewit to be ouerfeers of this my
will and Teftament in wittnes that this is
my owne free deliberat act and deed I
haue fetto my hand the day and yere firft
aboue written
read : figned in the prefents of vs
Jofeph Jewett hir mark
Thomas Leaner Jaine IL Lambert
Christopher Berry of Salem, 1640.
John Berry of Ipswich married Mary
Chapman Jan. 24, 1676-7.
— Savage.
Edward Bishop (No. 3, page 122,
The Aniiquarian, volume VIII) died in
Rehoboth, an innholder, in May, 17 11.
In his will, he mentions wife Sarah ; sons
Ebenezer Bishop, Edward Bishop, Jona-
than Bishop, Samuel Bishop and David
Bishop j daughters Priscilla, wife of Sam-
uel Day (his second wife, married Sept.
14, 1702), and Sarah, wife of Jor-
dan.— Fred N. Day, Auburndaky Mass.
" Connecticut river ^' should read "Con-
toocook river," in The Antiquarian, page
Hannah, wife of Thomas Blanchard
(No. II, on page 27, in The Antiqua-
rian), died in 1725, but the date of
death and age given are the date of
death and age of the widow of Samuel
Blanchard (No. 4).
The inscription at the bottom of the-
first column of page 3 has been critically
examined and compared with an older-
copy. It reads in full as follows: —
Here Lyeth
Buried the Body
of Rachel Baker
Who Deceased the
5*^ of Iu°e A — D 1 73 1
In y® 48*^ y'^ of her Age.
^ The burial-ground at Bay View was
laid out quite early. The oldest grave-
stone now standing there and decipher-
able bears the date of 1730. The following
are all of the inscriptions to be found
there bearing dates prior to 1 800.
Here. lyes buried
the body . of Sarah
Dau"^ to the Rev<* m' Benj*
Bradstreet & Sarah
his wife, aged 17
Ye ars & i Day
died M ar c h ^ 3**
1730 in Y« 16 YEAR
Then die !
In memory of
And their Children
^ ^^ a brighter world on
Man shall return unto dust.
Mark Davis, died May 25, 1802. ^t. 52.
Watch and pray for y^ know not when the time is.
Betsy Davis, died Sept. 10, 1792. ^t. 37.
God is righteous and holy ^in all his ways and works
Eliza Davis, died Sept. 27, 1795. -^t* i3«
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Mary Davis, died Augst 23, 1795. Ma 5.
Of such is the kingdom of heaven.
James Davis, died Oct. 4, 1808. ^t. 21.
I^ thou wilt enter into life keep the commandments.
Mortals, here see your fate.
Behold a God I adore him and obey.
Here lies the Body of
M" Abigail Davis
the wife of Cap' James
Davis y® 3** who died Dec*^
y® 21*' 176 I.
in the 34*^ year
of her Age.
M" Mary Davis
James Davis
aged 53 years
3 m** died june
29 1753-
Confort of
Cap^ William Davis Jun^
departed this life
June 14*^ 1790,
in the 24**^ year of
his age.
OF Sarah Davis
Y® DAU^ of Cap''
James Davis
& Mary his wife
aged i 3 years
& 6 M^ died NOV
Y' 6 1745
*This word belongs at the end of the preceding
Here lies y® Body of
M" Abigail Dennison
the wife of M"^ George
Dennison who died May
ye jBt 175 3^
Aged 47 Years.
OF m'
1747/8 IN THE 49
D A U'^^ OF M"^
Here lies Buried
The Body of Capt°
Jonathan Fellows
who departed this
Life the 20'^
* I 7
day of
5 9
Here is InterrM
The Body of
Who Departed
This Life o c t'^
o f
h i
Here Lie y® Remains
of cap* Richard Gofs
Who Departed
this Life June
ye jgth 1769
In the $z^^ Year
*Buried in the ground.
OF James Griffin
SON OF m"^ Samuel
& M*
1 749 IN Y®
Mifs Judith Griffin
departed this life
February 20, 1772,
In the 15*^ year of
her age
Confort of
Mr. Thomas Griffin
departed this life
April Z, i793>
In the 55 year of her age
So fefus fUpt^ God'^s dying Son
Paft through the grave^ and bleft the bed
Reft here^ fair faint ^ till from his throne
The morning breaks and pierce the fhade.
Mifs Lydia Griffin
departed this life
November lOf i'j<)2f
In the 24^^ year of
her age.
^■^^— ^— .^
Here Lies Interr'd
the Wife of m"^
. Sam^ Griffen Jun'^
Who Des* Sepf^ y« 10
1767 In Y® 51 Year
of her age
Come Mortal Man
And Cast An Eye
Come Read thy Doom
Prepare to Die
Thomas Griffin Jun
departed this life
december 13*^ 1791-
In the 2g^^ year of
his age.
Mr. Thomas Griffin
departed this life
Febry 13, 1796,
In the 62 year of
his age.
Sleep lovely faint and take thy reft;
Thy work is done^ thy bed is bleft;
For Chrift will change thy mortal clay,
And rais the Saint to endlefs day.
In memory of
Nathaniel Griffith
son to Capt. Nath^ Griffith
& mrs. Pricilla his wife
died Aug* i 1793
aged I year 6 mon^
A pleaf ant flower cut down
And withered in an hour.
M' J O H N & M"
DEC^ JAN'^y f 12
173 5/6
DEC^ JUNE Y« 15*^
1733 IN Y« 38**^ YEAR
In Memory of
Mary Haraden
Dau'^ to Nathaniel
& Mary Haraden
Aged 4 years &
21 DS Died OoSF
.th . . 6 7.
Son of George and
Judith Knights
died April 19, 1796,
aged I year 9 mo.
But Jef us f aid unto thtm fuffer
Little children to come to me^ and
Forbid them not: for of Such is the
Kingdom of God,
In Memory of
Caleb Lane
who died Feb 10, 1783,
Aged 54 Years.
Farewell my wife cSr* Children dear
If ought on earth could keep me here
It would be my love for you
But Jesus calls my soul away
Jesus forbids a longer stay
My dearest friends i adieu.
2 4'
I 7
In memory of
M" Anna Norwood
Wife of Capt. Francis Norwood
who died April 10 — 1776 ;
^t. 37
Here Lies the Body of
Mifs Elizabeth Norwood,
Who departed this Life
the 3** day of Octo'' 1769,
Aged 27 Years.
Alfo her dear brother
M'^ Abraham Norwood, died in
Virginia Decem 12*^ 1769, & was Interr'd
in a Church Yard in North- River
In Memory of
Nathaniel Haraden
Son to Nathaniel
& Mary Haraden
Aged 3 Years &
25 DS Died Nov^
In memory of
M'^ Elizabeth Norwood
Wife of M^ Jonathan Norwood ^
who died Oct^ 20 — 1775
M\? 60.
In memory of
M' Jonathan Norwood,
who diedFeby2i — 1791;
^t^ 79.
Alfo his Son Eben' Norwood,
who died in New-York of the
Small-pox May 6 — 1783
here lies y*
& Eliz'^"
7 5 3
R 28*^
Here lies y® Body of
Zaccheus Norwood
son of Jonathan &
Elizabeth Norwood
Died July 10*^ 1758
Aged 3 Months & 19 Days
Here lie y® Body
of Zaccheus son
of M Jonathan &
M" Eliza'^h Norwood
Died October 4th
Aged 5 weeks.
Here lies Buried the
Body of
Esther Parsons
Dau'^ of M'^ Nathaniel &
M^' Esther Parsons
who departed this Life
March the 7*^ 1764,
Aged 15 Days.
here lies
the body of m
Hannah Stanwood
Wife of M'
Job Stanwood
died march y® i®*
1753 IN Y® 24 YEAR
Here lies the Body of
^rs Betty Woodbery
the wife of M^ Peter
Woodber y who died
June 26**^ 1762,
In the 27*^ Year
of her Age.
thomas son to
m'' Joseph & m""^
Joanna *
George Blanchard* (No. 2, on page 26,
in The Antiquarian) is usually credited
with having married a daughter of Joseph
Hills, because Joseph Hills willed land to
his granddaughters Hannah and Elizabeth
Blanchard. Now this land was in Dun-
stable, and the Hannah and Elizabeth
Blanchard, daughters of Dea. John
Blanchard of Dunstable, were the ones
who had the land ; and in 1 7 1 7 Tom
Reed of Chelmsford, who married Han-
nah (of Deacon John) Blanchard, deeds
rights in Hill's farm, said interest given
his wife by grandfather Hills, etc. There
remains not the faintest suggestion that
George Blanchard^ married Hills.
Thomas Blanchard^ (No. 3 on the
same page) married Ann, daughter of
Henry and Honour Rolfe of Newbury.
See Old Families of Salisbury and Ames-
bury, page 301, and Honour Rolfe 's will,
in The Antiquanan,vo\ume IV.,page 137.
Samuel Blanchard^ (No. 4, on page 26)
was admitted to full communion in the
♦ Buried in the ground.
First church of Charlestown Sept. ii,
1680. On 25: 7: 1 68 1, Thomas, John,
Samuel and Hannah, children of '* Good-
man Samuel Blanchard," were baptized,
and 29: 11: 1681, Joshua, Jonathan,
Mary and Abigail, " ye children of or bro :
Blanchard," were baptized. The children
of the second wife were baptized first, and
then all that were living of the first wife's
children were gathered in. The references
are New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg., vol.
23»P- 438, and vol. 25, pp. 252, 253;
Bond's Watertown, p. 5 94. This provides
an Abigail suitable for John Stratton of
Watertown, whose wife Abigail died Oct.
25» 1732, aged sixty-six; so born about
1666. " Dau. Dorithy Storer which is
my grandchild " is, I think, Dorothy Sto-
ver or Stowers, born March 23, 1699, to
John Stowers3 and his wife Mary Blanch-
ard, married Aug. 13, 1696. References;
Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury,
p. 329, and Boston Records, vol. 9, p. 248.
— Mrs, Louise Bethune, Buffalo, N, Y,
SALEM IN J700. NO. \%
The map on page 75 represents that
part of Salem which is bounded by Essex
street, Washington square. Winter street.
Bridge street and Collins cove. It is
based on actual surveys and title deeds,
and is drawn on a scale of three hundred
feet to an inch. It shows the location of
all houses that were standing there in
The brace marked *'a" shows where
Arbella street begins on Bridge street;
" b ", Webb street ; " c ", Pleasant street ;
" d ", Pickman street ; " e ", Andrew
street; "f ", Briggs street; "g", Board-
man street; and "h", Forrester street.
Essex street was called a street or
highway in 1667; ye street, 1675: ye
country road, 1690; ye highway or main
street, 1695 ; the main street, 1725 ; and
Essex street in 1796.
Washington square east next Essex
street was only a little more than half as
wide in the early days as it is now. It
was called Thomas Beadle's lane in 1700;
Ives lane, 1756; the common, 1794;
Pleasant street, 1809; and has recently
been called Washington Square East.
That part of Forrester street next to
Essex street was a passage from the main
road to the cove. Before the Edward
Bishop lot was granted (in 1663), that
lot constituted the passage, but after the
grant of that lot to Jeremiah Butman in
1673, t^^ way was changed to its present
location. It was called a lane or highway
down to ye cove in 1667 ; a lane, 1747 ;
Gerrish's lane, 1794; East street, 1804;
and Forrester street in 1862. That part
of the street running parallel with Essex
street was laid out over common land as
early as 1767. It was called the street
lately laid out Aug. 16, 1793 j ^^^ street,
1793 ; a new street, 1794 ; street leading
from the common to the neck, 1 799 ;
East street, 1809; and Forrester street
in 1870.
The creek was an outlet for the ponds
and swamp which now constitute Wash-
ington square. The creek was called the
cove that goeth to the neck in 1662 ;
Tuck's cove or creek, 1663; a cove,
1667 ; a kind of a creek, 1675 y ^ small
creek next the common land, 1683; ye
creek or town common, 1700; the creek,
1732; a small creek next ye common,
1765; flats of Collins' cove, 1791; the
cove, 1794; Gerrish's gutter, 1804; the
gutter, 1826; fiats, 1850; creek, 1858;
and the brook in 1862. So it was open
to some extent until the latter date. It
must have been filled very soon afterward.
Writing in 1790, Dr. William Bentley
called this creek " the run of water which,
flows from the Common to Neckgate."
The dotted lines represent the rear lim-
its of the original grants; the parts
beyond were encroachments upon the
common land before March 17, 1692-3,
when the town voted that the several
parties who had so encroached should
pay for the land so taken ; and that the
owners are to keep open the creek that
the water may freely pass and not annoy
the inhabitants that live above them in
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 1 9,
the low swampy ground. When the
common land shown on the map lying in
the rear of the row of lots was granted to
the owners of the adjoining lots, in 1793,
a condition was inserted in each deed
that the common shore should be forever
kept open at the expense of the grantees.
In the original layout of the town a
way eight feet in width was reserved along
the water's edge ; and as such the narrow
path is mentioned on the south side of
the creek in 1757. It continued to be a
way until Forrester street was constructed,
before 1793.
Collins cove was called the cove in
1664; the salt water, 1725 ; ye sea, 1737 ;
a beach or river, 1787; river or creek,
1788; and Collins cove in 1858.
Dr. William Bentley, writing in 1790,
stated that the point of land constituting
the eastern end of George Hodges' lot
was called Virgin point, " from three old
maidens who lived near it, the place being
now to be seen. " The three " old maid-
ens " were probably Mary and Hannah
Hodges and their widowed sister Sarah
Archer, children of George Hodges.
Doctor Bentley writes further that the
part of the cove next to the Parkman pas-
ture was called Shallop cove.
The lane anciently running from the
bend in Forrester street to Shallop cove
was in existence as early as 1664, and
probably was located before the lots were
granted at the first settlement of the
town. At a town meeting held March
19, 1721-2, the town of Salem voted to
sell this (then called Hodges) lane for
five pounds ; and, according to Doctor
Bentley's journal, it was granted to Gama-
liel Hodges Dec. 3, 1722. Doctor Bent-
ley states that it was about twenty-four feet
in width and twenty-five rods in length.
Washington square was called ye com-
mon commonly called the training place
in 1664; ye town common, 1681 ; ye
common or training field, 1689; Salem
training place, 1709 ; ye training common,
1711 j ye training field, 1749 ; and away
or common land of Salem in 1767.
Arbella street was laid out Dec. 24
Webb street was laid out in May,
Andrew street was laid out Aug. 21,
Pickman street was laid out May 17,
1824 ; and was so called in 1829.
Pleasant street was laid out in 1796,
as on December twelfth of that year it is
described as *^ a street now staked out
which is a continuation from Pleasant
street to Bridge street;" was accepted
by the town Sept. 2, 1797 ; and was
called Pleasant street in 1801.
Briggs street was laid out in March,
1837, and was at first called Briggs court.
Boardman street was laid out July 15,
The ancient lane running along the
southwestern side of the Parkman pasture,
about eighteen feet wide, was the early
way to the ferry and first settlement.
This was used until Winter street was
opened in or before 1668. After that
time, John Neal fenced in the lane until
Jan. 24, 1681-2, when the selectmen of
Salem determined that Lt. Jeremiah
Neale, as executor to the estate of his
father John Neale, deceased, and in the
behalf of the rest of his relations unto
whom it may belong shall " haue hould
and peacably Enjoy the lane of the towne
of aboute Eighteene foote wide which
was betweene m'^ John Gedneys paftore
land, and y® land ot the Sayd Neales &
now Incloafed by neale."*
Winter street was included in the lots
of Nicholas Hay ward (or, Howard) and
John Neale before it was laid out in or
before 1668. The southwestern portion
of the strip, about three-fourths of an
acre belonged to Mr. Neale, and the rest,
about one acre, was owned by Mr. How-
ard.* Winter street was called ye high-
way in 1682 ; highway or common land,
1790; the highway leading from Salem
common toward Essex bridge, 1792;
and Winter street in 1794.
*Town Records, Book of Grants, page 140.
Bridge street was one of the earliest
roads in Salem, and was called the coun-
try road which goeth from Salem meeting
house to the ferry in 1681 ; ye highway,
1698; ye highway y' leads downe to y®
ferry leading to Beverly, 17 13; Ferry
lane, 1743 ; and Bridge street in 1794.
In the sketches that follow, after 1700,
titles and deeds referred to pertain to the
houses and land under and adjoining and
not always to the whole lot, the design
being, after that date, to give the history
of the houses then standing principally.
Thomas Beadle House. That part of
this lot lying easterly of the dashes was
a part of the lot of John Turner, who died
Oct. 9, 1680, at the age of thirty-six. It
descended to his several children, who
were all very young, and his son John
Turner of Salem, merchant, for sixteen
pounds, conveyed it to Thomas Beadle of
Salem, innkeeper, June 4, 1695.* How
John Turner had the right to convey
more than his inherited interest in this lot
does not appear.
That part of the lot lying westerly of
the dashes was the house lot granted by
the selectmen of Salem, Aug. 7, 1672, to
John Robinson in the following words :
" Jn° Robinfon the Taylor, hath liberty
Granted him to have a houfe lott in the
Comon on the Same tearmes as other
men haue theirs." Mr. Robinson built a
dwelling house, barn and shop thereon
and resided there. He conveyed the es-
tate (in exchange with Mr. Beadle for his
residence) to Mr. Beadle, who then con-
ducted an inn across the street, June t8,
i695.t Mr. Beadle died May 23, 1700,
possessed of the whole lot and the build-
ings. The estate was then valued at two
hundred pounds. The house then had a
kitchen, new room, north room, south
chamber, north chamber, etc. His wid-
ow and administratrix Elizabeth Beadle,
who was then widow of Capt. Thomas
Dean, and Mr. Beadle's children, Benja-
min Beadle, cordwainer, and Thomas
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 11, leaf 30.
lEssex Registry of Deeds, book 11, leaf 36.
Beadle, mariner, all of Salem, for two
hundred and twenty-five pounds, con-
veyed the house, barn, shop and land to
Benjamin Ives of Salem, glazier, Nov. 12,
1 7 15.* Captain Ives lived here, and
died possessed of the estate in 1752.
The mansion house and land around it
were then valued at two hundred and six-
ty-six pounds, thirteen shillings, and four
pence. Three years later it was valued
at two hundred and forty pounds. Cap-
tain Ives devised the estate to his daugh-
ters Elizabeth, Mary, Abigail, Martha and
Margaret. To Mary, then wife of John
Crowninshield of Salem, shipwright, the
other children, John Ives, tanner, Eliza-
beth Ives, Abigail Ives, Martha Ives and
Margaret Ives, all spinsters, and all of
Salem, released the estate Oct. 25, 1756.!
Mr. Crowninshield died, and his widow
Mary Crowninshield of Salem, for one
hundred and eighty pounds, conveyed
the estate to her son Clifford Crownin-
shield, mariner, June 29, 1791.^ Clifford
Crowninshield removed the house soon
Abial Turner Lot. John Turner
owned this lot early and died possessed
of it Oct. 9, 1680. The estate passed to
his son, John Turner, who died in 1692,
possessed of it. His real estate was not
divided until March 22, 1696-7, when
this lot was assigned to his daughter Abial
Turner. It was then valued at thirty-two
pounds and eleven shillings. She owned
it until Jan. 22, 1705, when, for forty-
five pounds, she conveyed it to Joseph
Andrews of Boxford, yeoman. §
Christopher Babbidge House. This lot
was probably granted to Christopher Bab-
bidge before 1683. when he was its owner.
He was living in 1711, and apparently
died soon afterward, possessed of the
lot and house which he erected thereon.
This was one of the best houses in the
neighborhood, the staircase still contain-
ing the ancient newel posts and balusters,
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 27, leaf 190.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 102, leaf 283.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 153, leaf 105.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 18, leaf 146.
17 00
Sc»Ui 300£t.» I incK.
and the rod from which were suspended
the ancient leathern fire buckets. In the
west lower room of this house met the
committee of the East or Second church
to consider the plans of its first meeting
house which was built on the opposite
side of the street in 17 17. The estate
was next owned by his son Christopher
Babbidge of Salem, cordwainer, who died
in i755> when the house, barn and land
were appraised at one hundred and fifty-
three pounds, six shillings and eight
.pence. The administratrix of the estate,
for the payment of debts, for one
hundred and fifty pounds, conveyed the
estate to Richard Derby of Salem, mer-
chant, Nov. 8, 1757.* Mr. Derby died
Nov. — , 1783, having devised to his
daughter Mary Crowninshield "the House
in which she lately dwelt now occupied
by Joseph Moses with the Land under
& adjoining thereto, it being nearly op-
posite the meeting house in the East
Parish in Salem with the appurtenances
which I purchased of Christopher Bab-
bidge's heirs." The devisee was the wife
of George Crowninshield of Salem, mer-
chant, and for, thirty-five hundred dollars,
they conveyed the house and lot to James
Cheever of Salem, merchant, Aug. 24,
i799.t Captain Cheever died Sept. 23,
1839, possessed of the house and lot,
which were then valued at three thousand
dollars. His children, Sally Cook, and
her husband Samuel Cook of Salem, mer-
chant, James W. Cheever, of Salem,
merchant, Ruth Shepard, widow, of Lodi,
111., and Maria Cheever of Salem, single-
woman, for two thousand and seventy-
five dollars, conveyed the house, store
and land to Phineas R. Weston of Salem,
trader, June i, 18404 Mr. Weston, in
1859, cut off the eastern end of the
house, and removed that portion to Grant
street, where it still stands. For three
thousand dollars, he conveyed the estate
to George R. Curwen of Salem Oct. 25,
1867; * and Mr. Curwen conveyed it, for
the same consideration, to Emily L.
Weston, wife of said Phineas, on the same
day.* In 1861, Mr. Weston called the
house " my old house." Leverett Tur-
ner and his wife Ellen, in her right, and
Alice Weston, singlewoman, all of Salem,
apparently heirs of Mr. Weston, for two
thousand and sixty-five dollars, conveyed
the house and lot to Charles Bowker of
Salem July 21, 1885.! Mr. Bowker still
owns and resides in the house. The en-
graving of the house shows it as it ap-
peared seventy-five years ago, before the
radical changes were made.
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 105, leaf 16.
+ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 165, leaf 180.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 320, leaf 14.
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 733, leaf 66.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1155, leaf
John Mascoll House. This lot was grant-
ed by the selectmen of Salem to John Mas-
coll, sr., of Salem, gunsmith, 6 : 4 : 1662.
He erected a house upon it before 1702.
For forty-seven pounds, he conveyed the
house and lot to Robert Stanbury of Sa-
lem, chirurgeon, Jan. 16, 1710-1.* How
the title passed from Doctor Stanbury
is unknown. Matthew Pool of Boston,
cooper, for twenty pounds, conveyed the
house and lot to Samuel Carlton of Salem,
mariner, Sept. 6, i732.t Mr.^Carlton evi-
dently removed the old house soon after-
Bartholomew Gale House. This lot
was granted by the selectmen of Salem to
Robert Lemon 6 : 4 : 1662. It belonged
to Bartholomew Gale as early as 1675.
The house was erected upon it before
1675. Mr. Gale owned the house and
lot as late as 1702, and they were the
property of Philip English and in the
possession of William Brown in 1732.
Mr. English died in 1736, owning the
house and lot, which were then valued at
eighty pounds. His administrator, for
sixty-pounds, conveyed the house and lot
to Joseph Browne of Salem, mariner,
Oct. 22, 1 7 42. J The house was gone
apparently a few years later.
Philip English Houses, That part of
this lot lying west of the dashes was grant-
ed to widow HolHngworth by the select-
men of Salem 6:4: 1662. It was sub-
sequently the property of William Hol-
Hngworth, apparently widow HoUing-
worth's son. William HolHngworth con-
veyed it to Philip CromweU of Salem be-
fore Sept. 23, 1675, when Mr. Cromwell
conveyed the lot and a house which then
stood upon it, which were then in the
possession of Thomas Cloutman, to Philip
English of Salem, mariner. § Mr. English
died in 1736, and this "small dwelling
house " and land around it descended
to his daughter Mary, wife of William
Browne. Mr. Browne died before March
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 22, leaf 279.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 60, leaf 184.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 84, leaf 82.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 126.
2 2, 1759, when she was a widow.* She
died before or in 1767, possessed of the
estate. The administrator of her estate
conveyed the lot " with the remains of an
old dwelling house thereon " to Joseph
MascoU of Salem, shipwright, Sept. 30,
1 7 6 7 .t Mr. MascoU, for forty-six pounds,
conveyed the lot " with ye remains of an
old dweUing house thereon " to John
Touzell of Salem, goldsmith, Oct. 24,
1767.^ The house was gone before 1785,
when Mr. Touzell died.
That part of this lot lying east of the
dashes was granted to John Williams by
the selectmen of Salem 6:4; 1662. Mr.
Williams lived here, being a fisherman,
and he immediately erected a house upon
this lot. For twenty-five pounds, twelve
shilHngs and six pence, he conveyed the
lot and house " newly built '' to John
Steevens of Salem, fisherman, Aug. 27,
1663. § In 1673 and 1675 the premises
were occupied by William Buckley. Mr.
Steevens conveyed the house and lot to
Capt. Walter Price of Salem before the
latter's death, which occurred June 5,
1674, but the deed of transfer has not
been found. Captain Price died pos-
sessed of the lot, and his executors, for
fifty-six pounds and ten shiHings, con-
veyed the house and lot and a shop with
a ceUar under it to Philip English Dec.
22, 1679.11 The estate had been then
lately occupied by Tobias Carter. Mr.
English died in 1736, possessed of the
house and lot. In the appraisal of the es-
tate the house was called "an old house,"
and the house and land around it were val-
ued at fifteen pounds. In the division of
the estate of Mr. English, Dec. 31, 1742,
the house and land about it were
assigned to the heirs of Susanna TouzeU,
widow of John Touzell, deceased. John
TouzeH of Salem, goldsmith, apparently
a son of Mrs. Touzell, conveyed the old
house and land around it to William Ha-
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 104, leaf 276.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 121, leaf 154.
X Essex Registry of Deeds, book 122, leaf 4.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 72.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 58.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 1 9.
thorne of Salem, mariner, and his wife
Mary and widow of Susanna Hathorne of
Salem May 30, 1754.* The house was
gone apparently a few years later.
Edward Bishop House, This lot was
granted by the town of Salem to Jeremiah
Butman, at a town meeting held 14 : i :
1672-3. The record reads :" Graunted
to Jeremiah Butman & foe to his child*^
after him : a pcell of land to Build a houfe
on near Bucklye accordinge to the
pportion of the other lotts If it be ther
to be hade or any wher ther abouts as
y^ goe to the feaward.'' The selectmen
recorded the laying out of the lot, April
3, 1673, as follows: *' Laid out to Jere-
miah Butname about eighteene Roade of
land next adoyninge vnto Buckley
land." This lot of land had been used
as a highway from the street to the cove,
but the passage was subsequently made
east of this lot where it still exists, being
the eastern end of Forrester street. Mr.
Butman (or Bootman) built a house upon
the lot before December, 1679. He re-
moved to Beverly, where he was a yeo-
man ; and, for love, conveyed to his son
Mathew Butman of Beverly, husband-
man, the house and lot, Oct. 16, 1690.!
For sixteen pounds Mr. Butman con-
veyed the lot and house to Edward
Bishop of Salem, sawyer, June 30, 1694.]:
The next owner of record is John Becket
of Salem, ship-carpenter, who, with his
wife Susanna, for eighteen pounds, thir-
teen shillings and four pence, conveyed
the house and lot to their son John Beck-
et of Salem, shipwright, Dec. 25, i759.§
John Becket, jr., died in 1781, possessed
of the lot; and his children, grand-
children and others, John Becket, gentle-
man, and wife Sarah, William Peele,
cooper, and wife Elizabeth, David Felt,
trader, and wife Susanna, Sarah Silsbee,
widow, Rebecca Fairfield, widow. Thorn-
dike Deland, mariner, and wife Eunice,
Benjamin Beckett, mariner, John Beckett,
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 100, leaf 108.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 9, leaf 267.
X Essex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 3.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 107, leaf 202.
jr., mariner, William Beckett, tanner,
Joseph Beckett, tanner, all of Salem, and
Hannah Henderson, for sixteen pounds,
conveyed their interest in the westerly
part of the house and lot to widow Han-
nah Cloutman of Salem, daughter of the
deceased John Beckett, March 28, 1794.*
On the same day, for twenty pounds,
John Beckett, gentleman, and wife Sarah,
William Peele, cooper, and wife Elizabeth,
David Felt, trader, and wife Susanna,
Sarah Silsbee, widow, Hannah Cloutman,
widow, Thorndick Deland, mariner, and
wife Eunice, Benjamin Beckett, mariner,
John Beckett, jr., mariner, William Beck-
ett, tanner, Joseph Beckett, tanner, all of
Salem, and Jabez Henderson and wife
Hannah, conveyed the easterly half of the
house and lot to widow Rebecca Fairfield
of Salem, daughter of the deceased John
Beckett t The house was removed a few
years later.
Benjamin Getrish House. This lot
was granted by the town of Salem to
Nicholas Bartlett of Salem before 1667.
He immediately built a house upon the
land, and lived in it. For fifty-seven
pounds, he conveyed the house " I lately
built " and land to John Balden of Salem,
seaman, April 10, 1667.I Mr. Balden (or
Baldwin) died before 28 : 9 : 1673, when
administration upon his estate was grant-
ed to his widow Arabella. The house and
land were then valued at sixty pounds.
His administratrix conveyed the estate
to the executors of the will of Capt. Wal-
ter Price, deceased, July 7, 1674 j§ and
they, for fifty pounds, conveyed the house
and lot to Benjamin Gerrish of Salem in
1682.11 Deacon Gerrish was a merchant,
and died April 24, 1713, having devised
the estate, one-half to his wife Elizabeth
and the other half to his six children.
The dwelling house, ware house, bam
and land were then valued at two hundred
pounds. The house then contained a
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 203, leaf 149.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 185, leaf 62.
X Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 23.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 56.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 103.
" best room," kitchen, little bedroom,
*^ best chamber," kitchen chamber and
garret, and had a leanto. The estate of
Deacon Gerrish was divided in 1734, and
this house and lot were assigned to his
widow. She died Dec. 24, 1734, aged
sixty-one, having conducted a small dry-
goods store, and being called " Madam
Gerrish." She devised the house and lot
to her son John Gerrish and her daughter
Lydia, wife of John Brown, equally. Mrs.
Brown died in 1744, and the estate was
not divided until 1750, when the easterly
half was assigned to John Gerrish, and
the westerly half to Lydia Brown's young
The westerly half became the estate of
Mrs. Brown's son Benjamin Brown, and
he lived in the house. He died April 24,
1785, and it then passed to his son Ben-
jamin Brown, who also lived in the house.
He died Sept. 22, i860, at the age of
eighty-six. His heirs, Ebenezer S. Phelps
of Middleton, William B. Gray, Eliza
Gray, Lydia Sanborn, Richard Davis and
wife Hannah, in her right, conveyed the
house and land around it, for eight hun-
dred and ninety dollars, to William H.
Nichols of Salem Dec. 5, 1862;*
Hannah Harmon of Harrison, Me., and
Josiah M. Turner and wife Esther, in her
right, conveyed their interest to Mr.
Nichols Dec. 5, 1862 ;t James D. Lang-
don of Columbia, O., and wife Sally, in
her right, William B. Phelps of Bartholo-
mew, Ind., and wife Amelia, Alfred
Phelps of Shelby, Ind., and wife Polly,
and Nathan E. Phelps of Ohio and wife
Matilda, conveyed their interest to Mr.
Nichols Dec. 15, 1862 ;| Andrew Archer
of Fairfield, Me., Charles Archer ot East
Pittsfield, Me., and Timothy Lander and
his wife Caroline A., in her right, conveyed
their interest to Mr. Nichols Dec. 15,
1862 ;| and the trustee under the will of
Benjamin Brown, deceased, released the
estate to Mr. Nichols March 23, 1863.*
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 648, leaf 287.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 648, leaf 289.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 648, leaf 288.
John Gerrish, who was of Salem, school-
master, mortgaged the easterly half of the
house and lot to William Lynde of Salem,
merchant, March 21, 1747;* and re-
leased the equity to him Sept. 4, 1750.!
Mr. Lynde died May 10, 1752, at the age
of thirty-seven, having devised his inter-
est in the house and land around it to
his brother Benjamin Lynde of Salem,
esquire. Benjamin Lynde, for forty
pounds, conveyed the same part of the
house and land to Timothy Welraan of
Salem, cordwainer, Aug. i, 175 2. J Mr.
Welman, for twenty-one pounds, six shill-
ings and eight pence, conveyed the same
estate to his son Timothy Welman, jr., of
Salem, mariner, Aug. 13, i756.§ The
son of Salem, fisherman, for forty pounds,
conveyed his interest in the estate to
Benjamin Brown of Salem, cabinet maker,
July 15, 1765.11 Mr. Brown then became
the sole owner of the old house.
This old house is described in 1863 as
a quaint old building of very humble
appearance. It had two sets of chim-
neys, four sets of clapboards, two sets of
windows and frames, two sets of floors,
three sets of doors and three coats of
plaster. " Its iron bound frame'' and
the first boarding was on the decline. It
was removed the next year.
Samuel Lambert House. This lot was
granted by the town of Salem to Matthew
Wood in 1667, and he immediately built
on it a dwelling house, which was not fully
finished Jan. 23, 1667-8. The house,
having been mortgaged to Capt. George
Corwin of Salem, merchant, and default
in payment made. Captain Corwin, by
order of Jeremiah Bootman, attorney
of Mr. Wood, and Mr. Bootman sold
and conveyed the estate to William Cash
of Salem Jan. 23, 1667-8.^ Mr. Cash
was a mariner, and conveyed the house
and land to Philip Cromwell of Salem
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 93, leaf 134.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 100, leaf 131.
X Essex Registry of Deeds, book 100, leaf 132.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 116, leaf 38.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 143, leaf 11 1.
If Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 44.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 1 9.
Oct. 12, 1677.* Mr. Cromwell was a
slaughterer, and, for thirty-five pounds,
conveyed the estate to Jonathan Prince
of Salem, cordwinder, Aug. 15, 1683.!
Mr. Prince died about 1685 ; his widow
Mary, having married John Warner of
Ipswich, was appointed administratrix of
the estate ; and she, for thirty-five pounds
and ten shillings, conveyed the house,
shop and lot to Samuel Lambert of
Salem, mariner, Jan. 23, 1694. J Mr.
Lambert lived here, and died before May
19, 1729, when administration upon his
estate was granted. He was succeeded
by Jonathan Lambert and the latter died
possessed of the estate, administration
being granted on his estate Aug. i, 1774.
The house, bam and lot were then valued
at eighty pounds. The house was taken
down March 18, 1789. Doctor Bentley
records the fact in his journal, as follows :
"March 18 [1789]. A building, the
property of the family of Lambert, having
one room upon a floor, and the entrance
in a range with the chimney at the eastern
end, the whole building facing the west-
ern end of English's Lane nearly, taken
Katharine Daland House. This lot
was owned by George Hodges as early as
Jan. 23, 1667-8, when a house was stand-
ing upon it. He was of Salem and a
mariner, Nov. 3, 1681, when he conveyed
the house and lot to Thomas Roots of
Salem, weaver. § Mr. Roots lived in the
house, and died possessed of the house
and land Nov. — , 1683, having, in his
will, devised the estate to his wife Sarah
for her life, and then to Katharine, daugh-
ter of George Hodges, and wife of Benja-
min Daland of Beverly. The house and
lot were then appraised at fifty pounds.
Mrs. Daland conveyed the house and lot,
for thirty-four pounds, to John Masury of
Salem, tailor. May 6, i70o,|| the house,
in 1693, having been occupied by Robert
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 90.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 1 1 1 .
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 68.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 31.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 283.
Bray. The house was standing in 1702,
but apparently gone soon afterward.
Elizabeth Derby House, This lot was
granted by the town of Salem to Ricbard
Roberts 3mo., 1673, and was laid out to
him, the record being as follows : " Laid
out to Richard Roberts tailor a house lot
two rods wide In the front so downe
soe far as the upland goes towards the
Cove this next to Georg hodg his house
Lott." Mr. Roberts erected " a small
cottage or dwelling house " upon the lot;
and died possessed of the house and lot
Jan. 4, 1698-9. He devised the estate,
by a nuncupative will, to Mrs. Elizabeth
Derby whom he owed and who agreed to
provide for his funeral. The inventory
described the estate as ** a little house
out of repair and land," and its appraised
value is stated as twelve pounds. Mrs.
Derby, for sixteen pounds, conveyed the
house and lot to John Masury of Salem,
tailor, Sept. 2, 1706.* The house was
probably gone before 1725.
Nehetniah Willoughby Lot. This lot
was apparently owned by Isaac Estes in
1652, and by William Lord in 1657.
Henry Bartholomew, sr., of Salem, mer-
chant, owned it in 1681, and Nov. 12,
1689, for love to his daughter Abigail,
wife of Nehemiah Willoughby of Salem,
merchant, he conveyed it to his said son-
in-law. f Mr. Willoughby died possessed
of the premises in 1702.
George Hodges House, That part of
this lot lying north of the northern dashes
was owned apparently by Thomas Roots
as early as 1652.
That part of the lot lying between the
dashes was conveyed by John Payne to
Robert Pease, with a house thereon, 16 :
2 : 1652 ; J and it came into the posses-
sion of Thomas Roots before 1657. The
house was probably gone soon afterward.
That part of the lot lying south of the
southern dashes was conveyed by John
Payne to Thomas Weeks, for four pounds,
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 19, leaf 86.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 142.
X Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 13.
i6 : 2 : 1652.* Mr. Weeks was of Salem,
turner, and he erected a small dwelling
house thereon. For sixteen pounds, he
conveyed the house and lot to John Wil-
son of Salem 3: 12 mo: 1652.! Mr.
Wilson was a mason, and, for eighteen
pounds, conveyed the house and lot to
Thomas Roots of Salem, weaver, July i,
Thus Mr. Roots came into the posses-
sion of the entire lot and two houses
thereon, and he conveyed the dwelling
" wherein I now live " and the lot adjoin-
ing " now in the possession of the gran-
tee *' to George Hodges of Salem, mariner,
Nov. 3, i68i.§ Mr. Hodges died in 1709,
possessed of the house and lot. His inven-
tory described this estate, being his home-
stead, as follows : *' an old low dwelling
houfe & a fmall old barn standing upon
land that is about 3 acres & halfe : part
of it a small old orchard a highway going
through it near y® east end bounded North
with Nath" Beadle east y® Cove south
with m'^ Willoughbies land west with
Salem training common." It was valued at
sixty-five pounds. The estate was divided
among the heirs Jan. 25, 1737. The old
house was then standing, but was gone
soon afterward.
Samuel Gardner Lot. This lot was
owned as early as 1681 by Samuel Gard-
ner, jr., and he continued to possess it
until he conveyed it March 7, 1 701-2. ||
John Archer Lot. This lot early be-
longed to Thomas Weeks, who died in
1656, leaving two daughters, Bethia and
Hannah. Bethia married John Archer be-
fore 1664, and Hannah married John
Pitman in 1667. Mrs. Pitman died Dec.
23, 1670, and Mr. Archer apparently
purchased her half of the lot. The latter
died possessed of the entire lot in
Ann Brads tree f Lot. That part of this
lot lying north of the dashes was granted
as " swampy ground " by the town of Sa-
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 13.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 16.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 42.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 32.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 27, leaf 228.
lem to Rev. John Higginson 13:2; 1661.
The grant is recorded in the following
words : " Graunted vnto m'^ Jn° Higgin-
fon o"^ Paftor a pcell of Swampy ground
lyinge & beinge in the Comon Pen neare
M"^ Stileman field on the fouth & m*^ Jn®
Gedneys & Jn° Neale one the North to
begine at the vpwards weft Corner of M*"
Stileman s pafture & Croffe ou'^ to Jno
Neals field & fo Downwards to the fea
between thofe fields aboue named."*
Mr Higginson conveyed that part of the
lot to Lt. Joseph Gardner, of Salem, vint-
ner, before 1664.
That part of this lot lying south of the
dashes and west of the lane had two dwell-
ing houses upon it about 1653. Jonathan
Ager, aged about seventy-three, and Re-
becca Bly, aged about seventy, deposed,
June 29, 1 7 13, " That they well Remem-
ber that There was two Dwelling houfes
Standing vpon y® Land Lately belonging to
Madam Broadftreete of Salem in y® County
of Efsex in New England and now in y®
pofsefsion of Enfigne Jofeph Andrews of
y® Towne & County aforef^ and y* about
Sixty years agoe there Lined in Said
Houfes William Golt & Jeremiah meach-
am." Sworn to before Stephen Sewall,
justice of the peace."t This part of the
lot belonged to Elias Stileman of Salem in
1 66 1. He died in 1663. His son, Elias
Stileman, of Salem, as administrator of
the estate, for twenty-six pounds, con-
veyed this part of the lot to William
Browne, jr., of Salem, merchant, April 7,
1 664. J Mr. Browne conveyed the same
portion of the lot to Lt. Joseph Gardner,
who owned the other part of the lot, July
27, i664.§ Thus Lieutenant Gardner
came into possession of the entire lot.
He was killed in the Narragansett fight in
King Philip's war, while commanding a
company of soldiers, Dec. 19, 1675. He
died childless, and his estate passed to
his widow Ann, who married the next year.
Gov. Simon Bradstreet. She owned this
lot for ten years after 1700.
*Town Records of Salem.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 25, leaf 253.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 78.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 85.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 19.
Deliverance Parkman and Susanna
Farkman Pasture. This tract of twelve
acres of land originally consisted of six
two-acre lots apparently running north
and south. When the writer first learns of
them, there are three lots,first,a six-acre lot,
then a two-acre lot, and beyond that a four-
acre lot. The six-acre lot belonged, very
early, probably originally, to Henry Cook.
It then passed to Dr. George Emery ; and
before 1649 to John Gedney. The two-
acre lot belonged, very early, and probably
originally, to Richard Graves, who, for
forty-two shillings and six pence, conveyed
it to John Gedney Jan. i, 1649.* The
four-acre lot belonged, very early, and
probably originally, to Michael Ward. He
died, and it passed to his widow Margaret,
who married, secondly, Thomas Rix,
barber. Mr. and Mrs. Rix , for five pounds,
conveyed it to Mr. Gedney 15 : 3 : 1655.!
Mr. Gedney, for many years, conducted
the Ship tavern, and this pasture, being
used in connection with that inn, became
known as the *' Ship Tavern pasture."
Mr. Gedney died in 1688, having devised
the lot, one-half to Susanna Gedney,
widow of his son John Gedney, and her
children by her said husband, and the
other half to the testator's son Col. Bar-
tholomew Gedney. Colonel Gedney died
Feb. 28, 1697-8, possessed of his half of
the lot ; and his children, Samuel Gedney,
Hannah Grafton, Lydia Corwine, Bethiah
Gedney and Deborah Gedney, all of Salem,
conveyed the same interest to their uncle
John's widow, Susannah, who had married
Deliverance Parkman, of Salem, William
Gedney of Salem, merchant, and Nathan-
iel Gedney of Salem, mariner, the owners
of the other part, Dec. 10, 1698.I
Fourteen days later, William Gedney of
Salem, merchant, and Nathaniel Gedney
of Salem, mariner, only surviving children
of Mrs. Susannah Parkman, conveyed the
lot to the latter's husband, Deliverance
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaves 27
and 29.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaves 27
and 30.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 18, leaf 138.
Parkman of Salem, merchant.* Mr. and
Mrs. Parkman owned the lot a number of
years after 1700.
Jeremiah NealLot This was a portion
of the ancient Tuck lot, which was owned
by Nicholas Howard , a fisherman, in the
early settlement of the town. On this
corner was his dwelling house. The
depositions of Edward Gaskin, aged about
seventy, and Francis Skerry, aged sixty-
six years or thereabouts, severally testify
" that Nicholas Hayward had to his
Knowledge a house plott, on which he y®
said Hayward did live uppon, when he
came first to Salem, this sd house plott
scituate & lying in Salem, upon the west
corner of John Neales land , which lyeth
as I goe from Salem Ipswich ward on the
right hand : this abouesd p'cell of ground
or house plott being bounded on the east
or south east corner with the well w'ch
was in y® sd house plott, & westerly neere
upon a square home to y® sd Neales now
standing fence by the road, & from y® sd
well neere upon a square to y® sd Neale's
now standing fence sotherly, & further he
saith not. Taken upon oath 22 : 3 mo:
74. Wm. Hathorne Assistant."t Mr.
Howard (or Hayward) removed to Beverly
(then called Cape Ann Side) about 1641,
but retained the house and lot. The
house was probably gone soon afterward.
After his death, his son Nathaniel Hayward
of Salem, for twenty shillings, conveyed
the lot, namely, " that house plott which
yet is well known y* my father Nicholas
Hayward did live on, when he did live in
Salem towne,'' Dec. 14, 168 i.f The
narrow strip on the southwestern side oi
the lot, being about two feet wide at the-
southern end and running to a point at
the other end, was granted to Jeremiah'
Neale Jan. 24, 1681, as hereinafter
stated. I Mr. Neale owned the lot until
after 1700.
Lydia Hart Lot. This lot was a por-
tion of the Tuck lot, which was owned by
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 102.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 35.
JBook of Grants, Salem Town Records, page
John Neal as early as 1652.* Nathaniel Estate of John Neal House. This was a
Felton, sr., and John Massey, sr., testified, portion of the Tuck lot, and was owned
Jan. 15, 1699-1700, " that upon y® quarter by Nicholas Howard in the early settle-
of an acre o£ Land given by y« aboues^ ment of the town. He removed to Bev-
John Neale unto his daughter Lidiah had erly (then called Cape Ann Side) about
a dwelling houfe upon it before the yeare 1641, and conveyed this lot to John Neal
1 66 1."* The house was probably gone in 1652.* There was a dwelling-house
in 1661. John Neal died May 12, 1672, upon this lot before 1661. Nathaniel
having devised this part of the Tuck lot Felton, sr., and John Massey deposed,
to his daughter Lydia, wife of Jonathan Dec. 13, 1699, that the "land given by
Hart, and after her decease to her chil- John Neale Sen"^ Deced Late in Salem,
dren. She died about 1700, possessed of in y« Countey of Efsex in New England
the lot. in his will to his sonne John Neale now
Joseph Neal Lot, This was a portion Deed Caled in Said will Tucks Lott was
of the ancient Tuck lot which was owned by John Neale Sen*^ pofsefsed from y«
by John Neal as early as 1652.* John yeare fifty Two to y® yeare Sixty Two as
Neal died possessed of the lot May his Owne right in Fee to our Certaine
12, 1672, having devised this part of knowledge & wee doe further Testify
it to his wife for her life, and then to his that upon part of the land giuen in Said
son John Neal. The son, John Neal, Jr., will to his son John as abouesaid had a
died in November, 1679, possessed of the dwelling houfe upon It before The yeare
lot. His widow married, secondly, 1661."* John Neal died possessed of the
William Starling of Lynn, shipwright ; and lot May 12, 1672, having devised this
the title to this lot was in Joseph Neal part of it, the house being gone, to his
about 1700, but how he obtained the wife for her life, and then to his son John
whole of it is unknown to the writer. t Neal. The latter died Nov. — , 1679,
possessed of the lot. His widow Ann
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 222. carried, secondly, William starling of
tDr. William BentJey, in his journal, states that Lynn, shipwright, and she, as admmistra-
an ancient house stood upon thsi lot ini 794. The trix of the estate of her husband, con-
house and lot were then owned by Robert Hooper ^^^^^ t^jg Jq^ ^nd the house that had
who died that year, July 3, unmarned, at the age u u -14. -.. *. l -t-u^
of sixty-eight. He lived with his aged mother in ^^en built upon it to her SOn Thomas
this house. Doctor Bentley wrote of him and the Neale of Salem, husbandman, Feb. 13,
premises as follows: "He has long embarrassed 1699-1700.! On the same day Thomas'
the laying out of ferry lane by his land which pro-
jects at the eastern corner and has been laid out each side were at the corners. The entry was in
by the sessions, and advanced for by subscriptions, the space between the chimney and the side of the
but not yet to meet his expectations. His misera- house. The stairs ascended over the projecting
ble buildings stand upon the intended road. * * work of the chimney, which contained the oven.
The projecting angle of Hooper's land taken off, All the wood work of the house exhibited the ac-
a favour that could not be obtained in his lifetime, count book of the old bachelor, for it was entirely
not only from the singularity of the man, but from covered with figures, neatly made, and with the
the position of his buildings. His barn and lintel, names of the creditors. Dates might be traced
and part of the dwelling house were over the line, for years past, and the course of his labours ascer-
For the first time I entered the house, which is all tained. The windows remained of diamond glass
now standing, the lintel having been taken down, and lead, of two feet by one. The fireplace as
It is very ancient, and has stood till it looked laye as the room would admit. The house filled in
dangerous. It consisted of one room and cham- with clay and bricks. The clapboards had been so
ber. The chimney was in the western end, and long upon it as to be as thin as their adherence
covered by the lintel, which was not framed into together could admit. The house sunk in the
the house. The posts were of oak, large and middle one end resting on the foundation of the
supporting upon a large projection the beams chimney, and the other being on a range of cellar
which as the ground work was gone, by sinking wall."
perpendicularly into the ground, had bent the This was called '* an old house " in 1759.
house at a considerable angle in the middle, there *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 222.
being only three posts of a side, two of which on tEsscx Registry of Deeds, book 14, leaf 64.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 1 9.
sister Rebecca Neale released her interest
in the lot to him.* Thomas Neale died
in the spring of 1705, possessed of the
house and lot, which were then appraised
at seventy-five pounds. His brother
Joseph Neal of Scituate, husbandman
was heir of Thomas apparently; and
Joseph, for fifty pounds, conveyed the
house and lot to Jeremiah Neale, jr., of
Salem, carpenter, Feb. 14, 1712-3.!
Jeremiah Neale probably removed the
house a few years later.
William Browne Lot. The principal
part of this lot was a portion of the
Tuck lot, which was owned by John Neal
as early as 1652.I John Neal died pos-
sessed of this portion of this lot May
12, 1672, having devised the same to his
wife for her life, and then to his son John
Neal. The son John died in November,
1679, possessed of it. His widow and
administratrix, Ann Neale, for forty-five
pounds, conveyed it to Capt. William
Browne, jr., of Salem, merchant, Feb. 16,
1681-2 ;§ and he owned it in 1700.
That part of this lot lying on the south-
erly end between the dashes was granted
by the town of Salem out of the common
land, at a town meeting held Aug. 27,
1673, in the following words : "Mr. Bat-
ter to have one q'^*^ of an acre of Land
next to the End of Jn'^ neals ground neer
old m'^ gedneys pafture.^ll "Mr Batter'*
was Edmond Baiter of Salem, merchant,
who conveyed the lot to Jacob Pudeater
of Salem, blacksmith, who lived across the
street. May 15, i674.1[ Mr. Pudeator
conveyed it to William Browne, jr., of
Salem, merchant, Feb. 7, 1681 ;** and
Mr. Browne owned it in 1700.
That part of this lot lying within the
dashes at the south-eastern corner, and
the long strip on the western side next
the street, which was apparently a part
*Unrecorded deed.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 26, leaf 151.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 222.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 41.
II Town Records.
TEssex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 62.
**Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 33.
of the lot the town purchased of Nicholas
Hay ward, were granted out of the com-
mon land "in part of satisfaction for
about three-fourths of an acre of land the
town of Salem had of John Neale, de-
ceased, for a highway which said land
joyned to y® land that was formerly
Thomas Watsons.'^ The following is a
copy of the town record : —
" Att a meeting of the Select men Janu-
ary 24*^ 1 68 1.
" Whearas L' Jeremiah Neale petitioned
that hee might haue fattiffaction given him
for the land layd downe for the townes
vfe by his father, which land is aboute
three quarters of one acree and is be-
tweene the land of Jacob pudeators
which formerly was Thomas wattfons,
And the land which Lately was Nicholas
Howards and now the townes by pur-
chafs from the Sayd Howard, which land
was left to the Select men to vew and
determine according as thay should judge
equall therein as p'^ a voate of the towne
August 29th. 1 68 1 doth appeare
" The Select men haueing vewed the
abouesayd land doe heareby determine
that L* Jer® neale as Executor to his
father John Neale Late Deceased & in
the behalfe of the rest of his relations
vnto whome itt may belong, shall in way
of Exchange for the aboue sayd land layd
downe by his father, haue hould and
peacably Enjoy the lane of the towne of
aboute Eighteene foote wide which was
betweene m^ John Gedneys paftore land,
and y® land of the Sayd Neales & now
Incloafed by neale ; alfo a strip of land
of one pole Broad att the South-ward end
of the same land of Neales and soe to run
alonge the whole lenth which is aboute
fourtye poles of that land which was pur-
chafed of Nicholas Howard & comes to a
poynt at the Northward end of the Sayd
land and is an acute Angle att which Sayd
Northward end there is a stake driuen
into the ground clofe to the Corner of the
Barne ;* likewife to run the fence straite
at the Eastward end of the land granted
to m^ Edm** Batter & by him sould to
Jacob Pudeator soe y* the way left to m'^
Gedneys paftore will bee of an equall
bredth which adittion Containes aboute
foure pole in lenth & 2 pole in bredth at
y® Northwest end. y® Southward end being
an angle, likewife to run the fence straight
att the westward end of the Sayd land of
Pudeators wheare the aforesayd pole in
bredth begins which runs to an angle att
y* vper end of Nicholas Howards land is
aboute three poles and a quarter in lenth
one pole broad at y® northward end and
one pole & thurteene foote att the South-
ward end ; all & Euery part or parcell of
the abouesayd land wee doe in bebalfe of
the Towne giue vnto the Sayd L* Jere-
miah Neale in Exchange for the aboue-
sayd land layd downe by his father, and
L' Jeremiah Neale p his owne Consent &
free & volentary agreement doth accept
thereof In full Sattisfaction for the aboue.
Exprefsed land of aboute three quarters
of an acre bee itt more or lefs layd downe
by his father John Neale Late Deceafed
in Wittnefs whearvnto hee hath Sett his
hand to this agreement this 24 January
"Jeremiah Neale."*
These two lots were conveyed by Jere-
miah Neale, who was of Salem, carpenter,
to William Browne, jr., of Salem, mer-
chant, April 25, i682.t Mr. Browne
owned these portions of this lot, also, in
Hannah Berry of Middleton married
Theodore Ingalls Sept. 11, 1792.
— Middleton town records.
Ambrose Berry% carpenter, shipwright,
wheelwright, and tallow-chandler, lived in
that part of Newbury (on State street)
which was incorporated as Newburyport
in 1764; married, first, Hannah Kings-
bury Jan. 10, 17 16-7 ; and, second, Sarah
Emery of Newbury June 3, 1728 : Sarah
was his wife in 1772; his will, dated
April 16, 1770, was proved Dec. 3, 1777.
*Book of Grants, Town Records, page 140.
fEssex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 51.
He had one child : y<?-^«,^ born in New-
bury Nov. 4, 1 7 1 8 ; blacksmith ; lived in
that part of Newbury that was incorpo-
rated as Newburyport in 1764; married
Mary Little (a widow?) of Newbury Jan.
22, 1 740-1 ; his will dated May 17, 1765,
was proved May 28, 1770; she died, his
widow, in the winter of 179 1-2, adminis-
tration being granted on her estate Jan.
30, 1792; children, born in Newbury:
I. Hannah,3 born Oct. 11, 1741; died
Jan. 10, 1747; 2. Ambrose,3 born Oct.
12, 1743; died Jan. 20, 1747; 3. Sarah,3
born Oct. 3, 1745 ; died Jan. 22, 1747 ;
4. John3, born Jan. 16, 1 747 ; died Feb. 4,
1747. 5. Hannah3, born Jan. 25, 1748;
died April 29, 1749; 6. Mary,3 born June
12, 1750 ; 7. Sarah,3 born Sept. 30, 1752 ;
8. Nathan,3 born Sept. 4, 1754 ; 9. Eliza-
beth,3 born Sept. 1, 1755; 10. Anna,3
born July 21, 1758.
Michael Berry lived in Newburyport,
1 785-1797 ; married Abigail Carr (born
June 26, 1763); he died about 1798;
and she married, secondly, Benjamin
Kent of Danvers April — , 1805; chil-
dren of Michael and Abigail Berry, born
in Newburyport : Sally, born Jan. 3, 1785 \
Rhoda, born Dec. 7, 1786 ; married Benja-
min Porter of Danvers Sept. 7, 1807:
Michael, born July 2, 1789 ; married Ann
Newman of Danvers Oct. 29, 1815 ;
Mary, born Nov. 14, 1792 ; died Aug. 16,
1810; Harriet, born Dec. 3, 1794.
— Records.
Elizabeth Berry published to Thomas
Browne Aug. 31, 1695.
Hannah Berry married Isaac Chase
Oct. 29, 1 7 10.
— Newbury town records.
Michael Berry, son of Widow Berry,
died July 19, 1799.
John Berry married Miss Martha Page,
both of Newburyport, Aug. 23, 1795.
— Newburyport town records.
Oliver Berry,' mariner, lived in Salem,
1757-1766; married, first, Elizabeth Pal-
frey of Salem April 21, 1757, and, second,
Mary Brown of Salem Jan. 27, 1762;
administration was granted on his estate
Sept. I, 1766; she survived him, and
was his widow in 1769 ; children : Eliza-
beth,^ under fourteen years old in 1766,
her guardian being widow Katharine Ber-
ry of Salem; Oliver,^ under fourteen
years old in 1766 ; lived in Salem ; mar-
ried Elizabeth Caves of Danvers Aug. 6,
1780; children, baptized in the North
church in Salem : 01iver,3 baptized Nov.
— , 1785 ; Betsy ,4 baptized Nov — , 1785 ;
Sally,4 baptized March 23, 1788; John,4
baptized April 22, 1792. — Records.
Capt. John Berry, mariner, lived in
in Salem, 1722-1746; married Katharine
Manning Oct. 26, 1722, in Salem; ad-
ministration was granted on his estate
Aug. 6, 1746 ; she survived him, and was
his widow in 1763 ; the inventory of his
estate mentions wearing apparel for
children . — Records,
Mary Berry married John Burchmore,
both of Salem, July 4, 1779.
John Berry of Salem published to Ruth
Ingalls of Lynn March 22, 1711-2.
Hannah Berry of Salem married Wil-
liam Perkins of Andover April 3, 1728.
Elizabeth Berry married Benjamin
Stone, both of Salem, Dec. 9, 1743.
Mary Berry married Samuel Ives, jr.,
both of Salem, July 11, 1745.
Catharine Berry, jr., married John
Turner, jr., both of Salem, Sept. 29, 1752.
John Berry married Mary Putnam,
both of Salem, June 15, 1757.
John Berry married Mary Ward, both
of Salem, May 11, 1788.
Sally Berry married Micajah Johnson,
both of Salem, Aug. 21, 1791.
John Berry married Mary Symonds,
both of Salem, Oct. 21, 1794.
Lucy Berry of Salem married Jacob
Chaceof Lynn March 19, 1795.
Mehitable Berry married Isaac Hack-
er, jr., both of Salem, May 17, 1795.
John Berry married Mary Frye, both
of Salem, Nov. 17, 1799.
Lucy Berry married John Brown, jr.,
both of Salem, July 6, 1799.
William Berry married Sally Cammel,
both of Salem, Jan. 27, 1799.
Hanna Berry married Benjamin Val-
py, both of Salem, Dec. 15, 1761.
Widow Elizabeth Berry married David
Keif, both of Salem, Sept. 11, 1781.
— Salem town records.
I love to think of old Ipswich town, —
Old Ipswich town in the east countree, —
Whence on the tide you can float down
Through long salt grass to the wailing sea
Where the Mayflower drifted off the bar,
Seaworn and weary, long years ago,
And dared not enter, but sailed away
Till she landed her boat in Plymouth bay.
I love to think of old Ipswich town,
Where Whitefield preached in the church on the
Driving out the devil until he leaped down
From the steeple's top, where they show you still,
Imbedded deep in the solid rock,
The indelible print of his cloven hoof.
And tell you the devil has never shown
Face or hoof since that day in the honest town.
I love to think of old Ipswich town,
Where they shut up the witches until the day
When they should be roasted so thoroughly brown
In Salem village twelve miles away.
They've moved it off for a stable now.
But there are the holes where the stout jail stood,
And at night, they say, that over the holes
You can see the ghost of Goody Coles.
I love to think of old Ipswich town,
That house to your right a rod or more.
Where the stern old elm trees seem to frown
If you peer too hard through the open door,
Sheltered the regicide judges three.
When the royal sheriffs were after them.
And a queer old villager once I met
Who says in the cellar they're living yet.
I love to think of old Ipswich town,
Harry Main, you have heard the tale, lived there,
He blasphemed God so they put him down
With an iron shovel at Ipswich bar.
They chained him there for a thousand years.
As the sea rolls up to shovel it back ;
So when the sea cries the goodwives say,
"Harry Main growls at his work today."
I love to think of old Ipswich town;
There's a graveyard upon the old High street,
Where generations are looking down
On the one that is toiling at their feet ;
Where the stones stand shoulder to shoulder like
Drawn up to receive a cavalry charge.
And graves have been dug in graves till the sod
Is the mound of good men gone to God.
I love to think of old Ipswich town, —
Old Ipswich town in the east countree, —
Whence on the tide you can float down
Through the long salt grass to the wailing sea,
And lie all day on the glassy beach,
And learn the lesson the green waves teach,
Till at sunset, from surf and seaweed brown,
You are pulUng back to Ipswich town.
Edward Berry married Beatrice (Burt),
who married, first, William Cantlebury of
Salem ; second, Francis Plumer of New-
bury Nov. 29, 1665; he died Jan. 17,
1672-3 ; and she married, third, Edward
Berry ; they lived in Salem Village ; and
she died in 1683, aged eightj^-three.
William Sibley called her " mother," and
claimed to have maintained her for
eight years prior to her death. Her
inventory amounted to ;£i8i, 18 j. She
was formerly of Frampton, Dorset, Eng-
Edward Berry, a seaman and weaver,
lived in Salem, 1 668-1 689 ; married Eliza-
beth, widow of Roger Haskell, before
1668; she was Mrs. Berry in 1677; he
removed to Marblehead in 1678, and
was there in 1679. He was deceased in
1693. He had a son Edward, who
came to Salem from Painton, Devon,
England about 1676, being a weaver and
seaman, and of Salem, 167 7-1 706.
— Records.
John, William and Oliver, children of
John and Mary Berry, baptized in the
East church in Salem Nov. 20, 1796.
Benjamin, son of Oliver and Mary
Berry, baptized in East church in Salem
Dec. 17, 1797.
— East church {Salem) records.
Abigail Berry of Lynn, singlewoman,
1794, 1797-
Jonathan Berry of Lynn, cordwainer,
1760-1762; wife Joanna, 1761, 1762.
John Berry of Salem, mariner, 1762-
James Berry of Lynn, cordwainer,
1 7 64- 1 7 90, wife Mary, 1 765-1 790.
James Berry, jr., of Lynn, cordwainer,
wife Sarah, 1789.
James Berry of Lynn, gentleman, 1786.
John Felt of Danvers, yeoman, and
wife Catherine, in her own right, Mary
Ives of Beverly, widow Elizabeth Stone
of Salem, widow, Oliver Berry, yeoman,
and John Berry, jr., both of Salem, and
Abigail Valpy of Boston and Paul Gowin
and wife Elizabeth, in her right, of
Cape Persue, N. S., conveyed to John
Berry, mariner, and Abigail Berry, spinster,
both of Salem, descendants of John Ber-
ry of Salem, mariner, deceased, land in
Salem, 1784, 1788.
— Registry of deeds.
James Berry of Lynn, gentleman, ap-
pointed administrator of the estate of
Thomas Berry, of Lynn, cordwainer,
May 2, 1780. His heirs were Jonathan
Berry, Jonathan Newhall, Jacob Newhall,
Mary Berry and Hannah Berry, and
Mary Berry signed in behalf of her hus-
band who was in the Continental army.
Sarah Berry appointed administratrix
of the estate of her late husband Peter
Berry of Ipswich, deceased, March 30,
1693. He was probably a mariner.
— Probate records.
John Beery of Ipswich (servant of
Captain Perse), 1669.
Elizabeth Berry of Beverly, 1669.
John Berry married Hannah Hodgkins
Jan. 17, 1670, in Ipswich.
Hannah, wife of John Berry, died May
29, 1676, in Ipswich.
Jon^ Berry married Joanna Riddan
Oct. 29, 1759, in Lynn.
— County records.
Francis Michael Bequet married Miss
Sarah Wigglesworth, both of Newbury-
port, Sept. 18, 1793. — Newburyport town
Benjamin Berson, jr., published to
Judith Getchel Nov. 2, 171 7. — Newbury
town records.
Anthony Bessey of Lynn came in the
James, 1635, from London, aged twenty-
six; removed to Sandwich, 1637; was
for many years active in holy service to
the Indians. See 3 Mass. Hist. Coll., IV,
184. His will of Feb. 10, 1657, names
wife Jane, children Ann, Mary, Elizabeth,
Nehemiah, and David, born May 23,
1649. The inventory of his estate was
taken May 21, 1657. — Savage,
John Besom of Marblehead aged four-
teen in 1668-9.
John Bessom of Marblehead, 1670.
— County records.
Widow Mary Basom appointed admin-
istratrix of the estate of her husband
Elias Basom of Marblehead, deceased,
July 12, 1734.
Administration granted upon the es-
tate of Charles Besom of Marblehead,
tailor, Nov. 27, 1752.
— Probate records.
Children of Nicholas and Rebecca
Bessom, baptized : John, March 26, 1727;
Mary, Aug. 4, 1728; Elizabeth, Feb. 21,
1730-1 ; John, April i, 1733; Rebecca,
April 25, 1736 ; Nicholas, Nov. 4, 1739;
, April 26, 1 74 1. — Marblehead
Capt. Philip Besom* lived in Marble-
head, 1751-1797; shoreman and yeoman;
owned schooner Peacock ; married Sarah
Bubier Sept. 30, 1751 j he died in 1797,
his will, dated Sept. i, 1 791, being proved
Nov. 8, 1797 ; she survived him, and was
his widow in 1799 ; in his will he men-
tioned children of my son ** Joseph Brown,
deceased." Children, baptized in Mar-
blehead: I. Ruth^^ baptized Aug. 16,
1752; married William Blaney Sept. 19,
1771 ; and was living in 1791. 2. Mar-
garets^ baptized Oct. 14, 1753; died
young. 3. Sarah^, baptized Oct. 13, 1754;
married Barker before 1791. 4.
Margaret^, baptized Nov. 7, 1756; mar-
ried Grant before 1791. 5. John's,
baptized Oct. i, 1758; was devised land
in Lyndeborough, N. H., by his father,
1 79 1. 6. Philips, baptized July 13,
1760; lived in Marblehead; mariner;
married, first, Ruth Collyer Feb. 11,
1779 ; second, Elizabeth (Betsey) Lewis
Jan. 27, 1795 ; he died March — , 1836 ;
his wife Betsey was living in 1818; his
children, born in Marblehead : i. Ruthy3,
born March 23, 1781 ; married Samuel
Stennis (published Dec. 16, 1797); 2.
Sarahs, born Feb. 9, 1784; married Elea-
zer Graves before i8t8; 3. Elizabeths,
born April 30, 1786; probably died
young; 4. Hannahs, born Nov. 7, 1789;
died young; 5. Marthas, born Nov. 16,
1791 ; married John Tucker in 1818; 6.
Philips, born Nov. 19, 1795; living in
1818; 7. Hannahs, born June 24, 1797;
unmarried in 1 8 1 8 ; 8. Tabitha LewisS,
born July 5, 1799 > married John C. Cloon
Feb. 15, 1818; 9. Miriam LewisS, born
May 31, 1801 ; died young; 10. Miriam
LewisS, born Aug. 31, 1802 ; married
EleazerGraves, jr., in or before 1818 ; 11.
Abigail LewisS, born Jan. 16, 1804;
unmarried in 181 8; 12. Edmund Lewiss,
born Sept. 8, 1805 ; living in 1818 ; 13.
John Russells, born May i, 1807; proba-
bly died before 1818; 14. William Grays,
born June 23, 1809 ; living in 1818 ; 15.
George Washingtons, born SQpt. 13,
1811 ; living in 1818 ; 16. Betsey LewisS,
born Dec. 19, 1812 ; living in 1818. 7.
Graces, baptized April 18, 1762 ; married
Joseph Nance Jan. 20, 1784 ; and died
before 1791, leaving children. 8. Josephs,
baptized Feb. 12, 1764; probably died
before 1791. 9. Jctnes, baptized Oct.
20, 1765; married Francis Freeto Sept.
8, 1785. 10. Marys, married Samuell
Chinn July 28, 1787. 11. Susannahs,
baptized June 11, 1769; married Williana
Strong Oct. 26, 1790. 12. Elizabeths,
baptized Feb. 17, 1771 ; died young. 13.
Elizabeths, baptized Dec. 18, 1774; mar-
ied Paul A. Caul Jan. 29, 1792. 14.
Hannahs, baptized Sept. 29, 1776; mar-
ried Thomas Anderton March 23, 1794.
1 5 . Williams, living in 1 7 9 1 .
Richard Bessom married Sarah Gale
July 31, 1753; lived in Marblehead,
1753-1798; fisherman, coaster, truckman
and yeoman ; wife Sarah living in 1776.
Children, baptized in Marblehead : Sarah,
baptized May 5, i754 ; Jane, bd,ptized
May 16, 1756; married Peter Sawins
June 2, 1778; Mary, baptized Jan. 8,
1758; died young; Richard, baptized
Dec. 23, 1759; John, baptized Nov. i,
1761 ; died young; Mary, baptized June
5, 1763 ; married Joseph Pedrick Jan.
28, 1787 ; John, baptized Aug. 25, 1765;
died young ; Susannah, baptized Aug. 28,
1768; died young; John, baptized Sept.
9, 1770; Susannah, baptized Sept. 13,
1772; married Philip Ramsdell June 3,
1792; Richard, baptized Feb. 5, 1775;
Jonas, baptized Sept. 15, 1776.
Nicholas Besome married, first, Eliza-
beth Lasky March 18, 1784 ; she was his
wife in 1805 ; married, second, Hannah
; lived in Marblehead; fisherman; and
died June — , 1838 ; children, baptized in
Marblehead : Elizabeth, baptized July 1 1,
1785 ; Nicholas, baptized Sept. 21, 1788 ;
died young; Nicholas, baptized June 5,
1791 ; died young; Nicholas, baptized
Oct. 28, 1792; John, baptized Nov. 23,
1794 ; Richard Hawley, baptized July 29,
1796; died young; Polly, baptized Sept.
3, 1797; James Laskey, baptized Jan.
19, 1800; Richard Hawley, baptized
Nov. 20, 1805.
John Bessom married Hannah Laskey
Dec. 29, 1793; lived in Marblehead;
coaster and truckman ; children, baptized
in Marblehead ; Hannah, Feb. i, 1795;
John, June 26, 1796; Sarah Gale, Oct.
22, 1797; Peggy Hawley, March 17,
1799; Richard, May 18, 1800; James
Laskey, Jan. 9, 1803; Jonas, May 27,
1804; Nicolas, Sept. 7, 1806; Elizabeth,
Oct. 29, 1809; Mary, June 16, 1811;
Philip, May 16, 1813 ; Harriot, Sept. 10,
— Records.
Richard Bessom, jr., married Hannah
Bowden May 15, 1796; and lived in
Marblehead, where their children were
baptized, as follows : Hannah, April i o,
1796 ; Richard, Dec. 17, 1797 ; Michael,
Nov. 10, 1799; Sarah, Dec. 6, 1801 ;
John, Nov. 27, 1803.
Joseph Besome married Rebecca
Chinn Feb. 28, 1786 ; and lived in Mar-
blehead, where their children were bap-
tized, as follows : Philip, Aug. 20, 1786 ;
Rebecca, Feb. 27, 1791; Joseph, Jan. 26,
John, son of John and Mary Bezume,
baptized Aug. 28, 1757.
Margaret, daughter of John and Mar-
garet Bezume, baptized Oct. 11, 1761.
Elias Bessom married widow Mary
Cogswell July 12, 1725.
Rebecca Bezume married Joseph
Stacey March 31, 1757.
Elizabeth Bezume married Charles
Flurey July 7, 1754.
— Marblehead records.
John Bests born about 1642 ; currier;
lived in Salem, 1670-1711 ; married, first,
Susanna Durin 10:8 mo : 1670 ; second,
Edith Hull Feb. i, 1692-3 ; he died June
17, 1 7 II, in his seventieth year; and she
was his widow in 1748. Children, born
in Salem: i. Johnny bom 5: 7 mo:
1671; living in 1704. 2. Susannah^,
born 28: 11: 1673; married John Mes-
senger of Rhode Island (of Long Island,
1 71 2), yoeman, before 1708. 3. Wil-
liam^, mariner ; lived in Newport, R. I. ;
died in 1 7 1 2, probably unmarried ; his will
dated Jan.6,1 7 1 1, being bound on a voyage
to sea, was proved Sept. i, 17 12, devised
to " my cousin Joseph Best of Salem." 4.
Jonathan^ y lived in Salem ; sailor on the
ship Essex, Capt. William Bowditch, mas-
ter; died on the ship, apparently unmar-
ried, in 1700; he made a nuncupative
will at sea on Christmas day, 1700 ; and
it was proved May 27, 1701. 5. Benja-
min^y under age in 1700; living in 1704,
and apparently unheard of in 1708. 6.
Mary^ (twin), born Sept. 20, 1693 ; died
in about three weeks. 7. Judith^ (twin),
born Sept. 20, 1693 ; was living in 1704.
8. David^j born Feb. 20, 1694-5 ; cur-
rier ; lived in Salem ; married Lydia Kim-
ball of Wenham Jan. 20, 1719-20; died
in 1730, his will, dated May 18, 1730,
being proved Aug. 31, 1730; she sur-
vived him ; children, born in Salem : i .
John3, born March 22, 17 — ; living in
1730; 2. Elizabeths, married Stephen
Webb of Salem Nov. 27, 1746; 3.
Lydia3, living in 1730; 4. Mary3, mar-
ried Nathaniel Nurse of Salem Nov. 7,
1754. 9. Mary^^ born Sept. 20, 1696 ;
died in her tenth year. 10. Sarah^y born
Aug. 14, 1698; living in 1704. — Records.
John Best of Salem, tailor, came in the
HerculeSy 1635, from Sandwich, was of
St. George, city of Canterbury. — Savage,
James Best of Salem, wife Mary
(daughter of James Frie, deceased), was
dead in 1735; children: James, aged
under fourteen years in 1735 ; and Elle-
ner, aged under fourteen in 1735, and
probably married Timothy Gray May 3,
1748, in Andover. — Probate records and
Andover town records.
James, son of James Bettee, born in
Wenham April 8, 1666. Thomas, son of
James Bette, bom in Wenham 4:11 mo :
James Bettis of Wenham, 1668.
Richard Bettes of Ipswich, 1651.
Richard Betts of Ipswich, 165 1, 1653.
Richard Bettes of Gloucester, 1658.
James Bette was apprenticed to Isaac
Hull, cooper, 24 : 4 : 1673.
Betty (negro) married Titus Sept. 17,
1755, in Lynn.
— Court records,
James Bette of Wenham, husbandman,
wife Sarah, 1662,1673 . — Registry of deeds.
Miss Usina Bezune of Marblehead mar-
ried Samuel Cresey of Newburyport June
I, 1773-
Margaret Bezune married John Rogers
Aug. 29, 1784.
— Marblehead town records,
John Bezune of Marblehead published
to widow Ruth Whittemore of Salem
March 4, 1775.
John Bezune published to Eliz* Leach,
both of Salem, Dec. 27, 1777.
Mary, daughter of James and Sara
Betty, born 9 : 9 : 1661.
,Rev. Ben^ Benott ( ?) of Salem pub-
lished to Madam Mary Colman of Boston
Sept. 16, 1748.
Sarah Best published to W°^ Stacey,
both of Salem, Jan. 24, 1735. She for-
bade it, as he never courted her.
Sarah Best published to Michael
More, both of Salem, June 10, 1738.
— Salem town records,
Mary Best published to John Fern,
both of Lynn, Aug. 16, 1747. — Lynn town
Bette married Cuff, negro servants,
Sept. 16, 1762. — Andover town records.
Esther Bettys married Samuel Morse
Aug. 18, 1793. — Bradford town records,
Robert Bettts published to Elcy Bridges,
both of Rowley, Dec. 9, 1796. — Rowley
town records.
Richard Betts of Ipswich, 1648, said
to have come from Hemel Hempstead,
county Herts, removed to Newton, L. I.,
1656; there was in high esteem many
years ; and died Nov. 18, 17 13, at the
age of one hundred (?). By wife Joan-
na,* Riker says, he had Richard ; Thom-
as ; Joanna, who married John Scudder ;
Mary, who married Joseph Swazey ; Mar-
tha, who married Philip Ketchum ; Eliza-
beth, who was first wife of Joseph Sackett ;
and Sarah, who married Edward Hunt. —
Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and
Mary Bette, born May 19, 1737. — Ames-
bury town records.
Richard Bethell published to Hannah
Manning, Salem, June 9, 1711. — Salem
town records,
Hannah, wife of Richard Bethell, died
Dec. 22, 1736, aged forty-seven. — Char-
ter street burial-ground, Salem.
Richard Bethell of Salem, tailor, 1722-
1747; wife Hannah, i73i-i747 • — Regis-
try of deeds.
Wife of William Bethel died Sept. 14,
1 79 1, aged forty-five years.
Infant child of William Bethel died
April 28, 1794-
William Bethel married Mary Smith
May 24, 1792.
Ruth Betels of Manchester published to
David Rust Oct. 8, 1763.
— Ipswich town records,
James Beveredge married Sarah Hol-
man Feb. 7, 1733-4; and had children,
Susannah, Mary and Jane, all of Marble-
head, singlewomen, their mother, Sarah
Beverage, widow, being deceased, 1789.
— Marblehead town records, and Registry
of deeds.
David Beverly' of Haverhill married
Hannah Farnum of Andover Nov. 11,
*He married Joanna Chamberlyn before 1649.
— Ipswich court records.
1720; and lived in Andover. Children,
born in Andover: i. James^, born Jan.
19, 1723-4. 2. Hannah^y born Jan. 24,
1725-6; died March 2, 1729. 3. Mary^,
born Feb. 2, 1728-9 ; married Asa Town
of Andover April 6, 1750. 4. Hannah^y
born Sept. 11, 1731; married Aaron
Town of Andover Oct. 15, 1755. 5.
David"", born Feb. 12, 1733-4 ; died June
9, 1738. 6. Johnny bom Nov. 22, 1737;
died May 26, 1738. 7. David^, born
Aug. 2, 1739 ; married Ruth Clough July
7, 1763 ; she was his wife in 1787 ; yeo-
man : lived in Andover, 1739-1787; chil-
dren, born in Andover : i. Jedediah3, born
Oct. 17, 1765; 2. David3, born Aug. 3,
1767 ; 3. Daniel3, born Aug. 21, 1775 ; 4.
Asa3, born Oct. g, 1776. 8. Tabitha^,
born May 5, 174 1-2; published to Ste-
phen Wyatt of Danvers Aug. 13, 1763.
9. yb>^«% born April 19, 1744. 10. Sam-
uely^ born Aug. 8, 1748; published to
Ruth Conner of Salisbury April 8, 1775.*
— Records.
Tabitha Beverly of Danvers published
to Silas Johnson, resident in Danvers, Oct.
7, 1780. — Danvers town records,
John Beverly married Lydia Hildreth
of Andover Nov. 13, 1777; children:
Joel, born March 5, 1794; Phebe, born
Aug. 25, 1798.
Martha, "a Legitemat " daughter of
Hannah Beverly, born Oct. 21, 1754.
Edward Bevins married Mary Clark
Dec. 10, 1729.
— Andover town records.
Francis Beverly married Rhoda Dev-
ereux, free negroes, both of Salem, April
8, 1779. — Salem town records.
Mercy Giddings, Nancy her daughter,
born April 29, 1751, her father William
Nancy Bezoil married Nicholas Lane
March 10, 1771.
— Gloucester town records.
Thomas Bettes (Bettice — church rec-
ords^ of Wenham married Mary Dike of
*Samuel Beverly of St. John's, Newfoundland,
married Ruth Connor of Newbury (she was pub-
lished in Newbury also) Nov. ii, 1776. — West
Pariih church {^Newbury) records.
Ipswich April 3, 1696. — Topsfield town
Ann, daughter of Stephen Billion, a
Frenchman, who sojourned among us,
himself and wife being in full communion
with ye French church in Boston, Jan. 17,
1719-20. — Beverly First church records.
Administration was granted on the es-
tate of Dr. William Bickham (spelled in
one place " Beacom ") of Salem, physi-
cian, Dec. 16, 1700. Bartholmew Browne
of Salem had supported him for a year
before his death. — Frobate records.
Benjamin Bickner married Mary Little-
hail Aug. II, 17 19 ; children : Mary, born
Oct. 6, 1720; Benjamin, born Feb. i,
1722 ; died Feb. 10, 1722 j and Samuel,
born Jan. 31, 1723.
Samuel Bickner, sojourner, married
Abigail Littlehale May 11, 1760.
— Gloucester town records,
Anna, wife of Christopher Bidlacke
died Dec. 13, 1692.
Mary, daughter of Christopher and
Sarah Bidlake, born Aug. 15, 1694.
— Ipswich town records,
Rebecca, daughter of Rev. John Hale
and his wife Rebecca, daughter of Mr.
Henry Bile, late of the city of Sarum, in
England, born April 28, 1666. — Salem
town records.
Daniel Biggs married Eunice Nurse
Dec. 19, 1774, in Danvers. — Court rec-
Robert Biggs of Salem, a foreigner,
married Ruth Bresson of Wenham Feb.
25, 1752 ; lived in Manchester; he died
between 1757 and 1763; she died, his
widow, in Manchester Nov. — , 1770,
aged forty-three or forty-four years ; chil-
dren, born in Manchester : Elizabeth, born
May 27, 1755 ; Benjamin Bresson, born
Sept. 22, 1757. — Records.
Mary Boyles married Samuel Wood-
berry Feb. 7, 1 77 1. — Manchester town
Elisha, son of Elisha Boyles, died
March 7, 1759.
Mildred, daughter of Elisha and Mil
dred Byles, born April 29, 1759.
— Lynn town records.
Thomas Boyles of Marblehead, marinei^
and his wife Mary, estate of " our mother ^'
Ruth Gatchel of Salem, deceased, 1781.
Robert Hale of Beverly, clerk, con-
veyed land in Amesbury, formerly in pos-
session of my grandmother Rebecca Biley,
in 1701.
— Registry of deeds.
Anna Byles published to David Millet
Jan. 26, 1745.
Rabin e Byles published to Prince,
blacks, Dec. 24, 1775.
Sarah Byles published to Henry Edgar
Dec. 3, 1768. He was lost at sea.
Sarah Byles published to Andrew Eve-
leth Aug. 10, 1765.
— Gloucester town records,
Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Sa-
rah Bighted, baptized July 2, 1769. —
Marblehead church records.
Rev. Benjamin Bill published to Mrs.
Rebecca White of South Hampton Dec.
16, 1784. — Amesbury town records,
Mrs. Rebecka Biley of Salisbury in
England married John Hale, son of Rob-
ert Hale, late deacon of Charlestown, Dec.
15, 1664, at Ipswich.
Bilhah, daughter of George and Dinah,
baptized Feb. 7, i747-
— Ipswich records.
Charles Bill married Ruth Fuller May
18, 1732 . — Lynn town records.
Ann, daughter of John Bill, baptized
June 21, 1674. — Rowley church records.
Administration granted on the estate
of Jose Billabaso of Salem, mariner, a
native of Bilboa, in Spain, Nov. 6, 1799.
— Probate records.
William Bigelow married Margaret
Lander, both of Salem, Jan. 13, i799-
John Bigs (also, Biggs) of Danvers pub-
lished to Sally Thornton of Salem July 21,
Sarah Bignal married George Day
May 20, 1726.
Zachariah Birchmore married Sarah
Daniels, both of Salem, Jan. 8, 1770.
John Billinghurst married Hannah Pe-
ters, both of Salem, June 17, 1782.
— Salem town records.
Binah (freewoman) married Peter, ser-
vant of Samuel Adams, Nov. 25, 1776.
— Ipswich town records.
Dulcena Lothrop Bingham, schoolmas-
ter, 1792, shopkeeper, 1796; deacon;
town clerk; justice of peace; lived in
Manchester ; married Deborah Lee Tuck
Jan. 31, 1788; he died, *^sudden," Oct.
25, 1837, aged " seventy- three;" she
died, his widow, Sept. 18, 1840, aged
" seventy" ; children, born in Manchester ;
Delucena Lathrop, born Feb. 5, 1789;
married Mary ; died Oct. 7, 1842,
of consumption ; Mary L., born March 18,
1790; Rufus Lathrop, born Nov. 10,
1 791 ; Debby, bom May 23, 1793; Lucre-
tia Huntington, born July 14, 1795 ;
William T., born April 8, 1797 ; Lucinda,
born Aug. 3, 1798 ; Aurelia T., born Oct.
4, 1800; Luther, born Aug. 11, 1803;
Henry Lee Tuck, born May 8, 1805 ;
Elisabeth Sewal, born Oct. 4,1819(1809?).
— Records.
William Bingley married Elizabeth
Preston Feb. 27, 1659-60 ; Children: A
daughter born June 24, 1660; William,
born Feb. 24, 1661-2; a daughter, born
Feb. 27, 1663-4.
Elizabeth Bingley married John Chase
May 23, 1677.
Hannah Barnet married Joshua Boyn-
ton April 9, 1678.
— Newbury town records.
Elizabeth Burch was appointed admin-
istratrix of the estate of her husband
George Biirch, deceased,intestate, 22:9:
1672. His children were Elizabeth,
John, Mary, Abigail and George, the
boys being under twenty- one years old,
and the girls under eighteen. — Probate
records^ and Court records.
A guardian was appointed for James
Burch, aged fifteen years, son of James
Burch, late of Topsfield, husbandman,
deceased, April 4, 17 70. — Probate records.
James Birch published to Sarah Gale
Dec. 13, 1788. — Danvers town records.
James Birch married Sarah Warren,
sojourner, Feb. 10, 1725-6. — Gloucester
town records.
Widow Elizabeth Cole of Salem, for-
merly wife of George Burch of Salem, de-
ceased, John Collins, fisherman, and wife
Mary, Abigail Burch, singlewoman, said
Mary and Abigail being ye surviving
children of said George Burch, deceased,
all of Salem, 17 19.
Abigail Birch of Salem, spinster,
daughter of George Birch, 1726.
— Registry of deeds.
Sarah, daughter of James Birch, " in
full communion with the New North in
Boston," baptized Jan. i, 1726-7. — Man-
chester church records,
Hannah Bird of Marblehead appointed
administratrix of the estate of her hus-
band John Bird of Marblehead, fisher-
man, Jan. 5, 1767.
Administration was granted on the es-
tate of Ralph Bird of Salem, fisherman,
May 7, 1717.
— Probate records.
Samuel Bird published to Sally Elwell
Sept. 11,1 790. — Gloucester town records.
Easther Birthby married John Dole
Jan. 24, 1 7 16, in Rowley.
Thomas Birtby married Mary Harris
Feb. 3, 1 7 18, in Rowley.
Jonathan Birtby married Hannah
Platts Dec. 26, 1722, in Rowley.
Benjamin Bickner married Mary Lit
tlehale Aug. 11, 17 19, in Gloucester.
Sarah Bignal married George Day May
20, 1726, in Salem.
John Burd of Marblehead, aged about
thirty, 1665.
Gilles Burdley of Ipswich, 1663, 1666,
cousin of Andrew Hodges of Ipswich.
Jonathan Biley (of Wenham, 1670)
married Sarah Gouldsmith Sept. 29, 1668,
in Wenham.
Phillip Bill of Ipswich removed to
Pullen Point, 1668.
Mrs. Bidgood of Ipswich apart from
her husband, 1652.
Thomas Billington of Lynn, 1647, 1649,
1650, employed at the iron works, 1650.
John Birchley of Ipswich, 1647.
Henry Birdsallof Salem, 1643. Inven-
tory of his estate taken Nov. 17, 1651.
— Court records.
• Jathniel Bird of Ipswich had grant of
land, 1641 ; and there was a widow Bird
there the same year.
Giles Birdley of Ipswich, 1648, had
wife EHzabeth, and children, Andrew,
born Sept. 5, 1657, James, born Feb. 10,
1660, Giles, born July 13, 1662, and
John, died in 1668.
— Savage.
Widow Sarah Boils of Beverly, 1757.
Jon than Boiles of Beverly, weaver,
— Registry of deeds.
Aug. I, 1727, James Biles accused by
Mary Mathews of Salem with being the
father of her bastard son bom "last Feb-
ruary."— Sessions court (Saleni) records^
page 47.
John Bird married Miriam Allen Feb.
24,1708. Children: Rebecca, baptized
April 24, 1709; John, born March 25,
1711; Meriam, born Aug. 20, 17 12;
John, baptized April 25, 17 14; John,
born Sept. 18, 1724.
John Bird married Mary Brown July
16, 1744. Children: Meriam, baptized
Dec. 2, 1744; Mary, baptized Sept. 14,
1746 j Elizabeth, baptized Jan. i, 1749;
Martha, baptized Sept. 8, 1751 ; John,
baptized Dec. 2, 1753; Sarah Brown,
baptized Oct. 10, 1756; Benjamin, bap-
tized Nov. 19, 1758; Benjamin, baptized
Nov. i8j 1759 ; Rebeckah, baptized June
20, 1762.
Daniel Bird married Sarah Blaney Dec.
12,1789. Children : Jenny Miller, bap-
tized Feb. 21, 1790; Daniel, baptized
March 3, 1793; Mary Brown, baptized
July 6, 1795 ; Sally, baptized Dec. 2,
1798; Hannah Blaney, baptized Nov. 16,
Jonathan Bird married Ruth Hayne
Jan. II, 1725.
Miriam Bird married Germain Seal
Jan. 22, 1733.
John Bird married Hannah Duggins
Dec. 12, 1764.
Mary Bird married James Brown Jan.
16, 1768.
— Marblehead records.
Peter Bird published to Mrs. Sarah
Colby, both of Newburyport, Dec. i,
Miss Elizabeth Bird married David
Wood, both of Newburyport, Jan. 22,
— Newburyport town records.
Elizabeth Bird of Marblehead married
James Symonds, 4th, of Salem Jan. 2,
Miss Miriam Bird married Jonas Parnel,
jr., both of Salem, Aug. 25, 1773-
Martha Bird married Samuel Gale, both
of Salem, Feb. 8, 1775.
Sarah Bird published to Nathaniel
Pease, both of Salem, Dec. 9, 1775.
Sally Bird married Abraham Mullit
(Mullet — publishment)^ both of Salem,
Jan. 18, 1789.
— Salem town records.
Administration on the estate of John
Bird was granted to Moses Maverick in
Ipswich court March 31, 1668. — Court
Nathan Birdsall of Salem, 1654. — Reg-
istry of deeds.
Thomas Birkley married Bathsheba
Vinning Nov. 2, 17 10. Their son Wil-
liam born Aug. 11, 1 7 1 1 . — Marblehead
town records.
Queries are inserted for one cent a word.
Answers are solicited.
445. Elizabeth Masury of Lynn, Mass.,
married Samuel Peabody of Salem about
1805. Her mother was a Mansfield.
Information is desired as to the full names
of her parents and the dates of her birth,
marriage and death; also, any other data
as to her father, including genealogy and
participation, if any, in the Revolution.
New York City. h. b.
446. William Marshall of Brookline,
Mass., had a daughter Rebecca who mar-
ried Samuel Barry of Boston Nov. 30,
1802. Information is desired as to the
genealogy of William Marshall and whether
he participated in any manner in the
Revolution. . h. b.
447. M. A. Allen of 2640 Indiana
Avenue, Chicago, 111., is preparing a
genealogy of the family of William Allen
of Salisbury, and would like to be put in
communication with any one interested.
448. Where can list of passengers, and
their origin, of "Angel Gabriel" and its
master, cast away at Pemaquid, 1635, be
obtained, leading to Ralph Bleasdale's
origin (a passenger) ?
Minotj N Dak. a. b.
306. Sarah Hovey, who married Jona-
than Remington of Rowley (later of Suf-
field, Conn.) June 11, 1701, was un-
doubtedly a daughter of Nathaniel Hovey,
who was born in Ipswich March 20, 1657.
Her mother was Sarah Fuller. Miss
Hovey was born in Ipswich in September,
1680. — Ed.
307. Elizabeth Lull of Rowley, who
married Richard Tyler in 1725, was prob-
ably daughter of Thomas Lull, sr., of
Ipswich, weaver, who was born Oct. 17,
1637, and died in Ipswich Dec. 31, 1719.
314. Mary Bod well who married Tim-
othy Merrick in Methuen Dec. 5, 1728,
was daughter of James Bodwell of Methuen,
yeoman, who died there in 1746. Mr.
Bodwell' s will, dated March 19, 1745,
was proved July 7, 1746. He mentions
his sons Stephen Bodwell and James Bod-
well, daughters Mary, wife of Timothy
Mirick, and Hannah, wife of John Hib-
bard, jr., and second wife Sarah. — Ed.
Notes for the Guidance of Authors.
New York, 1905. This is a pamphlet
of sixty-six 32 mo. pages, useful to authors
in the submission of manuscripts to pub-
The Irish Vanguard of Rhode Island.
By Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston,
1904. This is a pamphlet of twenty-
seven octavo pages relative to the Irish
who were early in Rhode Island. It is
interesting and valuable ; and is published
by the American-Irish Historical Society,
36 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass.
Concerning Genealogies. By Frank
Allaben. New York, 1905. This is a
bound book of seventy-one duodecimo
pages, containing excellent advice and
suggestions for all interested in genealogi-
cal work and in the preparation of the
history of a family. It is published by
The Grafton Press, 70 Fifth Avenue, New
York City.
Some Voices from Y* Olden Time :
Historical notes relating to the Irish ele-
ment in early American life. By 2'homas
Hamilton Murray. Boston, 1904. This is
a pamphlet of 2 7 octavo pages, and is a
collection of odd notes relating to the Irish
in America in the colonial and provincial
days. This is also published by the
American-Irish Historical Society, 36
Newbury street, Boston, Mass.
Vital Records of Marblehead, Mass.
Salem, 1904, 1905. The Essex Institute
has completed the printing of the births,
baptisms, intentions of marriages, mar-
riages and deaths in Marblehead before
1850. The first volume, containing the
births and baptisms was issued last year,
and the second volume, which includes
the marriages and intentions and deaths,
has just been issued. The two volumes
aggregate 1272 pages, and are sold,
bound in cloth, for $13.20. Perhaps
more demands have been made for the
collection and printing of the Marblehead
vital records than for those of any other
town because the town records are so
meagre and the index so poor. In this
work, as heretofore, are records from
gravestone inscriptions, church records
and family bibles. The address of the
Essex Institute is Salem, Mass.
The Old Shipmasters of Salem : With
mention of eminent Merchants. By Chas.
E. Trow. New York, 1905. This interest-
ing and valuable addition to the written
history of Salem's commercial life is issued
in an attractive manner, and will be read
by thousands who are glad to have such
sketches as these preserved. Much of
the material was gathered by the author
from original sources, principally from
log-books. There is not much in the way
of biography in the volume, the aim of the
writer having been to show the type of
men who were in command upon the
seas, and their life and times. The
book is well illustrated with half-tone
portraits of several sea-captains, mer-
chants and others, of houses and ves-
sels, and other half-tone and line prints.
It is bound in cloth, and contains 337
pages. The publishers are G. P. Put-
nam's Sons, New York City ; and the price
is $2.50; twenty cents to be added if sent
by mail.
The House of the Seven Gables.
By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Boston, 1905.
This is a specially illustrated edition of
this famous story of Hawthorne with aids .
to the study of the house of the seven
gables described therein. Mrs. H. A.
Davidson has made this an edition fitted
for the exhaustive study of the work.
The frontispiece is a drawing of the
house which figures in the story as
the house of the seven gables. The
drawing has been made from the many
references to and minute descriptions of
it in the story, all being consistent with
each other. The effort was made to re-
produce the house the author described
whether it ever existed in fact or not.
The study is divided into the subject of
the Hawthorne family, the author's child-
hood, youth, college life, and subsequent
life in Salem, Concord and Lenox ; the
story and its scene ; the Pynchon ances-
try, family history and mansion ; the
Maule family ; the opening of the shop,
and subsequent events and characters in
the story. Much matter is given in both
novel and notes illustrative of life and
times but little known to-day. The book
is cloth-bound, and has 423 pages. Price,
60 cents. It is pubUshed by Houghton,
Mifflin & Co., Boston.
The Essex Antiquarian.
Vol. IX. Salem, Mass., July, 1905. No. 3.
volume I.
The following are abstracts of all at Linn, and land bought of Goodman Col-
records in volume I. of the Suffolk County lins, Joseph Armitage, in rumlye marsh
Registry of Deeds relating to Essex-county and elsewhere in Linn, 20: 8: 1641.
persons and property, where parties are Page 23.
given as residing, or property is men- Thomas Mayhew of Watertown mort-
tioned as being located in Essex county, gaged land to James Brown of Newbery
The records in this volume come down to 25:3: 1642. — Page 27.
1654. Thomas Dexter of Lynn mortgaged to
Tho. Mayhewe of Watertown, mer- Rebecka Cradocke of London, widow, his
chant, mortgaged to Rich: Dumer of fishing ware at Lynn, Sept. 2, 1642. —
Newbery, gentleman, farm of five hundred Page 29.
acres in Watertown, which he bought of Emmanuell Downing, Edward Holyoke
Simon Bradstreet, gentleman, and all the and Samuell Sharpe, referees, decide the
weire and one hundred and fifty acres of suit for slander brought by Mr. John
land thereto belonging, 29 : 7 : 1640. — Humfrey, esq., against John Holgrave of
Page 13- Salem, 5:7"''': 1642. Mr. Adam Otley
Tho: Dexter of Lynne mortgaged to appeared for the plaintiff. — Page -j^'i^.
Mathew Cradock of London, merchant, Adam Otley and Thomas Dexter of
farm at Lynn, 29 June, 1640. — Page 14. Linne sold to Richard Russell thirty sheep
Ephraim Child of Watertown conveyed and lambs in the hands of Goodman Bel-
to Simon Bradstreet of Ipswich dwelling- knap and James Axy of Linne and a bill
house in Watertown and one hundred due from Adam Hawks and three thou-
acres of land, 12 Sept. 1638. — Page 15. sand clapboard bolts lying at "my Ladie
Thomas Mayhew of Watertown con- Moodies Beach in Linne,'' Apr. 7, 1643.
veyed to Simon Bradstreet of Ipswich —Page 42.
farm of five hundred acres in Cambridge Thomas Erington of Linne mortgaged
and buildings, 29 Sept. 1638. — Page 15. to Robert Hethersay his house and land
Tho : Dexter of Linne mortgaged to at Salem and corn at his house in Charles-
Humfrey Hooke (alderman of Bristoll towne, in consideration of ten thousand
and others) farm of eight hundred acres pipe staves cleaving by said Robert,
in Linn, 20 Aug. 1640. — Page 15. Thomas to provide the bolts, 10 : 5™^
Rich Barnhowse and Edward Heale 1643. — Page 42.
bond to pay money to Will Pester of Sa- William Luckin of Marblehead mort-
lem, Sept. 2, 1638. Witness : Nathaniell gaged to Capt. Edward Gibbons two
Pittman. — Page 17. houses and land in the possession of W°*
Samuell Wade, late of Linne, appoints Chichester, to receive ;^t4 claimed by Mr.
William Ting of Boston (attorney of Robert Tomson from John Thorpe, 18:
Richard WoUestone) and Thomas Savage 5 : 1643. — P^^ 43*
of Boston (attorney of Richard Gerrard James Hubbard of Long Island ap-
of London) his attorneys to sell his house points Edward Tomlins of Linn his at-
torney to transfer house and land to
Richard Lowden, Aug. 6, 1643. He con-
veyed the same, lying in Charlestowne, to
Richard Lowden and Thomas Wilder 27 :
8 : 1643. — Page 46.
Thomas Ruck of Salem conveyed to
Isaac Sterne of Watertowne 70 acres of
land in Watertowne, which he bought of
Captain Jennison, 2 : q""**- 1643. — Page ^d,
John Stratton of Salem acknowledges
indebtedness to Edmund Angier of Cam-
bridge I : 1 2™°- 1638. Edward Michison,
marshall, says that he arrested " m'' Jn°
Stratton of Salem Merchn*" on account of
this debt, and that said John made over
to said Edmund some goods in the hands
of " m"^ Jo Coggan/' and that John Strat-
ton has a frame of a house at Salem, 15 :
5: 1641.— /h;^(?47.
" Jo: Oliver late of the Cittye of Bris-
tall Merc & now livinge in Newberye in
New England aged 27 " deposed that he
received a letter from " Edward Benett
the purser of the Marye Rose " desiring
him to come and get a "packe'' con-
signed to him by "M'* Simon Lewis of
Bristall,'' and he went to Boston to get it,
and went aboard with Tho. Millard's
shallop, but could not get it. "Tho :
Millard of Cape Anne in New : England
ffisherman aged about 40 yeares" de-
posed that before the ship Mary Rose
was blown up " he was entreated by M'^
Jo: OUiver of Newberye in New England
to go aboard said ship, which he did, but
was refused his package, Aug. 25, 1640.
John Tinker of Windsor, Conn., con-
veys to " M"^ CuUick of Harfford vp Con-
neticott " 6000 plank two or three inches
thick, viz : 5000 lying on the banks of the
fforrest River in Salem, which he bought
of Will Brown of the same town, and 1000
to be delivered by John Jackson of the
same town, June 2, 1644. — Page 52.
Thom Dexter of Linn mortgaged his
farm at Linn to Simon Broadstreet Oct.
22, \(i2i^,—Page 52.
Joseph Armitage conveyed to Rich.
Russell of Charlston his house and land at
Linn Dec. 10, 1640. — Page 52.
John Humfrye, esq., conveyed to
Emanuell Downinge two ponds and fifty
acres of upland in Salem 6:7™** 1638. —
Page 52.
John Pride mortgaged to Will Wal-
tham of Waymouth house in which said
John dwells with land at Salem Dec. 23,
1640. — Page 52.
Will Pester of Salem mortgaged to
Charles Gott and John Home his house
and ground in Salem Oct. 20, 1641. —
Page ^2.
Samuell Skelton conveyed land in Sa-
lem to Lt. Rich'* Davenport Feb. 21,
1643.— Z'^^*? 53.
John Elderkin conveyed to Samuell
Bennett " ye new built Watermill in
Linn '' 16 : 7 : 1643. — Page^^.
Adam Oatley in behalf of " John Vm-
freye Esq.'' conveyed to Raph Fogg
" on frame of an howse & seller w*^ a
quarter of an acre of Land neere ye
Pounds in Salem " 11 : 2™**- 1644. — Page
Jabesh Hacket of Linne transferred to
" Susanna Hawkes the daughter of Adam
Hawkes of Linne" money in the hands of
Boniface Burton of Linne Village 5 : 9™°-
1644.— i^^^.? 54.
" m'^ Adam Otley " mortgaged to " m'
Richard Glover of London" land some-
times Goadham's, Cowdrey's, Daniel
Howe's, all in Rumney Marsh, and land
bought of Hen : Waltha and Job Sayre's ;
also, a house and land ; also land in the
possession of Goodma Tyler of Linne ; and
" marsh behind m'^ Cobbetts house w^'^^m'^
King vsed the last yeare " 9 : io™° : 1644.
—Page 55.
"James Parker of Strawberry banck"
conveyed to Zaccheus Gould of Ipswich
house and land in Waymouth, and land
bought of Jeremie Gould, 26 : 9 : 1644.
—Page 56.
Timothy Tomlins of Linne conveyed to
Robert Bridges of Linne land bounded by
Tho : Willis and Joseph Armitage June 14,
1 64 1. — Page 56.
Emmanuell Downeing of Salem, esq.,
mortgaged to Tho : Fowle and John Win-
thrope, jr., esq., his mansion house and
land adjoining at Salem and land bought
of m'^ Endecot on South river, June 8,
1640. Ack. Dec. 20, 1644. — Page ^6.
Emmanuell Downeinge of Salem, esq.,
enfeoffed to John Winthropp of Charles-
towne, esq., and Adam Winthropp of
Boston, gent., his farm at Groton for his
and his wife's lives, and afterward to the
use of George Downeinge 23: 5: 1644.
— Page SI-
** m"^ Robert Saltonstall " mortgaged
to " m'^ Stephen Winthropp of Boston '^
" halfe his ffarme called the Pond ferme
neere Salem (formerley m'^ Humphreys) "
14 : II : 1644. — Page 57.
Zaccheus Gould of Ipswich conveyed
to Capt. William Perkins, land in Way-
mouth bought of James Parker of Way-
mouth, April 2, 1645. Witnesses: Thom-
as Fowle and Robert Keine. — Page 58.
Nicholas Treroise of Charlstowne con-
veyed to Joshua Foote of London, iron-
monger, house and lot in Charlstowne,
and land in Linefield and elsewhere, 10 :
10:1644. — Page S9'
Increase Nowell, W™ Hibbins and
Henry Dunster, feoffees of Josse Glover,
late of Sutton,Sussexshire, dec'd, conveyed
to Samuel Bennet of Linne a wind mill in
Linne formerly in the possession of John
Humphrey, esq., 22 : 3 : 1645. Witness-
es : WilHam Aspinwall, notary public, and
Edward Michelsom. — Page 66.
Thomas Hudson of Linne conveyed to
Thomas Hutchinson of Linne land ad-
joining "Goodman Townsends fferme"
22: 10: 1645 (f*)* Witnesses: William
Aspinwall and John Arnold. — Page 67.
Thomas Dexter of Linn mortgaged to
" m' Symon Bradstreete " dwelling-house
in Linn and farm of 600 acres, to be paid
at Ipswich, 22:8: 1639. — ^^S^ ^9*
Thomas Dexter of Linne conveyed to
Richard Leader of Boston, merchant,
'* agent for a certaine Company of Vnder-
takers for an Iron worke," land, with an
agreement to build fence toward Capt.
Bridges' house and Tho : Dexter 's land,
27 : II : 1645. — Page"]!.
George Hawkins of Boston, ship-
wright, by letter of attorney from George
Richardson of Wapping, mariner, dated
May I, 1 64 1, conveyed to William Dods
land in Salem " neere the heade of Basse
River, lately in the possession of Peter
Palfrey," 28 : 7 : 1644. — Page 74.
Mary Allen, wife of Arnold Allen of
Cascoe, appoints Edward ffletcher of Bos-
ton, cutler, her attorney to settle with
Thomas Dexter of Linne July 8, 1645.
Witnesses: Georg Cleeve and Richard
Tucker. — Page 75.
Samuel Bennet of Linne acknowledges
himself indebted to " m'^ Increase Nowel
^r ^m Hibbins & m' Henry Dunster
ffeoffes in trust for the children of m"^ Josse
Glover ... for a millne late bought of
them," 22:3: 1645. — Page 'j'j.
Symon Bradstreete of Andover, gent.,
conveyed to Edward Jackson of Cam-
bridg, " Nailor," farm of 500 acres lately
in the tenure of Tho : May hew, 23 : 9 :
1646. — Page 79.
Stephen Dummer of Newberry, gent.,
acknowledges indebtedness to " my son in
law Henry Sewall the yonger of New-
bery," gent., ''remainder of a Marriage
portion formerly pmised to him w*** my
daughter Jane," payable " out of or for
my estate or lands in Ould England,"
Oct. 5, 1646. Witnesses: Job Clements
and W" Wakefield.— 7^^^<? 79.
'^W Richard Lead' Agent for the
Company of vndertakers of the yron
workes in N : E : acknowledges indebted-
ness to "Nicholas Davison of Charls-
towne merchV' and giving as security the
interest of said company " in the ffarme &
ware at Linne," Jan. 19, 1646. — Page
Whereas Thomas Dexter of Linne, 20 :
4 : 1 640, mortgaged his farm at Linne to
Matthew Cradock, and mortgaged his
ware at Lin, 2 : 7°^° : 1642, to " Rebecca
Craddock of London Executrix to Matt :
Craddock of London Merch* ; and where-
as Richard. Glover and Rebecca his wife
executrix of said Matt : Crad : appointed
Nicholas Davison their attorney therefor
Feb. 12, 1645, said Nicholas discharges
said mortgages and acquits Richard
Leader on behalf "of the company of vn-
dertakers of the yron works in N : E :"
Dec. 30, 1646. — Page 80.
Nathaniel Ward conveyed " to the Col-
lege at Cambridge ... all that ffarme of
600 Acres giuen mee by the Generall
Court lying neere Andevir by Merri-
macke," Dec. 10, 1646. — Page 81.
Thomas Dexter of Linne conveyed to
Rich Leader "for the vse of the vnder-
takers for the yron works his fferme at
Linne" of 600 acres, May i, 1647. —
Page 82.
Agreement between Robert Andrewes
of Ipswich and William ffrancklin of Bos-
ton. Mr. Andrewes daughter Alice was
late wife of Mr. Franklin. She was de-
ceased at this time, leaving a daughter
Elizabeth ifrancklin, under the age of
seventeen. Mr. Franklin's present wife
is Phoebe. Dated at Ipswich April 2,
1 64 1. Witness : John Norton. — Page 85.
Robert Salstonstall requests the town
of Watertowne to pay some money to
Capt. Robert Bridges of Lynn, 12 : 9"^°:
1647. — Page Zd,
Robert Saltonstall of Boston, gent., for
his father Sir Rich : Saltonstall, assigns to
Robt Bridges of Linne, gent., their claim
against John Sherman or the town of
Watertowne (Edward Carlton and John
Johnson being arbitrators), 10 : 10 : 1647.
Witnesses: William Aspinwall, Joseph
Hills, Thomas Broughton and John Bris-
coe.— Page ZZ.
Raph Tompkins of Salem conveyed to
John ffarnham of Dorchester his house
and lot, 2: 4"^«- 1648. Witness: W°^
Phillips. — Page 91.
ffrancis Johnson of Salem mortgaged
to Nich : Davison of Charlestown mercht
his fferme called Brookesby in the limits
of Salem" Aug. 5, 1648. — Page 94.
Richard Littlehale of Haverhill mort-
gaged to Henry Webb of Boston his dwel-
ling-house and land in Haverill, adjoining
land of Samuel Gile, 27:8: 1648. — Page
Joseph Armitage of Linne mortgaged
to Thomas Savage of Boston his now
dwelling-house and stall and land in Linne
June 4, 1648. — Page 96.
John Whittingham of Ipswitch con-
veyed to Bryom Pendleton his farm of
600 acres at Ipswich, and meadow, bound-
ed by Wenham meadow, m'^ Bradstreet,
W°^ Paine, 9: 7"^^- 1648. Witnesses:
Will : Paine and Richard Kemball. — Page
Joseph Redknappe of Linne, cooper,
conveyed to Capt. Ed : Tomlins of Lon-
don, gent., land known as "Blackbush-
aight, lying & being neere Hampton Court
in the parish of Hampton & County of
Middlesex," Feb. i, 1648. Witnesses:
Robert Bridges, Henry Sandys and Edw :
Burt. — Page 99.
John Porter of Salem conveyed to Na-
thaniell Baker of Hingham his house,
barn and land in Hingham 15:1: 1648.
— Page\o\.
Val : Hill of Boston mortgaged to Sy-
mon Bradstreete of Andover house and
500 acres of land upon Piscataqua river
near Oyster river lately bought of Christ':
Helmes and now in the possession of
Darby ffield ; also, \ of saw-mill at Red-
ding ; also, a bond of John Treworthy and
Nicholas Shapley ; also, \ of cargo of ship
Hope of Roterdam, Gerrat Lombertson,
" m'," and Paul Allestree, factor, 9 : 6°*<>-
1649. — P^^i"' 106.
Valent Hill of Boston conveyed to
Samuel Bennet of Lin Walker's plain be-
tween Wading and Hammersmith, bound-
ed by land of " m' Leader and Lin river,"
29 : 9 : 1649. — P^i^ no*
Valentine Hill and John Leveret of
Boston conveyed to Sam : Bennet of Lin
600 acres of land formerly purchased of
m' Thomas ffowle, bounded by Cap* Rob-
ert Keines farm, and • town lines of
Charlestowne, Lin and Boston, Oct. i,
1649. Witnesses: John Tincker and
Robert Hubert. — Page no.
Tho : Erington *bf Lin conveyed to
Samuel Benet of Linn a farm in Charles-
towne, bounded by Boston line, and land
of M'^ Bunker and John Chadock and
Capt. Keine, Oct. 26, 1649. — Page no.
Georg Halsall of Boston mortgaged to
Richard Leader of Linne his wharf and
ground in Boston, &c. (excepting house
and land he bought of m' Clark), 14 :
10: 1649. — P<^i^ iio-
ffrancis Johnson of Salem acknowledged
indebtedness to M'^ Rich: Russell of
Charlstowne, and mortgaged " his fferme
called Brookesby in the limits of Salem
w*^ houses," etc., as security, 28 : 9 :
1649. — P^^^ ^11*
ffrancis Smith of Boston conveyed to
George Keisar of Linne house & land in
Boston, lately bought of Capt. Robt
Keine, which was formerly the land of
M"^ Benjamin Keine, 25: 11: 1649. —
Page III.
ffrancis Smith of Boston, Card maker,
conveyed to George Keisar of Lin house
and land in Lin known as Benjamin
Keine 's house and land, &c., and fenc-
ings, poles, &c., 26:11: 1649. — P^i^ 1 1 1'
Matthew Chaife mortgaged to Anthonie
Stoddard his dwelling-house and land in
Boston, and farm in Newbury, Nov. 26,
1649. — Page 113.
John Clarke mortgaged to Matthew
Chaffe his dwelling-house and land in
Boston, and sold to him his farm in New-
bury, which he had mortgaged to John
Ward, 27 : 9 : 1649. — Page 113.
W™ Hooke of Salisbury conveyed to
Samuel Benet of Lin, land "giuen to him
by an arbitration betwixt Tho : Dexter &
him or his ffather Humfrey Hook by m"^
Samuel Dudley m'^ Mayhew m'^ Jennings
& Lieften' Walker Arbitrator" **from his
ffather Humphrey Hooke his brother W"
Hooke Robt Knight," March 15, 1649. —
Page 117.
William Hudson of Boston mortgaged
to m' Symon Bradstreet of Andover * ' his
warehouse in Boston over against the
dwelling house of Joshua Scotto, w*'^ ware-
house was built by Major Nehemiah
Bourne, i : 4™°. 1650. — Page 119.
Strong ffurnel of Boston mortgaged to
W™ Browne of Salem his dwelling house
in Boston, soap house, furnace, yard,
etc., July 24, 1650. — Page 122.
Tho: Erington of Lin mortgaged to
W" Kilcup of Boston, two farms lately
bought of W™ Knight and Richard Roo-
ton, both of Lin, 25 : 8 : 1650. Also, an
agreement as to carrying on the works,
i: ii"^°: 1649. Witnesses: Edw. Bur-
cham and Phinehas Vrsitt—Page 129.
Thomas Hawkins of Boston mortgaged
to m^ Symon Bradstreet his house built
the last year in Boston, "between the
land of John Smith & John Kenrick ad-
ioyneing to the lane that goes to the mil
pond," for the security of money to be
paid at the mortgagees dwelling house in
Andover, 20:9: 1650. — Page 130.
Danjell King of Lynne mortgaged to
m*^ Henry Shrimpton of Boston his house
in Lynne wherein he nows dwells and
land, ^ 'which howse and land was form-
e'^ly m'^ Benjamin Keajnes as also his Lott
and orchard nex* the meeting howse
which he bought of m"^ went worth Day
As also that lott of ground which was for-
merly w"* fhffews nex* vnto the dwelling
howse of the sajd Daniell King," Dec. 5,
165 1. Witness: William Aspinwall,
notary public. — Page 147.
Edward Rawson, late of Newbury,
gent, conveyed to W°^ Peelsbury of
Dorchester, yeoman, my dwelling-house
and forty acres of land in Newbury,
bounded by land of John Pemberton,
Henry Sewall, jr. and Wm. Elnsly and the
highway, Dec. 13, 1651. Witnesses: An-
thony Stoddard and John Wise wall. The
grantor's wife Rachel released dower. —
Page 160.
Thomas Rucke of Boston, innkeeper,
mortgages to Symon Bradstreet of Ando-
ver, gent (to secure money payable at
the "South meeting howse a' Boston"),
my dwelling-house in Boston wherein I
now dwell called **The Swan,'' Oct. i ,
165 1. Witnesses: Tho Wyggin and
George Halsae. — Page 162.
M'^ Thomas Richards of weimouth,
decM, bequeathed an annuity to his wife
Welthean Richards, and the children
agreed to allow her a full sum instead of
the annuity, John Richards of Boston,
merchant, son of the deceased, who held
the estate in trust to pay the annuity,
conveyed to his said mother house, mill
and land in weimouth and a claim due
from m'^ George Corwine of Salem to said
estate, etc., Jan. 30, 1651. Witnesses:
Edward Rawson andw"^ Aspinwall. — Page
Valentjne Hill of Boston, merchant,
mortgaged to m"^ Thomas Cobbett of
Lynne, Clarke, Jane Skipper of Boston,
spinster, and Joshua Scottow of Boston,
merchant, land and sawmills in Dover at
Oyster River, 18 : 1 1 : 1651. Witnesses :
William Blanchard and Anthony Low. —
Page 182.
Robert Starkweather (his W mark) of
Ipswich, husbandman, conveyed to Wil-
liam Healy of Roxbury, husbandman,
dwelHng-house and land in Roxbury, now
in grantee's tenure, bounded by land of
Cap* Prichard, etc., and lately given to
me by my father John Roberts, Dec. 18,
1 65 1. Witnesses: Daniell Brewe'^ and
Jn*' Tincker. — Page 192.
Willjam Peelsbury of Dorchester mort-
gaged to Dep.-gov. Thomas Dudly of
Roxbury dwelling-house and land in New-
bury, which the grantor bought of Ed-
ward Rawson, March 29, 1652. Witnes-
ses : Samuell finch and Jo Dudley. — Page
John Stowe of Concord conveyed to
John Pierpointe of Ipswich land and build-
ings in Rocksbury, bounded by land of
Isacke Morrell, heirs of John Scarbrowe,
John Stonnard, John Lewins, Richard
Pepper, w"^ Parke, John Rugles, Richard
Woody, Abraham Newell, m^ John Elljott.
willjam Heath, Isacke Heathe, Nathaniell
Stow, willjam Cheny, 20: 4: 1648.
Witnesses : Richard Peacocke and Thom-
as Stowe. — Page 199.
George, sagamore of Lynn, mortgaged
to Niceolas Davison of Charlestown, mer-
chant, for ;^20 due many years since to
"m"^ Mathew Craddock," deceased, "all
that Tracke or necke of Land Commonly
Called Nahant lying and scittvate, neere
Adjacent vnto the Towne of Lynne,"
April I, 1652. Witnesses: Willjam Phil-
lips and John Giffard. — Page 205.
"Joseph Armitage of lynne and Jeane
his wife" mortgaged to James Oliuer of
Boston, "biskett baker", a horse &c.,
agreeing to pay money from the Iron
works. May 28, 1652. Witnesses: John
Tincker and Isack Woodde. — Page 208.
James Everill of Boston, shoemaker,
mortgaged to Symon Bradstreete of Ando-
ver, gentleman, dwelling-house and land
in Boston in possession of Nathaniell
Souter and Willm Blancher, and bound-
ed by Edmond Jackson, and Joshua
Scotto, June 5, 1652. Witnesses: Willm
Hibbins and Willm Phillips. — Page 220.
Lionell Copley of in Yorkshire,
esq., Nich: Bond and Thomas Pury of the
city of Westminster, esqs., John Becx and
Willm Beauchamp of London, merchants,
esqs., Thomas ffoley of London, gent,
Willm Greenhill of Stepney, Midd coun-
ty, minister, Thomas Weld of Gateshead,
Durham county, minister, John Pococke
and William Becke, merchant taylors, and
Willm Hiccock, brewer, citizens of Lon-
don, undertakers and copartners amongst
others in the "Iron workes in Newe
England" by virtue of their rules of May
30, 1645, appoint "our Loueing f rends
Willm Tinge of Boston in Newe England
Merchant Robert Bridges of Lyne in
Newe England M'^chant Henry Webb
& Joshua ffoote of Boston aforesaid
M'^chants" to be their attorneys to re-
ceive "of John Gyfford the present agent
in the said workes and Willm Awbrey
Richard Leader & William Osborne and
all other psons in anywise imployed in the
said Workes" the said business, and to
oversee it, etc., April 16, 1652. Witnes-
ses : "Christopher Townesend Not pub
John Burt James Needles his ser." — Page
Receipt of Willm Paine of Ipswich,
merchant, for money received of "John
Wall Ma'^ of the Shipp Castle ffrigott," and
also a bill drawn on "AUex*" : Bence sen-
io'^ Esq'^ payable to M"^ Thomas Lay-
cocke M'^chant in London," Aug. 30,
1652. Witness: Richard Story. — Page
"wilke the Carpenter of Salem" is
mentioned in the accounts of James Reed
and Thomas Carrick, owners of the ship
Blessing of London, July 12, 1652. — Page
Edward Burt of Charlestowne, Hugh
Burt of Lynne and George Bunker of
Charlestown gave bond to William Parke
of Roxburie, Oct. 18, 1651, to pay mon-
ey at the house of "M'^ Browning in
Bell Ally in London or at the house of
M"^ Willm Peake in Cannon streete."
Witnesses : Samuell Stow and John John-
son.— Page 238.
Edmond Leach, attorney of John ffish
of wrexall, Warwickshire (power dated
Feb. 28, 1647) receipts for money re-
ceived of Thomas Dexter, jr., of Lynne,
being for bonds dated Nov. 7, 1640, and
Dec. 26, 1640. Dated 24 : 7 : 1649.
Witnesses : Isacke Waker and Lt. James
Oliver. — Page 241.
Edward Gillman, sr., of Ipswich, yeo-
man, and his wife Mary (her W mark),
conveyed to Daniell Cushin of Hingham,
yeoman, our dwelling-house and land in
Hingham, lately bought of Nicholas
Jacob, being in Bachelors Rowe, and
bounded by land of Thomas Barnes, Ma-
thewe Cushine, lately bought of Bozome
Allen, by land of John ffoulesham, Jere-
mie Bellimie ; also, land bought of John
Beale, sr., of Hingham, and bounded by
land of Henry Gibbs and Mathew Cush-
ine, sr. ; and meadow bought of Thom-
as Minor, and bounded by land of Thom-
as Loarein; and land given by Thomas
Linckhorne, weaver, and bounded by land
of Joseph Pecke, "in free & Comon soc-
cage and not in Cappitie nor be knights
seruice," Oct. i, 1652. Witnesses: "Na-
thaniell Sowther Script Edward Bellym,
Angell Holland Edward Gillman Junior."
—Page 243.
Protest : Edward Prescot, merchant,
and freighter of the Ship Blessing of Lon-
don, July 12, 1652, to John Endecot,
governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony,
now resident in Salem, with agreement
between said Prescot and "william Browne
George Corwin & Walter Price marchants
of Salem to lade and dispatch the said
Ship out of New-England by the first day
of this Instant July which Goods for Load-
ing the said Ship having bin ready but
the said ship being neither rigd nor
Graved," etc., protests against ThomaS
Carrick master of said ship "for loss of
Time here and at the Barbados for hin-
derance," etc., and the same being read
in the presence of the governor's two
sons, John Endecot and Zorobabell Ende-
cott, July 12, 1652, at Salem. — Page 251.
John Lowe (signed by mark) of Bos-
ton, wheelwright, mortgaged to John
Ward of Ipswich, chirirgion, wharf,
bounded by land of Sampson Shore and
Leonard Buttels, Oct. 9, 1652. Witnesses :
Thomas Hakins and Abraham Hakins.
— Page 252.
William Hudson of Boston, innkeeper,
mortgaged to Symon Bradstreete of Ando-
ver, gent, dwelling house, warehouse and
land in Boston, bought of Maj.-gen. Ed-
ward Gibbons, March 16, 1651. Wit-
nesses : Willjam Hibbins and Samuel Sy-
monds. — Page 262.
Mortgage of John Tuttell of Boston,
merchant, to William Stanley and Peter
Legay & Co. of the town and county of
Southton, merchants, March i, 1650,
house and land in Ipswich in occupation
of said Tuttle, John Gage and John Pittis,
to secure an adventure. Witnesses :
Willm Wislad, Willm Roberts, ffra: Swan-
ton and Rich : Stanley, notary public. —
Page 265. Discharged by John Gore,
attorney of mortgagees, Dec. 30, 165 1.
Witnesses : Edward Ting and Willm As-
pinwall, notary public. — Page 270.
John Tuttell of Ipswich, merchant, is
discharged Feb. 2, 1652, by Daniell ffar-
vax and Isaac Legay of London, mer-
chants, of a bond dated March 13, 1650.
Joanna is the wife of said Tuttell, Mr.
Robert Hooper and Mr. Martin Bently,
merchants at the Barbadoes, agents, and
Chrispin Hooper, attorney, to said ffar-
vax and Legay. Witnesses: Edward
Rawson, Robert Scott and Willm Aw-
brey. — Page 271.
Mr. John Coggan of Boston, merchant,
and his wife Martha, conveyed to Samuell
Bennitt of Linne, carpenter, land bought
of Mr. John Cockshall, then of Boston,
merchant, and which was granted to said
John Cogshall about 1637, having now a
dwelling house thereon, bounded by Capt.
Robert Kayne, 25 : i : 1653. Witnesses :
Robt. Keayne, Edmund Jackson, Tho :
Stocker and Nath: Sowther, not. pub. —
Page 294.
Martyn Stebens (his m mark) of Bos-
ton, brewer, mortgaged to Wm. Barthol-
mew of Ipswich "the Copper now being
in his brew house," 15 : 10 : 1653. Wit-
nesses : Nathaniell Piper and Matthew
Clarke (his M mark). — Page 330.
The will of Rev. Ezekiel Rogers of
Rowley was proved in the Ipswich court
March 26, 1661. The following is a copy
of the original testament on file in the
probate office at Salem.
I Ezekiell Rogers Borne at wether sfi eld
in Esex in old England now of Rowley in
Effex in new England being at this time
of Good memory and Competent health
through Gods mercy, yett not knowing
when the lord may be pleafed to put an
end to this Pillgramage doe Ordaine and
make This my last will and Teftament
And first I will and defire that Ever-
lasting praifes be Giuen to the one holy
God in Jefus Chrift as for all his mercies
to me which are innumerable soe for thefe
three Spetiall Blefings : fiirst for my Nu-
ture and Education vnder such a father
m'^ Richard Rogers, in Catachifme and
knowledge of the holy scriptures the want
whereof I fee to be the maine Caufe of
the Errors of the times.
Secondly that whereas till I was aboue
twenty yeares of Age I made but ill vfe of
my knowlidge but hued in a formall profef-
fion of Relligion, the lord pleafed by occa-
tion of a Sore ficknes which was like to
be death to make me to see the worth and
Neede of Chrift and to take such houlde
of him as that I Coulde never let him Goe
to this houre whereby I am now encour-
aged to bequeath and committe my Soulle
into his hands who hath Redeemed it, and
my Body to the Earth f ince he will Giue me
with thefe very eyes to fee my Redeemer
Thirdly to my Calling even to be a
minester of the Gospell the most Glorious
Calling in the worlde which the lord
brought into, not without difficulty for my
calling in the time of the hotteft Perf ecu-
tion of that Bloody Hirachy and being in-
lightned Concerning the euill and snare
of subscription and Cerrimonies I was
advised to giue ouer the thought of the
ministry and to betake myfelfe to the study
and practife of phifick But the lord
mercyfully prevented it ; for though it be
a Good and Neffecary Calling ; I haue ob-
ferved that the most through there owne
coruption haue made it to themfelues the
very Temptation to couetousnes or lust
or both, I therfor Chofe Rather to lye
hide ab^w/ a dozen yeares in an honerable
famelly exercifing my f elfe in minestiriall
dutyes for about a dozen yeares after my
leaning the vnerverfity. Then the lord
Gaue me a Call to a Publique Charge
att Rowley in yorkefhire whereby the
Gentleneffe of — by mathewe I was fau-
oured both for subscription and Cerimon-
ies and in joyed my liberty in the mineftry
about feaventeene years in Comforthable
fort Till for Refufing to Reade that
accurfed Booke that allowed sports on
Gods holy Sabbath or lords day I was
suspended and by it and other sad fignes
of the times Driuen with manyof myhear-
ars into New England wher I haue lined
in my Pastorall Office about years
with much Rest and comforth Belieueing
the way — he Churches here to be accord-
ing to the prefent light that God hath
Giuen the purest in the whoUe world
Now Age and Infir/«//!?es Calling vpon
me to looke daly for my Change I prof ef e
myselfe to haue lined and to dye an vn-
feigned Hater of all the Baf^ opinions of
the Anabaptists and Antinomians, and
all other phrentiche dotages of the times
that springe from them which God will ere
longe cause to be as doung on the earth
I doe alfo protest against all the evel
ffafhions and /re^r/if es of this Agee Both
in Aparr/7^ and that Generall Disguise-
ment of longe Ruffianlike haire A Cuf-
tome most Com^«lly taken vp at that time
when — Graue and modest weareing of
heaire was a part of the Reproch of Christ
as appeared by the tearme of Round
heads and was carryed on with a high
hand not with standing the knowne Of-
fence of foe Yna.ny Godly persons, and
without publique expreffion of there Rea-
fons for any fuch libertie taken As for
my Eha/e I will and dispofe as followeth
ffirft I doe Bequeath and Giue to my wel-
beloued wife mary Rogers, my dwelling
houfe Barne and all the outhoufes alfo
my Orchard, Gardens, and the yeards
belonging, and pasturage adioyning to the
— eed on both fides of the Brook alfo the
hempyearde alfo the vpper houfe lott on
the other fide of the Highway wi^/i all the
land and horfe pasture adjoyneing to the
same land I Giue hir alfo sixe Acres of
Aurable land By the Houfe of ezekiell
Northen and my part of the warehoufe
pafture alfo I Giue hir hay Grounde fait
and frefh foe much as my Overfeers shall
Judge fufficient to affourd one yeare with
another thirty loads of hay and where shee
will chufe it and all this only for hir
Natureall life alfo I Giue to my saide wife
all my Goods, Houfehould stufe, Cattell,
Come, and all my stocke whatfoeuer, I
Giue to my loueing Nephew m*^ 6'^muell
Stone of conecticot thirty pounds, I Giue
to my Coufen his son John ten pounds, to
my deere Brother and ffellow officer m*^
phillips fine pounds and aquinas his lam —
in folio, to my Sumtimes servant Elizebeth
Tenney ells parratt — en pounds to my
loueing Neece m'"^^ mary matofins of mall-
don in efex in ouldengland I Giue ten
pounds to my louing Neece m*"^^ Elize-
beth C — ton wife of the preacher of Rot-
erdam in hollande I Giue ten pounds to
the wife of my Caufin Rogers of Billrecay
I Giue fine pounds I Giue to my ||two||
prefent maid servants each of them an
ewe lambe all and euery of thefe seuerall
legacyes I will to be paide within one yeare
after my death, except Th — into England
and Holland which Shalbe redy to be paide
as soune as they shall apoint and I im-
poure any from themfellues or any mar-
chant or marchants here that may r^ceaue
it in there behalfe and for There vfe and
Giue full acquittance as impoured from
them that foe my execcutrix or ouerseers
may be fully discharged therof I Giue
all my latine dookes to harverd Coledge
in Cambridge and sume Englifh Bookes
as apear^fs in the Catalogue.
Item the Rest of my eftate in lands
that ar not Giuen vnto my wife dureing
hir Natureall life that is the land at plant-
ing hill the land called Satchwell ground
and all the rest be it meadow fresh or
salt or other vpland what euer and one
third part of Gats or Commonage I Giue
to the Church and towne of Rowley vpon
Condiffion that they pay or caufe to be
paid, or leagally tender, vnto ezeakiell
Rogers the son of m"^ Nathaniel Rogers
late paftor of the Church at Ipfwich,
Deceafed, the full Some of eightscore
poundes in Country pay the one halfe,
that is ifo fay foure score pounds within
one yeare after my Death, the other foure
score pounds to be paid the next yeare
after that is within two years after my
death; and I intreat and appoint m'^ John
whiple of Ipswich the RuUing Elder to be
Gardion for ezekiell Rogers to Receaue
or Caufe to be Receaued this abouefaid
eight score pounds, and to Giue vnto the
Church or towne of Rowley a full dis-
charge and acquittance vpon the Re-
ceaueing thereof, and in Cafe the Church
or towne of Rowley pay not the abouefaid
eight score pounds my will is that thes
abouefaid lands that are not Giuen vnto
ray wife, fhalbe affigned and fet ouer by
my ouerseers vnto Ezeakiell for the aboue-
faid payment, prouided alfo that it fhall
not be in the liberty of the church or
towne of Rowley to Giue fell or allien
these landes or any part therof or ap-
propriate them or any part of them to
any other end or vfe then for this, the
Better inableing them to carry on the
minestry fore euer: alfo all my houfes
barne and orchard and all my landes pas-
tures and commonages and meadows
which I haue Giuen vnto my wife mary
Rogers Dureing her Naturall life after hir
Deceafe, I Doe Bequeath and Giue vnto
the Church and towne of Rowley to in-
able them the Better to maintaine two
teaching elders in the church, for euer,
and vpon that condifion I Doe Giue
them, the time which I allow them for
the setleing of an elder fhalbe foure yeares:
and soe from time to time as God makes
any changes either By Death or Remoue-
all any other way, and in cafe that the
church or towne of Rowley faille of the
condifion of providing themfellues of
two teaching elders according to the time
perfixed that is within foure years after
they haue this to inable them the beter
and soe from time to time within the
faid time of foure years after God by
his prouidence haue maide any Chainge,
my will is that the abouefaid houfeing
and landes fhalbe to the vfe of Harvard
Colledge at Cambridge in New England I
Giue alfo to the church my Silluer Bowles
which they vfe for the Communion to be
soe vfed still after my wiues Deceafe and
I make and appoint my said welbeloued
wife the SoUe executrix of this my will and
Testament and I appoint maxemillion
Jewett and Samuell Brocklebanke to be
ouerseers of this my will and Teftament,
made and signed the 17 of Aprill 1660
wittnesed by vs
Samuell Brocklebanke
maxemillion Jewett Ezekiel Rogers.
John Brocklebanke.
This old burial-place is situated south
of Lane's cove, in the rear of the houses
on the street, and near the ocean. The
following are all of the inscriptions to be
found there bearing dates prior to 1800.
Here Hes Buried
the Body of m"^
Joseph Gott
who Died April
the 30*^ 1755
In the 30*^ Year
of his Age.
Nathaniel Gott
DIED May y® 10**"
Samuel Gott Jun^
aged 25 years
dec° march 26*^
DIED MARCH Y« 3i«t 1737,
DEC^MAYY«9'^ 1729
here lyes y*' body of
m'^ Dorcas Lane
John Lane
DIED FEB^ 9*^ 1754
DEC^ MAY Y® 14*^
1729 IN Y« iS''^ YEAR
Here lyes buried
THE Body of
Deacon James Lane
died April 20*^
I 7 5 I
AGED 69.
DECD APRIL Ye 14 1732
IN Ye 7th YEAR
John Lane of
gloucester aged 86
YEARS DEC"^ JaN^^ Y® 24*^
I 7 3 7f
THE 23
59^^^ YEAR
Here lies interred
y® Body of
M"^ Judith Lane
wife of
Dea** James Lane
who died Aug. 23^ lyyo
in y® Z() Year of her Age.
In Memory of
m"^ Jonathan Norwood,
who departed this life
Feb'^y \(i^^ 1799,
in the 59 Year
of his Age.
In memory of
M"^ Judith Norwood,
Wife of Cap* William Norwood;
who died July 19 — 1775;
Mi^ 65.
In memory of
M""^ Sufanna Norwood,
Wife of Mr James Norwood,
who died Nov'^ 16 — 1773 ;
iEt» 29.
memory of
Capt. William Norwood
who died Feb^ i" 1781;
Mi^ 72.
1737/8 IN Y« se***
F E B "^ y
I 2'»»
3 7
[ E R
In Memory of
wife of
Cap^ Daniel Young,
who died Deer , ig, 1800:
who died at Sea May 21, 1 790 ;
Mt 38.
Life is uncertain death is fur e
Sin gives the wound but Christ the cure.
Dau'^ to
M" Ann *
Died February
1758 Iny« 20*^ Year
of her Age.
Richard Birmingham (also, Berming-
ham) of Salem, 1763-1773; wife Sarah,
1 763-1 7 73; coaster, 1765, 1769, mari-
ner, 1763,1768,1769 . — Registry of deeds.
Widow Sarah Bremingham of Salem
was appointed administratrix of the estate
of Richard Bremingham (or, Birming-
ham) of Salem, mariner, April 5, 1773.
Administration was granted on the
estate of Sarah Bermingham of Salem
Sept. 5, 1775.
— Probate records.
Judith Bisco published to Benjamin
Pigeon June 19, 1742. — Newbury town
Hon. Edmund Trowbridge was born in
Newton in 1709, graduated at Harvard
college in 1728, and became one of the
most eminent lawyers in the province,
probably the most profound common
lawyer of New England. Indeed, Chan-
cellor Kent called him "The oracle of
the common law of New England." He
had the best library in New England.
He was attorney-general of Massachu-
setts, 1 749-1 767 ; a member of the coun-
cil in 1764 ; and a justice of the supreme
court of the province in 1767.
Judge Trowbridge married, March 15,
1732, Miss Martha Remington, daughter
of Judge Remington, and she died in July,
When trouble between the province
and the mother country came on, Judge
Trowbridge's sympathies were with the
crown under which he had held office so
many years, though he rarely gave any
one the impression that he was a tory.
He endeavored to remain neutral; and
when the clash of arms came at Lexington
and Concord, and Washington's army was
encamped near his house in Cambridge,
he left his home, and went to the retired
parish of Byfield, that he might not be
compelled to forego his neutrality. Doc-
tor, afterward General, Joseph Warren,
furnished the suggestion of this removal
from the scenes of ardent patriotism and
strife. He boarded in the family of Rev.
Moses Parsons, pastor of the Byfield
With Judge Trowbridge came his col-
ored man, named Sam, and a lady, a dis-
tant relative, Miss Elizabeth Bisco of
Cambridge. The judge had been a wid-
ower upwards of two years, and just what
his intentions relative to Miss Bisco were
is not known beyond what is suggested
by the following papers on file in the
probate office at Salem. The first is a
nuncupative will, and the second an affi-
davit stating certain facts relative to Miss
Bisco's sickness and death.
The reason that was given for their
coming to Byfield was to avoid the small-
pox ; and only four days after their arrival
Miss Bisco was taken sick with that
dreaded disease. May 6th, she was re-
moved to the pest house in Rowley,
where she died on the 21st. She called
Judge Trowbridge " Mr. Goffe," a name
by which he was called a portion of his
life by his friends, having had an uncle
The will is as follows : —
"Rowley may y® 18 1775
"M"^^ Elisabeth Bisco gave to Sarah
Stevens Daughter of the Rev'* Benjamin
Stevens my Laid handkfs. Cap, Ruffles
& Leather mounted fan She also gave
to Rev** Mofes Parfons' Daughter my
light Padusoy gown & light Coloured
Lute String Gown & another Gown there
is with Linnen there I Like wife owe
Peggy Fefsenden two Dollers for Work
Which I Defire M'^ Goff to pay & the rest
of my eftate I give m' Goff and make
him my Executor. Taken from her own
mouth in prefence of us the Subscribers.
"John Bailey
William Hale Jun*^
Mary Rufsel
" Likewife the above m'^^ Bifco gave to
mr^ Mary Rufsel her light Coloured Pet-
ticoat and a Riding hood to Dinah a
negro Girl in prefence of us the Sub-
cribers John Bailey
Mary Rufsel "
The affidavit of John Bailey is as fol-
lows : —
" I John Bailey of Rowley in the Coun-
ty of Efsex Chairmaker of lawful age tef-
tify & declare That M" EHzabeth Bifco
being vifited with the fmall pox at By-
field and removed from thence to Row-
ley on the fixth day of May laft M" Mary
Rufsel & I nurfed her untill fhe died
there on the twenty firft day of the fame
month. That during her licknefs Ed-
mund Trowbridge Efq came every day
within call of the houfe to know how M'""
Bifco did & what fhe wanted : that on the
eighteenth day of May last I told M"^^ Bif-
co that Judge Trowbridge was come to
know how fhe did & if fhe wanted any
thing ; Upon which fhe faid tell M'^ Goff e
I am afraid I fhall never fee him again.
I went out and told the faid Trowbridge
what M'*^ Bifcoe faid & how fhe was. He
bid me tell her he hoped fhe would fee
him again & that fhe would do very well
but bid me afk her how fhe would have
her things difpofed of if fhe fhould do
otherwife than well. I did fo & there-
upon fhe the faid Elizabeth Bifco faid they
are all M^ Goffe's & he may difpofe of
them as he pleafes. I went out & told
the faid Trowbridge what M^^ Bifco had
faid. He replied I had rather fhe would
fay how fhe would have what fhe leaves
difposed of if fhe fhould not recover & I
will endeavour it fhall be done according-
ly, & defired me to tell her fo which I
did after he was gone; and thereupon
the faid M" Bifco declared before Mary
Rufsel William Hale jun"^ & myfelf that
fhe gave to Sarah Stevens the daughter of
the Rev*^ Benjamin Stevens her laced
handkerchief cap ruffles & leather mount-
ed fan & that fhe gave to the Rev^ Mofes
Parfons' daughters her light padufoy
gown & light coloured luftring gown &
another gown there is there with fome
linnen there and that fhe owed Peggy Fef-
senden two dollars for work which fhe
defired M'^ Goffe to pay & that fhe gave
the reft of her eftate to M'^ Goffe and
made him her Executor. This was pref-
ently reduced to writing by the faid Hale
who read it over to the faid M'^^ Bifco &
afked her if it was right & agreeable to
her mind & will. She anfwered it was
right & well & thereupon we fubfcribed
our names thereto as witnefses thereof in
her prefence; and afterwards the faid M"
Bifco declared before M" Rufsel & me
only that fhe give her light coloured pet-
ticoat to M'"^ Rufsel & her riding hood'^to
Dinah a negro girl, saying it will do for
her & she wants one. And I further
declare that during M" Bifcoe's ficknefs
wheneuer fhe fpake of or concerning the
faid Trowbridge fhe ufed to call him M'
Goffe & that fhe appeared to me to be of
found mind when fhe made the feveral
declarations aforefaid & to underftand
well what fhe faid & did
" John Bailey'^
This affidavit was sworn to in court
June 13, 1775.
William Hale, jr., of Rowley, aged
twenty, and Mrs. Mary Russel (wife of
Henry Russel of Ipswich, yeoman) de-
posed to the same facts at^the same time.
The will was presented to the court by
Judge Trowbridge and allowed July 25,
1775. He was' appointed executor, and
gave bond on that day, with Theophilus
Parsons of Falmouth, Cumberland county,
Me., gentleman, as surety. The witnesses
to the bond were Peter Frye and Susanna
Miss Bisco's next of kin of whole blood
were John Bisco of Spencer and Josiah
Bisco of Watertown, who appeared in
court, but did not object to the will.
Other next of kin were Jabez Tatman of
Worcester, who married Sarah Gookin,
and his two children by her, John and
Lydia; and Samuel Parker of Berwick,
Me., Noah Parker, Benjamin Parker, jr.,
Mary Parker, Sarah Parker, Elizabeth
Haley and Hannah Webber, all of Kit-
tery. Me., children of Benjamin Parker,
esq., of Kittery.
Judge Trowbridge subsequently re-
turned to Cambridge, and died April 2,
1793, at the age of eighty-four. He had
no issue.
Giles Birdley, planter, lived in Ipswich,
1658-1668 ; wife Rebecca (wife Elizabeth
named in his will); he died in 1668, his
will, dated July t8, 1668, being proved
Sept. 29, 1668 ; his wife survived him, and
married, secondly, Abraham Fitt Jan. 7,
1668-9 ) she was the latter's wife in 1679;
children of Giles and Rebecca Birdley,
born in Ipswich : i. Andrew ^^ born Sept.
5, 1657 ; lived in Ipswich, in his minor-
ity with ** old goodman Brown ;" married
Mary Connant March 14, 1681 ; daughter
Rebecka, born in Ipswich March 29,
1683. 2. James ^^ born Feb. 10, 1659. 3*
Johriy^ born July 13, 166 [2?]. — Records.
— Blunt^ had two sons :
2 — I. William*, b. about 1642. See below {2).
3 — II. Samuel*, b. about 1647; was a boat-
man or lighterman ; lived in Charles-
town; m. Anna Fosdick June 9,
1680; she d. Aug. 8, 1715, aged six-
ty-two; he was living in 1704; had six
William Blunt^ lived in Andover,
1668-1709. He married, first, Elizabeth
Ballard at Chelmsford Nov. 11, 1668;
and she died July n, 1689. He married,
second, Sarah , who died Sept. n,
1 701. He died April 3, 1709, aged sixty-
Children, born in Andover : —
4—1. William^ b. Oct. 6, 1671. See below
5— II. Samuel^ b. Jan. 29, 1673; d. July 18,
18, 1684, in Andover.
6— III. Mary^, b. Sept. 28, 1679; m. Henry
Grey May 3, 1699; and was living
in 1704.
7— IV. HAMBURROUGH^ b. Sept. 22, i68i. See
below (7).
8 — V. Bathshebah^, b. Nov. 13, 1684; m.
John Lovejoy May 12, 1703.
9— VI. Anne*, b. April 25, 1687 ; d. Oct. 25 ( ?),
10— VII. Samuel^, b. April 24, 1689; husband-
man; lived m Andover, 1714; m.
Elizabeth Dane of Concord April 10,
1 712; and she was his wife in 1714.
They settled in Plainfield, Conn.
William Blunts, born in Andover Oct.
6, 167 1. He was a husbandman, and
lived in Andover, his father having de-
vised his homestead to him. He married
Sarah before 1699; and died July
7, 1738, aged sixty-six. She died, his
widow, Dec. 6, 1760, aged eighty-four.
Children, born in Andover : —
II — I. David^, b. Nov. 18, 1699. See below
12 — II. Sarah'', b. May — , 1702; m., first,
Thomas Oakes of Medford Nov. 26,
1 730 ; and, second, Leavitt after
13 — III. John'*, b. in 1706; H. C, 1727; clergy-
man ; pastor of church at New Castle,
N. H. ; ordained there Dec. 20, 1732;
m. Sarah Frost; he d. Aug. 7, 1748,
aged forty-one; and his widow m.,
secondly, Judge Hill of South Berwick,
14— IV. Jonathan*, b. (after July) 1708; cap-
tain; lived in Chester, N. H.; had a
sawmill there; wife Mary ; and was
living out of the Massachusetts Bay
Province in 1762.
15 — V. Isaac*, b. Nov. 5, 1712. See below (75).
16— VI. Elizabeth", b. Sept. 26, 1714; m.
Jonathan Ames of Boxford April 20,
1738; they lived in Boxford in 1769;
and removed to Londonderry, N. H.,
in 1770.
17 — VII. Ebenezer*, b. March 8, 171 7; living
in 1762; his father devised to him
land at Sheepscoat, Me., and at Ches-
ter and Freetown; m. Lydia Francis
in 1739.
18 — VIII. EphraimS b. Feb. 5, 1 720-1; m. Zer-
viah Abbott Sept. 17, 1745; his fath-
er devised to him land in Chester, N.
H. ; and he lived out of the province
in 1762. He was of Suncook, N. H.,
when he was married.
Hamburrough Blunt3, born in Ando-
ver Sept. 22,1681. He was a husbandman,
and lived in Andover. He married Me-
hitabell Johnson Jan. 11, 1705 ; and they
were living in Andover in 17 15. They
removed to Norwich, Conn.
Children, born in Andover: —
19— I. AnnS b. in 1707; m. Downing.
20—11. Hannah*, b. (after July 24) 1710; m.
David Blunt4, born in Andover Nov.
18, 1699. He was a husbandman, and
lived in Andover, his father having de-
vised to him the paternal homestead. He
married, first, Lydia Foster Feb. 14,
1728; and she died May 5, 1731. He
married, second, Mary Pearse of Ports-
mouth, N. H. (published April 7, 1739) >
and died April 21, 1752, aged fifty-two.
His estate was valued at ^908, iSs., 3^.
His wife Mary survived him, and died,
his widow, in 1773.
Children, born in Andover : —
21 — I. David*, b. March 9, 1728-9; d. April
11, 1729.
22 — II. Lydia% b. April 6, 1751; m. Thomas
Abbott, jr., of Andover, yeoman, Feb.
12, 1756; he d. March 29, 1775; and
she d. Nov. 10, 1798.
23 — III. David*, b. Jan. 11, 1 740-1 ; eldest son in
1764; yeoman; lived in Andover ; m.,
first, Ruth Tay of Wilmington Dec.
12, 1769; she d. Dec. 8, 1802, aged
aged fifty-four; she m., second, Mary
Delap (pub. Aug. — , 1804).
24 — IV. William*, b. Oct. 6, 1743; cooper;
lived in Andover in 1773.
IssAC Blunt4, born in Andover Nov. 5,
1 7 12. He was a hatter and felt maker
and yeomon, and lived in Andover. He
married, first, Mary (Abbott), widow of
Joseph Chandler of Andover, husband-
man, April 8, 1746; and she died April
20, 1760, aged thirty-five. He married,
second, Mary (Kimball), widow of Ed-
ward Herrick, Nov. 27, 1760. He died
Jan. 6, 1798, aged eighty-six; and his
wife Mary survived him, dying, his widow,
March 27, 1801, in her ninety-second
year. Mr. Blunt's estate was appraised
at 15,858.63.
Children, born in Andover : —
25—1. Mary*, b. Feb. 14, 1746-7 ; pub. to
Jeremiah Leavitt March 2, 1771; liv-
ing in 1790.
26 — II. Hannah*, b. Sept. 25, 1748; pub.
to Ezra Carter of Wilmington July
— , 1773; living in 1790.
27 — III. Sarah*, b. Dec. 12, 1750; pub. to Da-
vid Webster of Haverhill July — ,
1774; m. Abbot before 1801.
28 — IV. Elizabeth*, b. July 27, 1752; unmar-
ried in 1790.
29 — V. John*, b. Jan. 31, 1756; soldier in Rev-
olution; m. Sarah Eames of Wilming-
ton Oct. 26, 1780; his father devised
to him land in Amherst, N. H. ; lived
in Milford and Nashua, N. H.
30— VI. Isaacs b. Sept. 12, 1757; d. Sept. 13,
31— VII. Abigail*, b. Oct. 6, 1762; m. Asa Allen
of Harrington, R. I., Nov. i, 1781 ;
and lived in Andover.
32— vm. Anna*, b. May 9, 1763; m. Henry
Holt Jan 27, 1803.
33— IX. Tabitha*, b. Feb. 7, 1765; m. Isaac
Holt, jr., Dec. 6, 1789 ; and was liv-
ing in 1801.
34— X. Isaac*, b. Sept. 26, 1776. See below
35— XI. Mehitable*, b. Jan. 4, 1769; m. Hen-
ry Holt June 22, 1790; and d. Sept.
I, 1802.
Capt. Isaac BluntS, born in Andover
Sept. 26, 1766. He was a feltmaker and
hatter, and lived in Andover. He mar-
ried Lois Phelps Dec. 13, 1791; and
died Oct. 17, 1833, aged sixty-seven.
She survived him, and died, his widow,
Feb. 10, 1849, aged eighty-two.
Children, born in Andover : —
36—1. PoLLY«, b. Dec. 25, 1792; m. William
Durand in 181 8.
37—11. IsAAC^ b. Nov. 25, 1795; m. Dolly
Burnham in 1822; and d. in 1859.
38— III. Samuel Phelps^ b. May 19, 1796;
" major;" lived in Andover; m. Per-
sis Bodwell in 1820.
39— IV. Hannahs b. Nov. 11, 1798; m. John
C. Allen in 1822.
40— V. Annas, b. ini8oi ; m. Sylvester Stanley
of Wilmington in 1828.
41— VI. Eliza^ b. in 1803; >»• Henry Jaquith
in 1828; and d. in 1857.
42— vii. Joshua'', b. in 1806; probably d. young.
43— VIII. John K.^ b. in 1808; lived in North
Andover; m. Abigail Boardman in
Children of Andrew and Lydia Bird-
ley: John, baptized March 25, 1722 ;
James, baptized Oct. 3, 1724; died Oct-
23, 1724 ; Lydia, baptized Jan. 30, 1725.
Widow Mary Birdley published to
Serg. Caleb Kimball April 4, 1722.
Elizabeth Birdley published to Daniel
Caldwell Jan. 17, 1723.
— Ipswich town records,
Judith Birdsale married Henry Cooke
June, 1639.
Mary Biscow married Samuel Silsby
July 4, 1676.
— Salem town records.
In Salem court, 27 : 4 : 167 1, Mary
Bisco, aged about nineteen years, came
and chose Ralph King to be her guardian,
for a legacy given her by Mr. Robert Guy.
— Court records.
Jonathan Blyth^ was a shipwright
(called a tallow-chandler in 1747), and
lived in Salem, 1 704-1 747. He married
Sarah Gustin July 20, 1704; and both
were deceased in 1760.
Children, born in Salem : —
2 — I. Mary'', b. July 20, 170-.
3 — II. Sarah*, b. Oct. 24, 1705; m. Matthew
Phillips of Salem Sept. 24, 1730.
4 — III. Elizabeth*, b. Sept. 22, 17 — ; bapt.
Sept. 18, 1707; m. John Jones
(Janes?) of Salem, mariner. Sept, 29,
1727; and they were living in Salem
in 1760.
5 — IV. Jonathan^, b. May 20, 1709.
6 — V. Benjamin*, b. Feb. 26, 1711. See below
7— VI. Susanna*, bapt. Aug. 23, 1713.
8 — VII. Hannah*, bapt. Jan. i, 1 715-6.
9 — VIII. Samuel*, bapt. Aug. 27, 1721. See
below ^9),
Benjamin Blyth*, born in Salem Feb.
26, 171 1. He lived in Salem, and mar-
ried Mary Legary of Lynn Jan. 4, 1733-4.
He died before Nov. i, 1744, when his
widow, Mary Blyth, married Solomon
Newhall of Lynn.
Children, born in Salem : —
10 — I. Mary^, bapt. Jan. 4, 1735-6; of Lynn,
spinster, unmarried, 1760.
II — n. Sarah^, bapt. Feb. 13, 1736-7; m.
John Webber of Marblehead Dec. 2,
1 756; and was of Lynn, his widow, in
12 — III. Elizabeth^, m. John Warden of Salem,
joiner, before 1758.
Samuel Blyth^, baptized in Salem
Aug. 27, 1721. He was a sailmaker, and
lived in Salem. He married Abigail
Massey of Salem Oct. 13, 1743 ; and died
before March 25, 1774, when administra-
tion was granted on his estate, which was
appraised at ;^ 35 2.
Children, born in Salem : —
13 — I. Samuel^, bapt. May 13, 1744. See
below (/j).
14 — II. Benjamin^, bapt. May 18, 1746. See
below ^14).
15 — in. Verrin^, bapt. June 19, 1748. See be-
low (75).
16 — IV. William^, bapt. Nov. 11, 1750; lived
in Salem, painter, 1777.
17 — V. Jonathan^, bapt. April 15, 1753; prob-
ably d. young.
18 — ^vi. John Jones^, bapt. Sept. 28, 1755;
probably d. young.
19 — ^vii. Charles^, bapt. Aug. 27, 1 758 ; prob-
ably d. young.
Samuel Blyth3, baptized in Salem May
13, 1744. He was a painter, and lived
in Salem. He married, first, Lucy Cleve-
land of Salem Oct. 11, 1767; and she
was his wife in 1783. He married, sec-
ond, Sally Rolland of Salem Nov. 13,
1787; and died in 1794 or 1795; his
will, dated March 31, 1795, being proved
April 15, 1795. His wife Sally survived
Children, born in Salem : —
20 — I. Samuel^, bapt. July 6, 1769; probably
d. before 1794.
21 — n. Stephen^, bapt. Jan. 27, 1770; livingin
22 — III. Lucy*, bapt. Nov. 7, 1790; living in
23— IV. S ALLY"*, bapt. Jan. 20, 1793; living in
Benjamin Blyth3, baptized in Salem
May 18, 1746. He married Mehitable
Cook of Salem Sept. 16, 1769.
Children, baptized in Salem : —
24 — I. Benjamin*, bapt. Feb. 10, 1771.
25 — II. Frank*, bapt. Jan. 3, 1773.
26 — III. Samuel*, bapt. July 2, 1780.
Verrin Blyth3, baptized in Salem
June 19, 1748. He was a sailmaker, and
lived in Salem. He married Elizabeth
King of Salem April 6, 1770.
Children, born in Salem : —
27 — I. William*, b. Sept. 21, 1770. See below
28 — II. Abigail Mercy*, bapt. Aug. 30, 1772.
29 — III. Samuel*, bapt. Dec. 4, 1774.
William Blyth4, born in Salem Sept.
21, 1770. He was a painter, and lived
in Beverly after his marriage. He mar-
ried Judith Wood of Beverly ; and died
there Jan. 22, 1806. She survived him,
and died in Beverly Feb. 22, 1842.
Children, born in Beverly : —
30 — I. Elizabeth^, b. Nov. 21, 1794; d. Jan.
28, 1806.
31 — II. Sophia*, b. April 17, 1797; tn. Thomas
L. Pickett.
32 — III. ElizaS b. Dec. 10, 1801; m. John P.
33 — IV. Judith", b. Dec. 5, 1804; m. Thomas
B. Smith.
The will of Joseph Jewett of Rowley
was proved in the Ipswich court March
26, 1 661, the following copy is transcribed
from the original on file in the probate
office in Salem.
I Jofeph Jewett of Rowley, being weake
of body but per/^r/ in underftandinge and
memory doe make this my laft will and
teft — in manner and forme as followeth,
In primis after my debts be payed, I
defire the reft of my goods may bee
equally diuided am^«^my feaven children,
as well thofe two that I haue by my laft
wife as the fiue that I had before AUwayes
prouided that my eldeft fonne Jeremiah
Jewett muft haue a dubbell portion, of all
Eftate I haue both in New England, and
Olde, whether Perfonall or Reall, fur
prouided that one hundred pounds I haue
allredy payed to my fonne PhilHp Nellfon,
that fhall be counted as part of what I
doe now giue him. Item I doe giue
unto my fonne Jeremiah Jewett the izxm
I bought of Jofeph Muzzy I meane all
fuch Lands bought of )\ini or any other,
that are on the Norweft fide of the River
call<?^ Egipt River, with all the meadow
I bought of Nathaniell Stow, and Robert
Lord Senior, prouided he accept of it at
fiue hundred pou«^^ and wheras in the
fourth Line it is faide I defire the reft of
my goods to be equally diuided amongft
my feauen children, I med!«<? Lands as
well as goods, and if any of thefe my
aboue faide feauen children, fhould depart
this life, before the age of twenty one
years, or day of Marriage, then there
portions, fhall bee equally diuided Amongst
the reft, allwayes prouided my Eldeft fon
Jerremiah fhall haue a dobbell portion,
and as for my two yongeft Children, and
there portion, I leaue to the dispofinge of
my brother Maximillian Jewett, and who
he fhall apoint when he departeth this life,
and I make Exequetors of this my laft
will and Teftament, my Brother Maximil-
lian Jewett, and my fonne Phillip Nellfon,
my fonne John C<2;r/ton, and my fonne
Jeremiah Jeze/^//allwayes free and willinge,
that they fhall be fatisfied out of — eftate,
for all fuch pains andi labour, that they
fhall be at concerninge the aboue premif-
Dated the 15 : of feburary in the yeare
figned and fealed in the
prefence of us
Ezekiel Northend Joseph Jewett [seal]
Mark Prime
At the figninge and fealinge hereof I
doe giue my Exequitars full power to
make deeds, and to confirme any Land
haue fold to any.
Ezekiel ^oxihend Mark Prime
John Bishop, jr., married Rachel Rich
Oct. 5, 1794, and they had son John, born
Dec. IS, 1794.
John Bishop married Judith Rand Oct.
15, 1792 ; and they had son John, born
Sept. 20, 1793, and daughter Judith, born
Julys, i793(?).
John Bishop, sojourner, married Sarah
Gray Dec. 10, 1767.
Benjamin Bishop, sojourner, married
Hannah Lufkin March 5, 1768 ; and they
had children, John, born July 24, 1769,
and James Lufkin, born July 10, 1774-
Samuel Bishop published to widow
Elizabeth Potter of Ipswich Dec. 12, 1769.
Samuel Bishop pubHshed to Mary Porter
of Beverly July 28, 1770.
Abigail Bishop married William Diggs
Aug. 28, 1770.
Martha Bishop married Michael Flani-
kin alias Flamingham Dec. 9, 1766.
Martha Bishop married Ebenezer Trask
April 21, 1768.
Hannah Bishop pubhshed to David
IngersoU June 16, 1798.
John Bishop married Mrs. Elizabeth
Brier June 13, 1783.
— Gloucester town records.
SALEM IN J700. NO. 20.
The map on page 117 represents that
part of Salem known as Salem Neck and
Winter Island. It is based on actual sur-
veys and title deeds, and is drawn on a
scale of eight hundred feet to an inch. It
shows the location of all houses that were
standing there in 1700.
Winter harbor was so called as early as
1636. The following consecutive refer-
ences show that it has filled up to some
extent. It is first called the sea or Winter
harbor, and the cove or Winter harbor,
and later ye creek called Winter harbor.
These dates are between 1675 ^ind 17 13.
Cat cove was so called as early as
1638. It was called the river over against
Winter Island in 1659; the cove, 1742;
and Cat cove opening to the harbor in
the South river, 1792.
Collins cove was so called in 1723;
and also, in the same year. Planters Marsh
The causeway connecting Winter Island
and the Neck was built about 1645. At
a town meeting, 7 : 2 mo : 1645, " Capt.
Trask, Peter Palfry & Jeffry Massy are
appointed by the towne to sett out the
way neere Mr. Holgraues howse into
winter Island.'' This was called the
causeway in 1677; ye way and bridge
which leadeth down to Winter Island,
1 7 13; the way which leads to ye fort,
1 7 14; and the way, 1738.
The Neck is first mentioned 1 2 mo :
1634, in the town records, as follows : " Its
agreed that the townes neck of land shalbe
preserved to feed the Catle on the Lords
dayes and therefore pticular men shall
n[ot] feed theire goates there at other
tymes, but bring them to the h — that
grasse may grow against the Lords dayes."
At a meeting of the proprietors of the
common lands in Salem, held Nov. 22,
1 7 14, it was " Voated That the Neck of
Land to the Eastward Part of the Block-
houses be Grant[ed] and Reserued for
the vfe of the Town of Salem for a Pasture
for Milch Cow[es] and Rideing Horfes,
to be fenced att the Towns Charge and
Lett out yearl[yl to the Inhabitants of
the Town by the Selectmen, and no one
Person to [be] admitted to putt Into
Said Pasture in A Sumer more than one
Milch Cow or one Rideing Horfe and the
whole number not to exceed Tw[o]
Acres and a half to a Cow and fouer
Acres to A Horfs the Rent to be paid in-
to the Town Treasurer for the Time being
for the vfe of thee Town of Salem."=»*' The'
neck was called the Neck in 1636; the
town Neck, 1669; Salem Neck, 1675;
and town pasture, 1738. It has been
known as the Neck generally to the pres-
ent time.
Butt point was so called as early as
1637. The first ferry from Marblehead
had this point for a terminus.*
Between Butt point and the extreme
western end of the map near the narrowest
part of the Neck Richard HoUingworth
built ships. His son succeeded him as a
ship-builder here. They occupied the
place for that purpose more than fifty
years, prior to 16 90. J
At a town meeting, 7:7: 1637, " It is
granted to M'^ Stephens to haue 18 poole
of ground by y® waters side in length &
12 poole in bredth in y** narrow of y® neck
for the building of Ships pvided, y' it
shalbe imployed for y* ende. " At a town
meeting, April 13, 1661, "M^ Rich Hol-
lingworth mouing to haue the Land bought
by his father of M'' Stevens vpon the neck
of land to be Confirmed to him refered
to the felect men."t At a meeting of
the selectmen, April 22, 1661, *' Rich
HoUingworth his fathers grannt of land to
* Commoners' Records, page 27.
t Town Records, book 2, page 16.
% Salem Quarterly Court Files, volume 49,
leaves 73-75.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 20.
be layd out to him accordinge to the
Several grants of land were made by
the town in this neighborhood, but prob-
ably few of them were laid out, and
apparently those that were laid out re-
ceived no fee in the land. 20 : 4 : 1637,
" Its ordered that Richard Johnson is re-
ceiued an Inhabitant and is appoynted half
an acre of land for an house lott nere vnto
Richard Hollingworths works." 7 : 7 :
1637 '* W^ Huson Tho Chadwell & Rog-
er shall haue each of them half an
acre of grounde at But poynte neere
where Hollinwood builds." 15 : 2 : 1639,
•' Charles Glover is admitted to be an
Inhabitant w*^in this towne, desires
the place between Hollingwo*^ & M"^
Steephens at Cat-cove, as also for plant-
ing grownd."
Other grants were made, many of
which were probably never laid out. i :
II mo: 1637, "Richard Moore is Rec.
Inhabitant and is granted halfe an acre
one the fDarb] neck." 4: 12 mo:
1638, " Henry Bayly desires a httle nooke
of land next M'^ Conants howse at Catt
Coue." 8 : 6 mo : 1639, at a private town
meeting, *' Graunted to Thomas Pickton a
tenne-acre Lott & a house lot of half an
acre vpon the neck neere Catt Cove.
Graunted to Beniamyn Parmiter one acre
of land vpon the north side of the neck
next to Henry Bayly. Samuell Edson is
intertayned to be an inhabitant within
this towne, and halfe an acre of ground is
graunted him neere Catt Coue, & 5 acres
more for planting ground. Henry Sills-
by mr Sharpes man is receaued an Inhab-
itant within this Jurisdiction & ther is
graunted to him halfe an acre of land neere
the Cat Coue for a howse plott." 16 :
7 : 1639, the town voted that *' There is
graunted Mathew Nixon a house lott at
Cat Coue & a plott for a garden of about
a quarter of an acre." 18:9:1639, "Mr
Ruck desires a howse lott in Cat Coue &
there is graunted to him one acre in that
place to be layd out by the towne." At
a meeting of the seven men, 12 mo: 3:
1647, " Ed : Wilson mad a request for a
% of acre of land in the neck near his
house : left to Capt. Hawthron & to mr
Corwine to view it."
In 1639, Micha Ivers owned a lot of
land in the cove near Mr. Holgrave's, by
Dixie's, and, also, half an acre of land
upon the neck toward Winter harbor that
he had bought of George Dill.*
Winter Island is first mentioned 18:2:
1636, in the town records, as follows:
" Granted vnto m'^ John Holgrave fisher-
man three quarters of an acre of land vp-
on Winter Island for flakes &c." 18:9:
1639, the records of the town read as fol-
lows : " It is pmitted that such as haue
fishing lotts about Winter Harbo'^ & the
Hand shall haue libertie to fence in their
lotts to keepe of the swine & goates from
their fish, soe that they leaue it open after
harvest is in." 11: 10 mo: 1639, the
town voted "that the fence w^^ was in-
tended to be sett vp [was] by John Hol-
grave at Winter Island & the neck are
forbidden & eu'^ie one to fence their owne
ground." The next month, the town
voted " That the Hand Caled Winter I-
land may be fenced Inn for the saftie of
the ffishing trade & so to Continue vntill
the prim, of the third month Called may
vnless such as haue Goats doe fence in
the flaks for the saftie of [the] ffish." At
a town meeting held 3 : 12 mo : 1644, "It
is ordered that Mr Hathorne Henry Bar-
tholomew & Mr Moses Maueriek,Captaine
Trask & Goodman Lord : or any ffowre of
them: [shall] be intreated to view the
Ground & marsh at winter Hand & to
returne to the next generall towne meet-
ing the true estate of things how they
stand concerning the seuerall lotts there."
17 : 3 : 1655, the town voted and "Its:
Ordered y* : the Hand where the [fort] is :
is appropriated for the vse and .... of
the mayntainmge the fort." There were
early at least two or three warehouses up-
on the island. Capt. Walter Price of Sa-
lem owned a warehouse on Winter Island
*Town Records, book 2, page 17.
*Court records.
at the time of his death in 1674. It was
then valued at forty-five pounds. In his
will he gave half of it to his son Capt.
John Price. It was standing June 23,
1697, when the executor of the will of
Mrs. Elizabeth Price of Salem, deceased,
conveyed one-eighth of one-half of it to
John Ruck and his wife Elizabeth, daugh-
ter of the deceased Elizabeth Price, and
after their deaths to their sons Samuel and
James Ruck.* Thomas Ives of Salem, for
twenty pounds, conveyed to Stephen Sew-
allof Salem and Nathaniel Dumer of South-
ton, England, "all y* my warehouse or fish
house, with the leantou adjoining as it is
standing & being att Winter Island in Sa-
lem," Nov. 23, i686.t Stephen Sewall,
esq., of Salem, merchant, for four pounds
and ten shillings, conveyed to Capt. John
Browne of Salem, merchant, his eighth part
of the wharf and wharf land at Winter Is-
land in Salem "at ye place Sometimes
knowne by y® Name offish Street," Jan. 20,
1 7 1 2 .J The administrator of the estate of
Lt. Thomas Gardner of Salem, deceased,
conveyed to Capt. John Turner of Salem,
merchant, a certain warehouse or fish-
house in Salem "at a place comonly
Known by y® name of Winter Island nigh y®
wharfe there," Dec. 23, i698.§ Thomas
Maule of Salem, merchant, for forty- three
pounds, conveyed to James Browne of
Salem ^* a. certaine fish houfe or Ware
houfe at winter Island So called within y®
Towneship of Salem aforesaid Standing on
ye North Side of Said Island neare vnto
fish Street & is Joyning vnto a ware houfe
now in the pofsefsion of Benjamin Gerrish
of Salem," Jan. 31, 1698-9. || At a meeting
of the proprietors of the common lands
in Salem, held Nov. 22, 17 14, it was
" Voated That Winter Isleand be wholly
Reserued and Granted for the Vse of the
Fishery and shuch Shoreman as Dry ffish
there who Live in the Town shal pay an
accknowledgment or Rent of fine shillings
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 12, leaf 26.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf in.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 25, leaf 97.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 15, leaf 127.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 79.
p annum for a Room to dry ffish for a
ffishing vefsell and such as liue in other
Towns that come and dry ffish there shall
pay an acknowledgment or Rent off
Twenty Shillings p annum for a ffish
Roome for each vefsell ; To be Lett by
the selectmen of the Town of Salem yearly
and the Rents to be paid in to the Town
Treasurer for the Vse of the Town ; The
Hirers to fence in the same att their own
Charge."* Winter Island has been so
called, generally, since 1636. It was
called The Winter Island in 1637, and
Winter Neck in 1644.
Several grants were made by the town
of lands lying upon Winter Island, but the
location is not known, and probably the
grants only included the use of the land.
3 : I mo : 1637, *'Widow Moore desireth
a howseloote [vpon] neere vnto the Win-
ter Hand among the ffishermens lotts.' '
In the inventory of the estate of Tim-
othy Lyndall of Salem, in 1699, one item
is the following : "An old tattered house
at Winter Island ;£" i, 6s"
Mr. Thomas Maule of Salem, for thirty-
three pounds, to Benjamin Gerrish of
Salem, part of " a certain warehouse with
the land it stands upon, carrying that
breadth down to the water side westward,
* * in y® bounds of Salem, upon Winter
Island, * * butting on Catt cove," Jan.
6, 1 690-1 ;t and Mr. Gerrish, for a simi-
lar consideration, reconveyed the same
land and buildings to Mr. Maule April 14,
John Hardy of Salem died possessed of
one-half of a house on Winter Island, "in
which we lay fish," in 1652.
WilHam Roach and Hannah Roach
Lot. This lot is now the site of the alms-
house ; and it belonged to Thomas Pig-
den before 12: n mo: 1661, when John
Gidney of Salem, vintner, for love, con-
veyed it to his son-in-law, Nicholas Potter,
sr., of Salem, bricklayer, and wife Mary,
daughter of the grantor. § Mr. Potter
*Commoners' Records, page 27.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 182.
J Essex Registry of Deeds, book 9, leaf iii.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 35.
The Sbk
Qf Bocks
SgtU: iihcTt i9 8e«fi
PART OF SALEM IN 1700. NO. 20.
died i8: 8 : 1677, having devised this lot
to his six children, Samuel, Benjamin, Sa-
rah, Mary, Hannah and Bethiah. By an
agreement between the children, dated
Aug. 14, 1697, this lot was assigned to
Hannah, who was wife of William Roach.*
Mr. Roach died possessed of the lot in
1705, and it was then appraised at fifteen
pounds. His widow married, secondly,
Daniel Darling of Salem, cordwainer, April
15, 1717 ; and Mr. and Mrs. Darling con-
veyed the lot to her son William Roach
of Cape Cod, tanner, July 16, 1718.!
Mr. Roach, then a whale-fisherman, con-
veyed the lot to Benjamin Ives of Salem,
glazier, Sept. 25, 1723 ;t and in 1739,
Mr. Ives released it to the town of Salem
for land granted to him elsewhere.
John Higginson Lot. That part of this
lot lying north of the dashes was granted
to Rev. John Higginson 13 : 2 : 1661.
The lot was described as " fixe Acres of
land in the great neck neare to Morde-
chai Creuets new Dwelling." § Mr. Hig-
ginson, for twenty- five pounds conveyed
the lot to Capt. Thomas Savage of Bos-
ton, merchant, Nov. 25, 1671.II
That part of the lot south of the dashes
was granted very early to Thomas Moore,
John Herbert, John Pride, and others.
The lot of Thomas Moore, "sonne to
widow Moore," granted to him by the
town 11:5 mo: 1636, occupied the ex-
treme eastern point of this part of the lot.
Mr. Moore removed to Southold, Long
Island, and for ten shillings, conveyed to
Mordica Craford the half-acre, " joining to
y® land of m^ Jo: Herbert on y® poynt of
land by Winter harbour," 30 : 4 : 1656.^
Mr. Herbert also removed to Southold,
and, for ten shillings, conveyed to Mr.
Craford his half-acre 30: 4: 1656. H The
half-acre of John Pride was granted to
him by the town 20 : i : 1636. It is de-
*Probate records.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 33, leaf 217.
See, also, book 40, leaf 237.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 43, leaf 16.
§Town Records, book 2, page 16.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 125.
ITEssex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 31.
scribed as being "on Winter harbor by
their house." Mr. Pride mortgaged to
William Waltham of Waymouth, for four
pounds, eight shillings and six pence, his
house wherein he dwelleth with one and a
half acres of ground enclosed " nere Mr.
Holgraves stage in winter harbour," 23 :
10 : 1640.* Mr. Pride had probably
bought two half-acre lots, thus making
the one and a half acres that he thus
conveyed in mortgage. Mr. Craford had
probably come into possession of many
of the half-acre lots that were granted by
the town to various persons. Two of
them were probably purchased by Mr.
Pride, and the rest by Mr. Craford. These
half- acre lots were granted by the town
as follows : To Mr. John Holgrave for a
house lot without Winter island, 18 : 2 :
1636; to Mr. John Jackson, Anthony
Dike, Mr. Rayment, Pasca Foote, Jn°
Sibley, Robert Leech, George Williams
and Humphrey Woodbury, all at Winter
harbor, for fishing trade and to build up-
on, 16 : II : 1636 ; to Sergeant Wolfe 14 :
6: 1637; to Richard Graves 25: 10 ;
1637, ^^ promising to follow fishing; to
Robert Gooch "nere Winter harbor by
his father Holgrave, i: 11 mo: 1637; to
Francis Dent, 24: 12: 1637; Henry
Harwood, 26:9: 1638 ;t to Prior,
"upon or neere Winter Harbor," 27 : 10 :
1638 ; to John Browne, for a fishing lot
near Winter Harbor, 21: 11: 1638; to
Hugh Browne, Daniel Jeggles, Joseph
Younge, Christopher Younge and Thomas
Fryar near about Winter harbor to
further their fishing, 4: 12 : 1638; to
Henry Swan, 11 : 12 mo: 1638; to Jos-
eph Kitcherill (or Chicherill), 15: 3:
1639; and to Edmund Tompson, Henry
Hay ward and William (or, Richard)
Moore, for fishing lots 18 : 9 : 1639.
The lot granted to John Jackson of
Salem, mariner, was conveyed by him,
for nine pounds and ten shillings, to JefTry
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf i.
tThis lot had been granted to Michael Lambert,
"if he inhabite here," 21: 12: 1637; but he
probably failed to come at that time, and the lot
was granted to Mr. Harwood.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 20.
Massy of Salem, planter, 30 : 9 : 165 1 ;*
and Mr. Massy probably conveyed it to
Mr. Craford. Thomas Chubb, sr., aged
about seventy-five, and Jno. Glover, aged
about fifty-one, deposed in Salem court
Nov. 25, 1684, " y' that tract of land now
in possession of Jno. Higginson Jun'r, up-
on Salem necke, whereon Jno. Pride de-
ceased formerly lived, was quietly &
peaceably possessed & enjoyed by y® sd
Jno. Pride & successors, from y® yeare
one thousand, six hundred fifty & two, to
y® yeare one thousand, six hundred, sixty
& two, according to y* law of possession
as it is now fenced in excepting y® six
acres of land w'ch was given by y® towne
of Salem, to Mr. Jno. Higgenson, sen'r.f
John Pride and Mordecay Craford and
the latter 's wife Judith, all of Salem,
mortgaged all this portion of the lot to
Capt. Thomas Savage of Boston, with one
dwelling house, barn and all outhouses
thereunto belonging with eighteen acres
on which the house standeth " on a neck
of land in Salem near unto Bass river,"
the deed being acknowledged Dec. 27,
1 66 1. J The mortgage was evidently fore-
closed by Captain Savage, who, in con-
sideration of marriage between his daugh-
ter Sarah and John Higginson of Salem,
merchant, conveyed to them the entire
lot Aug. 26, i675.§ No buildings are
mentioned in the deed, but the house
may have been standing as late as 1702,
for a cottage right is given by the com-
moners to " John Higginson, esq., for his
houfe on the Neck where [near?] Jn°
Abbots." Mr. Higginson owned the lot
until after 1700.
Giihert Tapley House, That part of
this lot northwesterly of the dashes was
probably a part of the lot mortgaged by
John Pride and Mordecay Craford and
the latter's wife Judith to Capt. Thomas
Savage of Boston Dec. 27, i66i.| Major
Savage, for eight pounds, conveyed this
lot being half an acre, " lying in Salem up-
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 19.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 12.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 33.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 134.
on ye neck of land neere Winter harbour
enclosed with a stonewall the most part
of it," to Gilbert Tapley of Salem, fisher-
man, Nov. 7, 1677.* The executors of
the will of Capt. Walter Price, deceased,
released this lot to Major Savage Dec.
20, i677.t
That part of the lot lying southeasterly
of the dashes and the house thereon were
the property of Mordecai Craford before
Oct. 15, 1677, when Henry Bartholmew
of Salem conveyed to Gilbert Tapley of
Salem, fisherman, " a dwelling house with
all ye ground adjoining to ye sd house
which formerly was the house & ground of
Mordecai Craford, in Salem, near ye
causeway going over to Winter Island." J
Mr. Tapley became a shoreman, and
died possessed of the house and lot in
1 7 14. He had apparently erected an-
other house upon the lot, as the inventory
of his estate mentions " a dwelling house
& small dwelling bouse a little barn and
about an acre of land," valued at one
hundred pounds. Mr. Tapley's adminis-
trator, for one hundred pounds, conveyed
the lot and the house that then stood up-
on it to Capt. John Abbott of Salem,
shoreman, Feb. 14, 17 14-5. § One of
the houses was destroyed or removed, ap-
parently, in 1714. Captain Abbott con-
veyed the house and lot, then called
three-fourths of an acre, for eighty pounds,
to Benjamin Ives of Salem, merchant,
Aug. 16, 1738.11 Mr. Ives became a
tanner, and died in the summer of 1752,
possessed of the land, but the house was
John Higginson and Sarah Higginson
House. This lot was conveyed by the
executors of Capt. Walter Price (who died
June 5, 1674) to Maj. Thomas Savage of
Boston, merchant, Dec. 20, 1677.! The
lot then had a stonewall around it on the
land side. Major Savage built a house
upon the lot, and died possessed of the
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 168.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 189.
iEssex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 17.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 29, leaf 254.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 74, leaf 176.
estate in 1682. In his will he gave to
his daughter Sarah, wife of John Higgin-
son of Salem, merchant, two hundred
pounds in money or all of his real estate
in Salem, at her election. She chose the
real estate, and his executors conveyed
the same to Mr. and Mrs. Higginson, in-
cluding this lot and the house thereon,
Aug. 18, 1683.* John Massey of Salem,
husbandman, evidently had some interest
in the lot, bemg perhaps the original
owner, and he released it to the executors
of Capt. John Price, deceased, March 7,
1683-4.1 Mrs. Higginson died June 24,
17 13, and Mr. Higginson March 23, 1720.
The surviving executor of the will of Mr.
Higginson, for three hundred pounds,
conveyed the lot and buildings thereon
to George Daland of Salem, cordwainer,
Dec. I, 1727,1 and on the same day Mr.
Daland conveyed the same estate, for a
similar consideration, to John Higginson of
Salem, shopkeeper, son and surviving ex-
ecutor of the deceased John Higginson. §
Mr. Higginson conveyed the lot to Benja-
min Ives of Salem, tanner, the house be-
ing gone, April 8, 1730.II Writing in
September, 1791, Dr. William Bentley
mentioned the site of this house as fol-
lows : " On Winter Island, near the cause-
way is a mound of earth round which I
traced stones set in the earth, and on
each side hollows, that to the eastward
being evidently a cellar, and the other ar-
tificial tho' 'tis smaller, and both joining
in a line the mound, which is now nearly
two feet above the stones. ... I find
by digging that it was a very large house,
and that the heap, which lay so high above
the ancient method of putting in founda-
tions, is a heap of earth and stones, with
the old bricks and rubbish of which a
large stack of chimneys was made."^
T/ie Fori. This fortification was es-
tablished in or before 1643. I"^ 1644,
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 94.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 10.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 57, leaf 49.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 52, leaf 183.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 55, leaf 92.
ITJoumal of Dr. William Bentley (in manuscript),
volume XIX, pages 211 and 213.
Capt. Thomas Breadcake was permitted
by the general court to take two small
guns from "Winter Island by Salem*'
for his cruise against Turkish pi-
rates. In 1652, the general court gave
one hundred pounds towards the fort.
At a town meeting held 17: 3: 1655,
" Its : Ordered that the fort vpon winter
[Hand] shall be finished with all speed :
Mr: Corwin[e:] Leif t : Lawthrope :
Edmo : Battar : ar apoynted [to] order
the work aboute the forte together with
those form'ly apoynted. Its: Ordered
yt : the Hand where the [fort] is : is ap-
propriated for the vse and [ ] of the
mayntaininge the fort. Its Ordered yt
those men apoynted for the ordering of
the fort : haue power to warne men to
work abou[te] the forte to the finishinge
of it, accordinge to the ppor[tion] of
each mans Rate : and vpon the neglecte
of any [ ] the penality of 3^ : p day ac-
cordinge to a [forjmer order to be des-
trayned vpon them." In 1666, every
male in the town above the age of sixteen
years was required to take his turn in
working upon the fort; and the town
spent three hundred and twenty pounds.
The next year it was ordered "that the
great guns be carried to the fort with
speed.'' In 1673, it was repaired, the
" great artillery got ready for use, and all
else done as this juncture requires," as
there was apprehension of hostile move-
ments by the Dutch. In 1690, it was
again repaired and eleven great guns and
ammunition were brought to the town.
In 1699, it was known as Fort William,
in honor of the king.
In 1706, There was a serious dispute
between the house and the governor and
council because the latter had paid the
men in the fort without consulting the
house. In 1794, after the Revolution,
the fort was ceded to the United States,
and Oct. 30, 1799, the royal name it had
borne for a hundred years was changed
to that of Fort Pickering, in honor of
Timothy Pickering. The fort had just
been rebuilt under the superintendence
of Jonathan Waldo of Salem, an apothe-
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 20.
cary ; and it was thought to be in some
respects a model fortification, especially
on account of semi- circular stone car-
riage-ways on which the guns were worked.
On that day, which was the 64th birth-
day of Pres. John Adams, "At 12 o'clock
the company marched to an eminence
near the fort, where the superintendent
of the works, agreeable to the direction
of the secretary of war, made proclama-
tion under a federal discharge of a rtillery
that the fortress of the United States
formerly called Fort William was from
that day forward to bear the name of
Fort Pickering. The company then re-
paired to Captain Felt's where they dined
. a number of toasts appro-
priate for the occasion were given ; and
they concluded the day with the decent
regularity of citizen soldiers."
The fort was garrisoned soon after it
was built, and also in the time of the
Dutch troubles, during the war with the
French and Indians and in the war of
181 2. There was a brick garrison house
and barracks within its stone walls, its
garrison consisting of a single sergeant,
the last being Sergeant Cahoon. This
was just before the war of the Rebellion.
The last reconstruction of this ancient
fortification was during the war of the
Rebellion in 1863, when a conflict with
England seemed likely to grow out of the
Mason- Slidell affair. The old fort was
then demoHshed and new and more ex-
tensive works were constructed, with
bombproofs, magazines, a ditch, platforms
for heavy guns and a line of earthworks
in the rear extending across the island.
Ezekiel Waters Lot, This point of
land belonged to Robert Follett in 1659,
when he had a house upon it. He also
owned it in 1669. It was owned by Eze-
kiel Waters in 1700. How long the
house stood after 1659 is not known.
Ezekiel Waters House. This lot was
a part of that conveyed by John Ormes of
Salem, carpenter, to Robert Follett of Sa-
lem, with the house thereon, May 24,
1659.* Mr. Follett conveyed the lot,
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book i , leaf 67.
the house being gone, to Richard Waters
of Salem, gunsmith, April 9, 1669.* Mr.
Waters erected a new house upon the lot
in 1 6 7 1 ; and before it was finished con-
veyed the eastern half of it and that part
of the lot to his son Ezekiel Waters, for
his services to the father and mother to
that time, Oct. 24, 1671.! Richard Wa-
ters died possessed of the western half of
the house and that part of the lot in 1677.
It was then appraised at seventy pounds.
In his will he devised his estate to his wife
Rejoice for her life with power to sell
and convey it. In her "old age," she
conveyed the part of the house that was
devised to her by her husband and that
part of the lot, being the western portions of
the house and lot, to her son, Ezekiel Wa-
ters, Oct. 20, 1 68 7. 1 There were also
upon the lot and conveyed with the same
a brewhouse and well. Thus Ezekiel
Waters became the owner of the entire
homestead. Widows Elizabeth McMarr
and Martha Coats, both of Salem, con-
veyed one third of the land and buildmgs
to Nathaniel Andrew of Salem, merchant,
March 19, i742.§ Sarah Felter and Jo-
anna Felter, both of Boston, spinsters,
granddaughters of Ezekiel Waters, con-
veyed their interest to Mr. Andrew March
21, 1742.11 Widow Rejoice Bullock of
Boston and Priscilla Waters of Boston, sin-
gle woman, conveyed their interest to Mr.
Andrew on the same day.f The house
was gone before the death of Mr. Andrew,
which occurred Feb. 4, 1762.
This little settlement was called Water-
town (or Waters' town) early in the eight-
eenth century.
Abigail Punchard House. This was a
part of the lot that was conveyed by John
Ormes of Salem, carpenter, to Robert
Follett of Salem May 24, 1659.** ^r.
Follett conveyed the lot to Richard Wa
ters of Salem, gunsmith, April 9, 1669.
§ Essex
II Essex
of Deeds,
of Deeds,
of Deeds,
of Deeds,
of Deeds,
of Deeds,
of Deeds,
book 3, leaf 53.
book 3, leaf 134.
book 8, leaf 29.
book 88, leaf 169.
book 88, leaf 191.
book 88, leaf 192.
book I, leaf 67.
Mr. Waters conveyed this part of his
homestead to his daughter Abigail, wife of
WiUiam Punchard, who had just erected a
house thereon, 4 : 7 : 1671.* The house
was standing in 1702, when it was in his
possession, and was gone in 1742, while
the title to the lot was in their children.
Hannah Striker Lot. This was a part
of the lot that was conveyed by John
Ormes of Salem, carpenter, to Robert
Follett of Salem May 24, 1659.! Mr.
Follett conveyed the lot to Richard Wa-
ters of Salem, gunsmith, April 9, 1669. J
Mr. Waters conveyed this lot to his daugh-
ter Hannah, wife of Joseph Striker, Oct.
26, 1675. § The lot apparently belonged
to Mr. Striker in 1700.
Mary Stephens House. This was a part
of the lot that was conveyed by John
Ormes of Salem, carpenter, to Robert
Follett of Salem May 24, 1659.! Mr.
Follett conveyed the lot to Richard Wa-
ters of Salem, gunsmith, April 9, 1669.$
Mr. Waters conveyed it to his daughter
Mary, wife of Clement English of Salem
July 2, 1 6 71. II Mr. English had erected
a house upon the lot before the date of
the deed. He died Dec. 23, 1682; and
the lot of twelve square rods and the
dwelling house and a little cowhouse
thereon were appraised at twenty-five
pounds. His widow, Mary, married, sec-
ondly, John Stephens of Salem, fisher-
man, before Sept. 28, 1685. The house
was standing in 1702, when she owned it,
and it was gone before 1742.
Estate of George Burch Lot. This lot
belonged to George Burch in 1659, when
a house stood thereon. Mr. Burch died
I : 8 : 1672. The house was then stand-
ing, and, with the lot, was appraised at
twenty- two pounds. The house was gone
before 1702 ; the lot being owned by the
heirs of Mr. Burch, his widow, having
married again, and being then Mrs. Cole,
and children, Mary, wife of John Collins,
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 134.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 67.
Ij: Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 53.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 127.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 148.
fisherman, and Abigail Burch, single
woman, all of Salem.
Robert Follett House. This lot was a
part of the land conveyed by John Ormes
of Salem, carpenter, to Robert Follett of
Salem, shoreman or husbandman. May 24,
1659.* Mr. Follett immediately built a
small house thereon, and, for ten pounds,
conveyed the house and lot to his grand-
son, William Herbert of Salem, mariner,
April 29, 1703.1 Mr. Herbert died pos-
sessed of the house and lot before 1732,
when two at least of his children were
William and Benjamin. The house was
gone before Jan. 20, 1761, when Capt.
Benjamin Herbert died possessed of the
lot, the house being gone.
Philip English House. That part of
this lot lying north of the northern dashes
belonged to Humphrey Woodbury in
1669. It subsequently belonged to Rob-
ert Codnam ; and later was the property
of Edward Wilson of Salem, ship-carpen-
ter. The latter removed to Fairfield,
Conn., before Jan. 24, 1679, when he
conveyed this part of the lot, for nine
pounds, to Benjamin Browne of Salem,
merchant. J Mr. Browne conveyed it to
Philip EngHsh of Salem, mariner, Feb. 9,
i679-8o.§ There was a house upon this
lot before 1661, but it was not subse-
quently mentioned.
The remainder of the lot belonged to
Richard HoUingsworth of Salem, mariner,
in 1672.
The lot marked "A" was conveyed by
Capt. John Corwine to Philip Cromwell
of Salem; and Mr. Cromwell died pos-
sessed of the lot March 30, 1693. His
executor conveyed it to Philip English of
Salem, merchant, Nov. 10, 1697. ||
The lot marked "B" was set of! to
Philip English on execution against Mr.
HoUingsworth 15: 3: 1675.^ This was
then part of an orchard.
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 67.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 17, leaf 67.
X Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 59.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 62.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 64.
TF Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 125.
The lot marked *' C " was set ofif on ex-
ecution to Henry Bartholmew of Salem;
and he conveyed it to Philip English 1 7 :
8 : 1677.* This was part of the orchard.
The lot marked " D/' having a house
upon it in 1673, was conveyed by Mr.
Hollingsworth to Philip Cromwell of
Salem soon after that date. Mr. Crom-
well died possessed of the lot March 30,
1693. His executor conveyed it to Philip
English, the house being gone, Nov. 10,
The lot marked " E " was conveyed by
Mr. Hollingsworth to Philip Cromwell of
Salem Jan. 27, 1672-3. J It was a half
■acre of pasture. Mr. Cromwell died pos-
sessed of the lot March 30, 1693; and
his executor conveyed it to Philip Eng-
lish Nov. 10, i697.t
The lot marked " F " was the small lot
of twelve square rods conveyed by Mr.
Hollingsworth, for five pounds, to Peter
Welcome of Boston Aug. 19, i672.§ Mr.
Welcome had " lately " built a dwelling
house upon the lot. He conveyed the
house and lot to Philip Cromwell of Sa-
lem April 17, 1673.11 ^r- Cromwell died
possessed of the house and lot March 30,
1693; 2ind his executors conveyed the
same to Philip English Nov. 10, 1697.!
The house was gone in 1702.
Thus Mr. English became owner of the
entire lot, and continued its owner until
his decease in, or before, 1737.
The will of Joseph Peasley of Salisbury
was proved in the court held at Salisbury
April 9, 1 66 1. The following is a copy
of the original on file in the probate office
at Salem.
The ||la£t|| will and teftament of Joseph
Peafly is that my deats fhall bee paid out
of my estate and the remainner of my
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 62.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 64,
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 55.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 161.
Jl Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 141.
eftat wich is left my deats being paid I
doe give and dooe beequeaf the on have
vnto mery my wiff during her life and I
doo giue to my dafter Sera all my houf
and lands that I have at Salfbery and I
doo give vnto Josef my Sonne all my land
that I have upon the plain at Haverell
and doo all fo giue vnto Jofef my Sonn
II all II medo ling in the Eaft medo at Ha-
verell and doo give vnto Josef my Sonn
all my right in the oxespafter at Haverell
and doo giue vnto Josef my Sonn five of
the common rites that doo be long vnto
the plain I doo give vnto my dafter
Elesebeth my forty fouer eakers of vpland
lying weft word of Haverell and doo giue
vnto my dafter Elesebeth fouer Eakers
and a have of medo liing in the weft medo
at Haverell and doo all so give to my
dafter Elesebeth fouer of the common
rits that doo belong to the plain and doo
give vnto my daffter Jean tenn shillen and
to my dafter mary tenn Shellens I doo
give vnto Sarah Saier my granchild my
II vp II land and medo liing at Speaket reuer
and I doo give vnto my Sunn Josef all
the re mainer of my land at Haverell wich
is not beare disposed of this is my laft
will and teftement being in my righ[t]
mind and memore wittnes my hand the
II of nouember 1660
wittnes Phill : Challis
Thomas Barnard Josef pesle
Richard Courrier
I doo all so make mary my wiffe my
SouU exseceter and doo allso leave Josef
my Sunn and the esteat that I haue giueen
him to my wiffe desposen tell Josef my
Sonn be twenty yeares of aige
Samuel Bishop married Eleanor Mat-
thews Dec. 25, 1718 ; and had children:
Samuel, baptized Nov. 2, 1729: John,
baptized Oct. 3, 1731 : and Mary, baptized
May 20, 1733.
Children of John and Sarah Bishop :
John, baptized Dec. 7, i755 J Samuel,
baptized May 21, 1758; and Sarah, bap-
tized Jan. 24, 1762.
James Bishop married Mary Ball, both
of Marblehead, Sept. i6, 1765 ; and they
had son James baptized May 25, 1766.
— Marblehead records.
Continued from page 4^.
Court, 25 ; I : 165 1.
Judges : John Endicot, esquire, dep.-
gov., Mr. Symon Broadstreet and Mr.
Samuell Symonds.
Trial jury : Moses Pengry, Jerymyah
Belchar, Thomas Clarke, William Fellows,
Regnall Foster, Ezekell Northen, Willm
Law, John Tod, John Pickard, Nicholas
Noyce, Tho : Coleman and John Hull.
Robert Crose v. Cornelious Waldo.
John Broadstreet v. Joseph Muzye.
Slander. Judgment for plaintiff, ;£6 ;
defendant to make such acknowledgment
as the court shall appoint in the meeting-
house at Ipswich on some lecture day
within three weeks, or to pay £4 more.
John Chattor v. Nathaniel Wire. For
detaining a beast. ["Brother Wier's letter
from about a writing Mr. En-
dicote had of you," etc., about the ear
mark. Christopher Bartlet testified in
reference to arbitration, and to going to
the steer with Goodman Wire and an-
other, laying the ear upon a piece of
paper and marking it out with a pen, and
also that the ear was cut. Sworn in
Ipswich court, 25 : i : 165 1. John Davis
deposed about a strange steer being at
his house, which he cried in the meeting-
house; that Goodman Wier came to see
whether it was his, and he said it was not ;
that John Chator came to "my house " to
see it four days afterward, said it was his,
Chator carried it to his (Chator's) house
and he has got it still. Archelaus Wood-
man deposed as to the mark. John Knight
testified that, being in Goodman Wire's
yard upon a lecture day, Goodman
Adames came, saying he was come to see
the steer, which was a little black one ;
Wire asked him whether it was Goodman
John Chater's ; he answered, "No ; but my
children know him better than I." John
Emery, sr., deposed that the six arbitra-
tors asked Goodman Roper, who new
ear-marked the steer. He said he did
not. He said, " I sold the steer to Will
Titcombe, and John Chater claimed it by
reason of the ear-mark." Goodman
Roper said he cut it deeper to make it
plamer. Robert Adams testified that he
sold the steer to Goodman Chater ; and
his daughter Joane Adams, aged above
seventeen years, testified the same.
Richard Browne testified about the steer.
Edmund Moores testified that he was
asked to go to Goodman Adams, house to
see the steer, etc. Francis Browne testi-
fied that he believes the steer to be Chat-
er's. John Trewman testified that the
steer John Cheter bought of Goodman
Adams was delivered to me, that I kept
it six weeks, and that this is not the steer.
John Bartlet testified that he was about
to buy John Cheter' s steer, but this was
not it. The plaintiff demanded the steer
in custody of Nathaniel Wyer on the testi-
mony of Archelaus Woodman and of the
above named Robert and Joan Adams
and of Abraham Adams, aged about ten
years, daughter and son of said Robert
Adams. — I^t/es. ]
Alexander Knight v. Theophilus Will-
son. Defamation.
Edward Clarke v. Jo : Newman.
[Richard Kembell, jr., deposed that John
Newman came to him about the middle
of this winter and said that he would hire
a pair of oxen for Edward Clark, though
they cost him three pounds. Wilm
Whiteridg deposed that he was present in
the company of Edward Clark, John New-
man , Henery Kemball and Thomas Whit-
eridg about last Michelemesse time; John
Newman spoke to Edward Clarke of two
oxen which Clarke had hired of him, etc. ;
and Newman would have Clark go to
Roger Lankton about the oxen. Thomas
Newman testified that he came "to my
Brother John " and said that the oxen
had been let to Edward Clark; sworn
30: 11: 1650, before Samuel Symonds.
Thomas Kimball testified that he heard
John Newman say that Edward Clark
had hired the oxen ; sworn in court 2 7 :
I : 165 1. Witness subpoenas to Marke
Symons and Robert Lord of Ipswich, in
this case, dated 25 : i : 165 1; by the
court, John Whipple. — Files.']
Tho : Dorman undertakes to pay for Je :
John Pike v. John Wright and John
Davis. For taking away a rick of hay.
William Flint v. Edmond Farrington.
Review. [Phillip Verin and John Hill,
aged above twenty years, testified that
they saw Mathew ffarrington and two
others with him come to William fflint's
yard at Mr. Downing's farm when he
lived there, and they brought two teams
and loaded with hay. Sworn to before
Jo : Endecott, dep.-gov. Witness bill of
John Davis and John Wright. Ruben
Guppy and Parsca Souden (also Sawden)
testified that we were mowing the hay for
which Wm. fflynt and Daniell Rumbell
were sued by old goodman ffarrington
of Lynn j said ffarrington came to us and
showed us the bounds of his farm, which
were a great oak on one side and two
pines on the other; where we mowed was
none of his. Sworn before Jo Endecott,
dep.-gov. Edward Burcham testified
that he was with Goodman ffarrington
when the hay was levied on ; William
Flint his man told us that such a parcel was
Goodman ffarrington 's hay, and that was
levied on, by the marshall. Copy of
judgment, Salem court, 26 : 10 : 1648, in
Edmund ffarrington v. Lawrence Suth-
wicke and Danyell Rumball; action of
trespass, cutting grass, etc. Daniell
Rumball testified about the hay; sworn
before Jo : Endecott, dep.-gov., 26 : i :
165 1 ; copy. Daniell How, sometime an
inhabitant of Lynn, was a lot-layer of
Lynn, and with brother Walker and broth-
er Collins (also lot layers) testified about
Edmund ffarrington's five-acre meadow lot
at west end of long meadow without Mr.
Humphry's farm ; those who lived at the
farm informed us as to the bounds, Aug.
28, 1649. Sworn before Robert Bridges
2 : 8mo : 1649 y copy. Edmund ffarring-
ton's bill of costs.— Files,']
Samuell Dalibar v. Andrew Leyster
(also. Leister). Case. [Samuell Dllover,
living in Marblehead, letter from Andrew
Lester, dated Gloster 8 mo: 10: 1649;
"Samvoll dallouer my loue remembrd
unto you this," etc. ; << send bill to Mr.
Rusell," etc. Order to Mr. Rusell,
dated Feb. 24, 1650, signed by Andrew
Lester (his mark A), to deliver certain
woolen cloth to Samuel Dahber. — Files].
Jeremiah Belchar v. Charles Glover.
Debt. Withdrawn. [John Newmarch
testified that Charles Glover promised to
satisfy Goodman Bellsher for money.
John Devorbc v. Mr. Valintyne Hill.
Two cases. [Writ : To marshall of Boston :
John Devorex v. Mr. Vallentine Hill of
Boston ; charge of voyage at Munhegen
in 1650, and the former part of that
winter, in 1649, at Marblehead; dated
12 : 25 : 1650; by the court, Henry Bar-
tholmew; served by Richard Waite.
Bill of John Devericks to Mr. Hill, upon
a fishing voyage at Marblehead. Paid to
Major Seidgwick Vinson of Cape
Ann, for provision while stage was build-
ing, for building a stage at Annisquam.
To Gabrill Hatherly and John Gorgroell
out of their shares. To Mr. Lake, Mr.
Hathorne; to John Bennet and Mather
Coe, portlidge ; to Rich : Rowland and
James Smith ; to Mr. Manninge, boat hire ;
to Arter Sanden, beer, etc. ; and to Mr.
Stilman, for provisions. Bills of disburs-
ments to Captain Hawthen. Bills refer-
ring to Tho : Yow, Mr. Browne, Tho :
Bowen ; etc. Bill of John Deverickes of
Marblehead, June, 1650. Bill of Mr.
Hill due to John Devorix, voyage at Mar-
blehead and Munhegon last year; John
Stacy's wages, Tho : Yeow, Mr. Brown,
Thomas Boen's wages at Marblehead.
Bill of same 15 : 12 : 1647, to Goody
Knight and Goody Parkes. Bill of Ben-
jamin Mungey. Letter from John Man-
ning to John Deverix : —
" mr John deverix
** I moft kindly falut yow ettq* I fhall
Intreat yow that yow would deliuer up
my bote unto my brother Mofes the firft
of June and the hire of him in fifh. Ac-
cording as you and I agread for with all
things that doth belong to him foe not
Ells att pTent reft yo" to Command
" John Manning"
Receipt of Tho Lake of Mr. Jno.
Deuerex on account of Mr. Jno. Manning,
July 21, 1647. John Deuerix testified as
to expenditures for Mr. Hill among his
men that fished for him in 1647. Mr.
William Lullaby testified that in 12 th mo :
1649, being at Mr. Hill's house in Boston
with John Deverex Mr. Hill much im-
portuned him to go to Munhigon with his
men (one of whom the affiant was ap-
parently), saying that if he should leave
him all his men would forsake him, and
he would be undone, etc. Mathew Coe
testified that he was employed, in 1647,
by Mr. Hill in fishing, but agreed as to
wages with John Deuerex, and was paid
by the latter, and not by Major Sedgwake
nor Mr. Hill. James Browne testified as
to what was fetched from Goodman San-
dens in beer and provisions at the weigh-
ing of the fish, etc. James Browne and
Francis Johnson testified that Mr. Thom-
as Lake said that John Deverex demand-
ed his money, etc. James Smith testified
that he sold something to Mr. Chapell,
master of Mr. Hill's voyage, at Marble-
head, in 1647, an order being given by
Mr. Hill to John Deuerick. Sworn to
before Jo : Endecott, dep. gov. Francis
Johnson testified about John Deverick,
etc., in Salem court 25; 12: 1650, and
the same by James Browne 12; i mo :
1 650- 1. Thomas Hawkins testified that
he heard John Devericks and John Ben-
nett say that they had none of the meal,
etc., that Mr. Price of Salem charged to
Mr. Hills in 1646 and 1647. James
Browne testified as to a boat hired of Mr.
Maninge that Major Sedgwicke ordered
me not to pay for, etc. James Browne
testified that though Mathew Coe was ap-
pointed to haue his portlidge of Major
Sedgwick, yet he had it of John Deue-
ricks in fish, etc. James Browne testified
that he "faw John Deuerix deliver a board
a veffell that to my befte remembrance
was ould Groces w*''* m' Edward Weath-
ridge was in & that m^ weatheridge tooke*
fifhe from the ftage m' Hill beinge then
prefent." George Tucker testified that
Mr. Hill being at Munhigon when John
Deverex was in his employ, etc. Richard
Waite, aged about fifty years, deposed
that being at Marblehead 12th month
last year, John Deverix demanded ^1^
of Mr. Vallentine Hill for a fishing voyage
at Munheagon this last summer. Job
Hawkings testified the same. Sworn before
William Stibbins 24 : i : 1650. — Files.']
Mr. Willm Norton v. Richard John-
son. [Samuel Taylor testified that being at
Goodman Armitayge's, Mastor Norten and
Goodman Johnson, said etc. John Hard^
man testified that being at the house of
Joseph Armitage when Mr. Willm Nor-
ton of Ipswich and Rich Johnson had a
difference about some pay, about paying
him at Lynn, and that Edward Burcham
was present. Sworn to 24 : i : 1650, be-
fore Rob : Bridges. Edward Burchum
testified somewhat as John Hardman
above, and also that Norton had a bill
that he had bought of Richard Johnson,
which was made over to Richard Johnson,
by Abraham Frghe^ etc. — Files.]
Made free : of Ipswich, Mr. Samuel Sy-
monds, jr., Nath : Stow and John Lay-
ton ; of Newbury, John Chattor ; and of
Andover, Willm Ballard.
John Frye sworn sealer of weights
and measures for Andover; and John
Trumble, for Rowley.
John Knolton sworn constable for Ip-
John Perye of Newbery discharged of ~
his bond of good behavior.
Mr. William Gerish, John Pike, jr., and
Mr. Edward Woodman chosen to end
small causes for Newbury ; and the first
two were sworn.
VVill and inventory of Tho : Barker, late
of Rowly, received and proved.*
Mr. Jonathan Wade allowed costs,
being summoned by Willm Symonds,
and the action not entered.
*A copy of this will is in The AntiquariaUy
volume IV, page 88.
Abraham Whitacre,' for pilfering ten
pounds from his master, Joseph Jewett, to
pay him thirty pounds and fees of court.
[Presented for pilfering: certain goods
from Joseph. Juett of Rowley. Witnesses :
Joseph Juett and goodman Acey. —
[George Keyser deposed about a bill
that he had charged upon one Mr. Gray,
etc. Sworn to before Robt Bridges 24 :
I : 1650. Mr. Bridges added to the affi-
davit a note addressed to the court saying
that he sends depositions of Jon° Mans-
feild and Anthony Newhall referring to
arbitration between George Keyser and
Thom^ Newhall. — Files.'] Georg Keizer
given fees as witness in Salem
Mary Muzye, "being of age," according
to her father's will, chose Mr. John Nor-
ton for her guardian and gave him power
to dispose of her in marriage.
Mr. Valentine Hill, Thomas Haukins
and Jeremiah Belchar signed bond to
prosecute said Hill's appeal.
John Chote, for stealing apples, to pay
Mr. Hubard eighteen pence and fees of
witnesses and court. [John Chote of
Ipswich presented, 10: 8 mo: 1650, for
stealing fruit out of Mr. Hubard's orchard.
Witnesses : goodwife Starkweather and
Thomas Bishopp. Samuel Ayres testified
that being a general training at Charles-
town, Theophilus Salter asked me whether
I called at Mr. Hubbard's farm; I re-
plied. No ; he asked John Chote to go to
Hubbard's and get some apples; and
Chote said that he was afraid to. Wil-
liam Auerill testified that being at the
raising of a house where Goodman Bishop
and Theophilus Salter were. Bishop
asked Salter about taking the apples, etc.
Joseph Fowlar stated that Theophilus
said that he would bear out John Chot in
his appeal, about taking apples in Mr.
Hubbard's orchard, etc. Joseph Begsy
heard Chote say that Mistress Hubard
gave him leave. Thomas Bishop testified
that Theophilus Salter said that he did
not tell John Chote that he had leave to
take apples. Joseph Lanckton testified
that as he was going to the last general
training at Charlestowne, with Theophilus
Salter, John Chote and John Buck, when
they came near Mr. Hubbert's farm,
Salter said he would have apples, as he
had leave of Mistress Hubbert, and he
pursuaded John Choat to go in with
him, and he said, Joseph Bixbe is my
witness. — Files.]
Ezekiel Northen fined.
Rich : Swan fined three shillings , and
to pay fees of Ezekell Northen and court.
[Richard Swaine of Rowley presented,
10 : 8 mo : 1650, for breach of the peace
in striking Ezekiel Northen in the face
with a staff or goad. Witnesses : Deacon
Mitchall and Good Acey. — Files.]
Mary Crose to pay Mr. Rogers twelve
shillings witness fees and ten shillings for
a proved lie. [Mary Cross of Rowley
presented, 10: 8m: 1650, for lying and
pilfering. Witnesses : Elder Raynor and
Deacon Michael. Thomas Dickanson
notified the marshall that the freemen of
[Ro]wlay have chosen Ezekiel Northen,,
[J]ohn Pickard, John Tode and William
Lawe, jurymen, and warned Richard
Swane, Abraham Whiteker and Mary
Crose ye wife of Twyfourde West and also>
as witnesses Elder Rainer, Deacon Migh-
el, Joseph Jowet and William Asee. En-
dorsed by jury Moses Pengry, Serg. Jer ::
Belcher, Serg. Tho : Clarke, Will Fellows,
Regnell Foster, Ezekiel Northen, Wil--
liam Law, John Tod, Jo : Pickard, Nicolas
Noyce, Thomas Colman and Jo : Hull.
Humfry Reyner and Thomas Mighell
certify that they being at the house where
Mary Crosse did dwell (she being to
serve Mistris Shoue, and were called to
care for her goods), we saw some bags
of malt there, and asked her (Mary
Crosse) where she had that ; she said it
was goodman Cross', and she had it to
grind for him. She said he had it of
Charles Brown, but goodman Crosse and
Charles Brown denied it. She afterward
said she took it out of Mr. Rogers' cham-
ber without his knowledge or consent.
Thomas Mighell testified that the malt
Mary West saw was goodman Cross' which/
Elder Rainer and I saw in Mistress
Shove's house, when Mary West was their
servant, etc. — Files.']
William Randall and his wife fined forty
shillings for suspicion of uncleanness,
and to pay fees of court and of witnesses,
John Emery and his wife. [William
Randall of Newbury and his wife Elizabeth
presented, lo : 8 mo : 1650, for suspicion
of fornication. Their child was born
nine or ten weeks before due time. Wit-
nesses : John Emery, jr., and his wife.
John Emmery and his wife Hener deposed
that William Randall and his wife Eliza-
beth was married a fortnight and a day or
two after myallfcity and said Elizabeth
was brought to bed May 14, 1650. Mary
Emery deposed that William Rendale de-
nied that the child was his as it came be-
fore her time. I said she might come a
month before her time. He replied that
from six or seven weeks before marriage
he would own the child to be his. — Files.']
Mr. Sewall, for contemptuous speeches
and gestures to Rev. Ezekiel Rogers,
Matthew Boyse, etc., admonished and to
make acknowledgement in the Rowley
meeting house, being called on, or pay
forty shillings. [Mr. Henry Sewell of
Rowley presented 26: i: 1651. Wit-
nesses : the grand jurymen of Rowley,
Thomas Michall, Mathew Boyes, etc.
Rowley, loth mo: 1650, Humfrey Rey-
ner, Thomas Mighell, Ezekiel Northend
and Will and Mathew Boyce certi-
fied that Mr. Shouell was walking in the
foremost seat in the meeting house of
Rowlye near the pulpit. Mr. Rogers,
being present and ready to step into the
place to begin prayer, said, " Mr. Showell,
cease your walking." Mr. Showel an-
swered *' You should have come sooner,"
etc. Mr. Showel continued his walk, our
pastor said, "Mr. Shouell, remember
where you are ; this is the house of God."
Mr. Shouel answered with a loud voice, " I
know how to behave myself in the house
of God as well as you," etc. Then our
pastor said, " Rather than that he disturb
the congregation put him out." Mr.
Showell replied, "Let us see who dare."
After this a brother spoke to him in a
friendly way, but Mr. Showell with a stern
countenance and threatening manner
said he would take a course with some of
us, etc. On another Lord's day Showell
was walking in the meeting house, a part
of the congregation being assembled, he,
looking up, said, " Good Lord, this day
is spent, I know not how, and nothing is
yet done," expressing some trouble in
other words. Sworn to by said H. R. and
M. B., 25 : I : 1651, in Ipswich court. —
Files.] The following is a copy of the
acknowledgment : —
"I Henry Sewall being p'^fented to the
Court holden at Ipf w^'h in the first month
165 1 for contemptuous fpeaches, & ges-
tures, to the reverend m'^ Ezeckiell Rogers
& others in the publiq® meeting ; and the
truth thereof being prooved by full Tes-
timony; vpon which as part of y® fentence
I am inioyned to make my confeffion &
acknowledgment of my great finne against
god & offence against his mef finger, & ef-
petially in charging Mathew Boyfe about
buying my howfe for the remoovall of me
out of the Towne which was denyed by
him, & not pved by me. I doe now in
the p'^fence of god & of this reverand af-
fembly freely acknowledg my evell ac-
cording to the full extent of the Testi-
monies and doe earnestly deiire you all
to pray to the god of all wifdome & grace
to pardon thefe & all other my finnes &
to guide me in his blef fed wayes of Truth
& peace for tyme to come."
Thomas Rolinson, proven impotent,
on complaint of his wife, he is to take
counsel of physicians forthwith, follow
their advice, and report to court.
John Deverex swears to account of the
voyage. Mentions Mr. Hill and Marble-
June 3, 1651.
Rowly, presented for defect in the high-
ways, being mended, is discharged, pay-
ing fees of court. [Town of Rowley pre-
sented, ist mo : 1 65 1, for defect in high-
way between Rowley and Newbury. Wit-
nesses : Mr. Gerrish and Archelaus Wood-
man.— Files.]
Town of Ipswich, presented for defect
in the pound, being made sufficient, is
discharged. [Town of Ipswich presented,
10: 8 mo: 1650, for defect in their
pound, being decayed and insufficient. —
Town of Ipswich, presented 10:8 mo :
1650, for defect in highway [between Ip-
swich and Rowley — Files'] , being mend-
ed, is discharged, paying the fees of
Martha, wife of Joseph Fowlar, fined
for lying. [Martha, wife of Joseph ffowler
of Ipswich presented for pernicious lying
tending to defamation of her own sister.
Witnesses : George Palmer and wife and
Goodwife Lovell. George Palmer and
wife testified that Joseph ffowler and wife
(?) lining at my house upon a time, J.
F.'s wife was sitting by the fire with us,
speaking of Robert ffilbrick , I was
commending his good husbandry, and she
said she knew him to be a rogue. She
had had no criminal intercourse with him,
but one of the fishermen's wives had,
namely her sister Dutch, etc. — Files.]
Alexander Knight fined for lying. Wit-
ness : James How. [Alexander Knight of
Ipswich presented, 10: 8 mo: 1650, for
lying. Witnesses : Marke Symones, Rob-
ert Lord, Goodwife Perey, Goodman How
and Richard Cooke. — Files.]
Job Bishop fined, or be whipped, for
suspicion of fornication. [Job Bishop of
Ipswich presented, ist mo : 1651, for for-
nication, his wife being delivered of a
child twenty weeks after their marriage.
— Files.]
Edward Gillman, sr., bound to answer
his son John Gillman's presentment. John
Gilman was discharged. [John Gil-
man, now of Ipswich, presented, ist mo :
1 65 1, for unlawful inticement of Hanna
Cross, daughter of the widow Cross. Wit-
nesses : the mother and William English.
— Files.]
Frances Usellton fined or be whipt on
his presentment. John Knight promised
to pay the fine, [ffrancis Usselton, servant
to Henry Jacques of Newbury, presented,
ist mo : 165 1, for using the name of God
profanely, etc. Witnesses : Thomas Doue
and another. — Files.]
Theophilus Salter fined in 1650 and
165 1 for lying, and to acknowledge his
offence of encouraging to steel apples,
etc. [Theophilus Salter of Ipswich presen-
ted, 10 : 8 mo: 1650, for lying. Witness-
es : Thomas Bishop and William Avery, jr.
He was also presented, ist mo: 1651, for
pyracyi^}). Witnesses: Richard Coy and
his wife. — Files.]
[John Tillison of Newbury presented,
10 : 8 mo : 1650, for scandalous and re-
proachful speeches cast upon the elders
and others in a public church meeting on
ye Lord's day. Witnesses: Goodman
Mowdey, Goodman Meriall and Arche-
laus Woodman. Presentment signed by
William Bartholomew in the name of the
rest of the grand jury.
Deed of John Cross, charging his farm
in Ipswich to pay- ten shillings yearly to
the free school there, 6 : 10 mo: 1650.
Witnesses : Nath : Rogers, Robert Payne
and John Whipple. Acknowledged 26 :
TO : 1650, before Samuel Symonds.
William Cogswell deposed that when
Robt Crose said that he would provide
twenty-five of the fifty shillings, then
Brother Waldoe said he would rather have
that than nothing ; so he prayed me to
take notice of it. Sworn in Ipswich court
25 : I : 1651.
— Files.]
Thomas Colman, jr., fined for striking ;
and discharged on his other presentment.
Witness : Willm MichelL [Thomas
Coleman, jr., of Newbury presented, 26 :
I : 165 1, for striking William Richardson
of Newbury with the swingle of a flail.
Witness : William Mitchell and his own
confession. William Michell testified that
Thomas Collman came to Goodman San-
dar's barn and with a great swingell
did strike William Nicheson athwart
the bake and so run away. — Files.]
Mark Symonds fined for lying and rail-
ing, and admonished for serving a war-
rant on the Sabbath evening. Mark Sy-
monds of Ipswich presented, 26 : i :
165 1, for lying. Witnesses: Richard
Bettes, Thomas Whitredg, John Broad-
street, Thomas Scott, Joseph ffowler,
Phillip ffowler, Richard Kemball, jr., Rich-
ard Kemball, sr., John Kemball, Henry
Kemball and Edward Coleburne. Abo,
presented for reproachful speeches, etc.
Witnesses : Daniell Roffe and John Bish-
opij). Also, presented for several railing
and scandalous speeches against Joseph
ffowler. Witnesses : Edward Coleburne,
Smith, Richard Kemball, sr., James
' , John Johnson, sr., and Thomas
Savelli^). Daniel Roffe deposed that he was
at Goodman Cross' house on a Sabbath
day in the evening when Mark Simonds
being there called me to the door and
said he had a warrant for me, etc. Sworn
in Ipswich court 4:4: 1651. — Files.']
William Tittcombe sworn constable of
Joseph Muzye fined for lying and for
saying, when some one was reading that
it was the devil's service book. Witness:
Daniell Rofe. [Joseph Mussy of Ipswich
presented 26: i : 165 1. Witnesses: the
widow Cross, Cor Davis and Daniel Roffe.
Thomas Scott deposed that he heard
Joseph Muzy say that John Bradstreett had
three or four bastards at Road eyeland
and that he should know them wherever
he saw them for they had a natural mark
and that was lowell ears like their father,
and I told him so to his face. Sworn to
in Ipswich court 25 i : 1651.
Joseph Fowler testified that being upon
occasion at Goodman Cross' house to see
him, being very sick, Joseph Muzi being
present, John Bradstreet and I persuaded
Joseph Muzi to give his brother satisfac-
tion for calling him bastard and to agree
with him. Joseph replied : " You have
been whipt once allredy for faying yt the
fellow in the filver buttons came and
faid he fwore hime befor the gret fagga-
more the deputy Gouernar and he would
doe the beft he could to bring hime to it
againe and tould him he would haile hime
out by the hares and yt he waf good
for nothing but to rune rouging about the
Cuntry. * * That he heard this latly de-
ceafed John Croff fay that he formarly
loued John brodftret well vntell that
Joseph Muzi had railed fuch reports on
hime which cauled him to procfcecut
againft him which he feared now feing
he waf a lying fellow had don him rong
for the faid John cross : faid he was fuch
a lying felow thar waf noe beleving of
him he waf a nofe to fet a hole town and
cuntrary togeather by the years." Sworn
to in Ipswich court 25 : i : 1651.
Daniell Roffe testified that he heard
Joseph Muzi say he never spoke the
words, but the witness spake falsely; and
another time I heard him say he would
rather my brother would be quiet, but if
he would come to the court he should
make yet appear to be true of what he
had said : he thought he were better they
did not go to the court, but if they did
it would be to his disgrace as to me ; also,
that my brother Bradstreet and I being
at Goodman Cross*, the latter said I be-
lieve Joseph Muzi is a lying fellow and
the cause of the breaches between John
Bradstreet and myself. Sworn to in Ip-
swich court 25 : I : 165 1.
John Remington deposed that last hay-
time twelve month, being with the late
deceased Goodman Cross, I had much
discourse with him about John Bradstreet,
and he gave John good commendation,
saying that he bore great love towards
him in so much that he could willingly
have bestowed his daughter on him to
wife if he carried himself well ; their farms
lay together ; also, he commended him
for minding good things and loved him
well until he heard a report raised by Jos-
eph Muzie against him, concerning him-
self and others, which did exceedingly in-
cense Goodman Cross against said John,
and altered his mind towards him, etc.
Sworn to in Ipswich court 25 : i : 1651.
Hannah Crosse, daughter of John
Crosse, testified : I heard Joseph Muzzy
say that John Bradstreet " was the leere-
ingeft hang doge that waf in the world
and that he had three or fouer (ones at
Rode eyland," and that he intended to
go thither once in a while and then he
should see them, and he was confident he
should know them, and said that he
used to set maids on their heads when he
did dwell at Rode Eyland ; and that Jos-
eph Muzzy said that John Bradstreet in-
ticed him to combine with him to knock
Goodman Cross off his horse when he
was upon Muddy river bridge, etc. Sworn
to in Ipswich court 26:10: 1650, before
Samuel Symonds.
Thomas Scott deposed that being at
Goodman Cross' house, that the latter said
he believed Joseph Muzzy to be a lying
fellow, etc. Sworn to in Ipswich court
25 : I : 1651.
Ezekiel Northene and Thomas Abbott
testified that Joseph Muzzy said, begin-
ning of March, 165 1, that John Brad-
street had dealings with the maids at
Road Island, set them on their heads,
took them by the gingoes, etc. Sworn to
in Ipswich court 25 : i : 1651.
Elizabeth How deposed that she heard
Joseph Muzzy say that John Bradstreet
had three or four bastards at Rhode Is-
land, and that he was going there and
hoped to see them. Sworn to 26 : 10 :
1650, before Samuel Symonds.
William Smith deposed that he heard
Joseph Mussy say in Master Appleton's
barn that John Bradstreet desired him to
combine with him and to lie in wait at
Muddy river to knock Goodman Cross
off his horse and to knock him on the
head, and said John would run away with
his horse ; and that said John had bastards
at Rhode Island, and he should go there
ere long and should know them by their
Bangell ears, just hke himself. Sworn to
in Ipswich court 25 : i : 165 1.
— FiksJ]
John Bradstreet, Joseph Fowlar, Tho :
Scott and Richard Betts, upon their pre-
sentments, discharged. [Thomas Scott,
Joseph ffowler, John Broadstreet and
Richard Bettes presented 26: i: 1651.
Witnesses : Nathaniel Stow and Thomas
Nor — . Mark Symonds, informant.
Presentments signed by William Barthol-
mew for the grand jury. — Files.']
Court, 30: 7 : 165 1.
Judges : Jo : Endecot, esq., gov., Mr.
Symon Bradstreet, Mr. Samuell Symonds,
Major Denison and Captain Hathorne.
Grand jury : Math : Boyce, Willm
Asye, Jeames Barker, Will: Boynton,
Tho : Scott, Robt Daye, Tho : Knolton,
Ed : Bridges, And : Hodges, Will : Good-
hue, Dan : Br dlye, Jo : Emery, Abell
Huse, Robt Long and Ed : Falkner.
Jury for trials : Rich : Jacob, Tho :
French, Symon Tomson, John Dane,
Tho : Bishop, Hen : Short, Rich : Thur-
ly, Tho : Hale, Rich : Swan, Jo : Smith,
Dan : Harris and Ed : Hassen. Joseph
Med [calf?], Jo: Perkins, jr., and Jo:
Newmarch in Deverix case.
Daniell Pearce of Newbury, constable,
fined for not returning the grand jury.
Robert Berwicke of Andover fined for
not returning the grand jury.
Daniell Harris of Rowley and John
Coggswell, jr., of Ipswich made free.
Zacheous Gould took the oath of fideli-
Henry Walker of Gloster v. John Hoi-
grave. Slander.
Rich : Kent v. Robert Adams of New-
bury. Case for denying him passage in a
usual highway. Jury found for defendant.
[Concerning the way in controversy John
JSartlet testified that it was never made
use of until Goodman Goffe went to
dwell there, but that it was through the
marshes from Goodman Kent's island up
to Goodman Hull's and Goodman Thur-
lay. — Files.']
Joseph Fowlar v. Robert Beacham.
Battery. Two cases.
John Holgrave v. Henry Walker.
Mr. Samuel Sharpe v. Mr. Samuell
Mavericke. Debt.
Daniell Rofe v. Thomas Rolinson, jr.
Slander. Judgment for plaintiff.
John Coggswell v. Martin Stebin.
John Devorix v. Mr. Valentine Hill.
Account of a fishing voyage in 1646 and
1647. Two cases.
John Coggswell v. John Chote.
Sept. 30, 1 65 1, Nath: Edwards and
his brother Thomas Edwards (the latter
now in England) appointed administra-
tors of the estate of Nathaniell Smith,
deceased, in New England, being nom-
inated in his will, as per certificate of
Michaell Oldsworth and Henry Parker,
registers. Jeremia Savage and Jos Donald-
son, nota publiqus. Court at London.
Copy of will, etc., presented.
George Ingersall of Gloster licensed to
keep an ordinary at Gloster, with the
same liberty that Goodman Lister had
by his license.
Robert Gutch is allowed to keep an
ordinary at Salem, being desired by the
Elizabeth Barick appointed adminis-
tratrix of estate of Rich : Barick her late
Robert Tucker allowed and sworn one
of the commissioners to end small causes
at Gloucester.
Nicolas Noyce sworn clerk of the
market for Newbury.
John TilHson released of his bond for
good behavior, and his fine abated to five
Edward Richards complained that
Joseph Armentage attached him, and the
action not entered. He was allowed costs.
Will of Honer Rofe, in two papers,
allowed upon oath of Henry Lurgen and
George Vaughan.
Willm Duglas, chosen and sworn survey-
or of pipestaves for Ipswich.
Benjamin Muzye, for bartering a gun
to the Indians, and denying of it, fined,
to sit in the stocks, to pay the Indian his
beaver again, etc.
John Broadstreet to sit in the stocks
one hour for ffronting the court in words.
Joseph Fowlar, for abusing the watch,
to sit in the stocks four hours and give
bond for good behavior.
Inventory of estate of Sarah Baker
received, and her kinswoman Sarah Lump-
kin appointed administratrix of the es-
Joseph Rolinson to pay or be whipt for
" seting up a scandelous lybell," and ex-
pense of marshall's going with an attach-
ment to Cambridge and Boston, and fees
of court. [Joseph Rowlandson, through
the suggestion of satan,etc., * * the writing
I affixed to the meeting house I am
sorry for, etc.
" By mee Juftice Pleader in y® towne
of Confcience in America in new eng-
land where I faw her triumph in a greene
chariot y® lady Aftrsa riding in y® night
" Alexander ille magnus. I live at Ips-
— Files.']
Joseph Muzy was accused by his
brother Benjamin of stealing an axe. Dis-
Robert Beachem fined upon his pre-
Mr. Willm Hubard perfected the in-
ventory of the estate of Mr. John Whit-
ingham. Amount, £9^1, 16 s., id.
[Joseph Fouler testified concerning
Goodman Simons : affirmed at Rob"^'
Dutch. Ear of hog marked so as to be
seen from Mr. Baker's parlor to ye street
gate. Rich : Kimball, sr., affirmed about
the same. John Kimball deposed that he
heard Mark Simonds profess to Joseph
Fowler, after having prosecuted him and
John Bradstreet, that he was not the ac-
cuser and would go forty miles to do him
good. Sworn to in Ipswich court 4:4:
1 65 1. Thomas Smith testified that he
asked Goodman Symonds why he said
that Fowlar would swear or lie for ten
shillings, etc. Thomas Scott deposed, I
heard Goodman Simonds say that Mr.
Treadwall told him that the hog at M.
Cogswell's was Goodman Cobean's mark,
etc. Richard Kimball, sr., testified that
Mark Simonds affirmed about the mark
of the bog that was shut up in Robert
Dutch's yard. It differed from Mr.
Cheuts and Goodman Coburn's hogs'
Henry Kimball testified that he never
gave Goodman Simons five shillings and
six pence a day for his boy and two bul-
locks, etc. Thomas Whiterit testified : I
heard Goodman Simonds and Good-
man Beals reckoning concerning work
done by both parties. Simonds said
that Henry Kimball paid him same
price for use of his cattle, etc. Sworn in
Ipswich court 3:4: 1651. Richard Beals
testified that Goodman Simonds plowed
for me with a boy and two bullocks, and
I worked for him. He told me that
Henry Kimball paid him, etc. Sworn in
Ipswich court 3: 4: 1651. Witnesses
(?) : Daniell Rofe, Tho: Louell, John
Johnson, Henry Kemball, Tho Scott,
Rich : Betts, Thomas Whitred, John
Kemball and Joseph Fowlar.
Abraham Foster and Wm. Dellowe tes-
tified that Daniel Rosse and John Brad-
street standing together at the barn door
A™ Symonds came by and desired said
Rosse to speak with him, etc. Sworn in
Ipswich court 4 : 4 : 1651.
Thomas Harris testified that being at
Mr. Baker's ye 2d day before Salem court
when Nathaniel Stow was to testify, the
latter came out of the new room and in-
quired of me for Goodman Lord, etc.
Sworn in Ipswich court 25 : i : 1651.
glish testified that Goodman
Broadstreet (also Brodstreet), etc.
Appleton testified that lot lay-
ers laid out Goodman Cross' one hundred
Joseph Fowler testified that he was
hilling corn with Nath : Stowe and heard
Cooke say there was no true church
because they people of God to
Rhode Island and fettered them, and that
he would give ( ?) the death by
setting him on a tre naked in a swamp in
the summer time musketoes should
have stung him to death, and he would
sit till he was dead, and after that
that the governor had to further
Mr. Norton taught lies, etc. Mr. Stowe
affirmed the same.
Sanders said that Henry Dow
told him that he had bought a neck of
Mr. Spencer's land, etc.
ph Armitage said that Do we
bought it of John Sanders.
Frances Smith heard Joseph Armitage
ask Tho : Turner to pay a bill, etc.
Rich : Graves testified that he was at
Boston and spoke to Tho : Turner, etc.
Thomas Perkines testified that he came
into a room where Nathaniel Stow,
Thomas Scott, Joseph ffowler and Rich-
ard Bettes were talking about a hog
Thomas Harris had killed, as to its mark.
Sworn in Ipswich court 25 : i : 1651.
Nathaniel Stow testified that the hog
was brought from Plum Island.
Rob* Roberts testified about the mark
of the hog March 25, 1650.
Presentments, 30: 7 : 165 1 :
Mr. William Snelling of Newbury, for
using these words upon one drinking to
him and his friends, he answered, "as for
our fooes a plage on theare heeles and a
pox on theare tooes.' ' Witnesses : Mr.
Miler, John Wheller and Mr. William
Elizabeth Randall of Newbury, for using
sinful language, telling gudy Silver base
lieing divell, base Heing tode base lying
sow, bas liing iade. Witnesses: Gudy
Silver and Gudy Blumifield.
Mr. Henry Shawell of Rouly, for a bat-
tery upon William Asey of Rowly, etc.
Witnesses : William Asey and Mihill
Robert Bechem of Ipswich, for misde-
meanor in the meeting house on the Lord's
day in or about the time of the public
exercise, by striking Joseph Fouler with
his elbow on his breast, and calling him
rascal, etc. Witnesses : John Johnson,
Jacob Pirkins and Joseph Fouler.
Samuel Ingalls, for lighting fire and
smoking in it on the court day in master
baker's yard. Witnesses : Robert Day,
Edward Briayton and Robert Lang,
Signed by Mathew Boyes in the name
of the grand jury.
" turninge out all Affociates which are
able to corrupt juftice bee y® caufe neuer
fo good." These words were blotted in
the paper, yet were so legible that we
distinctly read them 3 July 1651.
John Rogers*
Joseph Paine*
Moses Pengry*
I read ye words above written without
much difficulty. W : Hubbard*
5th mo : 165 1, Benjamin Mussey of Ip-
swich against his brother Joseph Mussey
of several misdemeanors, lying and
sitting upon the bed where the sister of
said Benjamin's wife was to lie, and
breaking the chest of said Benjamin.
Bound to keep the peace, and answer at
next Ipswich court.
Daniel King to appear at next Ipswich
court to answer Sir Gervas Moday in an
action of the case. 17 : 9 : 1651.
testified that Mr. Daniel King
of the part of the Lady Moodie
receive from Thomas Crevie, etc.
John ffuller, aged thirty years, testified
that meeting his brother Dexter and Ed-
ward Ro — ley at Boston they informed
him that they were employed by the Lady
Moodye to sell her farrriy etc. She had
promised refusal of it to Mr. King. Sworn
25 : 9: 1651.
In a letter to Mr. King from his friend
Edward Browse, dated at Gravesend Jan.
25, 1649, is mentioned Mr. Lucker's ac-
count, — money that had been paid to
Mr. Williams. If you surrender the farm
to her you must pay for ray voyage.
List of various articles written on back
of the paper.
— FilesJ]
Will of Walter Tibbott proved. This
will is printed in full in The Antiquarian^
volume IV, page 117.
To be continued.
The Island of Martha's Vineyard, a his-
tory of which I have been preparing in
the last ten years, is a neglected quantity
in the field of New England genealogy.
Many "disappearances" of settlers on the
main can be traced thither. Below I give
a list of early residents of the Vineyard
during the seventeenth century who went
from various towns in Essex county and
became prominently identified with the
island county. The interrogation point
( ?) following several of the names indi-
cates doubtful identity with persons of the
same name known to have been of Essex
county prior to their appearance at the
Vineyard. I shall be glad to exchange
information relative to each of these per-
sons, particularly Edward Searle, Richard
Arey, George Martin, Peter Jenkins and
Philip Watson. The latter's son Elias
may serve to identify him. The asterisk
(*) shows that descendants still reside on
the Vineyard.
Salem : John Pease,*
Robert Codman,
Edward Searle.
Wenham : Francis Usselton.
Salisbury: George Martin (?),
Edward Cottle,*
Samuel Bickford.
Rowley : Peter Jenkins,*
Philip Watson (?).
Lynn : Samuel Tilton,*
Thomas Look.*
Haverhill : Joseph Merry.*
Gloucester : Richard Arey* (?).
U. S. Marine Hospital^
Key West, Fla.
SALEM, May 30.
•* Laft Thurfday the Freeholders and
other Inhabitants of the Town of Dan-
vers, legally warned, met at the South
Meeting-Houfe in faid Danvers, and there
made Choice of Doctor Samuel Holten,
to reprefent them in the General Affem-
bly at the approaching Seffion."
Instructions voted by the town of
Salem to Richard Derby, jr., and John
Pickering, jr., representatives to the gen-
eral assembly, May 27, 1769, are given
in full in this issue of the Essex Gazette,
Instructions voted by the town of Mar-
blehead to be given to Joshua Orne and
John Gallison, esquires, representatives
to the general assembly, May 29, 1769,
are given in full in this number of the
Essex Gazette,
Advertisement, notifying the proprie-
tors of the undivided land at New-Salem,
Hampshire county, to meet June 7th at
the King's Arms tavern in Salem ; signed
by Benjamin Pickman, jr., proprietors'
clerk; dated at Salem, May 24, 1769.
Benjamin Kimball, 3d, advertised for
sale at auction, June 20, "A Small Farm,
laying m Ipfwich, confifting of about 26
Acres of good Land, (Mowing, Pafturing,
and Tillage) with a Houfe, Barn, and Or-
chard on the fame; well accommodated for
a Farmer or Trad ef man, and pleafantly fit-
uated (on the Country Road) within a
Mile of the Rev. Mr. Leflie's Meeting-
Houfe ;" and some woodland. To be sold
at said Kimball's house on the premises.
Mr. John Gooll has sailed for London,
and left the settlement of his business in
our hands. We shall be at his shop every
Saturday to settle claims. Mr. John Nor-
ris attends at Mr. Gooll's shop. Signed
by James and Robert Selkrig, and dated
at Salem, May 23, 1769.
— Essex Gazette, J/t^y 23-30, 1769.
In the earliest days of our colonial
history we had little currency, — only that
which had been incidentally brought
across the water ; and wampum, the shell
money of the Indians, and articles of
merchandise were used instead of money ;
as, for instance, in 1630, Sir Richard Sal-
tonstall was fined four bushels of malt
for absence from court; and the next year
the Indian Chickataubott was fined a bea-
ver skin for shooting a swine of Sir Richard.
In 1652, the colony took charge of
the coinage of money, ordering John
Hull, whom it appointed mint-master, to
produce silver shillings, six-pences and
three-pences, and making them legal
tender. Any one having silver bullion
could have it coined upon payment of
the actual expense of coinage.
The money then coined was in amount
too small to perceptibly increase the
quantity in circulation ; and in 1658 more
two-pences were ordered to be coined
of the first silver bullion that came to the
hands of the mint-master.
These unmistakable acts of sovereign-
ty were in ill-repute with the EngUsh
While the mint was endangered by
threats of its aboHtion, the question of es-
tablishing a bank, by men of known finan-
cial credit, who should issue bills, was
discussed; and in 1686 such a bank was
in actual operation in Boston. It proba-
bly continued through Andros' adminis-
The privilege of coining money being no
longer allowed to the colonial government
by Great Britian, the colonists issued some
paper money in 1690. The credit of the
colony was poor, and the people were
afraid to receive the bills. The situation
was little improved by their issue. It
was tried again in 1702, with the same
A private bank based on real estate
security was contemplated soon afterward,
to be known as the Land Bank, from the
character of its security, but the project
came to an end in 17 14.
The province continued to issue large
amounts of paper money, which was
almost worthless, and useless as a medi-
um of exchange.
In 1740, a bank of the same character
as the proposed Land Bank was estab-
lished in Boston, holding its meetings for
business at various places, Boston, Lynn,
etc. It was called the Manufactory com-
The bills issued were redeemable in
twenty years; and were issued to the
partners, as the shareholders were called,
upon the delivery of a mortgage of real
estate conditioned to pay the face value
of the bills they received in twenty years,
in annual instalments of five per cent
of the amount issued to them, and three
per cent annual interest.
The directors were Robert Auchmuty,
esq., of Roxbury, Samuel Adams, esq.
(father of the patriot), William Stoddard,
esq., Peter Chardon, merchant, all of
Boston, Samuel Watts, esq., of Chelsea,
George Leonard, esq., of Norton, Robert
Hale, esq., of Beverly, John Choate, esq..
of Ipswich, and Thomas Cheever, gentle-
man, of Lynn.
The partners' mortgages were payable
to the directors, and were all issued on a
printed blank dated Sept. 9, 1740. It
would seem that a large proportion of
the stockholders were of Essex county.
The registry of deeds at Salem show that
forty-seven of these mortgages were re-
corded, and there are on file there thirty-
three more that were not recorded, prob-
ably because the general court annulled
the bank before they could be copied
into the record books. The names, resi-
dences and occupation of these Essex
county stockholders, and the amounts
they respectively subscribed,* are as fol-
lows: Ebenezer Walcott,3 yeoman, of
Andover; John Dodge, jr.,^ mason, of
Beverly ; John Baker,^ yeoman, of Box-
ford ; Josiah Chandler,^ innholder, of
Bradford ; Benjamin Davis,^ yeoman, John
Millet,^ yeoman, Eleazer Parsons,' John
Parsons,* yeoman. Dr. David Plummer,5
John Sargent,3 yeoman, David Stanwood,^
esq., James Stanwood,^ husbandman, Rev.
John White,^ Humphrey Woodberry,s
yeoman, Ezekiel Woodward, jr.,^ yeo-
man, and Thomas York,3 yeoman, all of
Gloucester; Abner Kimball,3 coaster, of
Haverhill; John Boardman,9 gentleman,
John Brown, jr. ,3 yeoman, Andrew Bur-
ley ,9 esq., Francis Choate, jr.,9 gentleman,
Thomas Choate, jr.,9 gentleman, Parker
Dodge,3 Benjamin Dutch,3 Joseph Fow-
ler,3 gentleman, Benjamin Gilbert,^ Joseph
Gilbert,3 yeoman, Ebenezer Knowlton,7
yeoman, John Whipple, jr.,^ gentleman.
Ami Ruhamah Wise,^ esq., and Daniel
Wise,* shopkeeper, all of Ipswich;
Thomas Baker,3 yeoman, Thomas Chee-
ver,9 gentleman, Robert Edmonds,3
yeoman, Thomas Fuller,3 currier, Elka-
nah Hawks,5 yeoman, John Hawks,
jr.,3 yeoman, John Hawkes, 3^,3 tanner,
* The amounts are indicated by the indices i to
10, placed after the name of the stockholders in
this list, and signify that those marked i sub-
scribed to the amount of ;^50; 2, £7^'* 3>
;^ioo; 4,£i2S\ S,;^iSo;6, ;^i75; 7,£ 200; 8,
£aoo\ 9y£S^'
Moses Hawks,3 yeoman, Daniel Hitchins,3
yeoman, John Jencks,3 blacksmith, Nathan
Jenks,3 blacksmith, Samuel Jenckes,3
blacksmith Richard Mower, 7 gentle-
man, Francis Norwood,^ blacksmith,
David Townsend,^ yeoman, Jonathan
Wayt,3 yeoman, Benjamin Wiley, sr.,*
yeoman, and Benjamin Wiley, jr.,^ yeo-
man, all of Lynn; John Hill,^ yeoman,
John Knights,' yeoman, Joseph Knights,'
yeoman, and Samuel Morgan,? yeoman,
all of Manchester ; Edward Clark,3 yeo-
man, Jonathan Corlis,3 yeoman, Abiel
Kelley, jr.,3 yeoman, and Richard Kelley,?
yeoman, all of Methuen ; David Wilkins,^
yeoman, of Middleton ; Stephen Ordway,3
yeoman, Bartholomew Pearson ,3 mill-
wright, and Jonathan Pearson,3 clothier, all
of Newbury ; William Adams,3 Nathaniel
Mighill7 and Amos Pilsbury,3 yeomen, all
of Rowley; Eleazer Brown,3 yeoman,
Joshua Buffum,3 yeoman, Benjamin
Creesy,3 wheelwright, Joseph Creesy,5
yeoman, Daniel Gardner,? gentleman, John
Gardner,? yeoman, David Goldthwayt,3
yeoman, Capt. Benjamin Ives,? merchant,
Samuel Manning,^ gunsmith, Israel
Porter, jr.,3 yeoman, John Porter,^ yeoman,
John Procter,3 yeoman, and Henry Put-
nam ,3 yeoman, all of Salem ; Israel Web-
ster,3 yeoman, and Stephen Webster,3 ship-
wright, both of Salisbury ; Thomas Baker,3
yeoman, and Richard Towns ,3 yeoman,
both of Topsfield ; and John Kimball,?
yeoman, and John White, 3 yeoman, both
of Wenham. These amount in all to
eleven thousand and six hundred pounds.
Though forbidden by the general court
some of these bills were circulated. Their
entire suppression was sought but differ-
ences existed as to means.
Governor Belcher, threatened to dismiss
from office all persons holding commissions
under his hand who had anything to do
with the issue of paper money by this pri-
vate bank. Believing that the good of the
country' depended upon this money, many
patriotically resigned their commissions,
among them being John Choate of Ips-
wich and Dr. Robert Hale of Beverly,
two of the directors of this bank.
There threatened a popular uprising
against Governor Belcher and the council
for opposing the bank scheme. Rev.
Jonathan White of Gloucester wrote to
the governor, apologizing for promoting it.
The representatives favored it, and suc-
cessfully sought the governor's removal.
In 1 74 1, a company formed in Essex
county applied to the general court, John
Choate of Ipswich heading the petition, for
authority to issue notes to the amount of
fifty thousand pounds on land securities.
They were not, however, encouraged to
proceed, though they had engaged an
engraver, and indeed printed some of
their bills, which were probably never cir-
culated. There are only three of these
known to the writer to be in existence,
one at Portland, and the others in theEssex
Institute at Salem. The headquarters of
the company was at Ipswich. The
form of the bill is shown in the frontis-
piece of this number of The Antiquarian.
Continued from volume VIII, pa^e lyg.
Thomas ffowler of Amesbury and wife
Hannah conveyed to James fFreeze 6
acres of upland in Amesbury bounded by
Merrimack river, highway, Edward Cottle,
grantor and George Carr, sr., with dwell-
ing house, etc., in free and comon sock-
age, Feb. 18, 1669. Wit : Jeremiah Hub-
bard and Jn*^ Hoyt, jr. Ack. Oct. 14,
1670, before Nath^ Saltonstall, commis-
Sam" ffelloes of Salisbury, weaver, for
^3, conveyed to Jn° Maxfeild of Salis-
bury, planter, my 10- acre planting lot
granted to me by town of Salisbury and
situate therein at ye long hill, bounded by
Anthony Colby, Jn° Stevens and Wm.
Brown, March i, 1655. Wit ; Tho : Brad-
bury and Jn*' Pressie. Ack. 27: 12:1671,
before Robert Pike, commissioner.
Richard Dole of Newbury, merchant,
discharged Tho : Davis of jQd^ received
by Mr. Tho : Clarke of Boston, Sept. 22,
1673. Wit: Wm. Gerish and John
Knight. Ack. Feb. 24, 1674, before
Nath: Saltonstall, commissioner. This
was written on back of the followmg in-
strument, and was in discharge of the
Thomas Davis (his 2 mark) and Jos-
eph Davis, both of Haverhill, to Richard
Dole of Nuberie, merchant, for £^(ii paid
by bill to Mr. Joseph Dudley of Roxbery,
son-in-law and assignee of ye worshipful
Edward Ting of Boston in Essex, esquire,
mortgaged the messuage said Joseph now
lives upon in Haverhill, westward of ye little
or saw-mill river, 200 acres, bounded by
said river, west meadow highway, Hogg-
hill highway, land in possession of Thomas
Lilforth and land in ye hands of Robert
fford, with the orchard, barn and dwell-
ing house in which said Joseph now lives,
standing thereon : also, 9 acres of meadow
which was laid out in Haverhill to said
Thomas Davis, Sept. 7, 1671. Wit: An-
drew Grele and Robert fford. Ack. by
both Sept. 7, 1671, before Nath" Salton-
stall, commissioner.
Isaac Pirkins of Hampton agreed with
Tho : Philbrick of Hampton : Said Isaac
for love to his son Jacob Pirkins, and in
consideration of a marriage between said
Jacob and Mary Philbrick, daughter of
said Tho : Philbrick, conveyed to said
Jacob one acre of land in Hampton,
bounded by Tho : Philbrick, a common
highway and said Isaac Pirkins ; also, 2
acres of planting land adjoining above lot
and also bounded by Tho : Philbrick ; also
6 acres of salt marsh between Jn° Brown's
farm and Salisbury line ; also, y>, of all his
upland and meadow or marsh now in pos-
session of said Isaac, after the decease of
said Jacob's father and mother, &c. ; said
Tho : Philbrick, for love, conveyed to his
daughter Mary Philbrick ;^40, a part to
be paid by 3 acres of land in Hampton,
bounded by said Isaac Pirkins and a com-
on highway; dated March 19, 1668-9.
Susanah Pirkins was the wife of said
Isaac. Wit : Edward Gove and Jos : Dow.
Ack. by both 14 : 7 : 167 1, before Sam^^
Dalton, commissioner.
Robert Ring of Salisbury, cooper, for
;^6, conveyed to Mr. Tho. Bradbury of
Salisbury interest in 6 acres of land situated
upon a place called Robert Ring's island
in Salisbury, laid out by the town of Salis-
bury and taken on execution by said town
Oct. — , 1665, April 23, 1666. Wit:
Samuell ffowler and Ephraim Winsley.
Ack. 26: 7 : 167 1, before Robert Pike,
commissioner. Possession given in pres-
ence of Andrew Grele and David Wheel-
Rev. Seaborne Cotton of Hampton,
clerk, for;£5i, conveyed to John Garland
of Hampton, planter, 200-acre farm grant-
ed to me by town of Hampton in Hamp-
ton about four miles west of the meeting
house upon Hogg pen plain, bounded by
land laid out to Willi : ifuUar, sr., now in
ye possession of Jn° ffullar and ye house
now built is built in ye line dividing be-
twixt ye said farm and ye land of Jn° fful-
lar, one half of the house upon each lot,
the farm being an average of about 130
rods wide and 220 rods in length ; and 30
acres of meadow, & c, about 160 rods
from the house, May 4, 1671. Wit : Sam-
uell Dalton, jr., and Hannah Dal ton. Ack.
May 5, 167 1, before Samuell Dalton, com-
John Gill (his P mark) of Salisbury,
planter, and wife Phebe (her D mark) , for
;£2o, 7 J., 6^., and 500 feet of good board
and a bill of ;£"9, 12 ^., 6 ^., conveyed to
Tho : Bradbury a dwelling house, house-
lot, orchard, etc., in Salisbury ; also, ^ of
yt island called William Barns' island ; al-
so, a division of land on ferry neck being
a 4-acre planting lot which I bought of
Anthony Sadler ; the said houselot lies be-
tween ye highway leading to ye ferry and
ye houselot formerly Mr. Jn** Hodges and
now in ye possession of Tho : Bradbury
butting upon ye street, ye planting lot
formerly Josiah Cobham's now in ye pos-
session of Isaac Buswell ; and ye said is-
land lies encompassed with ye meadows
of Jn" Clough, WilH : Barnes, Rodger East-
man, Jn° Bayly, Will : Sargent and Lionell
Worth, June 25, 1662. Wit: William
Buswell and Andrew Grele. Ack. 5 : 8
mo: 1 67 1, before Robert Pike, commis-
John Ilsly of Salisbury, barber, conveyed
to Mr. Tho : Bradbury of Salisbury four
divisions of upland in Salisbury on ye ferry
neck formerly belonging to John Eyer,
John Clifford, Henry Brown and myself,
formerly and now inhabitants of said town,
March 25, 1660. Wit: Willi: Buswell
and Henry Brown. Ack. 5 : 8 mo : 1671,
before Robert Pike, commissioner.
Jn° Ilsley of Salisbury, barber, for 30 s.,
conveyed to Mr. Tho : Bradbury of SaUs-
bury a division of upland on ye ferry neck
in Salisbury formerly ye land of Joseph
Parker, May 20, 1663. Wit: WilU :
Bradbury and Jane Bradbury. Ack. Oct.
5, 167 1, before Robert Pike, commission-
Abraham Drake of Hampton, yeoman,
for money paid to me or by my order to
Capt. Pendleton, conveyed to Sam^^ fful-
sham of Exiter 2 j4 -acre houselot in Exiter,
bounded by Nath^^ Boulter now in ye
hands of Sam^ ffoulsham, ye fresh river, a
way, and land granted to James Wall, Oct.
8, 1666. Wit : Elizabeth Ayers and Han-
nah Dalton. Ack. by grantor and his
wife Jane Drake (who signed) July 8,
1668, before Sam^ Dalton, commissioner.
Capt. Christopher Hussey of Hampton,
for ;^8o, conveyed to my sons Steven
Hussey and John Hussey, both of Hamp-
ton, land that is due to me on ye island of
Nantuckett and all neat cattle, goats,
horses, etc., there, Oct. 23, 1671. Wit:
Sam" Dalton. Ack. 23 : 8 : 1671, before
Sam" Dalton, commissioner.
Richard Morgan (signed by O mark)
of Exiter in ye river of Pascataway, plant-
er, conveyed to Sam" ffolsome of Exiter
a certain house and 2 J^ -acre houselot in
Exiter, bounded by land of Jn** Robinson
now in ye tenure of Sam" Levett, Abraham
Drake now in ye occupation of grantee,
and a common way yt goeth by ye fresh
river, March 23, 1668. Wit: John ffol-
some and Edw : Smith. Ack. by grantor
and wife Rebecca (who released dower,
signing by mark C) Oct. 12, 167 1, before
Sam" Dalton, commissioner.
John Godfrey of Hampton, tailor, con-
veyed to Abraham Pirkins, jr., }^ acre of
swamp land in Hampton at ye end of
grantee's lot, bounded by Jn° Marian, Jn*'
Godfrey, grantee and common land, March
2, 1670-1. Wit: John Clifford and Han-
nah Dalton. Ack. March 2, 16 70-1, be-
fore Sam" Dalton, commissioner.
Jonathan Smith of Hampton, brick mak-
er, conveyed to Abraham Pirkins, jr., of
Hampton, carpenter, 6 acres of planting
land in Hampton in a common field called
ye north plain, being J^ of ye 1 2 acres
granted to Henry Sayword sometimes of
Hampton, the 1 2 acres being bounded by
Anthony Tayler, Jn** Brown (formerly in
ye hands of Jn" Sanders), and ye com-
mons of Hampton ; ye other half of ye 12
acres being now in ye hands of Robert
Page, May 30, 1667. Wit: AUexander
Dunham (his O mark) and Mehitable
Dalton. Ack. June 5, 1667, before Sam"
Dalton, commissioner.
Steven Dowe of Haverhill, husband-
man, for ^40, conveyed to Phillip East-
man of Cambridge and Nath" Singletary
of Haverhill 32 acres in Haverhill to ye
westward of ye saw mill river, bounded
by ye long plain that leads to Michaell
Emerson's farm, James Pecker, highway
that goeth to ye west meadow, Georg
CorUs, Willi : Allin of Salisbury and com-
mon land, June i, 1669. Wit: Robert
Swan and Robert Clement. Ack. by
grantor July 31, 1669, before Nath" Sal-
tonstall, commissioner. Grantor's wife Ann
Dow released dower March 2, 1669-70,
before Nath" Saltonstall, commissioner.
Execution: William ffifeild v. Richard
Oliver, dated April 14, 1671. Levied by
Abraham Drake, marshall of Hampton,
May 4, 167 1, one share of cow common
in Hampton, and 3 acres of land at Ass
bridge in Exiter, bounded by Hampton
line, highway that goes to Exiter, some-
times William Taylers.
Execution : Abraham Drake, Benjamin
Swett and Henry Green v. Capt. Walter
Barfoot and Mr. Henry Greenland, dated
10 : 8 mo: 1671. Levied by Abraham
Drake, marshall of Hampton, 21: 8 :
167 1, on land lying on Kitterie point, ex-
cept the warehouse site by Capt. Bare-
foot over against ye great island,
bounded by Major Shapleigh; and ap-
praised by John Redman, sr., and Jno
Pickerin chosen by Capt. Barefoot
and Henry Green chosen by the
marshall. Also levied upon £50^ worth
of biskett of Capt. Walter Barefoot, ap-
praised by Mr. Richard Stileman and
John Redman, sr. Also levied upon 2046
feet of pine boards of Mr. Henry Green-
land, appraised by Rowland ffiansall and
Nath" Drake chosen by Henry Green and
Mr. Greenland at 30 j.per thousand, Nov.
15, 1 67 1. Remainder of the execution
was satisfied by Isaac Coule upon Mr.
Greenland's account, Nov. i8ori9, 1671.
Rev. John Wheelwright, pastor to ye
church and congregation of Salisbury, for
love, conveyed to my daughter Sarah, ye
now wife of Richard Crispe of Boston,
merchant, after my decease, all my houses
and lands in ye township of Nawthorp,
Bound thorp and Cumberworth, Lincoln-
shire, England, lately in ye occupation of
John Green, Nov. 2 1 , 1671. Wit: John
Stevens (his I mark) and Tho : Bradbury.
Ack. 28 : 9 : 167 1, before Robert Pike,
Robert Jones (his I mark) of Ams-
berie, yeoman, for £42, mortgaged to
Richard Dole of Nubery, merchant, 25
acres of meadow in Salisbury, bounded by
ye town creek, a creek, ye widow Worth,
William Sargeant, ye ware island and
Merrimack river, Nov. 15, 1671. Wit:
Tho : Woodbridg, Richard Currier and
Joseph Hills. Ack. 28 : 9 : 1671, before
Robert Pike, commissioner.
William White of Haverhill and wife
Mary (her M mark), for ;^i6, conveyed
to Rodger Eastman of Salisbury a 2d di-
vision lot of 16 acres in Haverhill which
was formerly a lot of John Generics,
bounded by John Williams, sr., Abraham
Witticker, Merries creek and Long hill,
Sept. I, 1670. Wit: Daniell Hendrick
and Thomas Walle. Ack. by W. W., his
wife Mary consenting. May 22, 167 1,
before Nath : Saltonstall, commissioner.
Maj. Robert Pike of Salisbury, planter,
for land, to Mr. Tho : Bradbury of Salis-
bury my lo-acre lot of upland in Salis-
bury, bounded by Thos. Carter, land in
ye hands of John Bayly, John Stevens,
Richard GoodaJe's rye lot, and Pawwaus
river. May 4, 1668. Wit: John Pike,
Robert Pike, jr., and Dorethie Pike.
Ack. 25: 10: 1671, before Sam^^ Dalton,
Maj. Robert Pike of Salisbury, for a 3-
acre lot of meadow, bounded by grantor,
cove and creek, conveyed to Tho : Brad-
bury of Salisbury a 4 -acre lot of meadow
in ye great meadows towards ye beach
point in Salisbury, bounded by Mr. Henry
Monday, Robert Ring, ye great neck and
marsh granted to Mr. Sam^^ Winsly, April
24, 1657. Wit: Samuel Hall and Mary
Wiggin. Ack. 25: 10: 1671, before
Sam^ Dalton, commissioner.
Onesephorus Page (his O mark) of
SaHsbury, weaver, and wife Mary (her M
mark), for 40 s., conveyed to Mr. Tho :
Bradburie of Salisbury, planter, ye divi-
sion of upland belonging as an addition
to ye planting lot of Tho : Hauxworth
sometime of Salisbury, deceased, being 2
acres on ye ferrie neck so called in Salis-
bury, 5 : 14 : 1669. Wit : PhiHp Challis
and Sam : ffoot. Ack. by both July 14,
1670, before Robert Pike, commissioner.
Corp. Christopher Palmer of Harnpton,
planter, for ;^5o, conveyed to Daniell
Tilton of Hampton, blacksmith, a parcel
of upland and meadow in Hampton up
Tayler's river near ye Indian graves, the
upland being the south half of 100 acres
which Nath^^ Boulter bought of John Bar-
rat, the other half being now in ye posses-
sion of John Huggins ; ye meadow con-
taining yt one half of ye meadow which
Jno Barratt sold to Nath^ Boulter, joining
to said upland, according to ye grant in
Exeter town book, which was sometimes
John Legatts, and half of it lately sold to
Christopher Palmer by Nath" Boulter,
Oct. 20, 1671. Wit: Mary Slanian and
Joseph Dow. Grantor's wife Susanna Pal-
mer consents. Ack. 2:11: 1671, before
Sam^ Dalton, commissioner.
John Ilsly of Salisbury, for one-half of
one-half of ye lO-acre meadow lot granted
to Rev. William Worcester by ye town of
Salisbury, lying in a place called ye great
meadow near ye neck bridge, and con-
veyed to me by Edward Gone of Hamp-
ton, planter, today, conveyed to said
Gone my 2 -acre addition lot of salt marsh
in Hall's farm in Salisbury, lying in a
corner of marsh next Hampton line, for-
merly belonging to Richard Goodale, sr.,
now deceased ; also, my addition of marsh
belonging to ye purchase of Hall's farm,
being one acre and 12 rods, lying between
ye lots of John Severans and William Os-
good, sr., in SaHsbury; also, my propor-
tion of marsh I bought of John Easman
in ye same division, being 166 rods and
one acre ; also, my proportion I bought
of Abraham ffitts, being one acre and 1 7
rods of marsh, adjoining above lot,
bounded by Edward ffrench and Anthony
Stanian; also, 4 divisions of upland, my '
own, Rodger Eastman's, Robert ffitts'
and John Maxfeild's, lying in yt division
between William Allin's lot and ye high-
way, 16: 11: 1 67 1. Wit: Tho: Brad-
bury and Phill : Challis. Ack. Jan. 16,
167 1, before Robert Pike, commission-
Edward Gone of Hampton conveyed
to John Ilsly of Salisbury, barber , 8 acres
of upland lying in Hall's farm in Salisbu-
ry, bounded by John Clough and Georg
Goldwyer, the highway running through
ye said farm and Cane's brook, being lot
numbered 35 on ye town book, ,
1669. Wit : Tho : Bradbury and William
Bradbury. Ack. Jan. 16, 1671, before
Robert Pike, commissioner.
Edward Goue of Hampton, planter,
for several lots of land in Hall's farm in
Salisbury, conveyed to Jno Ilsly of Salis-
bury(?), birber, my half of Timothie
Worcester's half of ye lo-acre lot of fresh
meadow in Salisbury, formerly ye lot of
Rev. William Worcester, deceased, lying
in ye great meadow, bounded by meadow
lot formerly of John Saunders, Mr. Henry
Byly, ye great neck and ye little river, 1 1 :
16: 167 1. Wit: Tho: Bradbury and
Phill: Challis. Ack. 16 : 11 : 1 671, before
Robert Pike, commissioner.
Thomas Bradbury, sr., of Salisbury,
planter, in consideration of a marriage
consummated between Jn'' Stanian of
Hampton and my daughter Mary Brad-
bury, as part of her portion, conveyed to
my said son-in-law my share of land and
marsh of Mr. Hall's farm in Salisbury, and
my part of ye addition of land laid out
by Salisbury to ye said farm, Oct. 13,
1664. Wit: William Samborn and
Nath" Boulter. Ack. Oct. 13, 1664,
before Sam* Symonds.
To be continued.
Ann Bishop married John Elethorp Aug.
2, 1750.
Samuel Bishop married Elizabeth Green
Sept. 3, 1770.
Sarah Bishop married Matthew Rolls,
both of Marblehead, Nov. i6, 1749.
— Marblehead town records.
Old Mary Bishop died March 26, 1789
(says Coffin).
Hannah Bishop married George Jack-
man July 6, 1728.
Lydia Bishop published to Joseph
Willit, jr., Nov. 6, 1728.
Lydia, daughter of Mary Bishop, single-
woman, born Aug. 29, 1749.
Elizabeth Bishop published to Daniel
Goodwin Oct. 5, 1734.
Mary Bishop, servant of Mr. Parker,
died Dec. 11, 1683.
— Newbury town records.
Mary Bishop, adult, baptized June 17,
1744. — Rowley church records.
Abigail, daughter of Abigail Bishop,
baptized June 29, 1701. — Topsfield
church records.
John Bishop of Marblehead published
to Elizabeth Burn of Wenham May 5,
1764. — Wenham town records.
Hannah Bishop married George Wallis
of Manchester April 30, 1718. — Beverly
town records.
Children of John and Sarah Bishop :
Sarah, born June 11, 1720, and John,
born April 6, 1722. — Bradford town rec-
James Bishop published to Sally Ende-
cott Feb. 9, 1788.
Margaret Bishop (born in Salem Feb.
6, 1795) married Jonas Harrington June
II, 1 815, in Salem.
— Danvers town records.
Susannah Bishop published to Samuel
Dodge 6 : 10 : 17 13.
Children of Job Bishop : Dinah, born
June 19, 1657 ; Sarah, born May 19,1659 ;
and Hannah, born Dec. 24 [1662?].
Sarah, daughter of Jacob (Job?) and
Hanna Bishop, born April 18, 1687.
Anna Bishop married Elisha Newman
Jan. 21, 1786.
Samuel Bishop, son of Nathaniel, died
in 1703.
— Ipswich town records.
Elizabeth Bishop married Eliezer Giles
Sept. 25, 1677. " James Bishop
William Bishop of Salem married
Dorothy Hooper of Beverly Oct. 15,
Priscilla Bishop of Salem married Sam-
uel Day of Gloucester Aug. 19, 1702.
John Bishop married Sarah Hawkins,
both of Salem, Aug. 2, 1769.
Samuel Bishop married Peggy Cox,
both of Salem, Dec. 30, 1787.
Sally Bishop married Charles Holden,
both of Salem, Jan. 30, 1794.
Joseph Bishop married widow Hannah
Hammond, both of Salem, Nov. 17,
John Bishop married widow Betsey
Roles, both of Salem, March 27, 1796.
John Bishop married Catharine Dodge
Dec. 15, 1766.
Sarah Bishop married Joseph Hender-
son, both of Salem, Oct. 22, 1783.
Townsend Bishop was granted land in
Salem in 1635, and was of Salem in 1644,
probably removing from the town in
— Salem town records.
John Bishop of Salem, mariner, and
wife Sarah, daughter of Elizabeth Trench,
deceased, 1770, 1783.
John Bishop of Gloucester, laborer,
Joseph Bishop of Salem, tallow-chand-
ler, 1 795-1 797, and wife Hannah, 1795,
Townsend Bishop sold house and land
in Salem in 1646.
John Bishop of Newbury, 17 12, had a
son Capt. John Bishop of Woodbridge,
N. J., that year, who was a captain in
1692 and 1712 ; and apparently of New-
bury in 1710-1.
— Registry of deeds.
Mary Bishop of Ipswich, 1664, 1665.
Job Bishop of Ipswich, 165 1, 8, 9,
1665, wife Mary, 1665. Goodwife Smith
was his sister-in-law, 1665.
Tho : Bishop ef Salem, 1666.
Benoni Bushopp of Gloucester, 1663.
— Court records.
Palmer Bishop lived in Marblehead,
cordwainer, 1721-1772. He married,
first, Miss Joanna Wood of Beverly (" both
of Beverly") Jan. 13, 1736, in Marble-
head; and she was his wife in 1744. He
married, second, Elizabeth Messervy Dec.
21, 1762. Administration was granted
on his estate June i, 1772 ; the property
amounting to ;^433, i8j., ^d. His wife
Elizabeth survived him ; and administra-
tion was granted on her estate Feb. 2,
1784. He had a daughter Elizabeth, who
married George Barker June 5, 1744, and
was his widow in 1772. — Records.
James Bishop married Priscilla Peabody
of Middleton Nov. 4, 1 790 ; and lived in
Dan vers. Children : James, born Feb.
5» i793> i^ Middleton: William, born
Sept. 29, 1795, in Danvers; and Daniel,
bom July 25, 1797, in Danvers. — Middle-
ton and Danvers town records.
Baptized April 15, 1722, Dorothy,
daughter of Will™ and Dorothy (Hooper)
Bishop, on ye grandmother's account
(Mrs. Elis : Woodbury), who had taken
it as her own upon ye mother's death to
bring up.
Children of Edward, jr., and Mary
Bishop baptized : Priscilla, Aug. 14,
1681 ; Joseph, April 8, 1683 ; Sarah, May
24, 1685 ; Benjamin, July 17, 1687 ; and
John, 27 : 9 : 1689.
— Beverly First Church records.
Children of Townsend Bishop baptized:
Leah (dau.), 19: 4- ^634; and Jon.
(son), 31: 5: 1642. —Salem First
Church records.
John Bishop lived in Newbury, 1648-
1663, on the Island of Nantucket before
1670, and in Woodbridge, N. J., in 1677 ;
carpenter, 1648; married Rebecca
(Kent), widow of Samuel ScuUard of
Newbury, yeoman, Oct. 2, 1647 ; and she
was his wife m 1663. Children, born in
Newbury: John, born Sept. 19, 1648;
Rebecca, born May 15, 1650; Joanna,
born April 24, 1652 ; Hannah, born Dec.
lOj 1653 ; Elizabeth, born Aug. i, 1655 ;
died March 11, 1655-6; Jonathan, born
Jan. II, 1656-7; Noah, born June 20,
1658 ; David, born Aug. 26, 1660. — Reg-
istry of deeds, and Newbury town records.
Henry Bishop of Ipswich married at
Boston Feb. 20, 1657, widow of Eliza-
beth Wilbore, and died before 1664.
Job Bishop of Ipswich, 1648, son of
Thomas Bishop of Ipswich, married, first,
Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. George Phil-
lips, and by her had daughter Elizabet h,
who died Feb. 27, 1652. By a second
wife he had Dinah, born June 19, 1657 ;
Sarah, born May 19, 1659 ; and Hannah,
born Dec. 24, 1662.
William Bitner of Andover married, in
1648, Sarah Ingalls of Andover.
— Savage.
There's lot o' music in 'em, the hymns of long
An' when some gray-haired brother smgs the ones
I used to know,
I sorter want to take a hand — I think o' days
gone by,
" On Jordan's stormy banks I stand and cast a
wistful eye."
' There's lots of music in 'em — those dear, sweet
hymns of old,
With visions bright of lands of light and shining
streets of gold ;
And I hear 'em ringing — singing, where Mem'ry
dreaming stands,
*' From Greenland's icy mountains to India's
coral strands."
They seem to sing forever of holier, sweeter
When the lillies of the love of God bloomed
white in all the ways ;
And I want to hear their music from the old-time
meetin's rise,
Till " I can read my title clear to mansions in the
We never needed singin' books in them old days;
we knew
The words — the tunes of every one the dear old
hymn book through !
We didn't have no trumpets then — no organs
built for show ;
We only sang to praise the Lord *' from whom all
blessings flow."
An' so I love the old hymns, and when my time
shall come —
Before the light has left me and my singing lips
are dumb —
If I can only hear 'em then, I'll pass without a
'• To Canaan's fair and happy land, where my
possessions lie!"
Queries are inserted for one cent a word.
Answers are solicited.
449. Who was Daniel Canady (or
Kennedy) of Salem in 1685 ? Who were
his parents, and where did they live ? k.
450. Who was Robert Low of Ip-
swich in 1686. L.
88. Mary Wadleigh of Exeter, N. H.,
who married John Cram, was daughter of
Robert^ (son of Robert,3sonof Capt. Rob-
ert,^ son of John,* the immigrant) and De-
borah (Smith) Wadleigh, and was born in
Stratham, N. H. The will of her father,
Robert Wadleigh, dated Aug. 17, 1733,
and proved in September, 1733, mentions
wife Deborah ; sons John and Robert ;
and daughters Mary, Maria, Deborah,
Sarah and Meribah, all young.— /ohn F.
Johnson^ Ameshury^ Mass.
442. Sarah Farrington, who married
Joseph Breed at Lynn in 1683, was daugh-
ter of Mathew Farrington, sr., of Lynn,
and was born there 15:4: 1663. His
will, dated Dec. n, 1700 (when he called
himself "aged and weak of body"), was
proved Jan. 20, 1700-1. In it, he men-
tions his wife Sisly, sons Mathew, William
and Theophilus Farrington, and a son of
his son John Farrington, deceased ; and
"I give to my Daughter Sarah Bread the
feather Bed that is in my best Chamber
^th ^]| ye furniture belonging to itt & my
best Cubord & twenty pound in or as
money to be paid feuen pounds by my
Son William ffarrington and thirteen
pounds by my fon Theophilus ffarington."
His estate was valued at ;£"47i, 14J. —
Pebbles from the Shore. By E. A.
Kimball, Boston, 1904. This is an at-
tractive little book of poems by Mrs. E.A.
Kimball of East Haverhill, Mass, who has
already published considerable verse.
In this collection are several occasional
poems which will be doubly dear to those
interested in the occasions. Bound in
cloth; gilt top; 58 duodecimo pages;
published by Richard G. Badge, "The
Gorham Press," Boston, Mass. The
price is ;^i.25.
The Old Families of Salisbury and
Amesbury, Massachusetts. With some
Related Families of adjoining towns and
of York County, Maine. By David W.
Hoy I. Providence, R. I., 1905. This is
part nine (or part four of volume two)
of Mr. Hoyt's genealogical work concern-
ing families in and around the towns
named. This part contains several gen-
erations of the Chase, Colby, Currier and
Davis families. Paper covers; sixty-four
pages ; price, ^i.oo to purchasers of the
other parts; single copies, ;?ti.2 5. Ad-
dress David W. Hoyt, Providence, R. I.
The Old Families of Salisbury and
Amesbury, Massachusetts. With some
Related Families of adjoining towns and
of York County, Maine. By David W.
Hoyt. Providence, R. I., 1905. This is
part ten (or part five of volume two) of
Mr. Hoyt's valuable work on the geneal-
ogies of the families living in early times
in the locality named. This part relates
principally to the Davis, Dow, Eaton,
Hoyt, Martin, Merrill and Morrill fami-
lies. Paper covers ; seventy-two octavo
pages; price, ^i.oo to purchasers of the
other parts; single copies, ^1.25. Ad-
dress David W. Hoyt, Providence, R. I.
Mr. Hoyt's work is to be highly com-
mended for its accuracy. He is wise,
experienced and conscientious.
Vital Records of Boxford, Mass,
Topsfield, 1905. The Topsfield Histori-
cal Society has compiled and published
the vital records of the town of Boxford
before 1850, under the statute of the
state to promote such undertakings. The
record includes, in addition to the town
records of births, marriages and deaths,
the intentions of marriages, and records
from many other sources, viz : gravestone
inscriptions, church records (which con-
tain many baptisms of children, whose
births are not recorded on the town rec-
ords, besides marriages and deaths), fam-
ily Bibles, private records, journals, etc.
These records make a volume of two
hundred and seventy- four pages, which
will be sent by mail, postpaid, by The
Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield,
Mass., for ^2.90.
A History of the United States and
ITS People from their earliest records to
the present time. By Elroy McKendree
Avety. Cleveland, O., 1904. This is
the first volume of the twelve that will
compose Doctor Avery's work of a score
of years. He states that the style and
method is midway between "a cold intel-
lectualism that seems to be heading
straight for the poverty and decay that
must always follow the separation of the
brain from the heart" and "a popular
taste that is daily accommodating itself to
an aesthetic and intellectual pabulum that
would have seemed to our forefathers, at
best, a sad waste of time;" in other
words that he has "tried to meet the
wants of men and women of general cul-
ture." Therefore foot notes and authori-
ties are not given, and the matter is pre-
sented simply and concisely, with little
attempt apparently at literary style.
As this volume, which is the only one of
the work that has appeared, merely comes
down to the year 1588, a reviewer cannot
inform himself as to the author's treat-
ment of the settlement of the country by
the English and its evolution and devel-
opment ; and therefore must be contented
for the present with the account of the
history of the aborigines and the early
The story of both the paleolithic and
neolithic peoples here is interestingly
written ; and the myths and superstitions
of the centuries prior to the eighteenth
are presented in a separate chapter.
The voyages of the Northmen are il-
lustrated, among other things, by a fac-
simile copy of a saga manuscript. More
than a quarter part of the volume is de-
voted to Columbus and his voyages ; and
a similar space to Cabot, Da Gama, Ves-
pucius, Balboa, Magellan, Cortes, Ponce
de Leon, Las Casas, Ayllon, Verrazano,
Gomez, Narvaez, De Vaca, De Soto, Cor-
onado, Cartier, Ribault, Laudonniere, De
Gourgues, Hawkins, Drake, Cavendish,
Gilbert, Ralegh, etc.
The bibliography relative to the differ-
ent subjects treated is given in the ap-
pendix, and is a valuable part of the work.
This volume contains 405 octavo pages,
and is finely printed on calendered
heavy paper. Many of the maps are
colored and the illustrations are greatly
diversified as to subject, and numerous,
being nearly two hundred, mostly small.
Among the folded maps is a reduced col-
ored reproduction of the ox-hide map of
Juan de la Cosa, made in 1500, being the
oldest known American map.
The mechanical execution of the vol-
ume is ideal, artistic in design as well as
beautiful in its production.
The price in cloth is ^6.25 net; in half
levant, ^12.50 net; and in full levant,
;^ 1 7.50 net. The publishers are The
Burrows Brothers Company, Cleveland,
The Essex Antiquarian.
Vol. IX.
Salem, Mass., October, 1905.
*No. 4.
The surname of Boardman is also
spelled in the early records of Essex coun-
ty Boarman, Bordman, Boreman^ Bor-
man and Bourman.
Boardman^, probably a resident
of England, had at least two sons who
came to America.
Children : —
2 — I. Thomas'^, baptized Oct. 18, 1601, in
Claydon, England; so says Topsfield
Historical Collections, volume viii
(1902), page 104. See below (-?).
2 — II. Daniel^, came to America. In his
brother Thomas Boardman's will, in
1670, he is mentioned as follows:
" Item my will is that my Brother
Daniell fhall abide with my wife
while fhee Hues; and after her De-
ceafe that he Ihall continue while he
Hues with my fonne Thomas to be
mainteyned by him."
Thomas Boardman^, baptized in Clay-
don, England, Oct. 18, 1601. He was a
cooper by trade, and settled in Ipswich,
Mass., in 1634. He was called "a very
old man " in 167 1. His wife Margaret
probably came from England with him.
He died before May 26, 1673 ; his will,
dated Dec. 17, 1670, being proved June
i9> 1673. His estate was appraised at
;^554, 6 J., dd. His wife Margaret sur-
vived him, and died in Ipswich Nov. 25,
Children : —
4 — I. MaryS, b, about 1629; m. Robert Kins-
man of Ipswich before 1665; and she
was living in 1679.
5 — n. Daniel^, b. about 1639. {See below ^).
6 — ni. Martha^, b. about 1641 ; m. Thomas
Low of Ipswich July 4, 1660; and was
living in 1679.
7— IV. Thomas^, b. about 1643. See below (7).
8 — V. Joanna^, b. about 1649; m. Isaac Fel-
lows of Ipswich Jan. 29, 1672.
Daniel Boardman3, born in Ipswich
about 1639. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Ipswich until 1665, when he
purchased the farm of William Evans in
Topsfield, and removed thither. He
afterwards lived in Topsfield, and was one
of the selectmen of the town in 1668 and
1669. He married Hannah Hutchinson
April 12, 1662, in Ipswich; and died in
Topsfield April 27, 1708. She survived
him, and lived in Topsfield, his widow, in
1723, being an " aged person."
Children : —
9 — I. Joseph*, b. about 1662. See below (9).
10 — II. Nathaniel'*, b. about 1664. See belovf
II — III. Thomas^ b. June 15, 1666, in Tops-
field; probably settled at Cape Porpus
in Maine.
12 — IV. Hannah'', b. Feb. 18, 1670, in Tops-
field; m. Eleazer Putnam of Salem
about 1693; and was living in 1706.
13 — V. MarV*, m. Ebenezer Foster of Ipswich
Jan. 23, 1705-6; lived in Rowley; and
d. before 1720.
14 — VI. Wait John'*, b. Aug. 23, 1676, in Tops-
field. See below {14).
15 — VII. David'* (twin), b. June 21, 1682, in
Topsfield; d. at Preston, Conn., un-
married, Feb. I, 1724-5.
16 — VIII. Jonathan* (twin), b. June 21, 1682,
in Topsfield; laborer; lived in Tops-
field, where he d., unmarried, Oct. 3,
1723, aged forty-one.
Thomas Boardman3, born in Ipswich
about 1643. H^ ^^ * farmer, and
lived in Ipswich. He married Miss
Elizabeth Perkins of Ipswich Jan. i, 1667-
8; and she died Dec. 4, 17 18. Mr.
Boardman died Oct. — , 17 19, l^is will,
dated Oct. 24, 17 19, being proved Nov.
3» 1719-
Children, born in Ipswich : —
17— I. Thomas*, b. Aug. 8, 1669. See below
18— II. Jacob*, b. June 10, 1671. See below
19 — III. John*, b. March 18, 1672-3; probably
d. before 1719.
20— IV. Offin*, b. Dec. 3, 1676. See below
21 — V. Margaret*, b. April 5, 1681; m.
Thomas Burnam, jr., of Ipswich Sept.
30, 1 703 ; and was living in 1 720.
22 — VI. Elizabeth*, b. Nov. 6, 1686 ; m. Jedi-
diah Titcomb of Newbury (pub. June
29, 1 71 7); and was his wife in 1720.
Joseph Boardman*, born in Ipswich
about 1662. He was a yeoman and
house-carpenter, and lived on the late
James Manning farm in Topsfield. He
married Prudence Foster Feb. 17, 1696-
7 ; and died in Topsfield May 18, i737-
She survived him, and died, his widow, in
Topsfield Oct. 28, 1755.
Children, born in Topsfield : —
23 — I. Abigail^, b. Sept. 8, 1700; m. Isaac
Cummings of Ipswich March 8, 1716-
24 — II. Hannah^, b. Aug. 16, 1703; m., first,
Jacob Perkins Dec. 5, 1 721; second,
John Batchelder of Topsfield Aug. 23,
1763; and d. in Topsfield April 27,
1783, aged seventy-nine.
Corp. Nathaniel Boardman*, born in
Ipswich about 1664. He was a husband-
man and carpenter, and lived in Topsfield.
He was commissioned quartermaster by
Lt.-gov. William Dummer Aug. 16, 1723.
He was prominent in town affairs, being a
selectman in 1723, 1727, 1728, 1730 and
1732 ; and representative to the general
court in 1727, 1737, 1740 and 1741. He
married Miss Abigail Rolfe of 'Newbury
June 28, 1 7 10; and she died in Topsfield
Aug. II, 1749. He died in Topsfield
March 7, 1758, being •* an aged m*an."
In his will, he gave ;£"5, 6j., 8</., towards
building a new meeting house, provided it
is set where the old one then stood. He
also gave to the church ;^i, 6^., 8c?. In
the later years of his life he was called
" gentleman."
Children, born in Topsfield : —
25 — I. Nathaniel^, b. April 9, 1711; lived in
Topsfield; m. Martha Perley of Ips-
wich April I, 1736; and d. in Tops-
field Aug. 26, 1736. She m. second-
ly, John Chapman, jr., of Topsfield
March i, 1738-9; and she was the
latter 's wife in 1756.
26 — II. ABIGAIL^ bapt. Sept. 5, 1714; d. Sept.
13, 1736, in Topsfield.
Wait John Boardman*, born in Tops-
field Aug. 23, 1676. He was called
" John Boardman," having discarded his
first name. He was a husbandman, and
lived in Topsfield until his father's death,
when he removed to Preston, Conn.,
after being faithful and a comfort to his
father. He married Mary Billings of
Preston May 4, 17 13; and died Feb. 2,
1739. She survived him, and died, his
widow, May 24, 1776.
Children, bom in Preston : —
27 — I. Eunice*, d. Feb. 6, 17 14. ^
28 — II. •, b. Nov. 15, 1715; d. Nov. 20,
29 — III. John*, b. Dec. 21, 1716. See below
30 — IV. Hannah'^, b. Oct. 20, 1718.
31 — V. Elijah', b. March 13, 1720; lived in
Preston; m. Mary Tyler March 15,
1749; and d. Dec. 20, 1759. They
had five children.
32 — VI. Joseph*, b. Oct. 20, 1722; captain of
the 2d CO. of the 8th Conn, regiment;
m. Rachel Killam of Preston Sept. 8,
1749; and d. Sept. 23, 1796. They
had twelve children.
33 — VII. Mary', b. March 20, 1724; m. Henry
Williams Oct. 12, 1743.
34 — VIII. EuNiCE% b. July 10, 1728 ;m. Capt.
Stephen Perkins of Topsfield Aug. 11,
1748; and lived in Topsfield.
35 — IX. Lois*, b. Oct. 14, 1 730; m. John Cot-
trell before 1 756.
Cornet Thomas Boardman*, born in
Ipswich Aug. 8, 1669. He was a carpen-
ter, and lived in Ipswich. He married,
first, Sarah Langley about 1697 ; and she
died Dec. 27,1725. He married, second,
Mrs. Sarah Gurley (published May 6,
1727) j and she died April4, 1735. He
died in 1736 (?), having conveyed his
house, barn, shops and land in Ipswich to
his son John Boardman in 1720.
Children, born in Ipswich : —
36 — I. JoHN^, b. Feb. 13, 1697-8. See below
37 — n. Abel", b. Sept. 23, 1700 (bapt. June
12, 1 71 5); yeoman, joiner and gun-
smith; lived in Ipswich; m. Mary
Warner (pub. May 23, 1735); he d.
in Ipswich May 16, 1752; she sur-
vived him, and m., secondly, William
Buswell of Amesbury, cooper (pub.
April 10, 1754). Mr. Boardman prob-
ably had no children.
38 — III. Sarah*, m. Thomas Cross of Ipswich,
turner (pub. Feb. 18, 17201); and
she was his wife in 1 736.
39 — IV. Hannah*, m. John Treadwell of Ips-
wich, yeoman, Oct. 9, 1728; and was
his wife in 1 736 .
40^v. Martha*, m. Caleb Pool of Gloucester,
yeoman, March 28, 1727; and she
was his wife in 1 736.
41 — VI. Elizabeth*, m. Joseph Manning of Ip-
swich, gentleman, Nov. 14, 1732.
42 — VII. Lucy*, bapt. 21: 10: 1712; m. John
Appleton, 3d, of Ipswich, joiner, Aug.
4, 1 731; and she d. Feb. 24, 1790,
'* aged seventy-three."
43~viii. Stephen*, bapt. 8: 7: 171 7. See be-
low {4s).
44 — IX. Langley*, bapt. Feb. 18, 1721-2; d. in
Ipswich Feb. 14, 1737, aged sixteen.
Jacob Boardman^, born in Ipswich June
10, 167 1. He was a yeoman and car-
penter, and lived in Ipswich. He married,
first, widow Martha Rogers May 18, 1699 ;
and she died June 10, 1 740. He married,
second, Mary Ash of Wenham Sept. 20,
1742 (published in Ipswich Aug. 22,
1 741); and died in Ipswich Dec. 10,
1756. His wife Mary survived him, and
removed to Boston in 1757. His estate
was insolvent, paying a dividend of about
forty-five per cent.
Children, born in Ipswich : —
45 — I. Margaret*, b. May 6, 1700; m. Rich-
ard Manning (pub. Oct, 20, 1 722).
46—11, Jacob*, b. AprU i, 1702; yeoman; lived
in Ipswich; m. widow Zeruiah Bur-
nam of Ipswich July 26, 1750; both
became of unsound mind in 1760; in
1763, he was being boarded with
Ebenerer Fuller and the next year
she was being boarded with
James Platts (in Rowley?); they were
both living in 1 769. There were np
children, apparently.
47 — in, Mary*, b. Nov. 20, 1704.
48-— IV. Priscilla*, b. July 25, 1707; m. Joseph
Manning (pub. Jan. 22, 1726).
49 — V. John*, b. Sept. 5, 1709. See below (4g),
50 — VI. Hannah*, bapt. 11:9: 1711.
SI— VII. Elizabeth*, bapt. 23: 3: 1714; d.May
4, 1736.
Capt. Offin Boardman4, born in Ip-
swich Dec. 3, 1676. He lived in Ipswich
until 1707, when he removed to Newbury,
from whence he removed to Salisbury in
1729 or 1730. He was at first a weaver,
and then a mariner or coaster, and the
last few years of his life were spent as an
innholder in Salisbury. He married, first,
Sarah Heard in Ipswich Feb. 28, 1698;
and she died in Salisbury May 27, 1738.
He married, second, Judith Morss of
Newbury April 24, 1740 ; and died March
22, 1749, in Salisbury, at the age of seven-
ty-two. His wife Judith survived him.
His estate was valued at ;£" 1,685, ^ ^^'* 4^'
He had considerable property at North
Yarmouth, Me.
Children : —
52 — I. Offin*, b. Dec. 16, 1698, in Ipswichw
See below {j2)»
53 — II. Sarah*, m. Stephen Coffin, jr., of New-
bury Aug. 16, 1722; and both die^
before 1748.
54 — III. Eli2:abeth*, d. in Newbury April 27,
55— IV. Nathaniel*, bapt. July 8, 1705, in Ip-
swich; probably d. young.
56 — V. John', b. Dec. 6, 1707, in Newbury;
probably d. young.
57 — VI. Margaret*, b. Oct. 28, 1710, in New-
bury; d. in Salisbury July 18, 1730.
58 — VII. Abigail*, b. Dec. 28, 1712, in New-
bury; m. Stephen Hook Jan. 25,
1732-3; and probably d. before 1748,
without issue.
Capt. John BoardmanS, born in Pres-
ton, Conn., Dec. 21, 17 16. He lived in
Preston until 1745, when he removed to
Topsfield, Mass., where he afterwards
resided. He mariied Elizabeth Cagwin
(or, Kegwin) of Stonington, Conn., Jan.
26, 1736; and died April 7, 1780, "in
something of a sudden & unexpected
manner," aged sixty-three. She survived
him, and died, his widow, Feb. 3, 1789.
Children : —
59 — r. Hannah^, b. in 1737, in Preston; m.
Lt. Daniel Towne of Topsfield Feb.
3, 1 761 ; and d. in Topsfield Dec. 30,
1814, aged seventy-seven.
60 — II. Abigail^, b. in 1739, in Preston; m.
Stephen Foster, jr., of Topsfield Jan.
4, 1763; and d. in Topsfield July 8,
1786, of consumption, at the age of
61 — III. Nathaniel^ b. in 1741, in Preston;
"died from Home in ye Army'' in
62 — IV. Lois^, b. in 1744, in Preston; m. Thom-
as Cummings, jr., of Ipswich April 26,
1763; by the change of town line they
lived in Topsfield after 1774; she d.
Dec. 6, 1792.
63 — V. Elizabeth^, b. Sept. 18, 1746, in Tops-
field; m. Benjamin Johnson of Ipswich
Sept. 8, 1766; they removed to Lim-
erick, Me., being among the very
first settlers of that town.
64 — VI. John®, b. Sept. 24, 1748, in Topsfield;
m. Bethiah Gidding of Ipswich Nov.
8, 1770; and d. Jan. 28, 1771, aged
twenty-two. She m., secondly, Josiah
Fitts, 3d, of Ipswich Feb. 20, 1776;
and, thirdly, John Gould, jr., of Tops-
field June 3, 1777. Mr. Gould had
no children apparently.
65 — VII. Mary®, b. March 12, 1 750-1, in Tops-
field; m. Josiah Cummings Dec. 6,
1781 ; and lived in Andover.
66 — vni. Daniel®, b. Dec. 26, 1752, in Tops-
field. See below {66).
67--IX. Eunice®, b. Feb. i, 1755, in Topsfield;
d. July 12, 1768.
Capt. John BoardmanS, born in Ipswich
Feb. 13, 1697-8. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Ipswich, having a pew in the
South church. He deeded his farm to
his dutiful son John in 1 743. He married
Abigail Choate (published Nov. 27,
1720) ; and died in Ipswich Oct. i, 1760.
His estate was appraised at ;^ 1,1 73, igs.y
4^. She was his wife in 1757.
Children, born in Ipswich : —
68 — I. John®, bapt. May 6, 1722. See below
69 — II. Abigail®, bapt. March 8, 1723; m.
Thomas Prime of Rowley (pub. Jan.
24, 1746-7; and she lived in Rowley,
his widow, in 1762.
70 — III. Thomas®, bapt. March 20, 1725. See
below {70),
71 — IV. Sarah®, bapt. April 21, 1728; d. Nov.
4, 1737-
72 — V. Mary®, bapt. Dec. 6, 1730; d. Nov. 4,
73 — VI. Lucy®, bapt. Aug. 5, 1733; ^' ^o^* 4»
74 — VII. Francis®, bapt. July 18, 1736; d. Nov.
5i 1737-
75 — VIII. Sarah®, bapt. Nov. 12, 1738; lived in
Ipswich, unmarried, spinster, in 1763.
76 — IX. Mary®, bapt. April 11, 1742; m. James
Kinsman of Ipswich Nov. 6, 1760;
and was his widow in 1 764, when she
lived in Ipswich.
Stephen BoardmanS, baptized in Ip-
swich 8:7:1717. He was a blacksmith,
and lived in Gloucester in 1738, and
after 1741 in Ipswich. He married
EHzabeth Cogswell of Ipswich (published
Sept. 22, 1744). He sold his house,
barn, shop, land, etc., in Chebacco
parish, where he lived, in 1748, and
probably removed from town.
Children, baptized in Ipswich : —
77—1- Elizabeth^, bapt. Dec. 22, 1745.
78—11. Stephen^, bapt. April 24, 1748; d.
79— III. Stephen®, bapt . Oct. 14, 1750.
John BoardmanS, born in Ipswich Sept.
5, 1709. He was a yeoman, and lived
in Ipswich. He married Mrs. Anna
Fuller (published Feb. 24, 1748); and
died before Nov. 5, 1759, when adminis-
tration was granted upon his estate, which
was valued at ;£"444, 4^., 10^. She sur-
vived him, and married, secondly, Joshua
Low April 3, 1 760. She was Mr. Low's
wife in 1767.
Children, baptized in Ipswich : —
80 — I. Elizabeth®, bapt. Dec. 3, 1749; m.
Daniel Warner (pub. July 5, 1766).
81 — II. Daniel®, bapt. Jan. 18, 1756. See
below {8/).
Offin BoardmanS, born in Ipswich
Dec. 16, 1698. He lived in Newbury;
and married Sarah Woodman of Newbury
Jan. 17, 1722-3. He died before Oct.
20, 1 735, when administration was granted
upon his estate, which was valued at
;^785, 17 J. He had much land and
some cattle at North Yarmouth, Me. She
survived him, and married, secondly,
Stephen Wyatt of Newbury Nov. 1 7, 1 737-
Children, born in Newbury : —
82 — I. Offin^ b. Sept. 6, 1723. See below {82).
83—11. Thomas^ (twin), b. March 7, 1726. See
below (<^j).
84 — III. Elizabeth^ (twin), b. March 7, 1726;
no. John Pearson, 3d, of Newbury
May 5, 1748.
85 — IV. Jacob^, b. Dec. 29, 1727 ; lived in New-
buryport, shopkeeper and naerchant,
86 — V. JOHN^, b. Oct. I, 1730. See below {86).
87 — VI. Jonathan^. See below {87).
Capt. Daniel Boardman^, born in
Topsfield Dec. 26, 1752. He was a yeo-
man, and lived in Topsfield. He was
captain of the military company at Tops-
field, and a soldier of the Revolution. He
married Lydia Bishop of Rowley (pub-
lished Nov. 25, 1776) ; and died May i,
1803, having a military funeral. She sur-
vived him ; and married, secondly, John
Batchelder, sr., Aug. 30, 181 2; dying
in Pittsfield, N. H., Oct. 12, 1841, aged
Children, born in Topsfield : —
88 — I. Eunice'', b. Jan. 8, 1778; m., first, Jon-
athan Porter of Danvers Nov. 30,
1797; second, Jeremiah Putnam of
Danvers Oct. 16, 1810; and d. May
2, 1852.
89 — II. John', b. Oct. 10, 1779; lived in Tops-
field; m. Rebecca Gould March 18,
1802; and d. June 17, 1856. They
had five children.
90— III. Bishop', b. Sept. 26, 1781; yeoman;
lived in Topsfield and Danvers ; and
d. in Danvers, unmarried, Oct. 20,
91 — IV. Daniel^ b. Nov. 11, 1783; lived in
Topsfield; m. Elizabeth Gould March
15, 1804; and d. at sea. She m.,
secondly, Artemas W. Perley of Box-
ford May 20, 1823. Mr. Boardman
had three children.
92 — V. Betsey', b. Jan. 8, 1785; d. young.
93 — VI. Betsey', b. Jan. 12, 1787; m. David
Marden March 4, 1824; and d. at
Pittsfield, N. H., Aug. 10, 1875.
94— VII. Lydia', b. in 1788; d. Sept. 9, 1796,
aged eight.
95 — VIII. Nathaniel', b. Sept. 29, 1790; shoe
manufacturer; lived in Danvers; m.,
first, Nancy Putnam May 16, 181 6;
shed. March 19, 1823; m., second,
Anna Putnam Nov. 25, 1824; she d.
June 27, 1872; and he d. in Danvers
Oct. 27, 1876. He had six children.
96 — IX. Sally', b. Dec. 3, 1793; m. Benjamin
Towne of Topsfield March 12, 1812;
and d. Aug. 28, 1872.
Lt. John Boardman^, baptized in Ip-
swich May 6, 1722. He was a yeoman,
and lived in Ipswich. He married Mary
Baker (published Nov. 25, 1743) ; and
died in Ipswich March 10, 1755. She
survived him, and married, secondly,
John Potter, jr., June 15, 1758. Mr.
Boardman had a negro man named Sippeo.
They attended the South church.
Children, born in Ipswich : —
97 — I. Mary', bapt. Feb. 17, 1 744 ; probably
m. Robert Dodge, both of the Ham-
let parish (pub. April 11, 1764).
98 — II. Francis', bapt. March 8, 1746. See
below {g8).
99 — III. Lucy', bapt. July 9, 1749; living, 1764,
m. Nathaniel Lord, 3d, of Ipswich
July 4, 1 771.
100— IV. John', bapt. Oct. 6, 1751; living in
1767. ,. ^
loi — V. Ebenezer', bapt. Sept. 29, 1754*, lived
in Ipswich ; baker; and administration
was granted on his estate July 16,
Thomas Boardman^, baptized in Ip-
swich March 20, 1725. He was a yeo-
man, and lived in Ipswich, being called
<* gentleman " during the last years of his
life. He married EHzabeth How (pub-
lished May 23, 1747) ; and died before
June 4, 1776, when administration was
granted upon his estate, which was ap-
praised at ;^i,2 35, OS., jd. She survived
him, and was his widow in 1783. She
probably married, secondly, Capt. Richard
Homan Sept. 23, 1792. They attended
the South church.
Children, born in Ipswich : —
102 — I. Elizabeth', bapt. Feb. 28, 1747-8;
d. May 23, 1767.
103— II. Thomas', bapt. Feb. 18, 1749; ^i^i^g
in 1783.
104— III. Joseph', bapt. Jan. 5, 1752; yeoman;
lived in Ipswich, 1 796.
105 — IV. John How', bapt. March 24, I754»
yeoman; hved in Ipswich, 1796.
106 — V. Abigail', bapt. May 30, 1756; m.
Nathan Brown (pub. July 11, 1776).
io'7— VI. Sarah', bapt. Sept. 3, 1758; m. Abra-
ham Brown (pub. Dec. 30, I779)-
108— VII. Abel', bapt. Oct. 5, 1760; baker;
lived in Newburyport; m. Miss Lydia
Potter of Ipswich May 11, 1783; and
d. in 1816. He had a son Thomas.
109---VII1. Susanna', bapt. Nov. — , 1762; m.
James Bumham Feb. 5, 1786,
1 10 — IX. Stephen', bapt. Sept. 16, 1764; cord-
wainer; lived in Ipswich; m. Martha
Kinsman June 2, 1791 ; and had a son
Ill— X. Francis', bapt. Aug. 3, 1766; baker;
lived in Marblehead; and d. there,
suddenly, March 31, 1823, aged fifty-
six, leaving no children.
112— XI. Elizabeth', bapt. July 31, 1768; m.
Ephraim Brown, jr., Nov. 13, 1791.
Daniel Boardman^, baptized in Ipswich
Jan. 18, 1756. He lived in Ipswich,
being a mariner or fisherman and lighter-
man. He married, first, Mary Hodgkins
Sept. 15, 1778; and she died March 6,
1799. He married, second, Bethiah
Burnham (published Sept. 28, 1799);
and died May — , 1823, his estate being
insolvent. His wife Bethiah survived
Children, bom in Ipswich : —
113 — I. Mary', bapt. Aug. 20, 1780.
114 — II. John', bapt. July 29, 1781.
115^ — III. Daniel', bapt. Dec. 23, 1782.
116 — IV. Francis Hodgkins', bapt. Jan. 9,
1785; cordwainer; lived in Salem; m.
Lucy Gray of Salem Nov. 29, 1810;
and d. April -, 1826. They had two
117 — V, Anna', bapt. Nov. 26, 1786.
ii8 — VI. Abigail', bapt. Feb. 27, 1791.
119 — VII. Lucy', bapt. May 14, 1797.
120— viii. ', d. Feb. 13, 1799.
Offin Boardman^, born in Newbury
Sept. 6, 1723. He was a shipwright and
boat builder, and lived at the port in
Newbury, which was incorporated as New-
burjrport in 1764. He married, first,
Hannah Carrof Newbury Oct. 21, 1746;
THE ESSEX antiquarian.
and she was living in 1774. He married,
second, widow Tamizen Stevens of New-
buryport Oct. 10, 1778. He died in
Newburyport April 26, 1802; and his
wife Tamizen died, his widow, in 181 2.
Children, born in Newbury : —
121 — I. Offin', b. Feb. 18, 1747. See below
122 — II. Elizabeth', b. Oct. 2, 1749; m. Wil-
liam Work of Newburyport, house-car-
penter; and they were living in 1805.
123 — III. Hannah', b. March 29, 1751; m. Ed-
mund Sweat of Newburyport, rope-
maker, Oct. 3, 1767; and they lived
in Newburyport in 1805.
124 — IV. Thomas', b. Nov. 20, 1752. See be-
low {124).
125 — V. Moses', b. Nov. 21, 1754.
126 — VI. Samuel', b. March 29, 1757.
127 — VII. Rhoda', b. Jan. 29, 1759; spinster;
and lived in Newburyport in 1805.
Thomas Boardman^, born in Newbury
March 7, 1726. He was a boat builder,
and lived in Newbury. He married Anne
Pearson May 9, 1749; ^^^ ^^^^ ^ i7Si*
His estate was appraised at ;£429, 17 J.
She married, secondly, Joseph Moulton
Sept. 5, 1754; and died in or before
Child, born in Newbury : —
128— I. ', b. in 1 75 1.
John Boardman^, born in Newbury
Oct. I, 1730. He was a shipwright, and
lived in that part of Newbury which was
incorporated as Newburyport in 1764.
He married Judith Marsh of Haverhill
Nov. 9, 1752; and he died before Jan.
31, 1 791, when administration was grant-
ed upon his estate. She survived him.
Child, born in Newburyport : —
129—1. John', b. Aug. 14, 1767; of Newbury-
port, boat builder, 1 79 1, 1793.
Capt. Jonathan Boardman^, born in
Newbury. He was a ship carpenter and
mariner, and lived in that portion of New-
bury that was incorporated as Newbury-
port in 1764. He married Rebecca
Moody March 12, 1 7 6 1 . His will, dated
Aug. 26, 1808, was proved June 10, 1 813.
She survived him, and died, his widow,
in 1814.
Children : —
130 — I. William', b. March 31, 1762, in New-
bury; d. before 1808.
131 — II. Rebecca', b. Sept. 30, 1764, in New-
buryport; m. Benjamin Shuteof New-
market, N. H., May 21, 1785; and d.
before 1808.
132 — III. Jonathan', lived in Newburyport,
cooper, 1808; and was living in 18 14.
133 — IV. Sarah', m. Moses Goodrich of New-
buryport July 6, 1789; and she was
living in 1814.
134 — V. Mary', b. Oct. 9, 1772, in Newbury-
port m. Samuel Chase of Newbury-
port Oct. I, 1790; and was living in
135 — VI. Betsey', b. Feb. 14, 1776, in New-
buryport; m. Waterman before
1808; and was living in 1814.
136 — VII. Judith', was unmarried in 1814.
Capt. Francis Boardman?, baptized in
Ipswich March 8, 1746. He was a
master-mariner, owning the Rambler, a
schooner of ninety tons burden. He
married Mary Hodges of Salem; and
erected a fine house east of the common
in Salem, on the comer of Boardman
street, where he lived. He died in Port
Au Prince, of fever, Feb. 10, 1792, aged
" forty-four." His estate was appraised at
;^ 4,756. She survived him, and died, his
widow, in 1828. They were attendants
at the East church.
Children : —
137 — I. Mary', b. about 1778; m. Benjamin
Williams Crowninshield of Salem,
member of congress, United States
senator, and secretary of the navy,
Jan. I, 1804; and was living in
138 — II. Elizabeth', b. about 1779; m. Nath-
aniel Bowditch of Salem March 25,
1798; and d., of scrofula, Oct. 18,
1798, aged nineteen.
139 — in. Francis^ b. about 1784; lived in Sa-
lem, mariner, 1828.
140— IV. John', bapt. July 30, 1786, in East
church, Salem; d. May 14, 1791, aged
five years. He bad consumption and
grew deformed.
141--V. Sarah', bapt. Oct. 7, 1787, in East
church, Salem; m. Zachariah F. Sils-
bee ; and was living in 1828.
Thomas Boardman7, baptized in Ip-
swich Feb. 18, 1749. He was a yeoman,
and lived in Ipswich. He married
Hannah .
Children, baptized in Ipswich : —
142 — I. Langley', bapt. June 19, 1774.
143 — n. Hannah', bapt. Oct. 27, 1776.
144 — III. Thomas', bapt. March i, 1778.
145 — IV. John', bapt. April 30, 1780.
146 — V. Daniel Noyes', bapt. Feb. 12, 1792.
% 121
Capt. Offin Boardman7, born in New-
bury Feb. 18, 1747. He was first a mari-
ner, and subsequently a merchant. He
married, first, Sarah about 1770,
and she died in Newburyport Aug. 29,
1796. He married, second. Miss Sally
Tappan of Newburyport April 20, 1797.
They lived in Newburyport ; and he died
about 1811, his will, dated March i,
1808, being proved Sept. 5, 18 11. His
wife survived him, and died, his widow,
Aug. — , 1820, in Newbury.
Children, born in Newburyport : —
147 — I. SuKEY Greenleaf', b. Dec. 29, 1771;
d. young.
148 — II. Hannah Carr', b. Aug. 13, 1775; m.
Amos Tappan of Newburyport, mer-
chant. May 9, 1798; and both were
living in 1820.
149 — in. Offin', b. Aug. 9, 1777; lived in New-
bury, trader, in 181 1.
150 — IV. Benjamin Greenleaf', b. Sept. 25,
151 — V. Susan Greenleaf', b. Oct. 22, 1788;
m. Odiorne before 1820.
Thomas Boardman^, born in Newbury
Nov. 20, 1752. He was a boat builder
and mariner, and lived in Newburyport.
He married Miss Anna Noyes of Newbury-
port (published July 11, 1776); and
died there Nov. 17, 1788. She survived
him, and died, his widow, in 1809. The
inventory of his estate amounted to ;^267,
I2J., dd. He had a pension from con-
gress, paid at Philadelphia.
Children : —
152— I. Anna', b. about 1776; living in 1797.
153 — II. Mary', b. about 1778; lived in New-
bury; and d., unmarried, in 181 3.
154— III. Rhoda', b. about 1780 ; living in 1797.
15s — IV. Thomas^, b. about 1782; mariner;
lived in Newburyport; and was Jiving
in 1813.
156 — V. Eunice*, b. about 1785; living 1797.
157 — VI. MosES^, b. about 1787; living 1797.
158 — VII. Michael^ b. about 1789; living in
This burial-place in the woods at West
Gloucester is the original cemetery of the
Second parish in Gloucester. The meet-
ing house and parsonage were located
near here. The oldest gravestone now
standing there and decipherable bears
date of 1720. The following are all of
the inscriptions to be found there bearing
dates prior to 1800.
In memory of
Mrs. Lucy Bray.
wife of
Cap. Moses Bray.
who died
1799. ^t. 62.
In memory of
Wife of M"^
who Died 14*^ Sept.
Aged 54 Years & 3 M°.
2 4
Here lies buried
the Body of
who departed this Life
March the 9**^ 1782
in the 82*^ Year
of his Age.
In Memory of
Wife of
died March 9*^ 1785
in the 76*^ Year
of her age
4 4
Here lies the Mortal
Remains of
Dea'^ JosiAH Choate
who departed
this life
Au^ 20, 1798 :
^t d,^.
1747 AGED 30, DAY«
17489 AGED
2 O'
DEC^^ JAN'-y Y« 10 1730
IN Y« 6 i8t YEAR
^rs Ruth
1730 In Y« 59 YEAR
Here lyes y® Body of
M^^ Jemima Haskall,
Wife to Deacon
William Haskall ;
Who Departed this life
June }® i" 1 761. in y®
77*^ Year of Her Age.
Here lies Buried
the Body of Deacon
William Haskell
who departed this
Life Feb'^y lo*^ 1766
the 77"
of his
10 D« DEC^ MAY Y« 13*^
Here lies Buried the
Body of M"^
Samuel Herrick
who Departed this Life
Sep* y« 11^^ 1764
Aged 62 Years.
DEC^^ July Ye 21st
1736 IN Ye 28th
♦Foot stone.
17 1720
IN Y« 14*^ YEAR
THE 18*^ 1748 IN
Y« 31
Y« 8'* 1724
2 2
7 2 o/i
& Mrs L Y D I A
3 YEARS & 8 Mo
2 9th I 7 3 I
Continued from page 64.
Court, 30: 4: 1657.
Present: Worship^ Simon Bradstreet,
Worship^ Dan : Dennison, maj.-gen., Mr.
Sam : Simons, and Major Willm Hathorne.
Jury of trials : Mr. Tho : Gardner, Mr.
John Browne, Serg. Tho: Hayle, John
Millord, John Raman and Willm Golt of
Salem, Hen: Collins, Garrett Spencer,
Jo" ffuUer and Rob* Potter of Lynn, Willm
Haskall of Gloster, and Rich : Hutten of
Wenham. Left. Lothrop, Mr. Jewett,
Rob : Lord and Hum : Woodbery chosen
in room of the Lynn jurymen in Tho.
Dexter's case.
Robert EUwell of Gloster sworn con-
stable of Gloucester.
Andrew Mansfield and Richard Blood
sworn constables of Lynn.
James Axie sworn clerk of the market
for Lynn.
Jo° Bartoll fined a noble for absence
from the grandjury. He appeared, and
fine was abated.
Mr. Zacheus Gold confessed judgment
to Mr. Hen : Bartholmew.
Wm. Waters of Marblehead appointed
administrator of the estate of his father
Stephen Waters, deceased.
Thomas Dexter v. Thomas Laiton,
George Keaser, Robert Coates and Joseph
Armytage, for Lynn. Case. About title
to Nahant. Trespass, etc., feeding cattle
and building houses there, etc. Verdict
for defendants. Appealed. Thomas Dex-
ter and Richard Woody his son-in-law
bound to prosecute appeal. [John Rams-
dell, aged fifty-five years, deposed that
twenty-five years ago, when he was a ser-
vant of Captain Tomer, his master and
other inhabitants of Lynn, before it was a
town, fenced in Nahant. Sworn in Salem
court 30 : 4 : 1657 ; Elias Stileman, clerk.
Christopher Lindsey testified that
Thomas Dexter bought Nahant of Black
Will or Duke William, and employed him
(said Lindsey) to fence it when I lived
with Thomas Dexter. Sworn 15 : 2 : 1657,
before ffra Johnson, commissioner.
John Hedg, aged forty- five years, testi-
fied that about twenty-five years since his
master as then was Mr. Vmpries with
several others of Lynn as now is fenced
in Nahant and put in some cattle. Sworn
27 : 2 : 1657, before Thomas Marshall,
commissioner of Lynn.
*<The teftimonie of william winter
Aged 73 years or theirabouts, Teftifieth
that Black will or duke william foe Called
came to my houfe (w*'^ was two or three
miles from Nahant) when Thomas Dex-
ter had bought Nahant of him for a futt
of Cloths, the faid Black will Afked me
what I would giue him for the Land my
houfe ftood vppon, itt beinge his Land,
and his ffathers wigwame ftood theirabouts,
James Sogomore & John, & the Sogomor
of Agawame & diuers more. And George
Sogomor beinge a youth was p'^fent all of
them acknowHdginge Black will to be the
Right owner of the Land my houfe ftood
one & Sogomor hill & Nahant was all his
and further faith not
'' This is A Coppie of an oath taken
before me ffra. Johnfon Comiffione"" 15**^
— FilesJ]
Maj. Willm Hathorne and Amos
Richardson, assignees of Mr. John Gif-
fard v. Roger Tyler. Case, for not satisfy-
ing an execution against Joseph James,
security. [Writ, dated 22: 4 : 1657,
served by Samuel Archard, marshall of
Salem. Attached corn. — Files.']
Thomas Gage v Allen Breede, who
married ye widow of Will : Knight.
About a cow which belonged to said
Gage's wife Joanna, daughter of said
John Hathornejand Samuell Archard,
assignees of Mr. Sam^ Bennett v. Mr.
Henry Webb. Debt. Work at Iron works
in carting of coal and mine.
Roger Haskall v. Jacob Barney and
Wm. Dodge, attorneys to Garvis Garford.
Case. [Writ, dated 20: 4: 16 — , ad-
dressed to the marshall of Salem. — Files.']
Thomas White v. Isaack Cozens. For
unjust molestation. [Writ, dated ,
served by Browne, marshall. — Files,]
John Bradstreete, attorney to Mr. Wm.
Stratton, appealed from Marblehead
commissioners. Review. Suit against
Ed : Pitford. [Writ : Edward Pittford v.
William Straton, dated July 28, 1656;
signed by court, ffra : Johnson ; served
by Sam'l Gatchell, deputy-constable of
Marblehead. Grounds of appeal by Mr.
Johnson and John Bartoll, dated June 23,
1657, on file. The arbitration, William
Beale's testimony, Edward Pittford's and
John Bartoirs receipts. Copy of E. P.'s
receipt, signed by his mark ; witnesses :
Nathaniel Pickman and mark of Richard
Rowland. Copy made by Francis John-
son. William Beale and John Bradstreette
deposed that they heard Edward Pitford
say that the work he sued Mr. Stratton
for was the first work he did at the mill.
Copy of verdict on file. — Files.]
Joseph Armytage v. Edward Richards.
About a boat, and not paying " old Ward
of Boston." [Writ, dated 22 : 4 : 1657,
served by Samuel Archard, marshall.
— Files.]
Joseph Armytage v. Edward Richards.
Review. 1652 case. Defamation.
Joseph Armytage, assignee to Henry
ffane v. George HalsoU.
Elias Stile man, assignee of Rich:
Singletary v. Tho : Davis and Rob* Swan.
Mr. Juett said that defendant will pay.
Isaac Cozens v. Nathan iell Putnam.
Phillip Nelson v. Mr. Rich: Dumer.
Estate of Mr. Thomas Nelson, for ye
time when he was agent of said Thomas.
[Writ: Philip Nelson v. Mr. Richard
Dummer; dated April 21, 1657; by the
court, Robert Lord; served by Edward
Browne, marshall, by attachment of horses.
John Person deposed that he bought half
of the mill of Mr. Dumer and hired Mark
Prime to run it : also, as to the profits ;
sworn before Samuel Symonds 23 : 4 :
1656. Receipt of Ric : Dumer* of good-
wife Crosse on file. Mark Prime deposed
that before Mr. Thomas Nelson went away
he asked him (Prime) about the profits
of the mill, etc. ; sworn before Samuel
Symonds 23 : 4 : 1656. John Norton*
certified that Mr. Dumer handed the
Nelson account to him about May 15,
1656. Edward Woodman certified that
Mr. Norton desired him to take the
accounts, 9 : 4 mo : 1656. — Files.'] The
accounts to be audited by Mr. William
Browne, Mr. Edmo Batter and Mr. Dan-
Mr. Joseph Jewett, guardian to Thom :
Nelson v. Mr. Ric : Dumer. For with-
holding a legacy in will of his father Tho :
Nelson. [Writ: Mr. Joseph Jewitt of
Rowley, guardian of Thomas Nelson of
Rowley, son of Mr. Thomas Nelson, de-
ceased V. Mr. Richard Dumer of Ipswich,
executor of Mr. Thomas Nelson, deceased,
testate ; for legacy ; dated June 6, 1657 >
by the court Samuel Green; served by
Edward Mitcherg. Copy of Thomas
Nelson's will and inventory on file. Mr.
Nelson's will is printed in The Antiqua-
rian^ volume III., page 187. The in-
ventory was taken by Edward Carlton,
Sebastian Brigham, Thomas Barker and
Joseph Jewett Feb. 23, 1648. Account
of estate of Thomas Nelson, lately of
Rowley ; paid to Lt. Remington, Good-
man Pecker, Goodman Cousens, Marchant
Jewet, Francis Parrot, Mark Prime, Good-
man ffannell, Goodman Law, Goodman
Boyce, Richard Langhome, Philip Nelson
and Thomas Nelson ; signed by Ric.
Dumer;* balance divided amongst the four
children, into five parts ; Philip to have
a double portion. — Files.]
Robert Gray v. Abraham Whitehare.
Review. Concerning his servant which
he left at Virginia.
Abraham Whitehaire v. Robert Gray.
For leaving his son in Virginia.
John Todd v. John ffuUer. Debt.
The worsp^ Sam. Simons v. Edw :
Browne. Trespass on the case. Enter-
ing his house, severing his pewter dishes.
Edw : Browne v. George Geedings.
Appeal. Severing his pewter dishes and
marking them.
I : 5 mo : 1657.
Some Ipswich people are to present
their matters to the general court.
About giving, by the town, ;£"ioo
toward building or buying a house for
Mr. Cobbitt. Does this vote of the town
bind all the inhabitants ?
Henry Rennolds of Salem sworn free-
Will of John Pickering proved by Mr.
Edm Batter, John Home and John Kitt-
chen. The will is on file, and has been
printed in full in The Antiquariany vol-
ume VII., page 74. The inventory,
amounting to ;£i37, 3 J., 2^., was sworn
to by the widow Pickrin.
John Rouden v. Wm. Canterbery. Not
Will Canterbury v. John Rouden. Not
Hen : Cooke arresting John Rouden.
Not entered.
Anis Chubb and Elizabeth Vinsent
fined for fighting, railing, and scuffling.
General court referred case of Thomas
West concerning burglary and stealing on
ye Lord's day. Guilty. To be branded
in the forehead with a " B " and have one
of his ears cut off.
Mark Bachelour to bring in an inven-
tory of his father's and mother's estate.
To be paid to his brother John (under
twenty-one years), and to his sisters
Elizabeth and Hannah .(each under eigh-
Thomas Robins bound for his wife's
appearance and things stolen by her son ;
fined, and to pay Rob* Lord.
Lidia Norman admonished for being
abroad at night feasting and drinking,
and that she rode behind two fellows at
eight o'clock at night without her master's
or dame's consent.
County rate on heads and estates to be *
gathered. Treasurer to pay Mr. Batter
his bill.
Willm Robenson of Salem not dis-
charged from training.
Christoph"^ Lynsie of Lynn bound to
good behaviour for bringing in a false de-
Mr. Edmond Batter freed from troop,
but not from the foot company of Salem.
Mr. Edmond Batter's account as treas-
urer of the county.
Alice Bullock, widow, appointed ad-
ministratrix of the estate of her husband
Hen : Bullock, deceased. Inventory,
^121, 2S. Estate to be given to ye son
(under twenty-one years), to his daugh-
ter (under eighteen), and to the widow
for the bringing up of the children. [In-
ventory of the estate of Henry Bullocke,
jr., taken by Mr. Thomas Gardner and
Nathaniel ifelton 10: to: 1656. Real,
;^5o ; personal, £6g, iSs., 6d. ; total,
^119, iSs.f dd. Add balance of ac-
counts, ;£r, 3 J., dd. Due from Anthony
Nedham, Goodman Herod, John Conck-
linge and John Scot. Due to Mr. Cor-
wine, Mr. Willyam Browne, Mr. Crom-
well, Thomas Rootes, Sam : Eburne,
Ralph Tompkins, Willyam Robinson,
Rich^ Leach, Edward Wharton, Adam
Westgate, Wudd Giles and Mr. Gardner.
Had some land bought of Mr. Endecook.
— FilesJ]
Cassandrum, wife of Larrance Suther-
ick, admonished for absence from meet-
John Hathorne of Lynn was admon-
ished for contemptuous words against ye
authority, spoken to Bray Wilkins, con-
stable of Lynn, while executing his office.
ffrancis Vsselton fined for cursing a
swine of Henry Haggett ** A pox . . .
& the divill take her."
ffrancis Vssellton fined for taking Ann,
wife of Hen : Haggett by the shoulders
and throwing her down, etc.
Arrabella, wife of John Norman, fined
for striking the wife of Nicho : Vinson.
Martha Woolfe and Elizabeth Wood-
bery, presented for fighting together, were
discharged. [Elizabeth Woodberry rela-
ted that she watched two oxen feeding in
her husband's field that they should not
go into Peter Woolfe's ground ; and she
went to that side of the lot and sat down.
Goody Woolfe came with a stick and
said that one of the oxen was feeding on
their ground, and struck Mrs. Woodberry,
etc. Certified to by Abigail and John
Martha Lemon, daughter of Rob* Lem-
on, to be fined or whipt for birth of a
bastard child. Her mother engaged to
pay the fine.
Hugh Allen fined ten shillings for
being drunk.
Major Hathorne brought in fines :
Edw : Pitford, drunk, in Mr. Batter's
hands ; John Pickworth , drunk.
Maj. William Hathorne, clerk pro tem,
in absence of clerk.
George ffarr of Lynn, witness in case of
Tho : Dexter and ye town, presented for
taking a false oath.
Five shillings at ye house for their at-
6 : 5 mo : 1657.
George ffarr of Lynn recognized to ap-
pear at court as above.
Court, 24 : 9 : 1657.
Daniell Salmon confessed judgment to
Tho : Wheeler.
Tho : White confessed judgment to
John West.
Present : Wor^ Simon Brodstreete,
Mr. Simons, Dan : Denison, major-gen-
eral, and Maj. Wm. Hathorne.
Grand jury : Jn° Ruck, Jn^ Simons,
Georg Norton and Sam : Corning, all of
Salem, Mr. Tho : Layton, Allen Bread,
Ric : Johnson and George Tayler, all of
Lynn, George Blake of Gloster (in room
of Jo : Davis), Rob : Gowen of Wenham.
Sam : ffreinds of Manchester, Jn° Peach,
jr., of Marblehead, and Austum Kelum
(in room of Robt Gowin) .
. Jury of trials : Mr. Roger Conant,
Walter Price, Robert Lemon, Sam :
Gardner, Jn° Putnam and Wm. Dodg, all
of Salem, James Axie, Wm. Langley, ]n^
Ramsdell, Bray Wilkins and Nath : Kert-
land, all of Lynn, and Tho: White of
James Moulton of Wenham sworn con-
stable of Wenham.
Jn** Devorex sworn constable of Mar-
Wm. Beale v. Tho : Roulandson. For
wrong done his wife under pretence of
marriage, taking away her good name,
and suing her mother at Hampton court.
Appealed. Defendant and Jn^ Severans
Robert Knight v. Robert Hawes. Debt.
Tho : Wheeler, assignee to Left. Mar-
shall V. Joseph Armytage and Tho: Ruck.
Joseph Armytage v. Jn° Mansfeild. For
taking insufficient security of Nath^ Chew,
when he was attached.
Joseph Armytage v. Mrs. Ann Keayne.
Jn° Hathorne v. Mr. Oliver Purchis
and his wife Sarah. Defamation.
Ezekiel Wathen appointed administra-
tor of estate of Thomas Wathen, de-
At his request, the remainder of the
fine of Wm. Browne of Gloster is remitted.
Jn** Newman to Marke Quilter, bill for
fees in two actions.
George Farr discharged of his bond.
"Joseph Redknap is allowed to draw
beare at y® Spring betweene Salem &
Lynn during the pleafure of the Court."
Edw : Browne v. George Gittin. Ap-
" Arthur Sandie of Marbleh* hath his
Licence renewed to keepe an ordinary as
Rebecca Yoe appointed administratrix
of her husband Sam : Yoe's estate. In-
ventory, ;£l2, lOS.
Thomas Roulandson fined for a lie in
his oath.
Mrs. Ann Keayne granted five shillings
fees from Jos : Armytage.
Mr. George Emery fined forty shillings
for changing a bottle of water of Goody
George Keaser fined.
Thomas Couldham fined.
Sam Wilkins ordered to answer his pre-
Christopher Lynsie freed from his bond
to keep the peace.
Constable Vnderwood fined for ab-
sence from court.
Richard Pitfold, presented for beastiali-
ty, discharged.
Ruben Cuppie accused Richard Pit-
fold as above. Endangering Pitfold 's
life. To be whipped.
An illegal will of Agnis Baulch of Sa-
lem, deceased, presented. Benjamin
Balch appointed administrator. Invento-
ry, ;^9, lis. [Widow Anis Woodbery,
Nicholas Patch, her brother John Hill and
his wife Abigail Hills, Rachell Rayment,
Hannah Woodbury and John Grover tes-
tified that they knew Anes Ballch more
than two years before her death, and
judge that all her estate would not pay
Benjamin Balch and his wife for their
trouble, labor and charge. Inventory of
estate of Anes Balsh, lately deceased,
taken by John Rayment* and Henry
Hericke* Nov. 25, 1657. Amount, ^^9,
lis. All personal. Charge of ;£i8,
12 J., of Benjamin Balch* against the es-
Robert Lemon's daughter's fine remit-
ted at his request.
Servants of the house to have eight shil-
James Thomas fined for excessive
Sam Wilkins fined for swearing by his
faith and Cud's buds.
Gregory Caswell, bound over for abu-
sive carriage by fighting. Sureties :
Christopher Codner, Gabrill Collins and
Henry Muddle.
Mr. Thomas Laughton, Lt. Tho : Mar-
shall and James Axie sworn commission-
ers to end small causes at Lynn before
Mr. Billingham. [Andrew Mansfeild,
constable, certified that Mr. Tho : Laugh-
ton, Lt. Tho : Marshall and James Axey
were chosen commissioners to end small
causes in Lynn, by the freeman, 9 mo :
1657. — Files.']
Mr. Edm : Batters of Salem, being in-
debted to Peter Hunt of Coffons-well,
County Devon, ^18, Mr. Hunt appointed
ffrancis Simpson of Marblehead to receive
it, and his (Hunt's) good friends Jn<*
Goodman and Thomas Clarke, his attor-
neys to sue, etc. Power dated Aug. 26,
1657. Witnesses: Wm. Rogers and
Wm. Pitt.
[Presentments to Salem court 25 : 9 :
Mordicha Creford of Salem for oppres-
sion in selling a piece of Kearsey and
two pairs of cotton stockings to Joseph
Miles at excessive prices. Witnesses :
Phillip Crumwell and Joseph Miles of
Thomas Ivorey and Samuell Shaducke,
both of Salem, for absenting themselves
from public ordinances of God. Wit-
nesses : John Rucke, George Norton and
Samuell Archer of Salem.
Town of Salem for not making their
highway sufficient between Lynn and Ip-
swich near Thomas James' house. Wit-
nesses : George Norton and Andrew
Mansfield of Lynn.
Town of Salem for insufficent pound.
Witnesses : John Simons and William
Kinge of Salem.
Town of Wenham for an insufficient
highway where their mill formerly stood.
Witnesses : Robert Gouing and Thomas
White of Wenham.
Mr. Oliver Purchase, Henry Leonard
and Richard Blad, all of Lynn, for violent-
ly taking away a parcel of iron from the
officer who had attached it. Witnesses :
Daniell Salmon and John Hathorne of
By Thomas Laughton in the names of
the rest.
— FilesJ]
To be continued.
Hannah Biton, a mulatto woman, pub-
lished to Cesar Coba, a negro, Sept. 20,
1794 : but the issue of a certificate of mar-
riage was forbidden by the overseers of
the poor. They were married, however,
April 19, 1795. — Salem town records.
Mary Bixby married Aaron Smith Jan.
16, 1786.
Elizabeth Bixby of Middleton mar-
ried Amos Richardson Sawyer of Me-
thuen March 30, 1790.
Samuel Stowers Bixby married Polly
Sessions March 17, 1790.
— Middleton town records.
Hannah Bigsby married David Osgood
Feb. 25, 1747. — Andover town records.
Abigail Bigsby of Chebacco published
to William Bennet April 20, 1720. —
Ipswich town records.
Ihe will of Mrs. Ann Jewett of Rowley
was proved in the Ipswich court May 2,
1 66 1. The following copy is taken from
the original instrument on file in the pro-
bate office at Salem.
I m" Ann Jewett of Rowley In the
County of esex Being weake of Body But
of perfect vnderftanding and memory
not knowing how Soone God may be
pleafed to Call me away by death doe
make and ordaine this my laft will and
It Being that I haue in my owen dis-
pofe one hundred pounds I will and dif-
pofe of it as followeth
Item I will that this one hundred
pounds fhalbe equally devided and thes
foure of my Children to witt John Allen
Ann Allen Ifaac Allen and Boflbm Allen :
only I will and Giue vnto my daughter
Ann alien tenn pounds more then the
Reft which fhalbe that is the ten pounds
Giuen Befor the Reft of the hundred be
devided : and as for thofe feuerall pertick-
ulors ar at my dispofe in that Couenant
betwene m^ Jofeph Jewet and me I w///
that thofe things that I haue not alredy
Giuen to my daughter Priffilla that my
fone John alien fhall haue a Gould Ring
— the fillver wine Cup and the Reft I will
and Giue vnto my daughter Ann Allen this
I acknowledge to be my laft w///made the
fift of february one thoufand fix hundred
and i\xty in wittnes wherof I fet to my
hand and I appoint m'^ Edward Raw^^w
and m'^ Jeremiah Houchin to see the per-
formeance hereof
In prefence of hir marke
Samuell Brocklebanke Ann A Jewett
John harris
The will of Richard Browne of New-
bury was proved in the Salem quarterly
court June 24, 1661. The following is a
copy of the original instrument on file in
the office of the clerk of courts at Salem,
volume VI, leaf 139.
Bee it knowne vnto all men by theife
p^'fents that I Richard Browne of New-
bury in the County of Effex in Neweng-
land being ficke of body but of perfect
memory do here make my Laft will and
teftament firft I Comend my foule to god
in Jefus Chrift and my body when it shall
deceafe this life to be buryed in the bury-
ing place in Newbury in hope of a ioyfuU
refurrection. And for my worldly goods I
difpofe as followeth. firft I giue to my Son
Jof hua Browne when he shallbe of the age
of one and twenty yeares, all that parfell
of my vpland and meadow that lyeth
neere the little Riuer as it is now inclofed,
and my fiue acres of vpland adioyneing to
Goodm Smiths land, and my fhare of
meadow, which I haue equally with
Georg Little, vpon the Httle Riuer, and
a mare colt and two calues and an ewe
and my owne freehold for encouragment
to Hue with his mother vntill he be of the
aforefaid age. Secondly I giue to my
Son Richard Browne the houfe and Lott
t now dwell vpon with the Lott adioyne-
ing to Robert Longs Land and that par-
fell of land adioyneing to Richard Petlin-
galls land II on bothe fides of the ware||
with my eight acres of fait marfh lying in
the great marfh betweene m'^^ Cuttings
marfh and Thomas Bloomfeilds marfh,
and my parfell of meadow adioyneing to
the Land that Beniamin Roafe hath now
in poffeffion and the freehold which was
Gyles Badgers which belongs to mee, and
he my Son Richard fhall pay out of his
share ten pounds to each of his three
(ifters within three years after he fhall
have the faid premiffes in proffeffion
3dly I giue vnto my Son Edmund Browne
all my fhare of Land that belongs to mee
which was formerly Jofeph Carters that
is to fay halfe the plow land pafture and
meadow with the houfe and barne that
hath beene built by mee and halfe the
preuiledg of freehold, both Richard and
Edmund fhall haue their Legacyes at
their mothers deceafe, but if their mother
fhall chang her Condition and marry
againe then they fhall haue their portions
at the age of one & twenty years. Alfo
to my three daughters Elizabeth Sara and
Mary I giue to each of them the fumme
of ten pounds to be paid out of my ftock
at the day of their marryage, and if my
wife fhall marry againe then the ftock
that I leaue in her hands fhall be diuided
among my three daughters aforefaid,
according to the difcretion of my ouer-
feers, and my wife fhall haue the vfe of
the faid ftock vntill my daughters fhalbe
of age for the bringing of them vp. And
whereas I am bound to leaue my wife
worth threefcore pounds. In Heu of it I
giue vnto her the thirds of my Lands
dureing her naturall life, and appoint her
to bee the fole executrix of this my laft
will and teftament alfo I appoint her to
pay John Badger his portion out of my
eftate and that my debts and funerall be
difcharged, Alfo the portion abouemen-
tioned to my Son Jofua I appoint it to be
in fuU of what he fhall haue out of my
eftate so that he fhall neuer defire any
more in relation of any thing giuen to his
brother Jofeph deceafed by his vnckle
Georg Browne deceafed If ether of my
fons doe die befor he comes to age then
his land fhal fale vnto the other two and
if ether of my dauters fhal die before
her marrage then her portion fhal fale
vnto my other two dauters and if my wife
chaing her condition by marrag then fhe
fhal give fecurity to my ouerfers for the
paiment of my childrens portions. And I
doe appownt my louing frinds Richard
Kente and Nicolas Noyes and Robert
Long my ouerfeers to put in exicution
this my wille and teftament. Signd and
feled with myne owne hande in the pref-
ens of vs
Tristram Coffin Richard Browne [seal]
Jofeph Noyes
farther it is my will & desier that my
louing frind Josef Noyce be one of my
ouerseers aded to the other three before
Wittnes & to this will
James Noyes.
Mofes Noyes.
The will of James Smith of Marblehead
was proved in the Salem quarterly court
27 : 4 ; 1661. The following is a copy of
the original instrument on file in the
ofifice of the clerk of courts at Salem,
book VI, leaf 130.
I James Smith of marblehead, being
weake in body but (through themercieof
God) of found mind & memorie, doe
make this my laft will willy in maner
& forme following, ffirft I bequeath my
foul into the hands of Almighty God,
trufting in Jefus Chrift alone for Life, &
for faluation : Item I giue & bequeth
vnto mary Smith my wife, all that my
farme called Caftle hill, w*^ ten acres in
the South field bought of Jofeph Grafton,
& now in the hands of Samuell Cutler,
during her Life if fhee remayne So Long a
widdow, & at the day of her death, or mar-
riag w*'^ fhall firlt happen, then I giue it
to my Ion James Smith : but it is to be
vnderftood Richard Rowland my fon in
Law hath ten pound & in the firft purchafe
of Caftlehill ; Item I giue vnto my wife
my houfe & land in marblehead bought of
Erazmus James & all my fhare on the
farme bought by marblehead of maj"^ wm
hathorne dureing her life or widdowhood
& after her death or marriag w^^ fhall
firft happen to my fon James Smith, &
my will is that after the Death of my fon
James that this fhall Defend to James his
Eldeft fon : Item I giue vnto my wife all
my houfhold goods, w^'^in Doors, to her,
& her heires for euer, & alfo 4 of my
Cowes, Item I giue vnto Kathren Eburne
my Daughter my fix Oxen in the hand of
Samuell Cutler, Item I giue vnto mary
Eburne, my Grandchild Twenty pounds,
w*'** I order her father to Difpofe of &
improue for her good, vntill her Day of
marriag, or Twenty one yeares : Item I
giue to the other fine Children of my
Daughter Eburne fine pounds apeece to
be improued by the father as abouefaid ;
Item, I giue vnto my Daughter mary
Rouland the oxe w^^ I now yoak w*^ one
of her hufbands ; Item I giue vnto my
Grandchild Samuell Rowland ten pounds
if he be liueing at the Day of my Death,
or elfe the ten pounds to be Devided in
equall fhares betweene his Brothers, &
lifters. Item I giue vnto my Daughter
Rowlands other three Children fiue
pounds apeece to be improued for their
good vntill they come to Twenty one
yeares, or marriag, by the ouerfight of
the ouerfeers of this my Laft will ; Item I
apoint ipary Smith my wife my fole Ex-
ecutrix & I apoint my trufty ffriend maj''
wm Hathorne, & my Son Samuell Eburne
Ouerfeeres of this my laft will & doe giue
vnto maj^ wm Hathorne for his paynes ten
pounds to be payed him out of a debt in
John Deverix hands : And in wittnes that
this is my laft will I haue here vnto fett
my hand, & feale the 9 : 9^^^ : 1660
Signed fealed & deliuered
in the p^fents of vs : the mke of J S
Wm Hathorne James Smith
the mke X of [seal]
Samuell Eburne
When morning sets the world astir,
And footsteps echo merrily,
No traveller crosses the old bridge
Save only Memory and me,
And the light-footed breeze, that goes
Swift journeys, whither no one knows.
No longer, now, high piled with grain,
The farm-carts toward the grist-mill pass ;
No longer, now, the farm-hand goes
To woo at eve the miller's lass.
Deserted, even on market day,
The old bridge stands, forlorn and gray.
There is no spot in all the land
Where lies so thick the mold of years ;
Young spring may trim the willow boughs
That lean against its mossy piers,
And hang a bluebell by the sill,
But all seems old and haunted still.
SALEM IN J700. NO. 2t,
The map on page 164 represents that
part of Salem which is bounded by Essex
street, Collins cove, the harbor and Eng-
lish street. It is based on actual surveys
and title deeds, and is drawn on a scale
of two hundred feet to an inch. It shows
the location of all houses that were stand-
ing there in 1700. The braces marked
" a " show where Derby street now runs,
<* b " where Webb street begins, and " c "
where Allen street begins.
Collins cove was first called A cove
that branches in out of ye North river in
1660; the great cove, 1678; ye sea or
river, 1695 ; and Collins cove in 1791,
by which name it has since been called.
The harbor was called South harbor as
early as 1653 ; South River harbor, 1659 ;
the harbor, 1663; Salem harbor, 1681 ;
South river, 1732 ; the river, 1748.
Along the harbor ran the ancient high-
way, which was reserved along every
water front when the town was originally
laid out. This was called the highway
against the South harbor in 1668; the
street, 1760; the way, 1761 ; and high-
way on the South river, 1 7 7 1 . The con-
struction of Derby street, a few years later,
caused its discontinuance.
Derby street was laid out in or before
1797 ; and has always been called by that
What is now known as Fort avenue is
another of the ancient shore roads. It
was called a highway in 1653; Highway
leading to ye fortification, 1695 ; the high-
way that leadeth to the block- house, 1705 ;
ye highway yt leads to Winter Island, 1 7 1 2;
highway going down to ye blockhouses,
1728; the highway going down to ye
blockhouses and Neck, 1729; the high-
way leading to Salem fort, 1746 ; way to
the fort or Neck, 1760; old Neck road,
1804; Old road to the Neck, 1805; a
road leading to the Neck, 1853 ; and Fort
avenue for some twenty-five years past.
What is now Essex street was called a
street or highway in 1682 ; ye Main street,
1716 ; highway leading to the Neck, 1757;
Salem street, 1760 ; and Essex street since
18 18. It is now about twice the original
width, having been widened on this side
of the street.
English street was laid out about 1698
by Philip English and others. It was
called English lane, 1748; and English
street since 1799.
Webb street was laid out about 1800,
and was called a highway leading from
Derby street to Essex street, 1801 ; and
Webb street since 1810.
Allen street was laid out about 1800.
It was called the new highway leading
from English street to Webb street in
1801 ; new road leading from English
street easterly, 1803 ; and Allen street
since 18 10.
la the sketches that follow, after 1700,
titles and deeds referred to pertain to the
houses and land under and adjoining and
not always to the whole lot, the design
being, after that date, to give the history
of the houses then standing principally.
Eleazer Moses House. Thomas Sollas
of Salem, fisherman, owned this lot and
erected a dwelling house thereon before
Oct. 24, 1661, when, for twenty pounds,
he conveyed the lot and house to Henry
Moses of Salem, seaman.* Mr. Moses
died in 1685. The house was standing
in 1667, was called an ''old house " in
1685; and was gone in 1702. At the
decease of Mr. Moses, the estate came
into the possession of his son Capt. Eleazer
Moses of Salem, mariner, who owned the
lot until 1 7 13.
Estate of Ebenezer Collins Lot. Thomas
Sollas of Salem, fisherman, conveyed this
lot to Henry Moses of Salem, seaman,
Oct. 24, 1 66 1.* Mr. Moses conveyed it
to John Collins, jr., of Gloucester Sept.
2, 1669.1 Mr- Collins built a house upon
the lot, and died possessed of the estate
in 1677, when the house and land were
valued at twenty-five pounds. The estate
passed to his son Ebenezer Collins, who
lived in Bilboa, Spain, being a mariner, at
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 116.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 17.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 21.
the time of his death, in the winter of
1696-7. Apparently he was recently mar-
ried, and had no child at the time of his
decease, but one was afterwards born,
named Ebenezer, who took the lot under
the will as well as by inheritance. The
house was probably gone before 1700.
This Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer Collins
of Bilboa, lived in Gloucester, being a
cordwainer, and owned the lot until 1746.
Obed Carter House, This lot was the
property of John Beckett of Salem, ship-
wright, as early as 1653, being a pasture
of about one and one-half acres. He con-
veyed it, for sixty pounds, to William
Browne, jr., of Salem, merchant, March
25, 1663 ;* and Mr. Browne conveyed it
to Joseph Phippen of Salem July 8, 1667. f
Mr. Phippen had just come from Boston ;
and upon this lot he erected a dwelling
house, in which he lived. He died in
1 69-, having devised this house and lot
to his sons David, Samuel and Joseph
Phippen, all of Salem. David was a ship-
wright, Samuel, a blockmaker, and Joseph,
a fisherman. Joseph was the oldest, and
to him the others released their interest
in the estate Jan. 15, 1 694-5. t Joseph
Phippen, for ninety- four pounds, conveyed
the house and lot and wharf to Obed
Carter of Salem, fisherman, Dec. 8, 1696. §
Mr. Carter died in 1720; and the house
and lot were appraised at one hundred
pounds. The estate was divided in 1726,
the western half of the house and lot
being assigned to Elizabeth, wife of Ben-
jamin Woodbery of Beverly, yeoman, and
the eastern half to Mary, wife of Josiah
Lee of Manchester, cooper, daughters of
the deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Woodbery,
for forty- seven pound?, conveyed their part
of the premises to Richard Elvins of Salem,
baker, March 12, 1728-9 ;|| and Mr. and
Mrs. Lee, for thirty-seven pounds, conveyed
their part to Mr. Elkins Sept. 15, 1729.I
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 165.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 60.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 11, leaf 173.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 11, leaf 178.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 52, leaf 12.
^Essex Registry of Deeds, book 52, leaf 86.
For one hundred and ten pounds, Mr.
Elvins conveyed the house and lot to Ben-
jamin Ives of Salem, gentleman, Jan. 14,
1 733-* The house was gone before 1752,
when Captain Ives died, possessed of the
Edward Hilliard House. William
Cockrell dwelt in the eastern part of this
house before Nov. n, 165 1, when Thomas
Rix of Salem, barber, for nine pounds,
conveyed that part of the house and lot
lying east of the dashes to David Tammus
[Thomas] , John Stone and Robert Stone.f
The three owners, for nine pounds and
ten shillings, conveyed the same estate to
Robert Salloes of Salem 4 : 12 mo : 1652 ;t
and, for a similar consideration, Mr. Sal-
loes (Sollas) conveyed it to Edward Hil-
liard of Salem Oct. 20, 16534
The western half of the house and lot
belonged to Mr. Hilliard in 1653, but no
deed was passed apparently until Oct. 26,
1657, when Richard Hide of Salem, car-
penter, conveyed that part of the estate
to him.§
Edward Hilliard died in 1706, having
devised this, his homestead, to his wife
Martha, for her life, and remainder to
their children. There were then upon the
lot besides the dwelling house, a barn and
work house, and the land and buildings
were appraised at one hundred pounds.
His widow, Martha Hilliard, of Salem,
under power in his will, conveyed the en-
tire estate to their only surviving son,
Joseph Hilliard of Salem, mariner, upon
condition that he support her for life,
Dec. 6, 1706.11 Mr. Hilliard became a
rope maker and died in the winter of
1745-6, having devised this estate to his
wife Rachel for her life and then to his
sons Edward and David Hilliard and his
daughter Rachel, wife of Paul Kimball,
currier. The estate was then valued at
seventy- five pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Kim-
ball, for one hundred and sixty pounds,
§ Essex
II Essex
Registry of Deeds, book 62, leaf 195.
Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 16.
Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 24.
Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 76.
Registry of Deeds, book 19, leaf 115.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 21.
conveyed their interest in the estate to
her brothers Edward and David Hilliard,
both of Salem, rope makers, April 12,
1749;* and David Hilliard conveyed his
part of the estate to his brother Edward
Hilliard, for eighty-seven pounds, eleven
shillings and four pence, Oct. 28, i752.t
With the land were conveyed the dwelhng
house, wharf, rope walk or long house,
kettle, fore-locks, wheels and belts.
Edward Hilliard, for one hundred and
eighty-six pounds, thirteen shillings and
four pence, conveyed the dwelling house,
rope walk, wharf, etc., and the land to
Richard Derby of Salem, merchant, Nov.
20, 1 752.1 Mr. Derby, for one hundred
and eighty-eight pounds, eighteen shillings
and eight pence, conveyed the same estate
to Clifford Crowninshield of Salem, mer-
chant, Jan. 23, i753.§ Mr. Crowinshield
died possesied of the land April 4, 1776,
but the house was gone.
John Carter Lot. This land belonged
to Edward Hilliard of Salem in 1653,
but no deed was passed apparently until
Oct. 26, 1657, when Richard Hide of
Salem, carpenter, conveyed it to him.|(
Mr. Hilliard conveyed the lot to his son-
in-law John Carter of Salem, mariner,
Oct. 29, 1690 ;f and it belonged to Mr.
Carter in 1700.
William Peters House. This lot of
land belonged to Edward Hilliard of Sa-
lem, mariner, as early as 1653, but no
deed was passed apparently until Oct. 26,
1657, when Richard Hide of Salem, car-
penter, conveyed it to him.|| Mr. Hil-
liard gave it to hii son-in-law Gilbert
Peters probably about 1673, and the
latter built a small house upon it. Oct.
23, 1684, Mr. Peters reconveyed the lot
to Mr. Hilliard. Mr. Peters died about
1691 ; and Mr. Hilliard conveyed the
house and lot to hia grandson William
Peters of Salem, mariner (son of Gilbert
*E«iex Registry of Deeds, book 99, leaf 115.
t£«sex Registry of Deeds, book 98, leaf 29.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 98, leaf 36,
}£««ex Registry of Deeds, book 99, leaf 54.
||Em€x Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 76.
1fE»»ex Registry of Deeds, book 12, leaf 39.
Peters), Aug. 13, 1697.* Mr. Peters ap-
parently conveyed the house and lot to
Joseph Hilliard of Salem, rope maker, soon
after 1702, and the house was gone before
Samuel Gardner House. This * was
part of the lot of land that was conveyed
by Andrew Woodbury of Salem, mariner,
to Walter Whitfeild (Whitford) of Salem,
fisherman, Oct. 12, i668.t John Webb
of Salem, fisherman, built a house upon
this lot, and Mr. Whitford and himself,
for eleven pounds conveyed the house
and lot to Samuel Gardner, jr., of Salem
June 27, 16874 Mr. Gardner, for four
pounds, conveyed the same estate to John
Webb of Salem, fisherman, Dec. 10,
I7i7.§ Mr. Webb owned the lot some
years, but how long the house stood after
this date is unknown.
John Whitford House. This lot and
the house thereon were conveyed by An-
drew Woodbury of Salem, mariner, to
Walter Whitfeild (Whitford) of Salem,
fisherman, Oct. 12, 1668 ;t and he died
possessed of it in 1692. The estate ap-
parently descended to his son (?) John
Whitford of Salem, mariner, who died
before 1732, intestate. His daughter
Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Diamond of
Salem, fisherman, for ten pounds, con-
veyed her interest in the estate to her
brother Samuel Whitford of Salem, fisher-
man, Feb. 13, 1732; II and her sister
Mary, wife of John Hanks, jr. of Salem,
huHbandman, for twelve pounds, conveyed
her interest to her brother Samuel Whit-
ford Nov. 9, i733.f How much longer
the house stood is unknown.
Thomas Searle House. This lot and
dwelling house thereon were owned by
Mathew Nixon of Salem, fisherman, in
1660. He conveyed the lot and house,
for thirty-five pounds, to Thomas Searle
of Salem Nov. 14, 1670.** There was
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 12, leaf 37.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 130.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 78.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 32, leaf 217.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 61, leaf 250,
ITEwex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaf|ll5.
**Ewex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 98.
apparently an oven on the outside of the
house. Ovens were sometimes built this
way, the only objection being that they
were too tempting to lovers of baked
beans, brown bread and Indian pudding.
They were sometimes opened during Sat-
urday night, and the contents purloined.
The date of^Mr. Searle's death is unknown,
but it was probably some years after 1 700.
The family owned the lot until 1731,
but the house was then gone, and the lot
and the " bricks standing " on the land
were conveyed at the time.*
Thomas Searle Lot, This lot was
owned by Mathew Nixon of Salem, fisher-
man, in 1660. This small piece of land,
which measured only twenty-five by thirty-
seven feet, was purchased of Mr. Nixon,
for the few apple trees standing thereon,
being a part of Mr. Nixon's orchard, by
Thomas Searle of Salem, Nov. 14, 1670.7
A right of way to the highway was granted
in the deed, lying easterly of the dotted
lines. Mr. Searle died possessed of the
lot sometime after 1700.
John Whitford House. This lot was
owned by Mathew Nixon of Salem, fisher-
man, as early as 1660, and he built a
house thereon, in which he lived in 1670,
having a right of way to the highway east-
erly of the dotted' lines. Dec. 16, 1678,
for his life support, he conveyed the
house and lot, orchard, garden and paved
yard to Walter Whitford of Salem, fisher-
man, and the latter's wife Bridget, j Mr.
Whitford died in 1692, possessed of the
estate; and apparently it descended to
his son ( ?) John Whitford of Salem, mar-
iner, the house being gone before 1732.
John Jerman House. This lot was
owned by Robert Lemon of Salem in
1659, and he built a house upon it after
1 66 1. He died possessed of the house
and lot in 1667, when the estate was val-
ued at ninety pounds. He then had an
orchard. 13 : 9 : 1674, when the estate
was valued at eighty pounds, his widow,
Mary Lemon, and children, Sara, wife of
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 60, leaf 136.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 98.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, Book 5, leaf 106.
Charles Knights, and Hannah, wife of
Samuel Beadle, divided the estate, one
half of the house and land and the barn
being assigned to the widow and the
other half of the houre and land to
Charles Knights in right of his wife."*^
Mr. Knights lived in Salem being a car-
penter, and came into possession of the
entire lot before 1685. He conveyed
that part of the lot lying north of the
dashes to Timothy Lindall of Salem June
29, 1685.1 Five months later, that part
of the lot was in the tenure of Philip
Cromwell, and it was probably owned by
Curwin subsequently. Shortly after-
ward it was owned by John Jerman of
Salem, mariner, before Nov. 6, 1686,
when Mr. Knights conveyed to him the
house and remainder of the lot.J At
that time there was a wharf at the water
side. John Jerman owned the house and
lot in 1702, and some years later the land
came into the possession of Samuel Whit-
ford, but the house probably stood but a
few years after 1702.
Philip English House. Joseph Younges
of Salem, mariner, owned this lot and
house in 1649, when the house was occu-
pied by William Curtis. Mr. Younges
conveyed the house and lot to David Cur-
withen of Salem Sept. 24, 1649 ;§ and
Mr. Curwithen conveyed the same estate
to Richard Cortice of Salem Feb. 16,
1659-60.11 Previous to this date Christo-
pher Younges had lived in the house.
The estate came into the possession of
John Marsh before 1665, and he conveyed
it to Mathew Barton of Salem, shipwright,
in 1 66-1 Mr. Barton con veved the house
and lot to William Dicer of Salem, fisher-
man, Aug. 18, i668.1[ Mr. Dicer re-
moved the house, or it was destroyed, as
he erected a new and larger house upon
the lot. He removed to Winter Harbor,
in the Provmce of Maine, and, for forty
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 92.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 45.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaf 276.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 6, and
book 2, leaf 64.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 22.
IfEssex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 92.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 2 1.
pounds in silver, conveyed the house and
lot to Philip English of Salem, merchant,
Nov. 12, 1685.* Mr. English died pos-
sessed of the house and lot in the winter
of 1735-6. In the division of his estate,
made in 1742, this lot and house were
assigned to his daughter, Mary Brown.
The house was then valued at twelve
pounds and ten shillings, and the land at
about five pounds and ten shillings. The
house was standing in 1752, but was gone
when she conveyed the land in 1761.
Philip English House . This lot and
house were in the possession of David
Curwithen of Salem Sept. 24, 1649, when
he purchased this estate of Joseph Younges
of Salem, mariner.f Mr. Curwithen (or,
Corwithin) conveyed the house and lot
to William Hollingworth of Salem, mari-
ner, June t6, 1665. J He conveyed the
estate to his daughter Mary, wife of Philip
English before June i, 1672 ; and it be-
longed to Philip English in 1681 and
1685. (John Parker lived here in 1692,
probably, when his wife Alice (Holling-
worth) was executed as a witch.) Philip
English died possessed of this lot, the
house being gone, in 1735-6.
Estate of Mary English House {Blue
Anchor Tavern). This house and lot
were the estate of William Hollingworth
before 1661. He mortgaged the estate
to Mr. Philip Cromwell of Salem, for two
hundred and fifty pounds, June i , 1672 ;§
Mr. Hollingworth was lost at sea in 1677 ;
and Mr. Cromwell, who was then a slaugh-
terer, for the amount of the mortgage,
conveyed the house and lot to Mr.HoUing-
worth's widow, Elinor Hollingworth, of
Salem, it then being in her possession,
March 4, 1 681-2. || Mrs. Hollingworth is
said to have established the business of
an innkeeper in this house, which became
known as The Blue Anchor Tavern. She
conveyed the house and land with the
wharf and landing place, to her daughter
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 55.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 6, and
book 2, leaf 64.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 104.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 160.
||Ess§x Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 42.
Mary English Feb. 17, 1684-5;* and
died in 1690.
The tavern was probably conducted by
her grandson Philip Enghsh as soon as
he became of age (in 1705). Upon the
death of his mother, in 1694, the estate
descended to him. He lived in and con-
ducted the tavern when he conveyed the
land, house, warehouse and wharf for six
hundred pounds, to Richard Derby of
Salem, mariner, Feb. 24, 1748.! Mr.
Derby took the house down about 1759.
Dr. William Bentley wrote, in 1791, of
this house as follows : " At the eastward
of English's lane near the water is a store
enlarged, but originally built above one
hundred years. A few yards above is the
large cellar, the stones of which were sold
six years since, but the steps remain, over
which stood a very large house with peaks
as English's below, and which was em-
ployed as a tavern by the name of the
BLUE ANCHOR. It has been down
above forty years and there was a store
put over the cellar, which within a few
years has been removed into North Fields.
Beyond on the shore is to be seen the
cellar of a house possessed by Mary Brown,
the land being since sold to Capt. Rich-
ard Derby. On the west side of English's
lane, opposite to the tavern, is a cellar
upon which stood a house within the
memory of the present generation. Be-
yond Brown's house and Whitford's, which
is a house since built, about twenty years,
and now standing, is to be seen the cel-
lar of Webb's house, the land being yet
in the family. There were three other
houses before we came to the group upon
the Point of Rocks, and one cellar is now
to be seen upon the plain between the
Block house ruins and the present en-
closure upon the Point. The Blue An-
chor was celebrated for Marblehead Cam-
Doctor Bentley continued, in 1793:
"Mary English was the only child of
* Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 24.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 93, leaf 22.
t Dr. William Bentley 's Journal, volume XIX,
page 207.
William Hollingworth, who married Elea-
nor Story, from England. The family
lived at ihe Point of Rocks, and Mary,
the accused was born at the Blue Anchor^
at the head of English's wharf eastward.
The house afterwards a public house, and
has been taken down about thirty-three
Philip English House. This lot belonged
to Richard Hollingworth before 1661.
There was then a house standing thereon.
He gave it to Capt. Robert Starr as a
marriage portion when the latter married
Mr. HolHngworth's daughter. Mr. Starr
lived in the house, and, Sept. 30, 1665,
conveyed the estate to guardians of his
three minor children, Robert, Richard
and Susanna.t This deed was confirmed
by the court, 30 : 9 : 1680, to Richard
and Susanna, Robert having died. Rich-
ard Starr, who was a cooper, for thirty
pounds, conveyed his half of the house
and lot to Philip English of Salem, mari-
ner, Jan. 3, 1682-3. 1 Susanna Starr prob-
ably conveyed her half to Mr. English
about the same time.
Philip English (Phillipe L'Anglois)
was born in 1651 in Trinity parish, on
the Isle of Jersey, being a French Hugue-
not and came to Salem before he was of
age. He became a merchant, and had
so flourished in business that he bought
this house and lot, and, taking down the
old house, erected on the site a stylish
mansion. Its frame of oak is said to have
been brought from England. It was a
many gabled structure, with projecting
second story and porch. The walls were
filled with brick. Down to 1757, it was
callgd "English's great house." In the
Witchcraft Delusion, in 1692, both Mr.
and Mrs. English were accused of witch-
craft and imprisioned in Boston jail, from
which they escaped. They made their
way to New York, and after the reign of
terror had passed returned to their
*Dr. William Bentley's Journal, volume
XXIII, page 132.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 139.
See, also, Salem court records and files, especially
files, book XLII, leaves 7 and 8.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 74.
home here. He found that as soon as he
had been apprehended, his house was
opened, and everything movable became
free plunder to the neighbors; and his
store houses were more or less plundered.
He was bitterly incensed against Sheriff
Corwin for his part in the affair. His
losses amounted to some two thousand
pounds in value. Among other things
taken from the house were family por-
traits. When the house was taken down
there was found in the garret a secret
room, which was supposed to have been
built after their return as a place of tem-
porary concealment in case of a second
outbreak of the delusion.
Mr. English died in the winter of
1735-6, and upon the division of the es-
tate in 1742, the northwestern half of the
house and land was assigned to his son
John English, and the southeastern part
to his son Philip English. John English
lived in Salem, being a laborer, and, for
two hundred pounds, conveyed his part
of the house and lot to Joseph Brown of
Salem, mariner, Oct. 31, 1749.* Mr.
Brown conveyed to his nephew William
Brown of Salem, boatman, by declaration
of trust, the same part of the house and
lot Oct. 19, i75i.t William Brown died
before Nov. 12, 1756, when his eldest
son Joseph Browne of Salem, mariner, for
thirteen pounds, six shillings and eight
pence, conveyed one fourth of this part
of the house and lot to Mr. Touzell of
Salem, goldsmith. J Abigail Browne, as
widow of William Browne, and guardian of
his minor children, Mary, Lydia, William,
Abigail, Philip and Sarah Browne, for forty
pounds, conveyed three-fourths of the
part assigned to John English to Mr.
Touzell April 23, i757.§ Pnilip English,
to whom had been assigned the south-
eastern part of the house and lot, died in
the winter of 1 750-1, being insolvent.
His widow and administratrix, Mary Eng-
lish, conveyed his part of the house and
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 96, leaf 189.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 97, leaf 76.
+Essex Registry of Deeds, book 103, leaf 145.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 106, leaf 21.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 2 1.
lot to his brother-in-law, Mr. Touzell, who
owned the remainder of the estate July
I, 1 75 1.* Mr. Touzell became a yeoman,
and died Aug. 17, 1785, possessed of the
land and house, in which he then lived.
In his will he devised the northerly part
of the house and lot, including the kitchen
chamber and one-half of the great porch
at the west end of the house, to his sister,
widow Susanna Hathorne of Salem, and
the southerly part, with the porch chamber
and west end of the house, parlour
chamber, etc., to his cousin John Touzell
Hathorne. Widow Susanna Hathorne
died in 1802, having devised her part of
the house and lot to her only daughter,
Susanna, wife of Samuel Ingersoll. Mrs.
Susanna Ingersoll died in 181 2, and her
interest in the estate descended to her
only surviving child, Miss Susanna Inger-
soll. John T. Hathorne lived in Salem,
being a mariner, and died in 1805, pos-
sessed of his part of the house and lot.
This part was set off to David Safiford of
Salem, blacksmith and his wife Dolly, in
her right, and was conveyed by them to
Miss Ingersoll Nov. 19, 181 8-1
The house at length became long ten-
antless, and deserted, and dangerous to
the very tread of man or boy who had the
curiosity to explore it. Miss Ingersoll took
it down during the week beginning April
29, 1833.
Dr. WilHam Bentley wrote of the old
house, Friday, April 15, 1791 : "Went
over the well known house of English
near the neck gate. The cellars are com-
pletely finished. The stone wall is built of as
large stones as are now in use, which con-
tradicts the opinion that they generally
built of small stones of choice, at that age.
There is a hearth, very large oven, and all
conveniences. The rooms are the largest
in town. The floors are laid in plank and
are sound at this day, the sweep of the
hearth where they are worn down having
a curious appearance. The upper parts
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 97, leaf 40.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 218, leaf 93.
See, also, deed between the same parties, dated
Nov. 3, 1819, recorded book 220, leaf 274.
of the house, among the peaks have curi-
ous partitions and very much room. Even
the cellars are plastered."*
Doctor Bentley wrote in 1793, of this
house, as follows : " The mansion house
now standing and most completely fin-
ished for the times, having cellars, stoned
at bottom, lathed and plastered overhead
upon the floors above, divided for all pur-
poses, finished with fireplaces and ovens
laid in lime, floors which are good now
after one hundred years, pantries, count-
ing house, shops, and various apartments,
halls, was more splendid in that day. Two
gable ends in the west part, and another
in the east have been taken down, a plank
floor was laid upon the top, and an entire
balustrade around it, extending to the
peaks, upon which were erected orna-
ments rising two feet. At the southern
door was an open fence, with a gate and
knocker. Over the shop door was a bal-
cony with seats, and a door communicat-
ing with the southern chamber, and the
dial was over the door."t
John Collins House. This lot belonged
to Francis Collins in 1658, when a house
stood upon the lot. Mr. Collins was a car-
penter, and lived in this house (perhaps
from 1637). He died in 1689, having
devised this estate to his wife Hannah for
her life, and then to his son John Collins
of Salem, mariner. John Collins died in
1 73-, possessed of the house and lot;
and his administrator, for sixty pounds,
conveyed the property to John Touzell of
Salem, mariner, Dec. 30, 1734-+ Mr.
Touzell died before May 30, 1754? when
his daughter, Mary, wife of William Ha-
thorne of Salem, mariner, and widow
Susanna Hathorne of Salem, conveyed
the house and lot to their brother John
Touzell of Salem, goldsmith. § How long
the house stood after this date is un-
known, but Mr. Touzell probably took it
*Journal of Dr. Williiam Bentley, volume
XIX, page 70.
tjournal of Dr. William Bentley, volume
XVIII, page 136.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 72, leaf 43.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 100, leaf 109.
down very soon after his purchase of the
Robert Bray Lot. This lot was a part
of the land of Francis Collins in 1658. He
^ was a carpenter, and died in 1689, having
devised this land to his wife Hannah for
her life and then to his son John Collins
of Salem, mariner. John CoUins conveyed
the lot, for five pounds, to his brother-in-
law Robert Bray of Salem, mariner, Feb.
27, 1689-90.* Mr. Bray owned the lot
for several years after 1700.
John and Hannah Browne House.
This was a part of the lot of Francis Col-
lins, and was owned by him as early as
1658. The selectmen voted, 5 : 10 mo :
1670, that " ffranc Collince haue liberty to
fell twenty trees for to build his fon Jno
^xown to build him a houfe," etc. The
house was built upon this lot, and Mr.
Collins conveyed the land and house to
his daughter Hannah and her husband
John Brown of Salem, mariner, Dec. 7,
i68o.t A cartway over Mr. Collins'
land by the north end of his house to the
street was also given in the deed. Mr. and
Mrs. Brown died before Nov. 22, 1728,
when their children, William Browne,
mariner, Samuel Lambert, shoreman, and
his wife Margaret, and widow Hannah
Bray, all of Salem, for ninety- nine pounds,
conveyed their interest in the estate to
their brother Joseph Browne of Salem,
mariner, t John Browne had died some
years before, probably, as Mrs. Brown
was then the widow Cubbert. Mr. Browne
apparently moved the house forward
nearer the street, and died,possessed of the
same in 1756. The house was then called
" an old house." It was standing in
1760, but gone in 1763.
Estate df Andrew Woodbury House,
Andrew Woodbury of Salem, mariner,
conveyed the northwestern part of this lot,
down to the dashes, for eight pounds, to
David Corwithy of Salem July 2, i658.§
This was probably only a mortgage, as
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 154.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 133.
J Essex Registry of Deeds, book 51, leaf 180.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 55.
Mr. Woodbury continued to own the lot.
He also conveyed the remainder of the
lot to David Corwithy, sr., of Boston,
gentleman, before Sept. 15, 1664, when
Mr. Corwithy, for twenty-five pounds, con-
veyed it to Mr. Woodbury and Isaac
Woodbury of Salem, mariner.* Isaac
Woodbury conveyed his interest in the
rear part of the lot, probably. Apparent-
ly Mr. Woodbury built a small house upon
the lot about 1659. He died in 1685,
possessed of the house and lot, which were
then valued at one hundred pounds. The
house and lot remained in the possession
of his widow as late as 1708, when she was
old and in extreme poverty. She died
and the house disappeared before 1727.
John Higginson House, and Estate of
Robert Bray, and William Curtice Lots.
Roger Conant originally owned all the
land between the way to the neck and
Collins cove. It was next the property
of Thomas Tuck, who conveyed it to
Francis Collins of Salem, carpenter, 28 :
10 : 1659. ^"0^ ^o^r pounds, Mr. Collins
conveyed it to John Mason of Salem,
brick maker, Nov. i, i66o.t For six
pounds, Mr. Mason conveyed to John
Tapley, Robert Bray, and John Webb,
all of Salem, fishermen, that part of his
lot shown on the map as the lots of
Estate of Robert Bray and WiUiam Cur-
tice and that part of the lot of John Hig-
ginson lying west of the dashes, June 28,
1 669. 1 Mr. Mason retained that part of
the John Higginson lot lying east of the
dashes, and probably conveyed it to John
Tapley before May 6, 1678, as Mr. Tap-
ley, on that date, conveyed the whole lot,
with " my dwelling house,'' which had
probably been erected by Mr. Mason, to
John Higginson, jr., of Salem, merchant.§
Mr. Higginson, for eighteen pounds, con-
veyed the house and lot to William Cur-
tis, jr., of Salem, blacksmith, June 11,
1705 II . Mr. Curtis conveyed the lot to
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 69.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf I.
J Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 63.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 207.
, li Essex Registry of Deeds, book 17, leaf 83.
Joshua Ward of Salem , tanner, April 4,
1728,* the house being gone. John
Webb conveyed his part of the lot, for
forty-five shillings, to James Froude ot
Salem, mariner, Nov. 18, 1671.! Mr.
Froude died before May 29, 1695, when
his heir(?), Ann, wife of George Bonfield
of Marblehead, husbandman, and her
husband conveyed the lot to William Cur-
tis, jr., of Salem, blacksmith. | Robert
Bray probably died possessed of his lot
before 1695, when Margaret Wilkins
owned the eastern part of the lot at least,
and continued to own it until 1728.
Henry Bodwell,^§ the progenitor of
the Bodwell family in Essex county, was
born about 165 1, and lived in Newbury in
1675. He was a member of Capt. Thomas
Lathrop's company in King Philip's
war, and was severely wounded at the
battle of Bloody brook, Sept. 18, 1675.
He was a yeoman, and married Miss
Bethiah Emery of Newbury May 4, 1681.
He lived in Newbury until 1683, when he
moved to Andover, where he lived un-
til about 1693, when he removed across
the Merrimack river to what was then a
part of Haverhill, and which was incor-
porated as Methuen in 1725. Mr. Al-
bert E. Bodwell of Melrose, the family
genealogist, writes that the first house in
which Henry Bodwell lived on the Haver-
hill side of the Merrimack river was built
of logs, and stood in the fork formed by
the junction of the Merrimack and Spick-
ett rivers. It was erected in the summer
of 1693. The estate included a tract of
two hundred acres of land, bounded by
the Spickett river on the north and east,
the Merrimack river on the south, and on
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 46, leaf 242.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 130.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 167.
§There is a tradition that he was a Scotch school
boy named Bothwell, and that he ran away from
home. He came to Newbury, Mass., and was
befriended by Rev. James Noyes.
the west by a line extending north and
south between the two rivers about where
Lawrence street is now. The south part
of the present building, at the corner of
East Haverhill and Elm streets, in that
part of Methuen which was incorporated
as Lawrence in 1852, was built, about
1708, by Henry Bodwell, upon the site
of the log house. The new house was
subsequently removed to its present loca-
tion, and two additions were built on to
it for the children as they married. After
Mr. Bodwell's death, the estate passed to
his son, Henry Bodwell^ and then to the
latter's son, Henry Bodwell3. It then
went to Joseph BodwelH, father of the late
Gov. Joseph R. Bodwelis, who was also
born in this house. The family tradition
is that the fine old elm which stands in
front of the house was planted on the
morning of July 26, 1729, when Henry
Bodwell3 was born, by an Indian, who
was rewarded for his services with a gallon
of rum. Mrs. Bodwell was living in 1 7 2 6 ';
and Mr. Bodwell died June i, 1745, in
his ninety-fourth year.
Children : —
2 — I. Bethiah^, b. June 2, 1682, in Ifew-
bury; m. Nathan Barker May 28,
• 171 1, in Andover.
3 — II. Mary^, b. April i, 1684, in Andover;
m. Nathan Simons of Haverhil
before 1705; and d. in Haverhil
Jan, 7, 1 716-7.
4 — III. Henry2 (twin), b. Jan. 27, 1685, in
Andover; d. Jan. 29, 1685.
5 — IV. Josiah2 (twin), b. Jan. 27, 1685, in
Andover; d. Jan. 31, 1685.
6 — V. Abigail^, b. Jan. 15, 1686, in Ando-
ver; m. Ladd before 1743.
7 — VI. Henry*^, b. Nov. 6, 1688, in Ando-
ver. See below (7).
8 — VII. Jambs'^, b. Jan. 10, 1691, in Andover.
See below (8).
9 — VIII. Daniel^, b. Feb. 14, 1693, in
Andover. See below (9).
10 — IX. Sarah2, b. Dec. i, 1694, *'in
Andover;" m. Abel Merrill of
Haverhill Nov. 15, 17 14; and lived
in that part of Haverhill that was
incorporated as Methuen in 1725.
II — X. Hannah^, b. Sept. i, 1696, "in
Andover;" m. Henry Hills of New-
bury Sept. 2, 1 71 5"
12 — XI. Judith*^, b. April 11, 1698,
Andover;" m. John Harris Sept.
28, 1 721 ; and was living in 1743.
13 — XII. Ruth'^, b. Dec. 2, 1699, "in Ando-
ver;" m. Israel Huse of Newbury
Aug. — , 1716(1715?); and lived in
Kingstown, N. H., in 1732 He
was a husbandman.
14 — XIII. Phebe^ b. July 10, 1701; m. Samuel
Stevens (pub. Dec. 19, 1729).
Henry Bodwell^, born in Andover
Nov. 6, 1688. He was a yeoman, and
lived in that part of Haverhill which was
incorporated as Methuen in 1725,
on the paternal homestead. He
married Anna Pottle of Hampton, N. H.,
April 20, 1727 ; and she died Jan. 30,
1749-50, " aged forty-four." He died
April 13, 1773, aged eighty-four.
Childrep, born in Methuen : —
IS — I. ANNA"', b. Feb. 25, 1727-8; m.
Nathaniel Gage before 1770.
16 — II. Henry^, b. July 26, 1729. See be-
low {16).
17 — III. Phebe^, b. Feb. 16, 173 1-2; m. Wil-
liam Morse May 13, 1756; and was
living in 1770.
18 — IV. Bethia^, b. May 25, 1734; unmar-
ried m 1770; and living in 1772.
19 — v. Joshua^, b. Oct. 4, 1736. See below
20 — VI. Mary^, b. July 21, 1740; m. Pierce
Gage of Pelhara Nov. 29, 1764;
and was living in 1770.
21— VII. William^, b. March — , 1743; d.
22 — VIII. William, b. May 18, 1747; d. Sept.
24. I753> aged six.
James Bodwell% born in Andover Jan.
10, 1691. He was a yeoman, and lived
in Methuen. He married, first, Mary
Parker Feb. 6, 1711; and she died
March 20, 1737-8. He married, second,
Sarah Austin of Andover Nov. 28, 1739;
and died in 1746, his will, dated March
19, 1745, being proved July 7, 1746.
His wife Sarah survived him, and died in
Andover, his widow, Sept. 18, 1769.
Children : —
23—1. Mary^, m. Timothy Mirick Dec. 5,
1728; and was living in 1745.
24 — "• James^, b. Feb. i, 1713, in Andover.
See below {24).
25 — III. Hannah^, b. June 25, 1715, in Hav-
erhill; probably m., first, Samuel
Pottle Nov. 21, 1734; and, second,
John Hibbard, jr., before 1745.
26 — IV. Stephen^, b. July 12, 1720, in Hav-
erhill. See below (^6).
' Capt. Daniel Bodwell^, born in
Andover Feb. 14, 1693. He was a hus-
bandman, and lived in Methuen. At the
time of his death he was called " major."
He was '* captain," 1754-1769; and for
the last half of his life was called "gentle-
man." He married, first, Elizabeth
Parker in or before 17 18; and she died
Feb. 12, 1760, aged sixty-seven. He
married, second, Ruth Ingalls of Andover
April 14, 1761 ; and she was his wife in
1783. He conducted " Bodwell's ferry."
He died in 1787, his will, dated Nov. 21,
1783, being proved May 7, 1787. His
estate was appraised at ;^868, 9^.
Children, born in Methuen : —
27—1. TiFFENSb. Sept. 28, 1718; m. Caleb
Richardson May 13, 1736; and was
living in 1783.
28—11. Elizabeth^ b. Feb. 17, 1719-20; m.
Richard Whittier Sept. 24, 1741;
and d. before 1783.
29— III. Daniel3, b. Jan. 22, 1 721-2. See
below (^9).
30— IV. John3, b. Dec. 27, 1723. See below
31— V. Abigail^, b. Jan. 27, 1725-6; m.
Nathaniel Ladd of Haverhill June
16, 1 748; and d. before 1783.
32— VI. RuTH^, b. April I, 1728; m. Isaac
Redington of Lunenburg Dec. 27,
1759; and was living in 1783.
33— VII. Samuel^, b. Sept. 24, 1 730. See be-
34— VIII. MARY^ b. Oct. II, 1733; d. Nov. 4,
35— IX. Parker^ b. Oct. 18, 1736; d. Nov.
18, 1736.
Capt. Henry Bodwell3, born in
Methuen July 26, 1729. He was a hus-
bandman and lived on the paternal home-
stead at the junction of the Merrimack
and Spickett rivers in Methuen. He was
called "gentlemen" for a number of
years. He married Mary Robbinson
Sept. 20, 1759, in Andover ; and she died
Nov. 16, 1811, aged seventy-three. He
died April 2, 181 6, aged eighty-six.
Children, born in Methuen : —
36—1. Henry*, b. Jan. 8, 1762. See below
37 — II. Isaac*, b. Oct. 16, 1765. See below
38— III. Olive'*, b. Aug. 31, 1767; m. Benja-
min Sargent Dec. 28, 1 786.
39 — IV. Persis*, b. July 30, 1769; m. John
Pingry Nov. 27, 1788.
40 — V. Joseph", b. Nov. 2, 1771. See be-
low {40).
41 — VI. NathanS b. Oct. 12, 1773.
42 — VII. Arnold", b. March 22, 1776.
43 — VIII. Elizabeth", b. June 24, 1778.
Joshua Bodwell3, born in Methuen
Oct. 4, 1736. He was a yeoman,
and lived in Methuen. He was a soldier
of the Revolution, marching to Lexington
April 19, 1775, and then joining Wash-
ington's army in Cambridge. He mar-
ried Priscilla Parker (published June 20,
1 761); and she was his wife in 1784.
He was living in 1787.
Children, born in Methuen : —
44 — I. William", b. Jan. 21, 1763; prob-
ably m. Rachel French of Haver-
hill Feb. 8. 1786.
45 — II. Symonds", b. 17, 1764 ; of
Methuen, yeoman, 1787.
46 — III. Anna", b. May 27, 1766.
47 — IV. Joshua".
48 — V. Edith", b. Feb. 13, 1770; m. Daniel
Buswell, jr., of Bradford May 12,
49 — ^vi. Enoch", b. Dec. 5, 1772.
50 — VII. Henry Washingion", b. April 4,
James Bodwell3, born in And over
Feb. I, 17 13. He was a cooper, and
lived in Methuen. He married Elizabeth
Roberts of Newbury June 13, 1734.
Children, born in Methuen : —
51 — I. Hannah", b. April 25, 1735; d. July
25, 1736, aged one year.
52 — II. Hannah", b. May 18, 1737; m.
Ebenezer Barker March 22, 1 759.
53 — III. Eliphalet", b. July 8, 1738. See
below (ss)'
54 — IV. Benjamin", b. Aug. 22, 1741.
Stephen Bodwell3, born in Haverhill
July 12, 1720. He was a husbandman,
and lived in Methuen. He married, first,
Sarah Lancaster in the spring of 1742;
and she died Dec. 7, 1742, aged twenty-
three. He married, second, Ruth Gutter-
son Feb. 7, 1744-5; and she was his
wife in 1797. He died in 1803 ; his will,
dated Nov. 10, 1797, being proved July
6, 1803.
Children, born in Methuen : —
55—1. Sarah", b. Dec. 7, 1745; m. Na-
thaniel Hibbard Dec. 13, 1768;
and was living in 1797.
56 — II. William", b. Oct. 2, 1747. See be-
low {j6).
57 — HI. James", b. Feb. 4, 1749-50; d. Feb.
28, 1749-50.
58— IV. Ruth*, b. Feb. 4, 1 750-1; m. Moses
Emery, jr., in Newbury Dec. 15,
1768; and was living in 1797.
59— V. James", b. April 25, 1753; probably
d. before 1797.
60 — VL Lydia", b. Sept. 19, 1754; m. Solo-
mon Woolcot of Brookfield May
28, 1778; and was living in 1797.
61— VII. Mary", b. Sept. 4, 1756; m. Silas
Brown Nov, 20, 1777, and was liv-
ing in 1797.
62 — vni. Abigail", b. Oct. 12, 1758; lived in
Methuen, unmarried, in 1824.
63 — IX. Olive*, b. Nov. 12, 1760; m.
Davis of Bakerstown ; and d. before
64 — X. Stephen", b. Dec. 16, 1762; prob-
ably d. before 1797.
65 — ^xi. Ednah", b. Dec. 12, 1764; m. Jonas
Bond of Dublin Dec. 10, 1789;
and was living in 1797.
66— XII. Abiah" (dau.), d., unmarried, in
Methuen Sept. — , 1834, advanced
in years.
Daniel Bodwell3, born in Methuen
Jan. 22, 1 72 1-2. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Methuen, conducting the ferry
for some years. He married Abigail Ladd
of Haverhill in or before 1746 ; and died
in 1804, advanced in years ; his will, dated
Sept. 24, 1800, being proved Feb. 7, 1804.
She survived him, and was his widow in
Children, born in Methuen : —
67 — I. Elizabeth", b. Jan. 4, 1746-7; d. Jan.
14, 1752.
68— n. Daniel", b. Oct. 14, 1748. See below
69 — III. Parker", b. Oct. 29, 1750. See below
70 — IV. Elizabeth", b. Dec. 23, 1752; m. John
Sargent Sept. 12, 1771 ; and was living
in 1804.
71 — V. ABIGAIL^ b. Dec. i6, 1755; m. Samuel
Hildreth May 24, 1 776 ; and was liv-
ing in 1800.
72— VI. Lydia*, b. March 15, i757; °^- Robert
Chase of Newbury Dec. 7, 1780; and
was living in 1800.
73 — VII. Alpheus*, b. Feb. 22, 1759. Seebeiow
74— viii. Ruth'', b. April 17, 1761; m. Josiah
Abbot of Andover May 15, 1784; and
d. in 1788.
75 — IX. John Ladd*, b. Sept. 26, 1763. See
below (75).
76 — X. SallV*.
77 — XI. Susannah*.
78 — XII. FANNY^
79 — XIII. Hannah".
Capt. John Bodwell3, born in Methuen
Dec. 27, 1723. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Methuen. He was a captain in
the Revolution in 1776; and was called
" gentleman " in his latter years. He
married, first, Elizabeth Messer Dec. 22,
1748 ; and she died June 26, 1785. He
married, second, Elizabeth Bowers of
Merrimack April 26, 1788.
Children, born in Methuen : —
80 — I. Molly*, b. Oct. 8, 1749.
81 — II. John*, b. Jan. 16, 1752. See below {81).
82 — III. Nathaniel*, b. Feb. 23, 1754; d.
April 12, 1754.
83 — IV. Nathaniel*, b. Jan. 31, 1755. See be-
low {83).
84 — V. Susannah*, b. May 22, 1757; d. Dec.
28, 1762, aged five years.
85 — VI. Elizabeth*, b. April 15, 1760.
86 — VII. Susannah*, b. Dec. 5, 1762; m. Wil-
liam Hildreth Jan. 25, 1787.
87— VIII. Sarah*, b. March 5, 1765.
88 — IX. Alice*, b. Jan. 5, 1768.
89 — X. Elijah*, b. May 17, 1770.
90— XI. Josiah*, b. Aug. i, 1772.
91 — XII. Asa*, b. July i, 1775.
Maj. Samuel Bodwells, born in Methu-
en Sept. 24, 1 730. He was a yeoman,
and lived in Methuen. He procured the
right to erect a mill on the east side of
Spickett river in 1767. He was called
"esquire " in 1787, and " gentleman " in
the latter part of his life. He married
Elizabeth Mansur Sept. 28, 1758; and
both were living in 1794.
Children, born in Methuen : —
— I. Samuel*, b. Jan. 24, 1759.
THE ESSEX antiquarian.
93 — II. Hannah*, b. Aug. 25, 1760.
94 — III. Rhoda*, b. Feb. 19, 1762; m. Asa Rob-
ertson of Pembroke Nov. i, 1786.
95 — IV. Frederick*, b. Nov. 10, 1763; d. Aug.
10,1773, aged nine years.
96 — V. Dorcas*, b. Sept. 13, 1765; m. her cous-
in. Dr. John Ladd Bodwell (75), June
17, 1795.
97 — VI. Jesse*, b. May 27, 1768.
98 — VII. Frederick*, b. Aug. 21, 1773.
99 — VIII. Betsey*, b. March i, 1777.
Henry Bodwell4, born in Methuen
Jan. 8, 1762. He was a soldier of the
Revolution ; and finally settled in Methu-
en. He married Sally before
Children, born in Methuen: —
100 — I. Eliza% b. April 3, 1794.
loi — II. Molly Robertson^, b. Nov. 30, 1795*
102 — III. Oliver b. Jan. 31, 1798.
Isaac Bodwell4, born in Methuen Oct.
16, 1765. He was a yeoman, and lived
in Methuen. He married Betsey Messer
March 26, 1788; and they were living in
Methuen in 1804.
Children, born in Methuen : —
103 — I. Persis", b. March 16, 1789.
104 — II. William Messer^, b. July 19, 1792.
105 — III. Susannah Messer% b. June 4, 1794;
d. June 10, 1794.
106 — IV. IsAAC% b. March 15, 1795; d. Jan. 12,
107 — V. Isaac Robertson^, b. Dec. 21, 1796.
108 — VI. Elizabkth", b. Jan. 24, 1798.
109 — VII. Benjamin Frajiklin^ b. Jan. 13,1801.
no — VIII. Samuel Phillips", b. March 13,
Ill — IX. Ruth*, b. Dec. 30, 1804.
Joseph Bodwell4, born in Methuen
Nov. 2, 1 771. He was a yeoman, and
lived on the paternal farm in Methuen.
He married Mary How Dec. 17, 1795;
and they were living in Methuen in 1800.
Children, born in Methuen : —
112 — I. Marys, b^ Sept. 13, 1796.
113 — II. Nathan*, b. Sept. 23, 1798.
114 — III. Joseph Robinson", b. Oct. 8, 1800; d.
Nov. 7, 1815, aged fifteen.
115 — IV. Nancy*, b.ini8i6; d. Aug. 29, 181 7,
aged eighteen months.
Capt. Eliphalet Bodwell4, born in
Methuen July 8, 1738. He was a hus-
bandman, and lived in Methuen. He
was a captain in the army of the Revolu-
tion. He married Hannah Barker July
24, 1758; and they were living in Methu-
en in 1778.
Children, born in Methuen : —
116 — I. Abigail*, b. March 17, 1759.
117 — "• Elizabeth*, b. Jan. 20, 1761.
118— III. Hannah*; b. May 26, 1762.
James*, b. May i, 1764.
Eliphalet*, b. July 21, 1766.
Benjamin*, b. April 12, 1768.
Mehitable5, b. June 3, 1769.
Andrew*, b. July 12, 1771.
Judith*, b. April 12, 1773.
Joab*, b. May 26, 1778.
119— IV.
120— V.
121 — VI.
122 — VII.
123 — VIII.
124 — IX.
125— X.
William Bodwell^, born in Methuen
Oct. 2, 1747. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Methuen. He married Sarah
Annis Dec. 24, 1772; and lived in Methu-
en in 1790.
Children, born in Methuen : —
126— I. William*, b. Oct. 15,1773. See below
127 — II. Joseph*, b. Oct. 25, 1775.
128 — III. Abraham*, b. May 5, 1777.
129 — IV. Enoch*, b. Sept. 4, 1779.
130— V. Sarah*, b. Oct. 21, 1781.
131— VI. Ruth* (twin), b. Sept. 8, 1784.
132— VII. Isaac* (twin), b. Sept. 8, 1784.
Daniel Bodwell4, born in Methuen
Oct. 14, 1748. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Methuen. He married Alice
Messer Jan. 2, 1772 ; and she was his wife
in 1795. He died, insolvent, before
Sept. 9, 1808, when administration was
granted upon his estate.
Children, born in Methuen : —
133— I. Elizabeth*, b. Jan. 3, 1773; d. in
1773, in her ninth month.
134 — n. Elizabeth*, b. Sept. 7, 1774.
13s — III. William Messer*, b. Sept. 7, 1777.
136 — IV. Daniel*, b. June 20, 1780.
137— V. Alice*, b. Jan. 4, 1782.
138 — VI. Lydia% b. Oct. 17, 1784.
139 — vii. Frederick*, b. April 8, 1787.
140 — VIII. John*, b. June 24, 1792.
141 — IX. Persis*, b. Jan. 24, 1795.
Parker Bodwell4, born in Methuen
Oct. 29, 1750. He was a yeoman, and
lived in Methuen. He marched to the
battle of Lexington April 19, 1775, and
was in the army of Washington at Cam-
bridge that summer. He married Hannah
Abbot of Dracut (published Feb. 27,
1776); and died Aug. 7, 1795. She sur-
vived him, and married, secondly, David
Jones of Methuen.
Children, born in Methuen: —
142— I. Parker Ladd*, b. March 23, 1776.
See below {142).
Heman* b. Oct. 3, 1777; living in
1 801.
Sarah*, b. Jan. 20, 1780; m. Reuben
Boles, jr., before 1801.
Susanna*, b. March 13, 1782; m.
Morse before 1801.
143— II.
144 — III.
145— IV.
146— V.
147— VI.
148 — VII.
Fanny*, b. Feb. 25, 1784; unmarried
in 1 801.
Hannah*, b. Aug. 28, 1786; living
in 1 801.
Charles*, b. Aug. 25, 1788: living
in 1801.
149— VIII. Samuel* (twin), b. April 25, 1791;
living in 1801.
150 — IX. Nabby* (twin), b. April 25, 1791;
d. Dec. 4, 1796.
Alpheus Bodwell4, born in Methuen
Feb. 22, 1759. He was a husbandman,
and lived in Methuen as late as 1800.
He married Hannah (published
May I, 1786).
Children : —
151 — I. Alpheus*, d. July 28, 1794.
152 — II. Frederick*, d. July 29, 1797.
153 — III. Moses*, d. March 28, 1797.
Dr. John Ladd Bodwell*, born in Me-
thuen Sept. 26, 1763. He was a physi-
cian, and lived in Methuen. He married
his cousin, Dorcas Bod well (96), June 17,
1795 ; and she died July 26, 18 10, aged
forty-four. He survived her.
Children, born in Methuen : —
154 — I. Sophia\ b. April 9, 1 796.
155 — II. John Adams*, b. May 11, 1797;
physician; d. Jan. 19, 1826, aged
156— III. Ruth Caroline*, b. June 25, 1799.
157 — IV. ALMlRA*;b. Dec, 12, 1801.
158 — V. Abigail*, b. Oct. 9, 1803.
159 — VI. Caroline*, b. Feb. 24, 1805.
160— VII. Edwin A.,* b. April 6, 1809.
John Bodwell4, born in Methuen Jan.
16, 1752. He lived in Methuen; and
married Miriam (also, Meribah) White
Oct. 2, 1775.
Children, born in Methuen : —
161— I. JoHN^ b. Oct. 14, 1776.
162 — II. Miriam*, b. June 4, 1778.
Nathaniel Bodwell4, born in Methuen
Jan. 31, 1755. He was a yeoman and
bloomer or iron-monger, and lived in Me-
thuen. He married Mary in
1773 j and was living in 1796.
Children, born in Methuen : —
163 — I. Zadock*, b. Dec. 27, 1773; lived in
Bradford, cordwainer, in 1799; m.
Olive Barker Aug. 21, 1800; and
settled in Methuen, where he d.
June 27, 1839; she survived him.
They had seven children.
164 — II. Nathaniel*, b. Jan. 9, 1776; d. June
24, 1796.
165 — III. Bailey*, b. Dec. 9, 1777.
166 — IV. Mary*, b. May 17, 1779.
William BodwellS, born in Methuen
Oct. 15, 1773. He lived in Methuen;
and married Ruth Whittier March 26,
1797. He died July 23, 1830, aged fifty-
six. She survived him, and died, his wid-
ow, Aug. 27, 1842, aged sixty- three.
*The following epitaph is engraved upon his
gravestone at Methuen: —
Stranger or friend^ here stay thy lonely heady
And here your holiest tears sincerely shed
For hinty ''neath this silent mound doth sleep
* Tis vtanly^ yes, ''tis generous to weep.
His spirit pure^ white yet it dwelt below ^
Did oft feel too keenly others woe
His life, tho' short, still Uwas a stormy way,
And darkening clouds hung o'er his brightest day —
But in his heart mild virtue held her throne^
Above the storm her rays serenely shone^
Illumed his pathivay to the tombe
Where weeping friendship mourns his early doom.
Children, born in Methuen: —
167 — I. ELIZABETH^ b. Jan. 24, 1798.
168 — II. Joseph Abbott^ b. Sept. 27, 1799.
169 — III. RuTH^, b. Feb. 10, 1803.
170 — IV. William Caleb Strong", b. April
II, 1805.
Parker Ladd BodwellS, born in Me-
thuen March 23, 1776. He lived in Me-
thuen; and married Elizabeth Merrill
June 24,1797 (1799?)-
Child, born in Methuen : —
171— I. JoHN^ b. Nov. 23, 1798 (9?).
Tryphena Bigsby published to Thomas
Vickery Sept. 15, 1722.
Tryphena Bigsby died, unmarried, Oct.
7, 1722.
Sarah Bigsby published to Daniel Choat,
jr., March 30, 1754.
— Ipswich town records.
Widow Mary Byxby of Topsfield was ap-
pointed administratrix of the estate of her
husband Joshua Byxby of Topsfield, de-
eased, Oct. 7, 1754. Surety on her bond :
George Bixby of Topsfield, gentlemen. —
Probate records.
Tryphena Bixby, daughter of Abigail
Bixby, baptized in First church, Boxford,
Feb. 28, 1702-3.
Elizabeth Bixby married Elias Johnson
of Haverhill June 17, 1760.
Abigail Bixby admitted to First church
April 25, 1703.
Widow Bixby admitted to First church
from Topsfield church Feb. 28, 1702-3.
— Boxford records.
Widow Mary Lake married William Ba-
ker of Salisbury Sept. i, 1757.
Joshua Bixby married Mary Davis April
2, 1713-
Benjamin, son of widow Esther Bixby,
born Dec. 10, 1747.
Joshua Bixby, "an aged man,'' died
June 9, 1754.
Hannah Bixby married Richard Towne,
both of Topsfield, Feb. 28, 1736-7.
Abigail Bixby, "an aged woman", died
Nov. 7, 1758.
— Topsfield records.
Joseph Bigsby lived in Marblehead, mar-
ried Sarah Roades May 12, 1748 : admin-
istration was granted on his estate, to his
widow Sarah Bixby, Nov. 24, 1763. Chil-
dren, baptized in Marblehead : i . Mary,
baptized Sept. 15, 1751 ; married Richard
Necks Sept. 17, 1772 ; 2. Ruth, baptized
June I, 1755 j married Samuel Legrow
May 16, 1773 j 3. Lydia, baptized July 2,
1758 ; 4. Abigail, baptized Sept. 28, 1760.
— Records,
John Bond% husbandman, lived in
Newbury (probably on the Rowley line,
as he is called of Rowley in 1661 and
1663) as early as 1649; ^.nd removed to
Haverhill about 1663, though he is called
of Newbury as late as 1665, and of Hav-
erhill as early as 1660.* He married Hes-
ter Blakeley Aug. 15, 1649, she being
aged thirty-three in 1663. He died
Dec. 3, 1674. She survived him, and
married, secondly, John Williams of Hav-
erhill May 5, 1675.
Children, born in Newbury : —
2 — I. JOHN^, b. June 10, 1650; probably d. in
or before 1674.
3 — II. Thomas^, b. March 29, 1652; d. May
23, 1652.
4 — III. Joseph^, b. April 14, 1653. See below
5 — IV. Hestkr2, b. Sept. 25, 1655; m. Aquilla
Chase before 1674.
6 — V. Mary^, b. Dec. 16, 1657; livingin 1674.
7 — VI. Abigail^, b. Dec. 3, 1660; m. Ezra Rolf
March 2, 1675-6.
Joseph Bond*, born in Newbury April
14, 1653. He was a husbandman, and
lived in Haverhill. He served in King
Philip's war in 1676, under Lt. Benjamin
Swett. He married Miss Sarah Williams
Nov. 26, 1679, in Haverhill; and she was
his wife in 1702. He died Feb. 26, 1724-
5, at the age of seventy-one.
Children, born in Haverhill : —
*He was of Plum island Dec. 16, 1662, when
he sold his "now dwelling house'' and land to
Richard Dole of Newbury. — Court files, volume
XXX VI., leaf 48.
8—1. Abigails, b. Feb. 22, 1680; m. first,
Edward Ord way June 14,1804; and
second, Robert Emerson March 24,
171 5 ; and she was Mrs. Emerson in
9— II. Esther", b. April 22, 1683; d. June 19,
10 — III. Rebecca*, m. Benjamin Hardy in 1709 ;
and was living in 1724.
IT— IV. John*, b. Oct. 12, 1688. See below (//).
12 — V. Sarah^, b. June 15, 1691 ; d. May 10,
13 — VI. Joseph^, b. April 6, 1694. See below
14 — VII. Hannah', b. Nov. 9, 1696; m. John
Atwood Oct. 28, 1 71 5; and was living
in 1724.
IS — VIII. Lydia*, m. Nathaniel Duston June 8,
16— IX. Sarah*, b. Jan. l6, 1699-1700; m. John
Bishop before 1724; and he was a
physician in Medford in 1 726.
17— X. Mercy*, b. June 3, 1702; m. Israel
Webster Jan. 15, 1729-30.
John Bond3, born in Haverhill Oct.
12, 1688. He was a yoeman, and lived
in Haverhill. He married Martha Hall
in 1715 ; and was drowned May i, 1721,
at the age of thirty-two. His wife sur-
vived him ; and married, secondly, Sam-
uel Graves before 1725.
Children, born in Haverhill : —
18 — I. Sarah^ b. Oct. 21, 1 716; m. Joseph
Kimball, jr., of Bradford Nov. 13,
1740; and was his wife in 1752.
19— II. John*, b. Jan. 14, 1 718-9; lived in
Hampstead, N. H., physician, in
20— III. Jonathan*, b. Nov. 14, 1721, posthu-
Joseph Bond3, born in Haverhill April
6, 1694. He was a yoeman, and lived in
Haverhill. He married Elizabeth Simons
Feb. 6, 1 7 20-1; and died before June
30, 1746, when administration was grant-
ed upon his estate.* She survived him'.
Children : —
21 — I. Sarah*, m. David Hale of Bradford, yeo-
man. May 29, 1740; and she was his
widow in 1771.
22 — II. Mary*, m. Thomas Little of Atkinson,
N. H.; and was his widow in 1771.
*A claim was due to the estate from the estate
of Jonathan Bond of Kingston, deceased, in 1746.
— Probate records.
Continued from volume VJIIy page 183.
John Bickford of Salem ; priv., Capt.
Joseph Killer's co., Col. Jonathan Tit-
comb's reg. ; arrived in camp May 6,
1777 ; dis. July 6, 1777 ; service, 2 mos.,
6 days, at Rhode Island ; roll dated Camp
at Providence.
John Bickford, jr., of Salem; priv.,
Capt. Benjamin Ward, jr.'s co. ; enl. Jan.
22, 1776 ; dis. Nov. 18, 1776 ; service, 9
mos., 28 days, at Salem.
Samuel Bickford of Salem; prize
master, schooner " Fly," com. by Capt.
Silas Smith ; descriptive list of officers and
crew, dated Nov. 8, 1780 ; age, 2 7 years;
stature, 5 ft., 8 in. ; complexion, dark ;
residence, Salem.
Benjamin Biggs of Manchester ; priv.,
Capt. Kimball's co.. Col. Mansfield's reg.;
muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775; enl.
May 18, 1775; service, 2 mos., 19 days.
Benjamin Bigs of Manchester ; Capt.
Benjamin Kimball's co., Col. Mansfield's
reg. ; receipt for advance pay dated Cam-
bridge, July I, 1775 ; also, co. return
dated Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775; also,
Capt. KiiTiball's co.. Col. Israel Hutchin-
son's (igih) reg.; order for bounty coat,
dated Winter Hill, Dec. 30, 1775.
Dudley Bigsbe of Topsfield ; priv.,
Capt. Joseph Gould's co.. Col. John Ba-
ker's reg., which marched on the alarm of
April 19, 1775; service, 5 days.
David Bigsby of Salem ; ordinary sea-
man, ship "Franklin," com. by Capt.
John Turner ; descriptive list of officers
and crew, dated Dec. 2, 1780; age, 21
years ; complexion, light; residence, Sa-
lem ; cruise began Aug. 8, 1780.
Dudley Bigsby of Topsfield ; priv.,
Capt. John Baker's co.. Col. Little's reg.;
muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enl. May
17 (also given May 2), 1775 ; service, 2
mos., 19 days; also, co. return [probably
Oct., 1775]; age, 20 years.
John Biles of Beverly; priv., Capt.
Jeremiah Putnam's co., Col. Nathaniel
Wade's reg.; enL Aug. 12, 1778; service,
5 mos., 24 days, at Rhode Island; enlist-
ment to expire Jan. i, 1779 ; also, muster
roll for Jan.-Sept., 1778, dated East
Greenwich ; also, muster roll for Jan.-Nov.,
1778, dated North Kingston.
Nathaniel Biles of Gloucester ; Capt.
Gideon Parker's co.. Col. Moses Little's
reg. ; receipt for advance pay dated Cam-
bridge, July 2, 1775; also, Corp.; mus-
ter roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enl. June 6,
1775 ; service, 2 mos.; also, co. return
dated Oct. 8, 1775 ; age, 32 years ; alsoy
Capt. Parker's co.. Col. Little's reg. ; enL
Jan. I, 1776.
James Birch of Danvers (also, given
Topsfiell); Lt. Billy Porter's co., Col.
Mansfield's reg. ; order for advance pay
dated Cambridge, June 22, 1775; ^^-^^j
priv., Capt. Ebenezer Francis' co.. Col.
Mansfield's reg. ; muster roll dated Aug.
I, 1775; enl. May 4, 1775; service, 3
mos., 5 days ; also, Capt. Francis' co. ,
Col. Israel Hutchinson's reg. ; order for
bounty coat, dated Camp at Winter Hill,
Oct. 26, 1775; also, It.-col.'s CO., Col.
Calvin Smith's (late Wigglesworth's)
reg.; Continental Army pay accounts for
service from Feb. ti, 1777, to Dec. 31,
1779; residence, Danvers; credited to
town of Danvers; also, Capt. Daniel
Pilsbury's co., Col. Edward Wiggles-
worth's (4th) reg. ; muster roll for May,
1778, dated Valley Forge ; enlistment, 3
years; also, muster roll, for June, 1778,
dated ** Greenage ;" alsOy pay abstract for
Oct., 1778, sworn to at Providence ; also,
Lt.-col. Dudley Coleman's co., Col. Wig-
glesworth's reg., com. by Maj. Porter;
muster roll for March and April, 1779,
dated Providence; enl. Feb. 8, 1777.
Thomas Birdway of Marblehead; Capt.
William Bacon's co.. Col. John Glover's
reg.; receipt for advance pay dated Cam-
bridge, June 27, 1775 ; also, priv.; muster
roll dated Aug. i, 1775; enl. June 12,
1775 ; service, i mo., 22 days.
Benjamin Bishop of Rowley ; priv., Capt.
Robert Dodge's co.. Col. Ebenezer Fran-
cis' reg.; pay roll for two days' service
sworn to Nov. 29, 1776; marched to
camp and back again.
Benjamin Bishop of Newburyport ; priv.,
Capt. Joshua French's co., Lt.-col. Enoch
Putnam's reg. ; enl. Aug. 15, 1781; dis.
Nov. 31, 1 781 ; service, 3 mos., 28 days;
enlistment, 3 mos. ; regiment raised in
Essex and Plymouth counties to rein-
force Continental Army.
Ebenezer Bishop of Salem; boatswain,
brigantine " Dolphin," com. by Capt.
David Ingersoll ; descriptive list of officers
and crew dated May 25, 1780; age, 28
years ; stature, 5 ft., 5 in. ; complexion,
dark ; residence, Salem.
Edward Bishop of Rowley ; priv., Capt.
Thomas Mighill's (ist) co.. Col. Gerrish's
reg.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enl.
April 23, 1775 ; service, 3 mos., 15 days ;
also, Capt. Mighill's co., Co). Loammi
Baldwin's (late Gerrish's) 38th reg.; co.
return dated Sewall's Point, Sept. 26,
1775 ; also, serg., Capt. Mighill's co.. Col.
Baldwin (26 th) reg.; pay abstracts for Jan.
and Feb., 1776.
En OS Bishop of Bradford ; priv., Capt.
Nathaniel Gage's co., Col. James Frye's
reg., which marched on the alarm of April
19, 1775 ; service, 7 days ; also, return of
men in camp at Cambridge, May 17,
1775 ) ^^^0, an account of loss of articles
at Charlestown June 17, 1775; also, co.
return dated Cambridge, Sept. 6, 1775 ;
also, Capt. Nathaniel Gage's co., Maj.
Gage's reg.; enl. Sept. 30, 1777; dis.
Nov. 6, 1777; service, i mo., 9 days,
with Northern army.
James P. Bishop of Salem; pay roll
for 6 mos. men raised by the town of Sa-
lem for service in the Continental Army
during 1780; marched Aug. 12, 1780;
dis. Dec. 17, 1780; service, 4 mos., 18
John Bishop of Marblehead ; priv.,
Capt. Thomas Grant's co., Col. John Glov-
er's reg. ; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ;
enl. May 17, 1775; service, 2 mos., 20
days; also, co. return [probably Oct.,
John Bishop of Gloucester (also given
Cape Ann and Cambridge); priv., Capt.
Joseph Roby's co., Col. Moses Little's
reg.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enl.
June 2, 1775; service, 2 mos., 4 days;
also, CO. return probably Oct., 1775];
age, 36 years ; also, order for bounty coat
or its equivalent in money dated Dec. 11,
1775 ; also, Capt. John Spurr's co.. Col.
Thomas Nixon's 5th (also given 6ih) reg. ;
Continental Army pay accounts for service
from Jan i, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; ^^>f^»
muster roll of men in service on or before
Aug. 15, 1777, dated Camp near Peeks-
kill, Feb. 16, 1779; ^^^^> muster roll for
May, 1779, dated Highlands; also, de-
scriptive list of men enl. prior to Sept. 30,
1779; residence, Cambridge; age, 48
years ; stature, 5 ft., 7 in. ; complexion,
dark ; joined Col. Nixon's reg. ; enlistment,
during war ; also, Capt. Spurr's co.. Col.
Nixon's reg. ; Continental Army pay ac-
counts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to
April I, 1780; reported, deserted April
I, 1780; also, list of deserters dated
Camp Ten Eyck, Aug. 27, 1780; Capt.
Spurr's CO., Col. Nixon's reg.; age, 43
yrs ; stature, 5 ft., 8 in. ; complexion,
dark ; hair, gray ; eyes, dark ; birthplace.
Cape Ann ; residence, Cambridge.
Samuel Bishop of Salem, return of men
enlisted into Continental Army from ist
Essex CO. reg. [year not given] ; residence,
Salem ; enl. for Salem ; joined Capt. Sum-
ner's co., Col. Greaton's reg. ; enlistment,
3 years or during war ; reported mustered
by Nathaniel Barber, muster master; also,
priv., Capt. Job Sumner's co., Col. John
Greaton's (2d) reg. ; Continental Army
pay accounts for service from Jan. 14,
1777, to Dec. 31, 1779 ;^^«f^> Capt. Sam-
uel Flower's co., Col. Greaton's reg.;
muster rolls for July and August, 1779,
dated Camp Highlands ; also, muster roll
for Sept., 1779, dated Camp Bedford ; also,
muster roll for Oct., 1779, dated Camp
near Peekskill ; reported sick in camp ;
also, Capt. Joseph Crocker's co., Col.
Greaton's reg. ; Continental Army pay ac-
counts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to
Dec. 31, 1780; also, Capt. Flower's co.,
Col. Greaton's reg. ; muster roll for Nov.
and Dec, 1779, dated Continental Village;
reported on furlough for 50 days from
Dec. 18, 1779; ^/f^, (late) Capt. Flower's
CO., Col. Greaton's (3d) reg. ; muster roll
for Jan.-June, 1780; reported deserted
March i, 1780.
Samuel Bishop of Gloucester ; list of
men enlisted into Continental Army from
Essex CO. [year not given]; residence,
Gloucester ; enlisted for Gloucester.
David Bixby of Boxford (also given
Middleton); Capt. Asa Prince's co.. Col.
Mansfield's reg. ; order for advance pay
dated Cambridge, June 8, 1775; also^
priv. ; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775;
enl. May 4, 1775 ; service, 3 mos., 4 days ;
alsOf CO. return dated Oct. 6, 1775 ; also,
Capt. Prince's co., Col. Israel Hutchin-
son's (19th) reg.; order for bounty coat,
dated Dec. 21, 1775; alsoy corp., Capt.
Samuel Flint's co.. Col. Samuel Johnson's
reg. ; enl. Aug. 25, 1777; dis. Nov. 30,
iTTj ; service, 3 mos., 19 days, at the
Northward ; a/so, pay roll for mileage from
Scarsdale, N. Y., home, allowed in coun-
cil July 27, 1778.
DtTDLEY BixBYof Topsfield ; priv., Capt.
John Baker's co., Capt. Moses Little's
reg.; order for bounty coat dated Dec.
II, 1775.
David Bixley of Middleton; priv.,
Capt. Silas Adams' co., Col. Titcomb's
reg. ; pay roll for 2 mos. service dated
June 29, 1777.
Boston Black of Marblehead ; pay roll
for 6 mos. men raised by Marblehead for
service in the Continental Army during
1780; marched Aug. 18, 1780; dis. Feb.
23, 1781 ; service, 6 mos., 17 days; a/so,
descriptive list of enl. men ; age, 18 years ;
stature, 5 ft., 7 in. ; complexion, negro ;
hair, wool ; occupation, laborer ; residence,
Marblehead; enl. Feb. 24, 1781 ; joined
Capt. Hastings' co., Lt.-col. John Brooks*
(7th) reg.; enlistment, 3 years; a/so, re-
ceipt for bounty paid him by town of
York for 3 years' enlistment, dated York,
May 8,1781; also, priv., Capt. Joseph
Bates' CO., Lt.-col. Brooks' reg. ; muster
roll for July, 1781 ; a/so, muster roll for
Aug., 1 78 1, dated Camp at Peekskill;
also, muster roll for Sept., 1781 ; reported
on extra duty with General Glover ; also,
muster rolls for Oct., 1781,-Feb., 1782,
dated York Huts; reported servant to
Gen. Glover.
Cais Black of Marblehead; pay roll
for 6 mos. men raised by Marblehead for
service in the Continental Army during
1780; marched June 19, 1780; dis. Dec.
24, 1780; service, 6 mos., 17 days.
James Black of Beverly; descriptive
list of officers and crew of the ship " Ju-
nius Brutus, " com. by Capt. John Leach,
dated Salem, June 15, 1780; age, 28
years; stature, 5, ft., 7 in.; complexion,
light; residence, Beverly.
JoAB Black of Salem ; Capt. Addison
Richardson's co., Col. John Mansfield's
reg. ; order for advance pay dated Cam-
bridge, June 8, 1775 ; also, priv. ; muster
roll dated Aug. i, 1775; enl. May 16,
1775 > service, 2 mos., 20 days; also,
Capt. Richardson's co., Col. Israel Hutch-
inson's (late Mansfield's) 19th reg.; re-
ceipt for wages for Sept., 1775, dated
Camp at Winter Hill ; also, co. return
dated Oct. 6, 1775 ; ^^-^^j order for boun-
ty coat dated Winter Hill, Oct. 27, 1775 ;
also, receipt for wages due Aug. i, 1775,
dated Cambridge, March 14, 1776.
William Blackler of Marblehead;
Capt. Francis Symonds' co., CoL John
Glover's reg.; receipt for advance pay
dated Cambridge, June 27, 1775; also,
drummer; muster roll dated Aug. i,
1775 ; enl. May 30, 1775 ; service, 2 mos.,
7 days ; also, co. return [probably Oct.,
William Blackler of Marblehead;
capt., Col. John Glover's (Essex co.)
reg. ; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enl.
April 24, 1775 ; service, 3 mos., 15 days;
reported recommended to be commis-
sioned June 22, 1775; also, co. return
dated Cambridge, Oct. 9, 1775.
Samuel Blackley of Marblehead ; boy,
sloop ** Morning Star," com. by Capt.
John Ravill; descriptive list of officers
and crew dated Oct. 17, 1780; age, 13
years ; stature, 4 ft., 5 in. ; complexion,
dark ; residence, Marblehead.
Jo-H Blackly of Marblehead; prize
master, sloop ** Morning Star, " com. by
Capt. John Ravill ; descriptive list of
officers and crew dated Oct. 17, 1780;
age, 3 7 years ; stature, 5 ft., 11 in. ; com-
plexion, dark ; residence, Marblehead.
John Blair of Marblehead ; Capt.
Nicholas Broughton's cc, Col. John Glov-
er's reg. ; receipt for advance pay dated
Cambridge, June 27, iTTS) also j priv. ;
muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enl. May
24, 1775 ; service, 2 mos., 13 days ; also,
CO. return [probably Oct., 1775]; also,
order for bounty coat dated Cambridge,
Dec. 20, 1775.
Robert Blair of Beverly ; descriptive
list of enl. men ; Capt. Tisdale's co., Col.
John Greaton's reg. ; age, 16 years ; stat-
ure, 5 ft., 4 in. ; complexion, dark ; hair,
dark; eyes, dark (also given red) ; occu-
pation, laborer ; residence, Beverly ; enl.
March 22, 1781; enlistment, 3 years;
also, priv., Capt. James Tisdale's co..
Col. Greaton's (3d) reg. ; muster roll for
April, 1 781, dated West Point ; also, mus-
ter rolls for Aug. and Sept., 1781, dated
Camp Peekskill ; also, muster roll for Oct.
and Nov., 1781, dated Camp Highlands ;
also, muster rolls for Jan. and Feb., 1782,
dated Hutts, New Boston; also, muster
rolls for Sept. and Oct., 1782 ; also, Capt.
Tisdale's (3d) co., Col. Greaton's reg.;
com. by Lt.-col. James Millin ; muster
rolls for Jan. and Feb., 1783 ; also, Capt.
Tisdale's (4th) co., Col. Michael Jackson's
(3d) reg. ; muster roll for Aug. and Sept.,
Jonathan Blaisdel of Amesbury ; priv.,
Capt. Timothy Barnard's co., which
marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775,
from Amesbury (East parish) ; service,
10 days.
Levi Blaisdel of Amesbury ; priv.,
Capt. Barnard's co., Col. Little's reg. ; co.
return dated Oct. 9, 1775 ; age, 19 years;
enl. June i, 1775.
Samuel Blaisdel of Amesbury; priv.,
Capt. Timothy Barnard's co., which
marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775,
from Amesbury (East parish); service,
5 days.
John Blaisdell of Amesbury ; priv.,
Capt. Timothy Barnard's co., which
marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775,
from Amesbury (East parish); service, 10
Levi Blaisdell of Amesbury; priv.,
Capt. Timothy Barnard's co.. Col. Moses
Little's reg. : muster roll dated Aug. i,
1775 ; enl. June i, i775 ; service, 8 weeks,
5 days.
Oliver Blaisdell of Amesbury ; priv.,
Capt. Timothy Barnard's co., which
marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775,
from Amesbury (East parish) ; service, 8
Samuel Blaisdell of Salisbury ; list of
men raised for the 6 mos. service and re-
turned by Brig. -gen. Paterson as having
passed muster in a return dated Camp
Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780.
Samuel Blaizdel of Amesbury ; certifi-
cate dated Boston, Feb. 18, 1779, signed
by Lt.-col. J. Brooks, stating that said
Blaizdell had been a non commissioned
officer in Col. Michael Jackson's reg. from
Jan. I, 1777.
Jacob Blaizdell of Salisbury; priv.,
Capt. Varnum's co.. Col. Michael Jack-
son's reg.; Continental Army pay ac-
counts for service from April 2, 1777,
to Dec. 31, 1779.
Samuel Blaizdell of Amesbury ; ens..
Col. Michael Jackson's reg ; list of officers
of Mass. Line ; com. Nov. 26, 1779 ; ^^^^t
Capt. Keith's co., Col. Jackson's reg.;
Continental Army pay accounts for ser-
vice from Jan. 28, 1777, to Dec. 31,
1779; reported as serving 8 mos., 12
days as serg., 26 mos., 21 days, as serg.-
maj.; also, serg.-maj., Capt. James Var-
num's CO. , Col. Jackson's reg.; return dated
April 9,1779-
• Christopher Blake of Haverhill ;
Corp., Capt. Nicholas Blasdel's co.. Col.
Wigglesworth's reg.; pay abstract for
travel allowance from Albany home, in
John Blake of Methuen ; priv., Capt.
Noah Allen's co.. Col. Joseph's Vose's (ist)
reg.; muster roll for May, 1781, dated
West Point; enl. March 20, 1781 ; en-
listment, 3 years; also, muster roll for
June, 1 781 ; also, muster roll for July,i 781,
dated Camp near Dobb's Ferry; also,
muster rolls for Aug. and Sept., 1781,
dated Camp at Peekskill ; also^ muster
rolls for Oct. and Nov., 1781, and
Jan., 1782, dated York Hutts; reported
transferred to Light Infantry co. in Jan.,
1782; also^ Capt. Nathaniel Cushing's
(Light Infantry) co.. Col. Vose's reg. ;
muster roll for Feb., 1782.
Lawrence Blake of Marblehead ; priv.,
Capt. William Courtis' co.. Col. John
Glover's reg.; muster roll dated Aug. i,
1775; enl. June 10, 1775; service, i
mo., 24 days; also^ co. return [probably
Oct., 1775] ; alsoy order for bounty coat
dated Beverly, Jan. 6, 1776.
Paul Blake of Ipswich ; Capt. Robert
Dodge's CO., Col. Samuel Johnson's reg. ;
marched Aug. 15, 1777; dis. Dec. 14,
1777; service, 4 mos., at Peekskill, in
Gen. Warner's brigade; co. detached
from 3d reg. of Mass. militia.
Samuel Blake of Newbury ; pilot, ship
" Essex " (privateer), com. by Capt. John
Cathcart ; descriptive list of officers and
crew dated June 12, 1780; age 40 years;
stature, 6 ft.; residence Newbury.
Samuel Blake of Salem ; seaman, ship
** Pilgrim," com. by Capt. Joseph Robin-
son ; descriptive list of officers and crew
dated Aug. 2, 1780 ; age, 23 years; stature,
5 ft., 10 in.; complexion, dark ; residence,
Simeon Blake of Newbury ; It., Capt.
Jonathan Poor's co., Col. Samuel Ger-
rish's (2d Essex co.) reg., which marched
on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service,
6 days.
Aaron Blanchard of Andover; priv.,
Capt. Joshua Holt's co., which marched on
the alarm of April 19, 1775, ^o Cam-
bridge ; service, i ^ days.
Amos Blanchard of Andover (West dis-
trict); return of men raised agreeable to
resolve of Dec. 2, 1780; enl. March 16,
1781 ; residence, Andover (West district) ;
enlistment, 3 years or during war ; aho^
priv.. Col. Benjamin Tupper's (loth)
reg.; enl. March 16, 1781 ; roll made up
to Jan. I, 1782 ; service, 9 mos., 16 days ;
also^ fifer; pay roll for service from Jan.
I, 1782, to Jan. I, 1783, 12 months.
Cuff Blanchard of Andover; Capt
Charles Furbush^s co.. Col. Ebenezer
Bridge's reg.; receipt for advance pay
dated Cambridge, June 30, 1775 ; also,
priv.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775;
enl. May 28, 1775; service, 2 mos., 9
days ; also^ order for bounty coat dated
Cambridge, Nov. 21, 1775.
Daniel Blanchard of Andover ; priv.,
Capt. Joshua Holt's co., which marched
on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cam-
bridge ; service, i Y^. days ; also^ Capt.
John Abbot's co., Maj. Gage's reg.; enl.
Sept. 30, 1777; dis. Nov. 6, 1777; ser-
vice, I mo., 8 days ; also, Lt. Jeremiah
Blanchard's co.. Col. Thomas Poor's reg.;
enl. June 4, 1778; dis. Jan. 29, 1779;
service, 8 mos., 8 days, at North River ;
enlistment, 8 months from time of arrival
at Peekskill ; also, Capt. David Whittier's
CO., Col. Poor's reg.; pay rolls for July
and Aug., 1778 ; also, pay roll for Sept.,
1778, dated Fort Clinton; also, Lt.
Blanchard's co., Col. Poor's reg.; pay
rolls for Nov., 1778,-Jan., 1779, dated
King's Ferry ; also, descriptive list of enl.
men raised agreeable to resolve of June 9,
1779 ;Capt. Lovejoy's co., Col. Johnson's
reg.; age, 19 years; stature, 5 ft., 9 in.;
complexion, light ; residence, Andover ;
enlistment, 9 mos., received at Spring-
field July 16, 1779, by Capt. Christopher
Marshall ; also, return dated Boxford,
Dec. 8, 1779, made by John Cushing,
muster master for Essex co.; also, Capt.
Abbot's CO., Col. Nathaniel Wade's reg.;
enl. July 10, 1780; dis. Oct. 10, 1780;
service, 3 mos., 11 days, at West Point;
enhstment, 3 mos.; also, return of men
raised agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2,
1780; residence, Andover (West district);
enl. March 9, 1781; enlistment, 3 years
or during war.
Isaac Blanchard of Andover ; descrip-
tive list of men raised agreeable to re-
solve of June 9, 1779; Capt. Lovejoy's
CO., Johnson's reg.; age, 16 years ; stature,
5 ft., 4 in.; complexion, light ; residence,
Andover ; enlistment, 9 mos.; received at
Springfield July 16, 1779, by Capt.
Christopher Marshall ; also, return dated
Boxford, Dec. 8, 1779, made by John
Gushing, muster master for Essex co.
Jeremiah Blanchard of Andover ; It.,
Capt. Charles Furbush's co., Col. Eben-
ezer Bridge's reg.; muster roll dated Aug.
I, 1775; enl. April 25, 1775 ; service, 3
mos., 14 days ; also^ petition dated Cam-
bridge, Oct. 20, 1775, signed by Col.
Bridge, asking that said Blanchard be
commissioned as It. in Capt. Furbush's
CO.; recommended by council to Gen.
Washington for commission ; also, 2d It.,
Essex CO. reg.; list of officers of Mass.
militia; commissioned June to, 1778, to
serve in Col. Poor's reg. at Peekskill; also,
It., acting as capt., Col Thomas Poor's reg.;
enl. May 13, 1778 ; dis. Feb. 17, 1779 5
service, 9 mos., 17 days, at North river;
enlistment, 8 mos., from time of arrival at
Peekskill ; also, Capt. David Whittier's
CO., Col. Poor's reg.; pay rolls for May-
Aug., 1778; also, pay roll for Sept., 1778,
dated Fort Clinton ; also, Lt. Blan ch-
ard's CO., Col., Poor's reg.; pay rolls for
Nov., 1778,-Feb. 17, 1779, dated Kings
Jeremiah Blanchard of Andover
(also given Danvers) ; priv., Capt. Joshua
Holt's CO., which marched on the alarm
of April 19, 1775, to Cambridge ; service,
I Yi days ; also, Capt. Charles Furbush's
CO., Col. Ebenezer Bridge's reg.; receipt
for advance pay dated Cambridge, June
3o> 1775 j ^^^0-) muster roll dated Aug. i,
1775 ; enl. June 28, 1775 ; service, i mo.,
6 days ; also, order for bounty coat dated
Cambridge, Nov. 21, 1775 ; also, Capt.
Samuel King's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's
reg. ; pay rolls for service from June 2 ,
1776, to Dec. I, 1776, 6 mos., 2 days, at
Hull ; also, matross, Capt. Amos Lincoln's
(2d) CO., Col. Paul Revere's (artillery)
reg. ; Continental Army pay accounts for
service from June i, 1777, to Dec. 31,
1779; also, Capt. Joseph Balch's (ist)
CO., Col. Thomas Crafts' (artillery) reg. ;
pay roll for i mo., 15 days, service made
up to Aug. 1 , 1777 ; also, list of men who
refused to leave Boston dated Boston,
Sept. 22, 1777 ; also, pay roll for service
from Aug. i, 1777, to Oct. i, 1777, 2
mos. ; also, list of men who received
bounty for 8 mos. service from April 30,
1777, to Dec. 30, 1777 ; also, list of men
entitled to a bounty dated Boston, Jan.
12, 1778; also, list of men in Capt. Lin-
coln's CO. entitled to 3 months stores
dated Castle Island, Sept. 17, 1779 ; alw,
Capt. Lincoln's co.. Col. Revere's reg. ;
pay roll for service from Jan. i, 1780, to
May 8, 1780, 4 mos., 8 days, dated Bos-
ton; also, sailor, brigantine "Rover,"
com. by Capt. Adam Wellman ; descriptive
list of officers and crew dated June 30,
1780; age, 22 years; stature, 5 ft., 8 in. ;
complexion, light ; residence, Danvers.
John Blanchard of Lynn ; Capt. Ezra
Newhall's co.. Col. Asa Whitcomb's reg. ;
order for pay for service for i mo. dated
Cambridge, June 10, 1775; also, priv.;
Capt. Newhall's co., Col. Mansfield's
reg. ; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enl.
June 20, 1775 ; service, i mo., 14 days;
also, CO. return dated Oct. 6, 1775 ; also,
Capt. Newhall's co.. Col. Israel Hutchin-
son's (19th) reg. ; order for bounty coat
dated Winter Hill, Nov. 4, 1775.
Joseph Blanchard of Salem ; descrip-
tive list of officers and crew of the ship
" Jack " (privateer), com. by Capt. Nathan
Brown, dated July i, 1780; age, 21 years;
stature, 5 ft, 6 in.; complexion, light;
residence, Salem.
Joseph Blanchard of Andover; priv.,
Capt. Joshua Holt's co., which marched
on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cam-
bridge; service, i ^ days.
Joseph Blanchard of Andover (West
parish) ; priv. ; return of men raised
agreeably to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780;
residence, Andover; enl. Feb. 10, 1781 ;
enlistment, 3 years.
Josiah Blanchard, jr., of Andover;
Capt. Joshua Holt's co., which marched
on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cam-
bridge; served i 5^ days.
Samuel Blanchard of Andover ; priv.,
Capt. Benjamin Ames' co., Col. James
Frye's reg., which marched on the alarm
of April 19, 1775 ; service, 7 Az^js; also,
return of men in camp at Cambridge,
May 17, 1775; also, return of men in
1 84
battle at Charlestown dated Cambridge,
June 19, 1775; cilsOf co. return dated
Oct. 17, 1775 ; alsOf Capt. John Abbot's
CO., Maj. Gage's reg. ; enl. Sept. 30, 1 7 7 7 ;
dis. Nov. 6, 1777 ; service, i mo., 8 days,
with Northern army.
Thomas Blanchard of Andover ; priv.,
Capt. Joshua Holt's co., which marched
on the alarm of April 19, i775> ^o Cam-
bridge ; service, i day ; reported a volun-
teer member of the co. who did not bear
Amos Blancher of Wenham ; list of
men raised for the 6 mos. service and
returned by Brig. -gen. Paterson as having
passed muster in a return dated Camp
Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780.
William Blanev of Marblehead ; corp.,
Capt. Nathaniel Lindsey's co. ', pay roll
for service from Dec. 10, 1776, to March
18, 1777, 3 mos., 9 days; co. raised in
Marblehead to reinforce Continental
Jacob Blasdel of Salisbury; priv.,
Capt. Jonathan Evans' co.. Col. James
Frye's reg.; co. return dated Cambridge,
Oct. 6, 1775 ; also J return of men enl.
into Continental Army from Capt. Benja-
min Evans' co., dated Feb. 13, 1778;
residence, Salisbury; enl. for town of
Salisbury ; joined Capt. Farnum's co.. Col.
Michael Jackson's reg. ; enlistment, 3
John Blasdel of Amesbury ; Capt. John
Currier's co., Col. James Frye's reg. ; re-
ceipt for advance pay dated Cambridge,
July I, 1775; also, priv., co. return
[probably Oct., 1775] ; also, corp., Capt.
Eliphalet Bodwell's co.. Col. Edward
Wigglesworth's reg.; pay abstract for
mileage from Albany home, dated Dec,
Jonathan Blasdel of Amesbury ; Capt.
John Currier's co.. Col. James Frye's reg. ;
receipt for advance pay dated Cambridge,
July I, 1775; also, priv.; co. return
[probably Oct., 1775] ; reported trans-
ferred to armorers ; also, order for bounty
coat dated Cambridge, Nov. 16, 1775 ;
also, descriptive list of men enl. from
Essex CO. in 1779, to serve in the Conti-
nental Army ; age, 30 years ; stature, '5 ft.,
9 in. ; complexion, light ; residence, Ames-
bury; delivered to Lt. William Storey;
also, return dated Boxford, Dec. 8, 1779 ;
made by John Cushing, muster master for
Essex CO.
Levi Blasdel of Amesbury; priv.,
Capt. Eliphalet Bodwell's co., Col. Edward
Wigglesworth's reg.; pay abstract for
mileage from Albany home, dated Dec,
1776 ; also, return of men enl. into Conti-
nental Army from Capt. William Ballard's
CO., dated May 29, 1778; residence,
Amesbury; enl. for town of Amesbury;
joined Capt. Low's co. ; enlistment, i year.
Philip Blasdel of Salisbury; descrip-
tive list of men raised to reinforce Conti-
nental Army for the term of 6 months,
agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780;
age, 17 years; stature, 5 ft., 7 in.; com-
plexion, dark; residence, Salisbury; ar-
rived at Springfield Aug. 4, 1780;
marched to camp Aug. 5, 1780, under
com. of Capt. Samuel Carr ; also, pay roll
for 6 months men raised by the town of
Salisbury for service in the Continental
Army during 1780; marched June 29,
1780 ; dis. Dec. 16, 1780; service, 5 mos.,
20 days.
Samuel Blasdel of Amesbury; serg.,
Capt. Eliphalet Bodwell's co., Col. Edward
Wigglesworth's reg. ; pay abstract for
mileage from Albany home dated Dec,
1776; also, ens.; list of officers in Col.
Michael Jackson's (8th) reg. ; dated West
Point, Nov. 8, 1779; reported resigned.
Wells Blasdel of Amesbury; Capt.
John Currier's co.. Col. James Frye's reg. ;
receipt for advance pay dated Cambridge,
July I, 1775; also, priv.; co. return
[probably Oct., 1775] ; reported deceased
Sept. 15, 1775.
Ezra Blasdell of Amesbury ; priv. ,
Capt. Caleb Pilsberry's co., which marched
April 19 or April 20, 1775, to Medford
and Cambridge ; service , 4 days. [Name
crossed out on roll.]
Ezra Blasdell of Amesbury; priv.,
Capt. Mathias Hoyt's co., of minute-men,
which marched on the alarm of April 19,
1775 ; service, 4 days.
1 8s
Harvey Blasdell of Amesbury ; priv.,
Capt. Matthias Hoyt's co. of minute-men,
which marched on the alarm of April 19,
1775 ; service, 4 days.
Jacob Blasdell of Amesbury; list of
deserters dated Jan. 25, 1781; Col.
Michael Jackson's 8th (also given 9th)
reg. ; age, 24 years ; stature, 6 ft.; com-
plexion, dark; hair, dark; birthplace,
Amesbury ; residence, Amesbury ; deserted
April, 1780; enlistment, during war.
Jonathan Blasdell of Amesbury ; priv.,
Capt. Matthias Hoyt's co. of minnte-men,
which marched on the alarm of April 19,
1775 ; service, 4 days.
Samuel Blasdell of Andover ; matross,
Capt. Samuel Trevett's co., Col. Richard
Gridley's reg. ; muster roll dated June 2 1 ,
1775; enl. May 28, 1775; service, 24
Samuel Blasdell of Amesbury, Capt.
William Hudson Ballard's co., Col. James
Frye's reg. ; return of men in camp at
Cambridge, May 17, 1775; also^ order
for bounty coat dated Feb. 21, 1776.
Samuel Blasdell of Salisbury ; descrip-
tive list of men raised to reinforce Conti-
nental Army for 6 mos., agreeable to re-
solve of June 5, 1780; age, 16 years;
stature, 5 ft, 5 in.; complexion, light;
residence, Salisbury ; arrived at Spring-
field July 5, 1780 ; marched to camp July
5, 1 780, under com. of Capt. Frothingham
of the artillery.
Wells Blasdell of Amesbury; serg.,
Capt. Matthias Hoyt's co., of minute-men,
which marched on the alarm of April 19,
1775 ; service, 9 days; also, Capt. John
Currier's co.. Col. James Frye's reg.;
order for bounty coat dated Amesbury,
March 4, 1776; reported deceased Sept.
i7» 1775-
Jacob Blasdil of Amesbury; priv.,
Capt. Varnum's co.. Col. Michael Jack-
son's reg. ; Continental Army pay accounts
for service from Jan. i, 1780, to April i,
1780 ; reported deserted April i, 1780.
Samuel Blasdle of Amesbury ; return
of men enl. into Continental Army from
Capt. William Ballard's co., Essex co.
reg., sworn to Feb. 11, 1778; residence,
Amesbury; enl. for Amesbury; joined
Capt. Varnum's co., Col. Jackson's reg.;
enlistment, 3 years.
John Blatchford, JR., of Gloucester;
list of men enl. into Continental Army
from Essex co. [year not given] ; enl.
for Gloucester.
Samuel Blazdel of Salisbury ; pay rol 1
for 6 mos. men raised by Salisbury for
service in the Continental Army during
1780 ; marched June 28, 1780; dis. Jan.
6, 1781 ; service, 6 mos., 21 days.
Samuel Blesdil of Amesbury ; priv.,
Capt. William H. Ballard's co., Col. James
Frye's reg. ; co. return dated Cambridge,
Oct. 6, 1775 ; reported went to Quebec.
Cuff Blew of Marblehead; ordinary
seaman, ship *^ Franklin," com. by Capt.
John Turner ; descriptive list of officers
and crew dated Dec. 2, 1780; age, 19
years ; complexion , negro ; residence ,
Marblehead; cruise began Aug. 8, 1780.
Verien Blie of Salem ; sailmaker, ship
"Franklin," com. by Capt. John Turner;
descriptive list of officers and crew dated
Dec. 2, 1780 ; age, 40 years ; complexion,
dark; residence, Salem; cruise begun
Aug. 8, 1780.
Cyrus Blunt of Andover ; priv., Capt.
John Davis' co. , Col. James Frye's reg. ;
CO. return dated Cambridge, Oct. 5, 1775 ;
enl. June 16, 1775.
David Blunt of Andover ; corp., Capt.
Benjamin Ames' co., Col. James Frye's
reg., which marched on the alarm of
April 19, 1775; service, 7 days; also,
return of men in camp at Cambridge,
May 17, 1775 ; also, co. return dated
Oct. 6, 1775 ; ^^-f^j order for bounty coat
dated Cambridge, Nov. 14, i775 ; ^^^^»
serg., Capt. John Abbot's co., Maj. Gage's
reg.; enl. Sept. 30, 1777; dis. Nov. 6,
1777 ; service, i mo., 8 days.
George Blunt of Andover ; return of
men enl. into Continental Army from
Capt. John Abbot, jr.'s (2d) co., Essex
CO. reg., dated Feb. 16, 1778 ; residence,
Andover; enl. for town of Andover;
joined Capt. Benjamin Farnum'sco., Col.
Ebenezer Francis' reg. ; enlistment, 3
years ; also^ priv., Capt. Abbot's co.. Col.
1 86
Benjamin Tupper's reg. ; Continental
Array pay accounts for service from Feb.
19, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; o,lso, Capt.
Farnum's co., Col. Francis' reg. ; pay
abstract for 49 days rations from date of
enlistment, Feb. 19, 1777, to time of ar-
rival at Bennington ; also^ Capt. Farnum's
CO., Col. Tupper's reg. ; muster return
dated Jan. 24, 1778; reported unfit for
duty for want of clothes.
Silas Blunt of Andover; return of
men enl. into Continental Army from
Capt. John Abbot, jr.'s (2d)co., Essex co.
reg., dated Feb. 16, 1778 ; residence, An-
dover ; enlisted for Andover j enlistment,
3 years or during war.
William Blunt of Andover; priv.,
Capt. Joshua Holt's co., which marched
on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cam-
bridge ; service, i j^ days.
John Bly of Newbury; priv., Capt.
Gideon Woodwell's co., which marched
on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cam-
bridge; returned April 23, 1775 ; service,
6 days ; also^ Capt. Stephen Kent's co. ;
enl. July 13, 1775; dis. Dec. 9, i775;
service, 5 mos., 7 days ; stationed at New-
bury in defence of sea coast ; also^ order
for wages dated Gloucester, Dec. 10,
1775 ; also, order for wages dated Water-
town, Dec. 15, 1775; CO. raised for the
defence of the sea coast in Essex
Varien Blyth of Salem; drummer,
Capt. Nathan Brown's co.. Col. John
Mansfield's (19) reg.; muster roll dated
Aug. 1, 1775 ; enl. May 25, 1775 \ service,
9 weeks, 5 days ; also, co. return dated
Oct. 6, 1775; alsoy Capt. Brown's co.,
Col. Israel Hutchinson's (19th) reg. ; order
for bounty coat dated Winter Hill, Oct.
27, 1775-
William Blyth of Salem ; fifer, Capt.
Abner Cransou's co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's
reg.; receipts for wages for Aug. and
Sept., 1775, dated Prospect Hill; also,
CO. return dated Prospect Hill, Oct. 6,
1775 i ^^^0, order for bounty coat dated
Prospect Hill, Nov. 13, 1775.
Charles Boals of Salem ; Capt. Mica-
jah Gleason's co., Col. Nixon's (4th)
reg. ; receipt for advance pay dated Cam-
bridge, June 10, 1775.
Daniel Boardman of Ipswich; Capt.
Gideon Parker's co., Col. Moses Little's
reg.; receipt for advance pay dated Cam-
bridge, July 2, 1775 ; ^^>f^> priv. ; muster
roll dated Aug. 1, i775 ; enl. May 19,
1775 ; service, 2 mos., 18 days; also, co.
return dated Oct. 8, 1775 ; age, 19 years.
Edward Boardman of Marblehead;
gunner, Capt. Samuel Trevett's co. ; Col.
Richard Gridley's reg. ; muster roll dated
June 21, 1775; enl. May 8, 1775; ser-
vice, I mo., 16 days.
To he continued.
The following representatives to ihe
general court were chosen in May, 1769 :
Almsbury, Isaac Merrill, esq. ;* Andover,
Samuel PhiUips, esq. ; Beverly, Capt.
Henry Herrick; Boxford, Aaron Wood»
esq.; Bradford, Benjamin MuUiken, esq.:
Danvers, Dr. Samuel Holten; Gloces-
ter, Thomas Sanders, jr., esq. ; Haver-
hill, Mr. Samuel Bacheller ;* Ipswich,
Capt. Michael Farley ; Lynn, Mr. Eben-
ezer Burrill; Marblehead, Joshua Orne,
esq. ;* and John Gallison, esq.;* New-
bury, Joseph Gerrish, esq.; Newbury-
port, Capt. J. Greenleaf ;* Rowley, Hum-
phrey Hobson, esq. ; Salem, Capt. Rich-
ard Derby, jr.,* and Mr. John Pickering,
jr. ;* Salisbury, Caleb Gushing, esq.;* and
Topsfield, Capt. Samuel Smith. Those
men whose names are starred were not o£
the house the preceding year.
"Yefterday morning died fuddenly in
this Town [Boston], Mrs. Katherine
Gibbs, in the 46th Year of her age, relict
of Henry Gibbs, Efq; of Salem, daughter
of the late Hon. Secretary Willard : Her
Funeral is to be attended To-Morrow at 5
o'clock P. M. from the Place of her late
Abode in Coinhill."
William Vans advertised Barbados rum
for sale.
The sloop Mary & Ann, 45 tons bur-
den. Plantation built, to be sold at auc-
tion at Major Reed's house in Marble-
head, June 12 th, at 4 o'clock. Apply to
Capt. Jacob Fowle, or to the master on
Russell Wyer advertised for sale Indian
corn, pork, hog's fat, tar, turpentine and
snake root.
Two- thirds of a dwelling-house and
about fourteen rods of land in Salem at
the lower part of the town, being the es-
tate of Timothy Wellman, deceased,
advertised to be sold. Apply to Mary
Wellman, administratrix, at her dwelling
house in Salem.
Taken up by Andrew Todd, between
Baker's island and the Miseries, a Moses
boat about thirteen feet long.
— EssexGazette^ May 30 — -June 6, 1769.
Polly Bixby of Methuen married Na-
thaniel Merrill of Danville, Vt., Feb. 26,
1798. — Methuen town records.
Mary Bixby married Leonard Sawyer,
both of Danvers. Oct. 14, 1773. — Dan-
vers town records.
Daniel Black, born about 1628, a
Scotch prisoner, came to New England in
165 1, in i\\Q John and Sarah of London,
John Greene, master ; was first employed
at the iron works in Lynn for several years;
lived in Ipswich in 1659 ; in Topsfield,
1 6 60- 1 6 64 ; and the remainder of his life
in Boxford ; he was fined five pounds, in
1660, for " making love " to Faith Bridges
without her parents' consent; he married
her before 1664 ; he died Dec. 5, 168(8 or
9); children, born in Boxford: i. Margrett,
born Oct. 21, 1665 : 2. Daniel, born Aug.
24, 1667 : lived in Boxford until 1695,
when he removed to York ; weaver ; mar-
ried, first, Mary Cummings of Topsfield
July 14, 1 69-; she died Dec. 16, 169- ;
second, Sarah Adams of York July 19,
1695; 3. Mehitable, born March 10,
1671; 4. John, born July 28, 1672; 5.
Edmond, born Feb. 6, 1674-5.
James Black^, yeoman, lived in Boxford,
1 707- 1 7 2 1 ; married, first, Abigail Johnson
of Andover; she died Nov. 24, 1720; he
married, second, Mary Barker of Andover
Oct. 21, 1721 ; she died Dec. 22, 1721,
aged twenty-seven ; he died before Feb. 19,
1 72 1-2, when administration was grant-
ed on his estate, which was valued at
^£'283, 19J. ; children, bom in Boxford: i.
Edmond^ J born April 25, 1 704 ; living, eld-
est son, 1727. 2. James^f born Oct. 29,
1705 ; married Merebe Lull of Rowley
(published Sept. 10, 1727) ; and lived
in Boxford as late as 1731. 3.yi?^«*, bom
Jan. 23, 1708 ; living in 1727. 4. Josiak^^
baptized July, ist Sabbath, 17 10. 5. Abi-
gaiP^ born May 1,1718: married Timothy
Sessions of Andover Feb. 27, 1738-9. 6.
Daniel^, born March 4, 17 15 ; yeoman;
married Sarah Symonds April 10, 1740;
lived in Boxford until 1762, when they re-
moved to Holden, being dismissed to the
church there in 1764 ; children, baptized
in Boxford, as follows : i. Sarah,3 July 24,
1743; probably married Ephraim [Na-
than— court records~\ Holt Jan. 7, 1762 ;
2. Jane3, July 24, 1743; 3. Lydia^, Sept.
— , 1744; 4. Hannahs, June 22, 1746;
5. DanieP, April 9, 1749 ; 6. Daniel^, Oct.
14, 1750; 7- Jacobs, Dec. 17, 1752, in
Linebrook parish, Ipswich; 8. Abigails,
May II, 1755; 9. Samuels, Sept. 2,
— Records.
Widow Rhoda Black published to Wil-
liam Forbles, negroes, both of Salem, Dec.
21, 1799.
Persis Black married Robert Follet 29 :
9: 1655.
Tho : son of George and Dorithy Blacke,
born 9 : 4 mo: 1658 ; died June 25, 1658,
Mary Black of Beverly married Rich-
ard Lee of Salem May 12, 1761.
James Black married Rhoda Francis,
free negroes, both of Salem, May 26,
James Black published to Flora Browne,
negroes, of Salem, Nov. 20, 1779.
— Salem town records.
Children of John Black baptized : Lydia
25: 10: 1636; Lydia, 3:4* 1638; a
daughter, 27 : 9 : 1640. — First church,
Salem f records.
Sary Black published to Sepio Black,
both of Wenham, servants to Jonathan
Porter, Oct. 16, 1748.
Adam Black, published to Jean Black,
servants to Richard and Josiah Dodge,
Nov. 13, 1735.
— Wenham town records.
Hannah Black married Benjamin Pea-
body Sept. 23, 1765. — Middleton town
Gideon Black married Sally Foster
Dec. 28, 1794.
Peter Black (alias Lee) published to
Sarah Row Jan. 20, 1759 ; " Banns for-
bidden in less than 15 days by Elizabeth
Row, mother of said Sarah's husband de-
Rachel, daughter of Peter Lee (alias
Black) and Sarah Row, born Dec. 7, 1760.
— Gloucester town records.
John Black, sr., died 16 : i : 1675, and
John Black, called " son '' by Peter Wolfe,
appointed executor of the estate of John
Black. — Court records.
John Black, house wright, lived in Ha-
verhill, 1 730-1 741; married Susannah
Davis before 1730; he died in 1741 ; his
estate was valued at ;£^388, 6j\, dd.) she
married, secondly, Samuel Johnson April
28, 1743 ; children born in Haverhill : i.
Nathan, born Aug. 19, 1730; 2. Dan-
iel, born Oct. 15, 1732 ; 3. John, born
March 10, 1734-5; 4. Samuel, bom
May 12, 1738; living in 1741; 5. Su-
sanna, born May 9, 1741 ; married Eben-
ezer Page of Salem, N. H., husbandman,
before 1759. — Records,
John Black, sr., of Salem, planter, 1668.
John Black, sr., of Beverly, husband-
man, 1670.
Jack Black of Salem, truckman, 1797.
John Black, jr., of Salem, laborer, and
wife Hannah, 1799.
— Registry of deeds.
Rebecca Black of Ipswich, servant to
William Cogswell, 1656.
George Blacke of Gloucester, 1658,
1666, 1667.
Ould Blacke of Topsfield, 1664.
— County records,
Hannah Black married Nathaniel May-
hew June 18, 1795.
Meribah Black married Joshua Spring-
er before 1757.
Hepzibah Black married Daniel Whit-
tier March 9, 1794.
Abigail Black of Haverhill married
Isaac Ross of Sudbury-Canada, April 6 ,
Edmund Black married Sarah Lufkin
Nov. 9, 1758; lived in Haverhill; she
died Jan. 22, 1803; children, born in
Haverhill : Hepzibah, born Dec. 31, 1759;
Sarah, bom Feb. 11, 1762; Edmund,
born Aug. 12, 1764; Jonathan Lufkin,
born Sept. 2, 1766; Abigail, born Sept.
10, 1768; James, born March 17, 1770;
Hannah, born Nov. 2, 1775; Moses,
born Dec. 16, 1779.
Edmund Black, jr., married Mary Spil-
ler Sept. 28, 1757.
Mary Black married David Foster be-
fore 1707.
Benjamin Black married Sarah Black
and had children : Nathaniel, bom Aug.
23, 1 75 1 ; Mary, born May 8, 1 755 ; died
May 26, 1755.
— Haverhill town records.
A negro called Tom Black lived with
Ens. Eben. Osgood, and died Dec. 9,
1734. — Andover town records.
George Black died Feb. 17, 1697. —
Boxford town records.
Dille Black, daughter of Dille, negro,
belonging to Sam" Lee, jr., born April 6,
Seser Black, son of Sam" Lee, jr.'s,
black wench called Delle, bom Oct. 10,
Mengo Black, child of Sam" Lee, jr.s',
black wench Dille, born Oct. 21, 1734.
Flowhear Black, child of Dille, belong-
ing to Sam" Lee, jr., born July 16, 1736.
— Manchester town records.
Daniel Blackhead slain at Black poynt
June 29, 1677, Andover. — County records.
Samuel Blackburn of Salem, mariner,
1796. — Registry of deeds.
John Blackburn married Hannah Di-
mon, negroes, both of Salem, May 28,
1797. — Salem town records.
** Doc'" William Blackenbury was
drown^ crossing y® river above y® mill
dam January 11'^ A. D. 1742." — Ipswich
town records.
Pentecost Blackinton lived in Marble -
head as early as 1688, and removed to
Attleborough in or before 1714 ; married,
first, Ann (Pedrick), widow of John Bar-
ret of Marblehead, Jan. 30, 1688-9 ; and,
second, Mary (Bonfield), widow of Peter
Fickett (also Figgett) of Marblebead,
Jan. I, 1 701-2 ; children, baptized in Mar-
blehead : I. Elizabeth, baptized Dec.
15, 1689 ; 2. Benjamin, baptized April
24, 1692; married Dorcas ; and
lived in Attleborough, yeoman, in 1722-
3 ; 3. Pentecost, baptized Jan. 26, 1693-4;
married Rebecca ; and had son
George baptized in Marblehead Sept. 2 7,
1719 ; 4. Miriam, baptized March 22,
1695-6; married Samuel Sanders Oct.
31, 1 7 16; 5. John, baptized Nov. 28,
1697; 6. Mary, baptized Dec. 25, 1698 ;
7. Sarah, baptized March 31, 1700. —
John Blackleech married Elizabeth
, and lived in Salem; children, born
in Salem : i. Desire, born 13 : 2 : 1636 ; 2.
Exercise, born — :ii:i637-8;3. Joseph,
born 8:11: 1638-9 ; 4. Elizabeth, born
— : 10 : 1641 ; died Oct. — , 1642 ; 5.
Benony, born — 13: 1643; 6. Eliza-
beth, born 12 ; 6: 1644.
Mr. Blackledge of Salem, 1663.
— County records.
Dorcas Blackleach married Hugh
March May 29, 1676. — Newbury town
Ruth Blackledge of Rowley married
Samuel Clark of Gloucester July 6, 1758.
Jabez Blackledge of Ipswich married
widow Ruth Platts of Rowley May 10,
— Rowley town records.
John Blacklidge died in the army des-
tined to Crown Point, 1755. — Rowley
church records.
Hannah Blackledge married Daniel
Choat, jr., both of Ipswich, April 3, 1749.
— First church J Ipswich y records.
"The wife of Jabez Blackledge died
Nov. 12*^ i^j ^2 P —Ipswich town records.
John Blackler and Elias Blackler, both
of Marblehead, fishermen, and Mary
Graves alias Blackler, wife of William
NOTES. 189
Blackler (her first husband) of Marble-
blehead, deceased, and guardian to Wil-
liam Blackler's and her children, sold land,
in Manchester, of our grandfather John
Codnerof Marblehead, deceased, 17 17.
John Blackler of Marblehead, fisher-
man, 1 73 1, 1733, 1738, and wife Sarah,
1731? 1733; sold land formerly of John
Codner, deceased.
William Blackley of Beverly, gentleman,
and wife Rebecca, granddaughter of Rev.
John Chipman of Beverly, deceased, 1777.
— Registry of deeds.
Children of William Blackmer* of Mar-
blehead, baptized : John Chipman, Jan.
28, 1776 ; Joseph, March 9, 1777 ; Joseph,
Aug. 9, 1778 ; Ward, April 9, 1780; Na-
thaniel, Feb. 10, 1782. — Beverly church
Children of Jane Blackler, baptized :
John, Aug. 24, 1684; Elias, Nov. 27,
John, son of Elias Blackler, baptized
Oct. 22, 1 7 10.
John, son of John Blackler, baptized
Aug. 14, 1715.
Oliver Blackler married Ann Sisson
April 15, 1 73 1.
— Marblehead church records.
Deborah Blackler married Benjamin
Peck Nov. 14, 1790.
John Blackler married Sarah Brimble-
comb July 10, 1727.
Mary Blackler married Benjamin Hend-
ley Feb. 9, 1762.
Mary Blackler married John S. Ham-
mond Jan. 1, 1792.
Rebecca Blackler married John Beal
Hanover April 19, 1789.
Sally Blackler married Thomas Poor
(Power — -publishment) Feb. i, 1798.
— Marblehead town records.
William Blackler, fisherman, lived in
Marblehead ; married a daughter or grand-
daughter of John Codner ; he died before
1 73 1, administration being granted on
his estate Jan. 24, 1733; children: i.
Elias, fisherman, lived in Marblehead,
1732; 2. William, fisherman, lived in
Marblehead, 1731-1736; 3. Mary, mar-
ried Thomas McCoUy of Marblehead,
fisherman, June 5, 1726; of Marblehead,
sailor, 1751; 4. John, fisherman, lived in
John Blackler' (son of William Blackler
of Marblehead, fisherman, deceased, 1752)
of Marblehead,fisherman, 1761-2, inn-hold-
er, 1787; he died in 1787, he married
Miss Deborah P'ortune of Marblehead
Nov. 15, 1733 ; she died, his widow, be-
fore or in 1790; children, baptized in
Marblehead: i. Z>^^ora/i^, hsLiptized June
i5> 1735 5 married Joseph Griffin June
25, 1754 ; and was his widow, of Marble-
head, 1790; 2. J/i^ry*, baptized Feb. 27,
1737 ; 3. Mary*, baptized Oct. 8, 1738 ;
married Jeremiah Hagerthy before 1787;
and was his widow, of Marblehead, 1790 ;
4.y<?^«*, baptized Sept. 7, 1 740; fisherman;
lived in Marblehead ; married Rebecca
Brimblecome March 22, 1763 ; he was
dead in 1787, and she was his widow ; chil-
dren, baptized in Marblehead: i. John^,
baptized Aug. 28, 1763 ; 2. Samuels, bap-
tized Aug. 25, 1765 ; 3. Rebecca^, bap-
tized Oct. 18, 1767 ; living, unmarried,
in 1787 ; 4. William^, baptized Oct. 15,
1769; 5. Williams, baptized Oct. 25,
1772 ; 6. Sarahs, baptized Aug. 21, 1774 ;
7. Deborahs, living in 1787 ; 8. Sarahs,
baptized June 7, 1778; 5. Sarah*, bap-
tized Dec. 26, "i-TA^ i married William
Stewart (or, Steward) Jan. 8, 1765 ; and
was his widow, of Marblehead, in 1790 .
6. Margaret*, baptized June 2, 1745 ; 7.
Hannah*, baptized June 28, 1747; 8.
William*^ baptized Oct. 29, 1749; 9,
William*, baptized March i, 1752 ; fish-
erman ; lived in Marblehead ; married
Elizabeth Jackson Jan. 23, 1774; he died
in or before 1787; administration was
granted upon his estate July 16, 1789;
she married, secondly, John Stacey of
Marblehead, fisherman, July 23, 1789;
children: i. Thomass, a minor, aged
above fourteen in 1790; 2. Marthas, un-
married in 1787; 3. Johns, living in
1787; 4. Samuels, baptized in Marble-
head Oct. 8, 1786; 10. Hannah*, bap-
tized Aug. II, 1754; married Joseph
Gatchel June 30, 1770; and was his wid-
ow in 1790; II. Martha* baptized May
1 1 1757 ; married Henry Payne Nov. 27,
1777 ; and was living in 1790 ; 12. Sam-
uel*, baptized April 29, 1759.
William Blackler% fisherman, lived in
Marblehead; died in 1746; administra-
tion granted on his estate Oct. 17, 1748 ;
inventory, ;^247, u. ; his widow Sarah
married, secondly, Capt. John Nutt of
Marblehead, gentleman, before or in
1748; children, baptized in Marblehead:
I. Sarah*, baptized Nov. 6, 1737; mar-
ried Joel Smith of Marblehead, house-
carpenter, March 3, 1757 ; both of Mar-
blehead, 1766; 2. William* , \iz.-^\\zt A
May 18, 1740 ; mariner ; lived in Marble-
head; married Mary Ingalls Oct. 18,
1763 ; children, baptized m Marblehead;
MaryS, April 28, 1765 ; Williams, April
19, 1767 ; MaryS, Nov. 5, 1769 ; Sarahs,
May 5, 1771 ; Ruths, March 20, 1773;
3. Mary*, baptized Sept. 26, 1742 ; mar-
ried Samuel Gale Aug. 17, 1 762 ; 4. Ruth*,
baptized May 6, 1 744 ; married Capt.
John Colly er Sept. 22, 1 7 6 1 ; 5 . Charity*,
baptized Oct. 26, 1746.
William Blackler of Marblehead, fisher-
man ; married Mary Rowles Dec. 1 8,
1 701 ; administration was granted on his
estate July 2, 17 13; and she married,
secondly, Jonathan Graves of Marblehead,
fisherman, before 1717; children: i.
William, baptized Aug. 27, 1704, in Mar-
blehead; 2. Mary, baptized March 14,
1707-8; living in 1731; 3. John, aged
about fourteen in 1725.
John Blackler, fisherman, lived in Mar-
blehead, 17 1 2, 1725; married Miss Eliz-
abeth Gale Jan. 10, 171 1-2: and died
before 1748; children, baptized in Mar-
blehead : I. Elias, baptized March 8,
1 71 2-3; 2. Elizabeth, baptized Sept. 29,
1 71 7; 3. Elizabeth, baptized Aug. 20,
1721 ; married Archibald Selman of Mar-
blehead, fisherman, Jan. 11, 1738-9; and
was his wife in 1748; 4. Sarah, baptized
Dec. I, 1723; married Joseph Selman,
fisherman, before 1748; 5. Mary, bap-
tized Dec. 5, 1725 ; married Samuel Beal
of Marblehead, fisherman, Jan. 14, 1748.
Capt. William Blackler, merchant, lived
in Marblehead, married Rebecca Chip-
man Dec. 27, 1773; children, baptized
in Marblehead : Rebecca, Oct. 2, 1774 ;
Nancy, Nov. 16, 1783; died Nov. 22,
1800, aged seventeen; Elizabeth, Sept.
18, 1785 ; Lucy, July 29, 1787 ; Frances,
July 19, 1789 ; Francis and Henry (twins),
Sept. 25, 1791 ; Lydia, Jan 5, 1794 ; Na-
thaniel, July 3, 1796.
Capt. William Blackler, jr., mariner,
lived in Marblehead, 17 94- 1807 ; married
Elizabeth G.Gerry May 5, 1793 ; children,
baptized in Marblehead : Eliza, Feb. 2,
1794 ; Mary Ingalls, Jan. 22, 1797 ; Han-
nah Glover, June 2, 1799 ; Lucia, Nov. 8,
1 801 ; Thomas Gerry, Aug. 2, 1807.
— Records.
John Blackler of Marblehead was ap-
pointed administrator of the estate of
Joanna Blackler of Marblehead Jan. 2,
1 730-1. Inventory, all real estate inher-
ited from her father John Codnar, by his
will, ;^ 698, 15 J. — Probate records,
John Blackleach of Salem, 1634, free-
man May 6, 1635, an active merchant,
representative in 1636, had by wife Eliz-
abeth, beside John (who lived in Boston),
Exercise, baptized Jan. 24, 1637 ; Joshua,
Feb. 23, 1639 ; Elizabeth, Dec. 12, 1641 ;
died soon; Benoni, May, 1643; Eliza-
beth, Aug. 4, 1644 ; and Solomon ; he re-
moved to Boston, where his daughter Ex-
ercise married Richard Rasor Aug. 24,
1660 ; thence removed to Hartford ; and
died at Wethersfield Aug. 23, 1683. His
wife Elizabeth had died a few weeks
earlier. — Savage.
George Mungey is mentioned in bill of
Benjamin Mungey, page 125.
Queries are inserted for one cent a word.
Answers are solicited.
451. Rufus Lamson, sadler, was of
Salem, 18 10; died in Boston, 1837.
Whom, when and where did he marry?
Box ^\y Elk ins, N, H.
452. What was the "telegraph" sys-
tem that existed along the Atlantic coast
here about a century ago? What is its
history, and what was the method em-
ployed to convey intelligence? Were
flags used ?
425. The only Mary Bowley in Essex
county to marry Aquila Chase or anyone
else about 1739 was Mary, daughter of
John and Hannah (Hadlock) Bowley,
born in Newbury Dec. 13, 17 19. Her
parents were both of Newbury when they
were published, March 21, 17 18-9. —
438. The word "newel" as applied
to posts supporting balusters and baluster
rails comes from the post which supported
the stairs, etc., and stood in the centre of
the stair case, the stairs turning around
it. The word has been used in this con-
nection for some five hundred years, orig-
inally in France. The words " newel "
and "nucleus" are similar, their original
meaning being the centre or central sup-
port. Many use the word " newel " as
denoting the spirally carved posts sup-
porting the baluster rails, and also to simi-
larly carved balusters.
The spiral posts and balusters have
been constructed in many of the best
houses in New England from about 1680
to about 1800. They were made by
hand, and required skill and great care in
their production.
In connection with old Norfolk county,
a new society, called the Piscataqua Pio-
neers, has been formed. Its object
is to secure and preserve the records
of the Piscataqua River pioneers,
and the association of their descend-
ants. The president is Hon. Moses
A. Safford of Kittery, and the secretary,
Albert H. Lamson of Elkins, N. H.
This number completes volume nine of
The Essex Antiquarian. There have
been published during the year the wills
proved in Essex county in 1661 ; the
gravestone inscriptions in the city of
Gloucester before 1800; the genealogy of
Essex county families from Blanchard to
Bond inclusive ; the record of the Essex
county Revolutionary soldiers and sailors
from Bickford to Bo^rdman ; abstracts
of the old Norfolk county records, 167 1 ;
Salem quarterly court records and files,
1656 and 1657 ; Ipswich court records
and files, 1650 and 165 1 ; and miscella-
neous genealogical notes from the records
from Berry to Blackleach.
Index to the Essex Institute His-
tORiCAL Collections : volumes I-XL.
By George Francis Dow. Salem, Mass.,
1905. This is a complete subject- index
to the Collections down to 1905. It
cotitains authors, subjects and titles.
Bound in cloth ; 9 1 pages ; octavo ; price,
III. 00. Address the Essex Institute,
Salem, Mass.
A Record of the Descendants of
Simon Henry (i 766-1854) and Rhoda
Parsons (i 774-1 847) his wife. By
Frederick A, Henry y A.M., Cleveland,
0., 1905. This is a well and closely
printed book of sixty-five octavo pages :
and is a contribution towards a genealogy
of the descendants of Serg. John Henry,
who lived in Topsfield, Mass., in 1690.
Judge Henry has made in this book a
valuable addition to family histories. It
contains not only the descendants but the
ancestors of Simon Henry, a native of
Lebanon, Conn., and some account of
collateral lines. Half-tone portraits of
himself and his children and others, and
several other engravings are given. The
price is $3.15 by mail, and may be or-
dered of the printer, J. B. Savage, or of
the author, 154 Kensington street, Cleve-
land, O.
The Old Families of Salisbury and
Amesbury, Massachusetts. By David
W. Hoyt. Providence, R. I., 1905. This
is part eleven (part six of volume two) of
Mr. Hoyt's work on the genealogies of
the early residents of Salisbury and Ames-
bury, with some related families of adjoin-
ing towns and of York county in Maine.
This number contains genealogies of
the families of Morrill, Mussey, Peasley,
Wells and others. It contains seventy-two
pages, including indexes. The price in
paper covers is $1.00 to purchasers of
other parts; toothers it is ;^i.25. This
concludes the set of numbers that Mr.
Hoyt intends to issue, as the returns from
their sale has been^ insufficient to meet
the expense of their publication. It is
hoped that he will continue his work,
though it may appear in another form.
Genealogy of the Descendants of
John White of Wenham and Lancaster,
Massachusetts, 1638-1Q05. Vol. III.
By Almira Larkin White. Haverhill,
Mass., 1905. This is the last of the
three volumes of White history written by
Miss White. It has taken a score of
years of assiduous labor on her part to
produce three large volumes, which con-
tain in the aggregate two thousand, six
hundred and ten pages, and one hundred
and forty full- page illustrations. Each
volume is well printed on good paper,
fully indexed and bound in cloth. This
one contains seven hundred and fifty-five
pages, and forty-two full-page engravings,
consisting of homesteads, portraits, groups,
places, etc. The index to this volume
comprises ninety three pages. Until Jan.
I, 1906, the price of each will be five
dollars, and after that date the price will
be seven dollars per volume or twenty
dollars for the set. Address the author.
Miss Myra L. White, 98 Emerson street,
Haverhill, Mass.
Abbot, 29, 30, III, 119,
174, 175, 182, 184-
Abbott, 26-29, 64, no,
III, 119, 131.
Aborne, 63, 64.
Abourn, 64.
Acey, 45, 127.
Adames, 124.
Adams, 46, 58, 93, 121,
124, 131, 135, 136,
180, 187.
Ager, 82.
Alexander^ I32.
Allaben, 96.
Allen, I, 2, 94, 95, 99,
103, III, 157, 159,
Allestree, 100.
Alley, 47.
AUin, 139, 140.
Ames, no, 183, 185.
Anderton, 89.
Andrew, 39, 60, 121.
Andrewes, 100.
Andrews, 32, 74, 82.
Andros, 135.
Angler, 98.
Annis, 175.
Appleton, 43, 46, 131,
133, 147.
Aquinas^ 1 05.
Archard, 62, 155.
Archer, 39, 40, 73, 75,
80, 82, 159.
Arey, 134.
Armentage, 44, 132.
Armitage, 97, 98, 100,
102, 126, 133.
Armytage, 61, 62, 154,
155, 158.
Arnold, 99.
Asee, 127.
Asey, 133.
Ash, 147.
Aspinwall, 99-103.
Assye, 44.
Asye, 131.
At wood, 177.
Auchmuty, 135.
Austin, 172.
Averill, 127.
Avery, 62, 129, 144.
Awbrey, 102, 103.
Axey, 158.
Axie, 62, 63, 154, 157,
Axy, 97.
Ayers, 50, 138.
Ayllon, 144.
Ayres, 47, 127.
Babbidge, 74-77.
Babbit, 2.
Babson, 2, 3.
Bacheller, 186.
Bachelour, 156.
Bacon, 178.
Badge, 143.
Badger, 160.
Bagley, 54, 56-58.
Bailey, 31, 47, 58, 108,
Baker, 44, 67, 100, 132,
I33» 136, 149, 176,
178, 180.
Balboa, 144.
Balch, 158, 183.
Balden, 79.
Baldwin, 78, 179.
Ball, 40, 51, 57, 124.
Ballard, 31, 60, 110,126,
184, 185.
Ballch, 158.
Balsh, 158.
Banks, 134.
Barber, 179.
Barefoot, 139,
Barfoot, 139.
Barick, 132.
Barker, 28, 36, 43, 44,
89, 126, 131, 142,156,
171, 173, 175, 176,
Barnard, 53, 54, 57, 123,
Barnes, 3, 26, 103, 138.
Barnet, 93.
Barney, 43, 155.
Barnhowse, 97,
Barns, 138.
Barrat, 140.
Barratt, 140. ^
Barret, 188.
Barry, 95.
Bartholl, 63.
BarthoUmew, 62, 63.
Bartholmew, 43-46, 61,
104, 119, 123, 125,
131, 154.
Bartholomew, 43, 81,
115, 129.
Bartlet, 124, 131,
Bartlett, 50, 51, 53, 54,
56, 79.
Bartoll, 62, 63, 154,
Barton, 166.
Basom, 89.
Bass, 26.
Batchelder, 59, 146, 149.
Bates, 26, 180.
Battar, 120.
Batter, 61-64, 81, 156,
Batters, 158.
Bauch, 158.
Baxter, 24.
Bayly, 115, 138, 1 40.
Be—, 3.
Beacham, 131.
Beachem, 132.
Beacom, 92.
Beadle, 37, 38, 41, 42,
72, 74, 75, 82, 160.
Beal, 189, 190.
Beale, 63, 103, 155, 157.
Beals, 132, 133.
Beauchamp, 102.
Bechem, 133.
Becke, 102.
Beckes, 61, 62.
Becket, 79.
Beckett, 79, 163.
Becx, 102.
Begsy, 127.
Belchar, 124, 125, 127.
Belcher, 127, 136, 137.
Belknap, 97.
Bellimie, 103.
Bellingham, 44.
Bellsher, 125.
Bellym, 103.
Bence, 102.
Benet, 100, loi.
Benett, 98.
Bennet, 3, 99, 100, 125,
Bennett, 62, 98,126,155.
Bennilt, 45, 103.
Benott, 91.
Bent, 26.
Bentley, 72, 73, 81, 84,
120, 167-169.
Bently, 103.
Bequet, 88.
Bermingham, 107, 108.
Berry, 22, 25, 42, 46,
47, 60, 61, 67, 86-88,
Bersoo, 88.
Berwicke, 131.
Besom, 89.
Besome, 35» 90.
Bessey, 88.
Bessom, 89, 90.
Best, 90, 91.
Betels, 91.
Bethel, 91.
Bethell, 91.
Bette, 91.
Bette^ 91.
Bettee, 91.
Bettes, 91, 92, 130, 131,
Bettice, 92.
Bettis, 91.
Betts, 91, 131, 133.
Betty, 91.
Betty y 91 .
Bettys, 91,
Beverage, 91.
Beveredge, 91.
Beverly, 91, 92.
Bevins, 92.
Bezoil, 92.
Bezume, 90.
Bezune, 91.
Bickford, 134, 178, 192.
Bickham, 92.
Bickner, 92, 94.
Bidgood, 44, 94.
Bidlacke, 92.
Bidlake, 92.
Bigelow, 93.
Biggs, 92, 93i 178.
Bighted, 93.
Bignal, 93, 94.
Bigs, 93, 178.
Bigsbe, 178.
Bigsby, 159, 176-178.
Bile, 92.
Biles, 94, 178.
Biley, 93, 94.
Bilhah^ 93.
BUI, 93, 94.
Billabaso, 93.
Billingham, 158.
Billinghurst, 93.
Billings, 146.
Billington, 94.
Billion, 92.
Binahy 93.
Bingham, 93.
Bingley, 93.
Birch, 93, 94, 178.
Birchley, 94.
Birchmore, 93.
Bird, 34, 94, 95.
Birdley, 94, 1 09-1 11.
Birdsale, 11 1.
Birdsall, 94, 95.
Birdway, 178.
Birkley, 95.
Birmingham, 107, 108.
Birtby, 94.
Birthby, 94.
Bisco, 107, 109, 112.
Biscoe, 109.
Biscow, III.
Bishop, 44, 63, 67, 72,
75, 79. "3. "41 123,
124, 127, 129-131,
141, 142,149, 177-180.
Bishopp, 127.
Bitner, 142.
Biton, 159.
Bbcbe, 127.
Bixby, 159, 176, 177,
180, 187.
Bixley, 180.
Black, 180, 187, 188.
Blackburn, 188,
Blacke, 187, 188.
Blackenbury, 188.
Blackhead, 188.
Blackinton, 188.
Blackleach, 188,191,192.
Blackledge, 188.
Blackleech, 188.
Blackler, 180, 189-19 1.
Blackley, 180, 189.
Blacklidge, 189.
Blackly, 180.
Blackmer, 189.
Black Willy 154, 155.
Blad, 159.
Blair, 181.
Blaisdel, 181.
Blaisdell, 49, 181.
Blaisdill, 49.
Blaizdel, 181.
Blaizdell, 181.
Blake, 63, 157, 181, 182.
Blakeley, 177.
Blanchard, 26-31, 67,71,
72, 102, 182-184, 192.
Blancher, 102, 184.
Blaner, 32.
Blaney, 32-36, 88, 94,
Blano, 32.
Blanton, 61.
Blany, 32.
Blasdale, 49.
Blasdel, 49, 181, 184.
Blasdell, 49-59, 184,185.
Blasdil, 185.
Blasdill, 49.
Blasdle, 185.
Blasedill, 49.
Blassdell, 49.
Blatchford, 185.
Blay, 51.
Blazdale, 49.
Biazdel, 49, 185.
Blazdell, 49.
Bleasdale, 95.
Blesdale, 49.
Blesdil, 185.
Blew, 185.
Blie, 185.
Blood, 154.
Bloomfeild, 160.
Blumfield, 133.
Blunt, 110,111, 185,186.
Bly,82, 186.
Blyth, 112, 186.
Boals, 186.
Boardman, iii, 136,
145-151, 186, 192.
Boarman, 145.
Bodwell, 95, III, 171-
176, 184.
Boen, 125.
Boiles, 94.
Boils, 94.
Boles, 175.
Bond, 44, 45, 61, 72,
102, 173, 177, 192.
Bonfield, 171, 188.
Booney, 62,
Boony, 61.
Booth, 42.
Bootman, 79, 80.
Bordman, 145.
Boreman, 145.
Borman, 145.
Both well, 171.
Boudree, 3.
Boulter, 138, 140, 141.
Bourman, 145.
Bourne, loi.
Bowden, 90.
Bowditch, 90, 151.
Bowen, 64, 125.
Bowers, 174.
Bowker, 76.
Bowley, 191.
Boyce, 43. 45> 128, 131,
Boyes,, 66, 128, 133.
Boyles, y2, 93.
Boynton, 93, 131.
Boyse, 128.
Bradbery, 45.
Bradburie, 140.
Bradbury, 137-14 1.
Bradery, 45.
Br-dlye, 1 31.
Bradstreet, 68, 75, 82,
97, 100, lOi, 130-133,
Bradstreete, 99, 100, 102,
103, 155.
Bradstreett, 130.
Bradstreette, 155.
Bray, 41, 152, 164, 170.
Bread, 143, 157.
Breadcake, 120.
Breade, 61.
Breed, 35, 47, 143.
Breede, 155.
Bremingham, 103, 108.
Brewer, 102.
Briayton, 133.
Bridge, 182, 183.
Bridges, 43, 44, 61, 91,
98-100, 102, 125-127,
131, 187.
Bridgman, 62.
Brier, 114.
Brigham, 44, 156.
Brimblecomb, 189.
Brimblecome, 190.
Briscoe, 100.
Broadstreet, 43, 44, 98,
124, 130-133.
Broadstreete, 82.
Brockenbery, 63.
Brocklebanke, 105, 106,
Brodstreet, 63, 133.
Brodstreete, 61, 157.
Brodstret, 130.
Brooks, 180, 181.
Broughton, ico, 181.
Brown, 3, 25, 28, 33,
78, 80, 86, 87, 89,
94. 97i 98» no, 125,
127, 136-139. 150,
167, 168, 170, 173,
183, 186.
Browne, 34, 44, 61-63,
75, 78, 82, 85, 86,92,
100, 103, 116, 118,
122, 124-126,154-158,
160, 163, 164, 168,
170, 187.
Browning, 103.
Browse, 134.
Bruce, 34.
Bubier, 89.
Buck, 127.
Bucke, 44.
Buckley, 78, 79.
Bucklye, 79.
Bucknam, 34.
Buffum, 32, 136.
Bullock, 121, 157.
Bullocke, 157.
Bunker, 100, 103.
Burch, 93, 94, 117, 122.
Burcham, loi, 125, 126.
Burchmore, 87.
Burchum, 126.
Burd, 94.
Burdley, 94.
Burley, 136.
Bum, 141.
Burnam, 68, 146, 147.
Burnham, 4, iii, 150.
Burriage, 60.
Burrill, 61, 186.
Burrows, 144.
Burt, 30, 88, 100, 102,
Burton, 98.
Bushopp, 142,
Buswell, 138, 147, 173.
Butman, 72, 79, 152.
Buttels, 103.
Button, 48.
Byles, 92, 93, 152.
Byly, 140.
Byxby, 176.
Cabot, 144.
Cagwin, 147.
Gaboon, 121.
Caldwell, 63, iii.
Cammel, 87.
Canady, 143.
Cane, 140.
Canterbery, 156.
Canterbury, 62, 64.
Cantleberry, 88.
Cantlebery, 64.
Carlton, 36, 78, lOO,
113. 156.
Carr, 86, 137, 150, 184.
Carrick, 102, 103.
Carter, 78, iii, 140,
160, 163-165.
Cartier, 144.
Cash, 80.
Caswell, 158.
Cathcart, 182.
Caul, 89.
Cauly, 64.
Cavendish, 144.
Caves, 87.
Ceneries, 139.
Chace, 87.
Chadock, 100.
Chadwell, 61, 115.
Chaff e, 1 01.
Challis, 50, 123, 140.
Chamberlyn, 91.
Chandler, 3, 27, 28, III,
Chapell, 35, 126.
Chaplman, 42.
Chapman, 67, 146.
Chardon, 135.
Chase, 30, 48, 49, 56,
86, 93, 143, 15 1> 174.
177. 191.
Chater, 124.
Chator, 44, 124.
Chattor, 124, 126.
Cheever, 38-42, 48, 66,
76, 136.
Cheny, 102.
Cheter, 124.
Cheut, 132.
Chever, 66.
Chew, 158.
Chickerill, 118.
Chichester, 97.
Chickataubott^ 135.
Child, 97.
Chinn, 89, 90.
Chipman, 48, 189, 191.
Choat, 127, 176, 189.
Choate, 59, 135-137,
148, 152.
Chot, 127.
Chote, 127, 131.
Chubb, 64, 119, 156.
Clark, 92, 1 01, 124, 136,
Clarke, 43, 44, loi, 104,
124, 125, 127, 137,
Cleements, 64,
Cleeve, 99.
Clement, 53, 139.
Clements, 39.
Ciemonts, 64.
Cleveland, 112.
Clifford, 138, 139.
Cloon, 89.
Clough, 50, 52, 92, 138,
Cloutman, 78, 79.
Coates, 154.
Coats, 121.
Coba, 159.
Cobbett, 98, 102.
Cobbitt, 156.
Cobean, 132.
Cobham, 138.
Coburn, 132.
Cockrell, 163.
Cockshall, 103.
Codman, 134.
Codnam, 122.
Codnar, 191.
Codner, 158, 189.
Coe, 125, 126.
Coffin, 4, 44, 141, 147,
152, 160.
Coggan, 98, 103.
Coggswell, 131.
Cogshall, 103.
Cogswell, 33, 34, 90,
129, 132, 148, 188.
Colt, 4.
Colby, 49, 50, 52, 53,
5S> 9S> 137, 143-
Cole, 94, 122.
Coleburne, 130.
Coleman, 124, 129, 178.
Coles, 87. .
Colliner, 170.
Collins, 4, 61, 72, 73,
94, 97, 114, 122, 125,
154, 158, 162-164,
169, 170.
CoUman, 129.
Collyer, 89, 190.
Colman, 49, 91,127,129.
Columbus, 144.
Comings, 63.
Commins, 44.
Conant, 115, 157, 1 70.
Conckhnge, 157.
Connant, no.
Conner, 92.
Cook, 39, 40, 76, 83,
Cooke, 64, III, 129,
133, 156.
Coolye, 43.
Copley, 102.
Corey, 63.
Corlis, 136, 139.
Corning, 61, 157.
Corny, 4.
Coronado, 144.
Corssr, 55.
Cortes, 144.
Cortice, 166.
Corwin, 80, 103, 168.
Corwine, 62, 83, loi,
115, 120, 122, 157.
Corwithen, 167.
Corwithy, 170.
Coster, 55.
Cottle, 134, 137.
Cottnam, 60.
Cotton, 5, 47, 138.
Couldham, 158.
Coule, 139.
Courrier, 123.
Courtis, 182.
Cousens, 156.
Cowdrey, 98.
Co well, 48.
Cowes, 46.
Cox, 35, 141.
Coy, 129.
Cozens, 63, 155.
Craddock, 99, 102.
Cradock, 97, 99.
Cradocke, 97.
Craford, 118, 119.
Crafts, 183.
Cram, 56, no, 143.
Crane, 65.
Cranson, 186.
Creesy, 136.
Creford, 159.
Cresey, 91.
Creuet, 118.
Crevie, 134.
Crispe, 139.
Crocker, 179.
Cromwell, 62, 64, 78,
80, 81, 122, 123, 157,
166, 167.
Crosby, 27.
Crose, 124, 127, 129.
Cross, 127, 129-131,133,
Crosse, 127, 130, 155.
Crowninshield, 74, 76,
i5i» 165.
Crumwell, 159.
C — ton, 105.
Cubbert, 170.
Cuff, 91.
Cullick, 98.
Cummings, 48, 146, 148,
Cummins, 48.
Cupple, 158.
Currier, 53, 55-57, 139,
143, 184, 185.
Curtice, 164, 170.
Curtis, 33, 61, 166, 170,
Curwen, 76.
Curwin, 166.
Curwithen, 166, 167.
Cushin, 103.
Cushine, 103.
Gushing, 182-184, 186.
Cutler, 63, 161.
Cutting, 160.
Da Gama, 144.
Daland, 75, 81, 120.
Dalibar, 125.
Daliber, 125.
Dallover, 125.
Dalton, 137-140.
Dampney, 32.
Dane, 5, no, 131.
Danford, 156.
Danforth, 30.
Daniels, 93.
Dai ling, 118.
Davenport, 98.
Davidson, 96.
Davis, 5, 51, 63,68, 80,
124, 125, 130, 136,
137, 143, 144, 153,
IS5» 157, 173, 176,
185, 188.
Davison, 63,99,100,102.
Day, 5, 6, 55, 67, 93, 94,
loi, 133, 141.
Daye, 131.
Dean, 33, 74.
De Gourgnes, 144.
De la Cosa, 144.
Deland, 79.
Delap, III.
De Leon, 144.
Dellowe, 133.
Dening, 25.
Denison, 61, 63, 1 31,
Dennison, 62, 69, 154.
Dent, 118.
Derby, 59, 75, 76, 81,
134, 165, 167, 186.
De Soto, 144.
De Vaca, 144.
Devereux, 32, 92.
Deverex, 126, 128.
Deverick, 126.
Deverickes, 125.
Devericks, 125, 126.
Deverix, 125, 126, 131,
Devorex, 125, 157.
Devorix, 125, 131.
Dexter, 6, 97-101, 103,
134, 154. 155, 157.
Diamond, 165.
Dicer, 166.
Dickanson, 127.
Diggs, 113.
Dike, 92, 118.
Dill, 115.
Dille, 188.
Dimon, 61, 188.
Dinah^ 93, 108, 109.
Divan, 60.
Dixie, 63, 115.
Dobb, 181.
Dodg, 157.
Dodge, 63, 136, 141,
149, 155, 178, 182,
Dods, 99.
Doggett, 26.
Dole, 94, 137, 139, 177.
Deliver, 30.
Dolliver, 6.
Donaldson, 132.
Dooke, 47.
Dorman, 62, 125.
Doue, 129.
Dow, 55, 133, 137, 139,
140, 144, 192.
Dowe, 133, 139.
Downeing, 98.
Downeinge, 99.
Downing, 97, no, 125,
Downinge, 98.
Downs, 59.
Drake, 138, 139, 144.
Dudley, loi, 102, 137.
Dudly, 102.
Duggins, 94.
Duglas, 132.
Duke William^ 154,155.
Dumer, 63, 64, 97, 116,
155, 156.
Dummer, 61, 99, 146,
Dunham, 139.
Dunster, 99.
Durand, III.
Durin, 90.
Duston, 177.
Dutch, 129, 132, 136.
Eames, in.
Easman, 140.
Eastman, 52, 138-140.
Eaton, 31, 144-
Ebume, 157, 161.
Edgar, 93.
Edmonds, 136.
Edson, 115.
Edwards, 55. 57. 131-
Elderkin, 98.
Elerry, 6.
Elethorp, 141.
Eliot, 23-25.
Ellery, 6.
Elliot, 57.
Elliott, 62, 102.
Ellivell, 154.
Elnsly, 1 01.
Elvins, 163.
Elwell, 6, 94.
Elzey, 62.
Emerson, 25, 133, 139,
Emery, 58, 83, 86, 124,
128, 131, 158, 171,
Emmery, 128.
Endecook, 157.
Endecot, 43, 99, 103,
Endecott, 44, 103, 125,
126, 141.
Enciicot, 124.
Endicote, 124.
English, 75, 78, 81, 117,
122, 123, 129, 133,
162, 164, 166-169.
Erington, 97, 100, loi.
Estes, 33, 81.
Evans, 145, 184.
Eveleth, 93, 153.
Everett, 23.
Everill, 102.
Everton, 64.
Eyer, 138.
Fairfield, 79.
Falkner, 131.
Farington, 43, 44, 61.
Farley, 186.
Famum, 91, 184-186.
Farr, 158.
Farrington, 47, 125, 143.
Fellows, 59, 60, 69, 124,
127, 145.
Felt, 32, 79, 88, 121.
Felter, 121.
Felton, 84.
Fern, 91.
Fessenden, 108, 109.
ffane, 155.
ffannell, 156.
ffarington, 143.
ffarnham, 100.
ffarr, 157.
Harrington, 63, 125, 143.
ffarvax, 103.
ffelloes, 137,
ffelton, 61, 157.
ffifeild, 139.
ffiffews, loi.
ffilbrick, 129.
ffillybrowne, 66.
ffish, 103.
ffisk, 61.
ffiske, 63.
ffitts, 140.
fflansall, 139.
ffletcher, 99.
fflint, 125.
fflynt, 63, 125.
ffoley, 102.
ffolsome, 138.
ffoot, 140.
ffoote, 102.
fford, 137.
ffoulesham, 103.
ffoulsham, 138.
ffowle, 100.
ffowler, 1 29- 13 1, 133,
137. 138.
ffraill, 63.
ffrancklin, 100.
ffreeze, 137.
ffreinds, 157.
ffrench, 140.
ffuUar, 138.
ffuller, 63, 134, 154,
ffulsham, 138.
ffurnel, loi.
Fickett, 188.
Figgett, 188.
Finch, 102,
Fiske, 44.
Fitt, no.
Fitts, 148.
Flaniingham, 113.
Flanders, 49, 58, 59.
Flanikin, 113.
Flint, 44, 125, 180.
Flower, 179.
Flurey, 90.
Fogg, 98.
Follet, 187.
Follett, 117, 121, 122.
Foot, 57.
Foote, 99, 118.
Forbles, 187.
Fortune, 190.
Fosdick, no.
Foster, 6, 30, 58, no,
124, 127, 133, 145,
146, 148, 188.
Fouler, 132, 133.
Fowlar, 43, 127, 129,
Fowle, 98, 99, 187.
Fowler, 57, 130, 132,
133. 136.
Fox, 28.
Francis, no, 178, 185-
Franklin, loo.
Freeto, 89.
French, 25, 53, 131,
173, 179-
Frghe, 126.
Frie, 91.
Frink, 46.
Frost, 27, 29, no.
Frothingham, 185.
Froude, 171.
Fryar, 118.
Frye, 56, 87, 109, 126,
179, 183, 185.
Fuller, 7, 47, 93, 95,
136, 147, 148.
Fur bush, 182, 183.
Gage, 103, 155, 172,
179, 182, 184, 185.
Gale, 54, 75, 1^. 89, 93,
95, 190.
Gallison, 134, 186.
Gardner, 26, 39, 60, 63,
75, 82, n6, 136, 154,
157, 164, 165.
Garford, 155.
Garland, 138.
Gaskin, 83.
Gatchel, 93, 190.
Gatchel), 61, 155.
Gedney, 73, 82, 83, 85,
Geedings, 156.
Geerish, 63.
George, 93, 102, 155.
Gerish, 126, 137.
Gerrard, 97.
Gerrish, 63, 72, 75, 79,
80, 116, 128, 179,182,
Gerry, 191 .
Getchel, 88.
Gibbons, 97, 103.
Gibbs, 7, 103, 186.
Gidding, 148.
Giddings, 92.
Gidney, 116.
Giffard, 61, 62, 102,155.
Gilbert, 136, 144.
Gile, 100.
Giles, 141, 157.
Gill, 138.
Gillman, 43, 103, 129.
Gilman, 7, 129,
Gimson, 50.
Gitten, 158.
Gittens, 43, 44.
Gleason, 186.
Glover, 98, 99,115, 119,
125, 178-180, 182.
Goadham, 98.
Godfrey, 138, 139.
Gofe, 44.
Goff, 108.
Goffe, 108, 109, 131.
Gold, 63, 154.
Goldthwayt, 136.
Goldwyer, 140.
Gole, 63.
Golt, 82, 154.
Gomez, 144.
Gooch, 118.
Goodale, 140.
Goodhue, 43, 131.
Goodman, 158.
Goodrich, 151, 153.
Goodwin, 52, 141.
Gookin, 109.
Goold, 43.
GooU, 59, 135.
Gore, 103.
Gorgroell, 125.
Gorham, 7, 19.
Goss, 47, 69.
Gott, 98, 106.
Gouing, 159.
Gould, 28, 48, 51, 54,
63. 98, 99, 131. 148,
149, 178.
Gouldsmith, 94.
Gove, 137, 140.
Gowen, 157.
Gowin, 157.
Gowing, 27.
Grafton, 83, 161.
Grant, 89, 179.
Graves, 33, 83, 89, 118,
I33» 177, 189, 190.
Gray, 27, 34, 38, 41, 61,
63, 80, 91, 113, 127,
150, 156.
Greaton, 1 79-1 81.
Green, 34, 48, 139, 141,
Greene, 187.
Greenhill, 102.
Greenland, 139.
Greenleaf, 186.
Greenleife, 44.
Greenlife, 44.
Grele, 137, 138.
Grey, 40, no.
Gridley, 185, 186.
Griff en, 69, 106.
Griffin, 63, 69, 70, 190.
Griffith, 70.
Groce, 126.
Grover, 7, 8, 158.
Gunnison, 40.
Guppy, 125.
Gurley, 147.
Gustin, 112.
Gutch, 63, 132.
Gutterson, 173.
Guy, 112.
Gyfford, 102.
Gyles, 8.
Hacker, 87.
Racket, 98.
Hackett, 59.
Haddon, 49.
Hadlock, 191.
Hagerthy, 190.
Haggett, 157.
Hakins, 103.
Hale, 23, 48, 92, 93,
108. 109, 131, 135,
136, 177.
Hales, 8.
Haley, 109.
Hall, 140, 141, 177.
Halsae, 10 1.
Halsall, 100.
Halsie, 62.
Halsoll, 155.
Hammond, 141, 189.
Hanford, 35, 63.
Hanks, 165.
Hanover, 189.
Haraden, 8, 70.
Haradon, 70.
Hardman, 44, 126.
Hardy, 116, 177.
Harindin, 70.
Harmon, 80.
Harraden, 8.
Harrington, 141.
Harris, 46, 47, 66, 94,
131, 133, 159, 171.
Hart, 53, 62, 75, 83, 84.
Harvey, 54.
Harwood, 118.
Haskall, 63, 153-155.
Haskell, 8, 88, 153.
Hassen, 131.
Hastings, 180.
Hatherly, 125.
Hathorne, 61, 63, 78,
79, 83, 115, 125, 131,
154, 155,157-159, 161,
Haukins, 127.
Hauxworth, 140.
Havves, 158.
Hawkes, 98, 136.
Hawkings, 126.
Hawkins, 99, loi, 126,
141, 144.
Haw^ks, 97, 136.
Hawthen, 125.
Hawthorne, 96.
Hawthrone, 115.
Hayle, 154.
Hayne, 94.
Hayward, 38, 42, 73,83,
85, 118.
Haywood, 51.
Heale, 97.
Healy, 102.
Heard, 147.
Hearick, 153.
Heath, 102.
Heathe, 102.
Hedg, 155.
Helmes, lOO.
Henderson, 79, 141 .
Hendley, 189.
Hendrick, 139.
Henry, 192.
Herbert, 118, 122.
Herdman, 44.
Hericke, 158.
Herod, 157.
Herrick, in, 153, 186.
Hethersay, 97.
Hibbard, 95, 172, 173.
Hibbins, 99, 102, 103.
Hiccock, 102.
Hickey, 46.
Hicks, 61.
Hide, 163, 165.
Higgenson, 119.
Higgesson, 39.
Hubbert, 63, 127.
Hubert, 100.
Huckstable, 63.
Hudson, 99, loi, 103.
Huggins, 140.
Higginson, 37-39, 82, Hull, 90, 91, 124, 127,
1 17-120, 164, 170. 131, 135.
Hildreth, 51, 92, 174. Humfrey, 97.
Hill, 100, 102, 110,125- Humfrye, 98.
128, 131, 136, 157, Humphrey, 99.
158. , Humphry, 125.
Hiller, 178. Hunking, 47.
Hilliard, 63, 163-165. Hunt, 47, 91, 158.
Hills, 26, 27, 71, 100, Huntington, 49.
126, 139, 158, 171. Huse, 131, 172.
Hitchins, 136.
Hobson, 186.
Hode, 62.
Hodg, 81.
Huson, 115.
Hussey, 138.
Hutcheson, 61.
Hutchinson, 61, 99, 145,
Hodges, 73, 75, 81, 82, 178, 180, 183, 186.
94, 131, 138, 151. Hutson, 61
Hodgkin, 8.
Hodgkins, 88, 150.
Holden, 141.
Holgate, 38, 41.
Hutton, 154.
Ilsley, 138.
Ilsly, 138, 140.
Holgrave, 63, 97, 114, Inderwood, 62.
115, 117, 118, 131. Ingalls, 36, 36, 47, 63,
Holland, 47, 103. 86, 87, 133, 142, 172,
HoUingsworth, 122, 123. 190.
HoUingworth, 78, 114. Ingersall, 132.
115, 167, 168. Ingersoll, 9, 114, 169,
Hollinwood, 115. 179.
Holliock, 62. Ingerson, 49.
Holman, 91. Inglish, 44, 45.
Holmes, 27, 52. Ireson, 35.
Holt, 27, 29-31, III, Ivers, 115.
182-184, 186, 187. Ives, 37, 74, 87, 88,116,
1 18-120, 136, 163.
Ivorey, 159.
Ivory, 33.
Holten, 134, 186.
Holyoke, 25, 97.
Homan, 149,
Homes, 43.
Honners, 8. Jackman, 141.
Hood, 61, 62. Jackson, 9, 44, 62, 98,
Hook, 50, 54, 100, 147. 99, 102, 104, 118,
Hooke, 97, loi. 181, 184, 185, 190.
Hooper, 33, 84, 103, Jacob, 103, 131.
141, 142. Jacques, 129.
Home, 98, 156. Jam — ,105.
Houchin, 159. James, 32, 61, 62, 155,
Hough, 8, 9. 159, 161.
Houghton, 96. Jamesy 155.
Hovey, 95, 109. Jameson, 50.
How, 46, 125, 129, 131, Janes, 112.
149, 174. Jaquith, in.
Howard, 73, 83-86. Jarrat, 36, 37.
Howe, 98. Jeames, 44.
Howlett, 44, 66. Jefford, 62.
Hoyt, 49, 50, 52, 55, Jeggles, 118.
137, 143, 144, 184, Jenckes, 61, 62, 136.
185, 192. Jencks, 136.
Hubard, 44, 45, 127, Jenkins, 31, 49, 134.
132. Jenks, 136.
Hubbard, 66, 97, 127, Jennings, loi.
133, 137. Jennison, 98.
Jerman, 164, 166.
Jewet, 44, 66, 156,
Jewctt, 67, 105, 106,
113, 126, 154, 156,
Jewit, 67.
Jewitt, 156.
John^ 155.
Johnson, 27-29, 41, 43,
46, 61, 63, 87, 92,
100, loi, 103, no,
115,126,130,133, I43»
148, 154, 155, 157,
176, 180, 182, 187,
Jones, 50, 56, 112, 139,
175. •
Jordon, 43.
Jowett, 127.
Juett, 127, 155.
Juitt, 36.
Kayne, 104.
Keajnes, loi.
Keaser, 154, 158.
Keayne, 104, 158.
Kegwin, 147.
Keif, 87.
Keine, 99-101.
Kcisar, loi.
Keith, 181.
Keizer, 127.
Kelley, 51, 136.
Kelmn, 157.
Kemball, 63, lOO, 124,
130, 133.
Kembell, 124.
Kennard, 47.
Kennedy, 143.
Kenrick, loi.
Kent, 44, 61, 86, 108,
131, 142, 186.
Kente, 160.
Kertland, 157.
Keser, 62.
Ketchum, 91.
Keyes, 29.
Keyser, 127.
Kilcup, loi.
Killam, 146.
Kimball, 29, 90, in,
124, 132, 133, 135,
136, 143, 163, 177,
King, 33, 98, loi, 112,
134, 183.
Kinge, 159.
Kingsbury, 48, 86.
Kinsberry, 48.
Kinsman, 145, 148,
Kitcherill, 118.
Kittchen, 156.
Knight, 44, 46, 63, loi,
124, 125, 129, 137,
i55» 158-
Knights, 9, 70,136, 166.
Knolton, 44, 126, 131.
Knowlton, 136.
Ladd, 171-173.
Laiton, 154.
Lake, 125, 126, 176.
Lakeman, 47.
Lambert, 36, 67, 75, 80,
81, 118, 170.
Lambertt, 36.
Lamson, 191, 192.
Lancaster, 173.
Lanckton, 127.
Lander, 38, 40, 41, 80,
Lane, 70, 92, 106, 107.
Lang, 133.
Langdon, 80.
Langhorne, 156.
Langley, 146, 157.
L'Anglois, 168.
Langton, 44.
Lankton, 124.
Las Casas, 144.
Laskey, 90.
Laskin, 158.
Lasky, 90.
Lathrop, 171.
Laudonniere, 144.
Laughton, 44, 158, 159.
Launder, 31.
Law, 124, 127, 156.
La we, 127.
Lawthrope, 120.
Laycocke, 102.
Layton, 62, 126, 157.
Leach, 91, 103,157,180.
Leader, 47, 99, 100, 102.
Leaver, 67.
Leavitt, 54, no, in.
Lee, 163, 187, 188.
Leech, 61, 64, 118.
Legary, 112.
Legatts, 140.
Legay, 103.
Legg, 64.
Legrow, 177.
Leigh, 43.
Leighton, 9.
Leister, 125.
Lemon, 78, 157, 158,
Lenerd, 61.
Lenord, 44.
Leonard, 135, 159.
Leslie, 135.
Lester, 125.
Leveret, 100.
Leverett, 46.
Levett, 138.
Lewins, 102.
Lewis, 34, 89, 98.
Leyster, 125.
Lilforth, 137.
Linckhorne, 103.
Lincoln, 183.
Lindall, 166.
Lindsey, 33, 154* 184.
Lister, 132.
Little, 43, 86, 160, 177-
181, 186.
Littlehail, 92.
Littlehale, 92, 94, 100.
Loarein, 103.
Locke, 9.
Logan, 9.
Lombertson, 100.
Long, 54, 63, 64, 131,
Longhorne, 43, 44.
Look, 134.
Lord, 47, 64, 66, 81,
113, IIS, 125, 129,
1337 149, 154-156.
Lothrop, 61, 154.
Lovejoy, 27, no, 182.
Lovell, 129, 133.
Lovitt, 44.
Low, 9, 10, 102, 143,
145, 148, 184.
Lowden, 98.
Lowe, 103.
Lowell, 50, 53, 57.
Luckin, 97.
Lufkin, 113, 153, 188.
Lucker, 134.
Lull, 95, 187.
Lullaby, 126.
Lumpkin, 132.
Lurgen, 132.
Lurvey, 58.
Lyde, 59.
Lyndall, 116.
Lynde, 80.
Lynsie, 156, 158.
Magellan, 144.
Main, 87.
Man, 47.
Maning, 40, 41.
Maninge, 126.
Manning, 38, 41, 42, 87,
91, 125, 126, 136,
146, 147.
Manninge, 125.
Mansfeild, 61, 127, 158.
Mansfield, 33,47, 63, 95,
I54> 159, 178, 180,
183, 186.
Mansur, 174.
March, 56, 188.
Marden, 149.
Marian, 139.
Marriner, 56.
Marsh, 150, 166.
Marshall, 61-63, 95. i55»
158, 182.
Marston, 34, 40, 41.
Martin, 31, 50, 134,144.
Mascoll, 75, 78.
Mason, 10, 121, 170.
Massey, 84, 112, 120.
Massy, 63, 114, 119.
Masury, 81, 95.
Mathewe, 104.
Mathews, 94.
Matosins, 105.
Matthews, 123.
Maule, 96, 116.
Mavereck, 63.
Maverick, 95, 115.
Mavericke, 62, 131.
Maxfeild, 137, 140.
Mayhew, 97, 99, lOi,
Mayhewe, 97.
McAdams, 46.
McColly, 190.
McKean, n.
McMarr, 121.
Meacham, 82.
Medcalf, 42, 131.
Medcalfe, 43.
Melcher, 56.
Meriall, 129.
Merill, 44.
Merrick, 95.
Merrie, 139.
Merrill, 51, 59, 60, 144,
171, 176, 186, 187.
Merry, 134.
Messenger, 90.
Messer, 174, 175.
Messervy, 142.
Michael, 127.
Michall, 128.
Michell, 129.
Michelsom, 99.
Michison, 98.
Mifflin, 96.
Mighel, 127.
Mighell, 37, 44, 127,
Mighill, 136, 179.
Milard, 44.
Miler, 133.
Miles, 159,
Millet, 25, 40, 93, 136.
Millin, 181.
Millord, 154.
Minor, 103.
Mirick, 52, 95, 172.
Mitchall, 127.
Mitchell, 53, 129.
Mitcherg, 156.
Moday, 134.
Monday, 140.
Monday, 65.
Mooar, 27, 30.
Moodie, 134.
Moody, 97, 150.
Moodye, 44, 134.
Moore, 44, 115, 116,
Moores, 124.
More, 65, 91.
Morgan, 87, 136, 138.
Morong, 40.
Morrell, 102.
Morrill, 52-54, 57, 144,
Mors, 39.
Morse, 45, 53, 56, 91,
172, 175-
Morss, 147.
Mose, 43, 45.
Moses, 47, 48, 76, 162,
Mouer, 44.
Moulton, 54, 63, 150,
Mowdey, 129.
Mower, 136.
Muddle, 64, 158.
Mullet, 95.
Mulliken, 186.
MuUit, 95.
Mungey, 125, 191.
Murray, 95, 96.
Mussey, 134, 192.
Mussy, 130, 131.
Muzi, 130.
Muzie, 130.
Muzy, 130, 132.
Muzye, 124, 127, 130,
Muzzy, 113, 130, 131.
Mylard, 44.
Nance, 89.
Narvae/, 144.
Neal, 73, 75, 82-85.
Neale, 61, 73, 82-86.
Necks, 34, 177.
Nedham, 157.
Needham, 40.
Needles, 102.
Negus, 61.
Nellson, 113.
Nelson, 43, 47, 61, 63,
64, 155, 156.
Neweil, 102.
Newhall, 34, 88, 112.
127, 183.
Newman, 86, 124, 141,
Newmarch, 125, 131.
Nicheson, 129.
Nichols, 52, 55, 80.
Nicholson, 62.
Nick, 34.
Nixon, 115, 165, 166,
179, 186.
Noeis, 62.
Noice, 44, 63.
Noies, 63.
Norington, 43.
Norman, 61, 64, 156,
Norris, 135.
Norten, 126.
Northen, 105, 124, 127.
Northend, 66, 67, 113,
Northene, 131.
Norton, 44, 45, 63, 100,
126, 127, 133, 156,
157, 159.
Norwood, 70, 71, 107,
Nourse, 47.
Nowel, 99.
Nowell, 99.
Noyce, 44, 124, 127,
132, 161.
Noyes, 26, 56, 63, 151,
160, 161, 171.
Nurse, 62, 90, 92.
Nutt, 190.
Oakes, no.
Oatley, 98.
Odiorne, 151.
Oldsworth, 132.
Oliver, 98, 102, 103,
OUiver, 98.
Ordway, 136, 177.
Ormes, 121, 122.
Orne, 134, 186.
Osborne, 102.
Osgood, 27, 34, 53, 140,
159, 188.
Ossgood, 43.
Otley, 97, 98.
Page, 29, 59, 86, 100,
139, 140, 188.
Paine, 27, 43, 66, lOO,
102, 133.
Palfrey, 86, 99.
Palfry, 114.
Palmer, 67, 129, 140.
Parke, 102, 103.
Parker, 51, 98, 99, 109,
132, 138, 141, 167,
172, 173, 178, 186.
Parkes, 125.
Parkman, 11, 73,75, 83.
Parmiter, 115.
Parnel, 95.
Parrat, 66.
Parratt, 105.
Parrot, 66, 67, 156.
Parson, 12.
Parsons, ii, 12, 51, 59, Pickton, 115.
71, 108, 109, 136, 192. Pickworth, 61, 157.
Patch, 158. Pierce, 30.
Paterson, 181, 184. Pierpointe, 102.
Patten, 58. Pigden, 116.
Paul^ 23. Pigdon, 117.
Paw, 64. Pigeon, 108.
Payne, 43, 44, 62, 81, Pike, 64, 65, 125, 126,
129, 190. 137-140.
Peabody, 23-25, 95, 142, Pilsberry, 184.
Peach, 157.
Peacucke, 102.
Peake, 103.
Pearce, 12, 35, 131.
Pearse, in.
Pilsbury, 136, 178.
Pingry, 173-
Pinion, 61.
Pinyon, 61.
Piper, 104.
Pirkins, 133, 137-139.
Pearson, 12, 13, 136, 149, Pitfold, 158.
Pease, 81, 95, 134.
Peasley, 33, 123, 192.
Peasly, 123.
•Peck, 189.
Pecke, 103.
Pecker, 139, 156.
Pecks, 32.
Pedrick, 89, 188.
Peele, 40, 79.
Peelsbury, loi, 102.
Pemberton, 10 1.
Pendleton, 100, 138.
Pengry, 124, 127, 133.
Pepper, 102.
Perce, 44.
Percy, 129.
Perkines, 46, 133.
Perkins, 13, 43-45, 87,
99. I3i> 145. 146.
Perley, 37, 72, 114, 146, Power, 189.
Pitford, 63, 64, 155, 157.
Pitman, 39, 40, 61, 82.
Pitt, 63, 159.
Pittford, 44, 155.
Pittis, 103.
Pittman, 97.
Pix, 32.
Platts, 94, 147, 189.
Plumer, 8, 13, 14, 88.
Plummer, 13, 136.
Pococke, 102.
Pollen, 64.
Pool, 14, 78, 147.
Poor, 182, 183, 189.
Porter, 14, 63, 86, 100,
113, 136, 149, 178,
Potter, 44, 61, 113, 116,
149, 150, 154.
Pottle, 172.
149, 162.
Perry, 61.
Perrye, 43.
Perse, 88.
Person, 44, 155.
Perye, 126.
Pesle, 123.
Pester, 97, 98.
Peter, 93.
Peters, 93, 164, 165.
Pettingall, 160.
Pratt, 39, 40, loi.
Prescot, 103.
Prescott, 52.
Pressey, 53.
Pressie, 137.
Presson, 92.
Pressy, 58.
Preston, 22, 93.
Price, 63, 78, 79, 103,
115, 116, 119, 120,
126, 157.
Phelps, 27, 28, 30, 80, Prichard, 102.
111. Pride, 98, 118, 119.
Philbrick, 137. Prime, 113, 148, 155,
Philip, King, 82, 171, 156.
177- Prince, 14, 38, 42, 43,
Phillips, 32, 73, 100, 102, 63, 81, 180.
112, 142, 186. Prince, 93.
Phippen, 163. Prior, 118.
Pickard, 124, 127. Prockter, 43.
Pickerin, 139. Procter, 136.
Pickering, 59, 120, 134, Pudeater, 85.
156, 186. Pudeator, 85, 86.
Pickett, 113. Pulcifer, 14.
Pickman, 135, 155. Punchard, 117,121, 122.
Pickrin, 156. Purchase, 32, 159.
Purchis, 158. Roby, 33, 179.
Pury, 102. Rodes, 63.
Putnam, 39, 63, 87,96, Rofe, 130-133.
136, 145, 149, 155, Roffe, 130
157, 178, 179.
Pynchon, 96.
Pynion, 61.
Quilter, 66, 158.
Quinby, 50.
Raffe, 75.
Rainer, 127, 128.,
Ralegh, 144.
Raman, 154.
Ramsdell, 90, 154, 157.
Rand, 28, 33, 113.
Randall, 128, 133.
Rasor, 191.
Ravill, 180.
Rawlings, 47.
Rawlins, 49.
Rawson, 101-103, 159.
Ray, 14.
Rayment, 118, 158.
Rayner, 44.
Ray nor, 127.
Reding, 44.
Redington, 172.
Redknap, 158.
Redknappe, 100.
Redman, 139.
Reed, 32, 40, 71, 102,
Remington, 44, 45, 95,
108, 130, 156.
Rendale, 128.
Rennolds, 156.
Revere, 183.
Reyner, 37, 127, 128.
Ribault, 144.
Rich, 113.
Richards, loi, 132, 155.
Richardson, 61, 99, 129,
155, 172, 180.
Riddan, 88.
Rideout, 30.
Rider, 61.
Riggs, 14, 154.
Riker, 91.
Ring, 137, 138, 140.
Rix, 83, 163.
Roach, 1 1 6- 1 18.
Roads, 177.
Roafe, 160.
Robbins, 62, 63.
Robbinson, 172.
Robenson, 156.
Roberts, 81, 102, 103,
133. 173-
Robertson, 174.
Robins, 156.
Robinson, 14, 44, 48, 74,
138, 157, 182.
Roles, 141
Rolf, 177.
Rolfe, 71, 146.
Rolinson, 43, 44, 128,
13I1 132-
Rolland, 112.
Rolls, 141.
Ro-ley, 134.
Rootes, 157.
Rooton, 1 01.
Roots, 81, 82.
Roper, 45, 124.
Ross, 188.
Rosse, 130, 133.
Rouden, 62, 64, 156.
Rouland, 161. .
Roulandson, 157, 158.
Roundy, 113.
Row, 62, 188.
Rowe, 16.
Rowell, 50, 54.
Rowland, 125, 155, 161.
Rowlandson, 132.
Rowles, 190.
Ruck, 98, 115, 116, 157,
Rucke, 1 01, 159.
Rugles, 102.
Rumbal, 42.
Rumball, 39, 125.
Rumbell, 125.
Rumbl, 40.
Rumble, 39.
Rusell, 125.
Russ, 28.
Russel, 108, 109.
Russell, 97, 98, loi.
Rust, 47, 91.
Sackett, 91.
Sadler, 138.
Safford, 169, 192.
Saier, 123.
Sallmon, 62.
Salloes, 163.
Salmon, 61, 157, 159.
Salstanstall, 100.
Salter, 127, 129.
Saltingstall, 43.
Saltonsall, 43.
Saltonstall, 99, 100, 135,
I37» 139-
Sam^ 108.
Samborn, 141.
Sanborn, 52, 55, 80.
Sandar, 129.
Sanden, 125.
Sandens, 126.
Sanders, 16, 43, 133,
139, 186, 188.
Sandie, 158.
Sandys, 100.
Sargeant, 139.
Sargent, 17, 35, 54, 55,
57,58, 136, 138, 173.
Sarieant, 45.
Satchwell, 105.
Satterly, 53.
Saunders, 16, 140.
Savage, 47, 90, 91, 94,
97, 100, 118,119, 132,
191, 192.
Savall, 130.
Sawden, 125.
Sawins, 89.
Sawyer, 17, 54, 159, 187.
Say re, 98.
Say word, 17, 139.
Scarbrowe, 102.
Scot, 157.
Scott, 44, 45, 103, 130-
Scotto, loi, 192.
Scottow, 102.
Scudder, 91.
ScuUard, 142.
Seal, 94.
Searle, 134, 164-166.
Sedgwake, 126.
Sedgwick, 126.
Sedgwicke, 126.
Seecomb, 35.
Seidgwick, 125.
Selkrig, 135.
Selman, 190.
Selsby, 41.
Sergent, 43.
Sessions, 159, 187.
Severans, 140, 158.
Sewall, 45, 82, 99, loi,
116, 128, 179.
Sewell, 45, 128.
Shaducke, 159.
Shaflin, 63.
Shapleigh, 139.
Shapley, 100.
Sharpe, 97, 115, 131.
Shatchwell, 63.
Shattswell, 43.
Shaw, 61.
Shawell, 133.
Shed, 31.
Shepard, 52, 76.
Sherman, 100.
Sherrat, 44.
Shore, 103.
Shouel, 128.
Shouell, 128.
Shove, 127, 128.
Showel, 128.
Shrimp ton, 10 1.
Shute, 151.
Sibley, 61, 88, 118.
Sibly, 63.
Sillsby, 115.
Silsbee, 38, 41, 79, 151.
Silsby, 40, III.
Silver, 133.
Simonds, 130, 132, 133.
Simons, 62, 132, 154,
156, 157, 159, 171*
Simpson, 158.
Singletary, 139, 155.
Sippeo^ 149.
Sisson, 189.
Skelton, 68.
Skerry, 63, 83.
Skipper, 102.
Sknelling, 45.
Slidell, 121.
Smith, 16-18, 31, 44, 61-
63, 91, loi, 113, 125^
126,130-133, 138, 139,
142, 143, 159-161,
177, 186, 190.
Snelling, 45, 133.
Snow, 18.
Sollas, 162, 163.
Somerby, 26, 63.
Somersbye, 44.
Somes, 18.
Souden, 125.
Souter, 102.
Sowther, 103, 104.
Spalding, 51.
Sparke, 45.
Spencer, 44, 61, 133,
Spenser, 61 .
Spiller, 47, 188.
Springer, 57, 188.
Spurr, 179.
Stacey, 18, 19, 90, 91,
Stacie, 64.
Stacy, 18, 19, 47, 125.
Stanbury, 78.
Stanian, 140, 141.
Stanley, 103, iii.
Stanwood, 25, 71, 136.
Stark, 58.
Starkeweathr, 43.
Starkweather, 102, 127.
Starling, 49, 84.
Starr, 168.
Stebens, 104.
Stebin, 131.
Stedman, 51.
Steephens, 115.
Steevens, 78.
Stennis, 89.
Stephens, 114, 117, 122.
Sterne, 98.
Stevens, 7, 19, 20, 29,
51, 59, 108, 109, 114,
137, 139. 140, 150,
Steward, 35, 190.
Stewart, 190.
Stibbins, 126.
Stileman, 62, 63, 82,
I39> 154, 155-
Stiles, 47.
Stilman, 125.
Stocker, 104.
Stockman, 5 1 .
Stoddard, loi, 135.
Stone, 41, 42, 87, 88,
105, 163.
Stonnard, 102.
Storer, 26, 72.
Storey, 184.
Story, 102, 168.
Stover, 72.
Stow, 102, 103, 113,
126, 131, 133.
Stowe, 102, 133.
Stowers, 49, 72.
Straton, 155.
Stratton, 27, 72, 98,155.
Striker, 117, 122.
Strong, 89.
Sumner, 179,
Sutherick, 157.
Suthwicke, 125.
Swain, 56.
Swaine, 47, 127.
Swan, 43, 63, 118, 127,
131. 139, 155-
Swane, 127.
Swanton, 103.
Swazey, 91.
Sweat, 150.
Sweetser, 26.
Swet, 44.
Swett, 44, 139, 161,177.
Symonds, 38-41, 43, 44,
87» 95i io3» 124, 126,
129, 131-133, 141,
155, 180, 187.
Symones, 129.
Symons, 45, 125.
Tahawampait, 23.
Tammus, 163.
Tapley, 117, 119, 170.
Tappan, 43, 44, 151.
Tarbox, 20.
Tarday, 34.
Tatman, 109.
Tay, III.
Tayler, 139, 140, 157.
Taylor, 28, 32, 126.
Tenney, 29, 105.
Thomas, 57, 133, 158.
Thomson, 57.
Thornton, 93.
Thorpe, 97.
Thurlay, 131.
Thurly, 131.
Tibbott, 134.
Tilleson, 44.
Tillieson, 44.
Tillison, 45, 129, 132.
Til ton, 134, 140.
Tincker, 100, 102.
Ting, 97, 103, 137.
Tinge, 102.
Tinker, 98.
Tisdale, 181.
Titcomb, 146, 178, 180.
Titcombe, 124.
Tittcombe, 130.
Tittman, 45.
Titus ^ 91.
Tod, 43, 124, 127.
Todd, 156, 187.
Tode, 127.
Tomlins, 97, 98, 100.
Tompkins, 100, 157.
Tompson, 118, 154.
Tomson, 43, 97, 131.
Tonge, 51.
Torner, 154.
Touthwell, 22.
Touzell, 78, 168, 169.
Town, 92.
Towne, 148, 149, 176.
Townesend, 102.
Tbwns, 136.
Townsend, 99, 136.
Trafton, 54.
Trask, 114, 115.
Treadwall, 132.
Treadwell, 63, 147.
Tredwell, 44.
Trench, 141.
Treroise, 99.
Trevett, 33, 185, 186.
Trevis, 64.
Trewman, 124.
Tre worthy, icx).
Trow, 96.
TrowlDridge, 108, 109.
Trumble, 126.
Tuck, 72, 83, 84, 93,
Tucker, 20, 47, 61, 99,
126, 132.
Tuckerman, 47.
Tukesbury, 52.
Tupper, 182, 186.
Turland, 61.
Turner, 44-46, 74-76, 80,
87, 116, 133, 178,
Tuttell, 103.
Tuttle, 35, 103.
Tuxbury, 53.
Tyler, 61, 95, 98, 146,
154. 155-
Umfreye, 98.
Umpries, 155.
Underwood, 158.
Uselton, 129.
Ussellton, 157.
Uselton, 129, 134, 157.
Valpy, 87, 88.
Vans, 186.
Varnum, 181, 185.
Varnye, 43.
Vass, 20.
Vaughan, 132.
Veren, 62.
Verin, 125.
VerrazanOji 44.
Very, 39, 40.
Vespucius, 144.
Vickery, 176.
Vinning, 95.
Vinsent, 64, 156.
Vinson, 125, 157.
Vinton, 61.
Vose, 181, 182.
Wade, 97, 126, 178,
Wadleigh, 55, 56, 59,
Wait, 57.
Waite, 125, 126.
Wakefield, 99.
Waker, 103.
Walbridg, 62.
Walbridge, 63.
Walcott, 136.
Waldo, 120, 124.
Waldoe, 129.
Waldron, 57.
Walford, 47.
Walker, 32, 100, loi,
125, 131-
Wall, 102, 138.
Walle, 139.
Wallingford, 54.
Wallis, 141.
Waltham, 98, 118.
Ward, 43, 83, 87, 100,
loi, 103, 155, 171,
Warden, 112.
Warner, 20, 21, 44, 81,
147, 148, 182.
Warren, 93, 108.
Washington, 108, 173,
175. 183.
Waterman, 151.
Waters, 117, 121, 122,
Wathen, 62, 158.
Watson, 62, 63, 85, 134.
Watts, 34, 135.
Wattson, 85.
Wayt, 47, 136.
Wayte, 34.
Weatheridge, 126.
Weathridg, 126.
Webb, 61, 90, 100, 102,
155, 165, 167, 170.
Webber, 109, 112.
Webster, 46, 51, 52, 56,
III, 136, 177.
Weeke, 62.
Weeks, 81, 82.
Welcome, 123.
Weld, 102.
Wellman, 183, 187.
Wells, 54, 192.
Welman, 80.
West, 21, 44, 127, 128,
156, 157.
Westgate, 157.
Weston, 76.
Wharton, 157.
Wheelar, 138.
Wheeler, 157, 158.
Wheelwright, 139.
Wheller, 133.
Whiple, 105.
Whipple, 66, 125, 129,
Whitacre, 126.
Whitcomb, 183, 186.
White, 21, 33, 43, 44,
62, 63, 93, 136, 137,
I39i 155, 157. I59i
176, 192.
Whitefield, 87.
Whitehaire, 156.
Whitehare, 156.
Whiteker, 127.
Whiteridg, 124.
Whiterit, 132.
Whitfeild, 165.
Whitford, 164-167.
Whilhare, 61, 63, 64.
Whitingham, 45, 132.*
Whitney, 183.
Whitred, 133.
Whitredg, 130.
Whittemore, 21, 91.
Whittier, 52, 172, 176,
182, 183, 188.
Whittingham, 100.
Wiate, 43, 45.
Wickes, 62.
Wier, 124.
Wiggin, 140.
Wigglesworth, 88, 178,
181, 184.
Wilbore, 142.
Wilder, 98.
Wiley, 136.
Wilke, 102.
Wilkes, 40.
Wilkins, 61, 136, 157,
158, 171.
Willard, 186.
Williams, 63, 78, 118,
134, 139, 164, 177.
Willis, 34, 98.
Williston, 36.
Willit, 141.
Willoughbie, 82.
Willoughby, 75, 81.
Willson, 124.
Wilson, 34, 62, 82, 115,
Winsley, 138.
Winsloe, 44.
Winslow, 22.
Winsly, 140.
Winter, 155.
Winthrope, 98.
Winthropp, 99.
Wintrop, 43.
Wire, 124.
Wise, 47, 136.
Wise wall, loi.
Wislad, 103.
Witham, 22.
Withe, 43.
Witticker, 139.
Wolfe, 118, 188.
WoUestone, 97.
Wood, 31, 45, 47, 80,
95, 113, 142, 186.
Woodberry, 40, 92, 107,
136, 154, 157.
Woodbery, 71, 154, 157,
158, 163.
Woodbridg, 139.
Woodbridge, 31.
Woodbury, 38, 118, 122,
142, 158, 164, 165,
Woodde, 102.
Woodman, 44, 63, 124,
126, 128, 129, 148,
Woodrow, 64.
Woodward, 22, 136.
Woodwell, 186.
Woody, 102, 154.
Woolcot, 173.
Woolfe, 157.
WcoUand, 63.
Worcester, 140.
Work, 150.
Worth, 138, 139.
Worthen, 50.
Wright, 125.
Wyatt, 92, 149.
Wyer, 124, 187.
Wyggin, 1 01.
Wyman, 27.
Yeo, 158.
Yeow, 125.
York, 136.
Yorke, 22.
Young, 107.
Younge, 118.
Younges, 166.
Yow, 125.
The Essex Antiquarian
Volume X
■^I^e €«&n Slntiqmtian
Answers, 43, 48; 325, 48; 326, 93; 415, 48;
416, 93; 417, 144; 444. 93; 450» 144; 452,
191; 461, 192.
Apparel of the First Settlers, 49.
Bancroft- BoNYTHON, 169.
Bean's, John, First Wife, 77.
Blaney Notes, 92.
Blashfield Note, 131.
BoNYTHON, Bancroft-, 169.
Bowden Genealogies, 38, 40, 44, 45.
BowDiTCH Genealogy, 55.
Bowen Genealogy, 57.
Bowles Notes, 179.
BoYCE Genealogy, 58.
Boynton Genealogy, 97.
Bradbury Genealogy, 145.
Bradford Genealogy, 180.
Browne, William, Will of, 150.
Burt, Hugh, Will of, 43.
Call, Philip, Will of, 169.
Davis, Jenkin, Will of, 74.
• Dickinson, Thomas, Will of, 76.
Fireplace, The Old, 185.
Fuller, Anne, Will of, 168.
God's Pioneers, 79.
Gray, Robert, Will of, 131.
Groveland Inscriptions: Ancient Burying
Ground, i.
House, The Old, 21, 143.
Inscriptions. See Groveland Inscriptions.
Ipswich Court Records and Files, 32, 79,
Leach, Lawrence, Will of, 168.
Lee, Thomas, Will of, 113.
Lunt, Henry, Will of, 181.
Norfolk County, Old, Records, 89, 109.
Pioneers, God's, 79.
Publications, New, 93, 144, 192.
Purchase, Thomas, of Pejepscot, 132, 167.
Queries, 453, 454, 48; 455-459, 92; 460-463,
144; 464, 465, 191.
Rea, Daniel, Will of, 130.
Revolution, Soldiers and Sailors of the,
RiNGE, Daniel, Will of, 75.
Row, John, Will of, 130.
Salem in 1700, No. 22, 21.
Salem in 1700, No. 23, 60.
Salem in 1700, No. 24, 114.
Salem in 1700, No. 25, 152.
Smith, John, Will of, 31.
Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution,
Suffolk County Deeds, Volume II, 134.
Witter, William, Will of, 20.
Becket House, Ancient, i .
Chapleman, Michael, House, 127.
Daniel, Stephen, House, 117.
Ancient Becket, Salem, i.
Michael Chapleman, Salem, 127.
Stephen Daniel, Salem, 117.
" House of the Seven Gables," 49.
Benjamin Pickman, Salem, 145.
Samuel Pope, Salem, 70.
John Turner, Salem, 49.
Zachariah White, Salem, 67.
Simon Willard, Salem, 97.
Map of Part of Salem in 1700, No. 22, 23.
Map of Part of Salem in 1700, No. 23, 63.
Map of Part of Salem in 1700, No. 24, 115.
Map of Part of Salem in 1700, No. 25, 154.
Pope, Samuel, House, 70.
Salem Houses. See Houses.
Salem in 1700, Map of Part of. No. 22, 23.
Salem in i 700, Map of Part of, No. 23, 63.
Salem in 1700, Map of Part of. No. 24, 115.
Salem in 1700, Map of Part of. No. 25, 154.
Seal of Dr. Samuel Thomson, 172.
Thomson, Dr. Samuel, Seal of, 172.
Turner, John, House, 49.
White, Zachariah, House, 67.
Willard, Simon, House, 97.
Abbe Genealogies, I: 14, 33, 66, 149.
Abbot Genealogies, I: 35, 58, 79, 96, 103, 117,
128, 141, 188; II: 22, 38, 74, 100, 113;
III: 13.
Abbott, Thomas, Will of, I: 165.
Abolitionists, The, I: 125.
Aborigines, Our, V: 39.
Aborn Genealogies, I: i6l;II: 132, I40;III:6,
Abraham Family, I: 174.
Abram Family, I: 174.
Acie Genealogy, I: 190.
Acres Genealogy, II: 9, 166.
Adams Genealogies, I: 17, 40, 62, 76, 87, iii^
142, 160; IV: 37.
Ager Family, II: 128.
Ager William, Will of, V: 132.
Alderman, John, Will of, VII: 79.
Al ford Notes, III: 103.
Alger Notes: III: 73.
Allen Genealogies, 11: 135, 161, 176, 199; III: 7,
17, 37, 120, 134, 147, 168, 182; IV: 31, 38.
Alley Genealogies: III: 49; IV: 68, 85.
Ambrose Family, III: 74.
Ames Genealogies, III: 88; IV: 56, 102, 120,
Ames Murder, The, II: i.
Amesbury Inscriptions:
Cemetery near depot, I: 5 1.
Salisbury Plains Cemetery, I: 167, 190; II: 30.
Salisbury Point Cemetery, I: 28.
Union Cemetery, I: 119, 143, 164; II: 10.
Ancestor, The, I: 141.
Ancestor's Dream, The, III: 37.
Anderton Note, IV: 150.
Andover in the First Louisburg Expedition, I:
Andover Inscriptions:
Old South Burying Ground, II: 119, 143.
West Parish Burying Ground, II: 39.
Andrews Genealogies, III: 97, 113, 136, 155;
IV: 118, 134, 170, 187; V: 6.
Andrews, Robert, Will of, I: 142.
Annable Genealogy, III: 169; V: 63.
Annis Genealogy, III: 184; IV: 76.
Answers to Queries, i, I: 52; 3, I: 34; 4, 1: 34; 5,
I: 118; 6, I: 34; 7, I: 34; 8, II: 15, 50; 11,
I: 67; 12, II: 32; 14, II: 68; 18, II: 133; 19,
I: 68; 20, I: 118; 21, I: 86; 22, II: 85, 133;
24, I: 134; 26, I: 86; 30, I: 102; 32, II:
117; 34, II: 102; 35, I: 182; II: 16; 36, I:
134; 37, I: 198; 38, I: 134; 39, II:
32; 40, II: 150; 41, II: 133; 42, 11: 133;
43, I: 102, X: 48; 44, II: 117; 45,
II: 166; 46, I: 150; 47, II: 150; 48,
II: 68; 51, III: 48; 52, I: 102; 53, I: 118;
54, I: 134; 55, II: 166; 61, II: 32; 64, I:
150; 65, II: 150; 69, I: 134; 73, II: 182;
74, I: 150; 75, I: 166; 80, I: 166; 81, I:
182; 82, I: 182; 83, I: 182; 87, I: 198; 88,
IX: 143; 89, II, 16; 93, II: 16; 95, III: 16,
V: 80; 96, II: 182; 100, II: 32, V: 32; loi,
II: 182; 102, III: 48; 103, II: 200; 106, II:
16; 107, III: 80; 108, III: 64; 109, II: 16;
III, II: 68; 116, II: 32; 118, II: 102; 121,
III: 96; 122, II: 16; 123, II: 16; 125, II:
50, 134, III: 112, 128,144; 126, II: 50; 127,
II: 32; 133, V: 32; 134, II: 85; 140, III:
160, 176; 141, III: 194; 143, IV: 16; 146,
III: 16; 150, IV: 32; 152, III: 32; 153,
IV: 64; 154, IV: 64, V: 48; 156, II: 117,
118; 158, III: 80; 161, IV: 192; 163, V:
64; 164, III: 128; 165, V: 16; 166, II:
150,111: 112; 168, IV: 48; 170, V: 16;
171, IV: 176; 177, IV: 144; 178, II: 200;
179, III: 32; 182, III: 16; 184, VI: 96;
186, VII: 95; 193, V: 64; 194, V: 64; I9<;,
III: 64; 197, V: 32; 203, III: 96; 204, V:
144; 208, V: 192; 210, IV: 128; 216, VIII:
143, IX: 47; 220, III: 144; 222, VII: 190;
226, III: 160, IV: 16, 64: 227, VII: 143;
231, IV: 144; 232, III: 176, IV: 96; 238,
III: 194; 239, VII: 190; 240, VII: 190;
243, VI: 144; 245, IV: 32; 246, IV:
32; 249, IV: 192; 250, IV: 80; 252,
VIII: 47, 95; 253, IV: 48; 254, IV:
112; 255, VIII: 47; 257, V: 96; 258,
VIII: 47; 260, IV: 80; 264, IV: 160;
265, IV: 96; 271, IV: 96, VIII: 191;
273,1V: 112; 274, VIII: 191; 275, IV:
96, 144; 276, IV: 112; 277, IV: 96, 112;
278, IV: 176; 281, IV: 128; 284, IV: 128,
160; 286, IV: 128; 293, IX: 48; 306, IX:
95; 307, IV: 176, V: 144, 192, IX: 95;
314, IX: 95; 316, VI: 144; 319, VII:
47; 320, V: 32, 48; 321, V: 48; 322, V:
96; 323, V: 80, VII: 95; 324, VI: 144;
325, X: 48; 326, X: 93; 330, V:
144; 339» VI: 48; 340, V: 192; 341,
VI: 48; 342, V: 192; 343, VI:
48; 344, VI: 191; 348, VI: 96; 349, VI:
96; 350, VII: 95: 357, VI: 144, VIII: 143:
361, VIII: 191; 362, VI: 144, 191; 364.
VII: 95; 372, VI: 191; 373, VIII: 191;
375, VI: 192; 379, VII: 47; 381, VII:
190; 385, VIII; 95; 412, VII: 144; 415, X:
48; 416, X: 93; 417, X: 144; 425, IX:
191; 431, VIII: 144; 433, VIII: 95; 438,
IX: 191; 442, IX: 143; 444» X: 93; 450,
X: 144, 452, X: 191; 461, X: 192.
Antrum Note, V: 71.
Apostrophe, IV: 69.
Apparel of the First Settlers, X : 49.
Appleton Genealogy, IV: i, 26.
Archer Genealogy, IV: 33; V: 86, 120.
Army Button, An, VI: 135.
Arrow-Head, An, IV: 7.
Ashby Family, IV : 56.
Atkins Family, IV : 75.
Atkinson Family, IV: 81. ,
Attorney, The Poor, III: 183.
Atwood Family, IV: 106; VI: 34.
Aurora Borealis, The, IV : 85.
Austin Genealogy, IV: 120; VI: 59.
AverUl Genealogy, IV : 1 29.
Averill, William, Will of, V: 30.
Ayer Genealogy, IV: 145, 172, 182.
Babbidge Genealogy, IV: 188.
Babson Genealogy, V : i .
Bacheller, Henry, Descendants of, VII: 134.
Bacon Family, V : 24. .
Bacon, Mrs. Rebecca, Will of, VI: 113.
Bacon, William, Will of, V: 45.
Badcock Family, V: 37.
Badger Genealogy, V : 49.
Badger, Giles, Will of. III: 61.
Bagley Genealogy, V: 65; VI: 128.
Bailey-Bayley Genealogies, V: 81, no, 123.
Bailey, Rev. Jacob, I: 69.
Bailey, Richard, Will of, III: 90.
Baker Genealogies, V : 158, 163, 166, 168; VI:
155. 170.
Balch Genealogy, VI: i.
Balch, John, Will of , III: 104.
Ballard Genealogies, VI : 35, 39.
Bancroft Genealogy, VI : 57.
Bancroft Immigrants, II : 94.
Bancroft-Bonython, X: 169.
Bank, The Land, IX: 135.
Barker Genealogies, VI: 60, loi, 106.
Barker, Thomas, WiU of, IV: 88.
Barn, The Old, VIII: 167.
Barnard Genealogies, VI: 120, 125, 129.
Barr Family, VI: 156.
Barrett, Richard, Will of, IV: 117.
Bartholomew, Richard, Will of, II : 80.
Bartlett Genealogies, VII: i, 59, 63.
Bartlett, Richard, Will of. III : 9.
Bartoll Genealogy, VII : 64.
Barton Genealogy, VII : 75.
Bassett Genealogy, VII : 77.
Batchelder Genedogies, VII : 105, 186.
Bates Notes, VII: 182.
Battin Notes, VIII : 37.
Bay View Cetaetery, Gloucester, Inscriptions in,
IX: 68.
Bayley, John, Will of, IV: 190.
Beadle Genealogies, VII: 172, 183.
Beal Genealogy, VII: 184.
Bean Genealogy, VII: 185.
Bean's, John, First Wife, X: 77.
Bear Family, VIII: 14.
Beck Family, VIII : 14.
Beckett Genealogy, VIII: 15.
Beckford Genealogy, VIII : 60.
BeU Notes, VIII : 149.
Bellingham, William, WUU?ini, WU! of, IV; 25.
Bennett Genealogies, VIII: 88, 91.
Berry Genealogies, VIII: 102, 173; IX: 25, 86.
Beverages in the Old Days, II: 33.
Beverly Inscriptions:
Ancient Burying Ground, III: i, 31, 38, 56,
77» 90-
Ancient North Beverly Cemetery, III : 1 22.
Dane Street Cemetery, III: 129, 150.
Dodge's Row Burying Ground, III: 105.
Green Family Burying Ground, III: 171.
North Beverly Meeting House Cemetery, III:
Bickford Genealogy, VIII: 61.
Biles Genealogy, VIII: 120.
Biscoe, Elizabeth, IX: 108.
Bishop Genealogies, VIII: 122, 124, 125; IX:
Bisson Genealogy, VIII : 132.
BixbyGenealogy, VIII: 145.
Black Genealogy, VIII: 174.
"Blaisdell", ''Johnny", VIII: 150.
Blanchard Genealogies, IX: 26, 71.
Blaney Genealogy, IX : 32 ; X : 92.
Blasdell Genealogy, IX : 49.
Blashfield Note, X: 131.
Bligh's, Peggy, Voyage, From, V: 23.
Blunt Genealogy, IX: no.
Blyth Genealogy, IX : 112.
Boardman Genealogy, IX: 145.
Bodwell Genealogy, IX: 171.
Bond Genealogy, IX : 177.
Bonython, Bancroft-, X: 169.
Bowden Genealogies, X: 38, 40, 44, 45.
Bowditch Genealogy, X : 55.
Bowen Genealogy, X : 57.
Bowles Notes, 1 79.
Bowtwell, James, Will of, IV: 182.
Boxford Inscriptions:
Ancient Burying Ground, IV : 8.
Harmony Cemetery, IV : 40.
The Perkins Gravestone, IV : 24.
West Boxford Burying Ground, IV: 49, 70, 86.
Boxford Parishes in England, VI: 104.
Boyce Genealogy, X : 58.
Boynton Genealogy, X : 97.
Bradbury Genealogy, X: 145.
Bradford Genealogy, X: 180.
Bradford Inscriptions:
Ancient Burying Ground, V : 17, 41, 58, 72,
92, 104, 150.
Bradley, John, Will of, VI: 19.
Bradstreet, Humphrey, Will of, VII : 66.
Bradstreet, Gov. Simon, II : 159.
Braman, Rev. Isaac, III: 87.
Bride's Home-Coming, The, III: 169.
Bridge, The Old, IX: 161.
Bridgman, John, Will of, VI: II 2.
Browne, Edward, Will of, VIII: 19.
Browne, George, Will of, 1 : 76.
Browne, Richard, Will of, IX: 160.
Browne, William, Will of, X: 150.
Burials, Our Fathers', II: 39.
Burrill, George, sr.. Will of, V: 103.
Burt, Hugh, Will of, X: 43.
Burt, Hugh, jr., Will of, IV: 58.
Button, An Army, VI: 135.
Byfield Parish Baptisms, II: 51; VI;
Byfield Parish Deaths, VII : 145.
Call, Philip, Will of, X: 169.
Carthrick, Michael, Will of, II: 160.
Cartwright, Bethiah, Will of, I: 30.
Cellar, The Old, II: 61.
Changes of Persons' Names, IV : 90.
Chaplin, Hugh, Will of, VII: 17.
Chimney Sweeping, IV: 103.
Churchman, Hugh, Will of, I: 177.
Churns, IV: 134.
Chute, Lionell, Will of, II : 66.
Clements, Robert, Will of, VII: 158.
Cogswell, John, jr., Will of, V: 41.
Colonization of the Northwest Territory, VI: 145.
Comet, The, II : 75.
Comets, Early, II: 75.
Commercial History of Salem, I: i.
Constitution, The Frigate, I: 189.
Contractions in Colonial Writings, 1 : 133.
Cooking, Early Methods of, II: 183.
Cooper, The, III: 135.
Coopers in Salem, III: 135.
Corey's, Giles, Wife, VIII: 18.
Cross, John, Will of, IV : 74.
Cummings, Joanna, Will of, I: 187.
Cushing, Rev. John, Journal of, IV: 155.
Cutting, John, Will of, VIII: 165.
Danvers, V: 29.
Danvers Inscriptions:
Endicott Burying Ground, VI: 77.
Burial Ground at Hathorne, VI : 112,
High Street Cemetery, VI: 112.
Holton Burial Ground, VI: 113.
Nurse Burying Ground, VI : 1 56.
Preston Burying Ground, VI: 75.
Prince Burying Ground, VI : 76.
Putnam Burying Ground, VI : 76.
Burial Place at Royal Side, VI: 156.
Wadsworth Burying Ground, VI: 19.
Walnut Grove Cemetery, VI: 156.
Dark Day, The, III : 53.
Dark Days, III: 53.
Davis, Jenkin, Will of, X : 74.
Days of Old, The, III: 73.
Deserted House, The, VIII : 102.
Deserted Village, The, 1 : 43.
Dexter, Lord Timothy, 97.
Dickinson, Thomas, Will of, X : 76.
Dillingham, Sarah, Will of, I: 13.
Distemper, Throat, in Haverhill, I: 10.
Dodge's Row Burying Ground, Beverly, III: 105.
Dowe, Thomas, Will of. VI: 158.
Drought of 1762, The, VII: 139.
Drowning Accidents, I: 66; III: 103.
Earthquake of 1638, I: 173.
Earthquakes in Essex County, VI : 166.
Endicott Burying Ground, Danvers, VI : 77.
Essex Inscriptions, VII : 49.
Essex County in 1643, I^: ^OS*
Essex County Men at Martha's Vineyard before
1700, IX: 134.
Este, Jeffrey, V: 138.
Eyers, John, Will of, VII: 103.
Fairfield, John, Will of, II: 175.
Family Records, IV : 92.
Fay, Henry, Will of, VI: 147.
Fences, Early, I: 25.
Ferncroft Inn, 1 : 53.
Fireplace, The Old, X: 185.
Foster's, Abraham, Account Book, III: 13.
Fountain Inn, Marblehead, II: 125.
Friend, John, Will of, VI: 157.
Fuller, Anne, Will of, X: 168.
Fuller, Timothy, V: 91.
Gaines, Jane, Will of, III : 61 .
Gate-Keeper, The Old, VII : 28.
Genealogical Map, A, IV: 9.
Genealogical Research, IV: 63.
Georgetown, Centre of, in 1800, II: 103.
Georgetown Inscriptions : Union Cemetery, VIII :
Gilbert, Humphrey, Will of, VII: 158.
Gloucester in 1857, III: 64.
Gloucester's Deserted Village, 1 : 43.
Gloucester Inscriptions :
Ancient Burying Ground, IX: i.
Bay View Cemetery, IX : 68.
Old Cemetery at Lanesville, IX : 106.
Ancient Cemetery, West Gloucester, IX : 1 52.
God's Pioneers, X : 79.
Goffe, John, Will of, II: 30.
Gowing-Wellman Homestead, Lynnfield, II: 141.
Graves of a Household, The, III : 105.
Gravestones in Essex County, Early, III: 1 77.
Inscriptions on. See under names of towns of
Amesbury^ Andover^ Beverly ^ Boxford^
Bradford^ Danvers^ Essex^ Georgetown^
Gloucester and Groveland.
Gray, Robert, Will of, X: 131.
Green Family Burying Ground In Beverly ,111 : 171.
Greenleaf, Benjamin, IV: 55.
Grist-Mill, The Old, I: 109.
Groveland Inscriptions : Ancient Burying Ground,
X: I.
Handwriting, Colonial, I: 175.
Hardy, John, Will of, V: 6.
Haverhill Captives, III: 61.
Haverhill, Part of, in 1700, III: 161.
Haverhill, Throat Distemper in, 1 : 10.
Hawes, Frances, Will of, II: 45.
Heard, Luke, Will of. III: 38.
Heating, Methods of, in the Olden Time, I; 183.
Highways, Early, V: 23.
Holton Burying Ground, Danvers, VI: 113.
Holyoke, Edward, Will of, VIII : 64.
Home, The Old, II: 141; III: 121.
House, The Old, IV: 135; X: 21, 143.
Hovey, Joseph, esq., Ill: 183.
How, Joseph, Will of, IV: 102.
Howe, Capt. Ephraim, Shipwreck of, II: 187.
Hunter, Robert, WUl of, III : 8.
Husband, To My Dear and Loving, II : 1 59.
Husking, A Yankee, IV: 25.
Husking Parties, IV : 25.
Hymns, The Old, IX: 142.
Indian, The, V: 87.
Indian Conflicts, IV : 183.
Indian Relics, IV : 7.
of Marblehead, IV : 39.
Indians, Some Essex County, V : 39.
Ingalls, Edmund, Will of, III: 120.
Ingersoll, Richard, Will of, II : 29.
Inn, The Departed, II: 125.
Inscriptions. See under Gravestones.
Ipswich Court Records and Files, VIII: i, 106;
IX: 43, 124; X: 32, 79, 170.
Ipswich Grant, An Early, 1 : 92.
Ipswich Memorial Tablets, I: 15.
Ipswich, Part of, in 17C0, VI: 14.
Ipswich Soldiers, I: 149.
Ipswich, A Tale of, II: 31.
Ipswich Town, IX : 87.
"Ironsides," ''Old," I: 189.
Jackson, John, sr.. Will of, VI: 165.
Jarrat, John, Will of, IX: 36.
Jewett, Mrs. Ann, Will of, IX: 159.
Jewett, Joseph, Will of, IX: 113.
Johnson, Robert, Will of, IV: 7.
July 4th, 1776, VII: 183.
Keniston, Allen, Will of. III: 138.
Kenning, Jane, Will of, V: 57.
Kent, Richard, Will of, V: 149.
Knight, William, Will of, VI: 77.
Knowlton, John, Will of, V: 149.
Knowlton, Margary, Will of, V: 149.
Lambert, Francis, Will of, IX: 36.
Lambert, Jane, Will of, IX: 67.
Land Bank, The, IX: 135.
Lanesville, Gloucester, Inscriptions in Old Cem-
etery at, IX: 106.
Leach, John, sr., Will of, VII: 175.
Leach, Lawrence, Will of, X: 168.
Lee, Thomas, Will of, X: 113.
Letters, Revolutionary, I: 46.
Lewis, Edmund, Will of, IV: 63.
Liberty Tea, III: 181.
Lightfoot, Francis, Will of, II: loi.
Livermore, Harriet, V: 7.
Lombardy Poplars, II: 61.
Lost at Sea, V: 157.
Lotteries, Old-Time, I: 77.
Lottery, The State, 1 : 77-
Louisburg Expedition, I: loi, 177.
LovewelPs Fight, IV: 183.
Lowell, John, Will of, III : 72.
Lowle, Elizabeth, Will of, IV: 154.
Lunt, Henry, Will of, 181.
Lynn, Bounds of, I: 45.
Lynn, Historical Sketch of First Church in, 1:151.
Lynnfield Centre, Old Meeting House at, IV:
Marblehead, Indian Relics of, IV : 39.
Margaret, II: 9.
Marriages, Second, I: 57.
Marriages, Smock, I: 57.
Martha's Vineyard, Essex County Men at, before
l^oOy IX: 134.
Meeting House, The Old, IV: 119.
Merrill, Nathaniel, Will of, VI: 38.
Mighill, Thomas, Inventory of Estate of, VI: 73.
Mighill, Thomas, Will of, VI: 72.
Millard, Thomas, Will of, V: 41.
" Moll Pitcher," III: 33.
Moore, Jonathan, of Newbury, II: 131.
Moores, James, Will of, VIII: 18.
Morse, Joseph, Will of, II : 80.
Moulton Pedigree, The, II : 46.
Moulton, Robert, sr., Will of, VI: 78.
Muzzey, Robert, Will of, I: 159.
Mysterious Land, The, I: 173.
Nails, Manufacture of, in Essex County, II : 69.
Nelson, Thomas, Will of, III: 187.
Nevill, William, Will of, I: 112.
New England's Dead, 1 : 7.
Newhall, Anthony, Will of, VII: 21.
Nichols Homestead, Old, 1 : 53.
Non-Importation Agreement, I: 149.
Norfolk County, Old, Record^, I: 19, 49, 84,
113, 147, 178; II: II, 47>8i, 114, 148,181;
III: 10,42, 75, 108, 139, 171; IV: 9, 43,
77, 108, 138, 175; V: 12, 46, 77, 133, 179;
VI: 41, 83, 131, 171 : VII: 30, 87, 136;
VIII : 38, 126, 175; IX: 137: X: 89, 109.
Norice, Rev. Edward, Will of, VIII: loi.
Northern Lights, IV : 85.
Northwest Territory, Colonization of the, VI: 145.
Noyes, Rev. James, Will of, VII: 17.
Nurse Burying Ground, Danvers, VI: 156.
Nurse, Rebecca, Home of, IV: 135.
" Old Folks' " Concerts, III: 73.
Old Home, The, III: 121.
Osgood, Christopher, Will of, IV: 37.
Osgood, John, Will of, IV: 170.
Otis, James, III: 27.
Parrot, Francis, Will of, IX : 66.
Parsons, Rev. Jonathan, III: 145.
Passaconaway, V: 87.
Passengers for New England, IV: 137.
Patch, James, Will of, VII: 175.
Payne, Thomas, Will of, II: 10.
Peabody, Rev. Oliver, IX: 23.
Peabody Mills, Old, Topsfield, I: 109.
Pease, Margaret, Will of, II: 38.
Peasley, Joseph, Will of, IX: 123.
Pequot Soldiers, III: 119.
Perkins Gravestone, Boxford, IV: 24.
Perkins, John, Will of, IX: 45.
Perkins Papers, Ancient, III: 54.
Pickering, John, Will of, VII: 74.
Pike, John, sr.. Will of, V: 156; IX: 64.
Pike, Robert, IV: 113.
" Pilgrim Stranger," The, V: 7.
Pioneer, The, VI: 171.
Pioneers, God's, X: 79.
Piscataqua, IX: 191.
Piscataqua, Pioneers, IX: 191.
Pollard, George, Will of, II: 132.
Poplars, Lombardy, II : 61.
Porter, Hathorne, 1 : 125.
Porter, Samuel, Will of, VIII: loi.
Prescott, IV: 151.
Prescott, William Hickling, IV: 151.
Preston Burying Ground, Danvers, VI: 75.
Prince Burying Ground, Danvers, VI : 76.
Pump, The Town, V: 71.
Pump, The Old Town, V: 71.
Purchase, Thomas, of Pejepscot, X: 132, 167.
Putnam Burying Ground, Danvers, VI: 76.
Quakers, Persecution of, in Essex County, I: 135.
Queries, i-io, I: 16; 11-14, I: 34; 15-21, I:
52; 22-36, I: 66; 37-53, I: 86; 54-68,
I: loi; 69-74, I: 118; 75-79, I: 134; 80-93,
I: 149; 94-104, I: 166; 105-115, I: 181;
116-123, I: 197; 124-129, II: 15; 130-132,
II: 32; 133-141, 11: 50; 142-147. 11: 68 ; 148-
152, II: 85; 153-158, II: loi; 159-165, II:
117; 166-168, II: 133; 169-171, II: 150;
172-177, II: 166; 178, 179, II: 182; 180-183,
II: 200; 184-188, III: 16; 189-196, III: 32;
197-202, III: 48; 203-208, III: 64; 209-211,
III: 80; 212-215, III: 96; 216-219, III: 112;
220-228, III: 128; 229, 230, III: 144; 231-
238, III: 159; 239-242, III: 176; 243-252,
III: 193; 253, 254, IV: 16; 255-260, IV: 32;
261-264, IV: 48; 265-269, IV: 64; 270-280,
IV: 80; 281-290, IV: 95; 291-296, IV: 112;
297, 298, IV: 128; 299-302, IV: 144; 303-
307, IV: 159; 308-313, IV: 176; 314, 315,
IV: 192; 316-320, V: 16; 321, 322, V: 32;
323, 324, V: 48; 325-329, V: 64; 330-334.
V: 80; 335, 336, V: 96; 337-342, V: 144;
343. 344, V: 192; 345-352, VI: 48; 353-365,
VI: 95; 366-383, VI: 143; 384-386, VI: 191;
387-406, VII: 46; 407-421, VII: 94; 422,
423, VII: 143; 424-427, VII: 188; 428-433,
VIII: 47; 434-436, VIII: 96; 437-439. VIII:
143; 440, 441, VIII: 191; 442-444, IX: 47;
445-448, IX: 95; 449, 450, IX: 143; 451,
452, IX: 191; 453, 454, X: 48; 455-459. X:
92; 460-463, X: 144; 464, 465, X: 191.
Quilter, Mark, Will of, V : 70.
Rea, Daniel, Will of, X: 130.
Receipt, Ancient, I: 65.
Research, Charm of, I: 150.
Revolution, Letters of the, I: 46.
Revolution, Soldiers and Sailors of the, I: 7, 31,
63, loi, 130, 157, 195; II: 23, 67, 97, 128,
165; III: 28; IV: 105; V: 10, 174; VI: 31;
80, 116, 164; VII: 84, 126; VIII: 133, 179;
IX: 178; X: 182.
Reyner, Humphrey, Will of, VIII: 105.
Rifle, The Old, VII: 128.
Ringe, Daniel, Will of, X: 75.
Robinson, John, Will of, VII: 125.
Rockport Baptisms, 1 755-1808, II: 151, 189.
Rofe, Thomas, Will of, VIII: 164.
Rogers, Rev. Ezekiel, Will of, IX: 105.
Rogers, Rev. Nathaniel, Will of, IX: 6c.
Rolfe, Henrv, Will of, I: 65.
Rolfe, Hono'r, WUl of, IV: 137.
Row, John, Will of, X: 130.
Rowley, Deaths in, I: 176.
Sabbath Day Reminiscences, III: 87.
Salem, V: 15.
Salem, Part of, in 1700: No. i, II: 167, III: 15;
No. 2, III: 65; No. 3, IV: 17; No. 4, IV •
97; No. 5, IV: 161; No. 6, V: 33; No. 7,
V: 145; No. 8, VI: 97; No. 9, VI: 148; No.
10, VII: 18; No. II, VII: 67; No. 12, VII:
116; No. 13, VII: 160; No. 14, VIII: 20;
No. 15, VIII: 66; No. 16, VIII: 113; No.
17, VIII: 152; No. 18, IX: 37; No. 19, IX:
72; No. 20, IX: 114; No. 21: IX : 162; No.
22, X: 21; No. 23, X: 60; No. 24, X: 114;
No. 25, X: 152.
Salem, Commercial History of, I : i.
Salem Farmers, Petition of, II: 27.
Salem Grant, A, II: 117.
Salem and Ipswich Bounds, I: 127.
Salem Quarterly Court Records and Files, III: 81,
126, 156, 188; IV: 23, 58, 88, 123, 152,
184; V: 26, 55, 88, 120, 169; VI: 24, 78,
107, 158; VII: 23, 81, 129, 176; Vni: 82,
168; IX: 61, 154.
Salisbury, Grantees of, IV: 154.
Salisbury Plains Cemetery, I: 167, 190; II: 30.
Salisbury Point Cemetery, 1 : 28.
Sallowes, Michael, Will of, II: no.
Samplers, III: 138.
Sanders, John, Will of, 1 : 133.
Saratoga, Battle of, 1777, II: 7.
Satchwell, John, Will of, II: 142.
Scarlet, Anne, Will of, I: 100.
Schoolhouse, The Old, VI: 113.
Schoolmaster, The, IV: 55.
Scott, Thomas, Will of, V: 92.
Scudder, Thomas, Will of, VII : 125.
Scullard, Sameul, Will of. III: 26.
Sea, Lost at, V: 157.
Sethick, Lawrence, Will of, VII: 166.
Shadowy Past, The, IV : 39.
Shoemakers, The, V: 53.
Shoemaking, V: 53.
Sideboard, The Ancient Putnam, I: 181.
" Simple Cobler of Agawam," IV: 177.
Smith, Hugh, Will of, VIII: 149.
Smith, James, Will of, IX: 161.
Smith, John, Will of, X: 31.
Smith, Samuel, Will of, I: 44.
Smugglers, The, II: 109.
Smugglers, Informers of, II : 109.
Snow Bound, III : 149.
Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution. See Rev-
olution^ Soldiers and Sailors of the.
Spencer, John, Will of. III: 170.
Spinning Bees, I: 51 ; IV: 38; X : 136.
Spinning in the Olden Time, 1 : 87.
Spring Storm, A, VIII: 78.
Stevens, William, Will of, V : 30.
Stone Walls, The Old, 1 : 25 ; VII : 80.
Storm of 1635, The Great, I : 93.
Storm of OctolDer 20, 1770, VIII : 79,
Storm, A Spring, VIII : 78.
Suffolk County Deeds, volume I, IX : 97; volume
11, X: 134.
Symonds, Mark, Will of, VIII: 58.
Symonds, Samuel, jr., Will of, V: 58.
TaUor, The, III: 7.
Tailors in the Olden Time, III : 7.
Thanksgiving Day, IV: 171.
Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1768, IV: 171.
Thorne, John, Will of, II : 74.
Throat Distemper in Haverhill, 1 : 10.
Tibbott, Walter, Will of, IV: 117.
Time, Computation of, IV: 65.
Toppesfield, England, VII: 61.
Topsfield, Settlement of, II: 95.
Topsfield in 1800, V: 97.
Tradition, VIII: 97.
Training Day, II : 23.
Travers, Henry, Will of, VIII: 159.
Tresler, Mrs. Ellinor, Will of, VI : III.
Varnam, George, Will of, IV: 9.
Village, The Deserted, I: 43.
Voyaging, Early, I: 93.
Wadsworth Burying Ground, Danvers, VI: 19.
Wake, William, Will of, V: 132.
Walls, The Old Stone, I: 25; VII: 80.
War, Abraham, Will of, V: 163.
,Ward, Mrs. Alice, Will of, VI: 107.
Ward, John, Will of, VI: 114.
Ward, Nathaniel, IV: 69.
Watch of the Wines, The, II: 187.
Weaver, The Old, II: 93.
Weaving, Early, II: 93.
Wellman House, Lynnfield, III: 121.
West Gloucester, Ancient Cemetery at, IX: 152.
Whipple, Matthew, Will of, III: 35.
White, Lilly, IV: 103.
Whittingham, John, Will of, III: 184.
Wickes, Thomas, Will of, VI: 165.
Will, The Reading of the, II: 175.
Williams, George, Will of, VI: 22.
Williams, Marie, Will of. VI: 23.
Wills, Our Fathers', I: 159. •
Winter of 1 716-7, III: 149.
Winter of 1 740-1, VII: 29.
Winter of 1 747-8, VII: 86.
Winthrop, John, The Younger, VI: 74.
Witter, William, Will of, X: 20.
Wives, The Watch of the, II: 187.
Woodman, Richard, Will of. III: 72.
Woods, Obadiah, of Ipswich, VIII: 164.
Yongs, Christopher, Will of, II: 188.
The Essex Antiquarian.
Vol. X.
Salem, Mass., January, 1906.
No. I,
This old burying ground was the rear
portion of the lot of land upon which
stood the first meeting house in the East
parish of Bradford, now Groveland, and
the first person buried in it was Martha,
wife of Samuel Hale. The burial occurred
in June, 1723. Additions to the lot have
been made since. The following are all
the inscriptions to be now found in the
cemetery bearing dates prior to 1800.
In Memory of
Susanna daughter
of M'^ Stephen
and M" Susanna
Adams who died
Nov'" the 10^ 1776
in the 8^ Year
of her Age.
1766 IN THE 5i«*
Son OF lOHn &
HannaH A t Wo o D
is'"" 1733 AGED
3 WEEKS & 3 DaYS.
Joseph Atwood,
departed this life,
April 10'* 1799*
^tat. 77.
DIED lUNe Y« 3rd
M'^ lOHn & HannAH
SEPtmBER the 4*** 1735
30 1765 IN Y« 16
Memento mori
Sacred to the Memory
of M^' Abigail Bacon,
Confort of
M Jofiah Bacofif
who Departed this
Life February, the 21 f
AX) 1788, in the
65^'' year of
her Age.
Thefweet Remembrance ofthejujt
Shall Jlourifh when /he fleeps in duft.
the BODY OF Mr
lOSIaH BaCon
lAnUARY the 26
1732 & In the
HAnnAh the
WHO Died
m A R C H the 3^^
1733 AGEd 52
THE 17^ 1757 IN
N O U« 19 1748
AUGUST 20, 1747
^Vettvento n^^j,^
In Memory of Mr"
Abigail Balch the
Second wife of the
Rev'i M"^ William
Balch who Died
April the 10*^ 1793
and in the 88*^
year of her Age
Here lies John Balch
first Son of M"" John
cs* M^^ Eunice Balch
who Died July y^ 12^*
1786 Aged 2 years.
He^s gone while in the morn of life,
A stranger quite to wrath ^^ strife
With virtue blooming from his breaft
To tajte thefweets of endlefs reft
1747, IN Y« 38*^
In Memory of the
R e v^ M^ William
Balch the First Pastor
of the Church in
this Place, who
Departed this Life,
Jan^ the 12*^^ AY) 1792,
and in the ^^^^
year of his Age
and 64*^ of his Ministry
1775 IN THE
4 4^ YEAR
9*^ 1775 IN
Wife of
Stephen Burbank
who died Sep^
782 in th(
■ of her
14**^ 1759 IN
THE 77**^ YEAR
1753 IN THE 35^1^
2 6^^ I 7 7 I AND
IN THE 87^
SUSAnnh the
mr Timothy &
Died mAy the
26 1736 AGEd
9 months
MARCH 7 1757
IN THE 48'^
Memento mori
. In Memory of
M^^ SusANN* Carlton
the wife of
M^ Phinehas Carlton
who Died March the
30*^v4D 1782 in the 42'^
year of her Age.
the Son OF
Y« i2th 1735.
DIED DECEMr 25 1736
In Memory of
Alice Cloughy daught^
of M^ Daniel b*
J/r« Abigail Clough
who died Jan, y^ i, 1792,
Mtat 3.
In Memory of
M''^ Sarah Dakin,
Confort of
M*" Juftus Dakin f
^tai. 54.
who died Sep- 3'^^
Sacred to the
Memory of Patty^
daughter of M^
Stephen ^ M"-'
Betty Danford who
died May y^ 9*^
AT) 1787 jEtate, 15
Memento mori
In Memory of
M^* Mehitabel Dutch,
Confort of
Rev^ Ebenezer Dutch,
who departed this life,
December y*^ 29''* AVt 1794
Mtat. 33.
The memory of the Juft is blefsed.
Blefsed are the dead which die in the Lord
that they may reft from their labors.
Willing rather to be abfentfrom the body^
and to be prefent with the Lord.
This mortal fhall put on immortality.
In Memory of
Tijs Sally Foster,
daughter of M^ Stephen &*
J/^« Rebecca Fofter, who
died, July, 1 7 '^ ^ 7 9 7 > ^tat. 2 2
Why fhould we ftart and fear to die?
What timorous worms we mortals are!
Death is the gate of endlefsjoy.
And yet we dread to enter there.
Jefus can make a dying bed ^
Feel f oft as downy pillows are
While on his breaft I lean my head
And breathe my life outfweetly there.
2**^ 1723 AGED 36
In Memory of
Mi« Elizabeth
George Who
Died March
The 16 1784
In the 53 Year
of her Age
^tb 1746 IN THE
DE« y«
3^ 1765
y^ 7 3^
Mr« H A N N A h
the W I D O W Of
DIED OCt The 23
1777 In The 49^
YEar Of her AGE
30*^ 1760 AGED
THE 2 s^^ 1766
OCtobEr the 27 &
IN 1724 IN THE
lUNE Y« 14, 1723 & IN
Y« 47/-^ YEAR OF HER AGE.*
*A half-tone engraving of this stone appeared in
T^e Essex Antiquarian^ volume III, opposite
page 192.
1745 IN THE 72
THE 24^ 1770
71* YEAR
31* 1771
THE 68^
& SaRaH
Y« 13
4 YEaR
1753 AND IN
*This is the inscription on the footstone of
Mrs. Hale, whose inscription precedes.
LIFE 1763
the body of
Cap^ Dan^iel Hardy
LIFE lULY 31 1756
8* 1746 IN THE
1763 IN Y« 27^ YEAR
Eliphalbt Hakdy,
departed this life
March 25 ''^ 1799,
Mtat. 79.
Our years are fevinty^ through ftrength fourfcore^
That ftrength foon fails^ and we are feen no more.
But oh! how few e'^en these fhort limits reach^
Deaths gloomy enfigns o*er this ground may teach.
By fin came death butjefus died for men^
was bury*d^ and in triumph rofe again.
Sinners repent^ Chriftians lift up your eyes^
Fight the good fight ^ and win the glorious prife.
Frederic Hardy,
Son of M^ Jofhua h^
M ^^ Mary Hardy,
died March 29'^, 1 798,
Aged 1 4 months.
We fear ce enjoy the balmy gift ^
But mourn the pleasure gone.
ye J 3th YEAR
lANUARY the 6
1729 AGED 46
SEP* Y« 29, 1735
& IN Y« 46 YEARE
M^ I) A U I D
3^ 1784 IN
Memento mori
Sacred to
the Memory of
M^ Joseph Hardy
who departed this
LijCy March the
2f^ ^D. 1789, in
the 55 year
of his Age.
1765 IN THE 22
y« 1"* 1736 AGED
ON YEAR 5 raont
DIED lENUARY the 11*^
1726 OR 7, AGED 84
HaRDY the WIFe
APRIL Y« 16 1730
& IN Y« 2 7,^^
HannaH HaRDY
ye 16*^ 1736 In the
OF DanlEL & MaRtHa
nOUEMBER the 14 1730
& In y« 25*^ YEaR
Here Lies Buried
The Body of
M^ Ioseph Hardy
iun'^ Who Died
Nou^ 26 1745
in the 54 YEAR
OF his AGE
Cap* Daniel
24 1745
IN Y® 6 6
THE I 9»
I N Y« 59
I 7 7 I
17 44
1746 IN THE es**^
1733 IN THE 12
In Memory of
Mr. Stephen Hardy,
who died
Ded^ 22"^ 1793,
in the 81*' year
of his age.
I 4^
In Memory of
Liuet* Moses
H a r r i m a n
Who Died
August the
2 ^ 1784 in
The 48^ Year
of his Age
Aug. 24, 1785
Ml 47.
A tender husband^ father dear^
A much lamented friend^ lies here.
When Christ returns to call him forth ^
The rising day will show his worth.
13 1737 IN
Y« 25 YEAR
22^ 1771 IN
loh 1778 DiKD IN
the 3^ YEAr
the BoDY OF EnSIGn
the 9th 1730 IN Y«
Sacred to the
Memory of M^*
Mary Hopkinson,
Confort of M^
Ebenezer Hopkinson^
who died May y^ 25'^
AV>. ijSSftn the ^1^
year of her Age.
NathanaEL HOPKIn
lUNE Y« 4th 1733
AND M" Mary
1778 In ThE
2^ 1 77 1 IN
22^ YEAR
Memento mori
In Memory of Enfign
Samuel Hopkinson
who Departed this
Life February the t^
AV> 1785 in the6^^^
year of his Age,
the BODY OF M"
the 24^^ 1732 & In
the 80 FIRSt YEaR
THE 23d 1771 IN
174 t IN Y« 32°^
*The name of the month is uncertain.
tThe stone is broken here.
the BoDY OF HannaH
lanUARY the 8
1732 & In \® 67
Memento mori
In Memory of
M'^ Benjamin ^kqyjY&jJun^
who departed this life,
Nov'^ y lAf^^ AT) 1793
/Etat. 23.
Behold and fee all that pa fs by^
As you are now fo once was /,
As I am now^ youfoon muft be^
Prepare for death and follow me.
In Memory of
Silas The Son
of M'^ Benjamin
and Mr* Judith
Jaques who died
June the 27^ i 7 7 6
^ year
In Me m 0 ry
of Silas Jaques
fon of M^
Benjamin &*
M^^ Judith
Jaques who died
aug y^ 12, 1787 in
Y^ 9 year of his age.
In Memory of
Betfey Jewett daughter
of Dr. Seth &* M'>'»
Abigail Jewetty who
died June y^ 11*'^ AD, 1791,
Aged 16 months 6^* 15 days.
She was a blefsing here keloiv^
A lovely kind and p leaf ant child
Her foul now free from fin and woe
Twill serve its Make>- undefld
Her fleeping duft sha'l reft in peace
Till sun and moon their courses ceafe.
the 4*^ 1727 &
IN the 24 YEAR
if 1 75 1 IN Y« 87*^
1747 IN THE
the BODY OF Mr"
H A n n a H KEmBaLL Y«
NOUmBER Y« 26 1731 &
In the 33 YEaR OF HER AGE
the BODY O F
MaRTHA i«^ y« WIFE
22, I
t h e
1 781 AGED 3 MOnth«
In Memory of
Abigail Day Mitchely
daughter of M*' Jofeph
b* M"-' Rebecca Miichel,
who died Dec, 2j^^ i794-i
^tat 2.
Benjamin Mitchel
son of Capt. Day &*
M^^ Susanna Mitchel^
died Dec.
^taU 5.
13*^ 1794
M" D O r O T H Y
DIED lUnE Y« 3
1780 AGED 3 YEA'
6 MOnthS 12DS
Memento mori
In Memory of
'W^ Rebecca Mitchell,
Contort of
M"" Jofeph Mitchell
who died Feb^
the 19*^ AD. 1792
/Etat. 26
26** 1771 IN
Mrs. Susanna Mitchel,
Confort of
' Capt, Day Mitchel^
died June 3^ 1798,
Mtat, 41.
The eye which hath feen me, /hall fee me no more.
William Mitchel,
fon of Capt Day &*
M^' Susanna Mitchel
died June 23, 1796,
aged 2 years.
jie«v«^*^ %
3^ 1781 IN
THE 2 1 YEar
Herg lie
Interred the Remains
of M^* Phebe Mulliken,
Relict of
M"^ Jofeph Mulliken,
who departed this life,
October the 13*^ ^D. 1790,
/Etat. 82.
FEBRy y^ii^ 1774
IN THE 85^
In Memory of
two Children of M'' W'
&> M^^ Mehitabel Palmer
died Noiy y^
icjth 1783
aged g months
died July ye
dth 1 7^3 a^ed
2 years dr' 6 ms.
Samuel Palmer
i8*^ 1758 IN
Y* 73 YEAR
LIFE JULY 3 1758
ye 30th YEAR
William Palmer
died Jan. j^^ ^T97i
yEtat. 2.
Mofes Palmer
died June 2^ 1800,
^tat. 3.
Children of Mr. William & Mrs. Mehitabel Palmer.
1762 IN THE 77
In Memory of
M^ Abraham Parker,
who departed this life,
December 2^ 1795,
Mtat. 76.
In Memory of
M^^ Anna Parker,
Confort of
M^ Willia m Pa rker JwnT ^
who died., Dec^ 19*^^ 1796,
Mtat, 22.
As from the earth atjirft I came^
Now to earth I turn a^ain
Nature has called for its due;
Ended frail life., my days were few,
Paufe young and old as you pafs by.,
And o'er this urn do c aft your eye.
Remembering that your days in time
Kindly arejix^d by power divine.,
Even as God made us of clay,
Renounce the world his call obey.
Jn Memory of
Benjamin fon of
J/»- Mofes (Sr- J/^»
Sarah Parker
OB OcLy^ 6 1793
^tat 9 months.
This tender flower of heavenly hue
Mid thorns of fin &" forrow blew.,
But kindly plucked, to heaven tis borne
And in an angels bofom worn.
Memento mori
Sacred to
the Memory of
M'^^ Ednah Parker,
Confort of
Lieu^ Re tier Hathorn Parker^
who Died, November, the
26'^ AV>. 1788, in the 44*^
year of her Age,
Prudent., modeft, frugal dr* kind,
A Wife., A Mother., and real friend:
In life and Death to God refign'd;
True teft of A Heaven-born-mind,
lUN^ DIED DEe 18 1744
THE 24
In Memory of Mifs
Hannah Parker
Daughter of Mx
Broads treet ^ M'^^
Rebecca Parker, who
Died Septem^ >® y^^^
1783 aged 25.
Death is a debt to nature due
As I have paid it fo muft you.
In Memory of
John Eaton Parker, fon of
M^ Mofes 6f M^<^ Sarah Parker,
who died June, 30** 1796,
Bright lovely inoffenfive youth.
That feared his God and lov*d the truth
A lovely rofe all in the bloom
The fweeteft flower may died at noon
0 may we live so as to have
A prescious Jriend beyond the grave
For when God calls we allmuft go
To meet our judge a friend or foe.
1777 AND IN
THE 18^ 1 781 In
j^etrt^'' ^q^
Here lie
the Remains of
Lieu^ Nathaniel Parker
who Departed this Life
January, the 5^*
AX^ 1789, in the
72*^ year
of his Age.
Lieu* Retier H. Parker,
departed this life
Feb. 2^ 1799
^tat. 52.
0 ye whofe cheek the tear of pity ftains^
Draw near with pious reverence <5r' attend.
Here lies the loving hujband's dear remains
The tender father^ dr* the generous friend.
O loving hufband^ tender parent dear ^
How great our grief too much for us to bear^
Can we fuftam the lofs offuch a friend
Without a hope that we fhall meet again.
Friends here behold the fate of Adams race^
Ruin' d in him <5r» dootn'' d to fleep in duft;
Yet made alive by Chrift^ we fhall appear
Before God^s throne in endlefs friendship there.
This Stone
the Memory of
M"^^ Rebecca Parker,
Confort of
il/** Broadftreet Parker^
who Departed this Life, May^
the 6*^ AYy 1790 ^tat. 60.
Sweet Soul, we leave the to thy Reft:
T^ enjoy thy Jefus and thy God;
Till we from bonds of clay Releaft^
Spring out^ and climb the fhining Road.
While the dear duft, she leaves behind.^
Sleeps in thy bosom facred tomb;
Soft be her bed her flumber kind.
And all her dreams of joy to come.
Thomas Parker,
fon of M^ Mofes &>
J/'*« Sarah Parker
died Nov. 16^^^ i799>
^tat. 10.
Here lies a fweet and blooming youth,
Embleyn of innocence &f truth
We trust he is with angels bleft.
And in his Savours bofom refts.
28 1753 IN THE
xb .... IN
M a R t H a the WIFe
MAY Y« 4*^
IN the
5 6
THE 2 7*^
6 6**
In Memory of
Mr" Miriam
Platts who
died August
the 19^ 1776
and in the
^ year
her Age.
the BODY OF Mr
SaRaH ROLF the
WIFe of Mr EZRa
FEBRUARY Y« 23 1728
In Memory of
Mr« Sarah
P atts Who
Died August
her Age
DaUGHtER OF lOnatHa^
Y« 4,
& In
In Memory of
M^^ Betsey Rogers,
Confori of
M'^ Joel Rogers,
who died January,
the itth ^D 1790,
in the 20*^ year
of her Age.
Mr Eliphalet Rollins
November S*'^ 1799
^tat. 74.
Sacred to
the Memory of
M^'^ Hannah Rolings,
the wife of
M^ Eliphalet Rolings,
who Died August,
the \t^^ AD. 1787.
in the 53** year
of her Age.
29*^ 1753 IN THE
William M. Rollins,
died April, 26^ i797>
Mtat. 19.
Sacred to the Memory of
M'^^ MoLLEY Russell, Confort
of M^ Peter Russell ;
who quitted this Stage of mortality,
and pafsed into the world of Spirits,
Octo 1 2th 1783. in ye 41^1 Year of his Age
fupported by lively Hopes of entring
into the Joys of the Lord.
My flefh fhall flumber in the ground^
Till the laft trumpet's joyful found^
Then burjt the grave withfweet furprizCy
And in my Sauiour's hnage rije.
Ceafe then, my friends, to mourn, bid earth adieu,
Loofen from hence the grafp of fond defire,
Weigh anchor, and fome happier clime explore.
Sacred to
the Memory of
Thomas Rujfell fon
of Peter Ruffell Efq''
6- M''^ Molly Ruffell,
who Died Auguft,
the 12** ^D. 1787,
in the 14*'^ Year
of his Age
LIFE NOU» 14 1 761
^ti^ 1756 IN Y«
In Memory of
Anna Savory Daugh^
of M'^ William c^"
M *"* Mary Savory
who Died Novemb'^
the 7''^ 1783 Aged
16 months 6^ 15 days
AnD In THE 3i«t
In Me m o r y of
B e th i a h Savory
daughter of Cap^ Thomas
b* Mr» Molly Savory
who died Ocf
AD. 1790
3 years 6r* 7
Tender f of test infant mild
Perfect^ fweeteft lovelieft child
Tranfient lufture^ beautious clay.
Cut of by death in early day.
In Memory of
Mr" Mar*y thte
widow of M"^
Thomas Sauory
who died Nov'^
the 10*^ 1785 in
the 82° year
of her age
763 IN
2 4
Memento mori
Sacred to the Memory of
Mifs Sally Savory,
daughter of M^, William
&* MT^ Mary Savory who
died Octr y^ S*^ AD. 1790, JEtat. 20.
Ifu/h my dear friends, not all your deepdrawnfighs^
Or tender groans can fnatch me from the fkies,
High heav'n decrees, let not vain man reply
Or dare to dictate when his jriend shall die.
Impartial fuftice fnapt the vital thread
In my behalf^ and gave m,e to the dead.
fon of M^ Daniel <2r*
M^^ Sarah SHckney,
died July 21^ 1790,
aged 7 days.
fon of M^ Daniel
&* M^^ Sarah Siickney,
died Jan. ^* 2^ 1 795 ,
aged 1 7 months.
LIFE MARCH 15*^ 1 753
1737 IN Y®
In Memory of two
fons of M^ William
<5r* M'^^ Mary Savofy
Died July
the lyth AD
17 months
6^ 2 days
the younger
Died april
the J2th AT>
7777 aged
ig days
In Memory of
Ignatius Stevens who died
Jan. 5** 1795 Mtat. 4.
Ah death I couldst thou not fpare his youthful
But fummon* d him. fo early to the tomb,
Alfo In Memory of
Jonathan Stevens Jun^ who
died at Aux Cayes, May, 24^^ i795-
JEtat, 17.
In foreign climes alas! refigns his breath.
His friends far from him in the hour of Death,
Sons of Mr Jonathan & Mrs Mary Stevens.
fon of M^ Daniel &*
M^^ Sarah Stickney,
died Jan. y^ lo*'^ ^795 j
aged 3 years 6^ 4 months.
the WIFe OF
2nd J 727 & In Y« 44
In Memory of
Mehetahel daughter of
Cap* Thomas <Sr» M^'^
Sarah Stickney who
died Jan. 22'^ i795f
/Etat. 14.
In Memory of M'
Samuel Stickney
who Departed this
Life December the
29*^ ^D 1783 in
The ^2^ year
of his Age.
Stickney who died
the 28^
the 63d
27*^ 1769
IN THE 76^
JUNE Y» 28*^ 1768
IN Y« 68**^ YEAR
Memento mori
Sacred to the
Memory of
Mifs Bettey Tenney,
{daughter of Deacon Thomas
&* M^' Hannah Tenney) who
diedSepf^ f 9*^^ ^D. 1789,
JEtat, 34.
Behold and fee you that pafs by
As you are now fo once was I
As I am now fo you muft be
Prepare for death and follow me.
DIED SEP* 13 1736
In Y« z^^ YEAR
In Memory of Deacon
Phillip Tenney Who
Departed this Life
the 7 7***
December the
1783 and
lOnatHan anD
the 22 1736
& In y« 8 YEaR
7 1 7 5 T IN THE
1745 IN THE
Dea"^ Jonathan Tenny
departed this life,
Feb. 24, 1786
Mt, 82.
1736 Iny® 6
the Body OF MR^
the WIFE OF M«
DIED APR * 1739
SEpT Y« 8*^ 1773
AGED Y« i2*^M0NT^
Mifs Sally Tenney,
daughter of Deacon Thomas
<5r» M^^ Hannah Tenney^
died Feb. 3^ 1797.
Mtat. 31.
A lecture., filent^ but oj fovereign power ^
To vice, confusion, and to virtue peace.
Virtue alone has majefty in death.
lEAnE T E nn E Y
1736 AGED IN
Y« 1 1 MOnTH
* Broken.
l^^ 1747^ IN THE 8 1 ST
SaRaH TEnne
DanlEL TEnne
St Y«
Deacon Thomas Tenney,
departed this lifey
July, 2^ 1798,
.tEtat. 67.
Some hearty friend f hall drop his tear
On our dry bones, and fay.
Theft once were ftrong, as mine appear ^
And mine m.uft be as they.
Thus fhall our mouldering members teach
What now our fenfes learn^ —
For duft and afhes loudeft preach
Manx's infinite concern.
WHO D E P a r T E D
I n THE 70^
I 0*^
1748 IN
M" Martha Wallmgford,
ReUct of
M^ James Wallingfordf
Died, Feb. 6^^ 1799,
^tat. 82.
Memento mori
In Memory of
M^^ Alice Wood,
Confori of
M"" Thomas Wood,
who died Feb, Y^ 23^ i795;
/Efat. 47.
THE 26^ 1779
In THE 89^ YEaR
'^ 1781 In
THE 64^
M*" Moses Wood,
departed this life
March, 5*^ i799>
/Etat, 82.
Memento mori
Sacred to the Memory of
j/r« Ruth Wood,
Confort of M^ Samuel
Wood, who died May the
15'^^ AD. 1790, Mtat. 80.
Hear what the voice from heaven prodai
For all the piotis dead^ tns
Sweet is the favour of their names,
Andfoft their fleeping hed
They die in Jefus and are blefs^d^
How kind their f lumbers are!
From fufferings and from fins releaf*d,
And free'' d from evWy fnare.
Far from this world of toil and ftrife,
They'^re prefent with the Lord;
The labours of their mortal life
End in a large reward.
Memento mori
In Memory of
Af Samuel Wood
who departed this life
Oct. y' 2^^ AY> I 792.
jEtat. 71.
0 F
2 8
1759 IN
ye 33rd
The will of William Witter was proved
in June, 1661. The following is a copy
of the original instrument on file in the
office of the clerk of courts at Salem, vol-
ume VI, leaf 142.
1659 52
The last will and testament of william
witter being in perfit memory and first I
commit my foule to god who gaue it and
my body to the earth from whenc it was
taken. I giue to my wife Annis halfe my
lands, houfing and chattels : but in cafe
fhe chang her name, I bequeath to her
but the thirds : and to my fonn Jofia I giue
the other halfe of my lands, houfing, and
chattels : but in cafe my wife mary, then I
beqeath a duble portion to my fonn Jofia
and his mother my wife fhall haue but the
thirds, as aforelaid, prouided that my fonn
fhall not fell this his inheritanc, but in case
hee die w'^ out isfeu : then I will that this
inheritanc fhall bee inftated upon Robert
Burdin and my dafter Hanna, for there
pofteritis I will my dafter Hanna Burdin
fhall have a ew, and lamb this time twelfe
mounts and I will that my wife Annis bee
my fole executor in witnes here of I haue
caufed my hand to bee fet.
Robert Driver william witter
william Harker
SALEM IN 1700. NO. i2 2.
It stands in idle silence by the way,
The bare old house, neglected, gaunt and gray,
Low settled in the turf, yet reaching high
A sagging roof-line, bold against the sky.
Through its uncurtained windows, dim and small,
Moonlight and sunlight, both unheeded fall;
Bleared, sightless eyes, whence life has fled
away ;
No hearth fire's gleam, no cheering candle ray
Looks forth at night. The doors are barred and
The scuttUng rats retreat will answering come
To all who knock, welcome is there no more;
The fallen plaster on the slanting floor,
The unsafe stairs and beams, the steps restrain
When peering eyes invade the still domain.
Yet how confidingly wild roses press
Against the window their pale loveliness !
SALEM IN J700. NO. 22.
The map on page 23 represents that
part of Salem which is bounded by Essex
and English streets, the harbor and a
line about midway between Carlton and
Turner streets. It is based on actual sur-
veys and title deeds, and is drawn on a
scale of two hundred feet to an inch. It
shows the location of all houses that were
standing there in 1700.
Essex street was called ye street or
highway in 1668 ; ye lane or street, 1670 ;
ye towne street, 1701 ; the main street,
171 1 ; and Essex street, 1797.
English street, which was originally
called English's lane, was laid out by
Philip English over land of himself and
the owners of the lots shown on the map
as bounding on the street about 1697, as
far as the present Derby street, the di-
viding line of the lots having been midway
of the street. That part lying southerly
of Derby street was laid out by agreement
of the adjoining owners, George Crownin-
shield and Retire Becket, April 13, 1802.*
Becket street is partly modern. The
ancient highway shown on the map as
running near the water existed from the
first settlement of the town by Endecott.
That part of Becket court that runs paral-
•Esscx Registry of Deeds, book 1 70, leaf 1 79.
lei with the water to the foot of English
street is the only portion of it that survives.
A lane from this highway to the site of the
early Becket house was laid out by John
Becket and Edmond Bridges before 1681 ;
and the same way is still in use. When
John Becket conveyed the Samuel Phippen
lot, Sept. 15, 1675, he described it as
being bounded easterly by " the highway
that shall be backward through the whole
breadth " of the grantor's homestead.*
July 2, 1675, Mr. Becket called it "a
particular highway of ye said Becket."*
When Philip Cromwell purchased the lots
of the Estate of Edmond Bridges and
Abraham Purchase, he bought of Mr. Beck-
et a right of way from the front side of the
old Becket house to Essex street in the
same place in which it is now located.
The deed is dated Feb. i, 1676, and de-
scribes the passage as " a cartway from
the comon town street in Salem begining
its entrance from ye house and ground of
Michaell Combes on y® westerne side, &
Thomas Sollas, his house & ground on ye
easterne side to run through the land of
ye said Beckett, home to the land which
was formerly the land of Goodman Har-
wood & since the land of Jeremiah Boote-
man, but now in ye possession of ye said
Cromwell."t Mr. Cromwell conveyed the
Estate of Edmond Bridges and Abraham
Purchase lots to Edmond Bridges Sept.
21, 1680, and the next day he conveyed
to him this grant of a right of way.f
In Mr. Becket's will, in 1683, he provides
that the lane shall be left as " a conven-
ient highway" " for the use of my children
to go to the high street." That part of
the street from Essex street to Becket
court was called the lane or highway in
1681 ; the lane or highway that leads into
ye main street, 1687; ye lane that runs
down by William Becket, sr.'s, 17 16; a
byeway goeing down to Beckets, 1721 ;
Becket's lane, 1726; and a lane leading
from ye main street to Mr. John Beck-
ett's, 1734. In 1795, the street was ex-
tended to Derby street, and named Crom-
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 136.
tEsscx Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 29.
well Street. It was first called Becket
street in 1799, and has ever since been so
called. Becket court, or avenue, as it is
now called, has been a highway since 1 680.
Carlton street was laid out through land
formerly of Samuel Carlton in or before
1 80 1, when it was called the new highway,
and also the same year Carlton street,
which name has ever since distinguished
it. The brace marked " b" on the map
shows where it begins.
Derby street was laid out in or before
1768. The braces marked "a" show
where it runs. It was called a new town
way in 1768 ; a way leading from the Long
wharf to the rope walk, 1770; the new
lane, 1781 ; Fore street, 1787 ; and Derby
street, 1799.
White street was laid out in 1770 by
John Turner, esq. It was called in 1770
land of John Turner, esq., left open for a
way j and in 1 7 7 1 a way opened by John
Turner, esq. The city laid it out as a
public way and named it White street July
8, 1872.
Blaney street was laid out by Joseph Bla-
ney, esq., and accepted as a public way by
the town March 11, 1799.
The ancient way by the water was in
use until Derby street was laid out about
1768, and some portions were used a few
years later, that portion now a part of
Becket court being still in use. The an-
cient way was called the highway against
the South harbor in 1664 ; and the way
by the South river or harbor in 1770.
The South river or harbor was called ye
harbor in 1659 ; ^^^ South harbor, 1664 ;
Salem harbor, 1669 ; ye sea, 1676 ; ye sea
or harbor, 1679 ; the river, 1682 ; ye har-
bor or salt water, 1697; the salt water,
1706; and South river, 1741.
The lots of John Swasey, Joseph Swasey,
William and Abigail Masury and Thomas
and Mary Mascoll, as shown on the map,
comprised the original lot of Joseph Swa-
Samuel Archard of Salem, carpenter,
conveyed to John Becket of Salem, ship-
wright, for sixteen pounds, a house and
three acres of land behind it, lying between
land of Edward Harnett and Ric : Lambert,
April 9, 1655.* This lot included the
lots of Mary Webb, Sarah Bartoll, John
Becket, Samuel Phippen, John and Mary
Marston, Jacob Fowle, Daniel Webb and
Estate of Job Hilliard , as shown on the
map. The dwelling house stood on the
Mary Webb lot on the street, where its
site is marked on the map. This land
was a field, called, in 167 1, " Job's field."t
In the sketches that follow, after 1 700,
titles and deeds referred to pertain to the
houses and land adjoining and not always
to the whole lot, the design being, after
that date, to give the history of the houses
then standing principally.
yohn Swasey House. Joseph Swasey of
Salem, seaman, owned this lot and the
lots of Joseph Swasey adjoining, of Abigail
Masury, and of Thomas Mascoll, as early
as 1658. Upon this lot he built a dwelling
house before 1661. He conveyed the
house and lot to his son John Swasey of
Salem, mariner, April 2, 1689.I John
Swasey died in 17 — ; and the house was
gone before 1763, when his heirs disposed
of the land.
Joseph Swasey Lot. This lot belonged
to Joseph Swasey as early as 1658. He
died in or before 1709, and his adminis-
trator, for fifteen pounds, conveyed the
lot to Joshua Tyler of Salem, mariner,
May 10, I7i7.§
William and Abigail Masury Lot. This
lot was owned by Joseph S»vasey as early as
1658, and he conveyed it, in consideration
of love, to his daughter Abigail Masury
and her husband William Masury and to
the heirs of the body of Abigail April 21,
1 688. II Mr. Masury died before 17 17,
and she continued to own the lot in 1734.
Thomas and Mary Mascoll House. This
lot was owned by Joseph Swasey as early
as 1658, and he conveyed it, in considera-
tion of love, to his daughter Mary Mascoll
and her husband Thomas Mascoll of Salem,
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 26.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 114.
IJlEssex Registry of Deeds, book 24, leaf 244.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 32, leaf 137.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 16, leaf 7.
Ye Harbor
PART OF SALEM IN 1700. NO. 22.
mariner, April 20, 1688.* Mr. MascoU
built a house on the lot, and they resided
there until their deaths, which occured
before March 10, 172 1-2, when adminis-
tration was granted upon his estate. Their
house and land were appraised at one hun-
dred pounds. The sons, John and Joseph
Mascoll, both of Salem, the first being a
mariner, and the second a shipwright, di-
vided the house and lot between them by
deeds, Sept. 16, 1729,! though an agree-
ment to the same effect had been made
Sept. 8, 1 7 25. J John had the easterly
end of the house, and Joseph the westerly
John Mascoll, for thirty- three pounds,
six shillings and eight pence, conveyed
his part of the house and land to Samuel
Webb of Salem, mariner, Dec. 6, i7S4.§
Mr. Webb, for forty-six pounds, thirteen
shillings and four pence, conveyed his
part of the house and lot to William Cris-
pin of Salem, mariner, Jan. 29, 1765.II
Mr. Crispin, for a similar consideration,
conveyed the same estate to David Hil-
liard of Salem, rope maker, Aug. 6, 17 65. IT
Mr. Hilliard died possessed of the lot and
the east end of the house and the barn
before July 11, 1792, when administration
was granted upon his estate. The half of
the house and land that belonged to it
were then appraised at twenty-one pounds,
three shillings and four pence. His ad-
ministratrix, for one hundred and eighty
dollars, conveyed the same estate to John
Becket of Salem, gentleman, June 5,
1798 ;** and on the same day and for a
similar consideration he conveyed it to
widow Martha Rice of Salem (the admin-
istratrix of the estate of Mr. Hilliard).**
The westerly half of the house and the
remainder of the lot were conveyed by
Joseph Mascoll, for one hundred and for-
ty-three pounds, to Zachariah Curtis of
•Essex Registry of Deeds, book 18, leaf 9.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, John to Joseph, book
55, leaf 41, and Joseph to John, book 52, leaf 87.
{Essex Registry of Deeds, book 47, leaf 120.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book loi, leaf 90.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 116, leaf 62.
IFEssex Registry of Deeds, bcx)k 150, leaf 167.
**£ssex Registry of Deeds, book 164, leaf 80.
Salem, cordwainer, Feb. 11, 1734.* Mr.
Curtis died possessed of the lot and west-
erly end of the house before Sept. 24,
1763, when, for thirteen pounds, six shil-
lings and eight pence, his daughter Abi-
gail Curtis of Salem, spinster, conveyed
two-fifths of the same to Clifford Crownin-
shield of Salem, ropemaker,t Ebenezer
Curtis of Salem, batter, son of the de-
ceased, for twenty-six pounds, thirteen
shillings and four pence, conveyed three-
fifths of the same to Mr. Crowninshield
March 30, 1 767.I Their widowed mother,
Abigail Curtis of Salem, joined in each of
these deeds.
The house was probably taken down
soon after 1798.
Philip English Houses. This lot and
the John Carter lot constituted the home-
stead of William Goose, who was admit-
ted to the church here in 1637, and who
died "many years" before 1664, probably
in or before 1656. In 1664, his widow
was distracted and unable to provide for
herself. The town of Salem having been
at great expense for her for eight years,
complained to the court, which appointed
the selectmen administrators of Mr.
Goose's estate June 28, 1664. This house
(which had been built prior to 1661) and
the land were then appraised at fifty
pounds. The Goose house was the one
located midway of the lot on what is now
English street. The administrators of Mr.
Goose's estate conveyed the house and
eastern half of the entire lot of Mr. Goose
to John Clifford of Salem, rope-maker, Feb.
28, 1664-5 J§ a°d the western half of the
lot to John Goose of Salem, mariner, on
the same day. || Mr. Goose conveyed his
half of the lot to Mr. Clifford July 23,
1 666. II Mr. Clifford, who had removed
to Lynn, conveyed the Goose house and
lot to Jacob Allen of Salem, mariner,
Sept. 30, 1693 ;1[ and Mr. Allen conveyed
the same estate to Philip English of
•Essex Registry of Deeds, book 68, leaf 114.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 112, leaf 167.
{Essex Registry of Deeds, book 117, leaf 210.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 123.
RE^sex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 126.
TEssex Registry of Deeds, book 11, leaf 12.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 2 2.
Salem July 12, 1697.* The house and lot
belonged to Mr. English in 1702, but he
conveyed it away before 1735, when he
died. The next owners that the writer
has found for this lot are Joseph Hilliard
of Salem, rope maker, and his wife Rachel.
They conveyed the lot, the house being
gone, to Clifford Crowninshield of Salem,
mariner, June 22, i74i.t
That part of this lot included within the
dashes at the eastern corner of the lot,
which was a part of the Goose lot, and
conveyed to John Clifford in 1664-5, was
conveyed by Mr. Clifford to George
Hacker of Salem, fisherman, Sept. 5,
1674. J Mr. Hacker built a house upon
the lot ; and, for sixty pounds, conveyed
the house and lot to Jacob Allen of Salem,
cooper, Nov. 7, i677.§ Mr. Allen, for
sixty pounds, conveyed the same estate
to Philip English of Salem July 12,
1697.* Mr. English owned the house
and land in 1702; and apparently con-
veyed it to his son Philip English of
Salem, innholder, before 1735, when the
father died. The house was gone before
April 24, 1744, when, for ten pounds,
Philip English, the son, conveyed the land
to Clifford Crowninshield of Salem,
mariner. 1|
John Carter House, This lot was a
part of the William Goose homestead.
He probably died possessed of the lot
about 1656. The selectmen of Salem
were appointed administrators of his es-
tate June 28, 1664; and they conveyed
the northeastern part of the estate, which
included this lot, to John Clifford of
Salem, rope maker, Feb. 28, 16 64- 5. IF
Mr. Clifford, for thirteen pounds and ten
shillings, conveyed this lot to John Elwell
of Salem, fisherman, Nov. 12, 1670.** Mr.
Elwell built a house upon the lot ; and, for
sixty-eight pounds, conveyed the house and
lot to William Pinson of Salem, fisherman,
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1 2, leaf i .
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 262.
J Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 128.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 18.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 85, leaf 113.
ITEssex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 123.
**Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 122.
March 14, 1677-8.* Mr. Pinson (or,
Pinsent) became a husbandman, and, for
fifty pounds, conveyed the house and lot
to John Carter of Salem, mariner or fish-
erman, Nov. 27, i686.t Mr. Carter died
possessed of the house and land just be-
fore June 26, 17 1 2, when administration
was granted upon his estate. The house
and lot were then appraised at fifty
pounds. Mr. Carter's children, Mary
Gavett, and her husband John Gavett ot
Salem, mariner, Martha Clemmons and
her husband Benjamin Clemmons of Sa-
lem, Lydia Crow and her husband Aaron
Crow of Salem, and John Carter of Bos-
ton, cordwainer, for thirty pounds, con-
veyed the house and lot to Gilbert Tapley
of Salem mariner, Jan. 20, 1726.I Mr.
Tapley died possessed of the house and
lot before June 13, 1757, when adminis-
tration upon his estate was granted. The
house and land with an outhouse were
then appraised at thirty pounds. Mr.
Tapley's heirs were his daughters, Eliza-
beth Cox and Mary Henfield, and his de-
ceased son William Tapley's son William.
How long the house stood after 1757 is
not known, but was probably gone soon
John Smith House. This house and
lot were owned by John Smith before
1661 ; and it was in the possession of
**widow Smith'* in 1664 and 1693. John
Smith owned it in 1697 and 1702, and
died possessed of the estate about 1750.
The house was gone before Aug. 28,
1756, when his children, Samuel Smith of
Salem, fisherman, widow Mary Trask and
widow Elizabeth Remnant, both of New-
bury, for eight pounds, conveyed the lot
to Clifford Crowninshield of Salem, rope-
maker, Aug. 28, i756.§
William Becket House, This house
and lot were owned by John Becket as
early as 167 1. He died Nov. 26, 1683,
at the age of fifty-seven, having devised
the house and lot to his wife Margaret for
•Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 95.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 12, leaf 37.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 48, leaf 213.
{Essex Registry of Deeds, book 104, leaf 25.
her life, and then to his son William
Becket. William Becket lived here and
died possessed of the house and lot Nov.
lo, 1723, aged fifty-four. His estate was
divided among his children in 1732.
The eastern lower room of the dwelling
house, the inner cellar, and the western
half of the flats, wharf and building yard
were assigned to the widow as her dower,
and the remainder of the house, barn and
land were assigned to his son Retire
Becket. In 1735, the dower portion was
assigned to the deceased's son John Beck-
et, his mother having died, probably.
Mr. Becket evidently purchased the inter-
est of the heirs of Retire Becket, who had
died in 1734. John Becket died pos-
sessed of the house and lot in 1763, hav-
ing devised the estate to his wife Susannah
Becket. She survived him, and, March
15, 1769, conveyed the western half of the
house and that part of the lot and an un-
divided half of the eastern half of the
house and lot to her son John Becket of
Salem, shipwright."* Mr. Becket became
possessed of the remaining fourth part of
the house and lot, and probably conveyed
the house and land around it to his son
Capt. John Becket of Salem, boat builder,
in 1 7 7-. Mr. Becket died in 1 804 , hav-
ing in his will, devised the estate to his
wife Sarah during the minority of his
children, and the easterly end of the
house for her life. He also provided
that his son John Becket should have the
house and lot after the interest of his
mother ceased, at its value ; and in case
he refused it, the latter's brother David
should have the same privilege. John
Becket took the house and lot. He died
in 1 81 6; and his heirs conveyed the
house and land around it to Stephen
Gauss of Salem, cooper, by five deeds, as
follows : From John I. Beckett, carpen-
ter, Rebecca C. Beckett and Priscilla T.
Beckett, singlewomen, all of Boston, and
widow Mary Elizabeth Brown of Andover,
Y2i> Nov. I, 1853;! from Samuel Cook,
master-mariner, and Elizabeth Becket of
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 126, leaf 98.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 487, leaf 160.
Boston, Yzj Nov. i, 1853;* from William
T. Beckett of New York city, 7^, Feb.
21, 1854 ;t ^rom Edward Sampson of
Salem, na^ster-mariner, and wife Ellen
M., mother and only heir of Miss
Ellen Beckett, deceased, by her former
husband David Beckett, deceased, ^/gi,
Sept. 7, 1854;! and from Joseph Beckett
of Boston, mariner, ^/jj, Nov. 9, i854.§
Mr. Gauss died April 15, 1891 ; and his
children, John D. H. Gauss, Mary P.,
wife of William F. Powars, Martha K.
Gauss, all of Salem, and Harry C. Gauss
of Oil City, Pa., conveyed the house and
land around it to James Roche of Salem
May 26, 1 89 1. II Mr. Roche conveyed
the estate to Louis Dembosky of Salem
Aug. 22, 1902 ;1[ and on the same day
Mr. Dembosky conveyed it to Wecinty
Hajnoski of Salem.** A picture of this
ancient house as it now appears is the
frontispiece of this number of The Anti-
Hannah Sterns Lot This lot was a
part of the estate of John Becket as early
as 167 1, and he died Nov. 26, 1683.
His widow, Margaret Becket, subsequently
married Philip Cromwell; and as widow
and executrix of Mr. Becket, she conveyed
this and the Joseph MascoU lot, in con-
sideration of love, to her daughter Han-
nah Sterns, wife of Isaac Sterns of Salem,
March 26, i687.tt The title remained in
her and her children until 1721. Mr.
Sterns died in 1692.
Joseph Lord Lot. This lot was a por-
tion of the estate of John Becket as early
as 167 1, and he died Nov. 26, 1683.
His widow Margaret subsequently mar-
ried Philip Cromwell, and as widow and
executrix of Mr. Becket she conveyed
this and the Hannah Sterns lot, in consid-
eration of love, to her daughter Hannah
Sterns, wife of Isaac Sterns of Salem,
* Essex
§ Essex
II Essex
IT Essex
** Essex
t tEssex
Registry of Deeds, book 487, leaf 191.
Registry of Deeds, book 490, leaf 1 15.
Registry of Deeds, book 503, leaf 130.
Registry of Deeds, book 503, leaf 72,
Registry of Deeds, book 1312, page 395.
Registry of Deeds, book 1682, page 453.
Registry of Deeds, book 1682, page 454.
Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 42.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 2 2.
glazier, March 26, 1687.* Mr. Sterns, in
whose name the title stood, conveyed the
lot to Joseph Lord of Salem, mariner,
March 29, 1687 ;t and Mr. Lord, who
had removed to Boston, for eleven pounds,
conveyed it to Thomas MascoU of Salem,
mariner. May 10, 1700.]:
Maty Earthy Lot. Edward Harnet of
Salem, tailor, and wife Eunice owned this
land as early as 1655, the dwelling house
and land constituting his homestead , and
conveyed the estate to Thomas Solas of
Salem July 20, i658.§ The considera-
tion of thirteen pounds was payable in
English goods at Mr. William Brown's
shop. Mr. Solas (also, Salloes and Sal-
lowes) died in 1663, possessed of the es-
tate. The house and lot were then ap-
praised at sixty pounds. In the house
were mentioned a parlor and hall. The
estate descended to the only surviving
child, Mary, wife of John Earthy of
Salem, mariner ; and the house was prob-
ably gone before 1700. Mrs. Earthy,
(also, Arthey) died before Aug. 4 , 1 7 n ,
when her only surviving children, Mary
Earthy and Anne Earthy, singlewomen,
for forty-five pounds, conveyed the lot to
Benjamin Gerrish of Salem, merchant. ||
Jacob Fowle House. Samuel Archard
of Salem, carpenter, for sixteen pounds,
conveyed to John Becket of Salem , ship-
wright the dwelling house and three
acres of land behind it April 9, 1655.^
Jeremiah Bootman of Salem, fisherman,
owned this house and lot Aug. 13, 1668,
when, for fifty-five pounds, he conveyed
the same, " being the dwelling house
wherein I now live/' to Michael Coombes
of Salem.** Mr. Coombes owned it as late
as 1 68 1 ; but no conveyance from him has
been found. Jacob Fowle of Marblehead,
sail-maker, owned the house and lot
March n, 1701, when, for thirty-five
pounds, he conveyed the estate to John
*Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 42.
t Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 273.
4:Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 278.
§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book i, leaf 38.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 23, leaf 190.
^Essex Registry of Deeds, book i , leaf 26.
**Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 72.
Carter of Salem, shoreman.* Mr. Carter
became a mariner, and died in 17 12, pos-
sessed of the house and lot, which were
appraised in the inventory of his estate at
eighty pounds. Sarah Carter, his widow
and administrator, for one hundred and
fifteen pounds, conveyed the house, lean-
to, and land, where she then dwelt, to
Daniel Bray of Salem, mariner, July 14,
1713.1 Mr. Bray died possessed of the
estate Dec. — , 1717. In his will, he de-
vised the estate to his wife, Hannah Bray,
for the period of her widowhood, and
then to his children. William Mansfield
of Salem, fisherman, and wife Hannah,
daughter of the deceased, for thirteen
pounds, six shillings and eight pence, con-
veyed her fourth interest in the house and
land, the widow having deceased probably,
to her three sisters, Eunice Stevens and
Elizabeth IngersoU, widows, and Priscilla
Bray, spinster, all of Salem, Jan. 8, 17574
The three sisters made partition of the
house and land around it May 17, 1768,
the northerly half of the house and land
next the street being assigned to Eunice
Stevens and the southerly end to Eliza-
beth Ingersoll.§ The house stood end to
the street, and the front door was on the
western side in the middle. Mrs. Stevens
removed to Windham, Me., and died be-
fore July 14, 1803, when her executor,
for five hundred and ten dollars, conveyed
her half of the house and land around it
to Solomon Lufkin of Salem, housewright. ||
Mr. Lufkin, for a similar consideration,
conveyed the same estate to Thomas
Barker of Windham, Me., yeoman, Sept.
24, 1803.1" Mr. Barker died before Aug.
8, 1 81 5, when his daughter Polly, wife of
Robert Wier (formerly widow of
Smith) of Windham, Me., yeoman, con-
veyed her interest in the estate to Tyng
Smith of Windham, Me,, yeoman.lF An-
other daughter of Mr. Barker, widow Eu-
*Essex Registry of Deeds,
t Essex Registry of Deeds,
i Essex Registry of Deeds,
§ Essex Registry of Deeds,
II Essex Registry of Deeds,
il Essex Registry of Deeds,
book 14, leaf 103.
book 26, leaf 181.
book 123, leaf 149.
book 125, leaf 65.
book 177, leaf 68.
book 213, leaf 29.
nice Gallison of Windham, Me., and Tyng
Smith, then of Minot, Me., clothier, con-
veyed this part of the house and land
around it to widow Mary Wright of Salem
April 14, 1817.*
Mrs. Ingersoll died Aug. 5, 1768, pos-
sessed of the southerly half of the house
and land about it, having in her will devised
her estate to her sons John and Samuel
Ingersoll. John Ingersoll apparently died
young soon after his mother, and Samuel
Ingersoll, who was a mariner, and lived in
Salem, covneyed this end of the house and
land around it to Edmund Kimball of Sa-
lem, mariner, Aug. 31, i782.t Mr. Kim-
ball was drowned in the West Indies
March 28, 1789, atthe age of thirty-seven.
His son Edmund Kimball of Boston, mar-
iner, conveyed his interest in this part of
the house and land to his mother, Eunice
Heaney of Boston (she having remar-
ried after the death of Mr. Kimball),
widow, Feb. 14, 1793.+ His son Oliver
Kimball of Boston, mariner, conveyed his
interest to his mother Jan. 17, i8o3.§ Jo-
seph Olain of Boston, mariner, and his
wife Abigail, daughter of the deceased
Edmund Kimball, conveyed her interest
in the estate to her mother Jan. 22, i8o3.§
Mrs. Heaney conveyed this half of the
house and land around it to John Peirce,
jr., of Salem, blacksmith. May 10, 1803.II
Mr. Peirce conveyed the same estate to
Mrs. Wright, who subsequently owned the
northerly end of the house and land, May
20, 1805.1 Mrs. Wright died in 1819,
having devised her real estate to her sis-
ter Sarah, wife of John Barr of Salem, mer-
chant, and Betsey Allen of Salem, single-
woman. The house was probably removed
by these devisees immediately.
Mary Webb Lot. This was a part of
the lot of John Becket very early. A
house stood on this lot in which the widow
Hollingworth lived in 1661, 1668 and
•Essex Registry of Deeds, book 214, leaf 19.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 137, leaf no.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 171, leaf 202.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 171, leaf 2or.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 172, leaf 167.
TEssex Registry of Deeds, book 176, leaf no.
1 67 1. Mr. Becket conveyed the lot to
his daughter Mary Becket in 1675. She
married Daniel Webb of Salem, mariner,
in 1675, and owned the lot in 1700, when
the house was gone.
Daniel Webb House. That part of this
lot lying between the dashes, of eighteen
feet in width, belonged lo Richard Lam-
bert in 1655, and to Job Hilliard in 1667.
Mr. Hilliard, for twelve pounds (seven
pounds for the land and five for the barn),
conveyed the land and barn thereon to
Thomas Maule of Salem, tailor, Aug. 7,
1669.* That part of the lot west of the
western dashes also belonged to Mr. Hil-
liard, and he died possessed of it in 1670.
Mary Hilliard, his widow and administra-
trix, conveyed this strip of five feet in
width to Mr. Maule Oct. 20, 1670.! On
these two lots, together measuring 71x23
feet, Mr. Maule built a dwelling house,
and conveyed the house and land to Sam-
uel Pickworth of Salem, carpenter, being
"all y*his dwelling house newly built,'*
Aug. 14, 1671.1
That part of the lot lying east of the
eastern dashes was six or seven feet in
width, and was conveyed by Mr. Becket,
who had owned it as a part of his large
lot for many years, to Mr. Maule March
3, 1672 ;§ and Mr. Maule conveyed it to
Mr. Pickworth probably soon after.
Mr. Pickworth, for forty-five pounds
sterling, conveyed the house and land
around it to John Turner of Salem, mari-
ner, Aug. 30, 1673.11 Mr. Turner died
in 1680, and Elizabeth Turner, his widow
and administratrix, for fifty pounds, con-
veyed the house and lot to Daniel Webb
of Salem, mariner, Jan. i, 1682-3.^ Mr.
and Mrs. Webb died before 1722; and
the estate descended to their children,
John, Perez, Mary, Daniel, Elizabeth and
Margaret Webb. Perez Webb was of Sa-
lem, ship carpenter and seaman, and for
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 71.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 124.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 22.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 99.
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 23.
ITEsscx Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 73.
SALEM IN 1700. NO. 2 2.
ten shillings, conveyed his interest in the
estate to his brother Daniel Webb of Sa-
lem, mariner, April 7, 1722.* Probably
the daughters released their interest in this
estate to their brother Daniel at about the
same time. This estate continued in the
Webb name, and the house probably stood
until Carlton street was laid out.
John and Mary Marsion Lot. This
was a part of the land of John Becket of
Salem, shipwright. For fifteen pounds,
he conveyed this lot to John Robinson of
Salem, tailor, July 2, 1675.! Mr. Robin-
son, for seventeen pounds, conveyed it to
Habakuck Turner of Salem, mariner, Aug.
17, 1681. 1 Mr. Turner died in 1685,
possessed of this lot, which was then ap-
praised at the price he paid for it. His
widow Mary married, secondly, Dea. John
Marston of Salem, house carpenter, and
to them Mr. Turnei's son Robert Tur-
ner of Salem conveyed his interest in the
premises Aug. 4, i693.§ Mr. and Mrs.
Marston, for twenty-five pounds, conveyed
the lot to Benjamin Phippen of Salem,
fisherman, Jan. 22, 1717.II
Samuel Phippen Lot. This was apart of
the John Becket land, and he conveyed
this lot, for twenty-five pounds and five
shillings, to Samuel Phippen of Salem,block
maker, Sept. 15, 1675,! and Mr. Phip-
pen died in the winter of 171 7-8, pos-
sessed of this lot. The lot was ap-
praised in 1 7 18 at thirty-five pounds
and in 1733 at fifty pounds.
John Becket Lot. This lot was a part
of the land of John Becket ; and he died
in 1683, possessed of it. In his will he
devised this lot to his son John Becket of
Salem, shipwright, who, for fifty pounds,
conveyed it to John Starnes of Salem,
tailor, Aug. 2, 1716.I
Sarah Bartoll Lot. This was a part of
the John Becket lot, of which he died pos-
sessed in 1683. In his will he devised
♦Essex Registry of Deeds, book 84, leaf 20.
tEssex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 136.
JEssex Registry of Deeds, book 33, leaf 73.
§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 169,
II Essex Registry of Deeds, book 33, leaf 74.
IFEssex Registry of Deeds, book 30, leaf 122.
this lot to his daughter Sarah, wife of
Robert Bartoll of Marblehead. She owned
it until after 1700.
Mary Webb Lot. This was a part of
the lot of John Becket who died in 1683,
having devised this portion to his daugh-
ter Mary, wife of Daniel Webb of Salem.
She owned it in 1700.
Estate of Job Hilliatd House. This lot
was probably a part of the land of Rich-
ard Lambert in 1655. In 1667, it be-
longed to Job Hilliard of Salem, mariner.
He lived in Salem as early as 1653, and
died in March, 1669-70, without a will.
There was then a house upon the land,
and the estate was appraised at seventy
pounds. The house was almost worthless
when Mr. Hilliard's surviving children,
Job Hilliard of Charlestown, mariner, wid-
ow Sarah Connaway of Boston, John
Hooper of Marblehead, fisherman, and
wife Abigail, for twenty-four pounds, con-
veyed the lot and housing to Peter Hen-
derson, sr., of Salem, mariner, May 9,
1 701.* Mrs. Hilliard, the widow, mar-
ried, secondly, William West, and prob-
ably lived here until her death. The house
disappeared soon after the purchase by
Mr. Henderson.
Samuel and Eunice Browne House.
This lot belonged to Joseph Grafton of
Salem, mariner, in 1664. It was prin-
cipally salt marsh. A house was built upon
it after t66i. Mr. Grafton, in considera-
tion of love, conveyed the estate to his
son Nathaniel Grafton of Salem, mariner,
Sept. 23, 1667.1 Nathaniel Graf ton died
at t